The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran Church
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran Church
The Archangel Herald February 2015 In This Issue Adult Sunday School.………… 13,14 Church Bus ……..………………… 16 Council President …………………. 5 Follow Me Teams ………………… 22 From the Financial Secretary……... 17 A Lenten Primer ………………….. 11 Kid’s Page ………………………… 23 Lenten Soup Suppers …………….. 12 Long Range Planning Committee … 10 Men of St. Michael ……………….. 21 Music Notes ……………………… 6,7 New Member Classes ……………… 4 Office News and Notes …………18,19 Pastoral Pondering …………………. 3 Sixty Plusser’s Group ……………. 8,9 Social Ministry …………………… 15 Women of St. Michael …………… 21 Youth Ministry ……...……………. 20 The Archangel Herald of ST. MICHAEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Published by St. Michael Lutheran Church Unionville, Pennsylvania Church Staff Senior Pastor Rev. Frederick J. DeRasmo, Jr. Interim Assistant Pastor Rev. Danny N. Bodine Music Director Linda Lorgus Church Secretary Bonnie McDonald Nursery Caregivers Sarah Fickes “Following Christ’s Example, Welcoming All, Strengthening Each Other, Serving the Community” Church Phone: 610-347-1696 Church FAX: 610-347-0148 E-Mail: Prayer Chain: WEBSITE: htpp:// Newsletter Staff Contributors Members and Staff of St. Michael Calendar/Follow-Me Servers List Office Staff Proofers Kammy Franz, Pastor Rick Distribution Doris Colligan, Sue Fisher, Kammy Franz, Lois Kester, Dot Huf, Leona Souser, Sandy Raffa, and Carolyn Wonderly 2 The Archangel Herald Pastoral Ponderings Pastor Rick OK … I was exploring a variety of songs on YouTube recently, when to my surprise, before I knew it I was “Going On a Bear Hunt.” Wow … I just let the creative part of my brain start imagining the scene and what fun I had! What fun to spend five minutes on a bear hunt (and live to tell about it!) “Going On a Bear Hunt” is a classic children’s song. There is also a book based on this song as well. In the book a family takes off on an adventure together to find a bear. Along the way they encounter different obstacles that could deter them but they forge on ahead. So, for instance, they come upon a raging river, and the family says, "Uh-oh! A river. A deep, cold river. We can’t go over it; we can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!” (You can imagine the fun the song has with these simple choruses for kids to sing) This same phrase happens repeatedly as the family faces mud, a snowstorm, and much more before discovering the bear. Each time, after a dramatic "oh no,” they make their way through whatever obstacle they face. So often we encounter the hard stuff in our own lives and, unlike the characters in this story, we do try to avoid facing them head on. We attempt to go around having that hard, needed conversation with our partner or friend. We try to go over our grief or sorrow by burying it in busyness or simply ignoring it. We duck under our participation in the systems of injustice that hurt other people. They’re not rivers or mud or snowstorms, but we all have obstacles just as murky and powerful that keep us from loving others and loving God as fully as we could. But, despite our skilled attempt at avoidance and denial, they don’t disappear. We can’t go over them. We can’t go around them. We’ve got to go through them. It’s the only way, really, to the other side … to a place of reconciliation and wholeness, and the possibility for real life-giving relationships. February 2015 3 Pastoral Ponderings Pastor Rick The season of Lent is almost upon us. Lent is a time of “going through.” Jesus, after all, didn’t go around the realities of sin and brokenness in the world. He didn’t avoid the hard conversations. He didn’t deny death. He went right into it. Actually, he went right through death, to carry all of us to life on the other side. So we can go through, too. When we face the raging river of our own brokenness, we can’t go around it. We can’t go under it. We can only go through it, trusting that we will be carried by the forgiving grace of Jesus who will bring us to renewed life on the other side. New Member Classes Membership Classes have been scheduled for February 22, March 1, 8, and 15 at 9:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Classes will begin with a “Meet and Greet” with Pastor Rick and provide information about St. Michael and the Lutheran Church. The class will also provide an introduction/refresher on Martin Luther and What Lutherans Believe. If you are new to the area or have been visiting with us and are interested in joining St. Michael, please speak with Pastor Rick or Pastor Dan. New Members will be received on Sunday, March 22nd at the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. worship services. If you would like more information please contact the church office. 4 The Archangel Herald Council President's Report Kris Crickenberger Council met in January to prepare for the Congregational Meeting at the end of the month. Larry Porter prepared several worksheets for Council’s review pertaining to the proposed budget. He reported the Finance Committee had prepared several budget scenarios based upon committee requests, staff salaries, needed building improvements and estimates as to what our likely income will be over the following year. He noted that fewer pledges have been received than this time last year so estimates carry a greater uncertainty. Nonetheless, Council eventually approved a budget proposal that is 2% higher than last year’s budget. We agreed we would continue to monitor giving and make adjustments as needed. This proposal will meet all committee requests for funding as well as some additional funding for new initiatives. In addition, it will include a restoration to our Maintenance Reserve Fund, which has been depleted from some emergency repairs this past year. As our mortgage was paid off at the end of the year, Council discussed increasing our General Fund Balance to allow for one month’s operating expenses for the church. This was done in the past when our budget was considerably smaller, but due to some very lean years, has not been maintained. The proposed budget will also include funding for an Associate Pastor to begin as early as June 1st. The congregational survey which we will completethis month will serve as Phase 1 for the call process. Assuming the surveys indicate a desire to move forward with another associate pastor, Council will appoint a Call Committee at its February meeting. As chair of our Long Range Planning Team, Dan Folmar and his committee (Mark Cochran, Travis Ashworth, Randy Stone, George Franz, and David Lose) will conduct a Leadership Retreat at St. Michael for Council and Committee Chairs the weekend of February 7th. Robyn Strain of “Holy Cow” Consulting will join us. Our survey results will be presented along with five or six areas of focus for the short and long term. We hope to develop several detailed action plans for a path forward along some of those areas of focus. Council eagerly awaits the results of the survey and is excited to begin a new period of growth for St. Michael. We already know we are God’s plan. Council is in that 3-point stance Pastor Dan spoke of a few months back and we are leaning forward. Together, we are more! February 2015 5 Music Notes Linda Lorgus Announcing the Musical Musical rehearsals begin in February! We need singers and lots of helpers! Our musical this year is called Heroes of the Faith. The setting is in a museum, a little bit like the movie, “Night at the Museum”, where statues of great biblical heroes come to life and tell their story. The musical will be presented on Sunday morning, April 19th, during the Sunday School hour. Rehearsals begin on Tuesdays in February with a dress rehearsal Saturday morning, April 18th. So far we have 15 enthusiastic kids ready and willing to put on this year’s musical. Can you join us? Please sign up on the music bulletin board in the hallway if you are interested in participating. No experience necessary! Parents and other adults, your help is needed in the following areas: 6 Coordinate snacks each week as kids arrive. Collect/make props for use by the end of March so kids have a chance to work with them a few weeks. Help with costumes. Organize a crew to help move risers from the sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall and back again. They need to be setup right after Easter breakfast to be ready for Tuesday’s rehearsal. Help set up the sound system the last two weeks of rehearsal. Collect size info and money for the t-shirts. Help design and order the t-shirts. Design posters and the program cover. And I’m sure there are other jobs - I’ll post requests as I think of them! The Archangel Herald Even More Music Notes Linda Lorgus HANDBELL FESTIVAL CONFERENCE - time to sign up! The Handbell Musicians of America Festival Conference is being held at Scranton University this summer. Our Youth Handbell Choir has participated in this event twice before (2011 in Kutztown and 2013 in Oswego, NY.) Each time we attended the ‘Young Ringer’ portion of this festival. But our Youth Choir has outgrown that event (they are amazing ringers!), so this year we will attend the main Festival Conference, geared to more advanced youth ringers and adults. The Festival Conference is four days, one day longer than the Young Ringers event. There are many more course offerings in a variety of subjects, and entire performance tracks for those who want to advance their skills even further. Concerts will be given by nationally known Handbell ensembles (Impulse and Timbre.) There are also non-bell ringing activities scattered throughout the four days. Ringers will stay on campus, eat in the cafeteria, and travel by car to the event. The cost is $330 per ringer, due by April 1 st. If you are able, we would appreciate financial help for some of our ringers to attend. Please make checks payable to St. Michael Lutheran Church, and put “Handbell Trip” in the memo line. Thank you! In January, I attended the National Sacred Music Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The Lutheran, Presbyterian and Methodist publishing houses hosted this conference. It was an enriching conference with nationally known clinicians who spoke on topics such worship planning with so many choices; involving children in worship; choral technique for developing voices, and the opposite end of the spectrum, “Singing with Simeon and Anna: working with Aging Voices.” There were music reading sessions, rehearsals with other directors, and a final conference concert directed by Z. Randall Stroope, a composer and nationally known conductor. Michael Burkhart, a phenomenal organist and composer, accompanied the concert. When church musicians get together for these types of events, the networking and connections are helpful, but the singing is truly glorious and lifts the spirits. We who lead worship are often unable to actually worship in our regular jobs. These types of events help to fill that hole. So in spite of the bad weather (freezing rain in San Antonio!), and the airline losing my luggage, the few days away were uplifting and enriching. February 2015 7 Small Group Activities Pastor Rick “Sixty-Plussers” Group Thursday, February 12 12:00 noon “Happy Birthday Abe” Join us on Lincoln’s birthday as we welcome Mr. Terrence Maguire from the Kennett Underground Railroad Center. His presentation will focus on the visit by Quaker abolitionists and agents of the Underground Railroad from our area--northern Delaware and Chester County, some from nearby Marlborough Meeting--to Abraham Lincoln in the White House, in June 1862. There, introduced by Congressional delegates from Pennsylvania, they entreated the President to emancipate the slaves and presented him with a printed "Memorial" outlining their reasoning. Three months after this meeting, Lincoln announced that an Emancipation Proclamation would be forthcoming in January 1863. This being February, look forward to a “sweetheart of a meal”. If you need a ride please contact the church office. Check out the kiosk in the narthex and sign up or you may contact the church office to reserve your spot to celebrate Lincoln’s birthday with us, February 12 at 12:00 p.m. As our gatherings in the past have proven, this is another one you won’t want to miss. 8 The Archangel Herald Sixty Plussers Dining Out Pastor Rick A Midwinter’s Dinner at Kennett Country Club st Saturday, February 21 – 6:00 p.m. The Ballroom at the Kennett Square Golf and Country Club has been reserved for the annual Midwinter’s Dinner of the “Sixty-Plussers” of St. Michael. We hope you will consider joining us on Saturday evening, February 21 for this lovely “dutch treat” event. A poster is located in the narthex or you may call the church office for reservations. A FINAL head count must be turned in by February 15th. Please Note … Only sign-up if you are sure you will attend. Cost is $30 per person. Checks should be made out to St. Michael and turned in to the Church Office at the time you sign-up. Please select one from the following dinner entrees: Flat Iron Steak Chicken Marsala Pan Seared Salmon with lemon butter All dinner selections are served with a mixed green salad, chef’s vegetable and potato. A beverage station of iced tea, lemonade, water, or canned soda is included. An Apple Tart for dessert, with coffee or tea, will round out the evening. A Cash Bar will be available. For more information or to ask any questions you may have, please contact Art Knechtel or the church office. As with previous events, rides can be arranged. Hopefully, we will see many take advantage of this special time of dining together with friends at a lovely restaurant. February 2015 9 Planning Committee Update Dan Folmar Planning our Future By the time you read this, our congregational-wide survey will have come to a close and the results will have been compiled. Thank you for taking the time to work through all the questions and providing your input on the health of our church. During the second weekend of February a group, comprising church council, committee chairs, and members of the planning committee, will meet with our representative from HolyCow! Consulting to interpret the results and identify priorities for St. Michael. During this two-day meeting we expect to learn a lot about the satisfaction and energy levels within the congregation. Additionally, we'll also work to identify the most important areas in which we should focus our resources to ensure the long-term health of the congregation. I'm sure you are as eager as I am to see the results. To that end, we plan to share at least a summary of the survey results with you by early March. By that time, we will have had a chance to identify priorities, discuss action plans, and begin developing a path forward. Although our formal recommendations might not be in final form by then, we should be able to inform you of both the results of the survey and our progress to-date. This is an exciting time for St. Michael. I hope you share my sense of anticipation and my enthusiasm for what the future holds for us. 10 The Archangel Herald A Lenten Primer Pastor Rick As we prepare ourselves for the Season of Lent there are always questions that arise regarding customs and traditions. Hopefully this will serve as a refresher for some, and a teaching moment for others. Why and How Do We Use Ashes on Ash Wednesday? February 18th, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent, the seventh week before Easter. The day is named for the practice of imposing ashes, a practice which many Lutheran congregations have found to be a very meaningful part of the Ash Wednesday liturgy. Using ashes as a sign of repentance is an ancient practice, often mentioned in the Bible (e.g., Jonah 3:5-9; Job 42:6; Jeremiah 6:26; Matthew 11:21). The early Christians adopted the use of ashes from Jewish practice as an external mark of penitence. Ashes symbolize several aspects of our human existence: † Ashes remind us of God's condemnation of sin, as God said to Adam, "Dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). † Ashes suggest cleansing and renewal. They were used in ancient times in the absence of soap. On Ash Wednesday ashes are a penitential substitute for water as a reminder of our baptism. † Ashes remind us of the shortness of human life, for it is said as we are buried, "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust." † Ashes are a symbol of our need to repent, confess our sins, and return to God. Those who desire to receive the ashes come forward and kneel before the altar. Ashes are applied with the minister's thumb in the form of a small cross on the forehead of each person with the words: "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Why Don't We Use Alleluias During Lent? Because of the penitential character of the season of Lent, singing or saying the word "alleluia" has historically been suspended during Lent's forty days. This period of individual and congregational reflection on the quality of our baptismal faith and life suggests that the joyful nature of alleluia is more appropriately reserved for our Easter celebrations, when it is given full and jubilant voice. The omission of alleluia during Lent goes back at least to the fifth century in the western church. The custom of actually bidding it farewell, however, developed in the Middle Ages. The use of “alleluia” returns on Easter Sunday. February 2015 11 Lenten Soup Suppers Pastor Rick Lenten Soup and Salad Suppers Wednesdays Throughout Lent 6:00-7:00 p.m. 40 Days … 40 Ways A New Approach to Lent This is NOT just Bible Study. It is SO much more. Each Wednesday throughout Lent we will worship, eat together, share communion, and each week you will be presented with a week’s worth of fresh ideas for you to practice daily. All in all, forty ways to make these forty days a life changing experience. Some will challenge you to deepen your prayer life; others will open your mind to new ways to serve others. Our goal … to discover positive, proactive ways to take action instead of the same old routine of giving something up. The result … spiritual transformation and a closer walk with Christ. We hope you will join us for this unique dinner experience! 12 The Archangel Herald Adult Studies Hank Fisher (We offer two classes at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings for adults: the Bible Study Class and the Life Application Class. The classes are located at the end of the Sunday School wing, rooms 108 and 109.) Making Sense of the Bible, Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today by Adam Hamilton The adult application class will begin a new study February 8th and continue for six weeks. Adam Hamilton acts as a friend and a guide to those who seek to read the Bible intelligently and with spiritual insight. Hamilton walks us through the pitfalls of fundamentalism and dry scholarship, opening up both the Bible’s profound humanity and its wisdom for living. –Diana Butler Bass Adam Hamilton is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report recently named his congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the Presidential Inauguration festivities in 2013. Hamilton is the best-selling and awardwinning author of The Journey, The Way, 24 Hours that Changed the World, Enough, When Christians Get it Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White, all published by Abingdon Press. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. February 8th February 15th February 22nd March 1st March 8th March 15th Making Sense of the Old Testament Making Sense of the New Testament Questions about the Nature of Scripture The Bible and Science Violence, Suffering, and Other Troubling Issues Wrestling with Issues of Sexuality and Relationships Please join us for any or all of this six-week study. All are welcome to attend. Classes are held Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in room 108. February 2015 13 Adult Sunday School Ray Foy (The Bible Study Class we offer on Sunday mornings will begin a study of First and Second Samuel. We are happy to welcome the Rev. Dr. Ray Foy, retired ELCA pastor, who will lead this course offering) I and II Samuel Bitter tears of lament, a child given back to God, two promised everlasting covenants (one smashed by God!), the establishment of Israel's monarch, heroics and family tragedy ... these are just some of the details you'll find in these two epic books. We invite you to share in the study of this account of Israel's last great judge and prophet, and the sagas of Israel's first kings. We will be using, as a companion resource, John Goldingay's Bible Study on I & II Samuel. Dr. Goldingay is the David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Bring your coffee and please join us for any or all of this weekly study. All are welcome to attend. Classes are held Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in room 109. Join us on Wednesdays for coffee and the study of Matthew’s Gospel. We gather for coffee at 9:15 a.m. The study begins at 9:30 a.m. and we will be homeward bound by 10:45 a.m. The Conference room door will be open; there is always room around the table. 14 The Archangel Herald Social Ministry Tom Hannigen Adopting Local Agencies and Charities to Do More In the past year St. Michael Social Ministry has been organizing itself a little differently to more effectively work with the local agencies and charities that St. Michael supports during the year. Individual Social Ministry Committee members are "adopting" our local agencies and charities such as Kennett Area Community Services (KACS), the Garage, Good Neighbors, the Kennett Area Senior Center etc. in order to get to know the needs of these agencies. We are asking our Social Ministry team members to establish face-to-face contacts with key people and to develop a dialogue so that we understand the needs of these agencies and charities. We hope and expect that the outcome of this closer contact will be more support and more involvement of St. Michael congregation members in our local community. By "more support" we do not mean only monetary support. We expect to uncover more opportunities for volunteering, providing "in kind" gifts of items or services, and opportunities for our youth and confirmands to do meaningful service projects, which can be both personally and spiritually rewarding. St. Michael Social Ministry will be able to make more informed choices and more wisely offer our support to agencies, as we understand them better. If you, as a member of St. Michael, have ideas about how to help this effort, or would like to join our committee and get involved, please contact any of our Social Ministry members; Tom Hannigen, Pastor Dan Bodine, Phil Duncan, Rick Huneke, Mark Boeni, Dan Folmar, Jessica Wilson, Andrew Rossi, Claudette Langer or Norm Cochran. Thank you. February 2015 15 Social Ministry (cont.) Pastor Rick Making a Difference in Our Community As we feel the chill in the air, it becomes all too obvious that another winter heating season is upon us. Once again we will be accepting donations to a program started several years ago … the Heating Assistance Fund. Each year, many members of St. Michael make contributions to the fund which helps area families in need pay for their heating bills. The “red fuel can” is in the narthex, or you may place your donation in the Sunday offering. Please make checks out to St. Michael Lutheran Church and indicate “Heating Fund” on the memo or envelope. Transportation to Church St. Michael provides transportation for seniors to Sunday services every Sunday. This is an outreach ministry of the congregation, with the financial support from the Luther Foundation, and continues to grow with new riders. If you know of folks who would benefit from this outreach, please share the information with them. The bus will make stops at the Luther House and Jenner’s Pond campuses in Jennersville and the Kennett Friends Home. If you are interested in riding the bus to church from these locations, please contact the church office for a schedule of pick up times and specific locations. 16 The Archangel Herald From the Financial Secretary Janet Weber A Few Words About Offering Envelopes The offering envelopes were placed in every member's mailbox prior to the first Sunday of the New Year. This is just another reminder about how important it is for you to use these numbered envelopes whenever possible. It makes it so much easier to track your giving and avoids mistakes. For those of you that have automatic deductions from your bank accounts through Simply Giving, or who make quarterly or annual contributions, you do not really need any or all of the envelopes. However, there is an envelope in the box for you to contribute to The Lutheran magazine. The other envelopes may be used for any special gifts you might make throughout the year (Memorials, Easter Lilies, Mothers Day Blankets, etc.). Again, it is so helpful if every gift you make to St. Michael is placed in a numbered envelope (please include your name and number if you use a pew envelope) with the designated fund clearly marked on the outside. Keep in mind that any notation made on a check is gone after the check goes to the bank, and the financial secretary has no record if it is not on the outside of the giving envelope. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Electronic Giving – Did You Know you can sign on to the St. Michael website, click electronic giving, and give to St. Michael through a credit or debit card. This can be done on a one-time basis, or you can set up recurring contributions (using an ID and Password). This option is like our Simply Giving program, but you do the set-up. QR Code - NEW! Use the QR code located to the left of this announcement. You simply use your mobile phone for one-time giving. No ID and password is needed, just your name, address and credit or debit card number. By scanning the QR Code above, you will be taken directly to a page for this type of giving. February 2015 17 News and Reminders Church Office Giant Gift Cards The 2015 Altar Guild sign-up sheet is now available on the kiosk in the narthex. We are in need of volunteers interested in learning to serve on the Altar Guild. If you are interested we can partner you with a current member of the Altar Guild. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to be a part of this valuable service to the church. If your New Year's resolution for 2015 involves eating out less or doing more good, purchasing Giant Gift Cards helps you meet both. Buying groceries and other supplies with a Giant Gift Card purchased through St. Michael means that 5% of the card's value stays with St. Michael to support various social ministries. If you are interested in purchasing a card, contact Amy Bossong. Remember, you must buy these cards through St. Michael for the Church to receive the credit. Change of Address/Email Jean Taylor 100 Sycamore Drive Suite 134 West Grove, PA 19390-9197 Phone: 610-345-0607 18 Email: Sandra Kingsley The Archangel Herald News and Notes Bonnie McDonald MEMORIALS & SPECIAL GIFTS The following people have made a special gift to the St. Michael Memorial Fund in the past month in memory of: Bernie Langer by Donald & Nancy Hanaway, Lou & Carolyn Wonderly, and Christi Wampler. Dorothy Nicholson by Darwin & Kay Wika. Ron Cameron by Bunny Cameron. We Celebrate with Joy … … the birth of Oliver Preston Majarian, born to Matt and Katie Majarian on December 24th, 2014. The proud grandparents are Will and Lynn Majarian. All are doing well. New Altar Flower Costs The new Altar Flower chart for 2015 is on the kiosk in the narthex. We have some openings in February and March for flower dedications. You will notice that the price of a vase of flowers has increased to $60.00. This is in keeping with the increased cost in the flowers and delivery charges. Worship and Music is exploring other options at this time. In the meantime, we thank you for your understanding. Please call the church office or check the sign-up sheets on the kiosk in the narthex if you would like to select a week, 610-347-1696. February 2015 19 Youth Ministry Chris Church This year the youth group will participate in the 30-hour famine program on Presidents Day weekend. One child dies from hunger every 10 seconds, and people are hungry right here in our community. For the next three weeks we will raise money to fight world hunger and collect canned food for the Kennett food cupboard to help the hungry nearby. On February 15th, the youth group will lead a Youth Service, after which we will fast for 30 hours. Starting February 1st we will have a table set up in the narthex to accept donations, with donuts for anyone who makes a monetary contribution or brings a can of food. With your donation you can vote for one of the three senior girls, Abbey Church, Laura Burger, or Lauren Rittler, to kiss a cow… If we raise more than $1000, all three girls will kiss the cow. Thanks for all the support! 20 The Archangel Herald Men of St. Michael Dick Streamer An Invitation to ALL Men of St. Michael … All Men of St. Michael are invited to gather for breakfast and fellowship on the third Thursday of each month. Our next gathering will be February 19, 8:00 a.m. at the Longwood Family Restaurant on Rt. 1. We have had good food and conversation at our previous meetings, and we hope to see more men join us for the time of fellowship. Come join us! For additional information please contact Dick Streamer at 610-558-1761. You Will Have a GREAT Time! Women’s Group will be putting together college care packages for our St. Michael family on February 5, Thursday, 9:30 am at church. Please join us to help bring a smile to our students away from home. It is also an opportunity for a fun morning of fellowship. February 2015 21 Janet Weber By the time you read this, the Follow Me Captains will have met on January 20, for their annual meeting. We always get together once a year to discuss the Follow Me program, what is going well, areas for improvement and significant challenges. I will report on that meeting in next month’s Archangel Herald. Follow Me Team #7 is responsible for the month of February. Thanks to John & Peggy Fay and Christi Wampler for serving as captains of this team, and thanks to all the members of the team who will serve as greeters, ushers, lectors, communion servers, and coffee hosts. As always, if you have any questions regarding Follow Me, please feel free to contact me at 610-869-3757, or see me at church. The individuals/families participating in February and March are as follows: Feb.: Team 7 Beans Bellafiore Benjamin Church, C/J Colligan Ellis Erdmann Fay Furr Graden Hamilton Heiss Hollowniczky Houser Kozel 22 Kozlowski Kramer, F/M Kramer, J Little Lux Marteny Menninger O‘Neill Santinelli Tsan Wampler Witman Wonderly Zolbe March: Team 1 Bove Buck Caffrey Caldwell Carl, J/C Castina Davies Doll Fisher, H/S Folmar Foy Gray Hillegass Huf Huneke Jordan Kober Lacombe Massih Morrison Racine Rahn Raffa Serpico Singer Streamer Tageson Weber, Joe/Janet White The Archangel Herald Kid’s Page February 2015 23 St. Michael Lutheran Church P.O. Box 178 109 E. Doe Run Road Unionville, PA 19375-0178 Church Office – 610-347-1696 Frederick J. DeRasmo, Jr., Senior Pastor Danny N. Bodine, Interim Asst. Pastor WORSHIP TIMES Sunday: 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays Child care available at all services DATED MATERIAL NON PROFIT ORG. 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