November 1 - Radisson Community
November 1 - Radisson Community
reflections Volume MMXIII, Issue 22 • November 1, 2013 Defensive Driving Course Liberty Mutual is pleased to be able to offer Radisson Community Association a 6-Hour Point & Insurance Reduction Course. By participation and completion of the course, without any test taking, you will: With your Radisson Group Discount combined with the Defensive Driving Class insurance reduction, you can save up to $1,500 per year depending on size of household. For quotes on this, please call Duncan Sisk at 315-433-1243 or 919-606-8999. Reduce the total points on your driving record by up to 4 points for violations occurring within the past 18 months. Refresh your driving skills and learn techniques for collision prevention. DATE: Saturday, November 9th TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm LOCATION: Aspen House 8550 North Entry Rd COST: $22.00 per person (Checks payable to Duncan Sisk) -Payment to Duncan Sisk must be received in the RCA Office in order to reserve your spot. We do not take reservations over the phone. Payments can be mailed to RCA Office, Attention: Defensive Driving Course, 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Payments can also be dropped off; only cash or checks (payable to Duncan Sisk) will be accepted. Please attach a list of all participants’ names and contact information. RCA Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. **This is not a required course to get a license** Lunch will be provided by Liberty Mutual. Radisson Community Association Mission Statement To preserve, protect and enhance the common lands and facilities for the use and enjoyment of the RCA Residents and Members. To promote the health, safety, welfare, education and cultural enrichment of the Residents and Members of Radisson. To ensure compliance with the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Reflections is an Official notification publication of Radisson Community Association, Inc. 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Phone: 315-635-7171 | Fax: 315-635-7182 For general RCA inguiries email or visit insidE This Issue Candidate Letters - Pg. 3 Radisson Community Phone Directory - Pg. 5 Boater Safety Information - Pg. 9 Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 1 From The Executive Director Written by Lynn Tanner, CMCA We have had some inquiries regarding the work that is being done around the retention pond, known as Whisper Ridge Pond. The pond, which is still owned by the developer, is being modified to ensure that it meets the required Stormwater Management Guidelines, as set by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). To make the side slopes of the pond more gradual, the banks are being cut back. Doing this has made it necessary to remove the pathway that used to circle the pond. A small portion of pathway will remain and be deadheaded at the East side of the retention pond (the entrance of Whisper Ridge Circle). This area, when conveyed to the RCA, will be Common Property for residents to sit and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. The pathway that circled the pond will not be replaced. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a topic that you will continue to see information on in many upcoming issues of the Reflections. We have already passed along information as to what you, the homeowner, need to know about your ash trees and the impending infestation of the EAB. Now, I’d like to bring you up to date on what the RCA is doing, as the Homeowner’s Association, about the ash trees on Common Property. First and foremost, we need to get an inventory of all the ash trees on our property. As you can imagine, this will not be a quick and easy task. It is one, however, that we have already begun. As sections have been inventoried, you may notice that trees have been marked with paint and/or Inventory ID Tags. These are a means of identifying: the location of the ash trees; the overall quantity of ash trees; and that quantity broken down by size (larger than 6” in diameter at breast height and less than 6” in diameter at breast height). We ask that you not remove or disrupt any of our identifying measures. While this inventory is being done, the RCA Board of Directors will be compiling the RCA Management Plan for the EAB. This will outline potential tree removals, treatments and tree re-planting. We will continue to keep you updated as additional information becomes available. We also have all pertinent information on our website, on the Tree Resources page, under the Architectural Standards tab. For residents who need to dispose of items that cannot be picked up as part of our weekly trash service, please remember that Dependable Disposal does offer special pick-up of these items for a nominal fee. You may call them directly (472-7455) to determine the fee and to schedule a pick-up. They do pick-up of special items on Fridays. Regardless of what company you hire for this service, we ask that you not place your item(s) out until the evening before. We have received several complaints about residents who are bringing items to the end of their driveway days before they are scheduled to be picked up. In previous issues, I’ve mentioned updates on some of the businesses in Radisson Corporate Park, such as the Radisson Medical Facility on Willett Parkway and RED-KAP Pizza and Deli. For those that are unaware, the Radisson Corporate Park is home to over forty (40) dues-paying businesses whose owners/employees are entitled to use the same amenities as residents. We appreciate their business location in our Corporate Park and their continued support of our Association. Our largest Corporate Park Member, A n h e u s e r- B u s c h , is holding anoth- Renovated Ale House Restaurant Page 2 Reflections, November 1, 2013 er Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday, November 16. This service is free of charge to all area residents in support of America Recycles Day. Additional information is available in the Local Calendar on Page 4. If you have any electronics to dispose of, Autumn in Radisson….enjoyed by residents of all ages! this is the perfect opportunity to do so! I recently met with a few owners of the Radisson Greens Golf Course, which is also a Radisson Corporate Park Member. We discussed the numerous improvements they’ve made after just one year of ownership. They expect this to be a long-term business venture and have many other ideas for the future. While many people have heard about the improvements made to the golf course, word has been slower to make its way through the community about the golf course restaurant, the Radisson Ale House. In many of the surveys that the RCA has done over the years, one of the items that always topped the list RCA maintenance staff providing a was the desire for a community valuable service while entertaining children restaurant. Well, wait no longer… all throughout the community. we now have one! The restaurant is currently open daily for lunches nient place to “get-away” during our and dinners. They also have a Sunday winter weather. Brunch, host a Happy Hour on Fridays The CAI-WNY (Community from 3pm to 6pm and are taking res- Association Institute of Western New ervations for private parties. The golf York) hosted a Tradeshow in Rochester course owners have graciously agreed earlier this month, where Radisson to allow us to again use their facility for Community was the recipient of an cross-country skiing. They will also be award as one of their longest memkeeping the restaurant open through bers, having been a member of the the winter, making it a close & conve- organization for thirty-five (35) years. The CAI-WNY is the local chapter of the Community Association Institute (CAI). The CAI is a worldwide organization that provides support, education and legislation for community associations, which Radisson Community is also a member of. One of the items that the CAI-WNY has been involved in is state legislation mandating that all community associations be required to have certified managers. I’m pleased to inform you that I recently received my certification as a Certified Manager of a Community Association (CMCA). Renovated Ale House Lounge Letters to the Editor Dear Lysander Residents, Please Note... to better serve you with modern technology and greater efficiency. • Implemented the ability to use credit cards for payment of services for I would like to customer convenience. announce my candi• Made it convenient for residents dacy for re-election as your Town Clerk. I was first elected to purchase a NYS Thruway E-Z Pass in 2009 after retiring as a Baldwinsville from the Town Clerk’s Office. • Initiated and obtained a passport Police Officer for over 20 years. I camera for “one stop shopping experiwanted to continue to serve my community and I believed my training and ence” for residents needing passports. • Expanded office hours to evening experience as a police officer gave me hours so those who work all day have the necessary skills to do the job of an opportunity to take care of their Town Clerk effectively. My only priority has been, and will continue to be, needs with the Town. • Instituted after hours service by is to provide the best public service appointment (including weekends) possible from the Town Clerk’s Office. when regular hours are not convenient Please allow me to take this opportunity to outline just a few of the for residents. • Eliminated the requirement for accomplishments and positive changes appointments for marriage licenses that I, as your Town Clerk, have made and passport applications. • Made it convenient for our Veterans to obtain the County Clerks Veteran’s discount card (F.A.V.O.R.) locally from the Town Clerk’s Office. • Developed and implemented a “Lost Pet Page” for the Town’s website. • Organized thousands of records within six months for quicker, efficient record retrieval for the Town Board, Town employees and the public. • Reduced staffing levels to one full time Town Clerk, one full time Deputy Clerk and one part time Deputy without sacrificing services, but expanding them. It is my hope to continue to earn your respect and your vote this November. In turn, I will promise to maintain an innovative approach to better public service, and I will strive to make your Town Clerk’s office the first place to come for your essential Dear Editor, 1. Forty one years of experience in heavy and highway construction, fleet maintenance, private sector business management and military leadership. 2. SUNY A.A.S Degree in Civil Technology 3. U.S. Army ANCOC and SGLTC Senior Leadership graduate 4. OSHA Construction Safety and Health certified 5. Sixteen months on the job already improving Lysander highways. 6. Open minded and calm with military organizational skills. make up our community. In the spring of this year, I interviewed with our local Republican committee for one of the two nominations for Town Board, but failed to get enough votes to be in the top 2. I was unable to Primary their nominations myself because I registered too late in 2012 to be an “official” Republican Party member in 2013. This summer, I was asked by a Democratic committee member if I would consider interviewing for Town Clerk on the Democratic line. I accepted the opportunity to interview at their caucus in August. I was nominated by the 20-plus Democrats that attended their local caucus in August for Town Clerk, but there was a filing error on the committees’ behalf, and the caucus was nullified by the County Board of Elections. After a legal contest, the Board of Elections decision was upheld, so there will be no local Democratic nominees this November. Even with this setback, I still decided to run a write-in campaign. I was not running for only Democrats, but for all the voters and citizens of Lysander to have a choice when they go to the polls on November 5th. This means in order to vote for me, you will have to write-in my name in the section for Town Clerk where it says write-in on your ballot. You may ask for assistance when you go to vote, if unsure of how to properly write-in. Though I do not have the “on-the-job” experience my opponent has, I feel I have the skills required to effectively handle the tasks of Town Clerk through my various work experiences. I would also like to make the Town Clerk office hours more accessible for people by extending evening hours and/or Saturday hours. I have held positions where I have been an Operations Manager who oversaw 50-plus employees and I am currently the manager of my division at Solvents & Petroleum Service, Inc. in Syracuse. If you would like to get to know me before you vote, I will be running a “Meet and Greet” at the Baldwinsville Public Library Large Group Room on Sunday, November 3rd from 1PM to 4PM. Mike Rockdashil, who is running a write-in campaign for Town Board, will also be in attendance. I can also be reached via e-mail at: Regardless of who you vote for, I would like to ask people to exercise their right to vote on November 5th. The last few years seem to have brought more people out to the polls in our town and I feel it’s because people have a choice, rather than just one political group and their candidates. I would be honored to serve the citizens of Lysander as their Town Clerk. Thank you for your time. For those residents who don’t already know me, please include the following list of experience and skills in your upcoming election edition: Dear Residents, For those who may not know me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kevin Rode. I am 37 years old, and have resided in Lysander all but 2 years of my life. I have attended almost every Town Board meeting since 2011, so I feel I am up to date on the issues facing Lysander. I am running a writein campaign in hopes of being elected by the voters for the position of Town Clerk. I am registered as a Republican, but I will work diligently for all citizens of Lysander. Some people may remember me from 2011, when I asked people to sign my petition to be able to run on my own party line for the position of Town Supervisor. Even though I received only a few hundred votes, it was a great experience. By going door to door and talking to various people, I learned a lot about the people that Any information or material published in Letters to the Editor, are the views and responsibility of those who submitted the statements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Radisson Community Association, its employees, Board of Directors or other volunteers. The RCA does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements contained in said letters. municipal needs. I truly thank you for the support you have given me in the past, and I look forward to continuing to work hard to provide you outstanding service!!! Very truly yours, Lisa Dell Candidate for Re-election Lysander Town Clerk Thank you for your consideration, Gene Dinsmore Kevin Rode Pumpkin Pickup Notice From November 4th to November 8th, RCA Maintenance will pick up pumpkins set curbside. They must be on the ground or in a paper bag. They must NOT be mixed with loose leaves or in plastic. We are not able to take any items left in plastic bags. Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 3 Architectural Standards Committee (ASC) Completed ASC Projects Have you finished an exterior project on your home this year? If so, did you remember to notify the Architectural Standards Committee (ASC)? We ask you to notify the ASC by either returning the window sign to the RCA office or e-mailing the ASC at . We will also do a quick review to verify it was completed as approved. If your project was completed as approved, we will send you a letter indicating so and we will close out your open application in our computer system. Notifying the ASC will greatly help the ASC staff from trying to determine if you have completed your project or if you would like an extension to complete your project. Working together to keep Radisson beautiful… Cirque d’Vin Wine Club At the October Tasting there were 109 attendees to sample 10 wines from around the world. Ten of the club participants each presented one of the wines. Favorite wines from the evening were Vaufuget Vouvray, Marietta Old Vines Red and Clos Du Bois Chardonnay. Tabatha’s Family Tree Restaurant provided the “snacks” and Sardo’s Pizza provided the pizzas. Operation Northern Comfort benefitted from this month’s 50-50-charity raffle. Patricia Vanderwerken represented the charity and spoke about Operation Northern Comfort, a nonprofit organization based in Central New York. Operation Northern Comfort is committed to serving the surrounding communities by providing labor, donations, and support in any time of need. Whether it is delivering furniture, painting a room or organizing a fundraiser, the volunteers at ONC will do whatever they can to help. The next Cirque d’Vin Wine Club tasting will be on December 6, 2013 at 7 PM at The Red Mill Inn. The theme/ distributor/winery is still to be determined. Due to increases in expenses, the tasting fee has increased by $1, from $15 to $16 per attendee. The tasting fee is $16 per person and pre-registration/payment is required by Wednesday, December 4, 2013. Checks should be made payable to Cirque d’Vin Wine Club and mailed to the Cirque d’Vin Wine Club, PO Box 832, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Include your name and address, as well as your phone number and email address in case of problems or cancellations. Please also include a list of attendee names to facilitate check-in. Please note that Clay Wine & Spirits will be unable to accept pre-registrations/payments. Wines sampled that evening may be ordered at a discount from Clay Wine & Spirits (315-622-0501) at 3955 State Route 31, Liverpool, NY 13090 (next to The Great Northern Wegmans, near the intersection of Routes 31 and 481) to be picked up the following week. An email from is sent about a week prior to the next tasting with information about the tasting. Please add to your address book. If you have any questions, need more information, would like to receive monthly email notifications or schedule a 50-50 raffle for your charity, email or call Mary Mulligan at 315-635-3413 or Mike Broski at 315-468-5408. Scheduled tastings for the 2013/2014 season are as follows: December 6, 2013 and January 10, February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, 2014. Radisson Senior Ambassador Troop 10166 LOCAL CALENDAR is asking for your support. Radisson Senior Ambassador TroopRegistration 10166 Christmas Bureau Radisson Senior Ambassador Troop 10166is asking for your support. Fri., Nov. 1 from 9am -12pm; Sat., Nov. 2 from 10am-12:30 pm; & Mon. Nov. 4 from a pair of pajamas to help is asking for your support. Please donate 4pm-8pm. Registration will be held at the Baldwinsville Public Library. Families witha children 18 years old and younger who live in the Baldwinsville School Disour neighbors in need. Please donate pair of pajamas to help round-up round-up Please donate a pair of pajamas to help our neighbors in need. trict are eligible to register. You must bring proof of income, benefit cards, proof ourofneighbors in need. address, and social security cards for all family members. Also, it is helpful to Drop offfamily. If there are any have clothing sizes and gift requests for all children in the questions, please call Lauri at 727-5435. Drop off Deadline Deadline Anheuser-Busch Electronic Waste December 8 Collection Saturday, November 16th from 9 AM until 2 PM. We December 8 are doing this free of charge to all area residents in support of America Recycles Day (November 15th). Please use the Route 31 entrance for this event.All local residents are invited to bring their old electronic devices for disposal. Most electronic items will be accepted; anything containing Freon will not be accepted. For a complete list of items: benefit totobenefit to benefit THE BALDWINSVILLE CHRISTMAS BUREAU THE CHRISTMAS BUREAU THE BALDWINSVILLE BALDWINSVILLE CHRISTMAS BUREAU Sponsored by: Troop 10166 Senior Ambassadors B’Ville Arts Workshop Sponsored by:Troop Troop 10166 Senior Ambassadors Sarah Dugan,Sponsored Sarah Karl, Christine by: 10166 Senior Ambassadors Saturday, November 16 at Lysander Town Hall. See complete details on page 7. Linnenbach, Grace Santoro, Kirby Socker, Sarah Dugan, Sarah Karl, Christine Linnenbach, Grace Santoro, Emily Soeder, Elizabeth Wisely, Melissa Voyer Sarah Dugan, Sarah Karl, Christine Linnenbach, Santoro, Baker High Grace School 2003 Class Reunion Friday, November 29, 2013, 6pm at Radisson Kirby Socker, Elizabeth Wisely, Melissa Voyer Kirby Socker,Emily EmilySoeder, Soeder, Elizabeth Wisely, Melissa VoyerAle House. $25 per person, tickets available at, We are collecting NEW pajamas. Sizes: infant- Adult (Male or Female) We are collecting NEW pajamas. Sizes: infant- Adult (Male orbeFemale) f2003Reunion. Tickets must purchased online, no at the door sales. aredonation collecting NEW pajamas. Sizes: infant- Adult (Male or Female) Please drop We off your to 3195 Reston Drive Please drop off donation 3195 Reston Drive (you(you can leave it on it the (you drop can leave ityour on the porch) toto Please offyour donation 3195 Reston Drive can leave onporch) the porch) Questions? Please email or Questions? Please email or Questions? Please email or The RCA office is now a drop off location for your collected Box Tops! Box Tops Box Tops for Education for Education is an organization that the McNamara Elementary PTA submits Box OR BRING THEM TO THE ASPEN HOUSE FOR THETops HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING ONmany DECEMBER to earn valuable money for the programs1that the PTA provides. Each OR BRING THEM TO THE ASPEN HOUSE FOR THE OR BRING THEM TO THE ASPEN HOUSE FOR THE HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING ON DECEMBER 1 HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING ON DECEMBER 1 Page 4 Reflections, November 1, 2013 Box Top is worth $ .10 each. If you have any questions contact Marcy Moreno at Radisson Senior Ambassador Troop 10166 Radisson Senior is asking forAmbassador your support.Troop 10166 Nursery School News A Day in the Life of a Preschooler........ So many fun little time!! The children practiced their fine motor skills by hammering golf tees into the pumpkins they picked at the Hollows. Mrs. Cali then used the pumpkins for a bowling game, and the children were able to see how many different things we are able to do with a pumpkin. Mrs. Simiensyk’s 4 year olds have been practicing their writing skills by copying Halloween words. It is so much fun to see how proud they are of mastering a new letter. “Me and My Special Guy Night” is always a special time at school. The 4 year olds came dressed in their pajamas and made spooky haunted houses with their fellas. They taught their guests a few songs, and everyone had a spooktacular night! Our 2 year olds are hooked on our Pete the Cat books, and are memorizing some of the words. The 3 year olds learned a song about spiders, and snuck up on Mrs. Ferrigan in her office to yell “Boo!” They squealed with delight when she jumped out of her chair. Guy” night “Me and my Special . is buzzing with activity 4’s. Mrs. Cali points the way to the Alexander (3’s) is a master pumpkin carpenter. Liam and friends (3’s) hav e their nets filled with treasures. Radisson Community Phone Directory Have you checked in the 2012 Directory, the 2013 Addendum or online to see if you are listed PROPERLY in the Radisson Directory? You must select “yes” on the Membership Registration form to be listed, and the number, spellings and order of family members will be exactly as entered, so please check for typos. RCA is not responsible for mistakes, omissions or outdated information. You can complete, update or verify your Membership information at any time. Simply log in to our website and select Membership Registration under Resident Account. The 2014 Directory will only include listings as they are entered by January 31, 2014. Reminder that registration only needs to be competed one time unless there are changes to your household. The 4’s practice writing halloween words with Mrs. Simiensyk Paige, Nolan and Lucas (2’s) are early readers! Holiday Reminders The RCA Office will be closed Nov 11, Nov 28, Nov 29 There will be no trash delays in November REMOVED or Put in Your Designated Area Locally Owned & Operated 21 Yrs. Experience Don’t Stess - Call Us 463-0872 Call 4-Estimate LEAF & YARD CLEAN-UP Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 5 Radisson’s Halloween Party We had a spooktacular time at this year’s Halloween parties at the Aspen House. With over 70 children in attendance we saw a wide array of great costumes! There were plenty of treats, but no tricks, to go around! Attendees played games, made crafts, visited with Sue Campanella to get their face painted and filled up on goodies!! Thanks to Elaine Ceresko, Sue Dietrich, Jeanine Downes, Sharon Hayford, Sue Norpell & Julie Raddell from the Recreation Committee who helped out with the set-up, parties and clean up this year. Also, a huge thank you to our youth volunteers: Kate, Ryan, Andrew, Julia, Hannah, Lauren, Alex, Natalie, Kyle & Sam for helping out with the photography, games, arts & crafts table and clean up. Hope to see everyone again next year!! Sincerely, Lori Galutz Director of Community Programs October CNY Art Guild Show Highlights The October CNY Art Guild Show was recently held at the Aspen House. This show had many local artist’s work on display. The show was very well attended and the art show guests were given chances to win donated artwork and to vote for their favorites. We’re here when you need us ... on Saturdays too! Artist Karen Goldman, “Echinacea” won The People’s Choice Award. Donated Artwork winners were Marie Ryan, Cindy Wells and Laura Cherchio. Attached photo is a collage of the winners and honorable mentions from the CNY Art Guild Show done by artist Laurel Butkins. Baldwinsville Village Commons 15 East Genesee St., second floor, next to Kinney Drugs 857-0329 Monday through Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Closed for lunch 12:15-1:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am-noon • No appointments necessary • Most medical insurance plans accepted • Free parking Page 6 Reflections, November 1, 2013 JOIN US FOR AN ART WORKSHOP WANT TO : •Paintwithwatercolor; or Why pay a big corporate gym? Support your local gym! Why pay a big corporate gym? WOW! ONE ON ONE TRAINING PERSONAL WOW! ONE $20 ON ONE Support your local gym! - All brand new Precor equipment equipment All brand new Precor - One low- monthly cost, includes •Makeatotebagorhexagon PERSONAL TRAINING All brand new Precor - One lowand monthly cost,equipment includes $20 Spinning, Zumba, yoga flowerwhilelearningtoquilt;or - Spinning, One low monthly cost,yoga includes GET FIT QUICK CAMPS Zumba and - Ask about ourabout 2 free Start” sessions Spinning, Zumba, and yoga ONLY $10 - Ask out“Fit 2 free “Fit Start” sessions GET FIT QUICK CAMPS •Makeanitemwith Ask about our 2 free “Fit Start” sessions with the finest personal trainers around with the finest personal trainers around ONLY $10 mosaic applications. theeveryday personal trainers around ASK ABOUT OUR PREPARED -day, OPEN allfinest day, everyday - OPEN allwith ASK ABOUT OUR PREPARED --OPEN all day,Upbeat everyday MEALS Clean, Safe, Environment - Clean, Safe, Upbeat Environment MEALS - Clean, Safe, Upbeat Environment Contact John: Call Adam for a free consultation! John Francis Baldwinsville Hearts the Arts Weekend Call Adam for a free consultation! John 481-3836 Francis (315) (315) (315) 278-8976 278-8976 Event–Nov15th-17th (315)481-3836 (315)481-3836 WHEN: Saturday,November16,2013 WHERE: LysanderTownHall–Parks&RecreationOffices TIME: 9:00AMto12:00PM–KidsClasses(aged8+) 1:00PMto4:00PM–Adults FEE: $25perperson{includessupplies} Decorative Touch Painting YOUmustPRE-REGISTERbycalling635-5999orvisitingthe TownofLysanderParks&Recreationandpayinginadvance byendofdayThursday,November14th. • Interior Painting • Radisson Residents’ #1 Painting Company • Free Color Consultation • Fully Insured Tofindoutmore,pleasecheckoutourwebsite: Serving CNY for over 25 Years! 3rd generation committed to customer satisfaction Contact us for a FREE color consultation • a FREE written estimate References Available Upon Request • (315) 635-1628 Radisson Ale House Open 11:00am Everyday | 8055 Potter Road | Baldwinsville, New York Now Booking: Parties, Golf Events & Weddings Tel: 315-635-7992 Sunday Brunch 11am-2pm Buffet & Other Specials! Trivia Night on Wednesdays with Syracuse Trivia Company Grab some friends, make a team and Play for FREE Game Night Specials! 50¢ Wings & $7 Pitchers Dart Leagues Now Forming (Bud Light, Blue Light, Coors Light) For all NFL and SU games! New! Super Size TV – 100” screen Brand New Board Weekly Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 7 In-home color consultations starting at $75 Come in for details Village Ace Hardware 43 E. Genesee St. Baldwinsville 638-4026 3160 Cady’s Arbor This meticulously maintained Radisson town house features a picturesque back yard on Hidden Lake. The first floor offers an eat-in kitchen, two story great room, dining room that opens to a new oversize deck overlooking the yard, lake and walking path. On the second floor, the large master bedroom has an extra large walk-in closet and French doors leading to a screened-in porch. Two additional bedrooms and laundry complete the layout. For Sale by Owner for $159,900 For more information contact the owner at 716-485-8350 100 $ 100 $ Tri County Carpets 0 10 100 COUPON Toward Your Next Flooring Purchase of $100000 $ $ Carpet, Hardwood, Ceramic Tile, Laminate, Vinyl Flooring Tri County Carpets & Linoleum 1000 Vine St., Liverpool 457-3015 Private Appointments • Free Estimates Page 8 Reflections, November 1, 2013 Ways & Means Committee Update Brian F. May, Onondaga County Legislature – 1st District As a member of the Legislature’s Ways & Means Committee, I wanted to share some general thoughts, goals and concerns as we enter the home stretch of the 2014 budget review process. Last year, my colleagues and I took an Executive Budget featuring a $1 million increase to the 2013 property tax levy and reduced it $7 million dollars below the prior year. This was accomplished with heavy scrutiny, strategic use of reserves for one-time capital expenses and improved fiscal policies. In addition to last year’s historic tax cut, the budget featured structural reductions in the cost of government without affecting essential services or the County’s third-best bond rating in New York. While strong bond ratings indicate a well-run government, the measurable benefit to taxpayers is low-cost debt service, which translates to lower tax bills. For obvious reasons, taxpayers also benefit when the executive and legislative branches of government are the same page. To her credit, County Executive Mahoney delivered a proposed budget that picks-up right where the Legislature left off—with no increase to the tax levy and an ambitious proposal to enhance the efficiency of the County’s largest departments without increasing costs. The final 2014 budget approved by the Legislature will represent a collaborative effort to optimize fewer resources to keep taxes low, create jobs and improve the economy. From my standpoint, this approach will leave more in the bottom lines of businesses and households, which benefits the economy and our quality of life. The final budget will also reflect strategies to fund future debt service required for necessary capital projects and infrastructure maintenance--the jails are overcrowded and our sewers are getting very old. This year, Township5, Agrana and Ultra Dairy will result in more than 1,000 new jobs. The 2014 budget will include enhanced support and resources to continue the County’s momentum in economic development. We will also increase investments in tourism and convention marketing, which are proven to provide exponential returns for taxpayers. Last, but not least, the final 2014 budget will likely feature higher levels of accountability for local tax dollars spent throughout the year by County departments and affiliated agencies. Now that you know thoughts for the 2014 budget, don’t hesitate to ask me about them the next time you see me around town. Brian F. May Onondaga County Legislature - 1st District (315) 447-4914 New Life Jacket Requirement for Boaters Effective November 1st, all occupants of any vessel, less than 21 feet, must wear life jackets when underway upon the waters of New York State. This requirement covers all ages. By all vessels, the law means anything that floats and is designed to carry a person or persons. Inclusive is all forms of propulsion; motor electric & internal combustion, sail, and by manual means (paddle or oar). The last day of the requirement is Midnight, May 1st . However, if after that date the water is so cold that you would be unwilling to go for a swim in it, continue to wear a life jacket. Even though the air temperature may seem warm, the water temperature is still cold and poses a grave drowning risk should you have an unplanned entry into the water. The US Coast Guard bases their wearing of protective exposure upon both air and water temperature. If one or the other is below safe minimums, the Coast Guard suits up in their “Mustangs”. Should the vessel capsize, more often than not, a life jacket which is not worn is the life jacket which has floated downstream and away from you. Also, if the water is still very cold, you will tend to gasp for air when you become immersed. Studies by the principal Coast Guards of the World report that people who fall into cold water risk ingesting up to a liter of water into their lungs and drowning. If you go into the water, stay with your vessel. Do your best to get out of the water. You will rapidly lose body heat the longer you stay in the water. The formula is: One (1) minute to get your breathing under control, Ten (10) minutes to get out of the water before you lose your ability to think clearly and maintain control of your ability to move your limbs, One (1) hour before hypothermia sets in and death occurs. Be smart. Wear your life jacket. R. O. Brown, Flotilla Staff Officer Public Affairs Flotilla 2-1 US Coast Guard Auxiliary Look for boater safety courses to be held at the Aspen House in May of 2014. These classes will be offered by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. SAVE THE DATE Radisson’s tree lighting will be on Sunday, December 1, 6:00 pm at the Aspen House. We will be collecting items for local animal shelters and Girl Scout PJ round-up. Santa & Mrs. Claus will be making a special appearance!!! More information to follow in the next Reflections. Need Space? I would like to now extend a service I have been offering my regular clients of Radisson to others as well. FREE WINTER STORAGE of their mowers, with a service agreement that includes: Pick up, and return delivery at no charge with an over winter servicing of their mower that consists of: 1) Cleaning of deck, motor, air-filter and spark plug 2) change engine oil 3) sharpen and balance blades 4) stabilize fuel 5) lube adjusters and bearings 21” push mowers cost: $60.00 • 32” riders: $120.00 • 48” riders: $160.00 50% down upon pick up, and balance due upon Spring delivery. Again thank you for your confidence and business in servicing your landscape desires. Sincerely, Wayne Woods/D.B.A. WOODS LANDSCAPES 315-515-8681 EST. 1981 Other over-winter storage options available. Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 9 Buy a holiday wreath from Boy Scout Troop 114, and make your home look its best this holiday season! • The boys of Boy Scout Troop 114 of Radisson & Cold Springs are once again selling holiday wreaths this year to raise money for their annual activities. • Our unique combination of live, locally-grown holiday greens makes this lovely, 24” diameter wreath about 25% fuller than a traditional balsam wreath. • The boys personally decorate each wreath with clumps of real pine cones, red faux berries, and a bow in your choice of two shades of red, all for only $25.00. • Please order by November 17th. The wreaths will be delivered to your home the first weekend in December, on Saturday December 7th. • Place your order at orderscoutwreaths@ or with Megan Law at 209-9499, and include the following information in your e-mail or v-mail: There will be a limited amount of tickets available for sale at the door for Radisson’s Casino Night. Saturday, November 2, 7:30 pm-10:30 pm at Aspen House. Name_______________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________ Street Address_______________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ Number of Wreaths with Red Bow ____________ Number of Wreaths with Burgundy Bow_____________ TOWN OF LYSANDER Ordinance Prohibiting ALL NIGHT PARKING Section 1: PROHIBITION OF ALL NIGHT PARKING No vehicle shall be parked on any public highway within the Town of Lysander between the hours of 2 AM and 7 AM during the period BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1 and ENDING APRIL 15 of each year. Section 2: $25 per ticket includes beverages, appetizers, dessert & $250 gaming voucher. 21 and over. It is a traffic infraction for a person to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. Every person convicted shall for a first conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars; for the second such conviction within eighteen months thereafter, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, upon a third or subsequent conviction within eighteen months after the first conviction such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars. Amenities Equalization Assessment Notice Certificate of Compliance Notice As of October 1, 2005, the Radisson Community Association will levy an Amenities Equalization Assessment (AEA) to the Purchaser of a Radisson Community, residential property. The purpose of the AEA shall be to expand and/or improve common areas and common amenities. The AEA is calculated at .25% of the purchase price of the residential property. This will apply to new homes as well as existing homes and is payable at the time of closing. Payments are to be made out to the Radisson Amenities Fund and be sent directly to our community office at 3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Exemption from the fee is granted if either of the following applies: a Purchaser who has been the Owner of another Residential Lot which has served as said Purchaser’s principal residence for two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of the subject Residential Lot, provided said Purchaser sells the other Residential Lot within 90 days; or a Purchaser who has been a full time resident of an apartment within Radisson during the entirety of the two consecutive years immediately preceding the purchase of the subject Residential Lot. Please feel free to contact the RCA Office at 635-7171 if you have any questions regarding the AEA. The Radisson Community Association, Inc. (RCA) requires that prior to the resale or refinancing of an existing home in Radisson that a Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection be made. The purpose of the C of C is to provide all parties reasonable assurance that the property is free from any architectural standards violations of the Radisson Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Radisson Declaration). The C of C and a statement of the property’s annual assessment account should be requested ten (10) days prior to closing. For property resales, effective January 1, 1999, the measurement of the finished area of the house must be confirmed. To allow adequate time for the staff to complete this requirement, the seller’s attorney must request the C of C 14 days prior to closing As of April 1, 2010 the fees are as follows: *A sixty five($65.00) dollar Certificate of Compliance (C of C) inspection and processing fee is charged by the RCA to the requesting attorney or the owner of the property making such a request. Please insure that this fee is explained to the buyer and seller as well as the purpose of the inspection. *A fifty ($50.00) dollar Planned Unit Development (PUD) form completion fee will also be charged by the RCA to the requesting party. This fee must be prepaid before completion. PUD forms are not required by the RCA and are only necessary if requested by a bank or other lender. A Certificate of Compliance Request Form may be obtained at or by calling the RCA Office. Page 10 Reflections, November 1, 2013 BusineSS Cards CNY MOB I & SNOW LE LAWN REPAIR INC. I Come to You Repairs on Most Lawn Mow ers and Snow blowers. Baldwinsv ille, 13027 315-303-0 020 Sales 300+ Radisson Home Real Estate in ce en eri 29 Years Exp sident 36 Years Radisson Re RI Joanne Rodriguez, G Associate Broker Direct: (315) 671-3626 Joanne.Rodriguez@C oldwellBankerPrime .com com JoanneGRodriguez. 8233 Park Ridge Path Liverpool, NY 13090 Securities and Investm ent Advisory Registered Services off Investmen t Advisor. DB ere Nationwide A Nationwide d through Nationw Life Insura ide Securiti nce Compan Advisory Se es, LL y, affiliated rvices, LLC. companies in AR, FL, IL, C., member FINRA, SIP and other co C NY, TX and mpanies. WY. Represe and a ntative of Come in for a test save . Total average saving $480* Lindsy Luu, Agent 60 1/2 Salina Street Baldwinsville, NY 130 27 Bus: 315-638-0247 Fax: 315-638-1513 P090115.1 s of I’d love to show you som e new ways to make your car insurance dol lars work harder. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. *Average annual per hous ehold policyholders who repo savings based on a national 2010 survey of new rted savings by switching State Farm Mutual Autom to State Farm. obile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Com pany, Bloomington, IL DOODY DUTY G O D lean-thUe chpore of aste C e Dog W just don’t lik ally unable, or ysic g? after your do cleaning up Call us! e Clean Ups m y, and One Ti kl ee W Bi Weekly, Too busy, ph er Snow & Randy Cram Lawn, Inc. 829 (315) 439-3 oo www.dogd Hunt Real Estat 8196 Oswego Roe ERA Liverpool, NY ad 13090 AUTUMN STA R R, www.rcslin pted PayPal acce it cards and Major cred Associate Brok GRI, Marketing Speci er alist CRS ofc: (315) 622fax: (315) 506- 5757 ext 6540 direct: (315) 50 6590 6-6540 astarr@twcny.r r.c om m Specializing in Radisson Prop erties Reflections, November 1, 2013 Page 11 Classified Ads All Classified Ads must be 40 words or less and be sumitted in writing using the online Ad form or the printed Ad form. RCA and Editorial Staff reserve the right to edit ads to meet the 40 word limit. Community classified ads are for RCA members only and are limited to one ad per category per address per issue. for sale Disclaimers The Reflections will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Radisson Community Association, Inc., its Board of Directors, staff, and members, make no representation as to the validity or qualifications of any advertiser. Residents are advised to check references with the Better Business Bureau. The Radisson Community Association (RCA) does not engage any realtor or real estate agency as its listing agent. Further, any realtor and/or real estate agency advertised in the Reflections or other RCA promotional material is not endorsed nor rated by the Radisson Community Homeowner’s Association. Letters To The Editor: All letters must include name, address, signature, and telephone number for verification. Names and addresses may be withheld from print upon request. Editing may be necessary for space. Advertising Rates & Policies 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Bus. Card Commercial Clsfd 5.125” x 3” 5.125” x 6” 10.375” x 6” 10.375” x 12” 3.5” x 2” 40 word text $45/$65 $75/$100 $150/$200 $300/$400 $30 $15 Ad contracts, payment and ad image must be received by 5pm on the deadline date. All ads will be reviewed for compliance with Reflections policy. The number of any type of ad run may be limited by space constraints. Ads will be run on a first-come, first-serve basis. Advertising Contract and additional details are on our website or email Deadlines & Contact Info Send ads, articles, etc. to Submissions must be received by 5pm on the deadline date to be considered for the next issue. Published On October 18 November 1 November 15 November 29 Deadline Is October 4 October 18 November 1 November 15 It’s almost time for SNOW! Four mounted Dunlop snow tires, size 225/60R17. They don’t fit my new car and were used only one season. $200 takes all four. Call 720-4944. TV stand, gray/pewter color with glass shelf, 36”L x 22”H x25”W, can hold a 100 lb TV, $35. Call 383-0979. Hand crafted dark hard pine dining table and eight chairs. Includes custom-made table pads, table is 81”L x 38”W, excellent condition, $525. Call 657-2927. Girls two-piece purple snowsuit, jacket and snow pants, size 10-12, $10. Call 638-4019. Dog/Cat crate, 24” L x 18”W x 18”H, $20. Dog/ Cat crate, 28” L x 12”W x 15”H, $10. Call Bert at 638-0138. Mackenzie Childs Items: Courtly Check salt and pepper, $45. Coasters, $17. Flower Market (green) Tumbler, 10oz, $15. Soap dish, $15. Pump Dispenser, $40. Taylor Ceramic Dapper small vase, $70. Call 635-5143. Wanted Ride to Elmcrest Children’s Center (near Lemoyne College). Employee needs ride to and or from work. Can be 5 or less days. Call 857-7422. free Mark Andrello & Jean Parr 6817 Jayhawk Circle Ricky & Margaret Holmes 8804 Wandering Way Various lengths 2X6 pressure treated lumber up to 15 feet long. Structurally good, but weathered on one side. Call Larry at 635-1241. Joseph & Kathleen Knittel 8428 Marco Lane Robert & Susan Smith 3604 Melvin Drive South Commercial Classifieds HOME REPAIRS! 30+ years remodeling and construction experience in carpentry, plumbing, electrical and painting. Call MIKE ROEMER at 315-447-5834. References, insured, prompt and reliable, A+ BBB rating. Go to for a list of services and photo galleries of completed projects. Welcome to the Neighborhood Patricia Smith JERRY’S PLUMBING: Serving Baldwinsville for over 55 years. Water heaters, kitchen and bath faucets, sump and backup pumps, new furnaces, and ALL maintenance needs.Small leaks cost big money in water loss! Free estimates. No travel fee. Call 635-3651. 3274 Oak Brook Road Loren & Betty Walts 3073 Town Center Road Don’t be overwhelmed with leaf clean-up this year. Distinguished Landscapes offers leaf cleanup, gutter cleaning, perennial plant cut back and trimming services to help prepare your yard for winter. Excellent Radisson references. Call Joe 254-7132. Find us on Twitter Visit our website at Follow us on Facebook No vembe r 2013 - R a disson Communit y Calendar Sunday 3 monday 4 tuesday 5 wednesday 6 11 RCA Closed Veteran’s Day 7 12 Planning and Amenities Meeting 7:00pm at RCA 13 14 No Trash Delay 17 24 Page 12 saturday 8 9 15 16 Reflections Delivered 18 Operations Committee Meeting 12:00 at RCA TOL Board Meeting 7:00pm at Town Office 19 25 26 Reflections, November 1, 2013 friday TOL Board Meeting 7:00pm at Town Office ASC Meeting 6:30pm at RCA 10 thursday 20 21 22 23 29 30 RCA Board of Town Planning Directors Board Meeting 7:30pm at Aspen House 7:00pm at TOL Offices 27 28 Happy Thanksgiving RCA Office Closed RCA Office Closed Reflections Delivered Defensive Driving Course 9:00am-4:00pm at Aspen House
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3128 Amesbury Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315-635-7171 | Fax: 315-635-7182
For general RCA inquiries email i...
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