Adult Purim Party ! - Temple Israel Ottawa


Adult Purim Party ! - Temple Israel Ottawa
Adult Purim Party !
Saturday Evening Feb. 28th
Pot-Luck Dinner-Dance
Starting at 6:30 pm
Singles, adults, younger and older and guests
are welcome to celebrate with us!
at this exciting programme featuring:
Havdallah, Megillah reading, hamantashen
Pot luck dinner: dairy, fish or vegetarian items only!
Dancing, DJ: Quality entertainment
Laughter, costumes (optional), 50/50 raffle &prizes
BIG silent auction in support of Temple Israel's Asper
participants and their chaperons so bring your shekels!
Please RSVP to Hillel Taub by February 20, 2015
To reserve and/or assist contact the event organizer Hillel
Taub at