December 16 - Radisson Community
December 16 - Radisson Community
reflections Volume MMXI, Issue 25 n December 16, 2011 R A DISSO N Community Association insidE This Issue From The Desk of the Executive Director Lynn Tanner - Page 2 Residents Transform Radisson into a Holiday Wonderland Calendar of Events - Page 2 Holiday Decoration Judging Results Announced December Garden - Page 3 Cirque D’Vin Wine Club - Page 3 Nursery School News - Page 5 Recreation Station - Page 6 Dr. Judy Ivey - Page 8 Index Business Cards.............. Page 7 Classifieds...................... Page 8 Melvin Drive South – Scenic From the Seneca Esprit Glade – Spotlighting Christmas Longworth Court – Holiday Lane Corlear Cul-de-Sac Country Christmas Vermillion Circle – Santa’s Favorite Street Hidden Lake Drive – Reflections on the Lake 1981 Esprit Glade – The X-Factor 1993 Esprit Glade – Simply Elegant 6299 Mourning Dove – Pretty as a Picture 8208 Royal Scarlet Drive – Peppermint Sparkle 8219 Royal Scarlet Drive – Holiday Trimming 8439 Marco Lane – Merry Cherry Christmas 3437 Stanford Drive – Shining Star 8288 Luchsinger Lane – Elegant Christmas 3176 Alex Lane – Festival of Lights 3175 Burrwood Drive – Blue & Gold Splendor 8686 Carpenter Road – Rudolph’s Welcoming Wonderland 3135 Cumberstone Lane – Frosty Frolicking on the Roof 3189 Field’s End Drive – Star Light, Star Bright 8500 Whisper Ridge Circle – Charming Christmas 8509 Whisper Ridge Circle – Frosty & Friends 3135 Corlear Drive – From Our House to Yours 8512 Van Wie Drive West – Under the Mistletoe 3330 Oak Brook Road – A Norman Rockwell Christmas 3297 Oak Brook Road – Holiday Hydrangeas at Home 8842 Wandering Way – Christmas Presence 3136 Hidden Lake Drive – Gingerbread House 8752 Tallwood Ridge – Fantasyland 8752 East Patrol Road – Country Christmas Townhouse 3083 Amberlea Lane – Snowflakes & Stars 6204 Festival Court – ‘O Christmas Tree 3090 Samantha Drive – Jolly Holiday 8751 Columbine Circle – True Meaning of Christmas 8629 Briar Patch – Bringing Back Childhood Christmas Memories Special Thanks to our REC Committee Volunteers and Community Volunteers who took time out of their busy schedule to help with the judging. Lynn & Bill Rosentel were gracious enough to open up their home to us!! If we missed anyone I am truly sorry, but we tried to point out some of our old favorites and some new homes as well. I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season and a safe and Happy New Year!! Sincerely, Lori McCarthy, Director of Community Programs The Reflections is published by the Radisson Community Association, Inc. 3128 Amesbury Drive Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Phone: 315.635.7171 Fax: 315.635.7182 Email: For the past 6 years, the neighbors on Filaree Circle have been celebrating the Christmas season by placing luminaries in their front yards on the evenings of December 24th and December 25th. The holiday tradition of luminaries dates back more than 300 years when, in New Mexico, Spanish villages along the Rio Grande displayed luminaries to welcome the Christ child’s birth. Typically, luminaries are made with white paper bags, weighted with sand and a candle placed inside. In Central NY we know that our weather can be very changeable so we have made luminaries from milk jugs to protect the candle from the elements. Cindy Bell, a local professional photographer, captured the soft glow of the luminaries on our circle the night of Christmas Eve last year. We wish our neighbors a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. Reflections, December 16, 2011 Page 1 From The Executive Director by Lynn Tanner As reported in my last article, at the November 21 monthly meeting of the Radisson Board of Directors (BOD), residents attended and commented on the board’s recent action to support the Y at the Drakes Landing location. A portion of my article in this issue of the Reflections will be a continuation of responses to questions asked of the board. Why are you asking the community for their opposition or support after the action was taken? The BOD is always interested in providing the community an on-going forum in which they can voice their opinion, and particularly with respect to this topic. How can the board issue a letter regarding property the RCA has no control over? The BOD may take a position on any issue which affects the residents and the community of Radisson, just as any individual resident, or group of residents, may express support or opposition to the proposed YMCA. Where in the covenants does it say the board has the right to have an opinion about anything? As the elected representatives of the Radisson Community, board members have the right and the responsibility to take actions which they deem are in the best interest of the community, as a whole. Does this increase the odds of it happening? How does an RCA decision play into what’s happening at a town level? The BOD’s letter of support is one of many voices being heard regarding this project. Only the Planning Board can determine what, if any, effect the BOD’s letter will have on the likelihood of the project being approved or disapproved. If the Y does become a reality, what are the tax implications? Who is going to pay for turning lanes, studies and other improvements? These are questions that would need to be answered by officials with the Town of Lysander and its Planning Board. The board is asked to issue a letter of retraction. At this time, the BOD will not be issuing a letter of retraction. Is Chris Raddell’s wife an employee of the YMCA? No. In addition to questions posed to the board, comments of support were made such as: • I commend the BOD for reflecting what I think is what the majority wants. We elected you to do this type of thing. • I want to understand the relationship between Michael Bryant, TOL Planning Board Chairman, and the chairman of Families for R.E.A.L. • I appreciate the vote in favor of the YMCA and think it was a missed opportunity. The Planning Board said the Y did not fit the community. The depiction shown was of trees from every angle. There are benefits of the Y for families, like fitness. Congratulations on putting the pros before the cons. • I want to thank the board and think it is appropriate that you took a stand. Although this question was not asked at the board meeting, some residents have also asked: Is the YMCA parcel “exempt” from the monday Sunday tuesday community’s covenants and why isn’t the RCA requiring that their sign to be removed? All properties within the Radisson Community fall under the guidelines of the Declaration and therefore have covenants attached to the property. This includes, but is not limited to, the Y parcel. The enforcement of the covenants of this parcel is under the jurisdiction of the developer, Empire State Development Corp (ESDC). As the developer, ESDC has the right to allow signage on this parcel as it relates to the initial construction or sale of the parcel, as per Article VI, Section 5 of the Declaration. In addition to that, because the YMCA, as proposed, has been designated a permitted Community Facility by the Developer (ESDC), Article VIII which governs Commercial, Industrial, Community and Institutional Facilities would also govern. More information will be covered in additional issues of the Reflections. If you have not yet done so, and would like to send an email to the board to convey your support or opposition to its recent action, you may email them at Now I’d like to take a moment to thank those of you that contributed to one or both of our community collections. Both the Baldwinsville Christmas Bureau and Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital were thrilled to see what we had for them! And on behalf of the entire staff, I would like to wish you and your family a safe…healthy and very Happy Holiday! wednesday 18 19 20 21 Richard Alt 8733 Radburn Drive Alexander Filipski 5299 Villa Ridge Court Lara Gregory & Eugene Lang III 3092 Kingsbridge Lane Don & Megan Jordan 8403 Filaree Circle Kevin & Katherine Mattessich 5302 Villa Ridge Court friday thursday December 2011 Welcome to the Neighborhood 16 saturday 17 Reflections Delivered Deadline for 12/30/11 Reflections 22 23 24 29 30 31 Board of Directors Meeting at 7:30 pm at Aspen House 25 26 RCA Closed 27 RCA Closed 28 Reflections Delivered Deadline for 1/8/11 Reflections Page 2 Reflections, December 16, 2011 December Garden by Pat Rickard, RCA Garden Consultant Doesn’t it seem like yesterday that we were sweating in our gardens making sure the plants were getting enough water, keeping the weeds at bay, and finding pleasure in our garden handiwork? With lightning speed December arrived with the excitement of the Holidays and the way that each family will be celebrating them no matter what your traditions may be. Perhaps by now you have cut, bought or dragged your artificial tree from the closet. You may have an annual custom when you put up your tree and when you decorate it. If you don’t have a tree yet but want to find a place to cut your own, we are fortunate to have many notable and reliable Christmas tree farms in our area. Google, ‘Christmas Tree Farms Near Baldwinsville, NY’. There are several internet sites that will give you the name of the farm, location, and how many miles from Baldwinsville. There’s something about the presence of a real tree in the house, the smell, the lights on those long dark December nights that make me look forward to the day I venture out to find that special tree. Also, how about Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima), another way to brighten up someone’s home or your own. There are the traditional Poinsettias with true red bracts (which we think of as the flower). Then there are the many different colored varieties, and even those that are sprayed to fit whatever color mood you may be in. There are over 100 varieties of poinsettias available. Poinsettias are not poisonous. However, some people may have a skin irritation from the milky sap. Choose a poinsettia with dark green leaves rather then a plant with fallen or yellowed leaves. If the poinsettias have been crowded together they may loose bracts prematurely. Poinsettias are susceptible to cold temperatures and too much water. Place the poinsettia in indirect light, keeping the plant away from too warm or cold drafts. Only water when soil is dry, checking the soil daily. If you have purchased a healthy poinsettia and have given the plant the right care they will brighten up your home for many weeks. Another popular indoor plant in the winter and given as a Holiday gift is Amaryllis. It is a tropical plant, therefore is not winter hardy in Upstate New York, unlike so many of the other bulbs that we plant in the ground that do require a cold spell. Amaryllis is sometimes sold as a package with a pot, sterile planting medium and bulb with instructions for planting and care. The forcing process takes between six and eight weeks before blooming. Your gift recipient will be enamored by the large lily like flowers. Typically each flower stem produces four blooms that open within 2 to 3 days of each other. Once in bloom keep the plant in a cool, shaded room (65 degrees) that will prolong bloom life. Amaryllis does not need direct sunlight as both heat and light cause the blooms to wither. A stick will hold up the flower stem as it becomes heavy especially while in bloom. When the blooms have died, cut the main stem off approximately two inches above the bulb. Place the plant back in normal light, water as necessary. It may produce many leaves again. Keep the leaves as they will send nutrients to the bulb. If you want to keep it during it’s dormant period, go to the following web site for that information, Here’s one more suggestion to bring beauty and fragrance into your home this winter and also another gift idea, forcing Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs. Commercially there are several varieties. There are two different ways to plant Narcissus bulbs: 1. Plant in containers without draninage holes, usually in a tall glass container. a. Place 1-2” small washed stones or marbles in the bottom of the container. b. Nestle the bulbs in between the stones at the same level for stability and so that the roots as they grow will be in the water. c. Important: add just enough water to bring to base of the bulbs, maintain this water level 2. Planting in containers with drainage holes a. Use a sterilized planting medium with pH 6 yo 7 b. Use a container that is 3-4” planting bulbs with the top of the bulbs even c. Water the medium thoroughly and keep it moist Place container in a window with southern exposure. Once the plant begins to flower, remove from direct sunlight and in the coolest area of the home. This will prolong flowering time. No fertilzier is required. There are no pests if the bulbs are healthy when purchased. The rewards will be evident. In ending I want to thank all the Garden Committee members who you’ve seen around Radisson helping to keep all of our sign sites and garden areas looking fantastic this year. And I thank those of you who have given me a ‘thumbs up’ and a quick ‘thank you’ as you passed me at any one of our sites where I may have been working. Those have been encouraging gifts! “ From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind’s eye.” Katherine S. White Cirque d’Vin Wine Club The next Cirque d’Vin Wine Club tasting will be on Friday, January 6, 2012 at 7 PM at The Red Mill Inn in Baldwinsville. The theme for this tasting is “Good Wines for Great Prices.” The distributor is still to be determined. The tasting fee is $15 per person and pre-registration/payment is required by Wednesday January 4, 2012. Checks should be made payable to Cirque d’Vin Wine Club and mailed to the Cirque d’Vin Wine Club, PO Box 832, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Include your name and address, as well as your phone number and email address in case of problems or cancellations. Please also include a list of attendee names to facilitate check-in. Please note that Clay Wine & Spirits will be unable to accept registrations/prepayments. Wines sampled that evening may be ordered at a discount from Clay Wine & Spirits (315622-0501) at 3955 State Route 31, Liverpool, NY 13090 (next to The Great Northern Wegmans, near the intersection of Routes 31 and 481) to be picked up the following week. An email from bacif@aol. com is sent about a week prior to the next tasting with information about the tasting. If you have any questions, need more information, would like to receive monthly email notifications or schedule a 50-50 raffle for your charity, email or call Mary Mulligan at 315-635-3413 or Mike Broski at 315468-5408. Scheduled tastings for the 2011/2012 season are as follows: January 6, February 3, March 2, April 13, May 4, June 1, 2012. Reflections, December 16, 2011 Page 3 Give the Gift of Healthy Vision “NEW EW PATIENTS PATIENTS RECEIVE RECEIVE A A FREE FREE GIFT GIFT WITH WITH YOUR YOUR SCHEDULED SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT" ~ Holiday Gift Certificates Available ~ Don’t lose your benefits be sure to use them before December 31st! CounterTops By Top Fabricators, Inc. Affordable To Custom 2973 West Bridge Street, Phoenix • Call us at 695-2032 Happy Holidays from Dr. Richard Malara - Optometrist & Staff Free Vanity with the purchase of a kitchen countertop! Kimbrook Village Square, 8395 Oswego Road (Corner of Routes 31 & 57) “Serving Liverpool, Clay & Baldwinsville” (315) 622-3500 • Solid Surface – Quartz – Granite – Laminate – Soapstone – and More! FREE Estimates – Sinks – Edge Profiles – Finishes! Your Neighborhood Countertop Shop! What do you want out of life? Visa Debit & Credit Online & Mobile Access Savings & Checking Mortgage & Home Equity No-cost coin counting machine* Ask about credit union membership.15 E. Genesee St., Baldwinsville. Call: 800.462.5000, or visit Mon- Thur 9-5 pm Fri 9-5:30 pm Sat 9-1 pm FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA Page 4 Reflections, December 16, 2011 *Members of Empower are not charged for the use of the coin machine. T Nursery School News he last few weeks of December were jam packed with holiday festivities and cheer! The 4’s presented their holiday program to parents/family and friends. Songs such as: Must be Santa, Jingle Bells and Merry Hoola Santa were sung. Surf boards, leis, grass skirts and jingle bells set the stage for this surfing holiday presentation. Santa’s clothing/ costume was divided among the children as Santa was put back together again! All of the children at the nursery school were in awe as the Christmas tree was lit for all to see! Everyone at RNS wants to thank Lori at the RCA office for bringing some Christmas magic to the Aspen House for everyone to enjoy. As the lights twinkled from the tree, all of the students carefully and lovingly made and wrapped special Christmas gifts for family members. The children and staff at RNS want to thank everyone who donated canned goods to our food drive which will be given to the local food pantry. The Nursery School wanted to give a little something to those in need this time of year. Registration for September 2012 Nursery School will begin January 18, 2012. More information will follow in January’s Reflection articles. Register quickly, and tell your neighbors/friends and family members, as slots will fill up quickly. Call Lynda at the office, 635-2815, if you have any questions or concerns. Brody is cutting out h feathers with Dylan’s help. Nicholas baking cookies for the holidays. The 3’s singing Jingle Bells asting a Cameron b e holidays! th r fo y e rk tu Connor and Kai painting to Holiday Music Emily and Ka elyn enjoying their Thanksgiving Feast. From Autumn Starr: Thank you all for a very successful food and clothing drive! A special thanks to Radisson for their continued support and the Town office for giving us a warm place to meet. Reflections, December 16, 2011 Page 5 RECREATION STATION The Community Holiday event held on December 3rd at the Aspen House was a huge success!!! We were able to donate over 80 bags to Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. A huge thank you to the Radisson Community for their generous donations and to Renee Piraino for allowing us to use her Stampin’ Up! winter stamps to decorate the bags. For more information on Stampin’ Up! products please contact Renee at 635-1634. Samantha Tanguay wanted to have her birthday party at this event and she asked all of her friends to buy gifts for the sick children instead of getting her birthday gifts. The kids had a great time making these bags!!! Thank you Samantha for your generosity. Also, a special thanks to my many volunteers that helped with the set-up/ clean-up and bag assembly. The bags were nicely decorated and they will surely bring a smile to all of the children who receive them. Have a safe and happy holiday season!!! Sincerely, Lori McCarthy Director of Community Programs & Events COLORING CONTEST WINNERS!!! Honorable Mentions To: 3-5 Years Old Jack Slater 6-8 Years Old Emma Dugan 9-12 Years Old Mackenzie Dickman Thanks to everyone who took time out to enter our coloring contest. All of the entries were great and it was hard to pick just one winner from each age group. Each winner received a $20 gift card to Target. All entries will be kept at the RCA Office until the end of December. If you would like your masterpiece back please stop in the office to pick it up during our normal business hours. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!!! Sincerely, Lori McCarthy, Director of Community Programs Page 6 Reflections, December 16, 2011 3-5 Years Old Willamina Babcock Sierra Burke Cole Christman Jeanie Neville Maya Neville Michael Sacco Karis Thompson Craig Vredenburg 6-8 Years Old Azan Ashcraft Casey Burke Ryan Catunto Nicholas Cary Kaylee Eck Lauren Gascon Matthew Gingrich Hannah Gould Liam Rose Bridget Roy Paul Sacco Eva Smith Anna Doris Taylor Cara Vredenburg Colleen Vredenburg Caleb Way 9-12 Years Old Jack Alt Laura Alt Bianca Gascon Garrett Petrelli Claire Vredenburg BusineSS Cards TELEPHONE 638-0757 SHEEHAN’S APPLIANCES AND MATTRESSES SALES & SERVICE Chris Sheehan BlakeAnne Sheehan PARK FREE IN VILLAGE LOT AND USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE 28 OSWEGO ST. E WO L G N A BALDWINSVILLE, N.Y. 13027 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OD • Carpentry • Sheet Rock • Painting • Decks • Electrical • Drain Cleaning & Plumbing • Family Rooms • Yard Maintenance • Junk Hauling • Bathroom Renovations • Ceramic Tile • Windows • Doors • Flooring • Kitchens 254-3374 HANDYMAN SERVICES Liverpool Randy Cramer Snow & Lawn, Inc. B-Ville Buddies Pet Sitting We provide pet sitting in your home, so your pet can enjoy familiar surroundings. Major credit cards and PayPal accepted Theresa Brown 744-7575 Senior Citizen Discounts FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Licensed, Bonded and Insured Now Booking for Upcoming Holidays! • No Time To Rest? Holida y Party? T H A I R E S TA U R A N T & B A R •DINE-IN •TAKE-OUT •CATERING KIMBROOK PLA Z A : CORNER OF RT31 & 5 7 PHONE 315.622. 2 7 7 7 C h e c k o u t o u r m e n u s a t w w w. a p p e t h a i z i n g . c o m Decorative Touch Painting • Interior Painting • Radisson Residents’ #1 Painting Company • Free Color Consultation • Fully Insured Serving CNY for over 25 Years! 3rd generation committed to customer satisfaction Contact us for a FREE color consultation • a FREE written estimate References Available Upon Request • (315) 635-1628 Let me help with what needs to be done --C.B. Offers Much More For Less May it be preparing for a party, shopping for someone special or what I Do Best 598-7915 Clean... Boutique Mod Squad Fashion boutique offers classic and cool styles for women and girls. Owner Paulette Peters invites you to stop in and check out their lines. Miss Me Jeans, Hardware by Renee, BB Dakota & More. All Pajamas are 25% off through Christmas Located in Marketfair North, in Clay, NY next to Gino and Joes. Plenty of Free Parking! Open Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs 10-7, Fri.- Sat. 10-6, Sunday Hours 12-4 Reflections, December 16, 2011 Page 7 Classifieds For sale 4 Blizzak snow tires 265/65/17. Used 1 season on 2003 4-Runner. Lots of tread left, $275. Call 373-4310. All Weather, Heavy-Duty floor mats for 2009 Toyota Highlander. These floor mats, including cargo mats, really protect the floors of your vehicle. Original cost over $200 selling for $65 or best offer. Call 303-5189. GE Triton XL Black Dishwasher - 8 years young in good working condition and is quiet. All parts included, $65. Call 635-3886. King-size cherry headboard, 2 twin-size bed frames, 2 twin-size box springs, king-size bedspread – white matalease, ironing board. Call 638-8988, leave message. Will call back and give prices. You must pick up. Pier1 Imports Hilo Pedestal Wine Rack: wrought iron, holds 18 bottles, stem rack for glasses, solid granite top, size 13.5 wide x 13.5 deep x 41.5 high. Online sale price $89.99. Asking $60. Call 635-2421. Olhausen 8’ slate pool table, $850. Sole elliptical E25, $700. Cable Spinet Piano w/bench, $1000. Impex Marcy MP -2105 Home Gym, $350. 2007 Craftsman YS4500 22 hp 42” deck automatic riding mower w/ rear bagger and attachments $900. Please call 635-4781. Men’s black leather jacket, size Medium Regular. Like new, worn once, asking $110. Paid $200! Great Gift! Call 635-9081. Amazon Kindle, free 3G and WiFi. MSRP $189. Brand new, never opened. Will sell below cost. Asking $170. Please call 638-0723 evenings. Epiphone Les Paul Special II Solid Body Electric Guitar - In Perfect Condition. Beautiful, shiny black, bought brand new - barely used! No major nicks, scratches, or dents! Plays well, great beginner electric guitar! $125. Call 638-2494. Snowboard- Women’s Burton Blender 148 with TechNine bindings, $150. Snowboard- Women’s K2 Claw Collaboration 148 with GNu bindings, $125. Snowboard- Men’s Head Defiance 160 wide with Ride Bindings, $100. Call 638-1739. 5000 watt Coleman portable generator, very lightly used, $385. 6-circuit transfer switch with connector cord, $60. Contact 303-4895. Saunders Cervical Traction unit with Case and User’s Guide all in good condition. $250 cash or bank-check only. Call 635-1018, please leave message. Genuine Timber Banks 2012 full season, individual golf membership for sale. Valued: $2800, including cart fees. Asking $2300. Ideal holiday gift!! Not available to current members. Call Jim 303-4177. Holiday Dress: red plaid w/gold thread, empire waist, 10/12, choice of gold or black sweater shrug $20. Bladerunner Ice Skates: girls, adjustable sizes 1-4, good condition, need sharpening, $20. Girls (dressier) winter white coat w/ faux fur trim: size 10/12, like new, $15. Call Lori 635-4334. Holidays 2011 Holidays bring family and friends together with many expectations and traditions. Tradition brings out gramma’s dishes with steaming turkeys, ham platters, pies and desserts carried to a lavish table. Families, relatives, and friends are the crowd pours through the door, unconscious, unspoken observations are made (she looks heavier than last visit or he didn’t talk to his wife, or that child doesn’t listen, or he didn’t come with his wife.) What is really happening during the holidays? In past years, families and friends would visit; each person had a role and possible fit in the group. There was a family history that directed who was accepted and trusted. This determined who was ignored and what agendas were discussed. Secrets of the family were guarded deeply, and only those few in the “inner circle” knew the real details. Personally, depending on my age and life experience, I may fit into the family differently now. I want to be more real and authentic, so the “real me” is visiting with honest and caring capacities. The narrative of experiences I bring is based on genes, past experiences, culture and personal choices. My personal self story echoes in the family environment, and the family becomes the experiencing laboratory of interrelationships based on past and present experiences. Questions I seriously ask myself before I come to the holidays are: How real and honest can I be without being misunderstood? If I take off my “mask” that protects me, how much do I allow to show? Do I look at my family as my friend or enemy? Have I grown in maturity so I can accept someone who disagrees with me and still accept them? Here are characteristics to bring on my visit that will be helpful: Be committed to creating a warm, lov- Page 8 Reflections, December 16, 2011 Reflections Published by the Radisson Community Association, Inc. 3128 Amesbury Drive Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Phone: 315-635-7171 Fax: 315-635-7182 Email: Oceanfront accommodations for spring break! Stay at the Yachtsman Resort in Myrtle Beach, “Schooner” timeshare condo: king bed, queen sleeper-sofa, 2 bunk beds, bathroom w/whirlpool tub, kitchen, dining room. Apr 14 – 21, 2012. $700/week. Resort details at Call 635-8419 for additional information. Communications Committee Volunteers: Yvonne Johnson, Editor Mary Mulligan RCA Staff Members and Contributors: Lynn Tanner, Executive Director Chris Raddell, RCA Board President John Mancinelli, ASC Administrator Lynda Slater, Director - RNS Kathleen Matukas, Accountant Debrah Stein, Accounting Assistant Lori McCarthy, Director of Community Programs Lisa Maring, Administrative Assistant Doug Whitney, Maintenance Director Pat Rickard, Garden Consultant Scotsman Press, Layout Design services Senior Childhood Education major looking to baby-sit during winter break. Red Cross certified and has extensive baby-sitting experience. Call Haley at 638-9371 or 857-3052. COMMERCIAL Classifieds Beautiful Craftsman Style Home FOR SALE: Spacious 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths, 2781 SF, Private Wooded Yard, Maintenance-Free Siding, around the corner from Kerri Hornaday Park. Great Location, ONLY $319,900! OPEN HOUSE: Thursday-Sunday 125pm. 3040 Samantha Drive. Visit or Call (315) 409-7450. Eldan Homes, Craftsman Realty Advertising Rates & Info Ad Size Specs Cost per Issue Black & White/ Color Commercial Clsfd 40 words $15 text only Bus. Card 3.25” x 2” $30 color only 1/8 Page 5.125” x 3” $45/$65 color 1/4 Page 5.125” x 6” $75/$100 color 1/2 Page 10.375” x 6” $150/$200 color Full Page 10.375” x 12” $300/$400 color Our Advertising Contract is available online at Please note: Ads must be camera ready and will become the property of the RCA. For more information, please email Lisa Maring at or call 635-7171. Classified Ads All Classified Advertisements must be 40 words or less, submitted by the appropriate deadline date, and be in writing using the RCA’s online Ad Form or the printed Ad Form. Forms available at RCA Office or online at Community classified ads are for RCA members only and are limited to one ad per category per address per issue; ads may run for up to two consecutive issues. Student ads require the signature of a parent or guardian if the student is under the age of 18. All ads submitted must include name, street address, and phone number. Commercial classified ads are standard, fee-paid, service, sales or business listings and are open to the public. The number of ads run may be limited by space constraints. by Dr. Judy Ivey ing event for the family to experience. During conversations, be encouraging and speak to each person. Say things with specks of kindness and caring; affirm each other so others gain energy and feel positive. Take time to listen and understand – bring this as your gift to others. Take time for funbe playful and enjoy each other. Demonstrate your ability to cope with life stresses by showing that mutual challenges can be overcome through sharing. Be aware that too many drinks and too much old baggage can make poor communication. Holiday experiences can bring peace and reconciliation if there is willingness, honesty, and responsibility. With wisdom, prayer, and patience past issues can be forgiven and relationships can be restored. New positive communication with acceptance and caring can be strengthened with a great goal and reward for the New Year. RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to meet the 40-word limit. The Editor reviews classified ads for compliance with the Reflections policy. For more information see “The Radisson Media and Communications Policy” online at Publication & Deadline Schedule Deadline Date December 16 December 30 January 13 January 27 February 10 Release Date December 30 January 13 January 27 February 10 February 24 Letters To The Editor: All letters must include name, address, signature, and telephone number for verification. Names and addresses may be withheld from print upon request. Editing may be necessary for space. The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its Board of Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to the validity or qualifications of any advertiser. Residents are advised to check references with the Better Business Bureau.
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