Children`s Halloween Costume Party


Children`s Halloween Costume Party
Volume MMXV, Issue 16 • October 9, 2015
Children’s Halloween
Costume Party
Saturday, October 24th
Aspen House
Party 1: 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Party 2: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Recommended for ages 2 – 10
Games, craft, face painting, goodie bags* and refreshments.
*Nut-free goodie bags available. Must make request on registration form.
Pre-registration is required! Reservations can be made on our website: Log in, and
click the link to the registration form on the Home Page under Community News.
PERMIT #1550
YOUTH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! 6 grade and up please. Great way to get service hours!! Help set-up/take-down, run specialty
stations and have fun! Interested?? Email: or call 635-7171.
Central New York Art Guild
Fall Art Show and Sale
Radisson Community Night
at the Syracuse Crunch
Saturday, October 17th &
Sunday, October 18th
1:00-4:30 pm at the Aspen House
Free admission, refreshments, raffles,
local artists and more!!
Syracuse Crunch vs. Utica Comets
Saturday, November 14
7:00 pm at the War Memorial Arena
Tickets only $15
See page 5 for more information.
Radisson Community Association
Mission Statement
To preserve, protect and enhance the common lands
and facilities for the use and enjoyment of the RCA
Residents and Members. To promote the health,
safety, welfare, education and cultural enrichment of
the Residents and Members of Radisson. To ensure
compliance with the Radisson Declaration of Protective
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
Reflections is an official publication of
Radisson Community Association, Inc.
3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315-635-7171 | Fax: 315-635-7182
Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
For general RCA inquiries email
or visit
See page 7 for more information.
insidE This Issue
Emerald Ash Borer - Pg. 3
Leaf Collection & Stormwater
Info - Pg. 3
Common Area Maintenance - Pg. 5
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 1
From The Executive Director
Written by Lynn Tanner, CMCA
Renewal contracts for residents leasing a
Storage Yard
Slot were sent
out the beginning of October.
The current contract period ends on
October 31, 2015. Whether renewing
or cancelling your contract, please
return your completed documents
as soon as possible. It saves on time
and expense if we don’t have to do
a second mailing. Those residents
that are on the waiting list for a
particular size Storage Yard Slot will
be contacted as soon as we have confirmed there is a vacancy.
By the time this issue of the
Dependable Disposal will have
already delivered new trash & recycling totes to each residence. Please
note that the new totes should
be placed with the arrows facing the road, as indicated on the
lid cover. They should also be
placed on opposite sides of your
driveway OR 3’ – 4’ apart so the
“arms” of the truck can grab &
lift the totes. By placing the totes
facing the correct direction, the lids
will close when they are set back on
the ground.
The final opportunity to have
Dependable Disposal pick up
unwanted, used trash cans is next
week. Just bring your trash can
down to the curb, alongside the new
trash totes and Dependable will pick
it up and dispose of it for you. Also,
if you are not interested in keeping your blue bin, you may drop it
off to the trailer parked in the RCA
Office parking lot during the week
of Monday, October 12 to Friday,
October 16 from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
Or, you may drop your blue bin off
on Saturday, October 17 from 8am –
Noon. The blue bins will be returned
to the Onondaga County Recovery
Resource Agency (OCRRA) to be
reused and/or recycled.
At September’s Board of
Directors Meeting, residents in
attendance got to hear a presentation by Dr. Dave Matthews of
Upstate Freshwater Institute.
In past years, Dr. Matthews has
helped the Association address any
Page 2
specific concerns that may have
become apparent with the community’s retention ponds. This year, the
Association retained Dr. Matthews
to do regular, on-site evaluations and
water testing of each retention pond.
He presented the findings from his
evaluations to residents, management and the Board of Directors
and also engaged in a Q & A session afterwards. We appreciate Dr.
Matthews’ wonderful presentation! Please look for an article
highlighting this presentation in
a future issue of the Reflections.
This year’s scheduled repairs to
the community pathway system are
fully under way and are expected
to be completed soon. The process
we use to determine which sections of pathway to repair on an
annual basis includes many different aspects. First we inspect
the actual condition of the asphalt
itself, looking for things such as:
dangerous bumps in the pathway
(normally due to nearby tree roots);
or sunken spots in the asphalt which
are equally concerning. There may
be other factors upon inspection
that pose a safety risk to pedestrians
utilizing the pathway or staff and
equipment out plowing the pathway.
After these risk factors are evaluated
we also consider future work to be
done in that area. For instance, in
the past when we knew extensive
work was going to be done on
the Oberon Pier, it made sense to
hold off on pathway repairs nearby until that project was done,
due to the heavy equipment that
would be used and essentially
would have done damage to the
new pathway.
Another factor we need to
consider when selecting a pathway section to repair is access
to trees. In many cases, the
only way for a contractor to
access a tree located on RCA
Common Property is via the
pathway system. Therefore, we
do a visual inspection of trees
located in the Common Property
near the proposed pathway section, to see if there are any trees
needing to be removed prior to
laying new asphalt. We recently
Reflections, October 9, 2015
had this exact scenario with our
pathway repair project in the “loop”
of Jayhawk Circle.
The trees in the Common Property
were inspected by local arborists and
several trees were determined to be
dead, or diseased and dangerous.
Included in these trees were some
ash trees that necessitated removal
before they became infected with
the Emerald Ash Borer and could
not be safely removed. EAB has been
confirmed in Onondaga County and
is a threat to the numerous ash
trees in Radisson. Those trees identified as requiring removal in the
“loop” of Jayhawk Circle, were safely
felled prior to the pathway repairs
being completed. This is the process that we utilize for all pathway
repairs. The Radisson Community
Association considers our trees to
be one of our greatest resources.
While the community’s natural
beauty is extremely important to
us, equally important is residents’
safety and protection of personal
property. Thank you to the residents
in this area for their patience while
we made these safety improvements
to our wooded Common Property
and pathway system.
In addition to evaluating trees
as we make pathway repairs, we
are continuing our proactive
approach to the oncoming invasion of the Emerald Ash Borer.
In May of 2015, the RCA Board of
Directors approved an Emerald Ash
Borer Management Plan, which is
posted on our website. You can find
this plan under the Architectural
Standards tab, on the Tree Resources
We had selected areas of
Common Property (see map below)
inventoried and trees marked by an
arborist/certified pesticide applicator for either removal or to be considered for treatment. We are in the
process of obtaining bids for the
removal and/or treatment of these
trees. The Board will then discuss
their plan of action and the timeframe in which they propose to have
this work done. Further information
will be provided in future issues of
the Reflections and via the community’s eMail Bulletin system.
moves forward with its EAB
Management Plan it is still
imperative that residents with
ash trees on their property
also make a plan of action. On
Page 3, we are providing information for homeowners to consider.
Additionally, we have information on
our website and will be continuing
to provide updates in future issues
of the Reflections.
Leaf Season and Resident Instructions
The beauty of
the coming season is thanks in
part, to the amazing color created
by the changing
leaves. When they fall though, what
do to? Monday, October 12, the
Radisson Maintenance Department
will begin Leaf Collection. During
this season and until the weather
causes them to stop, loose leaves and
paper Yard Bags will be picked up.
Many residents prefer the bags so
that leaves don’t blow around after
being raked. This also keeps them
from ending up in the street or gutters and water system. Thanks to
Baldwinsville Village Ace Hardware,
we are able to offer paper Yard Bags
to residents for just$1/bundle of 5,
that’s ½ the cost in the store! Just
stop by the RCA Office during our
regular hours: Monday-Friday 8am5pm.
If you choose to take advantage
of RCA’s loose leaf pickup service,
please carefully follow these instructions:
• Rake loose leaves into narrow
piles on your property within three
(3) feet of the curb. These will be
picked up using a ‘leaf vac’ machine.
In order for the machine to function
properly, do not rake twigs, mulch or
other debris into these piles.
• Do NOT rake leaves into road;
they must remain on your property. Leaves in the road are a multifaceted hazard. They are a tremendous safety concern for drivers. The
unkempt leaves contribute heavily
to drainage issues. Excess leaf litter
is also responsible in part, for water
quality issues in surrounding areas.
Collection during this season is
Yard Maintenance
and Our Water
S t o rm wat e r
is water from rain or melting snow
that doesn’t soak into the ground,
but runs off into waterways. It flows
from rooftops, over paved areas and
bare soil, and through sloped lawns.
Flowing storm water collects and
transports soil, animal wastes, pesticides, fertilizers, oil and grease,
debris and other potential pollutants. We may not be thinking of surrounding waters much at this time of
year, but the actions we take now can
have a profound impact on what we
will experience in the future.
When leaves and yard clippings
are allowed to drift or are raked into
the street, the debris can clog storm
drains, leading to flooding. The
leaves and clippings then make their
way to local streams and retention
ponds and release nutrients that contribute to accelerated algae growth.
There are many other factors that
contribute to water quality problems
in our retention ponds and in the
entire storm water system. There are
some simple practices everyone can
follow to help mitigate these issues:
• Pick up after your pet and dispose of waste in garbage can.
• Don’t feed waterfowl – large
numbers of birds create large quantities of waste.
• Limit use of salt on your driveway and walkways.
• Limit use of fertilizer, pesticide
and herbicides.
These suggestions are intended
for all residents, not just those who
live in close proximity to a retention
pond. The above information came
from the CNY Stormwater Coalition. For additional suggestions, go
to their website at
conducted in a continuous loop pat- another environmentally friendly
tern through the community, street option for those residents who don’t
by street, not on particular day. have a dense leaf cover on the lawn.
Check the website for daily updates
on the current pick-up location and
prepare leaf piles/bags as pick-up
approaches your street. Different
equipment is used for the bags vs
the loose leaves, so please keep this
in mind. Also, there will be no further brush pickup and Brush Trailer
Service is not available.
Mowing and mulching leaves is
Tree Health –
Emerald Ash Borer
natural beauty of the
trees in our community is remarkable. They are an integral part of the
look and feel of the Radisson Community. They enhance our common
property areas as well as many residents’ yards. The impending arrival
of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
is a daunting concern for anyone
who has ash trees. As a homeowner
in Central New York, do you have a
plan for addressing the infestation of
the Emerald Ash Borer? The Cornell Cooperative Extension provides
the following list as things for homeowners to consider.
Know your ash trees.
Know your property lines
Determine your management
Know where the nearest infestation is.
Determine your treatment options.
Not all trees will respond the
same to treatment.
Beware of guarantees to save
your trees.
Know the signs and symptoms
of EAB.
Get involved in your community.
For additional details, go to the
website for New York Invasive Species at
October 13, 2015
October 14, 2015
October 15, 2015
5pm – 7pm
5pm – 7pm
5pm – 6:30pm
October 19, 2015
October 21, 2015
October 22, 2015
5pm – 7pm
5pm – 7pm
5pm – 6:30pm
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 3
Radisson Phone
The Radisson Phone Directory is an item uniquely Radisson. This
mini phone book is truly a “community directory” as it is THE resource
to look up neighbors, by name and by street, and also provides contact
for local governmental services and supporting businesses. Being printed
every other year, the next Directory will be distributed in the spring of
2016. It’s not too early to ensure that you and your family will be
accurately listed in the 2016 Radisson Phone Directory!
All residents have the option to have their name and number printed
in the Radisson Phone Directory. If you want to be listed, be sure to
select “Yes” for this option on your Membership Registration form. To
verify that your information is correctly listed, or not listed as you choose,
please take a moment to review the Radisson Community Phone Listing
on our website under Your RCA Account. Note: you must be logged in
to the website to see this option. The information here comes
directly from your Resident
Membership Registration
Form (RMRF), spelling,
of family members, etc.
Complete the RMRF
again to make any changes
and your previous entry
will be replaced.
Preferred by Radisson Residents for 25 years
Family owned and operated for 3 generations
Highly focused on service & preparation
Workman’s compensation & liability insurance
FREE written estimates
Page 4
Reflections, October 9, 2015
In-home color consultations starting at $75
Come in for details
Village Ace Hardware
43 E. Genesee St. Baldwinsville 638-4026
Radisson has over 13 miles of paved pathways for residents’ use & enjoyment. Please be mindful of the following
rules & etiquette to ensure the pathways, and their surrounding beauty, can be enjoyed by everyone!
On the pathways, fields or any
RCA Common Property,
Please do not place
yard waste along the
pathways. Please
utilize the
community yard
waste service.
RITE AID Flu Shot Clinic
Where: Aspen House, 8550 North Entry Road
When: Wednesday, October 21st
Time: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
• Flu shots are given by certified immunizing pharmacists
• No appointment needed
• 18 years and older
• Medicare and most insurances accepted
• Bring your insurance card
No Motorized Vehicles
on the pathway.
Common Area Maintenance
The Radisson Community covers many, many acres of property and has
numerous features on common property; from signage and lighting to benches
and bollards. Residents may see items in need of repair while on a walk or
bike ride. We would like to know about areas that you find to be in need of
maintenance attention. Please notify us by logging onto our website and completing the Common Area Maintenance Request (CAMR) Form. For your
convenience, there is a direct link to the CAMR Form on the Members Only
home page!! You’ll be asked to provide a description of the item in need of
attention and as specific a location as possible. Cross streets, house numbers
and landmark descriptions are very helpful in pin pointing where staff should
focus their attention. We ask for your name and contact information in case
additional information is needed for follow up.
LESS TIME on the Market
SMOOTH Transaction
TOP DOLLAR for Your Property
What does hiring an
These are just some of your neighbors I’ve assisted – call me today to put my Experience and Knowledge to work for you!
3074 Amberlea Lane
3078 Amberlea Lane
3174 Amesbury Drive ......... 2X
3184 Amesbury Drive
3186 Amesbury Drive
3178 Amesbury Drive
3180 Amesbury Drive
3055 Basswood Lane .......... 2X
3060 Basswood Lane
3068 Basswood Lane
3144 Beaverbrook Lane
3094 Blythewood Court
3100 Blythewood Court ...... 3X
8632 Braewood Drive
8636 Braewood Drive
25 Briar Patch
8627 Briar Patch
8644 Briar Patch
8659 Briar Patch
8632 Briar Patch
8647 Briar Patch
3148 Burrwood Drive .......... 2X
3155 Burrwood Drive
3159 Burrwood Drive
3171 Burrwood Drive
3176 Burrwood Drive
3152 Cadys Arbor
3165 Cadys Arbor ............... 3X
Lot 44 Alex Lane
3082 Coriander Lane
3100 Corlear Drive .............. 2X
3092 Corlear Drive
3097 Corlear Drive
3099 Corlear Drive
3107 Corlear Drive
3108 Corlear Drive
3130 Corlear Drive
3134 Corlear Drive
8301 Crimson King Circle
8302 Crimson King Circle
3110 Darting Bird Lane ....... 2X
3118 Darting Bird Lane
3119 Darting Bird Lane
2107 Drummers Court
2108 Drummers Court
8702 East Patrol Road
8704 East Patrol Road
8738 East Patrol Road
8748 East Patrol Road ......... 2X
8754 East Patrol Road
2013 Esprit Glade
1978 Esprit Glade
2004 Esprit Glade
Lot 42 Esprit Glade
3210 Far Reach Drive ......... 2X
3216 Far Reach Drive
3221 Far Reach Drive
6209 Festival Court
3193 Fields End Drive
8400 Filaree Circle .............. 2X
Lot 62 Filaree Circle
Lo #56 Filaree Circle
8535 Gaskin Road
3217 Green Meadow
3401 Grey Birch Drive
3403 Grey Birch Drive ......... 2X
3411 Grey Birch Drive
3414 Grey Birch Drive
3417 Grey Birch Drive ......... 2X
3419 Grey Birch Drive
3429 Grey Birch Drive
8634 Grey Birch Drive
8643 Grey Birch Drive
1108 Greymoor Way
1302 Greymoor Way
1508 Greymoor Way
1606 Greymoor Way
1807 Greymoor Way
2307 Greymoor Way
8797 Harlow Lane
3058 Hayfield Lane ............. 2X
3137 Hidden Lake Drive
3147 Hidden Lake Drive ..... 2X
3157 Hidden Lake Drive
3227 Holly Ridge
3227 Isle Of Pines
6802 Jayhawk Circle
6811 Jayhawk Circle
6817 Jayhawk Circle
6820 Jayhawk Circle
6824 Jayhawk Circle
6831 Jayhawk Circle
8685 Letchworth Lane
8696 Letchworth Lane
8800 Madeleine Drive ........ 2X
8825 Madeleine Drive
8826 Madeleine Drive
Lot 21 Marco Lane
3486 Melvin Drive North
3624 Melvin Drive South
3635 Melvin Drive South
8608 Melvin Drive South
3321 Misty Cove Circle
6265 Mourning Dove .......... 2X
6267 Mourning Dove .......... 2X
6277 Mourning Dove
6279 Mourning Dove
26 Oak Brook Road
3274 Oak Brook Road
3287 Oak Brook Road
3293 Oak Brook Road
3309 Oak Brook Road
Lot 42 Oak Brook Road
Lot 43 Oak Brook Road
8687 Oberon Drive
8307 Partridgeberry Drive .. 2X
8315 Partridgeberry Drive
8325 Partridgeberry Drive
8801 Pasture Gate Lane
3023 Peony Farm Lane
3048 Peony Farm Lane
3302 Quaker Lady Circle
3318 Quaker Lady Circle
8735 Radburn Drive
8750 Radburn Drive
8781 Radburn Drive
3185 Reston Drive ............... 2X
3209 Reston Drive
3210 Reston Drive
3214 Reston Drive
8788 River Watch
8200 Royal Scarlet Drive
8202 Royal Scarlet Drive
8204 Royal Scarlet Drive
8209 Royal Scarlet Drive .... 2X
8215 Royal Scarlet Drive
8219 Royal Scarlet Drive
8221 Royal Scarlet Drive
8222 Royal Scarlet Drive
8224 Royal Scarlet Drive
3041 Samantha Drive
3114 Samantha Drive
3138 Samantha Drive
Lot 9 Samantha Drive
3453 Spice Wind Court ....... 2X
3440 Stanford Drive
3443 Stanford Drive
3445 Stanford Drive............. 2X
3457 Stanford Drive
3458 Stanford Drive
3460 Stanford Drive
3032 Stevenage Drive
3147 Timberlea Lane
3042 Town Center Road
3056 Town Center Road
3065 Town Center Road
3071 Town Center Road
3072 Town Center Road
3073 Town Wvcenter Road
3075 Town Center Road
3079 Town Center Road
8747 Vallirngby Circle
3412 Van Wie Drive East
3424 Van Wie Drive East..... 2X
3455 Van Wie Drive East
3480 Van Wie Drive East..... 3X
8479 Van Wie Drive West
8503 Van Wie Drive West
Lot#45 Van Wie Drive East
Lot#47 Van Wie Drive East
8402 Vermillion Circle
8405 Vermillion Circle
8406 Vermillion Circle
8408 Vermillion Circle
8416 Vermillion Circle
8417 Vermillion Circle
Lot 55 Vermillion Circle
5296 Villa Ridge Court
5311 Villa Ridge Court
8804 Wandering Way
8817 Wandering Way
8819 Wandering Way
8696 Welwyn Lane .............. 3X
8516 Whisper Ridge Circle
8531 Whisper Ridge Circle
8614 Wrenwood Drive
Joanne Rodriguez
Associate Real Estate Broker
Direct: (315) 671-3626
8233 Park Ridge Path, Liverpool, NY 13090
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 5
Page 6
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 7
Radisson Ale House
Thursday 5pm - close
3 Pints &
50¢ Wings
Friday - Fish Fry
Check it out online!
Ale House is now
OPEN 7 days a week
11:00 am-10:00 pm
8055 Potter Road, Baldwinsville, NY Tel:315-635-7992
Page 8
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Central New York Art Guild Fall
Art Show And Sale
Radisson’s Aspen
House will once
again host the annual Central New
York Art Guild’s Fall Art Show and
Sale on Saturday, October 17th and
Sunday, October 18th from 1:00
pm- 4:30 pm. The show never disappoints with spectacular original artwork, photography as well as prints,
all created by the talented members
of the CNY Art Guild. You’ll find
artwork in acrylic, oil, watercolor,
pastels, scratchboard, mixed media
and more.
There will be raffles for pieces Aspen House and admission is free.
of art. All of the art work is for sale.
The people attending
the show will have the
opportunity to vote for
the piece of art work that
impresses them the most.
“The People’s Choice
Award.” The show will
be judged on Saturday
Refreshments will be
provided for everyone
to enjoy. Parking at the
Lynn Harnois- Dusk at Sacketts Harbor
Delores Herringshaw – To Jenny
Dian Paura-Chellis – Rebirth
Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
September tasting
Layer Cake and
Cupcake wines.
Favorites were Cupcake Red Velvet,
Cupcake Prosecco and Cupcake
Black Forest. There were two guest
speakers, food from Tabatha’s Family
Tree Restaurant and Sardo’s Pizza.
Tabatha’s also provided miniature
cupcakes to go with the theme of
the tasting.
Paige’s Butterfly Run benefited
from this month’s 50-50-charity
raffle. Chris Arnold, Paige’s father,
explained that this is an annual
fundraising event, which funds pediatric oncology research and patient
programs at Upstate Golisano
Children’s Hospital. Go to www. for more information on
the charity.
The next Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
tasting is on November 6, 2015 at 7
PM at The Red Mill Inn. Details
still to be determined.
The tasting fee is $16 per person and pre-registration/payment is
Rabies Shot Clinic
Thursday, November 5, 5pm-7pm at Beaver Lake Nature Center. Please keep
pets on a leash or in carrier, keep them close to you and bring their rabies shot
records. A voluntary donation is appreciated. For more information call 4353165 or visit
required by Wednesday, Nov 4, 2015.
Make checks payable to Cirque d’Vin
Wine Club and mail to PO Box 832,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Include
name, address, phone number and
email and a list of attendee names
for check-in. Clay Wine & Spirits
is unable to accept registrations/
Wines sampled that evening may
be ordered at a discount from Clay
Wine & Spirits (315-622-0501) at
3955 State Route 31 (next to Great
Northern Wegman’s) to be picked
up the following week. An infor-
mational email from bacifaratta@ or bacifaratta@gmail.
com is sent about a week prior to the
next tasting; please add these to your
address book.
For additional information, questions, to receive monthly email notifications or schedule a 50-50 raffle
for your charity, email CirquedVin@ or call Mary Mulligan at
315-635-3413 or Mike Broski at
New Residents, check your mail for your
personal invitation to the
New Resident’s Reception to be
held on October 15 at Aspen House!
Certificate of Compliance Notice
Amenities Equalization Assessment Notice
The Radisson Community Association, Inc. (RCA) requires that prior to the resale or refinancing of an existing home in Radisson that a Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection
be made. The purpose of the C of C is to provide all parties reasonable assurance that the
property is free from any architectural standards violations of the Radisson Declaration of
Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Radisson Declaration). The C of C and a
statement of the property’s annual assessment account should be requested ten (10) days
prior to closing.
For property resales and/or refinance, effective January 1, 1999, the measurement of the
finished area of the house must be confirmed. To allow adequate time for the staff to complete this requirement, the seller’s attorney must request the C of C 14 days prior to closing.
As of April 1, 2015 the fees are as follows:
*A seventy ($70.00) dollar Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection and processing
fee is charged by the RCA to the requesting attorney or the owner of the property making
such a request. Please insure that this fee is explained to the buyer and seller as well as the
purpose of the inspection.
Forms to request a certificate may be obtained at or by calling
As of October 1, 2005, the Radisson Community Association will levy an Amenities
Equalization Assessment (AEA) to the Purchaser of a Radisson Community, residential
property. The purpose of the AEA shall be to expand and/or improve common areas
and common amenities.
The AEA is calculated at .25% of the purchase price of the residential property. This
will apply to new homes as well as existing homes and is payable at the time of closing. Payments are to be made out to the Radisson Amenities Fund and be sent directly
to our community office at 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027.
Exemption from the fee is granted if either of the following applies: a Purchaser who
has been the Owner of another Residential Lot which has served as said Purchaser’s
principal residence for two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase
of the subject Residential Lot, provided said Purchaser sells the other Residential Lot
within 90 days; or a Purchaser who has been a full time resident of an apartment
within Radisson during the entirety of the two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of the subject Residential Lot.
Please feel free to contact the RCA Office at 635-7171 if you have any questions
regarding the AEA.
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 9
Governor Signs Legislation for Hearing Impaired
A Column by State Senator John A. DeFrancisco
Senator John A.
DeFrancisco (R-IC, Syracuse) today
announced that
his bill (S 5533-B),
which would enable individuals who are
deaf or hard of hearing to better participate in court proceedings, has been signed
by Governor Cuomo. This act shall take
effect 13 days after it becomes a law.
This new law will require that statefunded courts provide Communication
Access Realtime Translation (CART) to
individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. CART is the instant translation
of the spoken word into text. Through
CART, everything said and transcribed
by the court reporter during a court
proceeding would be translated through
a software feed into real-time captioning,
then displayed on an individual computer
screen or monitor for the deaf or hard of
hearing person to view.
“I am very pleased that Governor
Cuomo decided to sign my bill. The right
to participate in court proceedings is
among the most fundamental in our legal
system. Courts must take the necessary
steps to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing individuals are not denied the right to
be heard,” said Senator DeFrancisco.
Legislation to Enhance Airport Security Signed
News From Congressman John Katko
Delivers Bipartisan
Legislative Results
Early in First Term
Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security
Act, bipartisan legislation introduced
by U.S. Rep. John Katko (NY-24),
has been signed into Public Law by
President Obama. Of the twelve bills
that Representative Katko has introduced in the House of Representatives
this Congress, this bill is the first that
has been signed into law.
“I’m proud to announce that the
President has signed into law this
important, bipartisan legislation to mitigate threats at our nation’s airports,”
said U.S. Rep. John Katko. “Named
in honor of the TSA agent who tragically lost his life in the November 2013
shooting at Los Angeles International
Airport, this measure will allow for better coordination by our state, local, and
federal law enforcement in responding
to and assessing threats.”
Since taking office in January, Rep.
Katko has focused on fighting through
Washington gridlock to deliver bipartisan legislative outcomes. To date,
Katko has introduced twelve bills, four
of which have passed the U.S. House of
Representatives. As Chairman of the
House Homeland Security Committee’s
Transportation Security subcommittee,
he has worked in a bipartisan manner to
lead the Committee’s efforts to address
gaps in the Transportation Security
Administration’s (TSA) employee
access screening and vetting procedures,
and as a result, has put forth legislation
prioritizing the safety of travel for all
“While there is still much to be done
to enhance security measures at airports nationwide, increasing preparedness requirements will go a long way
in helping to ensure that the traveling
public is kept safe,” concluded Katko.
“Coordination by local law enforcement,
emergency first responders, and TSA
is the first step towards helping our
nation’s transportation systems overcome the challenges experienced during
the LAX shooting.”
The legislation requires enhanced
security and communication at airports
nationwide. Specifically, it requires
TSA to verify that all airports and
high-risk surface transportation hubs
have an appropriate security response
plan in place to effectively train for
and respond to security incidents when
they occur. Further, it will ensure that
emergency communications equipment
is regularly tested and that emergency
first-responders are able to communicate with each other and the public during a major security incident.
Katko commended his colleagues on
both sides of the aisle for their work on
this effort, noting that that the legislation not only improves airport security
but also demonstrates that Washington
can still work in a bipartisan way.
Alongside his efforts on the House
Committee on Homeland Security, Rep.
Katko has introduced and championed
district-inspired legislation to stimulate local tourism, develop the nation’s
first Mesothelioma Patient Registry Act,
secure our northern border, and prevent
the IRS from wasting taxpayer dollars.
Click here for video of Rep. Katko’s
remarks on this legislation on the floor
of the U.S. House of Representatives
last week after the bill passed both the
U.S. House of Representatives and the
U.S. Senate.
Congressman John Katko chairs the
House Homeland Security Committee’s
Subcommittee on Transportation
Security. He represents the 24thCongressional District of New York, which
includes all of Onondaga, Cayuga,
and Wayne Counties, and a portion of
Oswego County. For more information,
please visit or
Program Provides Assistance to Caregivers
News From Assemblyman Will Barclay
In New York
State, approximately 3 million
caregivers provide
more than 2.6 billion hours of care to loved ones each
year. According to the New York State
Office of the Aging, the economic value
of this care is $32 billion. A family caregiver’s commitment often allows loved
ones to stay out of nursing homes or
assisted living, and in familiar surroundings close to family and loved ones.
Locally, the Offices of the Aging can
assist and provide recommendations for
a variety of programs related to health
care, nutrition, and counseling to assist
caregivers. These offices also can assist
caregivers with NY Connects--a service
to potential consumers of long-term
care and their caregivers.
Expanded In-Home Services for the
Elderly Program (EISEP) is one such
program that is administered at the local
level and funded by New York State.
EISEP provides non-medical support
services for older adults who are not
Page 10
eligible for services through Medicaid.
The program assists with things like
dressing, bathing, personal care, shopping and cooking, and can temporarily
relieve the primary caregiver. EISEP
enables those 60 and older to stretch
their private resources and to delay
nursing-home level care. This year the
program received $50 million in state
funding. I was pleased to support this in
the budget. It is an income-based program, which means that clients provide
income information and a percentage is
paid through the program for the client
based on their income level.
Being a family caregiver comes
with some rights and authority, particularly when dealing with doctors, and
social service agencies. Knowing your
rights as a caregiver can alleviate stress.
Through use of a health care proxy and/
or power of attorney, family caregivers have the right to get information
about a family member’s condition from
healthcare providers if permitted by
the loved one. Family caregivers also
have a right to be involved in decision
Reflections, October 9, 2015
making about a family member’s care,
again, as long as they are permitted. If
a loved one has been in the hospital,
treatments may continue at home and
it’s important that the family caregiver
understands things like administering
medicine, providing oxygen treatments,
or helping their loved one to follow
a specific diet. To learn more, visit
the U.S. Health and Human Services
guide on health information privacy at
The need for a family caregiver(s)
can be triggered by an emergency event
or a steady decline of a loved one’s
health or mind. If the Office of the
Aging is notified before a loved one is
discharged from the hospital, for example, they can help ensure that caregivers
have access to things like a wheelchair
or any other medical equipment. There
are also a number of support groups
available such as Alzeihmer’s Support
groups and those who are caring for
those with cancer.
The Offices of the Aging is also the
best place to find more information on
EISEP and many other programs such
as Senior Nutrition Program, transportation, legal referrals, health insurance
information counseling and other outreach program. Oswego County residents may call (315) 349-3484. Jefferson
County residents may call (315) 7853191 and Onondaga County residents
may call (315) 435-2362 for information.
There are also several programs under
NY Connects, a searchable database,
that can be accessed at https://211cny.
com. Caregivers of all kinds can find
information specific to a situation.
If you have any questions or comments on this or any other state issue,
or if you would like to be added to my
mailing list or receive my newsletter,
please contact my office. My office can
be reached by mail at 200 North Second
Street, Fulton, New York 13069, by
e-mail at
or by calling (315) 598-5185. You can
also friend me, Assemblyman Barclay,
on Facebook.
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State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity
Company, Bloomington, IL
Chris Sheehan
BlakeAnne Sheehan
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Page 11
Classified Ads
All Classified Ads must be 40 words or less and be sumitted in writing using the online Ad form or the printed Ad form. RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to meet the 40 word limit. Community
classified ads are for RCA members only and are limited to one ad per category per address per issue.
for sale
The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish
advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The
publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its Board of
Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to
the validity or qualifications of any advertiser. Residents are
advised to check references with the Better Business Bureau.
The Radisson Community Association (RCA) does not
engage any realtor or real estate agency as its listing
agent. Further, any realtor and/or real estate agency
advertised in the Reflections or other RCA promotional
material is not endorsed nor rated by the Radisson
Community Homeowner’s Association.
Letters To The Editor: All letters must include name,
address, signature, and telephone number for verification.
Names and addresses may be withheld from print upon
request. Editing may be necessary for space.
Advertising Rates & Policies
1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Bus. Card Commercial Clsfd Westinghouse 19”, flat screen panel LCD monitor,
$30. Call 638-4019.
Graco Ashleigh convertible crib (converts to toddler
bed). Cherry finish, excellent condition, like new,
only used a few times. Also includes: mattress, mattress pad, sheet, comforter, bed skirt, and bumper
pads, $120 or BO. Call Cindy 256-8003.
Sofa, French country cotton chintz, camel back,
pleated skirt, Ralph Lauren ‘flower baskets and
birds’ pattern. Camel colored background with
brown, green, teal, and rust print, asking $200.
Matching loveseat,asking $100. Both in great condition. Call 635-5923.
Dining room set, pecan table, 2 leafs, all with pads,
6 chairs, hutch and server, excellent condition, pictures available, $1000. Call 638-0862.
2 – BagBoy, black, insulated golf club travel bags,
with separate shoe compartment. Originally $70,
asking $40 each. Call Marge at 303-5136.
Fireplace tool set and stand. Blue plush area rug.
Entertainment center and stand-alone matching
bookcases - take 1 or all.Arts and Crafts Style,honey
oak, doors retract, great condition, 2 door storage
cabinet below TV. Call 315-638-9686.
Commercial Classifieds
Commercial classified ads are standard, fee-paid, service, sales or business listings and are open to the public. The number of ads run may be limited by
space constraints. Ads are limited to 40 words, text only, no formatting available.
4.75” x 2.75” 4.75” x 5.75” 9.75” x 5.75” 9.75” x 11.75” 3” x 1.72” 40 word text
n/a /$35
$20/ n/a
Highland Green condo in Radisson for sale. Lovely
first floor 2 bedroom/2 bath unit w/ garage. Movein condition. New carpeting and paint. Enjoy
maintenance-free living! See listing for 2407 Pipers Court, Baldwinsville, at Call
Ad contracts, payment and ad image must be received
by 5pm on the deadline date.
Don’t be overwhelmed with leaf clean-up this year!
Distinguished Landscapes offers leaf clean up, gutter cleaning, perennial plant cut back, trimming,
over-seeding and other services to help prepare your
property for winter. Excellent Radisson references!
Call Joe 254-7132.
JERRY’S PLUMBING: Serving Baldwinsville for over 55 years. Water heaters, kitchen
and bath faucets, sump and backup pumps,
new furnaces, and ALL maintenance needs.
Small leaks cost big money in water loss! Free
estimates. No travel fee. Call 635-3651.
Welcome to the Neighborhood
All ads will be reviewed for compliance with
Reflections policy.
The number of any type of ad run may be limited by
space constraints. Ads will be run on a first-come,
first-serve basis.
Kevin & Helene Aubel
Kevin & Katherine Mattesich
Susan Cusenz
Daniel & Barbara O’Connell
Alan & Patricia Lancer
Patricia Stasiukonis
8524 Whisper Ridge Circle
Advertising Contract and additional details are on our
website or email
3142 Samantha Drive
3610 Melvin Drive South
Deadlines & Contact Info
Send ads, articles, etc. to Submissions must be received by 5pm
on the deadline date to be considered for the next
2403 Pipers Court
3136 Fiddlehead Glen
Published On Deadline Is
October 23
October 9
November 13
October 23
November 27November 13
December 11November 27
8759 Vallingby Circle
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Oct. - No v. 2015 - R a disson Communit y Calendar
CNY Fall Art
Guild Show
1:00-4:30pm at
Aspen House
TOL Board Meeting
7:00pm at TOL Offices
CNY Fall Art
Guild Show
1:00-4:30pm at
Aspen House
19 ASC Meeting
6:30pm at RCA Office
TOL Planning
Board Meeting
7:00 pm at TOL Office
Reflections Mailed
ASC Meeting
6:30pm at RCA Office
Reflections, October 9, 2015
Children’s Halloween
9:30 & 11:00am at
Aspen House
Pre-Registration Required
6pm-8pm Trick or Treat
REC Meeting
5:30pm at RCA
Reflections Mailed
Page 12
Happy Halloween
Board Meeting
7:30pm at Aspen House
TOL Board Meeting
7:00pm at TOL Offices
TOL Board Meeting
7:00pm at TOL Offices
Ops Meeting
12:00 at RCA Office

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