Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools


Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools
MARCH 2013
Message From the Principal
Dear Parents,
March is going to be a very busy month for all of the Hornets! Interims went home on
February 21st. Please take time to review and discuss grades with your child. If grades are
low, then it may be time to provide more structure at home through a supervised study time.
Perhaps you could set aside time to review concepts in classes where your child may be
having difficulty. This would be a good way to prepare for the upcoming SOL tests as well!
The interims reflect both formative and summative assessments. While formative
assessments such as homework are not included in the grade, failure to complete
homework may impact performance on quizzes and tests. Take a look at the report, and try
to get your child to explain how he/she earned the grades. If the grade is low, ask your child
if he/she has taken advantage of the re-take policy which allows students, after he/she has
completed certain steps, to re-take a quiz or a test in order to raise the grade.
Please mark your calendars for March 13th and 14th, 19th and 20th when 8th grade students
will be taking the SOL Writing Test. It is extremely important that your child is present and
on time to school those dates. The spring SOL testing window is April 30th through
May 30th. A calendar with the exact tests and dates will be available in future newsletters
and on our website.
Mark your calendars for March 7th as well when Harmony will again sponsor our Family
Arts Night and Empty Bowl Dinner. A variety of fun, family activities are being offered. In
addition, students and guest potters have made a number of beautiful bowls which can be
purchased along with a dinner being prepared by the PTA. Please plan on attending this
During the next two months, teachers will be working hard to cover the course curriculum
and to review key concepts for the SOL’s. In some cases, students will be given directions
to complete reviews online. Teachers are offering these instructional activities to provide
extra practice with SOL materials. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this
All students have completed course selections for next year. A copy of the courses
selected will be sent home with the third quarter report card along with instructions for
making any changes that may be necessary. Please remember that all course selection
changes must be made by June 20, 2013. Schedule changes requested after that
deadline may not be possible due to staffing and class sizes and will not be made without
principal approval. No changes to electives will be made after June 20th.
540-751-2501 fax
absentee call-in
In this issue
 Students of the Month
 At the Library
 Orchestra News
 Band News
 Chorus News
 Team News/Honor Roll
 Guidance Dept.
 PTA News/Outreach News
 School Calendar 2012-2013
 Black History Month
 Family Arts Night
 German Dept. News
 Spectrum Speaks
 Drama News
 March Lunch Menu
 March Calendar
MARCH 2013
This summer, summer school will be held at Harmony for Harmony students. Generally, these are students who are remediating English
and math. High school credit courses are offered at the high school summer school. More information is forthcoming as we get closer to
Please make plans to see this year's musical, Cinderella. Students have been working hard to make this a spectacular show. The dates
are March 14th, 15th and 16th at 7 PM and Sunday the 17th at 1:00 PM.
The School Board has revised the policy 8-20 on school admission and attendance. Please read it over especially as it impacts special
permission students. The window is now: April 1st through May 15th. Please also read the Questions and Answers memo on “How this
policy impacts athletes.” The 8th grade parent should pay particular attention to this. Both forms are available on the school’s website.
As we rapidly approach the end of the year, it is important that we continue to maintain our focus on learning. Please help us by making
attendance a priority for your child. I look forward to working together to ensure that we finish the year strong as we continue Building a
Foundation of Success for each of our students.
Edgar Markley
Orion: Braden Nesselrodt and Maddy Gingerich
Phoenix: James Cromwell and Brittany Glidden
Taurus: Allison Lyne and Kyle McVey
Gemini: Rachel Hubbuch and Hudson Vetter
Pegasus: Adrianna Scruggs and Nicolas Newkirk
Ursa Major: Carrie Nichols and Dominic Sullivan
Eagle: Eli Goossens and Caroline Thomas
Hercules: Owen Black and Brooke Diederich
Scorpion: Hope Davison and Ryan Smith
Please Note: Students of the Month are chosen based on their accomplishments during the named month. Their names
are announced at the end of the month and their biographies are displayed in their house for the next month.
The administrative newsletter of
Harmony Middle School
38174 West Colonial Hwy.
Hamilton, VA 20158
Dr. Edgar Markley, Acting Principal
Jim Hepner, Assistant Principal
Gail Lucas, Assistant Principal
Andrew Olejer, 6th Grade Dean
Patrick White, 7th Grade Dean
Christina Thompson, 8th Grade Dean
If, due to a disability, you need assistance to enable you
to participate meaningfully in any school activity, please
contact Mrs. Gladden at 540-751-2500 at least five
working days prior to the activity.
This year will never happen again! Buy your yearbook today
through Books need to be
purchased before May 1st. Use the menu to pick our school
in Hamilton, VA, and then click "Place a New Yearbook
If you still owe money on your yearbook, please make sure
to complete the payment!
Important Reminder
The front parking lot is reserved for buses only between
2:45 PM and 3:45 PM. Parents picking up students for early
dismissal must park in the parking lot - not in front of the
school. Parents picking up students from after-school
activities should not park along the curb in front of the
school - that area is for the activity buses. Thank you for
your cooperation.
@the Library
The Harmony bands continue to improve and gain new
skills. They are working hard and will be sounding great for
Used Book Sale: Clean out those closets/bookcases and
their spring concerts. The Concert and Symphonic Bands
bring us your used books! We are collecting books NOW for are learning music for their upcoming competition in
our Used Book Sale which will be held March 7th – March
Williamsburg, VA on April 13th. Harmony has traditionally
12 in the library. We will be open during Family Arts
done very well at this competition, and we expect this year to
Night, March 7th. We accept donated books for all ages.
be no different.
(Please no textbooks or encyclopedias) For every TEN
books a student donates, they will receive a free book at the Thank you to everyone who has financially supported
sale. Thank you in advance for your support! The Empty
Harmony Band and Band Boosters through donations and
Cup Project sponsored by the Art Department will receive
support of our fundraisers. This includes generous donations
50% of all the proceeds.
from Shamrock Music and Dragon Yong-In Martial
March 2nd is Read Across America day and the
Arts. Because of the hard work of the students during our
celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. NEA's Read Across
fundraisers, and the generous support of band parents, Band
America is an annual reading motivation and awareness
Boosters was able to purchase locking instrument storage
program that calls for every child in every community to
cabinets for our students. This lofty project could never have
celebrate reading on March 2nd, the birthday of beloved
been realized without the support of our band families.
children's author Dr. Seuss. Since this falls on a Saturday
Thank you!
this year, the library has decided to celebrate ALL the
following week with activities, spirit days and displays in the
Your Public Library: Don’t forget all the activities available This was a record breaking year for the ALL VIRGINIA
to you at your public library as well. Check out their website MIDDLE SCHOOL HONOR CHOIR. There were 753
at (click on Just for Teens) to look audition tapes from 82 different schools from the state of
at the events they have to offer such as Writing contests,
Virginia submitted. Congratulations to the following students:
Teen Volunteer Opportunities, Online Book Blogs with
authors, After Teen Hours, etc.
Ella Gwartney – Alto 1 – Ranked 15 out of 167
Caroline Roden – Alto 2 – Ranked 6 out of 117
“The more you read, the more things you will
McKenna Morin – Soprano 1 – Ranked 2 out of 127
know. The more that you learn, the more places
Hannah Harrellson – Soprano 1 – Ranked 23 out of 127
you’ll go.”
MaryAnn Hayden – Soprano 2 – Ranked 6 out of 146.
~Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
On February 8th and 9th, Harmony Middle School hosted this
year’s District Chorus. On Saturday, the concert was held at
WGHS. Students who represented Harmony were selected
by audition back in November. Congratulations to the
following: Georgia Peake, Maryann Hayden, Hannah
These students auditioned and performed in the All County
Harrelson, McKenna Morin, Zoe Lucas, Julia Stewart, Alex
Orchestra: Somerset Peede, Rachel Petterson, Casey
Ruddy, Maddy Barona, Samantha Kerschner, Caroline
Sutara & Josef Zimmerman.
Roden, Kirsten Engel, Ella Gwartney, McKenzie Flynn, and
Bailey Brohard.
MARCH 2013
Team Phoenix
Team Orion
In English class, students are wrapping up their literature
letters and using Vision to publish their work. As they
prepare for the dystopic worlds of Fahrenheit 451 and The
Giver, they have been sharpening their vocabulary skills by
learning prefixes and roots.
Science is wrapping up the study on light and its interactions
with matter. Students built periscopes to test the Law of
Reflection. They will begin the study of matter and chemistry
as they enter the end of the third quarter.
Creative projects were completed covering the journey of a
bill becoming a law! Civics students have enjoyed reading
books, following flow charts, and playing games that helped
various bills become laws! They are now learning how the
executive branch works with the legislative branch and the
many hats the president wears while serving in office. Next,
they will create collages that depict several of the roles the
president serves while being our "Chief Citizen." Next,
students head to court to find out the meaning of many laws
and how our judicial branch works within our democratic
government system.
Team Taurus
The reward trip to the skating rink was great! Teachers even
joined in the skating, while Mr. Lewandowski enjoyed talking
to all the students. Students are steadily progressing toward
all the spring testing.
Civics classes have completed their look at the
Legislative Branch. They are now turning their attention
to the Executive Branch.
English classes are practicing writing to prompts to help
prepare for the written SOL in March. They are also
continuing their creative writing stories and independent
Science classes are currently studying light. Students
had opportunities to use spectrophotometers to study the
relationships between absorption and transmission.
Mirrors have helped in the investigation of reflection and
students should be finishing up the construction of
periscopes at home.
8th Grade News
The countdown is on! I know our 8th graders are excited
to be going to high school once the next three months are
over. As a preview, the 8th graders will be traveling to
Woodgrove on March 15th from 9:00 to 11:30. The 8th
graders will have a chance to see parts of the school and
also get information on all the courses, electives and
extracurricular activities Woodgrove has to offer. How
Here at Harmony things are in full swing preparing for
SOL tests and all of the end of year celebrations that will
be happening. Be on the lookout for volunteer
opportunities coming your way soon.
8th Grade All A Honor Roll
Anwari, Nazaneen
Arnold, Amanda
Bailey, Amelia
Barona, MadylaineL
Berge, Siri
Black, Wyatt
Bruton, Peter
Delitta, Kaycee
Dodd, Stefania
Ghaffari, Shahdin
Grady, Robert
Grady, Shannon
Hallam, Sara
Harris, Catherine
Hayden, Maryann
Hile, Clark
Kaur, Navneet
Kaur, Puneet
Kershner, Samantha
Larson, Arianna
Manno, Taylor
Mogili, Abhishek
Morris, Gwyneth
Mullen, Kelsey
Mullins, Virginia
Norcott, Echo
Oruma, Annabel
Owen, Kaleigh
Peake, Georgia
Perry, Andrew
Petterson, Rachel
Ramsey, Patrick
Raney, Tyler
Robic, John
Rodal, Jacob
Snare, Sarah
Stang, Julia
Stang, Julia
Stitt, Erin
Stutt, Nicole
Taylor, Casey
Thompson, Isabel
Warndorf, James
Warndorf, Molly
White, Thomas
Whitehurst, Seth
Zhang, David
Zimmerman, Josef
Zurschmeide, Jacob
8th Grade A/B Honor Roll
Acton, Lexi
Albanese, Kenneth
Alexander, Emily
Alexander, Iris
Andrews, Luke
Araneda, Sidney
Ayers, Sarah
Basha, Sohaib
Bava, Christopher
Blackwell, Russell
Blake, Lyndsay
Blevins, Jason
Bonilla Cruz, Andrea
Booysen, Lidell
Bowen, Jack
Brantingham, Kate
Brohard, Bailey
Broman, Emily
Brower, Cortland
Brown, Amelia
Brown, Hannah
Burke, Kevin
Burns, Kevin
Camp, James
Candelaria, Hailey
Candelaria, Joseph
Casper, Cory
Cavallaro, Catherine
Combs, Calvin
Cromwell, James
Crossfield, Erik
Dahlberg, Jared
Derrow, Jessica
Diederich, Brendan
Dietrich, Christian
Dimitrew, Audrey
Doherty, Mark
Donaty, Brett
Dorsch, Eric
Dunster, Hailey
Earles, Alexis
Earnshaw, Jacob
Eastman, Margaret
Eiynck, Megan
Ellis, Thomas
Fagan, Camryn
Fagan, Daniel
Ferrari, Andrew
Fiedler, Andrew
Fisher, Joshua
Fisher, Joshua
Fortin, Madeline
Frederick Harteis, Ja
Freeland, Thomas
Fritz, Madison
Furlow, Harrison
Gernerd, Sarah
Gingerich, Madeline
Glasper, Caydon
Glass, Sean
Glidden, Brittany
Gowadia, Sanaea
Gusmerotti, Matthew
Guyre, Luke
Haene, Sarah
Hall, Christopher
Hallissey, Sean
Hardesty, Tess
Harrelson, Hannah
Hawes, Kaitlin
Healy, Sara
Heinze, Jonathan
Hendrikson, Kai
Herrity, Matthew
Hope, Julie
Hughes, Willow
Hurst, Mary
Hutchinson, Spencer
Kaplan, Hannah
Kardos, Peyton
Kessler, Kathryn
King, Kayla
Kollar, Tyler
Lassiter, Elle
Lucas, Zoe
Lynham, Kaitlyn
Madden, Connor
Marques, Ashley
Marrs, Allison
Mattia, Bradley
McBride, Noah
McClure, Nikole
McConnell, Jordan
McGallicher, Bridgett
McMahon, Keegan
McMullen, Stephanie
McVey, Kyle
Mengel, Margaret
Milburn, Casey
Miller, Allyson
Miller, Kyle
Neeves, William
Olsen, Arthur
Pack, Rachel
Palmieri, Nicholas
Paschal, Julie
Pavlinac, Luanna
Pereira, Samantha
Phelps, Noah
Piland, Annie
Potts, Caroline
Puckett, Marleah
Rader, Justin
Randles, Madison
Reynolds, Brady
Reynolds, Jacob
Roberts, Clayton
Robinson, Grace
Robotti, Ryan
Rumsey, Lauren
Saunders, William
Schall, Kayleigh
Schara, Victoria
Schroader, McCoy
Shipp, Collin
Simmons, Chase
Simmons, Kolton
Smeraldo, Katherine
Smetana, Kyra
Smith, Scott
Stephens, Michael
Stewart, Julia
Stewart, Nicholas
Sutara, Casey
Swavely, Jason
Szalay, Tad
Taylor, Benjamin
Thomas, Blake
Umbaugh, Berkley
Vandervort, Caden
Warndorf, Joseph
Wilk, Nolan
Wilson, Alexander
Wolf, Matthew
Wozny, Thomas
York, Nessa
Zimmer-Chu, Alexis
MARCH 2013
Team Gemini
Team Ursa Major
Science students are headed into the last third of the year
with genetics. They are going to learn about what makes
us, US. After genetics, they are going to be talking about
adaptations and why organisms look and act like they do.
In math, students will be learning how to estimate, then
calculate taxes, tips, and discounts. So, if your student
wants you to buy them something, ask them to estimate,
then calculate the cost first.
History students had a good time in the Roaring 20’s, but
then the stock market crashed, high tariffs were imposed,
and the Federal Reserve didn’t do its job, so they went
through The Great Depression. Now it’s time to meet the
“Greatest Generation.”
Language Arts: English 7 is immersed in meaningful
poetry! Students are hard at work compiling poetry
portfolios in preparation for the Poetry Slam (poetry plus
performance). So far, they have done an innovation on If I
Were in Charge of the World by Judith Viorst, traditional and
nontraditional haikus, and 'Where I'm From” poems. They
are tracking things that make poetry meaningful to us:
passion, importance, risk-taking, specific word choices, and
choosing their own topics. In Reading Workshop, students
are completing projects and choosing their next books for
literature circles.
Science students are exploring genetics and DNA this
month. They are learning how traits are passed down from
parents to offspring and how DNA makes that happen.
Students will be completing a mini-project on current events
in genetic engineering so watch for future information. In
math, students are calculating percents for discounts, taxes,
and tips. We will then be moving on to work with
proportions. Language Arts students completed the
Literature Circle projects, wrote several different varieties of
poems, and are preparing to film "The Raven" video a
project involving every Ursa Major student.
Team Pegasus
In United States history, students finished a unit on the
Great Depression and are currently learning about World
War II. Students have enjoyed and gained a greater
appreciation for the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs of the
"Greatest Generation." English students are currently
engaged in a poetry unit that focuses on two underlying
principles: “Enjoy it, Don’t Destroy It” and “Write What
Matters.” Science students are learning about their very
own traits and characteristics! They are learning about
Gregor Mendel and his amazing studies of pea plants and
genetics. Soon, they will put the whole piece together so
that students will understand how chromosomes are made
up of genes, genes are made up of DNA, and how DNA is a
code that determines one’s traits!
The time of year has come when we think ahead to the
many events between now and the end of the year. One
significant event is March Madness, currently scheduled to
be the A-day of March 21st. Last year, this event proved to
be a great success in the eyes of the students. The
academic teams compete in two arenas of a 3-on-3
tournament and a College Trivia Challenge. After both
venues complete the competition aspect, all students gather
in the cafeteria for snacks and socializing. We are asking
parents to donate juice boxes/pouches, single serve bags of
chips, cookies and small water bottles. (We would like to
have a snack and beverage for each of our 380 7th grade
students.) Please drop these items off to the House B office
starting the week of March 11th.
Academically, the 7th grade students are continuing to do
extremely well. The time period between now and the
beginning of the SOL’s is an important part of the school
year. SOL exams start around May 3rd for middle school
students. Please encourage your child to begin reviewing
for the SOL exams in history, math and English.
Counseling News: On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 7:00
PM, a representative from Lincoln Financial will be speaking
in the Harmony Auditorium about preparing for the cost of a
college education. If your child is college bound, please
make plans to attend this event. More information regarding
this is available on our PTA website.
Mr. White and Mr. Thomas
7th Grade All A Honor Roll
Allison, Samuel
Aramayo, Elizabeth V
Beisler, John
Berlik, Emerson
Birch, Audrey
Bland, Matthew
Brooks, Bailey
Burns, Erika
Burroughs, John
Caldas, Ethan
Carpenter, Virginia
Christian, Sophia
Cleary, Meghan
David, Zachary
Delmonte, John
Donches, Taylor
Eastman, Joseph
Forrest, Anthony
Franklin, Emily
Fuller, Owen
Gardner, Emily
Geiger, Gabriella
Ghiorzi, Julianne
Glidden, Meghan
Groff, Jacob
Hall, Luke
Hammer, Ryan
Hegerich, Madeline
Heine, Lauren
Hubbuch, Rachel
Kasdorf, Ranger
Kavanaugh, Kassidy
Khan, Fatimah
Lenhart, Abigail
Lewis, Christine
Lindo, Justin
Liston, Ailish
Loch, Amanda
Longerbeam, Justine
Lynham, Alexandra
Makarita, Sophia
Markel, Reese
Morelli, Luca
Nasser, Sarah
Olchevski, Elizabeth
Peede, Somerset
Peterson, Holly
Rittner, Brooke
Roden, Caroline
Saffer, Haley
Schooling, Cassidy
Skrobialowski, Zoe
Smeraldo, Lillian
Smith, Joshua
Stern, Grace
Stewart, Jessica
Tansley, Katelynn
Thomas, Matthew
Vacca, Brayden
Valakis, Fallon
Vasta, Bridget
Vetter, Hudson
Ward, Preston
Warner, Collin
Warren, Kaden
Whalen, Sean
White, Madison
Widzinski, Allison
Woehrle, Calvin
Woldt, Paul
Woodward, Sierra
Wunder, Johan
7th Grade A/B Honor Roll
Allred, Addison
Allred, Addison
Alvarez, Emily
Ammann, Nicolas
Anderson, Joshua
Arlington, Eihmear
Badillo, Ryan
Bailey, Jacob
Baker, Brianna
Balaban, Noah
Ball, Samuel
Barker, Brandon
Baxter, Beatrice
Beach, Logan
Beason, Alissa
Beddow, Tyler
Berge, Frey
Bergel, Ava
Bergman, Braden
Biondo, Analiese
Blankenship, Natalie
Bogle, Lauren
Bowers, Camie
Bowman, Emily
Branch, Zachary
Briscoe, Kennady
Byrd, Quinlan
Cahan, Susan
Caines, Charles
Carey, Conor
Carey, Hanna
Carter, Hannah
Cassidy, Dylan
Caylor, Cameron
Cernetich, Colin
Clewis, Mary
Cooper, Logan
Cordova, Jared
Cox, Katie
Crouch, Emma
Cunningham, Zachary
Czaban, Catherine
Czarnecki, Lance
Dant, Kyle
Davison, Matthew
Dedekind, Luke
Dillon, Eleanor
Dorn, Jacob
Dubey, Himanshu
Durden, Craig
Earnshaw, Caroline
Earnshaw, Eleanor
Elder, Fitzhugh
Engel, Kirsten
Erb, Madison
Espejo, Madison
Fatz, Madison
Fincher, William
Flaherty, John
Flynn, Casey
Franklin, Cullen
Frederick, Luke
Friberg, John
Gahafer, Jessica
Garcia, Juan
Gehl, Benjamin
Geier, Matthew
Glasper, Keeley
Glazebrook, Jennifer
Guerra, Cristina
Gwartney, Ella
Hale, Andrew
Hallam, Nicholas
Halveland, Spencer
Hanes, Hannah
Hanvey, Justin
Hardy, Helen
Harris, Daniel
Hauck, Clayton
Haun, Lindsey
Haynes, Elijah
Heinze, Gabrielle
Hemminger, Keely
Henry, Mable
Hill, Kaitlin
Hudler, Matthew
Huffer, Miranda
Hyland, Jared
Jones, Shelby
Jordan, Olivia
Joslyn, Ian
Juarez-Carrera, Maric
Kaufman, Jessica
Keebaugh, Andrew
Keelor, Grace
Kim, Eunice
Klinkam, Jessica
Kopack, Grant
Kopp, Jacob
Kozar, Alexander
Kreuch, Alexander
Lafollette, Lauren
Lanzer, Matthew
Lewis, Sam
Lopez, Maya
Lorusso, Jarett
Lynch, Samuel
Malonis, Madisen
Manning, Skylar
Manning, Turner
Mare, Alexandra
McGregor, Mark
McQuaid, Chance
Meadows, Ashley-Nicol
Meyer, Andre
Moff, Emily
Morin, McKenna
Morrison, Mia
Moyo, Evans
Newkirk, Nicolas
Newland, Lane
Nichols, Carrie
Niemann, Anastasia
Nouri, Darya
Ntantang, Mpeh
Oakes, Bradley
Oakes, Charles
Ochs Thomas, Zachary
Partin, Sydney
Pasielski, Katie
Payne, Gregory
Perry, Avery
MARCH 2013
7th Grade A/B Honor Roll
Peterson, Dominic
Peterson, Heather
Petraitis, Antanas
Pierce, Samantha
Piliere, Benjamin
Pimentel, Angeline
Pittelkau, Jocelyn
Ploeger, Alexis
Poole, Brooks
Powers, Jacob
Price, Adeline
Rabatin, Jessica
Rattana-Jones, Genovi
Reed, Brianna
Reid, Christian
Renner, Matthew
Ricker, Frank
Roach, Joshua
Rosa, Elizabeth
Ruddy, Alexandra
Russello, Thomas
Schara, Brigitte
Scruggs, Adrianna
Scruggs, Christopher
Seburn, Grant
Seidelman, Raven
Sgarrella, Sophia
Shelton, Daniel
Shockey, Derek
Smith, Hayden
Smith, Kathryn
Sorensen, Ryan
Speacht, Eva
Stephens, Dawson
Stewart, Jack
Stribling, Robert
Stuva, Nicole
Sutara, Lauren
Tapia-Rios, Jennifer
Tardiff, Jarrett
Testerman, Tanner
Thatcher, Aidan
Thomas, Hannah
Tran Le, Trung-Hieu
Troxell, Lydia
Tuell, Eloise
Upton, Samuel
Volpone, Joseph
Washington, Kaylee
White, Broderick
Wiles, Joshua
Williams, Caitlin
Williams, Katherine
Wilson, Sydnie
Yeates, Genevieve
Zach, William
Zwicker, Katherine
6th Grade All A Honor Roll
Anderson, Connor
Barona, Isaac
Beddow, Wesley
Black, Owen
Brown, Alyssa
Case, Raven
Chatfield, Rachel
Cianciaruso, Giovanni
Crandall, Kevin
Crigger, Jordan
Cruz, Dominique
Davison, Hope
Diederich, Brooke
Dodge, Joseph
Duggan, Daniel
D`Errico, Sofia
Edmonston, Katelyn
Forsyth, Carson
Franklin, Hannah
Furlow, Adeline
Glass, Alice
Goossens, Eli
Grady, Cara
Hasenfang, Mark
Hegerich, Thomas
Huang, James
Imthurn, Amanda
Jardines, Adam
Junker, Calle
King, Lauryl
Kline, Gavin
Kostal, Shelby
Krise, Gareth
Lanham, Keagan
Lass, Katarina
Lawson, Lauren
Maad, Ryan
Mellstrom, Lauren
Mellstrom, Matthew
Miller, Riannon
Murtaugh, Sarah
Mustacchio, Robert
Ortiz, Faith
Owen, William
Pettit, Rylan
Ramsey, Erin
Regnery, Alexander
Roach, Sara
Robertson, Craig
Romanenko, Olga
Schultejans, Mary
Siek, Chandler
Smith, Ryan
Stone, River
Stuckey, Melissa
Swisher, Patrick
Thomas, Caroline
Thompson, VictoriaI
Tolley, Patrick
Vennitti, Julianne
Whitehurst, Shea
York, Benjamin
Zapanta, Anatalya
Zimmerman, Nicholas
Zurschmeide, Carly
MARCH 2013
6th Grade A/B Honor Roll
Abashian, Riley
Adams, Darby
Alvarez, Daniel
Anwari, Yasameen
Araneda, Ethan
Ashland, Paisley
Avila, Darin
Bachman, Drake
Baine, Claire
Baltodano, Chelsea
Barbour, Luke
Barbour, Tanner
Baxter, Julian
Baxter, Sophia
Beck, Olivia
Belch, Emily
Bennett, Andrew
Best, Ryan
Blauer, Wyatt
Blouin-Escoto, Merced
Brashear, Madelyn
Breeden, Meghan
Bresnahan, Rachelle
Bury, Jensen
Bye, Alicia
Camp, Elizabeth
Candelaria, Lauren
Cantrall, Brianna
Cantrall, Katherine
Caputo, Dominick
Carpenter, Zachary
Castellano, Benjamin
Cell, Madeline
Chiesa, Chloe
Clark, Elizabeth
Cohen, Rachel
Consaul, Gabriel
Conway, Sean
Corbett, Ryan
Corcoran, Erika
Cronin, Luke
Crowson, Rick
Demarco, Jason
Deyoung, Jason
Dillon, John
Dodson, Amelia
Dougherty, Chelsea
Downing, Sophie
D`Errico, Lukas
East, Curtis
Fahrner, Zachary
Fitzwater, Aiden
Fortunato, Lily
Franco, Liam
Frie, Rita
Fuchs, John
Garner, Jason
Geremia, Madelyn
Grant, Nicole
Greenberger, Alexandr
Greene, Diana
Greene, McKenna
Hall, Olivia
Harrelson, Liam
Harris, Katelyn
Hartung, Nathan
Hayden, William
Hines, Madison
Hitrik, Andrew
Hoffer, Colin
Holdridge, Dillon
Holdridge, Tyler
Hollar, Reagan
Hope, Wesley
Horton, Julia
Howard, Aidan
Hudak, Sophia
Hurst, Jack
Hylton, Anthony
Izzo, Connor
Jalbert, Autumn
Johnson, Corey
Johnson, Taylor
Johnson, Zack
Kahle, Luke
Kimbrough, Danielle
King, Rebekah
Kinzer, Christina
Kleeb, Thomas
Klimek, Kelly
Kostal, Grace
Kostal, Theodore
Kourakina, Sasha
Kratz, David
Lambert, Rachel
Langley, Mackenzie
Lannon, Connor
Lazzaro, Joseph
Lynch, Lauren
Macielinski, Laura
Madden, Tyler
Makel, Bryson
Malacarne, Andrew
Malacarne, Molly
Markel, Erin
Marquart, Johnathan
Marrs, Ethan
Marsh, Cole
Marzougui, Sami
McBride, Mckay
McCann, James
McGovern, Abigail
McKinney, Logan
McLaughlin, Isabel
Mercendetti, Timothy
Michie, Jaclyn
Miller, Lauren
Mills, Kassidy
Mural, Lauren
Novotny, Emily
Owen, Jonathan
O`Brien, Colin
Pantaleo, Hannah
Partlow, Lorallye
Paterson, Caden
Prack, Cameron
Price, Alex
Price, Kathryn
Rajah, Reena
Reed, Olivia
Register, Travis
Reinertson, Bryce
Rittner, Brent
Robic, William
Rogers, James
Rollins, Gabrielle
Rumsey, Jacob
Selwitz, Brandon
Sheehan, Lauren
Sheen, Liam
Shelton, Laura
Smallwood, Megan
Smith, Cullen
Soyka, Everly
Speak, Conrad
Stitt, Joseph
Stump, Niklas
Sturrock, Amethyst
Sutphin, Grant
Szabo, Emma
Szalay, Grace
Tantlinger, Carley
Taylor, Alexis
Thomas, Daniel
Ubial, Christian
Umbaugh, Jacob
Upton, Sara
Vann, Shelby
Vasjuta, Robert
Wampler, Sayler
Warren, Landen
Webber, Steven
Welch, Kaden
Whetzel, Daniel
Williams, Annika
Winsor, Isaac
Wise, Benjamin
Woodworth, Matthew
Wright, Bonne
MARCH 2013
Team Scorpion
English classes are continuing their study of suffixes,
creating book trailers to promote books to their peers,
and researching information to include in a public
service announcement poster. Social studies
students are learning about the Constitution and the
creation of the Bill of Rights. Next, they will study the
first five presidents. Science classes will blast off into
their astronomy unit, exploring planets, moons, and the
stars. Accelerated Math 6/7 and Math 6 students are
deeply immersed in their geometry unit. They have
been revisiting many elementary school concepts and
adding on to them with new vocabulary and formulas.
Also, students are making great progress on the
practice SOL tests through their work on jlabs.
Team Hercules
Please check your student’s supplies for all subjects as
many are coming to class unprepared.
In English, students are practicing persuasion and research
skills with superb public service announcements. They are
also wrapping up the book trailer project and working on
reading and writing skills.
In math, students are working on measurement. Please
continue to reinforce those skills with real life
application. They will soon begin their geometry unit with
polygons, triangles and quadrilaterals and investigate area,
perimeter and volume.
In history, students have just fought a Revolution. Now
they have to put together a Government! Ask your child
who they are, and what they will be debating…
In science, students are finishing up their weather unit and
are about to blast off into space! Please continue to ask
your child about what's going on in science.
Team Eagle
English students are working on public service
announcements and their Book Trailers using Movie Maker.
They have also been building their vocabulary using prefixes
and suffixes which are undeniably cool. Science classes
are heading to space! In social studies, students are
wrapping up the Constitution and moving on to Westward
Expansion. In Math, classes are working with
measurements and sequences. Students are converting
metric into customary.
March for the Class of 2019 will be March Madness! We will
start the month with our field trips to Shenandoah on March
5th (Team Eagle), 6th (Team Scorpion), and 7th (Team
Hercules). These trips are a part of the LCPS College-inSix program to expose students at a young age to college
life and how to get ready for all the rigors that are to come.
On March 22nd we will have our March Madness day. The
academic teams compete in two arenas of a 3-on-3
tournament and a College Trivia Challenge. After both
venues complete the competition aspect, all students gather
in the cafeteria for snacks and socializing. We are asking
parents to donate juice boxes/pouches, single serve bags of
chips, cookies and small water bottles. (We would like to
have a snack and beverage for each of our 360 6th grade
students) Please drop these items off to the House C office
starting the week of March 11th.
March 22nd also marks the end of the third grading period.
With the spring coming fast, please continue to monitor
Clarity to check up on your child’s progress. The spring is
often when even the best students stumble.
In the February newsletter, I indicated that I would be doing
four study skills sessions during resource. The first one was
snowed out. I plan on rescheduling all of the sessions for
this spring.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please
feel free to contact me.
Mr. Olejer
From the Guidance Corner of the Hive
Counselors: Mrs. Jamie Sharp - Lead Counselor , 8th Grade
Mrs. DeHaven -Dawson, 6th Grade
Mr. Henry Thomas , 7th Grade
Interims: Grading Period Ends: Report Cards:
March 22nd
April 10th
May 3
June 6
June 12th
Scheduling: All students have signed up for classes for next year. A course selection letter will be attached to the report
card on April 10th. If there are any changes, please put them in writing to your child’s counselor before June 20th. NO
CHANGES will be made after June 20th.
Loudoun County Academy of Science (AOS) will hold an information session for current 7th graders and their parents on
Thursday, May 9th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium of Dominion High School. The session will include an overview of the AOS
program and the admission process. If your child is interested in applying to the Academy of Science, this night is very
helpful for parents and students.
Monroe Technology Center will be hosting a career camp for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders this summer from June 10th 14th. The camp will run from 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM, and cost $150.00. The camp is an enrichment program sponsored by
Loudoun County Public School's Office and Career and Technical Education. Career Camp consists of workshops in the
fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and practical arts. Registration deadline is April 24, 2013. Please
visit for more information.
Campus Program: All 8th grade students and parents, if you are interested in becoming a member of the Campus program
next year at Woodgrove High School, please see Mrs. Sharp for more information and an application. Campus is an
academic and preparatory program designed to meet the needs of students from historically underrepresented groups in
higher education and prospective first generation college students.
40 Book Challenge
Congratulations to the following students for meeting the 40 Book Challenge. These students read 40 books or more in a
variety of genre and completed the 40 Book Challenge Chart. Why don’t you take the Challenge? Check out the
Harmony website for a printable copy of the chart.
Virginia Carpenter
Lexi Ange
Jocelyn Pittelkau
Alissa Beason
Rachel Cohen
Siri Berge
Andrew Leitner
Patrick Ramsey
Eunice Kim
And our 7th grade language arts teacher, Mrs. Susan McGilvray!
MARCH 2013
PTA News
Please visit the PTA for all of our latest information:
Nominating Committee: The PTA is establishing a nominating committee by next meeting who will develop a slate for the
next school year’s PTA officers. Please consider helping the PTA either with this committee or running for an office. Please
contact Kristen Thatcher at
Upcoming PTA General Meetings: The next general meeting will held on Thursday, March 21st at 6:30 PM in the
Harmony library. Your participation is highly encouraged; especially if you are the parent of a 6th or 7th Grader. The current
PTA Board is comprised entirely of 7th grade parents. We want to share the wealth and ensure the strong programs we
have begun continue in the future. Come and bring a friend! Upcoming meeting dates are:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Teacher of the Year Award for 2012-2013 - Shenandoah University honors teachers working in specialized areas of
education. Quality teaching is the most important aspect of student achievement. Shenandoah University has created the
Teacher of the Year Award to recognize quality teaching in the Loudoun County Schools.
Shenandoah University invites parents, PTA/PTO, administrators, teachers, and community groups to nominate teachers
for the Shenandoah University Teacher of the Year. Teachers nominated for the 2012-2013 must be teaching in one of the
following areas: Special Education, Art, Music, Physical Education, Drama, English as a Second Language, or Gifted and
Talented. During the month of April, all finalists will be recognized at a reception. The will be also be recognized at the
LCPS school board meeting in May 2013.
Anyone submitting a nomination should first confirm with the nominee that he/she is interested in the Award and then work
with the nominee to complete the nomination packet. All nomination packets must be received by March 25, 2013.
Nomination packets are available on the PTA website.
Loudoun Education Alliance for Parents (LEAP): BECOME A VOLUNTEER - JUST A FEW HOURS OF YOUR TIME
PER MONTH! Do you want to volunteer and learn more about important issues and opportunities that are relevant to all
parents and students but just cannot seem to find the time? Do you have a few hours per month to spare to get connected
with your school, your child and have your voice heard by Loudoun County Schools Superintendent Dr. Edgar B. Hatrick.
Then become one of Harmony’s LEAP Delegates and join us at a LEAP Meeting!
WHAT IS LEAP? The Loudoun Education Alliance for Parents is a non-partisan network that promotes collaboration
between parents, teachers, School Board members and members of the Loudoun County Public Schools Administrative
Team. Meetings are once per month and focus on important topics such as technology in the classroom, homework
strategies, bullying and so much more. February’s meeting was all about the Proposed LCPS 2013-2014 Budget.
Read more about it and how you can benefit from LEAP on the Harmony PTA LEAP page!
Send in Box Tops: FREE MONEY ALERT! Yes, that is right. Every box top you clip and send into the school is like sending
in free money. During the first semester this year, we received a check for $340.00 and are expecting another $140.00 in
February, just for clipping out those box tops!
PTA News
PTA Rewards Programs: In addition to Box Tops, PLEASE keep sending in your Coke rewards, Campbell's Labels for
Education, and labels from Tyson's frozen foods. Our point basis in all of the programs continues to grow, and the points
can be used to purchase supplies and items for the school/teachers/students. Please check out our PTA web site for all of
the current point totals, in addition to checking to see what the points have been used for.
Join your PTA Today! It is never too late to join the PTA for this school year! The year is only half over, and the PTA and
the school have a LOT more planned for the second semester. If you have not yet signed up to become a member of the
PTA, please visit the PTA website and click on "Membership: Join the PTA." Come join the over 450 current members of
the PTA and support our programs and our school. Membership is only $5 ($4 if you are staff). Also, please take some
time to visit our Membership web page to see everything the PTA has already supported this year (and the list keeps
Stay informed: The Harmony Middle School PTA currently produces a weekly email newsletter. If you'd like to sign up to
receive the newsletter, click on the link below! You don't have to be a member of the PTA to receive The Hornets' Nest,
and you can unsubscribe at any time. Make sure you put our email address,, in your
trusted contacts list on your email program so that the newsletter doesn't end up in your spam or junk mail folder. If you
have any questions or difficulty, contact newsletter editors Barbara Petzen and Tom Regan.
Outreach News
The “Share and Shop” event has been scheduled for
Saturday, April 13th from 9 a.m. – 12:00 noon at
Woodgrove High School in their Cafeteria. Everything
there will be free – clothing, formal wear, shoes, household
items and sports equipment.
If you would like to donate any of these items, you may do
so during the week of April 8th. Please contact me by
phone or email, and I would be happy to meet you or come
by to pick up. Please do not drop off anything at Harmony.
This will be a great way to clean out your closets!
Thank you,
Rhonda Lough
Parent Liaison
Harmony Middle School
703-919-1281 cell
SOL Information
The SOL Multiple Choice Writing test will be
administered to all 8th graders on March 13th and 14th.
The short paper test will be given to all 8thgraders on
March 19th and 20th. It is extremely important that your
child be in school on these dates. The May SOL testing
window is April 30th through May 30th. Students are
encouraged to get a good night’s sleep and eat a wellbalanced breakfast.
MARCH 2013
In celebration of Black History
Month, every morning during
“Live from the Hive” announcements, various African Americans have been
honored and recognized for their
achievements, contribution to our society and how they made
this world a better place. Pictures of those featured were hung
in the wing outside the library. In addition, each week, there
has been a trivia challenge question to which students wrote
their answer on a piece of paper with their name on it and
submitted it in the library. On Friday, a drawing was held and
delighted winners received prizes! TECH ED classes worked
on an African American Inventor's project and Mrs. Lutz’s
classroom made a bulletin board on four Famous African
Family Arts Night
SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, March 7th from 6:00 to 8:00
PM. Please join us for an Arts Extravaganza!!
Art Making: Shrink Art, Model Magic Clay Sculptures, Art
Buttons, Spin Painting, Magic Nuudles, Sculptures, Puzzle
Drawings, and a Master Artist Photo Booth.
Performances: Guitar and Orchestra performances; Early
American Folk Art; Karaoke; and Irish dance.
School Calendar 2012-13
August 27th First Day of School for Students
September 3rd Holiday (Labor Day)
October 8th Holiday (Columbus Day)
November 2nd End of the Grading Period
November 5th-6th Student Holidays
Conference Days)
November 21st-23rd Holiday (Thanksgiving)
December 24th-January 1st
Winter Break
(Classes Resume January 2nd)
January 17th End of Grading Period
January 18th Moveable Student Holiday*
Conference Day)
January 21st Holiday
(Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
February 18th Holiday (Presidents' Day)
March 22nd End of the Grading Period
March 25th-29th Holiday (Spring Break)
April 1st Student Holiday
(Planning/Records/Conference Day)
May 27th Holiday (Memorial Day)
June 6th Last Day of School for Students/
End of Grading Period
The Empty Cup Dinner in the cafeteria for $15.00 per person
with a handmade cup created by a local potter or 8th grade
Harmony student. Dinner will be served from 6:00 to 7:30 PM,
and cups will be available on a first come first served basis.
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will participate in glazing
the ceramic cups that are sold that night. Proceeds will be
donated to the Western Loudoun Food Pantry.
This is a wonderful way to support the arts and recognize the
many talented students we have here at Harmony!
Address Changes
A proof of residence is required for students who move to
another physical address, in order to make the change on
the student record. This is important to insure that the
students are attending the appropriate school. Please
see the Attendance Secretary or the main office if you
have any questions or concerns.
German Blitz
VOGS Convention: The Virginia Organization of German Students
(VOGS) will hold its annual Convention at Mary Washington
University in Fredericksburg on March 22nd and 23rd. Over 200
students and parents from all over Virginia attend. The German
students participate in three workshops of their choice, which include
activities that range from cooking German food and learning
authentic German music, to hearing about German history and
German soccer or “Fußball”. The students eat a German lunch and
attend an assembly, where they watch a “Battle of the Brains”
competition. There is a music video contest and new VOGS officers
are elected.
Everyone felt the "STING" of The Harmony Lady
Hornets as they took first place over all in Saturday's
STEM Summit at Foxcroft School in Middleburg,
Virginia. For those of you who don't know, STEM
stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math! The middle school events began at 1 PM,
included a variety of activities in addition to the
STEM challenges and concluded with a "pizza and
prizes" supper at 6 PM.
Tutoring: Contact Frau Lenz if you need extra help!
German Class: German students participate in an “Auktion” at the
end of the year with their hard earned Euros. Donations are always
Cinderella Tickets
Tickets are now on sale for CINDERELLA. In the past, tickets
have sold out before the show begins. If you're interested in
attending, download the pdf order form, fill it out and deposit a
check in the green box in the main office.
The show is March
from 7- 8:30 evenings with
Sunday's matinee at 2:00. The step family is a mess of hilarity
with stepsisters: Georgia Peake, Maryann Hayden and Julia
Stewart as the manipulative matriarch.
Cinderella and the Prince are 7th graders: McKenna Morin and
John Burroughs. The quirky Fairy Godmother is played by 8th
grader Zoe Lucas whose costume is being designed and created
by Harmony teacher, Melissa Murray.
We look forward to seeing you!
The 14 schools sending teams are Norwood School,
the defending champion from Bethesda, MD, Blue
Ridge (Purcellville), Christ Episcopal (Rockville,
MD), D.C. Prep (Washington, D.C.), Green Hedges
(Vienna, VA), Hill (Middleburg), Grymes Memorial
(Orange, VA), Harmony (Hamilton), Immanuel
Christian (Springfield, VA), Powhatan (Boyce), St.
John's Episcopal (Olney, MD), St. Patrick's
(Washington, D.C.), Mercer Middle (Aldie) and the
Village School (Charlottesville, VA).
The Harmony teams comprised of Audrey Dimitrew,
Ellie Dillon, Emily Haak, Kelly Keane, Kaycee
Delitta, Amelia Bailey and Elyse Morris, walked
away with a first place finish in "Tower of Power",
second place over all to team Ninja (Kelly, Kaycee,
Amelia, and Elyse) and first place overall for team
Infinity(Ellie, Audrey and Emily).
Working almost non-stop from 1:30-5:30, our two
teams worked their way through problem after
problem in an unbelievable show of sportsmanship
and competitive intensity.
Thank you to their science, math and technology
teachers for unbelievable tutelage. Also, thank you
to our chaperones, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Haak.
What an unbelievable day!
From Left to right: Front row - Kaycee Delitta, Ameliea Bailey,
Elyse Morris, Kelly Keane; Back Row: Mrs. Nancy Stevens
(Spectrum Teacher) Ellie Dillon, Emily Haak, Audrey Dimetrew
MARCH 2013
Hot Meal Menu Schedule:
Week of February 27th Week 2
Week of March 5th Week 3
Week of March 12th Week 1
Week of March 19th Week 2
Week of March 26th Week 3
March 2013
3/13th & 14th: 8th Grade
Writing SOL Testing-MC
 3/19 & 20th 8th Grade
Writing SOL Testing-SP
 3/7th: Family Arts Night and
Empty Cup Dinner
Fundraiser, 6-8 PM
 3/7th –3/12th: Used Book
 3/14th –16th : Cinderella,
7 PM
 3/17th: Cinderella, 2 PM
 3/23rd: WEB Application
 3/25-29: Spring Break
Used Book Sale
8th Grade
SOL Testing
8th Grade
SOL Testing
8th Grade
SOL Testing
SOL Testing
Used Book Sale
WEB Leader
Spring Break
Dear Parents and Rising 8th Graders,
There are about 85 openings for 7th grade students to be WEB Leaders in the 2013-14 school year. WEB Leaders are good role
models for younger students and have been successful at Harmony Middle School. WEB Leaders have strong communication skills,
leadership potential, and great personality traits. These qualities and the lessons they’ve learned would be shared to help others
succeed. The WEB program is also a great way to earn volunteer hours!
What does a WEB Leader do? WEB Leaders are trained to work with the incoming 6th graders and new students who will be
attending Harmony next year. WEB Leaders will run sixth grade orientation, help during the first day of school, plan social activities
and meet throughout the school year to touch base and help with challenges. The ultimate goal is to create a climate of comfort,
respect and success here at Harmony Middle School.
Applications can be picked up in House B or the Main Office starting on February 27, 2013. Applications must be turned into Mrs.
Thompson, the 8th grade Dean, by the end of the day on March 22, 2013. If you would like more information please contact:
Christina Thompson, 8th grade Dean:
Phone: 540-751-2500
Non-Profit Std. Mail
Permit 10
Hamilton, VA 20158
Harmony Middle School
38174 West Colonial Highway
Hamilton, VA 20158
School Cancellation/
Delayed Opening/Early Closing
In the event that weather or other reasons require either closing or delaying the opening of school before buses start on their routes,
announcements will be made over the following radio/TV stations by 6:00 AM. These stations are notified by direct calls and should
be the primary stations that are monitored.
Cable (Channel 21) Loudoun County
WINC (92.5 FM)
Winchester, VA
WRC (TV 4)
Washington, DC
WTOP (1500)
Washington, DC
FOX (TV 5)
Washington, DC
WMAL (630 AM)
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
News Channel 8
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
In the event of a delayed opening, please stay tuned to the radio/TV station in case some change in the weather causes schools to be
closed for the day.
A one-hour delay would mean that all morning programs would operate as usual except that they would start one (1) hour
A two-hour delay would mean that school opening would be delayed for two (2) hours with specific alternatives to certain
Early Closing
In the event that circumstances necessitate the early closing of school after school is in session, announcements will be broadcast of
the same radio/TV stations listed above.
When we have an early closing, it will probably be announced that school will close either one or two hours earlier than usual.

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