Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China - 2015-03


Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China - 2015-03
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Home > Events > Shanghai > 2015-03-17 SH Mary Boyd
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The Year of the Goat: Corporate Challenges in China 2015
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Chamber Business: Slower growth, spiraling wage costs and manufacturing
overcapacity will all be challenges in 2015. How should businesses prepare for the year
of the Goat? Join the Chamber for an afternoon together with Mary Boyd, researcher and
affluent sinologist at The Economist Group.
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai, 500 Weihai Road
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Time: 14:45-17:00
Price: Member: 200 RMB, Non-Member: 600 (Including refreshments and finger food)
Price: Members: RMB 200, Non-members: RMB 500
14:45 Registration
15:00 Mingle and refreshments
15:30 Seminar and Q&A
17:00 End
About the Author
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Before joining The Economist Group Mary Boyd was in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, serving on
assignment in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and China (in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing). Since
leaving government service she has researched and published on economic development and governance
issues in China, and has undertaken consultancy work for the World Bank and other international institutions,
as well as multinational companies. She has written for a number of Economist Intelligence Unit publications,
including "Country Report", "China Hand" and "Business China". She co-authored the Economist Intelligence
Unit report "Taking on the Competition: Domestic Companies in China in 2005".
Ms Boyd has an MA(Area Studies) and an MSc (Public Policy and Management) from the School of Oriental and
African Studies, University of London, and has also completed language studies at Nanjing University. Her
research interests include local governance and decentralisation policies, and public-sector reform.
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the no show fee is RMB 100 for members and RMB 500 for non-members.
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