e-Shofar 13+14 Feb15 v3 - Cockfosters and N. Southgate Synagogue


e-Shofar 13+14 Feb15 v3 - Cockfosters and N. Southgate Synagogue
The weekly email
newsletter of
Cockfosters and
N Southgate
Shabbat Mishpatim / Shekalim 13/14 February 2015 24 Shevat 5775
Shabbat 13/14
February Shabbat
Begins: 4.57
Mincha and
Shabbat: 4.55
Mincha: 4.45pm
Shiur: 5.15pm
Shabbat ends:
Sunday 8.15am
Monday:7.00 am
7.10 am
y (Rosh
Cockfosters & N Southgate
Old Farm Avenue N14 5QR
020 8886 8225
E: office@cnss.co.uk
Office hours:
Sun + Fri 0930 -1230
Mon-Thur 0930 - 1600
What’s on this week @CNSS
Friday 13th
Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat: 4.55pm
Shabbat 14th
Shiur with Rabbi Epstein 5.15pm
Sunday 15th
Zumba – 10.30am
Monday 16th
No Rainbows or Brownies – half term
Club 47 & iClub as usual
Tuesday 17th
Friendship Club 1.00-3.00pm
League of Jewish Women 1.30 pm
Community meeting on Antisemitism, chaired
by David Burrowes MP, at Southgate Progressive
Synagogue, Chase Road N14 – 8pm
Wednesday 18th
Zumba Gold for the over 50’s @ 9.45pm
Lunch &Learn with Daniel Anderson - 1.00pm
No Brownies
Karate for boys and girls - 7.30pm
seed study programme after maariv - 8.00pm
Thursday 19th
Karate for men and boys - 7.30pm
Mazal Tov!
• to Angela and Stuart Kira on the engagement of their daughter Alison,
granddaughter of Betty Freeman, to Maurice Guyer.
• to Toni and Matthew Radstone, Irene and Mark Radstone and Lottie
Mallinek on the birth of a son, grandson and great grandson.
Refuah shalemah
We wish all those who are feeling unwell, a speedy and complete recovery .
Community Care Pesach Parcels Appeal
Please help us to provide parcels of Pesach foods for needy families in our
community, as well as for Jewish Women's Aid. Each parcel will cost between
£45 and £50. Last year we produced and delivered over 40 parcels and we
anticipate doing the same this year.
Please send you donation to the Shul Office. Your cheque should be payable
to CNSS and marked "Pesach Parcels".
It will be much appreciated by many families and singles in the community.
Parallel Service in Cockfosters each week
Every Friday evening and Shabbat Morning at 9.am + Kiddush.
This week:
The Synagogue
Haftarah- Mark Rose
70 for 70 reading Sharon Jacobs
Anim Zemirot –Adam Hart
Cockfosters Minyan
Haftarah- David Keene
Dvar Torah – David Tomback
Harris Wolman is arranging the Haftorah rota for the second part of the year and would welcome
volunteers, especially from boys just post Barmitzvah who would like to repeat their Haftarah, or
anyone who has a celebration planned. He would also welcome anyone who wants to learn a
Haftorah but who may be a bit rusty, as there are several people within the community who are
willing to help you learn one [a few more volunteers also needed!].
Please get in touch with Harris 07809444369 / harriswolman@gmail.com to discuss.
Rabbi: Rabbi Daniel Epstein E: rabbiepstein@cnss.co.uk Tel: 07885 587 885
Rebbetzen Ilana Epstein E: ilana@cnss.co.uk Tel: 07885 588 385
Chair: Rosalind Goulden e:chair@cnss.co.uk Vice Chair: Ian Wolfson
NOSH Emma Simons E: noordinaryshabbat@gmail.com
US Burial Society 0208 950 7767
CNSS Community Care Helpline
020 8882 2332
Board of Deputies 020 7543 5400
Monday 23 February: Start of CLC spring term
Wednesday 25 February: Ladies Guild Quiz Night for ladies
Shabbat 28 February Schmooze with Daniel Anderson
Sunday March 1 Community Care present a screening of the popular film
"QUARTET". Funny and entertaining. 2.30 pm in the Maurice Tillkoff
Hall. Entrance only £2 to include refreshments. All welcome.
Wednesday 4 March: Purim night, Family megillah reading. Adult Purim Party
Thursday 5 March: Purim, Shacharit, Megillah, ‘grab and go’ breakfast Purim
Seudah for men
Thursday 5 March: Purim, Ladies Megillah reading, Ladies Champagne Brunch.
JACS + Community Care Purim Tea 1.30-3.30pm
Wednesday March 11 Community Care and the Ladies' Guild present an evening
for all the community. ‘DEMENTIA - what it is and how to deal with it’. Mental
Health and all the associated issues – guest speaker Laurie Rackind. 8.15 pm in the
Maurice Tillkoff Hall.
Friday 3 April: First night Pesach
Saturday 4 April: Second night Pesach Communal Seder.
PURIM Timetable 2015
Wednesday (Taanit Esther)
Shacharit 6.45am Fast begins 5.02am, ends 6.27pm
Mincha 1.00pm
Wednesday evening: Maariv & megillah reading followed by Bollywood themed party for
adults PLUS children’s fancy dress contest + film night 6.45pm
Thursday (Purim)
Shacharit & Megillah + ‘grab and go’ breakfast Purim Seudah for men 6.30am
Ladies Megillah reading + Champagne Brunch 10.30am
Mincha 1.00pm
JACS + CNSS Community Care Purim special afternoon event with entertainer
1.30 - 3.30 pm
Maariv 8.00pm
1st Saturday in month –
morning, and
‘boys in the den’
girls chat morning with guest leaders
2nd Saturday in month - Speak Eazi with Ivan
Nosh and Discussions on topical themes
3rd Saturday in month - Youth in the Beit run by
4th Saturday in month
-TT at T
- drop in and hang out with chat at ten and table
tennis at twelve and if enough can come + lunch.