September 10, 2010 - Radisson Community


September 10, 2010 - Radisson Community
Volume MMIXI, Issue 19
September 10, 2010
Community Association
This Issue
From The Desk of the
Executive Director
Lynn Tanner
- Page 2
Calendar of Events
- Page 2
Architectural Standards
- Page 3
Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
- Page 4
Radisson REC Station
- Pages 6-7
Business Cards............Page 11
Classifieds....................Page 12
COMPANY Presents:
Death Takes a
Pack your costume, grab your party hat, and step aboard our venerable riverboat, The
Mississippi Mistress, as we prepare to set sail down the “Big Muddy” for New Orleans and
Mardi Gras! Woooo-hoooo! The mighty Captain Crawdaddy Cretin will help you navigate
the shoals, sand bars (and wet bars) while Scooter, the Porter, and Cruise Director Lucy Belle
Juniper see to your comfort and entertainment. Watch out for the other passengers (they seem
mighty suspicious.) Someone might not make it to “The Big Easy” alive.
When: Friday, October 15, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm dinner & 8:00 pm show
Where: Radisson Greens Club House, 8055 Potter Road
Cost: $25 per person, cash or check made payable to RCA. Please
include names, addresses & phone numbers of all attendees.
Price includes show, dinner, beverages & dessert
• 21 and over please
• Residents are allowed to bring non-resident guests
• Sponsored by the REC Committee
The Reflections is published
by the Radisson Community
Association, Inc.
8650 Carpenter Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315.635.7171
Fax: 315.635.7182
Please mail or drop off payment to:
Radisson Community Association
8650 Carpenter Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Register online at
for Programs and Events!
Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 1
From The Executive Director
by Lynn Tanner
It’s hard to imagine, but the
summer months have come
and gone. The Oberon Pool is
closed and school is back in
session. Summer is a wonderful time of year, but I know that
I, for one, tend to push myself and do too much during
those months. So, even though
my children are no longer of
school age, I look forward to
the schools reopening and
getting back on schedule, so
to speak. And with the return
of school, of course, there are
children waiting at their respective bus stops and school
buses running throughout the
community. We will be install-
ing our speed display unit
sporadically throughout the
community to bring to the attention of drivers their speed.
Please drive carefully to keep
our children safe.
The Oberon Pier upgrade
will be started soon. The first
step in this process is to have
the walkway around Oberon
Lake replaced, and needed
drainage added to the area.
During this time that area will
be unavailable to walkers, etc.
We will post this information
on our web site to keep you
up to date. The next step in
the renovation project is to replace the railing. Weather de-
pendent, that project will be
done this year. If it’s not able
to be completed this fall, parts
have been ordered and maintenance will be able and ready
to start on this project with the
first break in the weather next
The Communications Committee has just completed a
summer hiatus, which was a
well deserved break after the
time and effort that the committee dedicated, along with
staff, to redesign the web site.
They are now going to reconvene and look more closely at
the website for content to be
updated, broken links, user
friendliness, etc. All these areas
and more will be evaluated.
Now that you’ve all hopefully
had the chance to use the new
web site, the committee would
like to hear from you, the
resident, as to what you like/
don’t like about the site. What
are some areas that could use
some improvements? Please
submit your constructive criticisms and/or compliments
to the committee at: info@
Welcome to the Neighborhood
Christopher Dardano
5298 Villa Ridge Court
Conrad Teufel
8653 Grey Birch
Derrick & Patricia Volt
3161 Burrwood Drive
13ASC Meeting
Sept. 2010
Deadline for
9/24/10 Reflections
6:30 pm at AH
TOL Board Meeting
7:00 pm
at 8220 Loop Rd
TOL Planning
7:30 pm
at 8220 Loop Rd
Page 2 Reflections, September 10, 2010
RCA Board
7:30 pm
at AH
Deadline for
10/8/10 Reflections
From the ASC
By Kristin Laurie, Radisson resident and ASC Member for 2 years.
Although I grew up in Central New York, I had been living in New
England for over 12 years, when I had the opportunity to move back to the
area. When family and friends learned that I was moving to Radisson, the
response I recieved was “that’s the place with all the rules and they won’t
let you do anything without getting permission first.”
The flip side of that perception is that Radisson is a great place to raise
a family, with the parks, trails, pools, tennis courts and a world class golf
course all within our community borders. Because of all the extras and the
“rules” many residents find their homes will hold their property values,
when compared to other neighborhoods within the area. Which is why I
chose Radisson to make my home.
As a member of the Architectural Standards Committee (ASC), I learn
something new every day about the approval process. The ASC is composed
of 7 members, one of which is an Architect who lives within the community.
Over the past two years, from a resident perspective and now as a
committee member, here are a few things I’ve learned…
-Sometimes (many, many times) people don’t submit complete
Be sure to complete applications prior to submission. And yes, I’ve
been guilty of this as well. Typically there is a small checklist on every
application. Review and ensure all items listed are attached.
-Photos, photos, photos…
One photo says it all. Photos of the area to be impacted are tremendously
-If you’re not sure, have questions, don’t know what a survey is,
can’t find the guidelines, call the RCA, and ask for John.
We have many good resources and one of them is named John Mancinelli,
the ASC Administrator. If you are unsure, or have any questions, John is
a great resource for residents as well as the committee. He can provide
advice or assistance with any application. John may be contacted by e-mail or by calling the RCA office at 635-7171.
-I never thought of that!
Resource number two…as mentioned above we have an excellent
Architect that sits on the committee. His name is Joe Cavino and he
provides technical expertise to the committee. Many times a homeowner
will submit a project and Joe will make suggestions that will improve the
project that you may not have thought about. I find that he has the ability
to think of a project from a different perspective and often provides great
suggestions to homeowners!
-Please don’t avoid or ignore a violation.
I am amazed by how many people receive a violation, and don’t respond!
Maybe the thought is, if I ignore it then it will disappear. It won’t. I always
tell people, if you get something and you don’t understand it, or disagree,
you always have the right to discuss it with the committee. 90% of violation
notices are very simple to resolve (trash cans on the side of the house,
trailer in the driveway, grass too high etc..) please just move it or mow it or
whatever it takes to fix it. Your neighbors will thank you.
I know that the extra time it takes to get approval for projects can
be annoying. However, it’s one of the things that helps to maintain our
community and make it a great place to live!
Notice Regarding ASC Property Inspections
During regular business hours
(Monday–Friday from 8:00 am to
5:00) our ASC Administrator will be
out in the Radisson Community do-
ing property inspections. These inspections include going onto homeowner’s property which is allowed
under the Radisson Declaration,
Article V, Section 11. All ASC forms
& documents can be found on our
website: www.radissoncommunity.
Please Note: The ASC Administrator at times will be wearing an
orange safety vest with a Radisson
Employee ID tag.
??? Did You Know ???
Applications are required
to paint your home the same
color? We know what you are
thinking…why do I need to
submit an application to paint
my house the same color it
currently is?
The reason why we ask is so
we know the paint/stain colors
will be the same. It also helps
to make sure your property
folder in the RCA office is up
to date. More often than not,
people do not know what the
paint colors are on the house.
We can help to assure you
are painting/staining with the
right colors when a completed
and approved application is
on file.
If you will be painting/
staining your home the same
color you will not need to
wait for the next ASC meeting
to get approved. If your
and all of the items on the
checked, your application may
be pre-approved before the
next scheduled ASC meeting.
are available in the RCA
office and our website
Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 3
Cirque d’Vin Wine Club
The next Cirque
d’vin Wine Club
tasting will be on
Friday, October 1,
2010 at 7 PM at The
Red Mill Inn in Baldwinsville, NY.
The tentative program is “Cake
Night” highlighting Cupcake
Vineyard and Layer Cake Wines
from Southern Wine and Spirits
and Lauber Imports. More information will be available in the
next issue of the Reflections.
The tasting fee is $15 per
person and pre-registration/
payment is required by the
Wednesday September 29, 2010.
Checks should be made payable
to Cirque d’Vin Wine Club and
mailed to the Cirque d’Vin Wine
Club, PO Box 832, Baldwinsville,
NY 13027. Include your name
and address, as well as your
phone number and e-mail address in case of problems or can-
cellations. Please also include a com or call Mary Mulligan at 315-468-5408.
list of attendee names to facili- 315-635-3413 or Mike Broski at
tate check-in. Please note that
Clay Wine & Spirits will be unable to accept registrations/prepayments.
Wines sampled that evening
may be ordered at a discount
from Clay Wine & Spirits (315622-0501) at 3955 State Route
31, Liverpool, NY 13090 (next to
The Great Northern Wegmans,
near the intersection of Routes
31 and 481) to be picked up the
following week. An e-mail from is sent about a
week prior to the next tasting
with information about the tasting.
If you have any questions,
need more information, would
like to receive monthly email notifications or schedule
a 50-50 raffle for your charity,
of Compliance
Amenities Equalization
Assessment Notice
The Radisson Community Association, Inc. (RCA) requires that
prior to the resale or refinancing of an existing home in Radisson
that a Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection be made. The
purpose of the C of C is to provide all parties reasonable assurance that the property is free from any architectural standards violations of the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Radisson Declaration). The (C of C) and a
statement of the property’s annual assessment account should be
requested ten (10) days prior to closing.
For property resales and/or refinance, effective January 1,
1999, the measurement of the finished area of the house must
be confirmed. To allow adequate time for the staff to complete
this requirement, the sellers attorney must request the (C of C) 14
days prior to closing
As of April 1, 2010 the fees are as follows:
*A sixty-five ($65.00) dollar Certificate of Compliance
(C of C) inspection and processing fee is charged by the RCA to
the requesting attorney or the owner of the property making such
a request. Please insure that this fee is explained to the buyer and
seller as well as the purpose of the inspection.
Forms to request a certificate may be obtained at www. or by calling 315-635-7171.
As of October 1, 2005, the Radisson Community Association will
levy an Amenities Equalization Assessment (AEA) to the Purchaser of a Radisson Community, residential property. The purpose of the AEA shall be to expand and/or improve common areas
and common amenities.
The AEA is calculated at .25% of the purchase price of the
residential property. This will apply to new homes as well as existing homes and is payable at the time of closing. Payments are to
be made out to the Radisson Amenities Fund and be sent directly
to our community office at 8650 Carpenter Road, Baldwinsville, NY
Exemption from the fee is granted if either of the following
applies: a Purchaser who has been the Owner of another Residential Lot which has served as said Purchaser’s principal residence
for two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of
the subject Residential Lot, provided said Purchaser sells the other
Residential Lot within 90 days; or a Purchaser who has been a full
time resident of an apartment within Radisson during the entirety
of the two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase
of the subject Residential Lot.
Please feel free to contact the RCA Office at 635-7171 if you
have any questions regarding the AEA.
Page 4 Reflections, September 10, 2010
MCL-0810-016 HomeRepair4C 5.1x6:Layout 1 8/25/10 11:02 AM Page 1
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Start the school
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An important part of your eye exam, the optomap®
ultra-wide digital retinal imaging allows you and your
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Back to School Special
$10 off
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Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 5
Oberon pool is closed
for the 2010 season. The
Oberon pool is open from
Memorial Day through
Labor Day.
6:00 - 6:30PM – Preschool (at least 3 years old)
6:30 – 7:15 PM – Level 1
7:15 – 8:00 PM – Level II
Class sizes are limited. Please register quickly
to guarantee your spot!!
The fee is $225 (includes costume).
A $75 deposit is due at the time of registration;
2nd payment of $75 is due by November 1, 2010;
3rd payment of $75 is due by February 1, 2011.
Make checks payable to Debbie Berg.
Any questions, please call Debbie at 699-4329.
Registration forms are available at the RCA Office during regular business hours.
Defensive Driving Course
Liberty Mutual is pleased to be able to offer Radisson Community Association a 6-Hour Point & Insurance
Reduction Course. By participation and completion of the course, without any test taking, you will:
• Receive a 10% insurance discount on collision and liability premium for the principal driver, valid for 3 years.
Example: Husband, wife and child auto premium $1,500 per year for 3 cars.
With class save 30% on policy. For quotes on this please call Duncan Sisk at 315-699-3090.
• Reduce the total points on your driving record by up to 4 points for violations
occurring within the past 18 months.
• Refresh your driving skills and learn techniques for collision prevention.
DATE: Sunday, October 24th • TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm
LOCATION: Aspen House 8550 North Entry Rd.
COST: $22.00 per person (Checks payable to N T S I)
-Payment to NTSI must be received in the RCA Office in order to reserve your spot. We do not take reservations over the phone. Payments can be mailed to
RCA Office, Attention: Defensive Driving Course, 8650 Carpenter Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Payments can also be dropped off;
only cash or checks (payable to NTSI) will be accepted. Please attach a list of all participant’s names and contact information.
RCA Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
**This is not a required course to get a license**
We need a minimum of 20 participants to hold the class and we can only register a maximum of 40 people.
Lunch (pizza and soda) will be provided by Liberty Mutual.
Page 6 Reflections, September 10, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010 • $79.00 per person
Depart from Oberon Pool Parking Lot: 6:00am • Estimated time of arrival in NYC: 11:00 – 11:30am
Depart from NYC: 8:00pm • Estimated time of arrival in Radisson: 1:00 - 2:00am
*The day is yours to explore NYC on your own! Grab tickets to a matinee, get Christmas shopping out of the way,
and visit some of the wonderful museums that NYC has to offer, or just get away for the day.
*Radio City Christmas Spectacular tickets went on sale to general public in April! Check out their website at
*Arranged by Kim Canino with AAA travel!! To reserve your seat call Kim at 263-1957 or email her at
Payment options: Cash • Check (payable to AAA WCNY) • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
*Payments should be sent directly to Kim Canino at: AAA Travel Agency 5663 East Circle Drive, Suite 300, Cicero, NY 13039
Full payment is due at time of booking and all money is non-refundable once paid.**
If minimum passenger requirements are not met (min. 40 people) by November 1st and AAA cancels the trip then all money will be refunded.
Cost: $9.00 per 1-1¼ lbs. Fresh Maine Lobster
(*steamed or live)
Attention K-5th Grade Boys
Registration Nights
Sunday September 12, 2010 6:30-8:00 pm at the Aspen House
Wednesday September 15, 2010 6:30-8:00 pm at the
Baldwinsville Library
First Pack Meeting
Thursday September 23, 2010 6:30-7:30 pm at the Aspen House
For more information, call:
Jack Zahn – Cubmaster @ 638-0538
Visit our web page at
When: Sat., Sept. 18, 2010 11 am - 4 pm
Place to pick up lobsters:
Mercer Park, corner of North and Charlotte, B’ville
Place orders until Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
Mail: Lobsters/Troop 80
C/O Chris Ross
8260 Dexter Pkwy. Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: Chris Ross @ 638-7825
Please make checks payable to “Troop 80”
Indicate “Steamed” or “Live” when ordering
*Please note: steamed lobsters will be available
for afternoon pick-up only.
Thank you for your support!
Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 7
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Dr. Judy Ivey
In my last article in Reflections I
presented information in an article
defining “choices,’’ power, and control issues that occurs between child
and adult in making individual choices. There was discussion about the
framework that needs to surround
good choices. Such a framework involves being honest, loyal, and committed; also being caring, supportive,
and encouraging of others and self.
Consequences and responsibilities
are part of the package of “choice”
so that one does not feel entitled to
(believe she/he has the right to), but
that choice is a privilege and carries
consequences on the other side of the
coin of choice. Therefore, if I have a
choice to behave and think a certain
way, I must accept the responsibility and consequences of this action,
whether it is positive or negative.
The next important point to focus
on is how to make good choices and
decisions. First, make a sentence in
your mind of what choice you want to
make. For example, you may decide
“I want to get ready for school in the
Fall” so this would be your sentence in
your mind. Second, brainstorm ways
you can go about accomplishing this.
This example would be to think of the
areas I need to prepare for, such as
physically, am I working out in activities to keep in shape? Another area
of self preparation is mentally; am I
sharpening my mental skills by reading, reflecting, and writing to encourage new thinking? The third area of
self is spiritual preparation; am I looking beyond myself to eternal power
to reshape my inadequacies and to
strengthen my identity and essence
at a higher level? Last, am I preparing self socially so I can communicate
honestly to make and improve
friendships? Have I learned how
to say “no” to unhealthy choices?
Can I role play to build my assertive
skills so I can be confident with others? Now that I have viewed physical,
mental, spiritual, and social aspects
of myself, I can better decide “how I
want to get ready for school in the
Fall.” This helps me stay motivated
through the rest of the summer and
set short-term goals on expectations
for the Fall. Out of each of these four
areas, I will choose specific activities
that will connect with my short-term
goals. If the choices are good…I will
continue daily; if the choices need to
be changed, reevaluate and proceed
forward with new choices toward the
same short-term goals. As you complete this decision-making process
of choice, brainstorming alternatives,
acting, evaluating, you can begin new
decision-making choices using this
How do you choose and apply
consequences? Consequences should
relate to the situation that occurs.
There needs to be loss of privilege or
removing of an article that is significantly important to the person who
made a wrong choice. This removal
needs to occur within 24 hours of the
event that happened. Consequences
that are given for days and weeks
ahead are not as effective. Consequences need to get the individual
to personally focus on what needs
to change. If a child is old enough,
drawing a picture or writing in a personal journal 1) what did I do wrong
2) how do I fix it 3) what do I do the
next time. This can bring attention to
choices that need to be changed.
a choice! Please make a positive
“Greek Hillside” donated by Deb Dahlin
Page 8 Reflections, September 10, 2010
Radisson’s Aspen House will
once again host the annual Central New York Art Guild’s Fall
Art Show and Sale. The show
will be held this year on Saturday, October 16th and Sunday, October 17th from 1:00
pm- 4:30 pm. The show never
disappoints with spectacular
original artwork, photography
as well as prints, all created by
the talented members of the
CNY Art Guild. You’ll find artwork in acrylic, oil, watercolor,
pastels, scratchboard, mixed
media and more. Visitors of
the show will be treated to a
variety of styles from realism
to abstract and everything in
between. There will be something to please all tastes.
Artists Gale Shuba, Deb
Dahlin and Diane Lange have
offered their work for the raffles. The raffle drawing will
take place on Sunday at 4:30
pm; need not be present to
Refreshments will be provided for everyone to enjoy.
Parking at the Aspen House
and admission is free. Children
under 12 are welcome and
must be accompanied by an
adult, please. Come and enjoy
the beautiful, original artwork
with your entire family.
The History of Radisson
Interested in local history and want to find out about the
fascinating story of Radisson; the NY Ordinance Works, the
families, the farms and more. Come and find out about where
the names Drumlins, Willet, Drakes and more came from. Join
Bonnie Kisselstein (Lysander Town Historian) as she brings us
through time in words and pictures. Baldwinsville Teacher
in Honeywell Ecosystems
Nicholas Ohrazda, a teacher at RayMiddle School in
Baldwinsville, recently participated in the Honeywell Institute for Ecosystems Education
at OnondagaLake. The weeklong program, held at the beginning of August, was lead
by naturalists, ecologists, and
teachers from the Onondaga
Audubon Society and the MontezumaAudubonCenter. Local
teachers studied the Onon-
dagaLake watershed, including basic watershed concepts,
stream ecology concepts, and
bird survey skills, and they
participated in a field investigation. Ohrazda received
classroom resource materials
to aid him in bringing innovation into the classroom and in
developing lessons for his students.
DATE: Thurs., Oct. 14
TIME: 7:00 to 8:30 pm
PLACE: Lysander Town
8220 Loop Rd., Baldwinsville
North Country
& Cheerleading
Notices and announcements are posted regularly on our home page. You can also sign up on
your User Profile page to receive eMails about various community topics by subscribing to lists that
interest you.
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Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 9
News From Assemblyman Will Barclay
Reported Lyme Disease Rates Increase in Pets
Area veterinarians have begun to
test for Lyme disease in dogs and
cats. At one Central New York veterinarian’s practice,
210 dogs and cats tested positive for
Lyme Disease this year alone. While
dogs and cats are frequently infected
and treated with antibiotics, they only
become symptomatic 5 to 10 percent
of the time. Humans, however, almost
always become symptomatic when infected with Lyme Disease. The growing number of reports of Lyme Disease
in pets is a warning sign to be vigilant
in detecting deer ticks on ourselves.
Though more common in eastern
New York, the deer tick has made its
way toward Central and Northern New
York. Statistics for infected humans
still reflect a relatively low amount
of sufferers (about 100 in both Onondaga and Oswego counties annually). However, the Wadsworth Center
for Laboratories and Research of New
York State reports New York has the
highest number of confirmed cases of
Lyme Disease in the United States.
The disease is a bacterial infection
usually recognized by a distinctive
skin lesion, accompanied by headaches, stiff neck, myalgias, fatigue and
possible swelling of the lymph nodes.
Not all symptoms are seen in every
case which complicates a diagnosis.
While treatable with antibiotics, unrecognized and/or untreated patients
may develop meningoencephalitis,
myocarditis or even arthritis, particularly in the knees. Lyme disease may
be brief or chronic, persistent and incapacitating. The chronic disease state
may resolve in time with or without
antibiotic treatment. Patients treated
with antibiotics in the early stage of
the infection usually recover rapidly
and completely. Since Lyme disease
first became reportable in 1986, over
77,000 cases have been confirmed in
New York State.
People who spend time in grassy
and wooded environments are at an
increased risk of exposure. The chances of being bitten by a deer tick are
greater during times of the year when
ticks are most active. Young deer ticks,
called nymphs, are active from midMay to mid-August and are about the
size of poppy seeds. Adult ticks, which
are approximately the size of sesame
seeds, are most active from March
to mid-May and from mid-August to
November. Both nymphs and adults
can transmit Lyme disease. Ticks can
be active any time the temperature is
above freezing.
Not all deer ticks are infected with
the bacteria that cause Lyme disease.
Ticks can become infected if they feed
on small animals that are infected.
The disease can be spread when an
infected tick bites a person and stays
attached for a period of time. In most
cases, the tick must be attached for 36
hours or more before the bacteria can
be transmitted. Lyme disease does not
spread from one person to another. In
60-80 percent of cases, a rash resembling a bull’s eye or solid patch, about
two inches in diameter, appears and
expands around or near the site of the
bite. Other symptoms appear within 3
to 30 days after a tick bite.
Lyme Disease is preventable. In
tick-infested areas, your best protection is to avoid contact with soil, leaf
litter and vegetation. However, if you
garden, hike, camp, hunt, work, or
otherwise spend time in the outdoors,
you can still protect yourself:
• Wear light-colored clothing with a
tight weave to spot ticks easily.
• Wear enclosed shoes, long pants
and a long-sleeved shirt. Tuck pant
legs into socks or boots and shirt into
• Check clothes and any exposed
skin frequently for ticks while outdoors and check again once indoors.
Ticks gravitate toward the warmest areas of the body.
• Consider using insect repellent.
Follow label directions.
• Stay on cleared, well-traveled
trails. Avoid contacting vegetation.
• Avoid sitting directly on the
ground or on stone walls.
• Keep long hair tied back, especially when gardening.
If you do find a tick on yourself or
a child, use tweezers, grasp the tick as
close to the skin as possible. Gently
pull the tick in a steady, upward motion. Wash the area with a disinfectant. When trying to remove the tick,
do not touch the tick with your bare
hands, do not squeeze the body of the
tick as this may increase your risk of
infection. Also, do not put alcohol,
nail polish remover or Vaseline on the
tick or a hot match. These methods
can increase the rate of Lyme Disease
For much more information on
Lyme Disease, visit the New York State
Department of Health link on Lyme
Disease at
If you have any questions or comments on this or any other state issue,
or if you would like to be added to my
mailing list or receive my newsletter,
please contact my office. My office can
be reached by mail at 200 North Second Street, Fulton, New York 13069,
by e-mail at barclaw@assembly.state. or by calling (315) 598-5185.
Oktoberfest Schedule of Events
Friday, Sept 17th 4pm to 11pm
Saturday, Sept 18th 12 noon to 11pm
Admission: $3 Adults • $2 Children 5-12 - Children 5 and under free
FRIDAY, Sept 17th
4pm to 7:30pm 8pm to 11pm The Enzians Bavarian
Band and Dancers
Ruby Shooz
SATURDAY, Sept 18th
5pm 5k Run
12 noon to 4pm Krazy Firemen
4pm to 6pm Baldwinsville
Community Band
8pm to 11pm Kat Tale
Page 10 Reflections, September 10, 2010
(12 noon to 6pm)
12:30pm to 1:15pm Jackman Twins
1:30pm to 2:15pm Always Dancing
1:30pm to 3:30pm Caricature Artist
2:30pm to 3:15pm Rosemond Gifford
Zoo Animals
4:30pm to 5:30pm Face Painting
4:45pm-5:30pm The Magic of Virgil
DNA and Fingerprinting for children
Fire Department fire safety
Other games and activities
Business Cards
Being there
is why I’m here.
Randy Cramer Snow & Lawn, Inc.
Whether you need a question answered, a problem solved or a
claim reported, my job is to make it happen.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®
Lindsy A Luu LUTCF, Agent
60 1/2 Salina Street
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Bus: 315-638-0247 Fax: 315-638-1513
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
Painting Specialty
TELEPHONE 638-0757
Phase 1 & 2
Seal Coating
Serving Radisson
and Baldwinsville
for 29 Years
Brick Pavers
Concrete Stamping
Customer Service • Customer Satisfaction
Fully Insured
Est. 1980
Free Estimates
Chris Sheehan
BlakeAnne Sheehan
For all your
Home Improvement Needs
• Carpentry
• Sheet Rock
• Painting
• Decks
• Electrical
• Drain Cleaning
& Plumbing
• Family Rooms
• Yard Maintenance
• Junk Hauling
• Bathroom
• Ceramic Tile
• Windows
• Doors
• Flooring
• Kitchens
Senior Citizen Discounts
Anthony LaValle Sons Inc
All types of Asphalt Paving
Radisson References
79 years in Business
Reflections, September 10, 2010 Page 11
For sale
2007 Honda Shadow 600 VLX
saddle bags, backrest, and
windshield. This cruiser has
7,300 miles on it, maintained by
the book, is light blue, and is in
excellent condition. All original
seats and pipes. $3,950. Call 315416-9178.
Antique Buffet for Sale: Painted
white (Shabby Chic) two drawers
and two doors, with pink roses
on the doors. Measures 37” H,
22” D, 66” L with 8 legs, $65.
Please call or email for photo or
appointment. Dianna 635-8590
cream with flowers, includes; 2
headboards with frames, 1 tall
dresser, 1 short dresser with
attached mirror and 1 night
stand (missing handle). $400 or
best offer, please call Catherine
Brand new Andersen 3000 series
storm door with slide away insect
screen, 36” wide with kick plate
and handle hardware, white in
color, $200 obo. Call 635-1016.
Response, full size, 15” high with
5” pillow top plus foundation.
Clean, in excellent condition.
Always had mattress cover
(included) asking $250. Call 6355669.
Saturday 9/4 10AM-3pm 3613
Melvin Drive South.
After school care for 2 hours
daily. Mature student or mom to
care for 10 year old in our home.
Please call 283-4937 for more
Sixteen year old girl looking for
babysitting jobs. Experienced,
Red Cross certified, references
available. Available nights and
weekends. Call 638-0736.
TV Table, black, holds large TV.
638-8542 leave message.
Classroom pets learned to
multiply. Baby Diamond Doves
seeking new home. Doves are
from 4-10 weeks old. Free to
good home, one or two birds.
Require cage (2ft. x 2ft. x 2ft),
finch food, nest, and night-light.
Contact Mrs. Harding 635-6712.
Bought last Christmas, barely
used, Nintendo WiiConsole, 2
remotes, WiiSports, MarioKart
with 2 wheels, $200. Legends of
Rock Guitar Hero, $50. 2 DDR
mats and video for Xbox, $10.
Full size Hosmer violin with
new hard case, paid $650, asking
$300. 638-0527.
Large computer desk $100,
upholstered wing chair $50,
Toca Bongo drums $30, white
western boots 6.5 M $30 (worn
twice, orig. $130), sewing
machine cabinet/desk $10. 6384757, can email photos.
Page 12 Reflections, September 10, 2010
Published by the
Radisson Community Association, Inc.
8650 Carpenter Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315-635-7171
Fax: 315-635-7182
Baldwinsville for over 55 years.
Water heaters, kitchen and
bath faucets, sump and backup
pumps, new furnaces, and ALL
maintenance needs. Small leaks
cost big money in water loss!
Free estimates. No travel fee.
Call 635-3651.
Delivery Drivers Needed. Pizza
delivery drivers are needed for
Slices by Fastrac in Clay.Thursday/
Friday/Saturday evenings. Must
have own vehicle, valid drivers
license, proof of insurance.
Send resume or application
Applications available online at or at Fastrac
Communications Committee Volunteers:
Yvonne Johnson, Editor
Mary Mulligan
RCA Staff Members and Contributors:
Lynn Tanner, Executive Director
Rachel Grage, RCA Board President
Bob Brown, Covenants Administrator
John Mancinelli, ASC Administrator
Kristin Weaver, Director - RNS
Kathleen Matukas, Accountant
Debrah Stein, Accounting Assistant
Lori McCarthy, Director of Community Programs
Lisa Maring, Administrative Assistant
Scotsman Press, Layout Design
Advertising Rates & Info
Ad Size Specs Cost per Issue
Black & White/ Color
Commercial Clsfd 40 words $15 text only
Bus. Card 3.25” x 2” $30 color only
1/8 Page 5.125” x 3” $45/$65 color
1/4 Page 5.125” x 6” $75/$100 color
1/2 Page 10.375” x 6” $150/$200 color
Full Page 10.375” x 12” $300/$400 color
Our Advertising Contract is available online at
Please note: Ads must be camera ready and will
become the property of the RCA. For more
information, please email Lisa Maring at or call 635-7171.
Classified Ads
All Classified Advertisements must be 40 words or less,
submitted by the appropriate deadline date, and be in
writing using the RCA’s online Ad Form or the printed Ad
Form. Forms available at RCA Office or online at
3 Bedroom town house for
sale on quiet cul de sac located
at 3632 Melvin Drive South.
Two full baths, two car garage.
Excellent condition inside and
out. $172,500. Serious inquiries
only please. Call 635-5225 or
Radisson house for sale, 9
years old, 2212 sq ft. Three
bedrooms, family room, dining
room, morning room, living
room, 2.5 baths. 9 foot ceilings,
hardwoods/tile, gas fireplace,
central air, wired for sound,
composite deck, beautiful treed
lot, professionally landscaped.
Call 638-3479.
Community classified ads are for RCA members only and
are limited to one ad per category per address per issue;
ads may run for up to two consecutive issues. Student ads
require the signature of a parent or guardian if the student
is under the age of 18. All ads submitted must include
name, street address, and phone number.
Commercial classified ads are standard,
fee-paid, service, sales or business listings and are
open to the public. The number of ads run may
be limited by space constraints.
RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to
meet the 40-word limit. The Editor reviews classified ads
for compliance with the Reflections policy. For more information see “The Radisson Media and Communications
Policy” online at
Publication & Deadline Schedule
Deadline Date September 10
September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5
Release Date
September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5
November 19
Letters To The Editor: All letters must include name,
address, signature, and telephone number for verification.
Names and addresses may be withheld from print upon
request. Editing may be necessary for space.
The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish
advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature.
The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any
advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its
Board of Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to the validity or qualifications of any advertiser.
Residents are advised to check references with the Better
Business Bureau.