Newsletter - Adath Jeshurun


Newsletter - Adath Jeshurun
The AJ Way
March 2015
Adar/Nisan 5775
Congregation Adath Jeshurun
A Rabbinic Prospective
Adath Jeshurun
7763 Old York Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027
Vol. 99 • No. 5
By Rabbi Rachel Kobrin
Off to Broadway!
It is with deep regret — and also abundant excitement — that I write to inform you of
a big decision that I have made. After playing the Rabbi in Shrek The Musical, I have
come to the realization that my real calling is not the rabbinate, but rather the Broadway rabbinate. The rush I felt on stage was bigger than any rush I have ever felt under a
real chuppah. And so I asked myself a question — why not build a career around being
typecast as the rabbi who plays a rabbi? And so, my lovely friends, I am going to give it
a try. My resumé is full of real weddings, funerals, baby namings and bris ceremonies.
I’m now ready to move to NY and be with the stars!
AJ’s New Cell Phone Room
Opening March 4
Not sure where to put your cell phone during religious services? Afraid of missing that important
call, text, or hilarious Facebook post? Have no
fear — AJ’s new cell phone room will soon be
here. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous
donor, we are constructing a cell phone room to
store your cell phones while you are here. Shulgoers will be able to leave their cell phones in a
designated locker while attending services. In
addition, volunteers will be available to field
unwanted calls, reply to your mother’s texts, and
post witty commentary to your Twitter account, all
while you are able to nourish your spiritual being.
Our new cell phone room is expected to open
Wednesday evening, March 4.
Morning Minyan Tickets
on Sale Starting March 4
In order to better serve the growing needs of our
many congregants, the Board of Directors has decided
to offer reserved seating for morning minyan services. Tickets for all reserved seats will be available
for purchase starting March 4, at 9:00 AM. Ticket prices
will range from $18 to $108 depending on location
within the Strauss Chapel (see price listing below).
A concession stand located in the lower lobby will
be offering goodies following services. Anyone
wishing to purchase a season-ticket package should
contact Judy Brown in the synagogue office. General
Admission Seats: $18; Family Circle: $36 ; Deluxe:
$54; Premium: $72; Ultra-Luxe: $90; Platinum: $108.
This month, instead of getting
“Cosi” with Rabbi, come
Get Tipsy with Robert.
All are welcome to join Executive Director,
Robert Friedman, during the Haftarah as he
samples various bourbons, scotches and beers.
Have a shot, share a joke, make a new friend.
Any congregants imbibing too
much and unable to recall
listening to the remainder of the
service may request a copy of the
weekly Shabbat service recording.
We have a woman rabbi.
We have a woman president.
It is time for women to take
over the honor of Hagbah.
Weight lifting classes will begin
on Sunday mornings
at 8:00 AM in April.
We strive to have the buffest
women in Philadelphia!
Go Packers!
Davenny Snooze
A breakthrough that will forever change synagogue life is starting right here at
Adath Jeshurun. If you have a smartphone, you can now fulfill all your prayer obligations while you sleep. Yes. By downloading this app created with the energy usually
reserved for actual davening, you will gain all the spirituality and knowledge that
would otherwise require your presence at the 2.5+ hours of Shabbat morning services. Search for Davenny Snooze at the Apple App Store or Google Play and be sure
to check out using the code AJshluffy for a deep discount.
By using this app every night while you sleep, you will be able to tell us just how
many times Rabbi Kobrin exclaimed Yasher K’oach, how often Hazzan Glantz
kvetched and on what words, and how many (if any) cookies were left over from the
kiddush. Download Davenny Snooze today!
zz z
Apparently no one got the
message about the Green
Bay Packers being in the
Super Bowl. So, I just
thought I would mention
that at Purim this year there
will be Green Bay Packers
representation. In case you
were wondering who, I will give you some clues.
1) One of their biggest fans runs the preschool;
2) Cheeseheads will be present; and 3) I don’t think
other clues are needed. Chag Purim!
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Service Schedule
March 3, 4, 2015
13 Adar 5775
• Chapel Service...................................................7:20 am
March 4, 5, 2015
14 Adar 5775
• Minhah....................................................................5:45 pm
•Family Megillah Service................................6:00 pm
•Refreshments......................................................7:15 pm
• Full Reading of Megillat Esther.................8:30 pm
• Chapel Service including Full Reading of
Megillat Esther................................................... 7:00 am
March 6, 7, 2015
16 Adar 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................5:40 pm
• Minhah and Kabbalat Shabbat................5:40 pm
• Chapel Service................................................... 9:30 am
•Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Minhah-Ma’ariv-Havdalah...........................5:40 pm
17 Adar 5775
March 8, 2015
• Preschool Admission..................................11:15 am
• General Admission....................................... 12:00 pm
March 12, 2015............................. 21 Adar 5775
• Chapel Service....................................................7:00 pm
March 13, 14, 2015
23 Adar 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................6:47 pm
• Shabbat Across America Dinner.............5:30 pm
• Kabbalat Shabbat With
Strings Attached................................................6:15 pm
• Chapel Service................................................... 9:30 am
Family Shabbat Service
Pesah Bowl
•Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Minhah-Ma’ariv-Havdalah...........................6:50 pm
March 20, 21, 2015
1 Nisan 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................6:54 pm
• Minhah and Kabbalat Shabbat.................6:15 pm
• Sanctuary Service............................................ 9:00 am
B’nai Mitzvah of
Maya and Matthias Langer
Daughter and Son of
David Langer and Sena Singer
•Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Hazzan’s Tisch.............................following services
•Minhah-Ma’ariv-Havdalah...........................6:50 pm
March 27, 28, 2015
8 Nisan 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................7:01 pm
• Minhah and Kabbalat Shabbat.................6:15 pm
• Sanctuary Service............................................ 9:30 am
Men’s Shabbat
•Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Minhah-Ma’ariv-Havdalah...........................7:00 pm
Fast of the Firstborn
April 2, 3, 2015
14 Nisan 5775
FRIDAY MORNING SERVICE.............................. 7:15 am
April 3, 4, 2015
15 Nisan 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................7:09 pm
There is no Friday evening service.
• Sanctuary Service............................................ 9:30 am
34th Annual Passover Gathering
• Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Special Minhah..................................................1:00 pm
There is no Saturday evening service.
April 4, 5, 2015
16 Nisan 5775
Light Yom Tov Candles...........................................8:13 pm
SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE....................... 9:30 am
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
April 5, 6, 7, 8, 2015
17–20 Nisan 5775
MONDAY MORNING SERVICE..................... 7:00 am
MONDAY EVENING SERVICE........................7:00 pm
TUESDAY MORNING SERVICE..................... 7:00 am
TUESDAY EVENING SERVICE........................7:00 pm
WEDNESDAY MORNING SERVICE.............. 7:00 am
WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICE.................7:00 pm
THURSDAY MORNING SERVICE.................. 7:00 am
April 9, 10, 2015
21 Nisan 5775
Light Yom Tov Candles...........................................7:15 pm
THURSDAY EVENING SERVICE.....................7:20 pm
FRIDAY MORNING SERVICE......................... 9:30 am
April 10, 11, 2015
22 Nisan 5775
Light Shabbat Candles...........................................7:16 pm
•Yom Tov and Shabbat Ma’ariv...................6:15 pm
• Sanctuary Service............................................ 9:30 am
• Havurah Service............................................. 10:30 am
•Minhah-Ma’ariv-Havdalah...........................7:20 pm
Daily Minyan Morning Services
Sunday...................................................................9:00 am
Monday and Thursday..................................7:20 am
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday............7:30 am
Rosh Hodesh Services (weekday)..........7:00 am
Evening Services
Monday through Thursday........................7:00 pm
In March....................................................AJ at 7:00 pm
In April................................Beth Sholom at 7:00 pm
Every Shabbat…
Torah for Tots (2–5 years)..........10:00 am, Room 20
Junior Congregation.......10:15 am, Youth Lounge
Parashat HaShavuah............................................12:30 pm,
Braemer Auditorium
Family Shabbat Service......................................10:30 am,
topic changes monthly; for school-age families
and their children
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
17 adar
9 nisan 30
Red Cross Blood Drive
10:00 am to 2:30 pm
2 nisan 23
AJWA Sisterhood Cooking at
Ronald McDonald House 4:30 pm
25 adar
Planning Meeting 7:00 pm
10 nisan 31
3 nisan 24
18 adar 10
11 adar
Board of Directors Meeting 7:00 pm
24 adar 16
AJMA Israel Affairs Committee
Event 9:00 am
Kehillah Purim Carnival
Preschool Admission 11:15 am
General Admission 12:00 pm
Daylight Savings Time Begins:
Turn your clocks ahead!
10 adar
Religious School and JTC
Pesah Vacation Begins
11 nisan
5 nisan 26
27 adar 19
21 adar
22 adar
Ki Tisa
16 adar
Mincha-Ma’ariv-Havdalah 7:00 pm
Men’s Shabbat
Shabbat HaGadol
8 nisan
Klein Active Adult Center M, T, W, TH, 10:00 am–2:00 pm
Details for most of these events are in this Newsletter, either in ads
or articles. For more information on one of our events, call the
synagogue office at 215.635.6611. Dates and events are subject to
change. Please check with the synagogue office or your weekly
email to confirm.
44 Light Shabbat Candles 7:01 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 pm
7 nisan 28
Mincha-Ma’ariv-Havdalah 6:50 pm
44 Light Shabbat Candles 6:54 pm
Rosh Hodesh Nisan
1 nisan
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 pm
Mincha-Ma’ariv-Havdalah 5:45 pm
Family Shabbat Service
Pesah Bowl
Shabbat Parah
23 adar
Mincha-Ma’ariv-Havdalah 5:45 pm
Maya and Matthias Langer,
B’nai Mitzvah
Special Start Time: 9:00 am
Meditation and Chanting 9:45 am
Hazzan’s Tisch
Preschool Mesibat Erev Shabbat
29 adar
44 Light Shabbat Candles 6:47 pm
Shabbat Across America Dinner
5:30 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat
with Strings Attached 6:15 pm
44 Light Shabbat Candles 5:40 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:40 pm
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?
6 nisan 27
15 adar
Preschool Mesibat Erev Shabbat
28 adar 20
Memorial Service for Gilbert Ford
7:00 pm
20 adar 12
14 adar
Morning Service Including Full
Reading of Megillat Esther 7:00 am
Fast of Esther
13 adar
Morning Service 7:20 am
Mincha 5:45 pm
Family Megillah Service 6:00 pm
Refreshments 7:15 pm
Full Reading of Megillat Esther
8:30 pm
4 nisan 25
26 adar
19 adar
No Religious School or JTC
12 adar
march 2015
Stay Active and Connected
to the AJ Community
Through ZogSports!
AJers Get Around!
On Martin Luther King Day, the AJ office staff made their
annual trek down to the Ronald McDonald House at 39th
and Chestnut Streets to prepare dinner for the families
staying there. From left to right: Marjorie Trager, Rachel
Ravitch, Michelle Ravitch, Robert Friedman, Judy
Brown and Deb Miner.
Hazzan Glantz with AJers Matthew Federman, Remy
Glantz, and Sarah Turk Karan at JFK, leaving for their
semester Israel Experience with Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim (TRY). TRY is a semester of study at the Ramah
Jerusalem High School, a fully accredited international
secondary school program. TRY offers 10th, 11th, and 12th
graders the opportunity to live and learn in the land of
Israel. For just over four months, TRYers experience every
facet of the country. TRY students hike up Masada and
down the Ramon Crater, bike through the desert and
barbecue on the beach. They volunteer in community
service projects, learn Hebrew intensively and undergo
simulated army basic training. They participate in daily
prayer and experience different synagogues each Shabbat
in Jerusalem. They visit with friends and family, keep up a
regular school schedule and spend a span of the Jewish
calendar in a new and different atmosphere. For more
information about TRY, go to
On January 21, some present and former AJ staffers helped
Executive Director Robert Friedman celebrate his
55th birthday at Mirna’s in Jenkintown. Back row: Cindy
Rosenbloom, Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom, Ashlee
Check, Amy Devine Stretch, Calvin Thompson, Judy
Brown, Neil Wise, Michelle Bernstein, and Deb Miner.
Front Row: Marjorie Trager, Robert Friedman and
Rabbi Rachel Kobrin.
Klein Active Adult Center of Montgomery County Presents...
Israel Story
Israel Story is an Israeli version of NPR’s This American Life series that brings to life exceptional stories of ordinary
Israelis. In collaboration with actors from White Pines Productions, these interactive presentations will give a real
window into Israeli society providing an uplifting, emotional and very human depiction of diverse walks of life. Each
program is approximately one hour long with breaks in the scenes for discussion and clarification.
Five performances will be held at various locations. Join us for this interesting and revealing look into people’s lives.
Please call 215.635.5244 for more information.
March 24 — Klein Active Adult Center at AJ, 11:15 AM
April 23 — Klein Active Adult Center at AJ, 10:15 AM
April 26 — White Pine Productions in Elkins Park, 7:00 PM with Israeli wine and cheese reception
April 29 — Klein JCC in Northeast Philadelphia, 10:30 AM
May 1 — Klein JCC Center City, 2100 Arch Street, 12:15 PM
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
ZogSports is the nation’s
largest charity-focused,
co-ed, social sports league
for young professionals.
ZogSports was founded by
Wharton alum Rob Herzog
in 2002, after his close call
on 9/11. Founded on the principles of Sports, Social and
Charity, ZogSports has brought together hundreds of
thousands of young professionals in NYC, NJ, DC, ATL, LA,
SF and now, Philly! ZogSports is the easiest way to stay
active and connected with members of the AJ community as well as with other young professionals. Every
week, participants get together to play organized sports
and interact at post-game events and happy hours. The
best part is that every team plays for charity! Through
ZogSports’ sister organization, Play For Your Cause, we’ve
donated over $2.55 million to charities selected by
winning teams!
ZogSports Philadelphia is run by AJ community member
Hannah Marks, who attributes most of her athletic
skills to her early days playing in JJBL. For more information on how to stay connected and register for an upcoming spring league, please visit or
email Hannah at
Attention Readers!
One of the clearest insights we learned from
the recent survey we conducted about the AJ
Newsletter is that congregants want to read
more articles by and about each other. To do
that, we need your help!
If you have a topic that you think would be of
interest to other congregants, let us know. We’ll
ask you to write a short article (emphasis on short!)
about your experience for possible insertion into
the Newsletter. Provide pictures if relevant. Writing
should be conversational in tone. If you mention
other congregants in your article, please confirm
their approval in advance. Contact Marjorie Trager
at 215.635.6611 or if
you would like to submit an article.
Note: All articles will be edited for grammar and
clarity, and their use will be dependent on space.
Please, no shoutouts for local businesses. Any
photographs should be high resolution (300 dpi at
3” x 4”); color photos will be reproduced in black
and white.
President’s Message
By Anne Fassler
t the right you will
see a list of new
members who have
joined our congregation
in the last six months.
We plan to continue to
list new members in each
Newsletter. I hope you will
reach out to them as you
meet them and welcome them into our community.
Our community is constantly changing and growing —
and expanding. In addition to welcoming new members, we are also continuing to collaborate with other
synagogues, working on a new collaborative religious
school and continuing to plan community events with
other congregations. For example, on March 8, we will
celebrate Purim with Beth Sholom, KI and Beth Am with
a community-wide Purim carnival which will be held at
KI. Please join us for a great time!
As we celebrate Purim and the month of Adar, I hope to
see you at AJ. As the Talmud says, “when Adar comes,
joy is increased.” I look forward to sharing the joy of
community with you and your family.
Welcome Our New Members!
We are thrilled to welcome the following families to AJ!
Dr. Nathaniel Abramson and Family
Michael and Beth Berkowitz
Benjamin and Beth Birenbaum
Lorin and Kim Decker and Family
Dr. Andrew and Dr. Catherine Fingeret and Family
Dr. Eric and Dr. Anne Greenberg and Family
Bobbi Haas
Brock and Gillian Koller
Max and Robin Minkoff and Family
Shay and Osnat Nussbaum and Family
Alexander Pollack
Ken and Dori Rigberg
Michael and Wakana Spina and Family
Aaron and Bari Steinberg
Randy and Mindy Tammara and Family
“We’ve always had a great affinity for the wonderful AJ community and so many of its members who are
dear to us. Bringing in Rabbi Kobrin, with her incredible energy and skill for making prayer, Torah, and
being Jewish relevant and meaningful in our lives, made us want to be an official part of AJ’s future.”
– Robin and Max Minkoff
“I am not Jewish and though Andrew is, he has not been practicing the religion beyond the cultural side since
his Bar Mitzvah. I happen to feel religion is an important part in one’s life, however, and since making the
decision not to practice the religion I was taught, Judaism seemed to make more sense for me and our family.
When we moved to Elkins Park in 2013, I knew I wanted to send our kids to AJ, based on the outstanding
reputation the school has. I really had no idea the kind of “family” I was getting into at the time but that’s
exactly what happened and what makes me want to grow our family with the community.”
– Catherine and Andrew Fingeret
“We believe in community and are pleased to join AJ in addition to our membership at
Beth Sholom. We want to support our community and encourage it to grow stronger.”
– Lorin and Kim Decker
Join us for a sports-themed Purim!
Minhah 5:45 PM
Family Megillah Service 6:00 PM
Refreshments 7:15 PM
Full Reading of
Megillat Esther 8:30 PM
Lonely at the Top
Full Reading of
Megillat Esther 7:00 AM
In alphabetical order: Ryan Galdo (keyboards and vocals),
Matt Hirsch (guitar), Matt Leonetti (guitar and vocals),
Eli Rosen (bass, guitar, vocals), Ben Sehnert (drums)
Wednesday, March 4
beginning at 5:45 PM
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Preparations for Pesah 5775
This year, the Festival of Pesah, which celebrates the
liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage,
will be ushered in on Friday evening, April 3, 2015.
Festival services will be held on Saturday morning,
April 4, at 9:30 AM; Saturday afternoon minhah, at
1:00 PM; and Sunday morning, April 5, at 9:30 AM.
The sedarim will take place in our homes on Monday
evening, and again on Tuesday evening.
The concluding days of the festival are Friday, April 10,
and Saturday, April 11, with morning services at 9:30 AM.
The following information has been compiled to assist
you in your Pesah preparations for this year.
Siyum Behorot
(Fast of the Firstborn)
It has been a traditional practice of our people that
the first-born attend services on Erev Pesah and take
part in a siyum (a study period based on a Rabbinic text).
This is followed by the festive LeCoff Siyum Breakfast.
This service will be held on Friday morning, April 3,
beginning at 7:15 AM with the morning Shaharit
service, followed by the Siyum Behorot and the LeCoff
Siyum Breakfast.
The Passover home atmosphere is created each year by
the traditional practice of thoroughly cleansing the
home to remove all traces of hametz, or leavened products that are forbidden for Passover use, in preparation
for the welcoming of Pesah; and through the meticulous
avoidance of the use of hametz throughout the Passover
days, both at home and when away.
The term hametz is applied not only to foods that are
avoided during Pesah, but also to the dishes and utensils
in which such foods are prepared or served during the
year. These dishes or utensils may not be used during
Pesah, unless “kashered,” i.e., prepared for Passover use,
as described in this guide. Wherever possible, new dishes
and utensils, or those that are reserved only for use on
Passover should be used during the holiday.
Ma’ot Hittim: It is a mitzvah to contribute to the
congregation’s Ma’ot Hittim (lit. Food Money) Fund that
provides assistance to needy families to help them
observe Pesah in the traditional manner. Contributions
should be made by check, payable to the “Adath Jeshurun
Ma’ot Hittim Fund,” and sent to the rabbi’s office.
Mechirat Hametz, the “Selling of Hametz,” is a traditional practice that enables us to fulfill the Biblical
injunction against owning hametz. The ancient rabbis
determined that our obligation on Passover encompasses
not only avoiding eating hametz on Passover, but also
not owning any hametz during Passover. They understood that it would be economically prohibitive to discard all forms of prohibited hametz, and then restock our
kitchens after the eight day holiday. So they devised a
procedure whereby we may set aside all of our hametz
items, and sell them to someone who is not Jewish
through an official transaction which is arranged by
Rabbi Kobrin. A form to “sell” your hametz is on page 8.
The items sold should be segregated in the house so that
they are clearly designated as hametz and not used by
mistake. While dishes, pots and utensils used during the
year do not need to be sold and are not covered by the
sale, they, too, should be designated as hametz and separated so that they are not used in error on Passover.
Bedikat Hametz, the “Search for Hametz,” is a ceremony
held on Thursday evening, April 2, to mark the final
removal of all leavened products, and indicate that the
home is ready for Pesah. Bread crumbs are placed conspicuously in rooms where food is ordinarily eaten and a
“search” for them is conducted. There is a colorful tradition of using a candle for illumination while searching for
these remnants of hametz which are then collected into
a wooden spoon, using a feather as a whisk. The collected
crumbs, and the wooden spoon, if used, are reserved for
the “Burning of Hametz” the next morning. The prayers
said at this time are found at the beginning of a traditional Haggadah.
Biur Hametz, the “Burning of Hametz,” takes place on
Friday morning, April 3, before 10:00 AM. By that
time all hametz should be removed from the house and
all Passover preparations should be ready.
Guide to Permitted and
Prohibited Foods, Cooking
Utensils, and Preparing the
Kitchen for Pesah
The following material is based on decisions of the
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical
Assembly, the worldwide organization of Conservative
Rabbis, and has been modified by Rabbi Kobrin. For the
Rabbinical Assembly’s Guide, go to
1. Forbidden Foods:
All products which are intrinsically hametz, or contain
hametz, may not be eaten on Passover. Hametz is defined as the leavened products of five species of grain:
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
wheat, oats, barley, rye, and spelt. The grains themselves
are not forbidden, only the “leavened” products of these
grains, products made by the process of their fermentation. For that reason, matzah can be made from any of
these grains. Today, you can even find gluten free matzah.
Because the process by which products made of these
grains becomes hametz, as defined by the rabbis, is very
complex and technical, anything made from, or derived
from, these grains requires a seal of rabbinic supervision,
a “hechsher,” to guarantee that they are free of hametz,
and permitted for Passover use. Moreover, the complexity
of modern food processing requires that processed foods
be similarly certified for Passover use to insure that they
contain no hametz in them. Some obviously forbidden
products in this category are leavened bread and cakes,
biscuits and crackers, cereal, and liquids that contain
ingredients or flavors made from grain alcohol.
In addition, there is a custom in Ashkenazic communities,
those of us whose ancestry is from Eastern Europe, to
refrain from eating a category of foods known in Hebrew
as “kitniot,” which encompasses rice, corn, peas, most
beans, and legumes. These products are prohibited only
by custom. They are not hametz. Ironically, the classical
rules for these foods are more stringent than for hametz
itself! Sephardic Jews do not observe these prohibitions
at all. Rabbi Kobrin has taken the position that it is permissible to use these products on Passover, although one
may elect to continue to refrain from them out of
respect for ancestral tradition. If one continues to refrain
from eating these foods on Passover, the prohibition is
only on the foods themselves, or mixtures containing
them; however derivative products, like oils or sweeteners,
are permitted.
If one elects to use these products on Passover, one must
still be vigilant to be sure they do not contain any admixture of hametz. For further information, contact Rabbi
2. Permitted Foods:
A. All foods served during Passover should be from
unopened packages. Unused portions of a jar or box of
a permitted food used during the year may not be used
on Passover.
B. The following foods require no Kosher for Passover
label if purchased before or during Pesah according
to all authorities. This category is comprised of fresh
foods that have not been processed, and include fresh
fruits and vegetables (for kitniot, see above), eggs, fresh
fish and fresh meat.
C. The following foods require no Kosher for Passover
label if bought before Passover but if bought during
Passover, they require a label. Foods in this category
are non-hametz, they are in their natural state, and are
not processed with any hametz. In all cases, unopened
packages and containers must be used. Some examples
are pure coffee; granulated and brown sugar; pure teas;
salt (not iodized — iodized salt may not be used on
Passover); pepper; pure spices; frozen, canned or bottled
fruit juices with no additives; frozen (uncooked) vegetables (for kitniot, see above); milk; butter; cottage cheese;
cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar (hard),
muenster (semi‑soft) and Camembert (soft); tuna packed
solely in water, without vegetable broth or hydrolyzed
vegetable protein; frozen (uncooked) fruit (with no additives); baking soda.
D. The following foods require a Kosher for Passover
label at all times for Passover use. This category is
comprised of products made from the grains that can
become hametz, or are derived from them, and processed foods that may be mixed with food products that
might be hametz. Some examples are: all baked products (matzah, matzah flour, matzah farfel, matzah meal,
and any products containing matzah, such as Passover
cereals, cakes and cookies); canned tuna (if one wants to
be sure that there is no impermissible vegetable broth
and/or hydrolyzed protein); wine; vinegar; liquor; oils
and sauces; dried fruits; candy; chocolate flavored milk;
ice cream; yogurt; and soda.
3. Detergents. If permitted during the year, powdered
and liquid detergents do not require a Kosher for Passover
4. Medicine required for one’s health is permitted.
There are some who draw a distinction between medicine needed for life-threatening illness and those that
are not, and suggest that the latter not be used because
the inactive ingredients might include hametz. Rabbi
Kobrin takes the position that all medicines are taken to
insure one’s health and dividing medications into those
that are for life-threatening illness and those that are not
is a spurious distinction.
Kashering of Utensils
It is best, where possible, to have separate eating and
cooking implements that are used only on Passover.
However, many items used all year long can be “kashered” and made fit for use on Passover. After the holiday,
they are again permitted for year-round use.
There are specific procedures for kashering utensils,
appropriate to each type of material and use. According
to Jewish law, halachah, hametz can be purged from a
utensil by the same process by which it was absorbed in
the utensil (ke‑voleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils
used in cooking are kashered by boiling, those used in
broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used
only for cold food are kashered by rinsing. Some materials,
like pottery and plastic, and baking utensils, cannot be
kashered at all.
hour. Gas stove grates can be kashered by putting them
in the oven during kashering. It is customary to cover the
stovetop with tin foil after kashering. Microwave ovens
should be cleaned of any visible food residue, and then a
cup of water should be placed inside and the oven should
be put on High for twenty minutes. The microwave
should then be wiped clean. A microwave oven that has
a browning element cannot be kashered for Pesah.
6. Dishwasher: Some people believe that a dishwasher
can not be kashered for Passover. For those who wish
to kasher it, first, the drain area should be inspected for
any food that has collected, which must be removed.
Then a full cycle with detergent should be run. The dishwasher should then not be used for twenty-four hours.
The dishwasher should then be run once more on the
hottest cycle.
2. Metal utensils (wholly made of metal) on which food
is cooked directly above or below an open flame or electric broiler, (spit, broiler pan) are scrubbed and cleaned to
remove all visible food residue, and then heated as much
as possible. Metal utensils used for cooking or eating
(silverware, pots) should be thoroughly scrubbed and
cleaned and completely immersed in boiling water.
Metal baking and roasting utensils cannot be kashered.
7. Electrical appliances: Depending on the appliance,
every part should be thoroughly cleaned. Parts that
come in contact with food — for instance, the beaters of
a mixer — must be cleaned in a manner indicated
above, depending on the material it is made of. Metal
beaters would be immersed in boiling water. Enameled
beaters cannot be kashered, and separate beaters should
be purchased for Passover use only. Toaster ovens used
for hametz cannot be kashered because of the difficulty
in removing all residue of hametz. The rule of thumb is,
if the parts that come in contact with hametz are removable, they can be kashered in the appropriate way (if
metal, follow the rules for metal utensils). If the parts are
not removable, the appliance cannot be kashered. (All
exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned, whether
they come in contact with food or not.)
3. Glassware: Glass tableware used year-round should
be thoroughly washed and rinsed, or run through the
dishwasher. Glass utensils used for baking and roasting
cannot be kashered. There are other authorities who
require more restrictive processes to kasher glassware.
8. Kitchen tables, cabinets and counters: If used with
hametz, they should be thoroughly cleaned. Some cover
them as well. Granite countertops can be kashered by pouring boiling water over them. Other countertops and shelving
should be covered if food will be prepared on them.
4. Plastics: Plastics used in food preparation are generally
not kashered for Passover. However, the Rabbinical Assembly
has taken the position that “heavy duty plastics…which
can withstand very hot water and do not permanently
stain” can be kashered by boiling like metal utensils.
9. Kitchen sink: A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning and then pouring boiling water over it. A
porcelain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If,
however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a
dish basin must be used.
5. Ovens and stovetop: Every part that comes in contact
with food is scrubbed and cleaned of any visible food
residue. Then, standard ovens should be heated as hot as
possible for an hour. If there is a broil setting in the oven,
it should be used. Self‑cleaning ovens should be put
through the self‑cleaning cycle. Any remaining residue
should be wiped out, and if necessary, a second cycle
should be run. Continuous cleaning ovens are kashered
in the same manner as regular ovens. Gas and electric
stovetops should be heated as hot as possible for a half
10. Hametz foods and non-Passover dishes, pots and
utensils: Hametz whose ownership has been transferred
by selling as described above should be separated in such
a way as to prevent accidental use during Passover. Similarly, dishes, pots and utensils used during the year for
hametz food preparation, which cannot or have not been
kashered for Passover, should also be separated in such a
way as to prevent accidental use.
Here are some basic rules for kashering common items.
Feel free to consult Rabbi Kobrin with any questions.
1. Earthenware (china, pottery, etc.) may not be kashered. However, fine translucent china that has not been
used for over a year may be used if thoroughly cleaned
and washed in hot water.
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Passover Reminders
The Thirty-Fourth Annual Passover Gathering
Saturday Morning, April 4
Our Thirty-Fourth Annual Passover Gathering will
be held on the first day of Pesah, Saturday morning,
April 4, with festive holiday services beginning at
9:30 AM.
The Passover Gathering was initiated by Rabbi Rosenbloom in 1982, as a way of addressing the poor attendance at services on Pesah. While the seder is one of the
most universally observed Jewish rites, Yom Tov services
went begging for worshipers. And yet, in Biblical times,
Passover was the beginning of the new year. Passover
celebrates our freedom as a people. Indeed, Passover
celebrates being a people, a proud people.
March 14 at 9:30 AM
Join us for the Thirty-Fourth Annual Passover Gathering
so we can open our minds and our hearts to each other as
we celebrate the ancient liberation of our people from
the bondage of Egypt, and renew our commitment to
continuing the work of the emancipation of the human
spirit to which the holiday calls us.
Ma’ot Hittim Fund Drive
The AJ Wine Room is fully stocked for Pesah!
Please support
The AJ Wine Room
Featuring an extensive collection
of wines for Pesah
Sundays: March 8, 15, 22 and 29
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Tuesdays: March 24 and 31
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Or by appointment,
please call the synagogue office
at 215.635.6611.
Join us Shabbat morning,
So let us again answer the Rabbi’s call to fill the sanctuary on the first day of Pesah, so we can truly make this
holiday a communal Yom Tov.
Got Wine?
The AJ Wine Room will again be stocking a wide
variety of Israeli and worldwide kosher for Passover
wines for 2015. The Wine Room specializes in moderately priced selections ranging from traditional sweet
wines to modern dry and semi-dry wines which regularly get high scores (80s and 90s) from established
reviewers and magazines. The variety and quality
of kosher wines has never been better, but you can’t
buy these wines at Pennsylvania State stores. We
have one of the best pricing schedules in the Philadelphia metro area. Cases of 12 (even mixed cases)
are further discounted. We’ve expanded the Wine
How much do you
know about Pesah?
Room’s hours for convenient Passover shopping, so
feel free to stop by the AJ Wine Room “low stress
zone,” see what’s new, and support the congregation.
We also can provide for your bar/bat mitzvah needs.
Pick-up is easy, we stock a wonderful variety of wines
for different tastes, and the prices are great. Unlike
many wine stores, we take returns of unopened
bottles, so you don’t have to worry about not having
enough, or buying too much.
The Wine Room is located on the ground floor of AJ
just past the Library on the left. See Pesah hours below.
Siyum Behorot
(Fast of the Firstborn) and
the LeCoff Siyum Breakfast
Friday Morning,
April 3, 7:15 AM
It has been a traditional practice of our people
that the first-born attend services on Erev Pesah
and take part in a siyum (a study period based on
a Rabbinic text). This is followed by the festive
LeCoff Siyum Breakfast. This service will be held
on Friday morning, April 3, beginning at 7:15 AM
with the morning Shaharit service, followed by
the Siyum Behorot and the LeCoff Siyum Breakfast.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
Show off your knowledge
and win great prizes!
This Pesah, please remember,
through your contributions,
families who need your assistance
to help make Pesah.
Contributions should be made by check,
payable to the “Adath Jeshurun Ma’ot Hittim
Fund” and sent to the Rabbi’s office.
Authorization for the Sale
of Hametz
I (We)_________________________
empower and permit Rabbi Rachel Kobrin to
act in my (our) behalf, to sell all the hametz
(leaven) and all products and items containing
even the slightest amount of hametz possessed by me (us) knowingly or unknowingly
as defined by Torah and Rabbinic Law, and to
lease all places wherein the above mentioned
products owned by me (us) may be found,
especially at the premises located at:
and elsewhere. I enclose a check in the amount
of $__________________________
as a contribution to the AJ Ma’ot Hittim Fund.
To this, I do hereby affix my signature
this_____ day of _______, 2015.
Email address____________________
NOTE: The above takes effect as of Friday,
April 3, 2015, at 10:00 AM.
PROJECT PESACH: Support For Lone Soldiers
of the IDF
by Aaron Smerling
I am leading a special community project for Pesach with help from my very close
friends from AJ and Beth Sholom, Ben Weitz and Eric Schorr, for the support of
Lone Soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. We have about two months until
Pesach arrives which gives us the perfect amount of time to plan and implement
the details for this important project. As a former Lone Soldier from 2012–2014,
I remembered returning to my home in Israel for Passover from my IDF Base
which meant eating very little during the holiday break. I did not even have a box
of matzot! When Lone Soldiers go to their homes for Pesach it can be difficult to
almost impossible to find the time and financial resources to provide their kitchens
with food for one meaningful week of observance.
By Betty the Caterer
Wednesday, April 8
Doors open at 5:00 PM; Last seating at 6:30 PM
Wine will be available for purchase.
Elaborate Soup, Salad and Appetizer Bar to include:
Chicken Matzah Ball or Vegetable Soup, Homemade Gefilte Fish,
Chopped Liver, and a Beautiful Display of Salads and Toppings
Our Goal: To provide as many Lone Soldiers as possible with Pesach food so they
will have full stomachs and to bring comfort and support to their lives when they
return to their homes in Israel for the holiday.
Entrée Buffet to include:
Breast of Capon with Matzah Stuffing
Sweet and Sour Meatballs • Medallion of Herbed Crusted Salmon
A Day of Service: We are subsequently launching a special event that will be held
one week prior to Pesach. Volunteers are already in place to package food that
will reach IDF Lone Soldiers across the State of Israel. The food donations will only
be made possible through the generous contributions of supporters of this initiative.
Apple Matzah Kugel • Oven Roasted Potatoes • Garden Fresh Vegetables
What Is STILL Needed: We furthermore have responded to the tremendous
needs of Lone Soldiers by establishing this Pesach food drive. 100% of all donations will go directly to our soldiers. We know that we can only be assured of the
success of this project with your support. Please contact me by e-mail at topo27@ or by Israel cell phone at 011-972-54-348-6821 to learn more about
how you can help us make a profound impact on the lives of our IDF Lone Soldiers.
Home-Baked Selection of Kosher for Passover Desserts and Fresh Fruit
Adults (14 and older) — $38; Children (5–13)—$18
Families of Four (Two adults and two children)—$100
To guarantee this event,
we must have your RSVP by Thursday, April 2.
Call the synagogue office at 215.635.6611 for reservations.
I urge you to pass this message about “PROJECT PESACH: Support For Lone Soldiers
of the IDF” on to family and friends from our communities in the United States.
We are, and remain, a family across the world and nothing binds us together
stronger than our heritage especially during the holiday of Pesach.
Payment can be made at the door or in advance by
credit card or by check made payable to “Betty the Caterer”
Sincerely yours,
Here’s how it works:
YOU offer to HOST
a Shabbas dinner
YOU offer to ATTEND
a Shabbas dinner
Do either by filling out
the form at the right,
calling us, texting us,
emailing us…
Easy as that.
Dates for dinners this spring:
March 6 • April 24
YES! Great idea! Keep me informed!
Return this form to AJ:
By email: Pamela Maman at or Scott Minkoff at
By mail: AJ, 7763 Old York Road,
Elkins Park, PA 19027
Name: __________________
Aaron Smerling
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
(from U.S.)
(in Israel)
Aaron Smerling is the
son of AJ members
Morey and Terry Smerling.
Garin Tzabar
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)
The Big Brother Program for Lone Soldiers
Michael Levin Lone Soldier Center in Israel
Email: __________________
We love having visitors at AJ but please note:
Cell Phone: _______________
The AJ parking lot is a cell phone-free zone.
For the safety of our children, parents and
congregants, please do not use your cell phone
while driving in the AJ parking lot.
Home Phone: ______________
I might want to:
Thank you!
Do Both!
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
The Cantor’s Corner
By Hazzan Howard Glantz
Whose team are you on?
guess it’s part of who
we are as humans. We
like to be a part of a
team. Be it a political
party or with co-workers,
we gravitate toward the
like-minded and create
But what if we could all be on the same team? Would
that signal that the Messiah of our prayers and dreams
has come or is at least en route?
We often poke fun at ourselves by saying “two Jews =
three opinions.” In Israel the saying is “two Israelis =
three political parties.” I also like the expression “we can
disagree without becoming disagreeable.” With this in
mind, our differences of opinion forge a strength for our
people much more than a weakness.
Still, what would it be like for us all to be on the same
team? I think of singers who may all sing in different
registers working together toward a common goal. The
goal is not just to make a pleasant, harmonious sound.
Singing as a team can be inspiring and motivating. In
the case of song in a language we don’t understand, a
beautiful production can move us to learn its meaning.
I’ve pointed out in past columns that research strongly
points to group singing benefitting one’s health.
Working with Rabbi Kobrin, I have learned about the
goals of inclusivity we might realize through creating
and nurturing a prayer team. While a prayer team does
need to meet outside of tefillah to practice and coordinate, it is not a choir. There are no tryouts, no auditions,
no prerequisites for this team. Members will not usually
stand as a group with a conductor the way a choir does.
In fact, once the music is well-learned, I’d love for
members to spread out among the congregation
encouraging greater participation.
In January, we sent out a survey via email asking you questions about our AJ Newsletter. Thanks to all who responded
to the survey. We were thrilled to learn, in general, how much the Newsletter is valued by our congregants!
• Almost 50% of congregants read the Newsletter from cover to cover.
• 75% of respondents are happy with the number of issues we currently produce each year (9 or 10), and would like
to see the same amount continued.
• 70% like receiving a paper copy via mail, while 50% also view it online or access it through the weekly email.
We received a few suggestions for additions to the Newsletter. We heard you loud and clear so watch for new features
in upcoming Newsletters. Among the comments we received were these:
• More articles by congregants, personal essay/op-ed type. This was, by far, the most common request!
Whether you call them guest editorials, personal stories by or about congregants, guest congregant perspectives, or
human interest stories, congregants are clearly interested in one another’s lives! We’ll be reaching out to congregants when we learn of an interesting story, but in addition, we rely on you to submit content as well. Guest writers
are always welcome and appreciated. Have an idea you’d like to write about? Send it in!
• More pictures of congregants engaged in synagogue activities. Our cameras are ready…are yours? We love
receiving photographs from congregants to include in the Newsletter. Just make sure they are high resolution so
they look good in print.
• “How to” articles on Jewish practices. Look for these in the near future!
• Articles by children and young adults. On page 15 of this issue, you’ll see a request for “Youth Journalists” to
write and submit articles. Artwork from younger readers is also welcome! And in future issues, we’ll be including a
”Kid’s Corner” with puzzles and games just for children.
• I’d like the Newsletter to arrive on time. We understand, and we’re working on our process to make sure this
happens. Unfortunately, unless we mail the Newsletter First Class, the Post Office has control over when they deliver
it, regardless of when it actually arrives at its site. We do, however, post the Newsletter online as soon as it is
finished, usually by the 20th of the prior month, so you can download it in advance of the upcoming month.
Send any articles, photos or suggestions to Marjorie Trager ( or Marlena Kleit ( If you’re not sure whether your idea is a good one, and want to talk to someone on our team
about it, you can also contact Missy Ufberg through the synagogue office or email her at
Community Zimriyah
to be held at AJ
June 2 at 7:30 PM
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
March 8
2:00 a.m.
Our first get-together will be the week following Purim
(I hope you will all be sporting great costumes this year),
Tuesday, March 12 in our Strauss Chapel following
the 7:00 PM minyan. Come on out!
It’s time again for
Congregation Adath Jeshurun’s
blood drive.
I am calling this group Kol Nefesh. This name has a double
meaning. We will spell Kol ( ) chaf, lamed, meaning
“every soul.” Spelled differently but pronounced the same
) means voice. I hope that the name and its double
meaning will communicate the message that every voice
from every soul is welcome to be on our prayer team.
Results of the Recent AJ Newsletter Survey
Like us on
10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
It’s an easy way to perform
a potentially life-saving mitzvah!
To schedule an appointment,
you can call Michele Rifkin
at 215.264.6607
or go directly to
Mindfulness & Torah: A Four-Week Class in Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Insights from Torah and the
Hasidic Masters
Join Rabbi Yaakov Kravitz for
Meditation and Chanting
Presented by Rabbi Dr. Yaacov J. Kravitz
Saturday, March 21 at 9:45 AM
Mindfulness & Torah is being offered as a four-week introduction to mindfulness meditation and related Jewish
meditation practices. Come and learn effective strategies for reducing stress and handling life’s challenges.
Our program will integrate the most effective techniques from the popular MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction) program with insights and strategies drawn from Jewish tradition. Practice in individual meditation will
be augmented with practice in meditating while in dialogue with a partner.
The Kiddush Committee
The class will be taught by Yaacov Kravitz, a rabbi, psychologist, and experienced practitioner of mindfulnessbased therapies and Jewish meditation.
Mindfulness & Torah will meet on Sunday mornings from April 12 through May 3, from 9:45 AM to 12:00 PM.
The cost of the class is $160. Some scholarship aid is available. Preregistration is required. Contact Rabbi Kravitz
at 215.635.3011. For more information, please visit
ball game!
Let’s go ou
Day at the Phillies!
Help us root for the home team on
Sunday afternoon, April 12
Cost: $36.00
Includes ticket (Section 204) and
bus transportation leaving from AJ.
Bus leaves AJ at 12:00 PM SHARP.
Send checks made out to “AJ Men’s Association”
by March 12 to:
Sheldon Smith
9705 Dedaker Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115
Seats are limited, so reserve yours today!
Come play Mah Jongg
and meet new friends!
March dates:
4, 11, 18 and 25
helping hands!
To volunteer, please contact Gerry Rudman at
215.887.5441 or or Jan
Frisch at 215.913.7871 or
AJ Men’s Association
We meet Wednesday mornings
from 9:00 AM–12:00 noon.
Save the date for
AJ’s annual fundraising (SPEC) event.*
Ehud Segev
The Mentalizer
April dates:
1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
AJ Mah Jongg charges $1 per person each week to
play. The player with the highest point total for the
day won’t have to pay! The money collected will be
put toward a charity at the end of the season.
*The printed AJ calendar incorrectly notes
the date for the annual fundraiser as June 7.
For more information, contact Judy Szekely
at 215.635.8812 or
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
AJWA Sisterhood By Naomi Atkins and Amy Blum, Co-Presidents
or the past eighteen years, the AJWA Sisterhood Shabbat lecture has been sponsored
by the Dvorah Rosenberg Memorial Lecture Fund, established in memory of Dvorah
Rosenberg z’l. This is the final year for this sponsorship. Thank you to all who made
contributions over the years to support this fund. A huge hug and big thanks to Joan
Wohl for being the advisor to this program and fund over the years.
This year was a year of transition and new beginnings. The 2015 Women’s Shabbat
speaker Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, was our guest in part funded by the Dvorah Rosenberg
Memorial Lecture Fund and in part funded by the Annette W. Black Memorial Lecture
A giant thank you to Marvin Black for making available the funds to establish the
Annette W. Black Memorial Lecture Series. This will ensure that there will be outstanding guest speakers for years to come. AJWA Sisterhood is eternally grateful to Marvin
for securing the future of this meaningful program in the memory of his beloved wife
and Past President of AJWA Sisterhood, Annette W. Black z’l.
At this year’s Women’s Shabbat, Nona Levin Abrams expressed her thoughts and
memories of Dvorah. Nona, along with her sister Joan P. Wohl, are past Presidents of
AJWA Sisterhood and were dear friends of Dvorah. Love and thanks to Nona for sharing
her words with the AJ community.
Below are Nona’s words along with the poem, “Our Prayer,” written by Dvorah Rosenberg
and read at Women’s Shabbat over the past many years.
We have paused at our Women’s Shabbat service these last 18 years, to remember Dvorah
Bloshstein Rosenberg. Those of us who shared her years here at AJ were truly fortunate.
This woman from Winnipeg, Canada, who became a nurse at Beth Israel Hospital in
Boston, who met, fell in love with, and married a promising newly-ordained JTS rabbi,
became our Rebbitzen from 1960 to 1978.
Dvorah, like her husband Yaakov, was passionate about living Jewishly, and her enthusiasm
was infectious. She was a fierce champion of women’s drive for ritual equality in the
synagogue. These were exciting, sometimes confrontational times in Conservative
congregations. You can imagine the emotion and tears of joy as we watched with Dvorah
that historic Rosh HaShanah morning in 1973, as Frances Hoffman and Edith Bernstein
ascended the bimah to fulfill the honor of having the first aliyot given to women at A.J.
By Dvorah Rosenberg
Will we have, O Lord; the will to
Open our
Minds and our hearts to others, as well as to you.
Enable us to do what is right in these days of turmoil and frustration,
Not just for ourselves and those close and dear to us, but to
Society as a whole; all peoples, all problems.
Let us never falter in reaching our ideals.
And, should we have moments of doubt, to which we are
Entitled, give us the courage to think them through, to talk them out,
and then, to
Act, quickly, lovingly, responsibly, thoughtfully, as we go from
Goal to goal, ever higher on the ladder of mitzvot.
Until that glorious day yet to come when all will see the
Establishment of Your Kingdom here on earth, we say,
And Dvorah was a hands-on helper to many women making their kitchens kosher. Her
handbook guide, “Have Pots, Will Travel” has traveled all over the U.S., and who knows
where else.
For Women’s League, she shared her energy and leadership with the Philadelphia Branch,
and then became National Chairman of an activity called “Jewish Home Beautiful,” running
many overflow workshops at Conventions. Dvorah was the consummate Jewish mother:
She smiled, she welcomed, she cajoled, she persuaded, she hugged, she laughed, she
encouraged, she let you know her opinion, she loved Yiddish, she cried, she comforted — and
above all, she taught.
We will always remember her. May her memory always be a blessing.
— Nona Levin Abrams
We Would Like To Connect With
Your College Student!
Surprise your college student with a taste of home! College students enrolled
in the AJ College Connection Program will receive the monthly AJ Newsletter
and enjoy holiday packages sent to school. Children of member families only.
Please send the following information to Sandra Goldberg at
or call the synagogue office at 215.635.6611: Student Name, School Address,
Student Email Address, Parent Email Address and Expected Year of Graduation.
This program is enthusiastically sponsored by AJWA Sisterhood.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
Shabbat Angels
Tremendous Warmth
and Heartfelt
Gratitude to
our 2015 AJWA
Sisterhood Shabbat
Your generous
donations helped
make possible
the day’s wonderful
Shabbat service
and luncheon.
The entire AJ
thanks you!
Nona Levin Abrams
Naomi Atkins
Sandy Basickes
Marsha Berman
Barbara and Mickey
Amy Blum
Irene Blumenfeld
Debra Braverman
and Sharon Meles
Jennifer Brier
Miriam Brillman
Edith Brooks
Gail Cohen
Sheva Cohen
Stephanie Greenberg
Doris Felzer
Ellen Fine
Suzan Fine
Eileen Dwell and
Chuck Steinberg
Dayna Glantz
Sandra Goldberg
Mindy Goldstein
Naomi Housman
Judy Stutman Izes
Avi Katz
Sharon Katz
Gail Klein
Sue Lawson
Heather and Martha LePar
Shirley Levick
Resa Levinson
Roberta Liebenberg
Pamela Fine Maman
Marty Block Manson
Nancy Markowich
Debbie Miner
Karen Moses
Alan Nadel
Marcy Nadel
Anita Nemez
Susan Novack
Natalie Packel Markowitz
Denise Portner
Lorna Rosenberg
Cindy and Rabbi
Seymour Rosenbloom
Teri Yago Ryan
Frances Schleifer
Carol Shackmaster
Charlotte Shanblatt
Barbara Shotz
Susan Sommovilla
Susan Starr
René Stein
Sheryl Stepner
Sima and Steve Sussman
Shirley Tauber
Lenora Triebwasser
Bunny Verbit
Elissa H. Waldstein
Hillary and Raul Walter
Marcia Webber
Lillian Weilerstein
Rita C. Altman
Joan Wohl
Karen Wohl
Idelle Wood
Tamra Zeibovitz
Violet Zeitlin
AJWA Sisterhood Bulletin Board
Join us for one or all of these AJWA Sisterhood-sponsored activities!
• get fit •
• get smart •
A high-energy dance exercise cardio workout
set to exhilarating world music…Latin, Israeli,
Middle Eastern, African and MORE!
For ALL levels of ability!
Taught by Esther Goldberg, Certified Zumba Instructor
Monday evening class: 6:30 to 7:15 PM
Wednesday evening class: 6:30 to 7:15 PM
Friday morning class: 9:00 to 9:45 AM
Now just $5 a class (no card needed)!
Walk-ins are welcome.
F ocusing on postures, breathing exercises
and meditation. Guided relaxation and
mini-massage at the conclusion of each
class in a calm and peaceful setting.
Welcoming all levels of ability and experience.
Friday morning class: 10:00 to 11:00 AM
$12 per class. Walk-ins are welcome.
For more information on Zumba or yoga, contact
Esther Goldberg at or
• give to others •
A guided discussion group held on
designated Monday nights at 8:00 PM
in the Braemer Auditorium.
Reading of the book is requested!
Book Selections for
Spring 2015
The Paris Architect
by Charles Belfoure
April 13, 2015
Sarah: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt
by Robert Gottlieb
June 1, 2015
Contact Shelley Schwartz at
or 215.519.2277; or Liane Sher at or 215.635.4613.
Interested in being a discussion leader?
A few are still needed. Contact Shelley or Liane.
*Cook For A Friend, a unique program that
prepares meals for those in need, is in search
of volunteers (a.k.a. friends) to cook.
Cook For A Friend meets once a month on a weekday
evening and once a month on a weekday morning.
Evening sessions: Sandy Basickes (215.782.8586)
Daytime sessions: BonnieKay Marks (215.887.2142)
Laurel House Shelter
and Domestic Violence Services
for Abused Women and Their Children
For a list of needed items,
please contact Debbie Seltzer-Cohen at 215.572.6802.
Only new, requested items, please!
NO gift-wrapped items, clothing, shoes or accessories.
Please bring NEW items to the Braemer Auditorium
coat closet and place in the box marked “Laurel House”
or bring to any AJWA Sisterhood event.
Cooking at Ronald McDonald House
Join us on Sunday, March 29 at 4:30 PM
to prepare meals for families staying at the
Ronald McDonald House at Front and Erie Streets.
Contact Judy Stutman Izes at 267.254.6633
or for more information.
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Torah Fund Event
on behalf of
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Sunday, April 26
Torah Fund Honoree:
Amy Blum
Guest Speaker:
Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom
Spinach and Feta Quiche
From Hillary Walter Yields 8 to 10 slices
For the filling
1 pre-made 9” in. deep frozen pie shell
2 cups of fresh baby spinach
4 oz. of feta cheese
1 1/2 cups of shredded whole milk mozzarella cheese
6 eggs
1 cup of heavy cream
1 cup of half & half
1 tsp. of salt
1/8 tsp. of pepper
1/8 tsp. of ground nutmeg
1/8 cup of chopped Italian parsley
1 tsp. of fresh dill weed chopped
1/4 tsp. of fresh minced garlic or garlic powder
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large bowl whisk together eggs, heavy cream, half & half, nutmeg, salt, pepper,
parsley, and dill. Set aside.
2. In a medium size bowl mix together spinach, feta cheese and mozzarella cheese.
3. Place frozen pie shell on a foil lined cookie sheet and spread spinach and cheese mixture evenly into the
frozen pie shell.
4. Pour quiche custard into pie shell until filled. Leave 1/2 inch space at top to prevent custard from spilling over.
5. Loosely cover the top of the quiche with a sheet of parchment paper or aluminum foil to prevent burning the
top of quiche. Place the covered quiche in the oven and bake at 350°F for 45 minutes to one hour. Quiche is
ready when top is no longer loose and is completely stiff and golden brown.
6. Remove quiche from oven and cool for 15 minutes before serving.
7. Quiche can be frozen up to 3 months.
AJWA Sisterhood presents
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
March 15 at 5:30 PM
Please return the form below with your payment to:
AJWA Sisterhood • Arabian Nights •
7763 Old York Road • Elkins Park, PA 19027
AJWA Sisterhood presents
Reading from Henna House
by Author Nomi Eve
An Arabian
Frankie Mallis
(AJ Librarian)
Reading from
Henna House
availability. First come first served.
Eve for an additional fee.
up atNomi
the event
Houseforwill be on sale
Stay tuned
for $15.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
Phone #(s)
Are you registering separately as a non-AJ friend of an attending
AJer? If so, who is the AJer?_______________________
Number of AJWA Sisterhood members attending __________
($13.00 enclosed for each)
Number of Non-Sisterhood members attending ___________
($18.00 enclosed for each)
Total amount enclosed $_______
(Checks are to be made payable to “AJWA Sisterhood.”)
I need a ride!
(If you wish to pay your $40 Sisterhood dues, please enclose a
separate check with an attached note. Thanks.)
This event is proudly sponsored by AJWA Sisterhood.
Religious School News
By Debbie Miner, Education Director
“As soon as Adar begins, increase in joy!”
his year March 1 corresponds with the 10th of Adar — a mere few days before our
celebration of Purim. Adar is a month of happiness and nothing says fun like Purim
at Adath Jeshurun!
Our religious school classes will enjoy a special Pajama Day on Sunday, March 1. We
will have breakfast in class and some other special activities that day.
We will not be having our usual Tuesday classes that week. Rather than coming on Tuesday,
March 3, we want every family to be at AJ for our always incredible family Megillah
reading. It will take place on Wednesday, March 4, at 6:00 PM following Minhah.
This year, the theme is sports. I think you will know what to wear (I am currently deciding
between something Phillies or some college sports gear). After the family Megillah
reading, it’s food and dancing and spending time together before the full Megillah
reading at 8:00 PM.
But that’s not all. There is still more fun on Sunday, March 8, at the Kehillah Purim
Carnival. Right from religious school, our community will get together at KI for games,
food, prizes, contests, face painting, and a chance to be with friends in a very joyous
atmosphere. Lots of people are busy working on the carnival even as I write this! Our
teens will be helping to set things up and run booths. Parents will be helping to cook
and sell food. The carnival is truly a collaborative effort. And that’s always a good thing.
March 8 is also the first day of Daylight Savings Time! Yes. We lose an hour of sleep, but
it is more than worth it as it stays light longer and we know the warm weather is
coming. You might be wondering what other joyous things are happening in Adar?
For many of our teens, the Shabbat between Megillah reading and the carnival will be
a lot of fun as they attend our annual Beth Sholom/AJ teen retreat. This is a chance
for them to spend Shabbat together as well as with their clergy and many of their
teachers. It is something they look forward to every year.
On Saturday, March 14, we will have a special family Shabbat service and our
annual Pesah Bowl (I know, if Purim is here, can Pesah be far behind?). Indeed, March
spans the month of Adar and the month of Nisan — the month of Pesah — often know
as Chag HaAviv, the Festival of Spring.
March is a month with weather that is unpredictable. But what is predictable this
March is that we have much to celebrate and many opportunities to share in joyous
experiences together. Chag Purim Sameach!
AJ Education Director Deb Miner organized the
second annual Stop Hunger Now event that was
held on January 24. More than 100 people
braved the cold weather to come out and pack
10,000 meals for hungry people around the
world. Thanks to all who turned out and/or
contributed funds to pay for the meals that
were packed.
Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief agency that has been fulfilling
its commitment to end hunger for more than fifteen years. Since 1998, the organization has coordinated the distribution of food and other lifesaving aid to children and families in countries all over the world.
Stop Hunger Now created its meal packaging program in 2005. The program
perfected the assembly process that combines rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables
and a flavoring mix including twenty-three essential vitamins and minerals into
small meal packets. Each meal costs only 29 cents. The food stores easily, has
a shelf-life of two years and transports quickly. Stop Hunger Now works with
international partners that ship and distribute the meals in-country. To learn
more, go to
Below left: Ashlee and Matt Check. Below right: Ariel and Frank Feinberg.
Looking for Youth Journalists!
Do you have a child who loves to write? The AJ Newsletter staff is looking for
youth journalists to write articles for this publication. Topics could include:
• Their experience at a synagogue event
• Something they’ve learned from a religious school class or activity
• An interesting place they have visited that had an impact on their Jewish life
Interested parents (or children) should contact Missy Ufberg at melissaufberg@ We look forward to hearing from you!
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Okug rfzk
In Remembrance
Anyone interested in perpetuating the memory of a loved one at AJ should contact the office for information at 215.635.6611.
Yahrzeits of the following individuals will be observed as follows:
MARCH 1, 2015 to MARCH 7, 2015
10 Adar 5775 to 16 Adar 5775
To be read on Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7
Sylvia Alloy
Rebecca Disenhof Arkow
Alexander A. Aron
Jack Bacon
Jennie Benjamin
Renee Blitstein
Miriam Blitz
Morris J. Blitz
Joseph H. Braemer
Rose Braman
Albert S. Brason
Harold L. Brason
Friedrich Brassloff
Mottie Buten
Moses Cohen
Pearl B. Cohen
Fannie Constantine
Lewis Coren
Herbert A. Demchick
Bertha Demp
Benjamin F. Dolfman
Dave H. Emas
Lillian Freeman
Minnie Friedman
Regina Friedman
Joseph Fuhrman
Sophie Galperin
Louis Gilbert
Abraham H. Gitlow
Mitchell Glick
Bessie Golden
Esther Goldman
Lewis Gordon
Abraham Green
Ida Green
Joseph Gross
Eugene Grossman
Louis Hoffman
Hilda I. Huttman
David Jaffe
Sarah Joseph
Harry Kaplan
Bena Strauss Kellert
Ida D. Kirkel
Ann Klein
Minna Daniel Klein
Simon Klein
Alek Klinman
Hannah Resnick Koff
Lena Lasky
Yetta Leback
Sigmund Louis Lebowitz
Rose Leidner
Anna Levin
Sadie Levin
Samuel Levin
Rose Meadow Levinson
Harry Lipshutz
Helen Loundy
Jacob Lyons
Moses Marcus
Dr. William J. Mellman
Louis Meyerhoff
Bella A. Molod
Tauba Morris
Charles N. Oberfield
Florence Oberfield
Jacob Parent
Florence Platt
Solomon H. Pollack
Abraham I. Raphael
Arthur S. Rifkin
Samuel Rosenbaum
Blanche Rosenberg
Mary Rosenberg
David Rotman
Beatrice D. Rubenstein
Rose Maisel Rubenstein
Abraham Rubinstein
Bernard Sacks
Mollie Sacks
Jennie Saft
Belle Salvin
Abraham Schulman
Alexander Schupler
Frances Grayev Schwartz
Rose Baill Segal
Sol Shore
Leon M. Siegel
Martin F. Silverbook
Philip H. Skaler
Betty Slotnick
Nathan Smith
Sidney Stamm
Sylvia Stein
Howard Stern
Jack Sweed
Philip Frank Tapper
Arthur Taubman
Anna Temkin
Milton Timerman
Rose Waxman
Rifka Weinroth
Pauline Weitzenkorn
Lena Worker
Carole Perlstein Zeidner
MARCH 8, 2015 to MARCH 14, 2015
17 Adar 5775 to 23 Adar 5775
To be read on Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14
Avram G. Adler
Harold Barsky
Laurie Hope Beechman
Dr. Donald Berkowitz
Gerson Blankfield
Philip Blum
Pauline Boss
Henrietta Brason
Isadore M. Brody
Miriam Chacker
Harry E. Chamow
Rebecca Charny
Ethel R. Chernicoff
David H. Cohen
Milton S. Cohen
Frances Colton
Louis Coopersmith
Milton Abraham Dauber
Ada Davidoff
Lena G. Dean
Rubin Dvoretsky
Milton Robert Edelman
Edward Epstein
Saul Finestone
Rabbi Judah Leon Fish
Joseph Friedman
Albert Joseph Fuller
Bessie Garfield
Simon L. Garfinkel
Zelda Glauser
Jennie Goetz
Claire Gold
Morris Gold
Anna Goldberg
Rachel Goldberg
Robert D. Goldman
Gertrude Goodman
Benjamin Greenbaum
Benjamin Greenstein
Cantor Alexander Gross
Fannie A. Gruber
Rose Handler
Esther Hertzfeld
Frances Hirsch
Bessie Hunn
Emma Garfield Israel
Mary Jaffe
Gertrude Kancher
Jason Lee Karpf
William Keiser
Hyman Kibrick
Evelyn Kiner
David Koppelman
Michael Kosmin
Kyle Reed Kravitz, Esq.
Herman Krupnick
Isidore Lambert
Sandor Lederer
Frank Leon
Rosalie Ulm Leowenheart
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
Gustav Levi
Annie Levin
Stella Levy
Jettchen Lowenstein
Marcus M. Lyons
Judith Markowitz
Claire B. Marmon
Betty Libby Mason
Jack J. Master
Annie Maxman
Morris Milgram
Sima Mirrow
Rhonda J. Moomjian
Lillian Moore-Katz
Selig Mozlin
Isaac Nathans
Harvey Nevler
Rose Nitzberg
Harry Norvick
Ethel Ochman
Harriet Panitch
Frances S. Pincus
Ethel Polsky
Shirley Price
Florence F. Rabinowitz
Simon Radin
A. Lois Remstein
Adolph L. Rosenberg
Lewis Morris Rosenberg
Rabbi Yaakov G. Rosenberg
Sarah Rosenthal
Dr. Robert W. Rubin
Rose Sadowsky
Sarah Schiff
Dorothy Schlesinger
Golda Schwartz
Herman Schwartz
Herman Senet
Anna Shalevetz
Jeannette Sams Shapiro
Shirley Sheffler
Edward Shore
Julius Silberman
Charles S. Simon
Anna R. Sobel
Marvin Soffer
Samuel A. Sopenoff
Morris Spiller
Barbara M. Steinberg
Moses Stern
Samuel Stern
Selma Strauss
Francis Stup
Howard Mitchell Tracer
Dora Warren
Samuel Weber
J. Irving Weinberg
Pauline Weinberg
Bertha Weiner
Israel Weiner
Adolph Weiss
Irene Weiss
Isadore Witkin
Rickie Wollenberger
Rachel Worker
Max Wurzel
MARCH 15, 2015 to MARCH 21, 2015
24 Adar 5775 to 1 Nisan 5775
To be read on Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21
Cyrus Adler
Rabbi Leon Album
Jennie Baruch
Sima Blank
Philip Blum
Dr. George I. Blumstein
Rena Budilov
Gilbert Carasso
Rebecca Cooper
Gerson Dannenberg
Jennie Derkotch
Israel Duchovnay
Dave H. Emas
Harry Farber
Oscar Feinstein
Ethel Feldman
Abe Felix
Maurice Fisher
Barbara Widman Freedman
Joseph Friedman
Emanuel Gases
Benjamin Loewenstein Ginns
Abraham L. Ginsberg
Edward Ginsburg
Harry S. Goldberg
Norman Goldberg
Antonie Goldstein
Nettie Goodman
Rose Gorchov
Mollie Grant
Alexander Green
Leonard A. Green
Richard Gross
Ida Haber
Mildred F. Halin
Stephanie Gitlow Hanly
Jean Hart
Isadore Heifetz
Samuel Hirsch
Nathan Hoffman
Hyman Hopen
William Hunn
Flora Hyman
Minnie Price Jaffe
Ida Karabell
William Karsif
Yetta Katzner
Morris Kauffman
Rebecca Kauffman
Fred Kaufmann
Dorothy Kiner
Lena Klein
Lesser Kohn
Samuel Kreloff
Helene Kretchman
Matilda B. Krupnick
Isadore Levinson
Dr. Simon A. Levit
David E. Lewis
Howard Lipkin
Fannie Litz
Tillie Loeb
Mussie Love
Clara Lowenstein
Paul B. Lurch
Beth Cravitz Manusov
Claire Mersky
Dr. Philip Mogil
Simon Mustokoff
Jay Oberfield
Philip Orgiefsky
Dora Wolff Orlick
Sarah Jane Price
Sima Robinson
Max Rosen
Pauline Rosenberger
Abraham Saltzman
Sarah Winkelman Salvin
Leah Schepp
Jack Schleger
Fay Schwartz
Nettie Shatkin
Samuel J. Shore
Harry Sigel
Sadie K. Silberstein
Samuel J. Simon
Sophie S. Sobel
Earnest Spector
Steven H. Starr
Morris Steinberg
Isadore Strauss
Nettie Subin
Nathan S. Taksey
Leah Zimmerman Taylor
Shirley Toltzis
Harry H. Vederman
Lewis Viner
Louis Weiss
Israel Werner
Yetta Wesler
Denise Freeman Witherspoon
Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe
Leon Yager
Herman Zerden
MARCH 22, 2015 to MARCH 28, 2015
2 Nisan 5775 to 8 Nisan 5775
To be read on Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28
Nancy Sivitz Albertson
Isaac Alkus
Mollie Aronson
Jennie Arronson
Helen Atkins
Dr. Sheldon G. Bahoff
Solomon Baruch
Sarah Benedict
Lewis H. Bergman
Marshall A. Bernstein
Minnie A. Bilker
Jacob Binder
Fleurette Blum
Isadore Blum
Eva Bortnick
Fred Brod
Eva Perlberg Buchsbaum
Sydney Caplin
Frank Chackler
Rose Chalfin
Lillian Segal Chilnick
Florence Cohen
Marvin Coopersmith
Yetta Cramer
Sidney H. Damsker
Harry Derewitz
Shirley Dolfman
Abraham Dordick
Israel Drazen
Joshua Eilberg
Minnie Einhorn
Rabbi William Eisenberg
Gussie Engel
Lewis Feld
Lionel Felzer
Dr.Israel Finestone
Jack Forman
Ida Freeman
John Goldberg
Allan H Goldstein
Jules Jay Gorchov
Meyer H. Gradwohl
George Grant
Harry H. Green
Nathan Herman
Abraham J. Hirsch
Rose Jacobs
Masha Kanoff
Ted Kellem
Sylvia Kessler
Doris Korostoff
Leon Landes
Fan Lapping
Jesse LeCoff
Bella Leidner
Abraham L. Levi
A. Julius Levitt
Milton W. Lipschutz
Isadore Neumann
Abraham Joseph Nisson
Mary S. Pensyl
Seymour Piwoz
Moses Price
Abraham Rabinowitz
Samuel Robinson
Morris D. Rose
Michael Rosenfelt
Celia Rosenthal
Isaac Roth
Pauline Green Rubin
William Schreiber
Gussie Schwartz
Celia Seligman
Samuel Shackmaster
Yontub Shalo
Arnold Jacob Sigel
Sharon J. Silver
Nina Smith
Marcus Sonnenfeld
Abraham Sorkin
Evelyn R. S. Steinberg
Gertrude Steinberg
Lucien M. Stern
Marie Stern
Esther R. Suzmer
Sidney Traurig
Hyman Waldman
Dorothy Weinberg
Rae Z. Weinberg
Frances Slifkin Weisman
Samuel Weiss
Rabbi David Tovia Whiteman
Anne Rothberg Wildstein
Anna Zitin
The Seasons of Our Lives
Adath Jeshurun looks forward to acknowledging significant milestones in the lives of our members. Announcements
for The Seasons of Our Lives should be sent to the synagogue office in writing or by email to
with the notation “Seasons of Our Lives” in the subject line. Information received by the first of the month will appear
in the following month’s issue. Please include your phone number.
Penelope Drew Haven, daughter of Abby and Matt
Haven and granddaughter of Morey and Terry Smerling January 8, 2015
Jason Steinberg, son of Michael and Tammy Steinberg
and grandson of S. Ty and Margie Steinberg, became
engaged to Erica Menchen of Queens, New York and
an August wedding is planned.
Jacob Cohen, son of Debbie Seltzer Cohen and grandson
of Doris Cohen, was married to Sarah Waxman on
December 20, 2014.
Jonathan Steinfield, son of Paul and Sandra Steinfield
was married to Laurie Guthmann on December 28, 2014.
Kol HaKavod
to Our January
Torah and Haftarah Readers
Wendy Armon
Barbara Bix
Jen Brier
Deborah Seltzer Cohen
Anne Fassler
Dr. Allan Freedman
Robert Friedman
Hazzan Howard Glantz
Mindy Goldstein
Judy Stutman Izes
Dr. Caren Kirschner
Michal Leventhal
Resa Levinson
Allie Liss
Sam Liss
Pamela Maman
Noah Marcotte
Sharon Masarsky
Jacob McAfoos
Shari Neidich
Susan Novack
Dr. David Pashman
Lorna Rosenberg
Gail Schwartz
Sena Singer
Dr. Ed Strauss
Elissa Waldstein
Stephanie Waldstein
Neil Wernick
Idelle Wood
Tammy Zebovitz
Aaron Green, husband of Margie Green January 12, 2015
Matilda Goodman, mother of Bonnie (Dr. Larry)
Seidman and Rochelle Harris
January 25, 2015
March Milestone Anniversaries
• Robert and Ellen Hesse..........................March 16, 1975
• Neil and Nancy Lipschutz.......................March 18, 1990
Don’t See Your Milestone Anniversary?
If we have missed your Milestone Anniversary this
month, please call the office and provide us
with your information for next year.
Bikkur Holim
The Wings of Healing
Give healing wings. Please let us know if you, a
family member, or a fellow congregant is ill or hospitalized. A call to the office will ensure that the rabbi, cantor
and volunteer leadership can follow up with visits, calls
and healing prayers from the bima. Take a moment and
keep us informed. Call Rabbi Kobrin at 215.635.6611, or
email her at When emailing,
put “Illness Notification” in the subject line.
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
vcr vsu,
Thank you for your generous donations
to our synagogue funds
Humash Etz Hayim
Aaron Green
The Strauss Family
Seder Avodah Fund
In Memory Of
Aaron Green
Eileen Dwell and Chuck
Al Nadel
Marcy Nadel
Gail and Mark Schwartz
In honor of your 40th
wedding anniversary
Claire Stup, Merril Stup, and
Leslie Sokolow
Terry and Morey Smerling
In honor of the birth of
Penelope Drew Haven
Deb and Ed Strauss and Family
Memorial Fund
Helen Aisenstein
Allen Aisenstein
Sylvia Alloy
Marvin Alloy
Seth Richard (Rick) Arkans
Florence Arkans
Leonard Bee
Claire B. Stup
Annette Black
Marvin Black
Elissa and David Waldstein
Bobbi Blank
Ruth Rose
Renee Blitstein
Pam and Joe Yohlin and
Miriam Blitz
Fran and Sidney Salkovitz
Berta Bonderow
Howard Gershman
Karen and Ed Moses
Harriet Sigel
René and Mort Stein
Karen, Stuart, Shari, and
Alyssa Wohl
Rachel Bregman
Carol Bregman
Max E. Cohen
Raelea Charen
Seymour Cohen
Dorothy Cohen
Shirley Cohen
Raelea Charen
Stacey Beth Cohen
Rose Strauss
Steven Strauss
Oscar Corn
Robert and Deborah Corn
Selma Corn
Holly Corn
Robert and Deborah Corn
Samuel Cowan
Lorraine Cowan
David Davidson
Frank and Carolyn Platt
Ethel Dogole
Fred Braemer
Michael Barak Drill
Cantor Deborah Arden Stern
Susan Elaine Edelman
Jeffrey E. Edelman
Samuel Eisenberg
Howard Eisenberg
William Eisenberg
Howard Eisenberg
Perla Elias (“Bella Angel”)
Pearl Elias
Mary Fair
Estelle Brand
Max Fine
Kalman and Suzan Fine
Jay Jonas Finkler
Joseph Finkler
Betty First
F. David First
Grace Spicehandler Fisher
Cantor Deborah Arden Stern
Ida Flecker
Sonia Loadenthal
Gil Ford
Marcy Nadel
Bernice Florence Friedmann
The Dahlberg Family
Jo Mancinelli
Lillian Salkovitz Gardner
Sidney and Fran Salkovitz
Marion Gershman
Howard, Rachel, and Daniel
Stanley Gershman
Howard Gershman
Louis Gluck
Philip Gluck
William Goldhammer
Frank and Carolyn Platt
Samuel and Ruth Goldstein
Rita Nitzberg
Sarah Goldstein
Edwin Goldstein
Matilda Goodman
Shelley and Saul Reibstein
Susan and Paul Steerman
Aaron Green
Paul and Kathy Blackman
Irene and Steve Blumenfeld
Matt, Ashlee, Eli, Simon and
Owen Check
Sharon and Phil Feig
Randi and Chad Friedman
Howard Gershman
Bob and Mimi Glaspey
Rachel, Jonathan, Max and
Asher Goldman
Morton Goren
Leslie and Alan Grodnitzky
Ellen and Robert Hesse
Fred and Rachel Kurz
Janet and Harris Lewin
Barbara and Bobby Lewis
Sharon and Ed Masarsky
Denise and Jeff Portner
Debbie and Rob Quint
Shelley and Saul Reibstein
Jennifer and Joshua Roberts
Ruth Rose
Judy and Sam Rosenberg
Irving and Geraldine Schaffer
Andrea and Steven Selbst
Marge and Ty Steinberg
Susan and Paul Steerman
Nancy Strauss
Stephanie Walinsky and Family
Howard Weitz
Idella Hessler
Deena Hessler
Joan Jacobson
Benjamin Jacobson
Harry Kaleck
Benjamin Jacobson
Frances Katz
Carlyn Gases
Philip Kendall
Saul and Shelley Reibstein
Marc and Lisa Steinslofer
Ida Kirschbaum
Charles Kirschbaum
Frances Kleinman
Natalie Isser
Tibie Gever Klinger
Estar K. Weiss
Margaret Kotzin
Aaron and Donna Kotzin
Edward Krivitsky
Dr. Bruce and Francine Levin
Fannie Lazar
Sidney Lazar
Nathan Lepoff
Ronald Lepoff
Rose Lerner
Cindy Rosenbloom
Sara Levin
Dr. Bruce and Francine Levin
Ida Levy
Lorraine Cowan
Rose Lichtenstein
Estelle Brand
Anna Lipshutz
Gloria Lipshutz
Hans Loeb
Joel Loeb
Liesl Loeb
Joel Loeb
Lenore London
Shanna London
Sonya Lubar
Florence Arkans
Fay Luterman
Rene and Sheldon Smith
and Family
Ruth Krouse Margolis
Sandra M. Alloy
Congregation Adath Jeshurun News
Samuel Markowich
Judy and Chuck Lyons
Habibi Yehudah Marthan
Annette Addi
Alice Mayer
Ellen Fine
Ethel Mirrow
Florence Arkans
Harry Novey
Abby and Mel Novey
Sophie Chffas Pasternack
Roslyn Pasternack
Lisa Pasternack
Sondra Pasternack
Bella A. Paul
Mary and Joseph Katz
Gerda Podel
Gayle Brodsky
Anna and Harry Presser
Lillian Bycer
Marvin Presser
Arlene and Barry Weissman
Arthur Rade
Steve and Susan Rade
Marion Reet
Albert B. Reet
Arthur S. Rifkin
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman
Eleanor Sands
Lorraine S. Popowich
Pearl Saperstein
Sharon Masarsky
Samuel Schleifer
Frances Schleifer
Audrey Schmerling
Neil and Karen Schmerling
Paul Sheffler
Walt Sheffler
Karen Wohl
Mary Sherman
Morrissa Peisach
Sylvia Silverstein
Shirley Tauber
Harry Sloan
Rose Strauss
Steven Strauss
Jennie Sloan
Rose Strauss
Steven Strauss
Anna D. Slossman
Mary and Joseph Katz
Robert Stanek
Marjorie Stanek
Sylvia B. Starr
Susan F. Starr
Sally Steinberg
Luba and Barry Schwartz
Arnold Stern
Iris Seydel
Dora Stern
Arthur Stern
Mae Stillman
Marsha Eisenberg
David Strauss
Rose Strauss
Steven Strauss
Herbert Sulkes
Florence Arkans
Ida Tenor
Joy Fish
Fanny Trilling
Sandy Piwoz
Fred Turoff
Thelma Turoff
Jerome Udell
Evy and Joel Udell
Gertrude Waldman
Ros and Don Waldman
Solomon Weiss
Mildred W. Demchick
Samuel David Weller
Kalman and Suzan Fine
Isadore Wenocur
Sima and Steve Sussman
Manuel Wildstein
Barry Wildstein
Charles Wisneski
Marsha Eisenberg
Dr. Rose B. Wohl
Milton and Joan Wohl
Carl H. Wolf
Suzanne and Charles
David A. Wolowitz
Marvin Black
Annie Bacher Young
Nancy Y. Markowich
Milton and Beatrice Young
Philip Goldentyer
Joy Fund
Wendy Armon
Thank you for your kindness
Sheva Cohen
Doris Felzer
In honor of Ian’s Bar Mitzvah
Shirley Tauber
Fran L. Fried
Wishing you good health
and happiness
Nettie Schnapp
Robert Friedman
In honor of your birthday
and dedication to AJ
Nettie Schnapp
Abby and Matt Haven
In honor of the birth of
Penelope Drew Haven
Al Nadel
Michael Markowich
In honor of your 70th
Irene and Steve Blumenfeld
Gail and Mark Schwartz
In honor of your 40th
Lenore and Manny
Barbara Shotz
Thank you for your kindness
Sheva Cohen
Morey and Terry Smerling
In honor of the birth of
Penelope Drew Haven
The Fassler Family
Janet and Harris Lewin
Al Nadel
Marcy Nadel
Denise and Jeff Portner
Nettie Schnapp
Roland and Helen Victor Turk
Tammy and Michael
In honor of Jason’s
Barbara and Bobby Lewis
Sandy and Paul Steinfield
In honor of Jon and Laurie’s
Leslie and Alan Grodnitzky
Barbara and Bobby Lewis
Denise and Jeff Portner
Steve Strauss
Mazal Tov on the
50th anniversary of
your Bar Mitzvah
Ann Kalmanor
Education Fund
Abraham Auerbach
Marcia, Bruce, Jeffrey, and
Rachel Cohen
Herbert Brown
Mark and Bernice Schwartz
Ruth Davis
Arthur and Neile Davis
Ethel Dwork
Deb and Ed Strauss
Aaron Green
The Alperstein Family
The Brody Family
The Coughlin Family
Jan and Mark Frisch
Janis and Jeff Goldman
Brenda and Michael Kaufman
and Family
Bonnie-Kay and Bruce Marks
The Merves Family
The Opet Family
Evelyn Swarttz
Nancy and Howard Wenocur
Yetta Herman
Deb and Ed Strauss
Sonia Lipton
Deb and Ed Strauss
Isadore Wenocur
Mark and Bernice Schwartz
The Armon Family
In honor of Ross’ Bar Mitzvah
Deb and Ed Strauss
The Chase Family
In honor of Jacob’s
Bar Mitzvah
Deb and Ed Strauss
Making Donations to AJ’s Funds
Debbie Cohen and Family
Mazel Tov on Jake’s
marriage to Sarah Waxman
Brenda and Michael Kaufman
and Family
Micah Cowan
In honor of being elected
International USY religion
and education vice-president
Lorraine Cowan
Robert Friedman
In honor of your
55th birthday
Deb and Ed Strauss
Robert Friedman
In honor of the
42nd anniversary of
your Bar Mitzvah
Howard Weitz
Rabbi Kobrin and Hazzan
In honor of your kindness
on the 50th anniversary of
my Bar Mitzvah
Steve Strauss
Aileen and Mel Rothbard
In honor of your
50th anniversary
Deb and Ed Strauss
Gail and Mark Schwartz
In honor of your
40th anniversary
Barry and Linda Roth
Morey and Terry Smerling
In honor of the birth of
Penelope Drew Haven
Violet and Richard Zeitlin
Neil Wernick
In honor of the
50th anniversary of
your Bar Mitzvah
Nancy and Ted Schaer
Hazzan Howard K.
Glantz Discretionary
Berta Bonderow
Gail and Mark Schwartz
Aaron Green
David and Sandy Axelrod
Marcia Webber
Deborah Mindel
Gail and Mark Schwartz
Hazzan Howard Glantz
In honor of your performance
in the Hanukkah concert
Irene and Steve Blumenfeld
Hazzan Howard Glantz
Thank you for making
Emmie’s day so special
The Kaplan Family
Gail and Mark Schwartz
In honor of your 40th
wedding anniversary
Lynn and Fred Poritsky
Gloria Sulman and Family
Rabbi’s Discretionary
Aaron Green
Lynn and John Apfelbaum
Rabbi Rachel Kobrin
In honor of my Aliyah
Dan Hyman
Rabbi Rachel Kobrin
Thank you for making
Emmie’s day so special
The Kaplan Family
Joy Fund Memorial Fund Education Fund
Library Fund Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
Morning Minyan Breakfast Fund
By mail or in person and accompanied by
check payment...................................................................$10 minimum donation
If added to your synagogue bill..........................................$20 minimum donation
Seder Avodah Fund (new edition)................................$36 donation
Humash Etz Hayim Fund.................................................$72 donation
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund...........................................$25 minimum donation
Donations to the
Congregation’s Torah
Numbers 6:27
In memory of Aaron Green
Deb and Ed Strauss and
Pam and Joe Yohlin
Genesis 28:14
In memory of
Annette W. Black
AJWA Sisterhood
The Congregation’s Torah
Donations to the Congregation’s Torah are a unique opportunity to help fund
AJ’s Endowment to ensure the future of the Congregation while celebrating a special occasion or remembering a loved one. Each donation will be acknowledged in
the Congregation’s Torah display case outside the Strauss Chapel.
Pasuk (a verse of Torah).................................................................................. $150
Aliyah (each section of a weekly portion)....................................................... $250
Patriarchs, Matriarchs, Biblical Symbols, Names........................................ $500
Maftir (final Aliyah each week).................................................................... $1,000
Parasha (weekly reading)............................................................................ $2,500
Favorite Torah Story................................................................................... $3,600
Please contact Robert Friedman at 215.635.6611, ext. 112, for more information about
donations to the Congregation’s Torah.
For advertising rates, call 215.635.6611
march 2015 • adar/nisan 5775
Adath Jeshurun
Founded 1858 – 5619 OCJCC-BI • Founded 1948
7763 Old York Road • Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19027
Permit No. 2275
Jenkintown, PA
Rachel Kobrin, Rabbi
Howard K. Glantz, Hazzan
Robert Friedman, Executive Director
Debbie Miner, Education Director
Michelle Bernstein, Early Childhood Director
Seymour J. Rosenbloom, Distinguished Service Rabbi
Charles S. Davidson, D.S.M., Hazzan Emeritus
Time-Sensitive Material
Deliver by March 1, 2015
Anne Fassler................................................................................President
Bruce Armon........................................................Executive Vice President
Edward F. Chacker................................................................Vice President
Judy Stutman Izes................................................................Vice President
Alex Katz..............................................................................Vice President
Harris Lewin.........................................................................Vice President
David L. Reibstein................................................................Vice President
Howard Goldman........................................................................ Treasurer
Jennifer Brier..............................................................................Secretary
Melissa Ufberg.............................................................Assistant Secretary
Mitchell Russell................................................. Immediate Past President
Joseph M. Yohlin........................................................................ Chairman
Saul V. Reibstein..................................................................Vice Chairman
Rickey Goodman.........................................................................Secretary
Synagogue............. 215.635.6611 Cemetery............... 215.743.2524
Religious School..... 215.635.1337 FAX......................... 215.635.6165
Preschool............... 215.635.3490
Betty the Caterer............................................................... 215.224.8400
Food Designs..................................................................... 215.843.3904
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Congregation Adath Jeshrurun is an inclusive, egalitarian Conservative synagogue. All are welcome irrespective of
gender, race, or sexual orientation. We welcome dual-faith families who want to be involved in the Jewish community.
Editor: Marlena R. Kleit
Design: Marjorie Trager
Printing Coordinator: Silver Graphics
Printer: Tri-County Printers, Oreland, PA
Upcoming Newsletter Deadlines: April 2015 > February 28, 2015 May/June 2015 > March 31, 2015 July/August 2015 > May 31, 2015
Sunday, March 8
11:15 AM Preschool Admission
12:00 – 2:00 PM General Admission
Keneseth Israel
ah P
8339 Old York Road
Everyone is Welcome!
• $10 per child (in advance) ages 2 and up;
$15 at the door
• Free for adults
Bring a Food Donation…
of tuna fish, canned nuts, cereal, or juice for the
Beth Sholom Mitzvah Food Pantry co-sponsored
by the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Celebrate Shabbat in unity with millions of Jews across North America.
od, ages!
gam for all
Come in Costume!
Kabbalat Shabbat with
March 13
Join us for a light meal at 5:30 PM (no charge)
for 2015’s Shabbat Across America!
Then, at 6:15 PM, unplug from a busy week with an acoustic
Shabbat service led by Hazzan Howard Glantz that will appeal to all ages.
Enjoy Shabbat tunes that will put a smile on your face
and a song in your heart.
Bring your parents, bring your kids, bring your friends…
…for this relaxed and enjoyable service!
Even though there isn’t a charge for dinner,
please RSVP to the synagogue office at 215.635.6611 by March 9.