Shavuon Newsletter PDF - Young Israel of North Woodmere
Shavuon Newsletter PDF - Young Israel of North Woodmere
February 28, 2015 Shabbat Zachor – Parshat Tetzaveh PURE PURIM PURFECTION The Young Israel of North Woodmere wishes everyone a Freylichin Purim. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to our dear members, Sonia and Rabbi Barry Dov Schwartz, upon the birth of twin baby boys to their beloved children, Tamar and Eric Dinowitz, this past Tuesday. May the baby boys grow le-Torah, le-chupah, u-le-maasim tovim! Don’t Forget to Remember Every adult has a biblical obligation to hear Parshat Zachor. A second reading will take place 2 minutes after shul is over, in the sanctuary, no earlier than 11:15am, and a third reading will take place immediately after mincha. Shabbat Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit Kiddush following davening is sponsored this week by Michael Israel in honor of Joey Fraiman. Seudah Shlishit is sponsored this week by the shul. Jordan Hiller will be speaking at Seudah Shlishit about his Reflections on Denmark. What’s Purim Without a Carnival? Get ready for an action packed, frielichin Purim Carnival Sunday, March 1st at 10:30am followed by our visit to the Bristal at 1:15pm to spread Purim cheer! The Carnival will include clowns, a magic show, face painting and so much more! The cost is $8 per child with a maximum of $30 per family. What’s a Carnival Without Carnies? We are looking for volunteers for the YINW Purim Carnival this coming Sunday. Requesting kids ages 12 and up to to run booths. We also need volunteeers to run the pizza, tickets sales, admission and prize table. Step right up! Please contact Shoshy at shoshmom@ if you or your kids can help. Matanot L’Evyonim Checks for Matanot L’Evyonim, tzedakah aimed at assuring that Purim is a day of celebration for all Jews, can be made out to YINW and marked “matanot l’evyonim” IF they are delivered to Rabbi Septimus or Edy Blady by Monday. If they are delivered later than Monday, they should be made out to the Davis Memorial Fund. Downstairs Megillah Reading As always there will be a special downstairs Megillah Reading for women and young children, taking place at 6:15pm Wednesday night. Women are obligated to hear the entire Megillah just as men are. The goal of this reading is to allow women to fulfill their obligation while also giving their young children an opportunity to experience the Megillah reading without having to worry if their children make SOME noise. However, please see to it that such noise is still kept to a minimum. Needless to say, adults should not be talking. We are looking forward to an exciting, spirited and meaningful Purim together! YINW Mishloach Manot Pickup Please make your payments in advance for this year’s Mishloach Manot so our lovely ladies of the Sisterhood can create your majestic mishloach manot knowing that they have an appreciative and committed audience. In addition, don’t forget to pickup your Mishloach Manot in the shul office immediately following Megillah Reading. Purim Just Got Purimier! Join us on Purim day, Thursday, March 5th at 3:00pm for the 1st Annual YINW Communal Purim Seudah. This scrumptious seudah will feature a delightful buffet meal from Carlos and Gabby’s. the Cost is $25 per adult and $10 per child ages 3 and up. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 3rd to A Message from the Bach Family We would like to thank the North Woodmere community for planning an incredible Shabbat commemorating the first yahrzeit of our beloved Philip, a”h. It is both comforting and inspiring to know that he is loved and remembered by so many. This first year without Philip was tremendously difficult. Having such a meaningful event planned by our YINW family reminded us how much we have to be grateful for, and we would like to share that gratitude with the community. Thank you! Purim Thank You’s to… To Morah Shoshy, for leading yet another spectacular Purim carnival and Bristal trip. To Fern Seinuk, Lorraine Grun, Yael Aspir and the YINW Sisterhood for the annual Mishloach Manot. To Scott and Rochelle Taub thanking for coordinating the Purim Day Seudah. 9 Adar 5775 Upcoming Schedule Friday 2/27 – 8 Adar Shacharit I Shacharit II Candlelighting Mincha Shabbat 2/28 – 9 Adar Shabbat Zachor Shacharit Latest Shema Zachor Reading II Rabbi’s Shiur Mincha Zachor Reading III after Mincha Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends Sunday 2/1 – 10 Adar Shacharit Purim Carnival Trip to Bristal Mincha/Ma’ariv Monday 2/2 – 11 Adar Shacharit I Shacharit II Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW Tuesday 2/3 – 12 Adar Shacharit I Shacharit II Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW Wednesday 2/4 – 13 Adar Erev Purim/Taanit Esther Fast Begins Shacharit I Shacharit II Mincha Maariv/Megilah Women/Children’s Megilah Fast Ends Thursday 2/5 – 14 Adar Purim Shacharit I Megilah I Shacharit II Megilah II Megilah III Mincha Purim Seudah Start Before Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW Friday 2/6 – 15 Adar Shushan Purim Shacharit I Shacharit II Candlelighting Mincha 6:30 am 7:45 am 5:25 pm 5:35 pm 9:00 am 9:19 am 11:15 am 4:45 pm 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 6:26 pm 8:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:20 am 7:45 am 9:00 pm 10:15 pm 6:30 am 7:45 am 9:00 pm 10:15 pm 5:03 am 6:15 am 7:45 am 5:25 pm 6:05 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 6:15 am 6:45 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 5:50 pm 9:00 pm 10:15 pm 6:30 am 7:45 am 5:33 pm 5:40 pm From YINW Security If you see something, say something! Please remember to report anything suspicious to February 28, 2015 Shabbat Zachor – Parshat Tetzaveh AROUND THE TOWN Batter Up! Gavriel Glass is organizing a spring softball/t-ball league for boys one grade younger then 1st grade. Anyone interested should contact Gavriel at Israel Update – Top Ten Israel Hikes – Upper Nahal David Continuing are latest countdown. Here’s number 5. Nahal David is the most touristy part of the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. You pay an entrance fee of about $5 (discounts for children and soldiers), then make the short 30-minute hike to David’s Waterfall for pictures and snacks. More intrepid hikers can extend the hike to nearly five hours by starting at the nearby Ein Gedi Field School. The first half hour of the hike heads up a tough mountain (including one short segment where you’re climbing straight up without any footholds). The trail then winds around until it reaches a narrow canyon that can only be traversed by hanging on rungs dug into the mountain face (think of it as hiking on monkey bars) and jumping over—or wading into— pools of water of varying depths, depending on the time of year. The payoff at the end of the canyon (which can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to traverse, depending on how nimble you are) is an opening toward the Dead Sea called the halon (window). There’s room here for a medium-sized group to eat lunch and admire the stunning view. You then go back out the way you came, and climb again, before descending to the lovely Ein Gedi spring and a Chalcolithic-era temple. You’ll eventually meet up with the aforementioned short hike through Nahal David. No one’s checking at the entrance, but be nice and pay the entrance fee. Tuvia Book is a licenced Israeli Ministry of Tourism Guide. Click here to check out Tuvia’s blog which deals with contemporary issues in Israeli society and acknowledges important people in the Zionist pantheon. ADVERTISEMENTS Welcome to the YINW Advertisements section. There are two sizes to choose from. Listed to the right are the price amounts: 36 East 31st Street #402 New York, NY 10016 212 213 2393 Carpet Cleaning Service 9 Adar 5775 Contact Information Rabbi Septimus: cell – 646.418.1633 email – Alex Libkind: cell – 646.300.1936 email – Rebbetzin Lisa Septimus: cell – 516.900.2109 email – Note: The eruv can be checked on Friday afternoons by calling 516.295.0150. Refuah Shlemah Our best wishes for a refuah shlemah to: Barbara Agular Marlene Hoffman Jerry Agular Tehillim List Yehoshua Asher ben Baila Rivka Leyzer ben Leah Reuvain ben Zelda Luba bat Sima Dovid Yosef ben Sara Rivka Aviva Leah bat Esther Shulamis Ezra Aviel ben Hertzelia Shandel Yoel Moshe ben Hadassah Tzalya bat Miriam Hershel Tzvi ben Faiga Shmuel Meir ben Chayah Itta Shmuel Lemuel halevi ben Bayla Frimit bat Dreizel Sheina Beila bat Rachel Esther bat Margalit Sara Avigayil Yakira bat Rivka Leah Leah Tobah bat Hinda Dovid Meir ben Devora Malka Yaakov Leib ben Meira Yitzchak Moshe ben Malka Gittel Bayle bat Freyda Benjumin ben Lea Rachel Feivel Leib ben Sarah Reesha Ruchama Shaindel bat Henya Gittel Miriam Chana Tova bat Esther Shoshana Dov Ber ben Leah Mazal bat Leah Avharam Shmuel ben Eliezer Yosef Shmuel ben Miriam Bayla bat Esther Eliezer Yuri ben Esther Yenta Etel bat Malka Gitel Rachel Miriam bat Shifra Yenta Chaim Nachman ben Nechama Rus Baruch ben Dorit Advertising Price List Small Size Advertisement weekly$18 monthly$65 Large Size Advertisement weekly$36 monthly$130 Please contact Sarah Cohen at if you would like to advertise in the Shavuon.