Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools
Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools
Buzz the DECEMBER 20 12/ J ANUARY 201 3 Message From the Principal NUMBERS TO KNOW Dear Parents and Guardians, Can you believe that the first quarter of the year has ended, and we are launching the second quarter? We are proud of our students and their academic accomplishments so far. The list of students who achieved the A and A/B Honor Rolls for 1st quarter is included in this newsletter. These students are to be commended for their achievement. Keep up the great work Hornets! 540-751-2500 phone 540-751-2501 fax 540-751-2502 absentee call-in As we move into the second marking period, our teachers and students are maintaining focus 540-751-2504 clinic on instruction and learning in the midst of the excitement that comes with holiday activities. The administrative team is observing in classrooms and the content departments are planning unit and daily plans in their Professional Learning Communities. You can help us ensure our In this issue instructional focus by having your child attend school and each of their classes every day. Students of the Month While we can provide make up work when he/she is absent, it does not provide the same Yearbook News instructional benefit as actual classroom instruction. Winter brings the possibility of bad weather, so this is a good time to plan for delayed openings and early closings. Decisions to close school are usually made by 6:00 AM. Local radio and television stations will carry the information, and you can access the LCPS website to sign up for email notifications. Early releases are rare, but when they do occur, the messages are sent via our ConnectEd phone communication, and also through the email notifications. As such, it is important that we have current phone numbers and emails. If you have not been receiving my ConnectEd notifications, please update your contact information on the LCPS website under Parent Information System (PIMS) on the left side of the home page. It will be very difficult to ensure that phone messages regarding transportation are delivered to students at school in the event of an early closing, because weather related emergencies cause the main office to get very hectic. So, please plan ahead and inform your children of your family‘s response to weather related school closings. This month, our students will take reading, social science, and math benchmark tests issued from the Department of Instruction. They will also be involved in a number of fun events and activities. These include a Choral concert on December 11th, an Orchestra concert on December 13th, a Guitar concert December 18th, and a Band concert on December 20th. We hope to see you here at school enjoying our students‘ beautiful music. Finally, our 7th and 8th graders will attend a Ropes Course activity at Madeira School (7th Grade – November 30th and December 3rd and 8th grade – December 6th and 7th). Harmony is working on ways to involve parents more in the day to day operations of the school. We want you here at school, and so do the students (even if they tell you they don‗t). Look for information on the school‘s website about how you can volunteer your time, as much or as little as you desire and/or are able. (continued on Page 2) Band News Choral News Art Dept. News At the Library Team News Guidance Dept. News Drama News German Club News Harmony Outreach Honor Rolls International Night Veteran‘s Day PTA News SPECTRUM News Staff Recognition December Lunch Menu Calendar Inclement Weather/School Closing Info PAGE 2 D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 Message From the Principal (continued) Harmony has shown the spirit of philanthropy over the course of this quarter. Since school opened in August, students and staff have contributed to United Way, collected nonperishable food items for the Western Loudoun Food Pantry, collected Yoplait yogurt lids to support Breast Cancer Awareness month, gathered plastic grocery bags to reinforce county-wide recycling efforts, collected blankets for hurricane victims in New England, and organized a coat drive for the Loudoun Abused Women‘s‘ shelter. It is a pleasure to be associated with such a giving school community! As the holidays approach, I would like to wish each one of you, our Harmony family, a happy, healthy and safe holiday season. I hope that you will look out for those in our community who are less fortunate than you and those who are experiencing difficulty finding joy in the season. Sincerely, Yvonne Balfour Acting Principal Orion: Amy Brown and Seth Whitehurst Phoenix: Navneet Kaur and James Camp Taurus: CJ Hall and Hanah Smith Ursa Major: Andrew Hale and Dominique Jean Pegasus: Alexandra Lynham and Kaden Warren Gemini: Meghan Cleary and Elijah Haynes Eagle: Isaac Barona and Kendall Reid Scorpion: McKay McBride and Shelby Vann Hercules: Maddy Koester and Patrick Tolley Please note: Students of the Month are chosen based on their accomplishments during the named month. Their names are announced at the end of the month and their biographies are displayed in their house for the next month. The BUZZ The administrative newsletter of Harmony Middle School 38174 West Colonial Hwy. Hamilton, VA 20158 540-751-2500 FAX 540-751-2501 Sherron Gladden, Principal Yvonne Balfour, Acting Principal Jim Hepner, Assistant Principal Gail Lucas, Assistant Principal Christina Thompson, 8th Grade Dean Patrick White, 7th Grade Dean Andrew Olejer, 6th Grade Dean NOTICE If, due to a disability, you need assistance to enable you to participate meaningfully in any school activity, please contact Mrs. Gladden at 540-751-2500 at least five working days prior to the activity. Homework 4-1-1 Homework is posted on the Harmony Website on teachers‘ web pages at Yearbooks! Attention Parents: You received a yearbook order form in the mail directly from our yearbook company, Jostens. Please use the form to purchase your yearbook either by phone, through the mail, or online. You may access the online link to order a yearbook from Harmony's homepage. Please do not send any money to school. If you have any questions, email Ms. Whitney Svensson at PAGE 3 B UZZ @ the library Winter, snow and holidays make a great combination for reading a favorite book. We encourage every student to check out some great books to read just in case of those unexpected snow days! Check out the Harmony library website for book suggestions under ―reader resources.‖ Do you have any suggestions for our library collection? Your Harmony library staff welcomes your input as we work to make our collection reflect the needs and interests of Harmony students and staff. There is a suggestion box located by the circulation desk. Our 6th, 7th and 8th grade student book clubs have just begun and will be meeting once a month during lunch. Our ANNUAL USED BOOK FAIR is currently scheduled to begin on March 7th. Please start saving your books for this very popular library event. Donations can be brought into the library at any time. All levels of books are welcome, but please no textbooks or encyclopedias. Fifty percent of our profit will be donated to the Empty Cup project sponsored by our Art Department. “Books, I found, had the power to make time stand still, retreat or fly into the future.” ~Jim Bishop Art Department News Please visit the art department‘s new Online Art Gallery. Artwork from students in grades 6, 7 and 8 will be displayed on a rotating basis. The link to the Art Gallery can be found on the main web page under announcements or in the drop down bar under site shortcuts. We are also very excited to announce an upcoming winter art show December 10th - December 22nd. Please remember to save the date for Family Arts Night and the Empty Cup Dinner March 7, 2013. Thank you for all your support! The Harmony Art Department Ms. Dowdy, Mrs. DeMark, and Ms. McCormick Band News The Band cookie dough fund raiser was a great success. A huge thank you to everyone who participated. Information and flyers about the band's 5Below December weekends fundraiser are forthcoming. Please come out and support the bands by attending the winter concerts. The 6th graders will have a mandatory on stage rehearsal on Wednesday, December 19th from 3:30-5 PM. The 6th graders will perform their winter concert on Thursday, December 20th at 7 PM in the auditorium. Mr. Shoremount will instruct the students on concert attire in class. The Concert Band will perform their winter concert on Thursday, December 20th at 7 PM in the auditorium. The 6th graders will take the stage first with Concert Band immediately following. Band All District Auditions will be Saturday, January 12th at Stonebridge High School. The performance for this honor band will be February 2, 2013 at John Champe High School. All band parents are encouraged to attend the Band Boosters meetings on Wednesday, December 12th at 7 PM and January 9th at 7 PM in the Harmony Band room. Choral News Congratulations to the singers who performed November 3rd at the All County Chorus event! Your performance was outstanding! The results from the District Chorus Audition are: Soprano 1: Hannah Harrelson, Maryann Hayden, Zoe Lucas, McKenna Morin, Alex Ruddy, Julia Stewart and special congratulations to Georgia Peake who placed TOP score for her section over all others in the county! Alto: Maddy Barona, Kirsten Engel, McKenzie Flynn, Ella Gwartney, Samantha Kerschner, Caroline Roden and 2nd alternate, Bailey Brohard! Congratulations Harmony Singers on a job well done! PAGE 4 Team Orion D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 8th Grade News Science students have wrapped up their investigations on Newton's Laws of Motion and will be applying that to their ActionReaction racers...who will the winner be? Currently, it has been determined that Cameron Kilgour and Camryn Fagan have the most power on Team Orion!! As we near the holidays, Mrs. Sharp and I would like to encourage you to enjoy the time with family and friends. Everyone has been working so hard, we need to take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Take advantage of this holiday break and enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation! Civics students will be learning about the composition of the Constitution and the addition of the Bill of Rights. Some key events are in the near future with the team field trips taking place. All three teams attended a day trip to the Madeira school for team building activities. The entire day was spent outside doing various activities like ropes courses and zip lines. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Sharp Readers in the 40 book challenge are gearing up for their first book clubs. While English students are exploring the theme of identity in their reading, they will be working on weaving their own identity into their writing using voice! Team Taurus In science, students are studying the concepts of work, power, and simple machines. A cumulative year-long research project will be introduced. Civics is studying the structure of the Constitution. English students will be moving into their first literature circle and working on second quarter writing pieces, including poetry. The whole team is looking forward to their team building field trip in December. Team Phoenix Team Phoenix is covering a variety of topics as we begin our second semester. Ms. Banasik‘s English classes are learning about voice and dialogue and working towards adding both to their creative writing. Students will be reading a novel in class. They will also be keeping up with their reading outside of the classroom. Ms. Yearwood‘s Science classes are investigating work, power, and simple machines. In addition, students are working on balloon-powered cars outside of class in order to apply Newton‘s Laws of Motion. In US Civics, Mr. Cassutto is wrapping up his examination of the nation‘s key historical documents and will begin a study of the US Constitution. Address Changes A proof of residence is required for students who move to another physical address in order to make the change on the student record. This is important to insure that the students are attending the appropriate school. Please see the Attendance Secretary in the main office, Mrs. Warr, if you have any questions or concerns. Hi-5 Winners! Congratulations to the Hi-5 winners! The 6th grade winners are Ben York and Amanda Imthurn; the 7th grade winners are Jessica Gahafer and Brody White; and the 8th grade winners are Amelia Bailey and Caydon Glasper! Great job! PAGE 5 B UZZ Team Gemini Team Pegasus In math, students are playing a little fantasy football to show how to evaluate a complex variable expression. This leads up to a Variable Expressions test. Science students talked about the history of cells in November, and now they talk about cell structure. Next, they work on cell processes. History students have risen with big business, worked through industrialization, and progressed through the Progressive Era. Next, they get inventive with inventions and then fight through the Spanish American War. In science class, the cell unit has begun and students are looking forward to working with the microscopes and seeing living cells! English students are diving head first into their newest writing unit, Memoirs. They have also started their third cycle of literature circles. In U.S. History, students have completed a unit on the "Progressive Era," in which they studied the rise of unions, the muckrackers, labor strikes (like the Homestead Strike), the temperance movement, woman's suffrage movement, and prohibition. Students are currently learning about the "Gilded Age" and will then be studying the Spanish-American War, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, and the effects of "Yellow Journalism." November in English is comprised of two important writing projects: novels for NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) and the preparation for Memoir projects. The Tiger Rising is completed, and now book selection is taking place for Literature Circles. So many golden lines from The Tiger Rising were found that students are making a Golden Line Quilt for the hallway. This quarter, focus moves from narrative elements of a story to figurative language, or, IHASMOP. Team Ursa Major In Math 7, students are learning to write and evaluate algebraic expressions. This topic helps introduce algebra to the students and leads into solving algebraic equations later this quarter. Science students are getting to know the parts of plant and animal cells. This also means that the Cell Model Project Challenge is coming up! Building Day is December 14th for A day students and December 17th for B day students. Groups plan their project and bring in their recyclable building materials during the week prior to Building Day. Materials MAY NOT BE BOUGHT for this project! Encourage your student to sift through the recycle bin for building supplies. Also, please make sure your child is IN SCHOOL on his/her Building Day as an absence is detrimental to the team. . In history class, students are finishing up the Inventions unit and beginning the Spanish-American War. Don't forget that the Immigration Project is due on December 13th. English students are working on memoirs. Be sure to ask your student to describe the situation about which he or she is writing, and make sure there are descriptions which cover all five of the senses. 7th Grade News As we near the holidays, Mr. Thomas and I would like to encourage you to spend some much needed time with your family and loved ones and celebrate the achievements of our students. With the first quarter well behind us now, it has been our pleasure seeing our students grow and mature into young adults. Some key events have taken place. All three teams attended a day trip to the Madeira School for team building activities. Team Ursa Major was on November 29th, Team Pegasus on November 30th, and Team Gemini will be December 3rd. All students attending are encouraged to bring a packed lunch and dress for the expected cold temperatures. The entire day is outside doing various activities like ropes courses and zip lines. The terrain is rough so please encourage your child to wear adequate footwear like hiking boots. The Team Competition is in full swing with the score at the time of this newsletter of Pegasus with 3927, Gemini with 3783 and Ursa Major with 3648. The competition is very close, and the first reward will take place on December 21st with our first visit to the skate rink for the top two teams. Encourage your child to earn those ―Hi-5‘s‖, complete their Resource Log appropriately, and continue to strive for good grades. Take care and enjoy the holidays! Mr. White and Mr. Thomas PAGE 6 D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 6th Grade News On November 8th, the ―Just Dance Party‖ was well attended by our 6th Graders. November 13th, we had our first ―Mix It Up Day‖ at lunch. Students and facultly wore mismatched clothing. The purpose of the day was to have students meet and appreciate new people. As students entered the café, they were greeted with a color themed event. All students were assigned a table by a colored sticker they were given. Students and staff participated in light hearted conversations about a variety of topics. Team Eagle (continued) English students have started researching a topic of their choice from their independent novels and will write a magazine article. They are also learning figurative language and will incorporate it into future writing. Mrs. Richard's classes will finish Crash and start literature circles, while Mrs. Walters‘ classes are reading Touching Spirit Bear. In math, students are multiplying and dividing fractions. They are also learning how to do two step equations. History classes have finished the unit on the explorers, and the next unit is on the early colonies. Everyone is looking forward to the team building field trip on November 19th. Our field trips to InnerQuest on November 19th, 20th and 26th were a great success. All students participated in a wide variety of team building activities, and everyone had the opportunity to do a zip line. Most overcame their fears Team Hercules of being 90 feet in the air and stepping off the platform for a English is wrapping up a fascinating research great ride. Thank you to all the parents who chaperoned unit, where students published some very interthe trip. esting magazine articles. Please make sure your child is reading at home every night. Many thanks to all of the parents who donated nonperishHistory is finishing exploring an odd body of land between able food items for our Can the Dean competition. Your Spain and China (to the west) and moving onto planting colochildren (along with your help) made sure that I would be nies there! Science is ending their matter unit and moving the Dean in the Gorilla Suit. on in order to discover the wonderful properties of water! Math is working on fractions and sequences. Soon students Team Scorpion won our incentive competition and Hercules came in second. The competition was a combination of will work on perfect squares, square roots, integers, comparing & ordering, absolute value, order of operations, expressions points based on the team‘s overall quarter one grades, and equations. Practice math with holiday cooking! resource productivity, and Hornet High Fives. We will be going to the Purcellville skate rink on December 20th in the afternoon for a couple of hours to celebrate their accomplishments. Please be on the lookout for permission forms as they will be going home soon. Team Scorpion In Math 6, students have completed a unit on fractions and are now moving into algebra by solving equations and evaluating Please speak with your children about the importance of expressions. There are several new vocabulary staying focused through the holidays. As always, if you terms that are part of this unit. Please help your child make have any questions or concerns, please contact me. flashcards of the new terms and review them nightly. Mr. Olejer In Accel Math 6/7, students will complete their unit on solving equations and move into solving and graphing inequalities. Please continue to encourage them to show their Team Eagle work and seek help when they need it. Science students are learning about physical and chemical changes and doing many labs Science students are investigating the properties of water. in class. Students are reviewing finding denEnglish classes will wrap up their research and figurative sity (physical) and mixing "unknowns" from language units, plus practice identifying main idea. All the moon mission in 1969 with chemicals to students should be reading at least 20 minutes a night in find chemical reactions. English students have started preparation for a book review in January. researching a topic of their choice from their independent In social studies, students will be looking at Colonial America novels. The final product will be a magazine article. as well as beginning the Revolutionary War. PAGE 7 B UZZ From the Guidance Corner of the Hive Counselors: Mrs. Jamie Sharp - Lead Counselor, 8th Grade - Teams: Orion, Phoenix, Taurus Mr. Henry Thomas—7th Grade - Teams: Gemini, Pegasus, Ursa Major Mrs. DeHaven-Dawson - 6th Grade - Teams: Eagle, Hercules, Scorpion Dates to Remember Interims: Grading Period Ends: Report Cards: Dec. 12th Jan. 17th Jan. 30th st rd Feb. 21 March 3 April 10th May 3rd June 6th June 12th COLLEGE SEARCH-8th grade students will be working on college searches through resource classes during the month of December. Have your 8th grader show you their results and continue exploring at Step UP Loudoun 2012-2013-Call to Action –Make a difference at Step up Loudoun. Step UP Loudoun is a county wide competition for middle and high school students. Working in teams or individually, teens identify and issue that matters to them, develop a plan of action, and share the implemented plans and ideas to Step Up Loudoun. Online registration is now open. The entry deadline is January 4th. Register at Attention 8th Grade Students Applying to AOS- Remember, Part II of your application is online and due on December 17th. Loudoun County Parent Resource Center is a wonderful resource for parents; it is located in Leesburg. The website for the parent resource center is The center provides workshops for parents, an updated tutor list, an online live homework help link, and so much more. Check it out today. Getting the E-Alerts Parents can subscribe to receive automated notifications through E-mail when updates or changes are made to our web site, including when the monthly newsletter has been posted. You can receive EAlerts for announcements that are made on the Web site including emergency announcements or changes in event scheduling, when additions are made to the Harmony calendar, daily morning announcements, when teachers post announcements on their pages, and more. Just register for this free automated service. Please note that you will only get an E-mail when the web editor, or the teacher sends an E-Alert to let you know of anything important that has been posted. Parent – Student – Staff Book Club Please join us in the Harmony library on Thursday, January 24th at 7 PM for our book club meeting. This club is open to all Harmony students and their parents. We will discuss the book, The Running Dream, by Wendelin Van Draanen. Copies of the book are available for check out. Drop-Off Reminder Parents, please remember that students may not be dropped-off at school until 8:10 AM daily. PAGE 8 D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 Drama News The spring musical is cast and ready to start making magic! Thanks to all of the 100+ talented students who auditioned! We will be starting rehearsals soon and will really ramp up after the New Year, so if you walk by the auditorium and hear beautiful music don‘t peek. Wait until March 14-17th and let us dazzle you! Spring Musical CAST: Prince Christopher King Maximillian Lionel Queen Constantina Cinderella Stepsister Grace Stepsister Joy Step Mother Fairy Godmother Charles the Cat Dove Mice John Burroughs Dennis Potts Jon Wilkerson Hannah Harrelson McKenna Morin MaryAnn Hayden Georgia Peake Julia Stewart Zoe Lucas Liam Harrelson Lily Smeraldo Ana Biondo, Emma Harlowe, Beca Rodal, Liz Clark Mother Ballerina Erin Stitt Child Cinderella: Sabrina Doyon Cinderella‘s father Henry Carlson Jesters: Maggie Miles, Jess Derrow ROSEettes 8 Ladies_The Queens Ladies in Waiting- Preshow Song: Caroline Roden, Katie Smeraldo, Caroline Potts, Kirsten Engel, Samantha Kershner, Julie Paschal, Lauren Bogle, Ella Gwartney Drama News (continued) Villagers and ―Disney‖ Ball Guests Chorus Ensemble (SOLOISTS TBD) Shea Geremia, Sleeping Beauty - Aurora Connor Gilfillan, Prince Philip Maddy Gingerich, Pocohontes Will Hayden, John Smith Jennifer Glazebrook, Belle Alex Florimbio, Beast Kayleigh Schall, Merida -Brave Bobby Zoldos, Haggas Miranda Huffer, Jasmine Luke D‘errico Aladdin Sophia D‘errico, Snow White Ethan Caldas, Prince Charming Ashley Meadows, Tiana Anthony Jackson, Prince Naveen Grace Robinson, Ariel Ethan Samaha, Eric Villagers/Merchants: 1. Henry Carlson 2. Laura Shelton 3. Mercedes Bloin-Escoto 4. Stephania Dodd 5. Sarah Rector 6. Hailey Dunster 7. Marleah Puckett 8. Eva Freeland 9. Kylie Brophy Strickroth 10. Sarah Bellman 11. Sarah Ayers 12. Katie Kessler Tech Crew: 1. Rachel Petterson-Stage Manager 2. Lexie Pound 3. Ryan Packard 4. Sara Kershner 5. Sydney Sparbanie 6. Caitlin Williams 7. Luke Dillon 8. Ellie Dillon 9. Abigail Horton 10. Julia Horton PAGE 9 B UZZ Computer Technology Ink Cartridge Recycling Program—Don't forget our ink cartridge recycling program. We accept any ink jet or laser toner cartridge as well as cell phones. We have used these monies in the past to purchase extra technology equipment and computer project supplies for our school. Ask your employer if you can have the old cartridges they may be throwing away. Please drop them off at school or send them with your child. Harmony Outreach November is the time of year when we all start thinking about the holidays. We begin asking questions like ―Who’s going to cook this year’s turkey, what do the kids want, and how much should we spend?‖ German Department News Blitz Christkindlmarkt: The German Society of Lovettsville hosted its annual Christkindlmarkt during the weekend of November 24th and 25th. The German students from Harmony volunteered by entertaining the children while their parents shopped. Students read the children German stories, did face paint, colored hair spray, and taught them German phrases. Nikolaustagfest: Woodgrove High School will be hosting a festival in celebration of Nikolaustag on Thursday, December 6th. The German students at Harmony are encouraged to attend. The event is from 6:30-8:30 PM. There will be a banquet as well as entertainment: singing, skits, gingerbread house judging, and a fun (optional) gift exchange. Students will need to coordinate their own rides. Parents are welcome to attend. The cost per person is $2. Holiday Calendars: The German Club at Harmony is selling Advent Calendars. The cost per calendar is $3. These calendars are a German tradition and offer sweet, little chocolate For some of our Harmony families their questions are a surprises behind each of the 24 doors. Prizes will be awarded little different. ― Is someone going to bring us a turkey, to the top sellers. Proceeds from these sales will be donated are we going to be able to buy any gifts or will we have to the Harmony Outreach Fund (helping needy families), help money to pay the electric bill?‖ fund the Club trip to the German Convention in Fredericksburg in February, and will also be put towards various activities, For those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to prizes and treats throughout the year. provide for our families, I hope we keep in mind the families that cannot. I would like to invite our parents to partici- Tutoring: Bitte see Frau Lenz if you need extra help! pate in our ―Holiday Giving‖ for these families. Your donation can be as small or as big as you‘d like. It can be in German Class: German students participate in an ―Auktion‖ the form of a gift card, check or cash. This can be at the end of the year with their hard earned Euros. Donations dropped off in the school office anytime or sent in with your are always welcome! child. 100% of the money collected will be distributed to the Harmony families I help. You may donate starting now and collection will continue through Friday. December 14th. Gift cards can be from Giant, Food Lion, Kohls, Target, Walmart or the Outlet Mall. Checks should be made payable to Harmony Middle School. There will be a special ―Giving Box‖ in the school office to drop off your donation. Harmony thanks you and truly appreciates your support. Rhonda Lough, Parent Liaison, Coats for Friends Sra. Igoe is sponsoring "Abrigos por amigos" (coats for friends). We appreciate gently used coats and jackets to help those who are less fortunate. Please bring the coats or jackets to Sra. Igoe in room B-11 through December 21st. ¡Gracias! PAGE 1 0 D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 All A Honor Roll - First Marking Period 6thGrade Yasameen Anwari Drake Bachman Isaac Barona Olivia Beck Elizabeth Camp Rachel Chatfield Giovanni Cianciaruso Elizabeth Clark Kevin Crandall Lukas D`Errico Carson Forsyth Liam Franco Hannah Franklin Adeline Furlow Jason Garner Alice Glass Cara Grady Nicole Grant Alexandra Greenberger Mark Hasenfang Thomas Hegerich Andrew Hitrik Julia Horton James Huang Connor Izzo Adam Jardines Zack Johnson Calle Junker Kelly Klimek Gavin Kline Madeleine Koester Grace Kostal Shelby Kostal Theodore Kostal David Kratz Gareth Krise Keagan Lanham Lauren Lawson Ryan Maad Erin Markel Matthew Mellstrom Lauren Miller Robert Mustacchio Faith Ortiz William Owen Reena Rajah Erin Ramsey Alexander Regnery Sara Roach Mary Schultejans Liam Sheen Chandler Siek Ryan Smith Everly Soyka Joseph Stitt River Stone Melissa Stuckey Niklas Stump Patrick Swisher Grace Szalay Carley Tantlinger Alexis Taylor Caroline Thomas Victoria Thompson Patrick Tolley Sayler Wampler Shea Whitehurst Nicholas Zimmerman 7thGrade Samuel Allison Addison Allred Elizabeth Aramayo Noah Balaban John Beisler Emerson Berlik Matthew Bland Bailey Brooks John Burroughs Ethan Caldas Virginia Carpenter Cameron Caylor Sophia Christian Meghan Cleary Jared Cordova Katie Cox Matthew Davison Eleanor Dillon Taylor Donches Joseph Eastman Kirsten Engel Melanie Fann John Flaherty Emily Franklin John Friberg Emily Gardner Julianne Ghiorzi Conor Gilfillan Meghan Glidden Hannah Greenburg Ella Gwartney Luke Hall Helen Hardy Lauren Heine Gabrielle Heinze Kaitlin Hill Rachel Hubbuch Miranda Huffer Jared Hyland Ranger Kasdorf Kassidy Kavanaugh Fatimah Khan Jessica Klinkam Christine Lewis Justin Lindo Alexandra Lynham Sophia Makarita Turner Manning Reese Markel Sarah Nasser John Nerantzis Lane Newland Mpeh Ntantang Charles Oakes Elizabeth Olchevski Somerset Peede Holly Peterson Antanas Petraitis Cathy Phan Genovi Rattana-Jones Caroline Roden Haley Saffer Christopher Scruggs Sophia Sgarrella Lillian Smeraldo Joshua Smith Kathryn Smith Jessica Stewart Robert Stribling Nicole Stuva Dominic Sullivan Matthew Thomas Lydia Troxell Fallon Valakis Bridget Vasta Collin Warner Sean Whalen Madison White Allison Widzinski Caitlin Williams Katherine Williams Paul Woldt Sierra Woodward Page 11 B UZZ All A Honor Roll - First Marking Period (continued) 8thGrade Lexi Acton Nazaneen Anwari Amanda Arnold Amelia Bailey Madylaine Barona Siri Berge Wyatt Black Jason Blevins Amelia Brown Peter Bruton James Camp James Cromwell Christian Dietrich Stefania Dodd Hailey Dunster Shahdin Ghaffari Robert Grady Shannon Grady Sara Hallam Hannah Harrelson Catherine Harris Maryann Hayden Mary Hurst Navneet Kaur Puneet Kaur Samantha Kershner Kaitlyn Lynham Taylor Manno Noah McBride Bridgette McGallicher Abhishek Mogili Kelsey Mullen Echo Norcott Arthur Olsen Annabel Oruma Kaleigh Owen Rachel Pack Georgia Peake Andrew Perry Rachel Petterson Annie Piland Justin Rader Grace Robinson Jacob Rodal Katherine Smeraldo Sarah Snare Julia Stang Erin Stitt Nicole Stutt Casey Taylor Isabel Thompson Caden Vandervort James Warndorf Joseph Warndorf Molly Warndorf Thomas White Seth Whitehurst David Zhang Alexis Zimmer-Chu Josef Zimmerman A/B Honor Roll - First Marking Period 6th Grade Riley Abashian Darby Adams Nolan Alvarez Mason Anderson Ethan Araneda Paisley Ashland Darin Avila Claire Baine Luke Barbour Tanner Barbour Maxine Barnes Sophia Baxter Wesley Beddow Andrew Bennett Kelsie Benney Ryan Best Owen Black Timothy Blankenship Wyatt Blauer Mercedes Blouin-Escoto Delaney Boyer Madelyn Brashear Meghan Breeden Rachelle Bresnahan Alyssa Brown Jensen Bury Alicia Bye Brianna Cantrall Katherine Cantrall Dominick Caputo Zachary Carpenter Raven Case Benjamin Castellano Madeline Cell Chloe Chiesa Rachel Cohen Gabriel Consaul Sean Conway Jordan Crigger Rick Crowson Dominique Cruz Sofia D`Errico Hope Davison Jason Demarco Brooke Diederich John Dillon Joseph Dodge Chelsea Dougherty Sophie Downing Daniel Duggan Curtis East Katelyn Edmonston Zachary Fahrner Matthew Farmer Kaivon Fields Aiden Fitzwater Zachary Fones Lily Fortunato John Fuchs Madelyn Geremia Eli Goossens Diana Greene Mckenna Greene William Gutshall Melody Haak Olivia Hall Katelyn Harris Nathan Hartung William Hayden Madison Hines Colin Hoffer Dillon Holdridge Tyler Holdridge Reagan Hollar Wesley Hope Aidan Howard Sophia Hudak Jack Hurst Anthony Hylton Seth Hyman Amanda Imthurn Corey Johnson Taylor Johnson Erin Kaplan Danielle Kimbrough Lauryl King Rebekah King Christina Kinzer Thomas Kirby Thomas Kleeb Sasha Kourakina Tara Kulak Rachel Lambert Mackenzie Langley Connor Lannon Katarina Lass Lauren Lynch Laura Macielinski Tyler Madden Andrew Malacarne Molly Malacarne Johnathan Marquart Cole Marsh Sami Marzougui Mckay McBride James McCann Michael McKim Logan McKinney Isabel McLaughlin Lauren Mellstrom Timothy Mercendetti D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 PAGE 1 2 A/B Honor Roll - First Marking Period* 6th Grade (continued) Riannon Miller Lauren Mural Sarah Murtaugh Emily Novotny Colin O`Brien Jonathan Owen Felice Parrish Lorallye Partlow Caden Paterson Rylan Pettit Alex Price Robert Purnell Olivia Reed Brent Rittner Craig Robertson Rebecca Rodal James Rogers Gabrielle Rollins Olga Romanenko Maxwell Rucker Jacob Rumsey Laura Shelton Cullen Smith Conrad Speak Amethyst Sturrock Grant Sutphin Emma Szabo Daniel Thomas Christian Ubial Jacob Umbaugh Sara Upton Shelby Vann Robert Vasjuta Charlotte Vea Julianne Vennitti Landen Warren Steven Webber Kaden Welch Annika Williams Portia Wilson Benjamin Wise Kendall Wisniewski Matthew Woodworth Bonney Wright Benjamin York Anatalya Zapanta Carly Zurschmeide 7thGrade: Emily Alvarez Nicolas Ammann Joshua Anderson Eihmear Arlington Ryan Badillo Jacob Bailey Samuel Ball Brandon Barker Faye Bauer Beatrice Baxter Logan Beach Alissa Beason Tyler Beddow Mikayla Benner Frey Berge Analiese Biondo Audrey Birch Natalie Blankenship Lauren Bogle Camie Bowers Emily Bowman Zachary Branch Kennady Briscoe Kylie Brophy-Strickroth Erika Burns John Bury Quinlan Byrd Susan Cahan Charles Caines Conor Carey Hanna Carey Hannah Carter Sophia Carver Dylan Cassidy Colin Cernetich Sarah Cohen Logan Cooper Brock Criales Zachary Cunningham Lance Czarnecki Kyle Dant Zachary David Luke Dedekind John Delmonte Camryn Dolby Jacob Dorn Craig Durden Caroline Earnshaw Eleanor Earnshaw Adam Eckenrode Carson Egan Fitzhugh Elder Madison Erb Ella Erickson Bijan Fesharaki Casey Flynn Anthony Forrest Cullen Franklin Luke Frederick Owen Fuller Juan Garcia Benjamin Gehl Matthew Geier Gabriella Geiger Keeley Glasper Jennifer Glazebrook Jacob Groff Cristina Guerra Andrew Hale Nicholas Hallam Spencer Halveland Ryan Hammer Hannah Hanes Justin Hanvey Emma Harlowe Justin Harrington Daniel Harris Clayton Hauck Lindsey Haun Elijah Haynes Madeline Hegerich Keely Hemminger Mable Henry Matthew Hudler Annalise Jackson Dominique Jean Brian Jo Shelby Jones Olivia Jordan Ian Joslyn Maricielo Juarez-Carrera Jessica Kaufman Grace Keelor Eunice Kim Hunter Kobler Jacob Kopp (continued) Kaziah Korpacz Alexander Kozar Alexander Kreuch Lauren Lafollette Matthew Lanzer Abigail Lenhart Sam Lewis Ailish Liston Amanda Loch John Loeffler Justine Longerbeam Maya Lopez Jarett Lorusso Samuel Lynch Skylar Manning Alexandra Mare Declan McCormack Mark McGregor Travis McMillan Chance McQuaid Ashley-Nicole Meadows Michelle Meed Andre Meyer Elisha Millard Cassidy Miller Avery Mills Luca Morelli Mckenna Morin Mia Morrison Evans Moyo Breandan Muldowney Ellie Mumaw Sean Murphy Annabel Nelson Brittany Nelson Sage Nelson Nicolas Newkirk Carrie Nichols Anastasia Niemann Darya Nouri Taylor Nutter Bradley Oakes Zachary Ochs Thomas Sydney Partin Katie Pasielski Gregory Payne Zachary Petruso Samantha Pierce Page 13 B UZZ A/B Honor Roll - First Marking Period* 7thGrade (continued) Christian Reid Matthew Renner Shane Reynolds Frank Ricker Brooke Rittner Joshua Roach Elizabeth Rosa Alexandra Ruddy Thomas Russello Francheska Sacoto Brigitte Schara Cassidy Schooling Adrianna Scruggs Grant Seburn Raven Seidelman Daniel Shelton Derek Shockey Zoe Skrobialowski Hayden Smith Jacob Smith Andres Soler Parilla Ryan Sorensen Eva Speacht Olivia Stah Adams Dawson Stephens Jack Stewart Lauren Sutara Katelynn Tansley Jennifer Tapia-Rios Jarrett Tardiff Tanner Testerman Aidan Thatcher Hannah Thomas Trung-Hieu Tran Le Alexis Trombly Eloise Tuell Samuel Upton Brayden Vacca Derrick Veney Thomas Vergeres Hudson Vetter Joseph Volpone Preston Ward Kaden Warren Kaylee Washington Jonathan Wenham Broderick White Joshua Wiles Jonathon Wilkerson Paige Williamson Sydnie Wilson Calvin Woehrle Nathan Wright Johann Wunder William Zach Robert Zoldos Katherine Zwicker 8thGrade Matthew Adams Kenneth Albanese Kyle Aldridge Emily Alexander Iris Alexander Luke Andrews Sarah Ayers Nicholas Ball Amber Bartling Sohaib Basha Christopher Bava Emily Beach Parker Beverly Russell Blackwell Andrea Bonilla Cruz Lidell Booysen Kate Brantingham Bailey Brohard Emily Broman Cortland Brower Kevin Burke Kevin Burns Jonathan Candelaria Joseph Candelaria Amanda Caputo Henry Carlson Cory Casper Nicole Cassella Catherine Cavallaro Amanda Clark Mason Coates Calvin Combs Krista Connolly Erik Crossfield Jared Dahlberg Eric Deberry Kaycee Delitta Jessica Derrow Brendan Diederich Audrey Dimitrew Mark Doherty Brett Donaty Eric Dorsch Alexis Earles Jacob Earnshaw Margaret Eastman Megan Eiynck Thomas Ellis Camryn Fagan Andrew Ferrari Andrew Fiedler Madeline Fortin Eva Freeland Thomas Freeland Madison Fritz Hunter Fulton Harrison Furlow Dianet Garduno Shea Geremia Sarah Gernerd Madeline Gingerich Caydon Glasper Brittany Glidden Matthew Gusmerotti Luke Guyre Sarah Haene Christopher Hall Sean Hallissey Tess Hardesty Kaitlin Hawes Sara Healy Jonathan Heinze Kai Hendrikson Matthew Herrity Clark Hile Cameron Hippler Benjamin Hollar Julie Hope Willow Hughes Spencer Hutchinson Brandon Jones Rachel Judd Parker Juergensen Hannah Kaplan Peyton Kardos (continued) Kelly Keane Sean Keane Kathryn Kessler Cameron Kilgour Kayla King Oliver Kline Tyler Kollar Arianna Larson Elle Lassiter Zoe Lucas Connor Madden Ashley Marques Allison Marrs Bradley Mattia Nikole McClure Jordan McConnell Keegan McMahon Ashley McMillan Stephanie McMullen Kyle McVey Margaret Mengel Allyson Miller Kyle Miller Gwyneth Morris Virginia Mullins William Neeves Braden Nesselrodt Rebecca Oelschlager Connor Olivier Nicholas Palmieri Julie Paschal Luanna Pavlinac Samantha Pereira Noah Phelps Caroline Potts Marleah Puckett Patrick Ramsey Tyler Raney Grayson Reed Emily Rehak Brady Reynolds Jacob Reynolds Clayton Roberts John Robic Ryan Robotti Lauren Rumsey Renea Rupp Teresa Russell Trevor Saunders D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 PAGE 1 4 A/B Honor Roll - First Marking Period* 8th Grade (continued): William Saunders Kayleigh Schall Victoria Schara Yadel Schnabel Collin Shipp Chase Simmons Kolton Simmons Alyssa Skinner Kyra Smetana Hanah Smith Scott Smith Michael Stephens Shelby Sternberg Julia Stewart Nicholas Stewart Casey Sutara Jason Swavely Tad Szalay Corbyn Tabod Benjamin Taylor Blake Thomas Berkley Umbaugh Bradley Wacker Patrick Ward (continued) Chad White Jordan Wick Nolan Wilk Matthew Wolf Thomas Wozny Hilal Yalcin Nessa York Jacob Zurschmeide *Grade changes after November 30th will not be reflected. Sheriff’s Department on Internet Safety: What Parents Need to Know 4th 5th, On December and December at 7 PM, the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office will be at Woodgrove to present their Internet Safety Presentation. This meeting is intended for Western Loudoun parents - the Loudoun Valley and Woodgrove clusters. The same presentation will be delivered again at Loudoun Valley High School on March 5th and March 6th. Module 1 will focus on use and abuse of traditional ―computers‖ to include desktops, laptops, tablets, and netbooks. Subjects Covered: User Demographics and Stats, Child Predators Awareness and Techniques, Chat Rooms and Forums, Online Gaming (PC Based), Browser Gaming, Social Networking, Blogging, Pornography, Browser and Internet Surfing Hazards, Parental Monitoring, Access Control, Case Study, Warning Signs. Module 2 will focus on use and abuse of Non-Traditional access devices to include cell phones, smartphones, gaming consoles, and handheld gaming devices. Subjects Covered: Demographics and Stats, Predator Awareness and techniques, Sexting and Texting, Chat Rooms and Forums, Console and Handheld Gaming Hazards, Socials Networking Access Hazards, Geotagging, Trends in Technology, Access Control and Techniques, Case Study, Warning Signs, and Parental Monitoring. Internet Safety: What Parents Need to Know is an in- depth look at the modern hazards that are associated with use of technology and the internet. This class consists of two one-hour modules each focusing on a specific sub-class of technology most commonly used by youth. During each module, the Adult Only audience will get a straight forward and graphic look at the dark world behind the technology. The audience will also learn about the hazards that are faced each day by the youth who have made these devices a ―must have‖ part of their daily lives. This class will also educate the audience about the warning signs of technology abuse and provide advice on talking with their children about the dangers. The audience will also learn about some of the most common access control techniques that can be employed to keep their children safe. Page 15 B UZZ AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK Harmony’s 3rd Annual International Night Veterans’ Day 11-12-12 Harmony hosted its 3rd International Night on November 15th. The festivities, which celebrated the diversity of the community, began with a covered dish dinner and continued with a program of songs, music, and dance, culminating in an International Fashion Walk. In observance of Veterans‘ Day, Harmony honored our servicemen and women. Team activities included writing letters of appreciation to soldiers. We would like to thank our staff who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. We appreciate all the veterans for their service in protecting our freedoms which we enjoy every day. If you see the following veterans, please show them your appreciation by As guests arrived, they were greeted by the sounds of a saluting them and thanking them for their service: Mr. drumming circle. The more adventurous took a seat and Henry Thomas –SSGT in the WV Air National Guard; Mr. joined in while onlookers enjoyed the rhythms. Other guests John Fansler – Army Airborne; Mr. Clegg - US Navy; Mrs. made their way to the cafeteria, where the dinner was held. Diane Warr—US Army; Stephen Schoenfeld – PA Army More than 300 parents, students, and teachers tasted a wide National Guard. variety of recipes from around the world. The evening‘s entertainment included guest appearances by the Woodgrove Harmony also wishes to express gratitude to those parents High School‘s Bluegrass Club and Loudoun Valley‘s Ameri- currently deployed around the world. Your service is recan Sign Language Club. The audience enjoyed performmembered and appreciated as your families miss you during ances by violinist Amelia Bailey, Mrs. Igoe‘s Spanish classes; the upcoming holiday season. We feel Frau Lenz‘s German classes, Irish, hip hop and Brazilian safe because of you! dancing and a video of a traditional African chorus. Thank you, veterans! We appreciate The finale of the evening was the International Fashion Walk. you! Students modeled the traditional dress of nations represented within the Harmony community. As each group was introduced, students walked onto the stage carrying the nation‘s flag while the audience listened to a brief narration. By the Student Council end of the evening, music, dances, fashions, and flags of 20 countries highlighted the diverse culture of Harmony Middle Association (SCA) School‘s community. President: Molly Warndorf Vice President: Shelby Jones Many thanks go to all of the families who loaned clothing for Secretary: Joshua Smith the Fashion Walk and participated in the evening. Thanks to Treasurer: Abhi Mogili the students who worked hard to prepare the entertainment. Publications Representatives: Joe Warndorf, Special thanks go to the Equity Team and the Foreign LanAnd Marleah Puckett guage Department for planning and hosting this special eveSCA Website Reporter: Matthew Bland ning. Historian: Jessica Klinkam Advisors: Mr. Thomas, Ms. Hoppert and Mr. Clegg The Harmony SCA (Student Council Association) sponsored Can the Dean Contest! A competition among all grade levels to bring in the most canned goods to contribute to the Western Loudoun Food Pantry. The winner was the 6th grade with 410 cans! Congratulations also to the runner up, the 8th grade, bringing in 310 with the 7th grade trailing in last bringing in 241 cans for a grand total of 961 cans! The 6th grade saw Mr. Olejer don a gorilla suit for a day! PAGE 1 6 PTA News At the request of the 6th grade Social Studies Department, the PTA purchased $5400 history books entitled, Our America to 1865, to enrich students‘ understanding of the subject matter. Over 100 6th graders from Ms. Orrisons‘s classes wrote, drew and taped THANK YOU notes to the PTA. The students appreciate the books are ―not smelly‖, have great information, pictures, and are new! The PTA has produced a binder containing all of the written THANK YOU‘s contained in protective sheets. The binder can be found in the front office, on the tables near the chairs/benches. Please stop by the front office and read the wonderful notes from the students. December Meeting: The December PTA Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19th at 6:30 PM in the library. D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 PTA News (continued) Stay informed: The Harmony Middle School PTA currently produces a weekly email newsletter. If you'd like to sign up to receive the newsletter, click on the link below! You don't have to be a member of the PTA to receive The Hornets' Nest, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Make sure you put our email address,, in your trusted contacts list on your email program so that the newsletter doesn't end up in your spam or junk mail folder. If you have any questions or difficulty, contact newsletter editors Barbara Petzen and Tom Regan. Additional Spirit Wear in Stock at the School Store: Remember Spirit Wear while shopping for your presents and Committee News the colder months! The school store recently received a Events: A big thank you to Kim Chatfield and her volunteers new shipment of spirit wear, with many selections of sizes for hosting a highly successful Spooktacular Halloween Party. and colors from which to choose. We have over 100 items A great time was had by all. The next PTA hosted party will in stock. So keep in mind the Harmony hoodies and shirts be Friday, March 8, 2013 with a St. Patrick‘s Day theme. make great gifts. Contact the PTA if you would like to know Fall Fundraiser: The Fall Fundraiser, headed by Ginny if a particular item is in stock, or just stop by the store in the Skrabialowski, has delivered the initial orders. As always, morning when it is open. Check out the Spirit Wear web Ginny did yeoman‘s work, going above and beyond the call of page on the PTA site at duty to ensure each family received the correct order. though ―final‖ packets have been turned in, families can still (click on Spirit Wear). shop on line all year and support the Harmony PTA. For more information, go to the Harmony website: 2012-2013 Calendar After School Clubs: August 27th: First Day of School for Students The Running Club: Coach Todd Stuckey presented Kristen September 3rd: Holiday (Labor Day) Thatcher, HMS PTA President, with a check for $270 - $5 for October 8th: Holiday (Columbus Day) each of the students in the Running Club who participated in November 2nd: End of the Grading Period the Purcellville Turkey Trot 5K on November 11, 2012. Next November 5th-6th: Student Holidays spring, Coach Todd will hold the club again and welcomes (Planning/Records/Conference Days) new athletes. November 21st-23rd: Holiday (Thanksgiving) Lego, Mad Science, Chess and Knit Clubs are all active December 24th-January 1st: Winter Break this fall. Look for email invitations from Harmony Middle (Classes Resume January 2nd) School PTA for winter and spring sessions. January 17th: End of Grading Period January 18th: Moveable Student Holiday Send in Box Tops: FREE MONEY ALERT! (Planning/Records/Conference Day) Help Harmony get FREE $$$ from the Grocery & Store January 21st: Holiday Points Programs—Giant, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Target (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) VISA. All the details at th: Holiday (Presidents‘ Day) February 18 March 22nd: End of Grading Period Help the PTA get FREE $$$ and Rewards from Turning in March 25th-29th: Holiday (Spring Break) Labels & Codes—Box Tops for April 1st: Student Holiday Education, Campbell's (Planning/Records/Conference Day) Labels for Education, My Coke May 27th: Holiday (Memorial Day) Rewards, Tyson Project A+ Labels Program. All the details th June 6 : Last Day of School for Students at End of Grading Period PAGE 17 B UZZ Spectrum Speaks The 7th grade Spectrum students returned last Wednesday, November 7th from their much anticipated field trip to the Natural History Museum where they completed a forensics lab entitled Criminal or Collector. Following their lab experience with lunch at Union Station made for an absolutely perfect day! Thanks to all our chaperones for a truly ―uneventful‖ trip! The 6th grade Spectrum class students‘ field trip will be on December 12th, also to the Natural History museum. The 6th and 7th grades will soon begin exploring various cultures, what it means to be a culture and what it takes to become a culture! They will create cultures of their own, even constructing a written language. Through a simulated dig, students will learn excavation techniques and the importance of accurate documentation. Cultures will be on display in the library following the winter break. The 8th grade Spectrum class is greatly anticipating their field trip to the Shakespeare Theater in downtown DC. There, they will enjoy a performance of Shakespeare‘s, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and a Q & A session with the actresses and actors following the show. December 20th will see all of the students decked out in theater garb as they travel into the city for this much anticipated event. Prior to the outing, 8th grade students at Harmony will have the pleasure of hosting a pre-performance workshop given by the Shakespeare Theater‘s Shakespearience staff. This workshop will familiarize them with the play and give them added insight into the world of Shakespeare. The 8th grade unit of study during this nine weeks is communication through the arts, highlighting claymation animated film making. Students will be creating films to be entered into the Come and see our entries later in the year at our annual Family Arts Night here at Harmony! Advent Calendars The German Club at Harmony is selling Advent Calendars for $3 per calendar. These calendars are a German tradition and offer sweet, little chocolate surprises behind each of the 24 doors. Staff Recognition Mr. Richard Murdock graduated from California State College (California, PA) in December of 1974 and started teaching at Blue Ridge in August of 1975. At the start of the 1989 school year, he assisted in changing the 7th grade curriculum over to the Technology Education curriculum with the 8th grade making the change over several years later. In June of 1990, he and his BRMS partner (Mr. Bovard) were recognized for "Outstanding Contributions to Vocational Education" by the state Board of Education. After 35 years of teaching at Blue Ridge Middle School, Mr. Murdock retired in 2010 . In September of this year, he was asked to come out of retirement to complete the academic year splitting time between Blue Ridge and Harmony Middle schools. He feels very privileged to be able to teach at these two schools which he considers to be the best in the system. The students and faculties of each school make it a pleasure to be working with them again. Mr. Mike Blair Is very excited to begin the 7th grade school year as part of the Gemini Team at Harmony Middle School. This is his 23rd year of teaching with the last seven years in Loudoun County Public Schools. He earned his undergraduate degree in Secondary Education, Social Sciences from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. After moving to Virginia in 1991, he was able to complete his endorsement in Special Education. While teaching in Virginia, he has had an opportunity to teach in a number of educational settings, with both middle school and high school student populations. He has coached varsity wrestling as head coach and as an assistant. PAGE 18 D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 Attention Parents— Please join us for our one-night workshop: Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College Attend expensive private schools for the same out-of-pocket as in-state public schools. Pay for college in the most efficient and effective manner. Avoid jeopardizing your retirement nest egg. Qualify for your maximum Financial Aid package. Discover unique student positioning techniques. Gain an insider‘s view of the college admissions process. Recapture your out-of-pocket college costs. And much, much more! 2012 Fall Course Schedule: —Each county has their own registration process and cost associated with the workshop— Loudoun, VA click here--> Registration Info: 571-252-2119 Tuesday, December 5th Heritage HS 6:30—9:00 PM Howard, MD click here--> Registration Info: 443-518-1700 Thursday, December 6th Gateway Campus/Columbia 6:00—9:00 PM Wye Mills, MD Thursday, December 6th Location TBD 6:00-9:00 PM call--> 410-427-5810 Call 703-430-0789 to ask about custom presentations arranged for local schools and community organizations. Your Instructor: Brock T. Jolly, CFP®, ChFC, CLU, CLTC, CASL, is a Financial Advisor and regular educator in community and professional groups on college financing, tax reduction strategies, and retirement planning. His practice is dedicated to helping families implement creative long-term financial strategies to fund college and retirement with minimal out-of-pocket cost. Brock is a graduate of the University of Virginia. For additional questions, please feel free to call Brock at 703-891-6681. Trex Recycling Challenge The Trex Recycling Challenge has begun here at Harmony as we are collecting plastic bags through Earth Day- April 22nd. Bins are in each house area ,and plastic bags are not limited to those plastic grocery bags; we can take pellet bags, dry cleaning bags, etc. As a school, we will receive a birdhouse for participating. Also, the winning school in our area will receive a bench. We could work on an outdoor classroom or adding to our courtyard??? PAGE 19 B UZZ Nurturing Parenting Program 105 E. Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176 (703) 771-3973, ext. 27 Schedule of Parenting Classes Winter and Spring, 2013 Nurturing Program: Introductory Meetings: Class sessions: Time: Parenting Strategies for the Pre-teen (Ages 10-13) Thursday, (1/10/13), between 4:00 – 8:30 PM Thursdays, (1/17/13 – 2/28/13), (6 weeks) 6:00 – 7:30 PM Nurturing Program: Introductory Meetings: Class sessions: Time: Parenting Strategies for Children (Ages birth-11) Wednesday, 1/9/13, between 4 - 8 PM Wednesdays, (1/16/13 - 3/13/13), (8 weeks) 5:30 - 8:00 PM, (Course materials and instruction in SPANISH) Nurturing Program: Introductory Meetings: Class sessions: Time: Parenting Strategies for the School Age Child (Ages 3-11) Thursday (3/21/13), between 4 - 8 PM Thursdays, (3/28/13 - 5/16/13), (8 weeks) 5:30 – 8:00 PM Nurturing Program: Introductory Meetings: Class sessions: Time: Parenting Strategies for the Young Child (Ages 0-5) Wednesday (3/20/13), between 9 AM – noon Wednesdays, (3/27/13 - 5/15/13), (8 weeks) 9:30 – 11:00 AM Classes cover a wide range of parenting topics: families explore ways to establish effective methods for addressing problem behaviors; strategies for increasing their child’s positive self-image; how to develop effective family rules and decision making skills; and many ways to reduce family conflict while increasing family fun! Children/teens are encouraged to attend class sessions with their parent(s). Age appropriate classes are offered to help children and teens develop communication and relationship skills. Childcare is provided for infants and toddlers. The programs are FREE to the public. Class sizes are limited. D E CE MBE R 201 2/ J ANU ARY 2 013 PAGE 20 Cafeteria News Hot Meal Menu Schedule: The Loudoun County Public Schools new Secondary Lunch Menu is a three week repeating menu. This menu may be viewed online at by selecting school menu. Week of November 26th Week 2 Week of December 3rd Week 3 Week of December 10th Week 1 Week of December 17th Week 2 Week of December 24th No School Week of December 31st Week 3 PAGE 21 B UZZ DECEMBER EVENTS December 2012 12/10 Spirit Week 12/11 Choral Concert @ 6 PM 12/12 Band Boosters Mtg @ 7 PM 12/13 Orchestra Concert @ 6 PM 12/8 Guitar Concert @ 6 PM 12/12 Interims 12/20 Band Concert @ 7 PM 12/24/12-1/02/13 Winter Break SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 B 9 6 A 10 B 11 Spirit Week 7 B A 12 Choral Concert 8 13 Band Boosters 14 15 Orchestra Concert Interims A 16 B 17 18 A 19 20 Guitar Concert B 23 21 22 Band Concert A 24 A B B 25 26 A 27 B 28 29 Winter Break January 2013 JANUARY EVENTS 1/3/13 Classes Resume 1/9/2013 Band Booster Mtg, 7 PM 1/17 End of Marking Period 1/18 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday (moveable) 1/21 MLK, Jr. Birthday—Holiday 1/24 Winter Book Club in library SUN 30 6 MON TUE 31 1 7 Classes Resume 8 14 THU 2 Winter Break B 13 WED 3 15 10 B 16 20 21 B 22 17 23 12 B 18 19 Student Holiday Teacher Workday B 24 25 26 Winter Book Club Holiday A 27 A A A 5 11 End of Grading Period A SAT 4 B A 9 A FRI 28 29 A B 30 B A 31 A B B The Buzz Non-Profit Std. Mail Permit 10 Hamilton, VA 20158 Harmony Middle School 38174 West Colonial Highway Hamilton, VA 20158 School Cancellation/Delayed Opening/Early Closing and Announcements In the event that weather or other reasons require either closing or delaying the opening of school before buses start on their routes, announcements will be made over the following radio/TV stations by 6:00 AM. These stations are notified by direct calls and should be the primary stations that are monitored. Comcast Cable (TV 21) Loudoun County WRC (TV 4) Washington, DC WINC (92.5 FM) Winchester, VA FOX (TV 5) Washington, DC WTOP (1500) Washington, DC WJLA (TV 7) Washington, DC WMAL (630 AM) Washington, DC WUSA (TV 9) Washington, DC News Channel 8 Washington, DC In the event of a delayed opening, please stay tuned to the radio/TV station in case some change in the weather causes schools to be closed for the day. A one-hour delay would mean that all morning programs would operate as usual except that they would start one (1) hour later. A two-hour delay would mean that school opening would be delayed for two (2) hours, with specific alternatives to certain programs. Early Closing In the event that circumstances necessitate the early closing of school after school is in session, announcements will be broadcast from the same radio/TV stations as listed above. When we have an early closing, it will probably be announced that school will close either one or two hours earlier than usual. For more information log on to: to register for electronic notifications.
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