Leaders of Change
Leaders of Change
BAGLY’S OUT FOR YOUTH Leaders of Change 35th Year Anniversary! 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 35 Year Anniversary th BAGLY’s Out For Youth Thursday, May 7, 2015 ABOUT BAGLY FOR OVER 35 YEARS, BAGLY HAS BEEN A CONSTANT SOURCE OF SUPPORT AND HOPE FOR SOME OF THE MOST MARGINALIZED MEMBERS OF OUR COMMUNITIES. THROUGH PROGRAMS LIKE BAGLY’S COMMUNITY CENTER, WEEKLY DROP-IN SPACE, FREE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC, AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES, BAGLY HAS CREATED A SPACE WHERE LGBTQ YOUTH RECEIVE LIFE-SAVING AND LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITIES AND VITAL SKILLS IN ORDER TO KEEP THEMSELVES SAFE, HEALTHY, AND HAPPY. BAGLY’S UNIQUE VISION OF YOUTH-LED ADULT-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS, TIRELESS DEDICATION TO SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL OF OUR COMMUNITIES, AND LARGE GROUP OF DEDICATED ADULT SUPPORTERS AND ALLIES HAS MADE BAGLY ONE OF THE MOST TRUSTED AND RESPECTED LGBTQ YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS IN THE COUNTRY FOR OVER THREE DECADES. THROUGH ITS STATEWIDE NETWORK OF LGBTQ YOUTH GROUPS, BAGLY SERVES OVER 7,000 YOUTH EACH YEAR AND HAS SERVED OVER 30,000 YOUTH SINCE THE ORGANIZATION’S FOUNDING IN 1980. OUR MISSION The Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth (BAGLY, Inc.) is a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization committed to social justice, and creating, sustaining and advocating for programs, policies, and services for the LGBTQ youth community. For a complete list of BAGLY’s programs, please visit www.BAGLY.org/programs EVENT INFORMATION When: Thursday May 7, 2015 6:00PM to 9:00PM Where: New England Aquarium 1 Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110 Why: This year BAGLY will celebrate its 35th anniversary providing life-saving, life changing programming and services to LGBTQ youth throughout Massachusetts. We are proud to be one of the nation’s oldest youth-led, adult-supported organizations. In addition to celebrating our 35th Anniversary, BAGLY is thrilled to award former Governor Deval Patrick with the 2015 Queer Activist Honorary Degree. Governor Deval Patrick is an acclaimed civil rights lawyer and the 71st governor of Massachusetts. He has been a strong advocate for the environment, reproductive protections, and LGBTQ rights. The queer activist college honorary degree was introduced in 2012 to recognize & celebrate the commitment and dedication of individuals who have devoted their lives to the core values of BAGLY: youth leadership, diversity, & social justice for all communities. Each year this event draws guests from across Massachusetts including some of Boston’s most prominent philanthropists, state and local government officials, and BAGLY’s most dedicated supporters. Queer Activist College Honorary Degree If you have any questions about becoming a sponsor, or want to tailor a sponsorship opportunity for your business or organization, please contact BAGLY’s Director of Development, Kurtlan Massarsky, at 617.227.4313 x 130 or e-mail him at kmassarsky@ bagly.org. We hope you join us in supporting LGBTQ youth this year at BAGLY’s Out For Youth: Leaders of Change event! Why Sponsor This event? The business side of supporting LGBTQ youth! Market Research: Good corporate citizenship is now an accepted tenet of best business practices – but why support LGBTQ causes? As a sea change of social and political changes surrounding LGBTQ issues takes place in the U.S., it’s vital that businesses not only maintain internal non-discriminatory practices, but also openly demonstrate and appeal to LGBTQ stakeholders. According to Community Marketing & Insight’s 2014 Annual LGBT Community Survey of 34,000 LGBT people: • 45% of gay/bi men, and 54% of lesbian/bi women believe Corporate America does not do a good overall job reaching out to the LGBT community • 36% of gay/bi men and 31% of lesbian/bi women are confident in their economic future, whereas according to a Gallup poll, only 21% of mainstream America feels confident in the economy • 97% of gay/bi men and 99% of lesbian/bi women list LGBTQ discrimination as their most pressing social concern, far ahead of marriage equality Why supporting BAGLY is good business: We know the commitment to sponsor a non-profit is never a decision that’s taken lightly. Here are 5, of many, compelling reasons why investing in BAGLY is not only the right thing to do to support the LGBTQ community, but how your sponsorship will resonate with key demographics, social and political leaders, and the wider community of straight allies: • BAGLY has 35 years of sound fiscal policies, financial and organizational growth, and unimpeachable community credibility • Grassroots, community-based programmatic approach means your investment impacts LGBTQ youth directly, and doesn’t support a bloated infrastructure • Visibility for your organization in key demographics, including: high school students, college students, and the parents and caretakers of LGBTQ youth • Region-wide exposure through BAGLY’s program, The AGLY Network, which connects 15 LGBTQ youth groups across Massachusetts, reaching over 7,000 LGBTQ youth, and their networks, each year • Bang for your buck – as BAGLY is successfully cultivating unprecedented organizational growth, the time to invest in BAGLY is now. Your organization will receive more exposure with a reasonable financial commitment than national non-profits who can’t focus their marketing efforts locally or regionally. BAGLY’s Out For Youth - Leaders of Change Levels of Sponsorship Package Level >> Logo or name on cover of program as presenting sponsor Signage & recognition on BAGLY events Logo and recognition on BAGLY’s Homepage Inclusion in Gift Bags Full-page program ad Free tickets BAGLY FLAGSHIP (Limited 2) BAGLY Community Leader BAGLY Activist BAGLY Advocate BAGLY Ally BAGLY Supporter $10,000 $5,000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 « « « « « « 4 Events 3 Events 2 Events 1 Event « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « 10 Tickets 6 Tickets 4 Tickets 4 Tickets 4 Tickets 2 Tickets Advertisement Opportunities In Program Business Card Size Ad • $75 1/4 Page Ad • $150 1 Ticket & 1/2 Page Ad • $200 Sponsorship and Program Ad Response Form Please reply by Friday, April 10, 2015 to ensure placement in program book. (Event Date: Thursday, May 7th, 2015) Please complete this form and either mail to the address below or email along with program ad to Laurine Lamour at llamour@bagly.org. Ads must be black and white, and submitted as jpeg or pdfs (jpeg preferred). Artwork (photos, logos, etc.) must be high resolution: 300 dpi or higher. Please do not submit low-resolution (less than 300 dpi) artwork. We can not accept screen shots at 72 dpi. Fill will be printed as is. CONTACT INFORMATION: Business/Organization Name: Contact Name: Address: Phone: Email: Title Fax: SPONSORSHIP/AD SPECIFICATIONS (Please select one): SPONSORSHIP Opportunities ADVERTISEMENT Opportunities ¨ BAGLY Community Leader ($5,000) ¨ Full Page ($350) ¨ BAGLY Activist ($2,500) ¨ 1/2 Half Page ($200) ¨ BAGLY Advocate ($1,500) ¨ 1/4 Page ($150) ¨ BAGLY Ally ($1,000) ¨ Businsess Card Ad ($75) ¨ BAGLY Supporter ($500) ¨ Our ad has already been emailed as an attachment to llamour@bagly.org PAYMENT: ¨ Check: (payable to BAGLY, Inc. P.O. Box 960814, Boston, MA 02196 ¨ Credit Card: (Circle one) VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS Account #:______________________ Exp. Date:________________ Security Code:_________ ¨ Please send me an invoice ¨ We are unable to include an ad, but we are please to make a tax-dedutable contribution of $___________ BAGLY, Inc. ◆ P.O. Box 960814, Boston, MA ◆ 617-227-4313 BAGLY’s Out For Youth Program Advertisment Dimensions 5’’ 5’’ Full Page Ad Height = 8 inches Width = 5 inches 8’’ 4’’ Half Page Ad Height = 4 inches Width = 5 inches 2.5’’ 2’’ Business Card Ad Height = 2 inches Width = 3.5 inches 4’’ 1/4 Page Ad Height = 4 inches Width = 2.5 inches 3.5’’ REQUIREMENTS: - Must be black and white - Must be .jpeg or PDF format(.jpeg preferred) - Must be high resolution: 300dpi or higher - File will be printed as is - Email your ad to Laurine Lamour at llamour@bagly.org no later than Friday, April 10th, 2015.