December 18 - Radisson Community
reflections Volume MMXV, Issue 21 • December 18, 2015 The 12 Houses of Radisson Holiday Decorating Contest Thank you to all of the residents that took time to send in nominations of their favorite holiday houses. The TOP 12 houses that got the most votes were awarded red bows on their mailboxes. Esprit Glade, Royal Scarlet Drive & Luchsinger Lane received the most street nominations!! The back of the houses on Hidden Lake are absolutely beautiful!! The “kid’s favorite” is 1981 Esprit Glade; Rudolph & Santa can be seen for miles. 3133 Hidden Lake Drive was the REC Committee’s favorite; it’s absolutely beautiful. Cam’s Pizzeria was our official event sponsor and they will be awarding free pizzas to the top 12 winners!! Special Thanks to our REC Committee Volunteers who took time out of their busy schedule to help with the contest. Also, Karen Buchwald was gracious enough to open up her home to us!! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!! Sincerely, Lori Galutz Director of Community Programs PAID SYRACUSE, NY PERMIT #1550 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE The Resident Top 12 Choice Awards: 3158 Alex Lane 8686 Carpenter Road 8687 Carpenter Road 3024 Crocus Lane 8752 East Patrol Road 1981 Esprit Glade 2017 Esprit Glade 8847 Hawks Watch 3133 Hidden Lake Drive 8208 Royal Scarlet Drive 3162 Samantha Drive 3276 Twilight Court Honorable Mentions: 3160 Alex Lane, 3096 Blythewood Court, 3175 Burrwood Drive, 8758 Columbine Circle, 1983 Esprit Glade, 1989 Esprit Glade, 1993 Esprit Glade, 1999 Esprit Glade, 2013 Esprit Glade, 3221 Far Reach Drive, 3132 Hidden Lake Drive, 3138 Hidden Lake Drive, 3221 Isle of Pines, 8242 Luchsinger Lane, 8256 Luchsinger Lane, 8297 Luchsinger Lane, 8736 Marinus Drive, 6288 Mourning Dove, 8720 Radburn Drive, 3191 Reston Drive, 8776 River Watch, 8204 Royal Scarlet Drive, 8207 Royal Scarlet Drive, 8219 Royal Scarlet Drive, 8227 Royal Scarlet Drive, 3275 Samantha Drive, 3455 Stanford Drive, 8752 Tallwood Ridge, 3275 Twilight Court, 8514 Van Wie Drive West, 8406 Vermillion Circle, 8842 Wandering Way, 8512 Whisper Ridge Circle, Houses on the backside of Whisper Ridge Pond Radisson Community Association Mission Statement To preserve, protect and enhance the common lands and facilities for the use and enjoyment of the RCA Residents and Members. To promote the health, safety, welfare, education and cultural enrichment of the Residents and Members of Radisson. To ensure compliance with the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Reflections is an official publication of Radisson Community Association, Inc. 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Phone: 315-635-7171 | Fax: 315-635-7182 Monday – Friday 8am-5pm For general RCA inquiries email or visit insidE This Issue Coloring Contest Winners - Pg. 3 Tree Lighting - Pg. 4 Radisson Community Directory - Pg. 5 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 1 From The Executive Director Written by Lynn Tanner, CMCA There will be some minor changes to the community trash pick-up schedule which will affect a couple of streets. Due to housing growth in the community in specific areas, the pick-ups on Tuesday and Wednesday are unbalanced. To keep our trash pick-up as efficient as possible, two streets will have their pick-up day changed from Tuesday to Wednesday. Effective as of the December 22nd /23rd route, the residences on Grey Birch and Reston Drive will be switched to a Wednesday pick-up day. Residents on these streets will be notified about this change by Dependable Disposal directly. Also, there may have been changes to items that are now acceptable to recycle that you are unaware of. During this holiday season, when people tend to have more trash, please take a moment to review the numerous items that can be recycled. On back page, we have included information from OCRRA (Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency) on the list of acceptable items to be included in your recycling tote. Yard waste pick-up has ended for the year. Our last sweep through the community to pick up remaining yard waste material was on Monday, December 14th and residents were notified via the community’s eMail Bulletin system. Typically, we pick up yard waste material until the first heavy snowfall, which tends to be early to mid-December. This year, partly due to the perfect weather conditions, the yard waste service ran very smoothly. By mid-December all yard waste material had been picked up. That is also when our seasonal maintenance staff leave for the year, and we’d like to thank them, and the entire maintenance department, for a job well done this year! During the winter months, the community’s pathway system is plowed for residents’ use. Before they can get to the pathways, however, RCA maintenance staff needs to focus first on getting access to our facilities (i.e. RCA Office, Aspen House for nursery school use) As per the Architectural Standards Guidelines, trash and recycling totes may not be stored outside. Totes may be placed outside the evening before your scheduled pick-up day. Trash receptacles must be moved indoors the same day, after your trash is picked up. The Architectural Standards Dept has provided time for residents to accommodate the storage of the new trash/recycling totes indoors. Please be advised they will begin issuing Notices to residents, where totes are being stored outdoors. Your cooperation is appreciated. cleared and operational. Pathways are plowed when we receive 4” of snow, or greater. If warranted, maintenance staff will come in and plow the pathways on Saturdays, through the winter, but they are not plowed on Sundays. Although they are plowed, the pathways are not salted and there may be some slippery spots beneath the snow. When walking on the paths enjoying winter’s beauty, please use caution. As a reminder, a printed version of the Reflections is mailed out only once a month, during the months of January – March. Release dates of those issues are: January 22; February 26; and March 25. However, we will be sending a Reflections eMail Bulletin each month to keep you up to date on community news and events in between the printed versions. To receive these important emails, please login to the Members Only portion of our website and sign up to receive emails for the Reflections on your User Profile page. Reflections eMail Bulletins will be sent on: January 8; February 12; and March 11. I am pleased to introduce you to our new Time Warner Cable Concierge, Aaron Mertz. Aaron is originally from the Baldwinsville area and has recently been assigned to his ‘hometown’ as Radisson’s TWC Concierge. As Radisson’s Concierge, Aaron is able to provide residents with the best prices, FREE INSTALLS and FREE TRANSFERS (whether moving into, out of or within Radisson). You can contact Aaron Mertz directly at 315-412-5954 to find out about current specials or to set up an installation date. For residents renting the Aspen House for a private function, please keep in mind that we have access to cable television programming at that facility. This cable TV service is provided, as a courtesy, from Time Warner Cable, as the community’s preferred service provider for phone/internet/ cable service. On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, we all would like to wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! Common Property Notice As per the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, (Radisson Declaration) property owned by the Radisson Community Association is Common Property. RCA Common Property is under the jurisdiction of the RCA Board of Directors. It is its responsibility, which the Executive Director enforces on its behalf, to ensure that the Common Property is not used for unauthorized purposes (i.e. driving ATVs on open land) or maintained by anyone other than RCA personnel (i.e. mowing areas near your own personal property). Every Resident and Owner has a non-transferable privilege of enjoyment in and to all Common Property for so long as s/he shall be a Resident or Owner in good standing. Certain areas that the Association owns may be maintained, such as: the playfields, along the pathways, the medians, etc. while others will remain in their natural state. While the Association makes every attempt to keep the Common Property areas safe, residents should be aware that there may be naturally occurring dangers in the wooded areas and elsewhere on other Common Property. Radisson Summer Employment Opportunities Looking for a summer job? Radisson Community Association employs lifeguards, swim instructors and recreation counselors. All lifeguard applicants must have completed a lifeguard course and First Aid/CPR/AED certification class in order to apply. These classes can be taken through the American Red Cross, YMCA or other locations. Swim instructors must have their WSI through the American Red Cross only, as that is the curriculum taught at Oberon Pool. The Summer Recreation Program has a few openings for Rec Counselor positions. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Employment applications can be picked up in person at the RCA Office. Contact Lori Galutz, lori@radissoncommunity. org or 635-7171 x11, for more information. Page 2 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Coloring Contest Winners!!! Thanks to everyone who took time out to enter our coloring contest. All of the entries were great and it was hard to pick just one winner from each age group. Each winner received a $15 gift card to Target. If you would like your masterpiece back, please stop in the office to pick it up during our normal business hours. Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!! Sincerely, Lori Galutz Director of Programs & Events 3-5 Years Old 6-8 Years Old Zoe Ashcraft Zoe Ashcraft 3-5 Years Old Melody Losier Mallory Offredi 6-8 Years Old Melody Losier 9-12 Years Old Honorable Mentions to: 3-5 Years Old Community 9-12 Years Old Mallory Offredi Nicholas Atcheson Ella Cole Brooke Fowler Brooke Jordan Alana Luu Leah Martoccia Chloe McDade Sophia McDade Gianna McDermott Alice Merckel Tyler Morgan Ali Neville Brody Persons Abby Richer Natalie Rider Julia Steeger Ruth Taylor 6-8 Years Old Ella Bateman Vanessa Blanco Abigail Bowers Cooper Christman Ava Conte Hollis Doran Alyson Duffy Dan Duffy Jacquelyn Gangemi Marissa Gilliland Quincey Hack 9-12 Years Old Heidi Losier Alvin Luu Isabella McDermott Ethan Millard Jeanie Neville Maya Neville Gracon Rafkis Rylie Rachwal Sammy Richer Michael Sacco Nicholas Sacco Ava Bullis Sierra Burke Cole Christman Amiah Dunkel Eva Fipps Jillian Hack Lauren Millard Julia Mueller Chelsey Myers Abigail Persons Olivia Rafkis Alec Smith Anna Taylor Snow Plowing and Mailbox Repairs Each winter we get a number of calls and emails about snow removal. While RCA maintenance department does clear the pathways, the streets of Radisson, unless a private drive, are owned and maintained by the Town of Lysander Highway Department, not Radisson Community Association. Please contact the Town of Lysander with any questions, concerns or complaints related to snow plowing, pot holes or other street maintenance. As stated on the TOL website, the Town Highway Department’s top priority is reacting to the prevailing weather conditions to maintain public safety on roads in Lysander. Plowing, sanding and salting are the primary services provided by the Highway Department, with experienced drivers as the backbone of the program. As a courtesy to residents, the Highway Department will repair damage caused by snow removal operations. This includes lawns, driveways and possibly mailboxes. Please contact the Highway Department at (315) 635-5551 to report any damage. The area will be examined and repaired as soon as is practical. The Town cannot prevent the snow from collecting at the end of your driveway, but there are several ways property owners can work with the Town to minimize the effects of snow removal: • Keep trash and recycling totes in your driveway, back from the road and away from the path of the snowplow. • Stake the edge(s) of your lawn. • Mailbox and post replacement will be paid for by TOL Highway Department only if hit by snowplow equipment, so check your mailbox, newspaper box and the supporting posts in the fall. Mailboxes are installed per US Post Office regulations. • If you utilize a private snow removal service, make sure you and your contractor are in agreement with the needs of your household. We cannot coordinate Town-wide snow removal with private contractors. • Remember: it is illegal to leave snow in a roadway • There is no overnight parking on any Lysander streets • Drive carefully, allow extra time and distance for stopping. • Be considerate of snow removal equipment and allow as much room as possible. • Educate your children to the dangers of making tunnels and playing on or near roadside snow banks. MAILBOX REPAIRS: If your mailbox is damaged, the RCA will make the necessary repairs.There is a form on our website to initiate a work order request, or you can call the office to begin the process. Maintenance staff will evaluate the damage and determine what work is needed. Your account will be charged for the replacement parts needed. BILLING: If your mailbox was damaged by a plow, first complete the work order request. Then contact the plow company (whether private operator or the Town of Lysander) to request reimbursement. If the plow company agrees to be billed, have them contact us and we will bill them directly. Otherwise the bill will be sent directly to you, the property owner. Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 3 Radisson Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Thank you to everyone that came out to this year’s annual tree lighting event. The children were thrilled to see Santa, Mrs. Claus, Winter Cinderella and Holiday Belle!! Santa said that he was happy to hear that the Radisson kids have been good this year. The children received goody bags after they visited with Santa. We collected a lot of non-perishable food items for the Baldwinsville Christmas Bureau. Marv from the Rotary Club warmed up the crowd with a very interactive rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas and then 3 more Christmas Carols outside during the official lighting. A big thank you to Sharon Hayford, Donna Lindner, Lynn Rosentel, Sue and Tom Dietrich who volunteered to help with the set up, serving of the refreshments and the clean up. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! Sincerely, Lori Galutz Director of Community Programs Happy Holidays!! Page 4 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Radisson Phone Directory The Radisson Phone Directory is an item unique to Radisson. This mini phone book is truly a “community directory” as it is THE resource to look up neighbors, contact information for local services and schools as well as supporting businesses. Many residents report using the Directory to recall the names of neighbors and to determine invite lists for block parties and kids’ play dates! All residents in good standing have the option to have a listing printed in the Radisson Phone Directory. Please remember only one phone number can be listed, the Radisson property address will be used, and multiple last names can be accommodated. For privacy reasons, the Directory is available only to residents of the community and to paid advertisers. Printed every other year, the next Directory will be distributed in the spring of 2016. Existing entries and changes made prior to January 31, 2016 will be included in this edition. The information for your listing comes directly from your Resident Membership Registration Form (RMRF). Please check for typos including spelling, capitalization, order of family members, etc. RCA is not responsible for mistakes, omissions or outdated information. Please take this opportunity to verify that your information is correctly listed, or not listed as you choose. Log in to the Radisson website, www., and carefully review the Community Phone Directory Draft under Your RCA Account. To make ANY adjustment to your Directory listing, simply resubmit the RMRF in its entirety. The new submission will overwrite the existing entry. If your listing is correct, there is no need to re- submit the RMRF. Now through the end of January, the Radisson Community Phone Listing will be updated twice a month so that you may double check any changes submitted. As always, contact the RCA Office if you have any questions! Attention Area Businesses! Distributed throughout Radisson, the Radisson Community Phone Directory is a unique way to reach thousands of potential customers and will help ensure that your business is one Radisson residents recognize. Visit our website and look for complete details under Newsletter & Advertising. Certificate of Compliance Notice Amenities Equalization Assessment Notice The Radisson Community Association, Inc. (RCA) requires that prior to the resale or refinancing of an existing home in Radisson that a Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection be made. The purpose of the C of C is to provide all parties reasonable assurance that the property is free from any architectural standards violations of the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Radisson Declaration). The C of C and a statement of the property’s annual assessment account should be requested ten (10) days prior to closing. For property resales and/or refinance, effective January 1, 1999, the measurement of the finished area of the house must be confirmed. To allow adequate time for the staff to complete this requirement, the seller’s attorney must request the C of C 14 days prior to closing. As of April 1, 2015 the fees are as follows: *A seventy ($70.00) dollar Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection and processing fee is charged by the RCA to the requesting attorney or the owner of the property making such a request. Please insure that this fee is explained to the buyer and seller as well as the purpose of the inspection. Forms to request a certificate may be obtained at or by calling 315-635-7171. As of October 1, 2005, the Radisson Community Association will levy an Amenities Equalization Assessment (AEA) to the Purchaser of a Radisson Community, residential property. The purpose of the AEA shall be to expand and/or improve common areas and common amenities. The AEA is calculated at .25% of the purchase price of the residential property. This will apply to new homes as well as existing homes and is payable at the time of closing. Payments are to be made out to the Radisson Amenities Fund and be sent directly to our community office at 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Exemption from the fee is granted if either of the following applies: a Purchaser who has been the Owner of another Residential Lot which has served as said Purchaser’s principal residence for two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of the subject Residential Lot, provided said Purchaser sells the other Residential Lot within 90 days; or a Purchaser who has been a full time resident of an apartment within Radisson during the entirety of the two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of the subject Residential Lot. Please feel free to contact the RCA Office at 635-7171 if you have any questions regarding the AEA. Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 5 There may not be snow on the ground yet, but a flurry of fun is definitely in the forecast - the 2016 B’ville Big Chill is coming to Mercer Park on January 23! The 2016 B’ville Big Chill is a zany winter event, showcasing the people and businesses of Baldwinsville. The event starts at noon and includes a Best in Bowl competition featuring tasty treats from local eateries, music, activities for the children, and, of course, teams of people plunging into the icy Seneca River to raise money for our community and local charities. Following the plunge is the Poker Bear Express pub crawl through the village, where guests purchase a ticket and walk to participating bars to try to make a winning poker hand. We are pleased to announce that this year we are partnering with The Rotary Club of Baldwinsville. We are excited to work with this dedicated group to help the 2016 B’ville Big Chill reach new audiences and bring even more people to our charming village. Also new this year, instead of supporting just one charity, we are letting our fearless plungers pick the non-profit that means the most to them. The top three plunge teams will receive money for their charities of choice. If your business is interested in participating in either the Best in Bowl or the Poker Bear Express (or both!), contact the GBCC office at or 638 0550. We have sponsorship opportunities ranging from $100 to $2,000 - a level for every budget. It’s a cost effective way to get your business name promoted throughout our community and to support the GBCC, Rotary, and local charities. For information about sponsoring the 2016 B’ville Big Chill or forming a plunge team, visit Swing RopeS | enduRance | SpideR net | obStacleS ReveRSe Fly | extReme StRength gymnaSticS-inFluenced tRaining | boyS & giRlS cny gym centRe @ Shoppingtown mall 315.437.4535 Page 6 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Thank you to everyone that came out to greet Santa Claus as he traveled through Radisson on the fire engine last weekend!! -The Belgium Cold Springs Fire Department Preferred by Radisson Residents for 25 years Family owned and operated for 3 generations Highly focused on service & preparation Workman’s compensation & liability insurance FREE written estimates 635-1628 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 7 In-home color consultations starting at $75 Come in for details Village Ace Hardware 43 E. Genesee St. Baldwinsville 638-4026 Page 8 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Nursery School News It’s beginning to look a lot like December???? Well, you might not know it’s December by the weather, but our holiday acitivities are in full force. Our little 2, 3 and 4 year old elves are busy making heartfelt gifts for their parents. We read stories about snowmen, warm cups of hot chocolate, and of course…Santa!!!The 4 year olds took a wonderful walk the first week of December, and enjoyed looking for signs of holiday spirit on a beautiful, balmy day. They will visit the Gingerbread Gallery at the Erie Canal Museum on Friday, and will each create their own gingerbread house. Our 3 year olds had a great time on “Me Mrs. Ferrigan’s son, Parker, taught the large motor module to the 4 year olds, on his break from college. Mrs. Rawda and 2 year olds Bowen & Mateo play with our brand new interlocking blocks. Carter and Harrison ( 4’s) are packing items for the grocery cart relay races. and My Special Guy Night.” Everyone looked so cozy in front of the beautiful Radisson Christmas Tree, as Mrs, Cicero read them a story called Dream Snow, by Eric Carle. They made their own version of snowy trees on canvas frames with a variety of materials. They looked so proud of their works of art as they left the school that evening in their PJ’S. Our 2 year olds are enjoying water colors, and we all had a great laugh when one of our precious 2 year olds wanted to paint her fingernails with her paint set. Now that’s what we call “open ended art”!! Mrs. Bowden and Mrs. Simiensyk look over their grateful group of 4 year olds, enjoying a Thanksgiving treat. Matthew, Peyton, Alex, Crosby and Braeden (AM 3’s) are decorating bags for a holiday gift with Bingo dabbers. have 2 year olds Ayla, Vanessa and Julia holiday put the finishing touches on their gifts for Mom and Dad. Christmas Trees will be picked up curbside Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from December 28 – January 29, excluding Jan 18 for holiday. Please remove all decorations & tree stands. Trees left in plastic bags will not be picked up. Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 9 Cirque d’Vin Wine Club The next Cirque d’Vin Wine Club will be at 7PM on Friday, January 8, 2016 at The Red Mill Inn. The theme/distributor/winery is still to be determined. The tasting fee is $16 per person and pre-registration/payment is required by Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Include your name and address, as well as your phone number and email address in case of problems or cancellations. Please also include a list of attendee names to facilitate check-in. Please note that Clay Wine & Spirits will be unable to accept registrations/prepayments. Wines sampled that evening may be ordered at a discount from Clay Wine & Spirits (315-622-0501) at 3955 State Route 31, Liverpool, NY Page 10 Reflections, December 18, 2015 13090 (next to The Great Northern Wegmans, near the intersection of Routes 31 and 481) to be picked up the following week. An email from or is sent about a week prior to the next tasting with information about the tasting. Please add bacifaratta@twcny. and to your address book. If you have any questions, need more information, would like to receive monthly email notifications or schedule a 50-50 raffle for your charity, email or call Mary Mulligan at 315-6353413 or Mike Broski at 315-4685408. The remaining scheduled tastings for the 2016/2015 season are January 8, February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, 2016. BusineSS Cards Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Nationwide Securities, LLC., member FINRA, SIPC and a Registered Investment Advisor. DBA Nationwide Advisory Services, LLC. in AR, FL, IL, NY, TX and WY. Representative of Nationwide Life Insurance Company, affiliated companies and other companies. CNY MOBILE LAWN & SNOW REPAIR INC. I Come to You Repairs on Most Lawn Mowers and Snowblowers. Baldwinsville, 13027 315-303-0020 300+ Radisson Home Sales te 29 Years Experience in Real Esta 36 Years Radisson Resident Joanne Rodriguez, GRI Associate Broker Direct: (315) 671-3626 Joanne.Rodriguez@ColdwellBa 8233 Park Ridge Path Liverpool, NY 13090 experienced reliable thorough professional ay CONSULTATION tod Set up your FREE m .co ids ma merry 658-1157 Randy Cramer Snow & Lawn, Inc. Major credit cards and PayPal accepted Reflections, December 18, 2015 Page 11 Classified Ads All Classified Ads must be 40 words or less and be sumitted in writing using the online Ad form or the printed Ad form. RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to meet the 40 word limit. Community classified ads are for RCA members only and are limited to one ad per category per address per issue. for sale Disclaimers The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its Board of Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to the validity or qualifications of any advertiser. Residents are advised to check references with the Better Business Bureau. The Radisson Community Association (RCA) does not engage any realtor or real estate agency as its listing agent. Further, any realtor and/or real estate agency advertised in the Reflections or other RCA promotional material is not endorsed nor rated by the Radisson Community Homeowner’s Association. Letters To The Editor: All letters must include name, address, signature, and telephone number for verification. Names and addresses may be withheld from print upon request. Editing may be necessary for space. Advertising Rates & Policies 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Bus. Card Commercial Clsfd Bridgestone Blizzak snow tires size 235 65R 16 with wheels installed. The tires are 3 years old with plenty of remaining tread, $400 for the set. Call 638-0736. Bridgestone Blizzak WS80 215/45R17,alloy wheels, TPMS, $700. Used only 3 months, originally paid $1,400.Pictures (on request) will verify the excellent condition, call 427-8640. Glider Rocker, cream color w/small print in good condition, $15. Medium blue upholstered arm chair, great for off campus apartment or camp, $20. Current books, teen/young adult; mostly hardcover, in new condition, $1 to $3 each! Great Xmas gifts! Call 635-4880. $50/$75 $85/$115 $165/$220 $320/$425 n/a /$35 $20/ n/a I am a college girl home for break, available to wrap presents, babysit or run errands. I have Red Cross certifications in babysitting, lifeguarding, CPR/ AED and water safety instructor. Call 439-9902. Ladies petite golf clubs: includes Play Day golf cart, Dura golf bag,Taylor metal woods 1, 3, & 5 w/covers, Macgregor Lady DX irons 4, 6 & 8,Tommy Armour putter, Roberto Devicenzo wedge. All good condition, $135/set; will sell individually. Call 638-8247. FREE Used Air Hockey table, fair condition. Must be able to pick it up in Radisson. Call 380-7572. Arien’s 24” electric start snow blower. In excellent condition, used only 2 years, $490. Call 638-1375. • Cardboard packing boxes. • Gift boxes. • Any non-metallic/non-foil wrapping paper, gift bags, and greeting cards/envelopes. • Glossy items are ok, but tissue paper and metallic/foil papers are trash. All ads will be reviewed for compliance with Reflections policy. Advertising Contract and additional details are on our website or email Computer monitor, 19” LCD flat panel, used very little, $30. Call 638-4019. SERVICES There will be NO delays in trash/recycling pick up. Many of the packaging and wrappings used during holiday celebrations should be put into your new recycling tote! Ad contracts, payment and ad image must be received by 5pm on the deadline date. The number of any type of ad run may be limited by space constraints. Ads will be run on a first-come, first-serve basis. Living/family room set, includes floral sofa, Lazy Boy recliner chair, corner TV cabinet, side table, lamp and floor lamp, $500. Call 857-8059. Holiday Reminders BW/Color 4.75” x 2.75” 4.75” x 5.75” 9.75” x 5.75” 9.75” x 11.75” 3” x 1.72” 40 word text Dining room set, includes table, 6 chairs, buffet and hutch, $600 or best offer. Kitchen table with 4 chairs, $125 or best offer. Older model refrigerator and freezer, $25 each or best offer. Hot tub, $500 or B/O. Call 635-6806. • Clean aluminum foil and disposable aluminum baking trays. • Catalogs* and magazines. • Make cleanup easy!** *Opt out of catalog deliveries that are duplicate or no longer of interest. Call the ordering number on the back of your catalog or check out ** When the wrapping paper comes off, have a trash bag, a recycling bin and a box or bag for reusable items handy. Deadlines & Contact Info Visit for additional tips for holiday recycling. Send ads, articles, etc. to Submissions must be received by 5pm on the deadline date to be considered for the next issue. RCA Office will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, & New Year’s Day. Best Wishes for a safe and Happy Holiday and a very Happy New Year! Published On January 22 February 26 March 25 April 8 Deadline Is January 8 February 12 March 11 March 25 Find us on Twitter Visit our website at Follow us on Facebook Dec. - Jan. 2015 - R a disson Communit y Calendar Sunday 20 monday 21 tuesday 22 wednesday 23 thursday 24 RCA Office Closed 27 28 29 30 31 TOL Board Meeting 7:00pm at TOL Offices 3 4 friday 25 saturday 26 Merry Christmas RCA Office Closed January 1 2 Happy New Year RCA Office Closed 5 6 7 8 9 Reflections eMail Bulletin 10 11 Ops Meeting 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 12:00 at RCA Office ASC Meeting 6:30pm at RCA Office 17 MLK Day RCA Office Closed Page 12 Reflections, December 18, 2015 Reflections Mailed
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