Thank you for caring for my family


Thank you for caring for my family
2014 OASIS “thank you” Stories
OASIS of Love Crisis Intervention and Family Advocacy Program is an integrated service of AGAPE 24-hour
Child Development Center at 2304 Emerson Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55411 / 612/287-9775 /
Working together to end family violence...
Over the years, we have invited
you to join us in helping families
break the cycle of domestic violence. You did it. Your financial
support and volunteer efforts
made the difference between
despair and hope for the 3700
families and youth who benefited
from all OASIS programs and
services in 2014—
Battered women’s support
groups and individual sessions; emergency shelter
placement; court and housing
Support groups and school
advocacy for children who
witnessed domestic violence
Batterer work groups for
domestic violence and anger
Youth violence prevention
and leadership programs—
summer camps, after school
groups for girls, and community
Youth diversion and mentoring
for students ages 9-12
Community education
awareness events on domestic
violence in churches, public libraries, schools, a radio Blog,
and 5K walk/run
Parents that SOAR — As a program of AGAPE 24-hour Child Development Center, the OASIS Intervention Team provides parent
support, family advocacy, and resource connections to meet the
growing needs of 160 families enrolled in AGAPE. CONGRATULATIONS! AGAPE received accreditation from the National Association
for the Education of Young Children
(NAECY, fall 2014).
“Thank you for caring for my family...”
As we close out our 28th year
at OASIS, it is with gratitude
to you and our community for
making sure the important
work that began in 1986 is being sustained by your generous
..Every right to look and feel
proud. Meet Tonya. Learn
how significant your giving has
been to her family's recovery
and success as she tells her
“December is a big month for
me and my three children—
Keyanna, Nasir, and Malik.
Family violence was our history; but by no means was it the
end of the road for us.
I got into the MARPE’ women’s
group and signed up the children in OSIS Kidsplace to get
the help they needed. We
overcame unstable housing,
medical issues, unemployment,
and lots of struggles as family team. The gardening adventure was a huge part of
our recovery as we learned to
plant, weed, water, and eat
fresh produce from the Peace
Village Garden. It was a blast
to volunteer. All of us are
excited to move into our new,
month. Thanks for caring.”
Year-end Giving Guide
and Levels of
__OASIS Kidsplace (tots-teens) Per child
__MARPE women’s $2100 per
9-week program
__Men’s 15-week
$3100 per
__Summer Peace
Village (day camp)
$400 per
__Youth diversion
(9-12 year olds)
$1500 per
__Public Awareness events
$500 per
Choose your level Monthly
of giving.
One time