2014 ICON AwArds


2014 ICON AwArds
2014 ICON Awards
and 10th anniversary celebration of marriage equality in Massachusetts
February 27, 2014
2014 Icon Awards
Sponsorship Opportunities
Robb Johnson
Sean Curran
Lisa J. Drapkin
Now in its third year, MassEquality’s annual Icon Awards dinner and gala provides an opportunity
to celebrate the exceptional leadership, voice, and advocacy of individuals and organizations who have
demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to bettering the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
and queer (LGBTQ) people in the Commonwealth.
Always a fun and extraordinary evening, the Third Annual Icon Awards gala brings with it the marking
of a truly historic moment for LGBTQ people in the Commonwealth and across the nation. This year’s
gala coincides with the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the historic Goodridge v. Dept. of
Public Health court decision, which declared that same-sex couples could not be denied civil marriage
rights in Massachusetts. In addition to saluting the 2014 Political, Community, and Philanthropic Icon
awardees, join us for a very special celebration as we recognize the “Marriage Champions” who were
integral to the successful effort to protect the Goodridge decision.
Valerie Fein-Zachary
Wilfred Labiosa
Steven Lee
Julia Ortenzio
Stanley Zanarotti
Education Fund**
Robyn Ochs
Paul Anagnostos
Thursday, February 27, 2014 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm
The Fairmont Copley Plaza Grand Ballroom
Featuring Special Anniversary Dinner prepared by
Celebrity Chef Tiffani Faison
Event Co-Chairs Lisa J. Drapkin and Richard Giglio
Morgan Darby-Luc
Michelle Figueiredo
Priscilla Lee
Joseph Riley
Melissa Rones
Mary Yntema
MassEquality is comprised of two
entities and as such has two boards.
*MassEquality.org is a designated
501(c)(4). Due to the political nature of
our work, contributions to this entity
are not tax-deductible. **MassEquality
Education Fund is a designated 501(c)
(3) organization and donations are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed
by law.
Political Icon: Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo
Philanthropic Icon: Harry Collings
Community Icon: Community Catalyst
Special Recognition: Marriage Champions
Support Real Change for LGBTQ People
MassEquality makes a real difference in real people’s lives every single day. We are the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization
working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination and oppression based on sexual
orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We do this by partnering across issues, identities and communities to build a broad,
inclusive and powerful movement that changes hearts and minds.
With over 200,000 individual supporters, and mainstream non-profit and corporate partners, MassEquality is recognized within Massachusetts
and on the national level as one of the most well-respected and effective state-based LGBTQ organizations in the country. In 2014,
MassEquality’s priorities include:
• Protecting ALL children in the Commonwealth from bullying, harassment, and cyberbullying by advocating for
district bullying prevention plans that delineate specific categories of vulnerable students.
• Ending the epidemic of youth homelessness in the State by increasing housing and funding support for the over
40% of homeless youth who are LGBTQ.
• Winning explicit “gender identity” protections in public spaces – places like hospitals, public transportation, nursing homes,
supermarkets, retail establishments; any place open to the public where, at least right now, transgender people are not protected.
• Supporting the health, housing, financial, psycho-social and long term care needs of older LGBTQ adults through
its role as an appointee on the Commission on LGBTQ Aging – the first of its kind in the nation.
• Preparing the next generation of young people with the leadership skills to create real change for LGBTQ people
in the Commonwealth and serve as leaders in their own communities.
making the choice
92% of LGBTQ Americans are likely to favor a brand that is known to provide equal workplace benefits to all of their employees, including gays
and lesbians. 81% of LGBTQ Americans are likely to favor a brand that supports non-profits or causes important to them. By supporting the Icon
Awards, you will have the opportunity to show your customers, your competitors and your current and prospective employees that you value
diversity and fairness.
Robert DeLeo
Harry Collings
Community Catalyst
Marriage Champions
Political Icon: Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo
House Speaker Robert DeLeo is this year’s Political Icon Awardee for his leadership in the successful effort
to pass the Transgender Equal Rights Bill and in ongoing efforts to address the epidemic of LGBTQ youth
homelessness, end anti-LGBTQ schoolyard bullying, and ensure state support for life-saving social services
for older LGBTQ adults, survivors of intimate partner violence and those living with HIV/AIDS.
Speaker DeLeo first championed LGBTQ civil rights while working on the House Committee on Ways and
Means. He was one of the first state legislators to allocate funds for LGBTQ youth and persisted in these
efforts in spite of receiving hate mail from some of his constituents and from other people across the country.
Speaker DeLeo has been outspoken on his commitment to addressing the epidemic of youth homelessness
in the Commonwealth. A true political champion, Speaker DeLeo is justly deserving of this honor.
Philanthropic Icon: Harry Collings
Harry Collings has been the LGBTQ community’s “ambassador” for more than four decades. When the AIDS Action Committee was founded
in 1983, Harry led the remarkable all volunteer fundraising effort, and helped build the organization that became one of the most important
agencies in the U.S. fighting the AIDS epidemic. Harry went on to managing the first capital campaign for Fenway Health, negotiating the
donation of land, commandeering the funds, and overseeing the construction of its first new building in 1991.
On the political front, Harry has worked closely with Mayors Kevin White, Ray Flynn and for twenty years, he has enjoyed a close relationship
with his personal friend, Mayor Thomas M. Menino. As Executive Director and Secretary of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, Harry
helped facilitate ongoing construction projects and new opportunities, making Boston truly worthy of calling itself “a world-class city.”
Philanthropically, Harry has given away almost as much money as he has raised, supporting a wide variety of LGBTQ causes such as AIDS
Action, Fenway Health, The Theater Offensive and Community Servings. He married his long-time partner, Dan Moon, in 2005.
Community Icon: Community Catalyst
Community Catalyst, a national consumer health advocacy organization, is a shining example of the power of collaboration and coalition, a
value shared by MassEquality. Through its partnership with MassEquality and the Center for American Progress, Community Catalyst has
championed efforts to ensure access to health insurance coverage for transgender-related medical care in the Commonwealth. More broadly, it
has worked in the last year to advocate for Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation that serves the values and needs of LGBTQ individuals
and families. This includes ensuring non-discrimination in state-based, partnership and federally-facilitated Marketplaces, shaping consumer
assistance programs (such as Navigators) to be culturally competent, and influencing the design of the essential health benefits package so it
works for the LGBTQ community.
Community Catalyst has been persistant in its aim to strengthen polices in the ACA, positioning LGBTQ individuals and their families
for better access to health insurance coverage and comprehensive health care. Their impact on transgender-related medical care here in
Massachusetts, truly sets Community Catalyst apart. Few groups with non-LGBTQ specific missions have championed issues of importance
to LGBTQ people with such impact. Community Catalyst is truly iconic and we are thrilled to highlight their work.
Special Recognition: Marriage Champions
This year’s 2014 MassEquality Icon Awards will include a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the historic Goodridge v.
Dept. of Public Health court decision, which declared that same-sex couples could not be denied civil marriage rights in Massachusetts.
MassEquality first formed in 2002 as a coalition of local and national LGBTQ organizations and ultimately worked together to successfully
defend the Goodridge decision. By 2007, MassEquality had beat back two anti-marriage constitutional amendments and successfully protected
marriage equality, leading Massachusetts to become the first freedom to marry state. These resulting landmark victories paved the way for the
legalization of same-sex marriage in sixteen states and the District of Columbia, as well as the striking down of DOMA. The 2014 Icon Awards
will bring together and recognize many of the original “Marriage Champions” at this year’s gala.
We’re honored to salute the people who were most influential in the campaign to preserve equal marriage rights in Massachusetts from 2001 2007. This coalition of campaign workers, legislators, activists and opinion-leaders formed the foundation for MassEquality — and changed the
world as we knew it.
All sponsors at $1,500 and up receive, in addition to the benefits below, a one-year membership in the MassEquality Leadership Circle.
Benefits include, but are not limited to: recognition on the official website, listing in the annual report, invitations to special events hosted by
MassEquality and our partners, and access to quarterly updates with the Executive Director.
Equality Leader - $25,000
Inclusion Activist - $2,500
• Two VIP tables (20 tickets) with premiere seating for the dinner and
• Four VIP seats with preferred placement for the dinner and ceremony
• 20 invitations to special Honoree cocktail reception
• Half-page ad in the Icon Awards program book
• Opportunity to provide one branded premium item to be given as a
gift to our VIP guests (approx. 150). Item must be pre-approved by
the event committee
• Full-page, color ad on the back cover, inside front, or inside back
cover of the Icon Awards program book
• Special recognition from the stage during the ceremony
• Two (2) dedicated e-mails to MassEquality’s list of 28,000+ supporters
• Logo recognition as Presenting Sponsor on the event website, on
video screens on the night of event and on all printed materials
including e-blasts and in on-line promotions
Justice Advocate - $10,000
• One VIP table (10 tickets) with premium seating for the dinner and
• 4 tickets to special Honoree cocktail reception
• Company/Family name listed on the event website, on video screens
night of event and on all printed materials including e-blasts and in
on-line promotions
Coalition Builder - $1,500
• Two VIP seats with preferred placement for the dinner and ceremony
• 2 tickets to special Honoree cocktail reception
• Company/Family name listed in the Icon Awards program book
• Company/Family name listed on video screens night of event and
on all printed materials
Community Friend - $500
• Two tickets to the dinner and ceremony
• 10 invitations to special Honoree cocktail reception
• Company/Family name listed in the Icon Awards program book
• Opportunity to provide one branded premium item to be given as a
gift to our VIP guests (approx. 150). Item must be pre-approved by
event committee
Become a Table Sponsor or Table Captain
• Full-page ad with priority placement in the Icon Awards
program book
Table Sponsor - $1,750
• Logo recognition on the event website, on video screens night
of event and on all printed materials including e-blasts and in
on-line promotions
• Company name/Family name listed in the Icon Awards
program book
• One reserved table for 10*
* Table Sponsors agree to purchase a table for 10 and invite people to attend as
their guests.
Change Maker - $5,000
• Six VIP seats with preferred placement for the dinner and ceremony
• 6 invitations to special Honoree cocktail reception
• Full-page ad in the Icon Awards program book
Table Captain
• One reserved table for 10**
• Logo recognition on the event website, on video screens night
of event and on all printed materials including e-blasts and in
on-line promotions
** Table Captains agree to organize a table for 10 and guests will purchase their tickets
independently. Tickets are $175 per guest.
Ad and listing submission information
Ad Specs
All ads besides $25,000 level will be black and white.
Deadline to submit program book ads and listings is Friday,
February 14. Company/donor is responsible for providing artwork/ad
file to dgollenberg@lizpageassociates.com. Call Liz Page Associates,
event producers, at 617-296-8806 ext 3 with any questions.
Full-page ads:
Half-page ads:
• 6”(w) x 7.5”(h)
• 6”(w) x 3.625”(h)
• B&W • B&W
Ads should be provided
full size at 300dpi
in pdf or jpeg form.
For more information please contact Amanda Decetise, Director of Development at amanda@massequality.org or call 617-878-2300
Visit www.massequality.org/events/icons-2014
MassEquality celebrated the first anniversary of marriage equality by inviting the five thousand Massachusetts same-sex couples
who had married in the previous year to gather on Boston Common in front of the State House for a group photograph.
5 Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02109 | 617.878.2300 | MassEquality.org
Corporate Sponsor Reply Form
Sponsorships can also be bought online by visiting www.massequality.org/icons-2014,
or by contacting Amanda Decetise, Director of Development at amanda@massequality.org or call 617-878-2300.
Primary Contact: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name(s) exactly as they should appear in print_____________________________________________________________
Yes! I would like to support MassEquality Icon Awards by becoming a sponsor:
Equality Leader - $25,000
Justice Advocate - $10,000
Change Maker - $5,000
Inclusion Activist - $2,500
Coalition Builder - $1,500
Community Friend - $500
Table Sponsor - $1,750
Table Captain - organize a table of 10
Please see Sponsorship Levels page for a full description of benefits and a listing of ad specs.
Payment information:
Total donation of $___________________
Check payable to MassEquality
Credit card
Please invoice address above
Card number:________________________________________________ Expiration date:_________________________
Name on card:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Billing address (if different from above): __________________________________________________________________
Date:______________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________
All corporate sponsorships and donations to the MassEquality Education Fund, a designated 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible
to the extent allowed by law. 5 Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02109 | 617.878.2300 | MassEquality.org