September 26 - Radisson Community


September 26 - Radisson Community
Volume MMXIV, Issue 15 • September 26, 2014
New Residents’ Reception
“There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met yet!”
Join us October 16, 2014 from 6:00-7:30 pm
for our New Residents’ Reception to
welcome new Radisson residents and those who have
relocated within the community!!
DOOR PRIZE for one new resident!
Courtesy of Time Warner Cable.
Bring a friend to the Aspen House located on
North Entry Road and meet other new residents as well as
the RCA Board Members, Committee Chairs & RCA Staff.
Free Childcare Available
For more information email
or call Lisa at 635-7171
Radisson Community Association
Mission Statement
To preserve, protect and enhance the common lands and facilities for
the use and enjoyment of the RCA Residents and Members.
To promote the health, safety, welfare, education and cultural
enrichment of the Residents and Members of Radisson.
To ensure compliance with the Radisson Declaration of Protective
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
Reflections is an official publication of
Radisson Community Association, Inc.
3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315-635-7171 | Fax: 315-635-7182
For general RCA inquiries email
or visit
insidE This Issue
Stanley A. Solow Shade Shelter - Pg. 2
Citizen Preparedness Training - Pg. 2
Emerald Ash Borer Update - Pg. 3
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Page 1
From The Executive Director
Written by Lynn Tanner, CMCA
From its inception, Radisson has
relied greatly on
its resident volunteer base. There has
been a vast array of residents that have
provided countless hours on committees, served on the board of directors or participated in special projects.
With the number of volunteers over
the years, it can be a difficult task
to name one individual as a standout volunteer, deserving of special
recognition more than another....
until now.
Many of you know Stan Solow, and
have likely had the pleasure of working alongside Stan on a committee,
the RCA Board or a special project.
It would be difficult to try to accurately list all of the ways that Stan
has been involved in the community, but please allow me to try. Over
the years, Stan has been a committee
member and/or chairperson of the following committees: Communications,
Finance, Operations, Long Range
Stanley A. Solow Shade Shelter
Planning (now Planning & Amenities),
Nominating Committee and more. He
has served the community as a Board
Director for several terms, also serving as an Officer of the Board during
those terms. Stan has brought his vast
expertise of engineering, aviation and
boating to several special Radisson
However, an area that Stan devoted
a great deal of time and effort to
have been the continual improvements
made to the River Park and Boat
Launch facility over the years. During
the past several years, he has spearheaded several phases of development,
which now include a pavilion, boat
launch, floating dock and an enlarged
parking lot. Stan’s perseverance
and dedication helped to make the
improvements at this community
amenity become a reality.
In June of this year, Stan completed his second, two-year term as
a Radisson Board Director. With
Stan’s terms completed, then Board
President John Vinquist spearheaded a
Resolution honoring Mr. Solow for his
dedication to the community, quoting
in part: WHEREAS Stanley A. Solow
has served the Radisson Community with
perseverance, inspiration and uncompromising dedication to the residents,
committee members, staff and Board
of Directors, and WHEREAS Stanley
A. Solow was the driving force behind
the creation and continual improvements
to the Radisson River Park,
and WHEREAS the Board of
Directors, on behalf of itself and
all Members of the Association,
hereby expresses its gratitude
and appreciation to Stanley A.
Solow for his invaluable services extended to the Association,
be it now RESOLVED the
Approval to Dedicate and
Name the Radisson River
Park Shade Shelter the
Stanley A. Solow Shade
The Board of Directors unanimously approved Resolution #924,
thereby naming the shade shelter
located at the Radisson River Park, as
the Stanley A. Solow Shade Shelter.
On behalf of the RCA Board, staff,
committee members and residents;
Thank You Stan for all that you
have contributed to our community!
In the September 12 issue of the Reflections, we provided information related to National Emergency Awareness Month, as declared by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). To continue with the
importance of this topic, I am very excited to inform you that we have
been able to secure a special two-hour training program offered by New
York State. Training will be led by the New York National Guard, working
with experts from the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
Services’ Office of Emergency Management and Office of Fire Prevention
and Control.
The Citizen Preparedness Corps give residents the tools and resources to
prepare for any type of disaster, respond accordingly and recover as quickly
as possible to pre-disaster conditions. The training course will provide an
introduction to responding to a natural or man-made disaster. Participants
will be advised on how to properly prepare for any disaster, including
developing a family emergency plan and stocking up on emergency supplies. A key component of this training is distribution of free NYS Disaster
Preparedness Kits to all participants (one per family) containing key items
to assist individuals in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The state
training and kits will help New Yorkers be the most-trained and bestprepared citizens in the country.
Citizen Preparedness Training Program:
Monday, November 3, 2014
from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Aspen House Community Center
8550 North Entry Road
The program is free and open to the public, but all participants
MUST register in advance at When the link is activated for our event, we will send out an email
to the Community Info and Event Notices eMail Bulletin groups. Please be
sure you are subscribed to at least one of these so you don’t miss this
event. Look for details in the next Reflections as well.
“With severe weather events becoming more frequent and more extreme, it is more
important than ever that New Yorkers are prepared for disasters and know what to do in
an emergency.”
- Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, 2014 State of the State Address
Page 2
Reflections, September 26, 2014
The Emerald Ash Borer continues to be a threat to the numerous ash
trees in the community. Although there hasn’t been a definitive sighting of
the borer in the community, the experts believe that the borer has already
infested many trees here.
It is still imperative that residents with ash trees on their property
make a plan of action. To assist you with this process we have information
on Page 3, with information on additional resources.
To responsibly address public safety and fiscal planning, the Radisson
Community Association(RCA) must prepare for and manage the potential
damage to its ash trees on its Common Property, parks, and on privately
owned property within the Radisson Community. The RCA Board of
Directors has approved an Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan, which
is posted on our website. You can find this plan under the Architectural
Standards tab, on the Tree Resources page.
It is the intent of this plan to mitigate the disruption to our community’s forested areas from the impending infestation of the Emerald Ash
Borer (EAB). Taking a proactive approach to the oncoming invasion will
allow the Association to address common property and private property
needs in an efficient and effective manner. The Association will endeavor
to distribute the costs of tree removal and tree replacement over a manageable time period in order to lessen the social and economic impact upon
our community. The RCA Board of Directors, and its Executive Director,
is responsible for the implementation of this plan. A contracted Forester
will be responsible for the management and coordination of the effort.
This EAB Management Plan will continue to be updated as more
information becomes available.
EAB Management for Radisson Homeowners
What does a
homeowner need to
do prepare for the
arrival of Emerald
Ash Borer (EAB)?
The first thing is don’t panic! The infestations in New
York State are still relatively small, now
less than 1% of our forests. While EAB
has continued to spread in Onondaga
County since first confirmed in 2013,
you do need to come up with a plan
before you start to run out of options.
Here are some things to consider:
your property lines since we are not
land surveyors. The only time the
RCA will review a property line is if
a homeowner and the RCA Common
Property share a property line. In that
situation, the RCA will come out and
help you determine where the property
line is.
fallen over.
• It may be difficult to find a
reputable tree removal company once
your ash has died from EAB. The
demand for work will outnumber the
number of reputable companies and
you may find it very difficult to have
the trees removed before they become
Assess the condition of a safety hazard
• You may not be able to afford
your ash.
What you do with your tree, and to have a large number of ash trees
when, will depend on the current removed all at once.
health of your tree. Look for signs of
can be
stress like a thinning canopy, sprouts
Know your ash trees.
coming from the base of the tree or removed.
• This could be a good option for
Determine if you have any ash trunk, woodpecker damage, discolored
who have a large number
trees on your property. Depending on leaves, and lots of seeds. We have more
property and helps
how many ash are on your property information on what to look for on our
and the current condition of them, website that can help you determine spread out the financial burden of
will greatly impact your decisions on the current condition of your tree. If removal. Yes, you will need to pay for
how to manage the ash trees you have. you are not comfortable assessing your treatment and the removal, but you
have reduced your safety risk.
We have links on our website www. tree, a certified arborist can help.
systemic, that can help
Your management options.
insecticides for the duration of the
you determine if you have ash on your
1) Do nothing and wait until your
property. If you are still unable to ash is dead and have them removed. infestation.
• It is difficult to say how long
determine if you have ash, we suggest
• This is not the recommended
Emerald Ash Borer will remain active
you contact a certified arborist.
approach for a variety of reasons. First
Know your property lines. and foremost, when ash trees die they in a given area, but experience from
Resolve any questions about who decay quickly and fall in large chunks, the Midwest indicates it can be 10
is responsible for a particular tree so which make a dead ash extra dangerous years or more. Oftentimes, it is best to
decisions can be made. We suggest and a safety hazard to yourself and remove large or damaged trees because
the treatment can have a difficult time
you have the corners of your property your neighbors.
getting distributed through the entire
lines staked by a professional land
• Once an ash tree is dead, almost
surveyor. If you choose not to have all tree removal companies will not tree due to size and tree damage.
• Studies have shown that if you
your property corners staked, you can climb a dead ash tree to remove it. This
healthy ash which is located in
review your property survey (which means if your ash is not accessible by
area on your property, the
was given to you at the time of closing a bucket truck or there is not room to
by your attorney) to try to determine safely fell the tree, the dead tree will cost of treatment can be cheaper than
where your property lines are. The have to remain and Mother Nature removing your ash trees; especially if
RCA will not come out and measure will take its course until the tree has you factor in replanting a tree.
• There are no effective area-wide
treatments for Emerald Ash Borer.
The only effective treatment is the
application of systemic insecticides
on a tree by tree basis. However, not
all are equally effective. Research
the different insecticides registered
for use in New York State and
when application is warranted. For
information on insecticide control
options, go to
Beware of guarantees to
save your trees.
It’s easy to save a tree if there are
no infestations in your vicinity. Even
with an infestation, it will often take
more than three years for a tree to die.
So beware of short term guarantees to
save your tree. Work with reputable
arborists who know about the
Emerald Ash Borer and the longterm commitment needed to save a
tree. Check the International Society
of Arboriculture for professional
arborists near you, Learn why and how to hire
an arborist
EAB resource page for
Radisson homeowners
We are currently working on putting
together an EAB resource page for
Radisson homeowners. As information
changes or if there are new updates of
confirmed EAB locations in Onondaga
County, we will be sharing this
information with you on our website.
Political Signs
Many residents are asking if they can express who they endorse
this election season by displaying an endorsement sign in their yard.
Unfortunately, the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants
does not allow signs to be displayed on properties within Radisson.
However, the ASC will allow homeowners to display one sign in a
window of your home. We just ask that you remove the sign immediately after the election.
Save the Date for these
Upcoming Events
New Resident Reception - October 16th
Fall CNY Art Guild Show-October 18th & 19th
Children’s Halloween Party- October 25th
Holiday Tree Lighting-November 30th
Holiday Decorating Contest- December 8th
National Fire Prevention Week is October 5 - 11, 2014. The
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) has announced the theme
for this year’s Fire Prevention Week as “Working Smoke Alarms Save
Lives: Test Yours Every Month!”
NFPA recommends:
•Installing smoke alarms inside every bedroom, outside each
sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement.
•Testing all smoke alarms every month by using the test button.
•Replacing all smoke alarms every 10 years or sooner if they don’t
respond properly when tested.
The Belgium Cold Springs Fire Department will be out through
the community on Saturday, October 4th for their Annual Fund
Drive. They will be dropping off important fire safety information to
each household. For additional safety information, please visit their
website at
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Page 3
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
As a result, the Grand Opening
of the church will take place on
the September 27. Now that the building
B a l d w i n s v i l l e has been completely renovated and
Adventist Church brought up to code, the doors will
has been meeting for over three years, open on Saturday, the 27th at 10:00
it has been difficult to offer program- A.M. for the Bible Study classes for
ming and outreach due to the fact adults and children and 11:00 A.M. for
that their meeting place has been a the Worship Service.
With excellent musicians, powerhouse. After much prayer and searchful
praise and worship songs, chiling, a suitable venue has been secured
segment, meaningful prayer
and several months of renovation and
message and discussion
planning have taken place.
of the sermon following, it will be a
morning of focus on who God is and
what He has done.
A fellowship lunch will follow and
there will be plenty to go around.
Please join the congregation, family,
friends and invited guests for this
special occasion at the Baldwinsville
Adventist Church at 8255 Willett
Parkway (Rt. 631) in Radisson. All are
Dear Editor,
programs and features the new Y will
bring to our community. Dozens of
YMCA volunteers and staff members
will be on hand to answer questions
and join in the fun. A big announcement about the new Y is scheduled
for 2 p.m.
“We have a lot to celebrate, so
we need to get started well before
the grand opening,” said Roxanne
Parmele, the YMCA board member
leading the planning for the Preview
The event, to be held in the large
parking lot of the new Y, is free and
All are invited to Oct. 4 event at the
site of the future Northwest Family
Residents in northwest Onondaga
County are eagerly awaiting the day
when they can walk into their new
YMCA and enjoy healthy activities
with family, friends and neighbors.
Their view of 8040 River Road
changes almost daily as construction
crews fasten steel beams to form the
skeleton of the $20 million, 100,000
square foot facility. The Northwest
Family YMCA is set to open by late
“Every day, people tell me, ‘I
just can’t wait for it to open,’” said
Cindy Dowd Greene, chair of the
Greater Baldwinsville YMCA Board
of Managers. “We can’t wait, either,
and we wanted to do something about
That’s why the entire community is
invited to the site of the new YMCA
from 1-4 p.m. October 4 for a Preview
Party. There will be games and activities for kids and adults, plus music,
refreshments, and information on the
Central New York Art
Guild Fall Art
Show And Sale
Radisson’s Aspen
House will once again
host the annual Central New York Art Guild’s Fall Art Show
and Sale.The show will be held this year
on Saturday, October 18 and Sunday,
October 19 from 1:00 pm- 4:30 pm.The
show never disappoints with spectacular original artwork, photography as
well as prints, all created by the talented
members of the CNY Art Guild. You’ll
find artwork in acrylic, oil, watercolor,
pastels, scratchboard, mixed media and
more.Visitors of the show will be treated
to a variety of styles from realism to abstract and everything in between.There
will be something to please all tastes.
The show will be judged Saturday
morning and ribbons will be awarded.
The public will have a chance to vote
for “People’s Choice Award.” Refreshments will be provided for everyone to
enjoy. Parking at the Aspen House and
admission is free. Children under 12 are
welcome and must be accompanied by
an adult, please. There will be raffles of
original art pieces. Come and enjoy the
beautiful, original artwork with your
entire family.
Cascade by Delores Herringshaw Oil painting by Gale Shuba
Page 4
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Please Note...
Any information or material published in Letters
to the Editor, are the views and responsibility of
those who submitted the statements and do not
necessarily represent the views of the Radisson
Community Association, its employees, Board of
Directors or other volunteers. The RCA does not
necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage,
verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or
statements contained in said letters.
Jim Monahan
open to all. Tents will be on site, so the
party will go on rain or shine. The Y
thanks the many local community and
youth groups who are volunteering to
help out.
More information on the event and
the Northwest Family YMCA is available at and on the
Northwest Family YMCA Facebook
Chris Iven,
Director of Communications
Radisson Ale House
8055 Potter Road | 635-7992 | Available for Private Events
11am-10pm Monday-Sunday
Happy Hour Fridays
Buy One, Get One – Domestic Pints and
House Wines 4-7 every Friday
Trivia is Back! Wednesdays 7-9 Come out for an amazing
game of wits hosted by
Syracuse Trivia Company
Live Music Thursdays & Saturdays 6-9
Greg Hoover - Oct. 9
John Lerner - Oct. 23
Preferred by Radisson Residents for 25 years
Family owned and operated for 3 generations
Highly focused on service & preparation
Workman’s compensation & liability insurance
FREE written estimates
Football Specials!
50¢ wings and $2 pints
(Labatt Blue Light, Coors light, Bud Light and Radisson Ale)
during all NFL and SU
Football Games
And for Fall – Saranac Pumpkin Ale on tap
Children’s Halloween Party
Saturday, October 25th
Aspen House
Party 1: 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Party 2: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Recommended for ages 2 – 10
Ghoulish games, spook-tacular crafts and trick or
treat goodies! So put on your costumes and don’t forget
your cameras – this is fun you won’t want to miss.
Early reservations can be made on our website:
Events & Recreation/Radisson Events Page.
Just click the link for Current Events.
Please make sure to include all of the following
• which party you would like to attend
• names & ages of all children attending
• address & phone number
• the number of adults attending with the children
YOUTH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Great way to get mandatory school
volunteer hours or other service hours!! Help set-up/take-down, run
games, and have fun! Interested?? E-mail: or
call 635-7171.
As a final celebration of our 40th Anniversary, we
are trying to finalize details on a long-time Radisson
tradition – the New York City Holiday Day Trip! Set
aside Saturday, December 6 for a TENTATIVE bus trip
to and from The Big Apple. Radisson members
(residents and corporate park employees) will be given
the opportunity for early registration, since seats are
sure to fill up quickly! The pick-up and drop-off location
will be located within the Radisson Community.
As soon as we are able to confirm the details, pre-registration information
will be sent to the Community Info and Event Notices eMail Bulletin
groups. Please be sure you are subscribed to at least one of these so you
can book your seats! Look for details in the next Reflections as well.
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Page 5
Nursery School News
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!
The hallways and classrooms at
Radisson Nursery School are buzzing
with back to school activity. The children
arrived with brand new backpacks and huge smiles, and were
ready to be introduced to a love of learning. Our 2 year
olds are reading Pete the Cat, and
are already memorizing the words
to the story. They have painted
and colored, and really love Mrs.
Tanguay’s soft, squishy, home made
play dough. Mrs. Cicero’s 3 year olds
are already sitting at circle time for
stories and finger plays about apples
and apple trees. They played outdoors on the playground for the very
first time and were squealing with
delight! Mrs. Simiensyk’s 4 year olds
have done a volcano experiment, have
taken a nature walk and have created
full body portraits. The weather has been delightful and the
children were thrilled to learn that Mrs. Simiensyk rides her
bike to school on sunny days. Mrs. Cali had the children apple
picking during her large motor activity, and had them running
through her obstacle course. We all agree that we have some
very coordinated 4 year olds!
Mrs. Simiensyk has the
undivided attention of her 4
year olds when she makes a
volcano at circle time.
Aidin practices good
handwashing technique
in his 3’s class.
s our 2 year olds to the
Mrs. Rawda introduce
phie, Lily,
RNS recipe for play do
Crosby and Alaina.
Christopher, Zachary, Grace and
Carter, are very proud of the fami
train they made with Mrs. Cicero
4 year olds Ella
and Alivia are
becoming fast fri
ends at playtime
and Alice share
4 year olds Trevor, Maya, Brody
at the sandbox.
Aspen House – Perfect for Your next Party
When you are looking for a place to host a party, what do you look for?
Convenience is always top of the list.The Aspen House on North Entry Road,
is only minutes from any Radisson address. There is plenty of parking, easy
entry into the building and the décor is neutral enough to serve as a backdrop
to almost any type of event. In the past few months members have booked this
venue for kids birthdays, a 50th surprise party, business
lunches,many graduations,all types of showers and even
a prom for grown-ups!
A residential size kitchen can be used by host or
caterer and has a range, refrigerator and microwave.
The large event room is
nicely divided so that you
have a variety of options
for set up. Some choose to
have the food items on the
tile side for easy clean up,
other people use it for a DJ
Page 6
Reflections, September 26, 2014
and dance floor. There is a smaller room at the front of the building setup as a
lounge that can be used as well.
14 tables, 100 chairs and cleaning supplies are all provided. You bring the
decorations, food and guests with you! For an added touch at your event, you
can rent high-top bistro tables, complete with linens. They are a great way to
add some dimension to the setup, provide a display area or a place for groups
of people to gather and chat during the party.
For contract and available dates,
please visit our website.
Just because you don’t have
symptoms doesn’t mean
you don’t have hepatitis C
Born 1945-1965?
It is recommended you get a blood test
for the hepatitis C virus. Many baby
boomers got infected before the
dangers of hepatitis C were well known.
Many people may have the virus
and not know it. Ask your doctor
for the simple blood test today.
Visit us in Baldwinsville at
Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Closed for lunch 12:15 - 1 pm
Saturday 8 am - noon
Professional, convenient,
locally owned and employing
more than 445 Central New Yorkers.
In-home color consultations starting at $75
Come in for details
Village Ace Hardware
43 E. Genesee St. Baldwinsville 638-4026
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Page 7
Page 8
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Fall Lawn Care
Whether your
yard is large or small,
you want it to look
its best and be free
of problems. In autumn, grass is absorbing energy, moisture, and nutrients
in preparation for a long, dormant
winter. Give it a little attention this fall
to ensure a healthy, green lawn next
spring.These and additional tips can be
found online.
a mulching mower to shred leaves into
organic matter that you can leave right
on your lawn.
AND Rake the Lawn
by excess fertilizing, not by mulching
grass clippings.) Some amount of thatch
is healthy for your lawn however, if your
lawn has more thatch than you think is
ok, you can use a thatching rake. Dethatching should not be done too often
or even each year.
Aerate the Soil
The next step to help your lawn is
aerating so that oxygen, water, and ferLeaf Rake
Bow Rake
Thatch Rake
tilizer can easily reach the grass’s roots.
Raking your lawn with a leaf rake This process punches holes in the soil
Keep Mowing
the easiest method, but may not be suf- and extracts plugs of dirt. This can be
Continue to water and mow your ficient depending on the condition of hired out or done with a hand aerator.
lawn, as needed, throughout the fall. your lawn. A leaf rake will pick up loose Don’t rake up the dirt plugs from the
Keep blades sharp to avoid dull mower grass and also get the leaves and twigs. aeration; let them dissolve back into
injury. Mow newly established or It won’t, however, break up matted or your lawn for the nutrients. Each time
renovated areas when 60 percent of the thatched lawn.
you water or it rains, the plugs will disseedlings are 2.5 inches tall.
If your lawn has areas that are mat- solve into your lawn.
or if it’s been a long time since you
Remove the Leaves
use a Bow Rake to get at these
Remove fallen leaves from your lawn
a little deeper.
as soon as possible. If you wait until all
You could also check your lawn for
the leaves have fallen to start raking,they
Compacted soil and accuwill stick together and form a mat that,
matter at the soil surface,
if not removed, will suffocate the grass
prevents grass roots
and breed fungal diseases.
You can also use a lawnmower with a from getting the air, water, and nutrients Patch Bald Spots
collection bag or vacuum system, or use they need to thrive.(Thatching is caused
Prevent weedy patches next spring
by seeding now. Grass seed grows well
in fall because the temperatures are
perfect and because it has less competition from annual weeds. Be sure to give
the lawn enough time to establish itself
before winter weather hits. Follow the
directions for the seed you choose, but
in general it’s as easy as loosening the
soil, laying seed and watering.
Weed Control
September is still the best time for
post-emergence broadleaf weed control.
Avoid applications when temperatures
are below 50° F or before an expected
rainfall. Environmentally friendly applications are widely available.
Get a Soil Test If you are concerned about any
particular problem get your soil tested.
Assessing your soil health now gives you
time to correct nutrient deficiencies and
pH problems before spring.
Check with the Cornell University
Cooperative Extension office for local
recommendations and specific questions. Their website is http://www.cce.
Fall Pickup Season Begins on Monday, October 13th
Our Maintenance Crew may be on
your street ANY day, Monday – Friday; assigned pickup days do not apply
during Fall Pickup. The Fall Pickup
Season ends when the snow starts to get
heavy. During this time, RCA will pick
up Loose Leaves & Bio Bags in a conPeony Farm Lane
Walpole Lane
Sage Lane
Radburn Drive
Stevenage Drive
Harlow Lane
Brixham Court
Walden Lane
Blue Heron Circle
Vallingby Circle
Wandering Way
Hawks Watch
Darting Bird Lane
Warming Springs
Fiddlehead Glen
Cady's Arbor
Far Reach Drive
tinuous loop pattern through the community, street by street, in accordance
with the order below as read from top
to bottom. The Fall Pickup web page,
under Services & Maintenance, will be
updated at the end of pickup each day
(around 3:30); please check this sched-
Hidden Lake Drive
Hickory Knoll Lane
River Grove Trail
Tulip Tree Path
Marinus Drive
Isle of Pines
Tallwood Ridge
River Watch
Foxfire Lane
Reston Drive
Grey Birch
Stanford Drive
Jayhawk Circle
Melvin Drive North
Melvin Drive South
Lightfoot Lane
Porter Cottage
Wrenwood Circle
Van Wie Drive East
Mellenbrook Court
Netherstone Court
Spice Wind Court
Madeleine Drive
Briar Patch
Quaker Lady Circle
Filaree Circle
Gillyflower Court
Oak Brook Road
Twin Flowers Road
Rock Rose Circle
Van Wie Drive West
Alletta Circle
Corlear Drive
RITE AID Flu Shot Clinic
Where: Aspen House, 8550 North Entry Road
When: Wednesday, October 1st
Time: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Flu shots are given by certified immunizing pharmacists
No appointment needed
18 years and older
Medicare and most insurances accepted
Bring your insurance card
ule so that you are able to prepare leaf
piles/bags as pick-up approaches your
If utilizing the loose leaf method,
rake loose leaves into narrow piles
within three (3) feet of curb. Keep
leaves out of road and drainage areas.
Mourning Dove
Holly Ridge
Green Meadow
Scotch Broom Circle
Esprit Glade
Vermillion Circle
Moonraker Court
Marco Lane
Sanibel Circle
Longworth Court
Royal Scarlet Drive
Autumn Ridge Path
Luchsinger Lane
Alex Lane
Crimson King Circle
Festival Court
Samantha Drive
To keep leaves from blowing around,
you can also use paper Bio Bags. Please
note that because we use different machinery for these two types of services,
there may be a slight disconnect in the
timing of pick up.
Twilight Court
Villa Ridge Court
Captiva Court
Whisper Ridge Circle
Sheldrake Circle
Crocus Lane
North Entry Road
Braewood Drive
Claybourne Lane
Hayfield Lane
Amberlea Lane
Amesbury Drive
Kingsbridge Lane
Coriander Lane
Carpenter Road
Basswood Lane
Welwyn Lane
Oberon Drive
Burrwood Drive
Letchworth Lane
Cumberstone Lane
Hadley Lane
East Patrol Road
Timberlea Lane
Beaver Brook Lane
Blythewood Court
Fields End Drive
Pasture Gate Lane
Columbine Circle
The Art and Soul Watercolor
Group Show
October 1st through 31st at Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 East Genesee St, during
regular library hours. Hours are Monday thru Thursday 9 am to 9 pm, Friday 9 am to 5
pm, Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 1-5 pm. For more information please contact
Library Director, Margaret Van Patten at 635-5631.
46th Annual Turkey Day Race
Thursday, November 27 at Baker High School.The three races include a 1/2 mile Kids Fun
Run, a 5K and a 10K+. Registration is required, please visit www.baldwinsvillekiwanis.
com for complete details.
Reflections, September 26, 2014
Page 9
What is the “Storage Yard”?
The Radisson
Storage Yard was
created to accommodate residents
who may need a
location to store
their own vehicles, trailers, RV’s and
boats, since our by-laws do not allow
these items to be kept on your personal property. For a very reasonable
annual fee, Radisson residents can rent
a space in this outdoor facility.
The Storage Yards are conveniently
located at the very end of North Entry
Road (closest to the golf course), across
from the RCA Maintenance building,
and renters with a key may enter the
area as needed 24 hours a day/seven
days a week. The yards are accessible
year round, though during the winter
just a central path is plowed, renters
are responsible for shoveling to get to
their vehicle as needed. The storage
area is fenced and locked at all times.
Renters are reminded to help ensure
this is the case.
Once you reach the left turn at the
end of North Entry, you will find two
separate fenced areas – referred to as
Yard A (old yard) and Yard N (new
yard). The first fenced area on the
right is Yard N; it has well defined lots
with gravel substrate. Motorhomes
must use this yard and there are certain lots reserved for other items over
30 feet in length. Continuing past this
and also on the right, you will see Yard
A. It is irregularly shaped with a sod
surface. This yard has two separate
entry gates for easy access. Lots are
assigned based on the lot size that will
best accommodate the length of the
vehicle. Annual rental prices range
from $120-$285 for the term beginning November 1st, 2014 through
October 31st, 2015.
If you are interested in renting a lot,
please review the complete contract,
rules and regulations on our website.
It’s important to note that the storage of debris, auto parts, tires, household goods, equipment, construction
materials, and hazardous materials is
prohibited and will incur a storage
yard violation notice. The purpose is
to provide members a location to store
viable vehicles, campers and trailers.
Contracts can be printed from our
website or picked up in the RCA
office. Lots are rented on first-come,
first-serve basis, contact the office for
current availability. Plan ahead for
spring; contracts are not pro-rated
based on partial usage.
Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
At the September
tasting there were
73 attendees to
sample wines from
Zugibe Vineyards
on Seneca Lake.
Favorite wines from
the evening were Dr. Frank’s Semi Dry
Riesling, Zugibe Dry Riesling and
Zugibe Estate White. Tabatha’s Family
Tree Restaurant provided the “snacks”
and Sardo’s Pizza provided the pizzas.
Spay and Neuter Syracuse
(SANS) benefited from this month’s
50-50-charity raffle. Yvonne Hooker
invited Doug McClug, a member of
SANS Board of Directors, to speak
about SANS. SANS is a non-profit
Every other Thursday, Rob Thrasher - Radisson’s Time Warner Cable
(TWC) Concierge, will hold on-site hours at the RCA Office. Rob will be
available to answer questions, assist with service sign-ups and equipment
swaps. If you want to swap equipment, please call Rob first to arrange it.
The next scheduled hours for TWC at RCA are:
October 9: Noon to 3pm
October 23: Noon to 3pm
Rob Thrasher
Radisson Community Concierge @ TWC
Call: 315-559-9616
Text: 315-235-3753
Triple Play Packages for under $100, INCLUDING EQUIPMENT
AND 30MB internet!!!
Find Out How to Get a FREE DELL 2-IN-1* (Get a Dell PC/tablet
combo when you choose from qualifying packages)
*Dell Inspiron 11 3000 Series 2-in-1 (Dell Inspiron) offer expires 10/19/14 or when supplies run
out, whichever occurs first. Available on select offers, go to for further details.
Page 10 Reflections, September 26, 2014
low-cost spay and neuter clinic. Their
mission is to end pet over-population
in Central New York by providing lowcost spay and neuter services for pets
that belong to low-income persons and
for shelter animals and feral cats. Go to for
more information about SANS.
The next Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
tasting is on October 3, 2014 at 7 PM
at The Red Mill Inn. The theme/
distributor/winery is still to be determined.
For more information email or call Mary
Mulligan at 315-635-3413 or Mike
Broski at 315-468-5408.
BusineSS Cards
300+ Radisson Home Sales
29 Years Experience in Real Esta
36 Years Radisso
Joanne Rodriguez, GRI
Associate Broker
Direct: (315) 671-3626
8233 Park Ridge Path
Liverpool, NY 13090
TION today
d & Insured
A+ BBB Rating
Neat/Clean Artist Quality Painting
10 % off early exterior bookings
Will Beat any written estimate!
r Snow &
Randy Crame
Call 575-6953
Lawn, Inc.
For Free Estimate
yPal accepted
cards and Pa
Major credit
P 315-635-8261 • 877-435-3326
7527 Shalako Circle
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Hunt Real Estate ERA
8196 Oswego Road
Liverpool, NY 13090
Independently Owned & Operated
Lynn Lappin, ACC
Land and Cruise Specialist
Associate Broker
Marketing Specialist
ofc: (315) 622-5757 ext 6540
fax: (315) 506-6590
direct: (315) 506-6540
Specializing in Radisson Properties
a healthier ta
to Radisson Comm
Exclusively deliver
Check ou
LLC., member FINRA, SIPC and a
offered through Nationwide Securities,
Securities and Investment Advisory Services
TX and WY. Representative of
Advisory Services, LLC. in AR, FL, IL, NY,
companies and other companies.
Nationwide Life Insurance Company, affiliated
Reflections, September 26, 2014 Page 11
Classified Ads
All Classified Ads must be 40 words or less and be sumitted in writing using the online Ad form or the printed Ad form. RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to meet the 40 word limit. Community classified ads are for
RCA members only and are limited to one ad per category per address per issue.
for sale
The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish
advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The
publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its Board of
Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to
the validity or qualifications of any advertiser. Residents are
advised to check references with the Better Business Bureau.
1997 Buick LaSabre, runs well, body is in good condition, needs brake work, $1500. Drumset: Ludwig Accent Kit with Evans heads, Sabian cymbals, excellent
condition, $400. Call 720-8726.
The Radisson Community Association (RCA) does not
engage any realtor or real estate agency as its listing
agent. Further, any realtor and/or real estate agency advertised in the Reflections or other RCA promotional
material is not endorsed nor rated by the Radisson
Community Homeowner’s Association.
Letters To The Editor: All letters must include
name, address, signature, and telephone number for
verification. Names and addresses may be withheld
from print upon request. Editing may be necessary
for space.
Advertising Rates & Policies
1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Bus. Card Commercial Clsfd BW/Color
5” x 3.125” 5” x 6.5” 10.25” x 6.5” 10.25” x 13” 3.5” x 2” 40 word text
n/a /$35
$20/ n/a
Ad contracts, payment and ad image must be received by
5pm on the deadline date.
Sofa, Italian leather, off-white, contemporary design,
excellent condition, $300. Call 638-9833.
ProForm treadmill, $75. Futon, cherry, $100. Double
folding, oval table (52”x49”), 4 chairs, $100. Hutch
(79”x34”x14”), $150. Olhausen Pool table, 8’2” x 4’7”,
6 cues, 2 cue racks, rake, 2 sets balls, 2 ball racks. Oak,
green cover, overhead lights. Buyer must reassemble,
$1,200. Call 303-5021.
Glass top deck table (38 by 60) and 4 swivel chairs
with cushions, umbrella and stand available, $150.
Call 635-5739.
Baby Trend rear-facing infant car seat with two bases
and stroller, $60. Graco high chair, $40. Contoured
infant changing pad with cover, $10. Call 638-9835.
Save the date! October17-19, Entire contents and furnishings of house at 8749 Tallwood Ridge! (including
2001 Buick, low miles, excellent condition) See full
description and photos at www.pottingshedantiques.
com after October 1. Something for everyone! See
you there!
Would like to store my minivan camper in your garage
for the winter. Please call Ray at 635-2584.
Small brown bookcase, 3 shelves, (26”x28”x12”)and
24” TV cabinet (35”x14”). Call 303-5021.
Lost Cat - Daisy is a gray female Siamese. Friendly,
nick out of right ear, may have pink collar. Last seen
at Alex Ln on 9/15/2014. Please call or text any time
of day with information. We miss our kitty! 415-9935.
Commercial Classifieds
Commercial classified ads are standard, fee-paid, service, sales or business listings and are open to the
public. The number of ads run may be limited by space constraints. Ads are limited to 40 words, text only,
no formatting available.
Distinguished Landscapes. Improve your home’s
value and appearance. We offer clean-ups, mowing,
mulching, pruning and much more. Retaining walls,
paver construction and masonry services also available. Extensive background and education allows us to
work with all budgets. Call Joe 254-7132 or visit www.
HOUSE FOR SALE: 8748 Radburn. New hardwood
and ceramic tile floors, new appliances, walk in closet,
oversized 2 stall garage with access to a workshop and
man cave - all on the 12th GREEN of Radisson. Call
All ads will be reviewed for compliance with Reflections
The number of any type of ad run may be limited by
space constraints. Ads will be run on a first-come,
first-serve basis.
Welcome to the Neighborhood
Advertising Contract and additional details are on our
website or email
Sean & Lana Augustus
James Goult III
3210 Reston Drive
Deadlines & Contact Info
Send ads, articles, etc. to Submissions must be received by 5pm on
the deadline date to be considered for the next issue.
Timothy Lynch
8695 Carpenter Road
3222 Far Reach Drive
Christina Granato
Rachel & Joseph Mason
8600 Wrenwood Circle
8800 Madeleine Drive
Eric & Lisa Turcotte
8750 Blue Heron Circle
Published On Deadline Is
October 10September 26
October 24
October 10
November 14
October 31
November 28
November 14
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Sept-Oct 2014 - R a disson Communit y Calendar
Rite Aid Flu Shot Clinic
4:30pm - 7:00pm
at Aspen House
CNY Art Guild Show
1:00pm - 4:30pm
at Aspen House
TOL Board Meeting
& Planning Board
7:00pm at TOL Offices
Page 12 Reflections, September 26, 2014
TOL Board Meeting
at TOL Offices
Reflections Delivered
Planning and Amenities
7:00pm at RCA
REC Meeting
at RCA Office
ASC Meeting
6:30pm at RCA Office
CNY Art Guild Show
1:00pm - 4:30pm
at Aspen House
New Resident Reception
at Aspen House
BOD Meeting
7:30pm at
Aspen House
Reflections Delivered
Children’s Halloween
9:30am - 12:00pm
at Aspen House