Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools
Message From the Principal - Loudoun County Public Schools
Buzz the MAY 20 13 Message From the Principal Dear Parents, Our principal, Sherron Gladden, has announced her retirement effective the end of this school year. Sherron has had a long and distinguished career in Loudoun County Public School. Her contributions at Harmony over the intermediate and middle school years has been enormous. We celebrate and value the life and career of Sherron Gladden and wish her the very best in her years of retirement. Dr. Markley, as acting principal, will finish out the current school year. Effective July 1st, we are delighted to announce that Mr. Eric Stewart will be the new principal at Harmony. Mr. Stewart has a long and successful career in Loudoun. He has already served as an elementary school principal, and he opened Smarts Mill Middle. Currently, he is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction of Loudoun County Public Schools. The final grading period began April 8th. It is very important for your child to be present and to stay focused in these last few weeks. The teachers are working very hard to prepare students for the upcoming SOL tests and exams during classes, before or after school and during Resource periods. Please have your children take advantage of these opportunities. 30th 30th. The SOL tests will be given April -May Please check elsewhere in this newsletter or on the website for the specific days for each test. It is extremely important that your child is present on the days of the SOL tests. Please make sure that they are well rested and have had a good breakfast. May 6th – 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. The PTA has planned a week of recognition in appreciation of the Harmony faculty. Thanks to everyone who is helping to make this a great week for our teachers! We are fortunate to have many dedicated professional educators at Harmony. Please take a moment to thank a teacher for their hard work and dedication – encourage your children to do the same. May 8th is National School Nurse Day. Our nurse is a critical part of our mission to educate students in a healthy environment. For many students, she is an important part of their daily health care. Please take a moment to thank her for these services. NUMBERS TO KNOW 540-751-2500 540-751-2501 fax 540-751-2502 absentee call-in In this Issue As the weather gets warmer, please remind your child of the school dress code. Not all items that are in fashion are appropriate for school – especially the short tops and shorts. A good rule of thumb is, if there is a question about the appropriateness of an item – don’t wear it! Or at least bring a change of clothing. Finally, the last day of school is June 6th. Exams will be given in algebra, geometry and foreign languages June 3th-6th. All students are expected to be present for the exams on the designated days. Early exams are not an option. The school calendar is published a year in advance to allow families to plan for vacations, etc. so, hopefully, it will not be a problem. Report cards will be mailed home on June 12th. With the report cards, you will receive a second copy of the course selections for next year if your student will be at Harmony. It is essential that you review this information, and let us know if there are any changes or corrections that need to be made. After June 19th, changes may not be approved if classes are full. All students will receive information regarding expunging the course and the grade for high school course taken this year. If your child took a high school credit course this year, please read the information carefully. If you wish to expunge, it must be done according to the timeline outlined in the letter. Finishing strong this year is the goal for which we are all striving. There are some fun incentives for students who put forth their best effort during the last few weeks. We are also working to plan for grade level field days to celebrate the end of the year. Thank you in advance to the PTA and all the parents who are helping with these events. We greatly appreciate all the parental support and involvement this year. Sincerely, Edgar Markley Students of the Month SOL Schedule Dress Code Guidance News Guitar/Orchestra News Band News Choral News Team News 3rd Quarter Honor Roll German Dept. News PTA News Library News Art News Harmony Outreach Student Calendar SCA News May Lunch Menu May Calendar Yearbook News MAY Page 2 Orion: Grayson Reed and Katie Smeraldo Phoenix: Sidney Araneda and Iris Alexander Taurus: Parker Beverly and Katie Kessler Ursa Major: Mackenzie Flynn and Owen Fuller Pegasus: Emerson Berlik and Katie Pasielski Gemini: Genovi Rattana-Jones and Joshua Roach Eagle: Adam Czarnetzky and Reena Rajah Hercules: Colin O'Brien and ALexis Taylor Scorpion: Jason DeMarco and Madi Hines Student Dress Code SOL TESTING DATES The SOL testing dates are as follows: Date Subject th st Apr 30 & May 1 Geometry May 7th Reading 8 May 8th Reading 7 May 9th Reading 6 May 13th Civics 8 May 14th SS 7 May 15th SS 6 th May 16 Science 8 May 20th Algebra I May 21rst Algebra I May 22nd Math 6 May 24th Math 7- 6th Grade Math 7 th May 28 Math 8 & Math 7 The BUZZ The administrative newsletter of Harmony Middle School 38174 West Colonial Hwy. Hamilton, VA 20158 Edgar Markley, Acting Principal Jim Hepner, Assistant Principal Gail Lucas, Assistant Principal Andrew Olejer, 6th Grade Dean Patrick White, 7th Grade Dean Christina Thompson, 8th Grade Dean NOTICE: If, due to a disability, you need assistance to enable you to participate meaningfully in any school activity, please contact Mrs. Gladden at 540-751-2500 at least five working days prior to the activity. 201 The primary responsibility for proper attire and grooming of students rests with the parent of each student. However, the school has the responsibility to see that students do not present a health or safety risk to themselves or other students. The attire and grooming of students should not prevent them from performing regularly required school activities, and should not cause a disruption of the orderly functioning of school. Remember also, the more casual the attire, the more casual the attitude toward school. With this in mind, the following rules will be in effect: All shirts, sweaters and blouses should cover the shoulders, midriff, chest area and underarms. All tank tops and spaghetti strap tops are unacceptable, as well as some sleeveless tops. See-through and swim attire are inappropriate. Short shorts and short skirts are inappropriate. Underwear exposed or worn as outerwear is unacceptable. Pants should be an appropriate length and not dragging the ground. Clothing that degrades any person's gender, culture, religion and occupation is unacceptable. Clothing that depicts or promotes pornography, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, profanity, violence or cult/gang activities is unacceptable. Gang-related articles/dress such as bandanas, wallet chains, headbands, rolled up pants, and jewelry are unacceptable. Hats or head coverings may not be worn in the building. Any type of attire including hair color and make-up that is viewed by the administration as a disruption to the school environment is unacceptable. BUZZ Page 3 From the Guidance Corner of the Hive Counselors: Mrs. Sharp (Lead Counselor) - 8th Grade Counselor Mr. Thomas –7th Grade Counselor Mrs. DeHaven-Dawson - 6th Grade Counselor Important Dates to Remember: Marking Period 4th Interims May 3, 2012 Marking Period Ends June 6, 2012 Report Cards Sent Home June 12, 2012 (mailed) Scheduling: A course request letter was sent home with your child’s report card on April 10th. Please use the report card to help in the final decision of your child’s courses for next year. If there are any problems or changes that need to be made, please make the corrections on the letter and return it to Harmony Middle School counseling department as soon as possible. There will be NO changes after June 20, 2013. Loudoun County Academy of Science: Loudoun County Academy of Science will hold an information session for current 7th graders and their parents on Thursday, May 9th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium of Dominion High School. The session will include an overview of the AOS program and the admission process. If your child is interested in applying to the Academy of Science, this night is very helpful for parents and students. Middle School Summer School Recovery Program: Harmony Middle School will be offering a recovery program for students who did not pass Math or English. The program will run from June 17th- July 3rd. Your child’s school counselor will notify you if your child is eligible for the recovery program. High School Summer School: Information and registration for 2013 High School Summer School is available online at High School Summer School will be held at Heritage High School in Leesburg, June 24th- August 1st from 8-1 PM. The cost is $650.00. Rising 8th- Middle school students (rising 8th ONLY) are permitted to take only one full session math course for new high school credit. Rising 9th-Middle school students (rising 9th) are permitted to take only one full session course for new high school credit in Algebra I, Geometry, English 9, Earth Science, or World History. Online Summer Courses: Rising 9th graders seeking new credits are eligible for online summer school courses. Please see the website below for available courses. Rising 7th graders are eligible ONLY to take Math 7 online, with a pass advance on the Math 6 SOL. For more information, visit the website at 2013_1.pdf for more information Page 4 MAY MUSIC DEPARTMENT NEWS The Music Department would like to thank all the performing groups who participated in this year’s competition at “Music in the Parks” in Williamsburg, VA. Special thanks to Rene Petitt and the band, chorus, orchestra and guitar chaperones who attended. At the Concert awards ceremony Saturday evening, the following trophies were given out to Harmony Middle: Symphonic Band received a 3rd place with a rating of Good; Concert Band received a 1st place with a rating of Good; Percussion Ensemble received a 1st place with a rating of Excellent; Jazz Ensemble received a 1st place with a rating of Excellent; Orchestra received a 2nd place with a rating of Excellent; Mixed Chorus received a 1st place with a rating of Excellent; Treble Chorus received a 1st place with a rating of Superior; Guitar Ensemble received a 1st place with a rating of Superior. Harmony Middle School Music Department ROCKS!!!!!!! Guitar News April 26th, Friday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, 7th Grade Guitar Rehearsal May 1st , Wednesday, 7:00 PM, 7th & 8th Grade Guitar Concert Orchestra News Congratulations to Darya Nouri, Somerset Peede, Casey Sutara and Josef Zimmerman. On Saturday, these students performed at our District Solo and Ensemble with two duets and one solo. Each event received a “Superior” which is the highest possible rating. April 25th, Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, 7th Grade Orchestra Rehearsal April 29th, Monday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, 6th Grade Orchestra Rehearsal April 30th, Tuesday, 6:00 PM, 6th Grade Orchestra Concert April 30th, Tuesday, 7:00 PM, 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Concert 201 BAND NEWS After the “Music in the Park” competition, the students were able to relax and have some fun in Busch Gardens. It was a great day for Harmony Middle School. Mr. Shoremount and the Band Boosters would like to thank all of our outstanding chaperones who made this trip possible. Band Calendar: May 7th: Solo & Ensemble at LVHS, 4pm May 21st: Band Booster meeting, HMS band room, 7 PM -- last general meeting, officer elections, prep for 2013-2014 school year th May 28 : 6th grade band stage rehearsal, 3:30 PM-5 PM May 29th: Spring Band Concert, 7 PM, Harmony Auditorium May 29th: 7th and 8th grade band students turn in band uniforms after the concert Keep yourself informed about the happenings at Harmony. Check out the website! National Latin Exam Congratulations to the following Middle School students who earned awards on the National Latin Exam, an international exam taken by over 154,000 students: Silver Medal, maxima cum laude,: Somerset Peede, Virginia Carpenter, and Collin Shipp magna cum laude: Andrew Hale, Eihmear Arlington, Ranger Kasdorf, Sophia Sgarrella, James Cromwell, Molly Warndorf, Justin Rader, Elle Lassiter, Nicole Stutt, Henry Carlson, and Spencer Hutchinson cum laude: Emily Franklin, Miranda Huffer, Sarah Cohen, Caroline Roden, Nolan Wilk, Ryan Sorensen, Declan McCormick, Justin Harrington, Emily Haak, Grace Robinson, Thomas White, Joseph Warndorf, Sarah Snare, Allison Marrs, Clayton Roberts, and Jim Warndorf. BUZZ PAGE 5 Team Orion Students are reading up a storm in English class while they prepare to rock the Reading 8 SOL. They are working on their media literacy while challenging themselves by reading The Giver or Fahrenheit 451. As writers, they are preparing to publish a piece of their writing! In civics, the economics unit is in full swing and moving quickly. Each student received a syllabus with an outline of this unit; it's a great place to check for assignments as well as the Harmony website. Students have studied what economics are and different types of businesses. They are now analyzing supply and demand, US production and will tour the world’s global economy and discuss its effects on the US. Science students are moving at top speed in chemistry. They were able to view what happens when sodium comes into contact with water! Students will be learning how and why certain elements bond as well as begin to balance equations. As the Science 8 SOL is fast approaching, visit the Harmony website in order to help review for the 6th and 7th grade portions on the test. Team Phoenix Civics classes are working on Economics as the May 13th SOL test date approaches. English classes are concentrating on reading and creative writing, with a unit on media manipulation. Science students have investigated the periodic table and are learning about how the elements bond together. They will stay engaged in their lessons through labs as they work towards the SOL to be taken on May 16th. 8th Grade News Team Taurus The team teachers want to wish all our students a happy fourth quarter! There are challenges left to the school year that we want you to stay focused for and try your best. The Reading SOL is on May 7th, the Civics SOL is on May 13th, and the Science SOL is on May 16th. We hope all students get a good night's rest and a good breakfast. We know you can do well! In other news, civics is moving into economics, science is moving into bonding, having just finished with atoms, and English students are drafting a piece to be published. The countdown for the end of the year is on! It will be a monumental event because this is the first group of students to begin as 6th graders and graduate as 8th graders from Harmony Middle School. As a result, all of the 8th grade staff is working on ways to close out the year and celebrate the fabulous academic careers our 8th grade students have had at Harmony. Be on the lookout for information and ways to help. Please do not hesitate to call the school or email with questions or concerns. or Christina Thompson Dean and Jamie Sharp Counselor Page 6 Gemini Math students are beginning to peek into geometry. Simultaneously, they continue to review for SOLs. Science students will be learning about the environment. As they finish ecology, the students will have the option of dissecting both an earthworm and a frog. Students who decline animal dissection should bring in a signed note from his or her parent or legal guardian., and accommodations will be made. Congratulations to all those who participated in the amazing Poetry Slam, an outstanding start to what will become an annual event. Students are beginning the Research Unit by thinking of colleges or careers of interest and creating questions for the final project. SOL Camp begins soon, so students can have fun as they review for the test. The survey of, “How Am I Doing?” is complete, and results will be shared within each language arts block. In history, students have finished exploring the tragedy, turmoil, and triumph of WWII. They are now venturing into the Post War Era and The Cold War. Team Pegasus US History students saw World War II come to a close and learned how the war impacted the US back on the home front. Students learned about the Post-War "boom" with the introduction to the atom bomb, a booming economy, and the arrival of the baby boomers! The next unit covers the Cold War era, the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts, and the fall of the Soviet Union. English students are wrapping up the unit on poetry terms, and are moving into a “Cram Party” for the SOL on May 8th. Students will work with commonly missed concepts from the benchmarks in an effort to increase confidence and critical thinking skills. Science students completed their genetics unit with awesome scores! They are currently learning about adaptations in birds, dinosaurs, penguins, dandelions and cactus! Soon, they will be exploring bacteria and viruses, as well as protists and fungi. MAY 201 Ursa Major Science students are wrapping up study of adaptations and will be focusing on ecology as well as the plant and animal kingdoms for the remainder of the quarter. A power point project on Biomes will be assigned in May. If you do not have power point on your home computer, please consider downloading the freeware version. On the horizon, earthworm and frog dissection! In English, students are completing a poetry unit. After learning about it, writing it, competing in a classroom and then team poetry slam, two slammers, McKenna Morin and Audrey Birch, won their respective competitions. The next project involves research for the College in Seven Plan. US History class is currently studying the Cold War, including the Korean Conflict, Vietnam War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The next unit covers the 1950s/60s Civil Rights Movement. Remember that SOL review classes are every Thursday after school through May 9th from 3:40-4:30. A permission slip is needed in order to attend. See Mrs. Murphy for a permission form. The US History SOL is scheduled for May 14th. Class has begun. Students have received a review packet which is due on May 3rd. 7th Grade News First and foremost for the 7th grade news is a huge “THANK YOU” to our parents for the donations that made the March Madness event a huge success. The 3-on-3 tournament was a fun time with Team Gemini and Team Pegasus students playing in the finals. The “Gamecocks” made up of Team Pegasus students won the championship game defeating the “Terps” from Team Gemini. Congratulations to Owen Fuller, Dominic Peterson and Jenn Glazebrook comprising the “Terps” on their second place finish to Johann Wunder, Matthew Thomas and Lexi Trombly of team “Gamecocks”. Please have your child start reviewing for the SOL tests which begin May 3rd. The current SOL schedule for 7th graders is as follows: May 8th-Reading 7, May 14th-History 7, May 20th, 21stAlgebra I and May 24th and 28th-Math 7. Patrick White, Dean and Henry Thomas, Counselor BUZZ PAGE 7 Team Eagle English students are creating their own poetry books. They are also working on a book project as it relates to poetry. SOL study sessions are underway. In science, students have left space and moved on to energy. In social studies, students are studying the major events and major players in the Civil War. Math students are finishing up the year working on probability and statistics. They are reading and creating graphs as well as refreshing mean, median, mode and range in addition to having studied probability. Team Hercules In English, classes continue to read and write poetry. SOL review is ramping up. Please make sure your child is getting some sustained reading time in every night! In science, throughout the energy unit, students investigate what energy is and how it is used. The "Egg Drop” activity will reinforce potential energy, kinetic energy and the transfer of energy. In math, students are working on probability and statistics. They are reading and creating graphs as well as refreshing mean, median, mode and range in addition to studying probability. Jefferson Lab assignment is still due every Saturday. Students can practice their SOL test online. In history, students have finished up Westward Expansion and are moving on to the Civil War. Please point out local Civil War sites near your home as we are surrounded by them! Team Scorpion English classes are learning about different types of poems and poetic devices, and comparing and contrasting texts. Students also will write an essay relating their independent reading book to a song. Math classes are ending a unit on probability and going into statistics. Students need to continue working on Jlabs as they begin to review for SOL testing. In history, students are studying the Civil War, their last unit of the year. SOL review will begin at the end of April. In science, students will be investigating what energy is and how it is used throughout the energy unit. They will also be using the "egg"citing hands on “Egg Drop” activity to reinforce potential energy, kinetic energy and the transfer of energy. 6th Grade News The Class of 2019 is entering their final month as 6th Graders! This year has gone unbelievably fast! Thank you to all the parents that donated snacks to our March Madness Activity. It was a huge success. April was filled with final lessons and tons of review for the SOL’s. May and the first week of June will be action packed. The Reading 6 SOL is May 9th, Social Science 6 is May 15th, Math 6 is May 22nd, and Math 6 Accelerated is May 24th. Please make sure your child is completing their JLabs for math and their SOL Pass for Social Studies. These are fantastic tools to help students review and feel more confident. It is imperative that the night before each test students go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep. It is equally as important to eat a good breakfast. Studies have shown that these two things will greatly improve a students standardized test scores. During the last week of May and first week of June, we will be recognizing students for their hard work and dedication to their academics. Team teachers and peers will be giving awards to selected students during resource class the last week of May. The first week of June will be our annual SOL reward days. The better performance both academically and on SOLs, the more time outside during our free activity days will be awarded. Parent volunteers will be sought to help assist in these activities. The dates assistance is needed are June 3rd-5th. Times are yet to be determined. As always thank you for your support. Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to 7th Grade with the Class of 2019! Andrew Olejer Dean and Virginia DeHaven-Dawson Counselor Page 8 MAY 6th Grade A/B Honor Roll Abashian, Riley Adams, Darby Alvarez, Nolan Anderson, Connor Anwari, Yasameen Ashland, Paisley Bachman, Drake Baine, Claire Barbour, Luke Barbour, Tanner Barnes, Maxine Baxter, Sophia Beck, Olivia Beddow, Wesley Bennett, Andrew Berkowitz, Jordan Best, Ryan Blauer, Wyatt Blouin-Escoto, Merced Brown, Alyssa Bury, Jensen Bye, Alicia Camp, Elizabeth Cantrall, Brianna Caputo, Dominick Carpenter, Zachary Cell, Madeline Chiesa, Chloe Cohen, Rachel Consaul, Gabriel Conway, Sean Crigger, Jordan Cronin, Luke Cruz, Dominique Davison, Hope Distefano, Michael Downing, Sophie Drenning, Ty D`Errico, Sofia East, Curtis Edmonston, Katelyn Faletti, Rebecca Fortunato, Lily Franco, Liam Franklin, Hannah Frie, Rita Furlow, Adeline Garner, Jason Goossens, Eli Grant, Nicole Greenberger, Alexandr Greene, Diana Hall, Olivia Harris, Katelyn Hartung, Nathan Hayden, William Hines, Madison Hitrik, Andrew Hoffer, Colin Holdridge, Dillon Holdridge, Tyler Hollar, Reagan Horton, Julia Howard, Aidan Huang, James Hudak, Sophia Hylton, Anthony Hyman, Seth Imthurn, Amanda Izzo, Connor Jardines, Adam Johnson, Corey Johnson, Zack Kimbrough, Danielle King, Lauryl Kinzer, Christina Kirby, Thomas Kleeb, Thomas Kostal, Grace Kostal, Theodore Kourakina, Sasha Kratz, David Krise, Gareth Lambert, Rachel Lannon, Connor Lawson, Lauren Lazzaro, Joseph Lynch, Lauren Macielinski, Laura Malacarne, Andrew Markel, Erin Marquart, Johnathan Marsh, Cole Marzougui, Sami Mcbride, Mckay Mccann, James Mcgovern, Abigail Mckinney, Loganmclaughlin, Isabel Mellstrom, Lauren Mellstrom, Matthew Michie, Jaclyn Miller, Lauren Miller, Riannon Mural, Lauren Novotny, Emily Oliver, Drew Owen, Jonathan O`Brien, Colin Parrish, Felice Partlow, Lorallye Paterson, Caden Pilson, Macie Prack, Cameron Price, Alex Rajah, Reena Reed, Olivia Roach, Sara Robertson, Craig Rogers, James Rollins, Gabrielle Romanenko, Olga Rumsey, Jacob Selwitz, Brandon Sheehan, Lauren Sheen, Liam Shelton, Laura Smith, Cullen Soska, Jackson Soyka, Everly Speak, Conrad Stump, Niklas Szabo, Emma Taylor, Alexis Thompson, Victoria Ubial, Christian Umbaugh, Jacob Upton, Sara Vann, Shelby Vennitti, Julianne Wampler, Sayler Warren, Landen Welch, Kaden Williams, Annika Wilmoth, Reese Wise, Benjamin Wright, Bonney York, Benjamin Zapanta, Anatalya 201 Page 9 BUZZ 7th Grade A/B Honor Roll Allred, Addison Alvarez, Emily Ammann, Nicolas Anderson, Joshua Aramayo, Elizabeth Baine, Connor Baker, Brianna Balaban, Noah Ball, Samuel Barker, Brandon Baxter, Beatrice Beach, Logan Beddow, Tyler Benner, Mikayla Berge, Frey Bergman, Braden Biondo, Analiese Blankenship, Natalie Branch, Zachary Briscoe, Kennady Burns, Erika Bury, John Byrd, Quinlan Cahan, Susan Caines, Charles Carey, Conor Carey, Hanna Carter, Hannah Caylor, Cameron Cernetich, Colin Cohen, Sarah Cooper, Logan Crouch, Emma Cunningham, Zachary Dant, Kyle Dillon, Eleanor Dorn, Jacob Durden, Craig Earnshaw, Caroline Egan, Carson Elder, Fitzhugh Erb, Madison Erickson, Ella Evangelisto, Colin Fatz, Madison Fincher, William Flaherty, John Flynn, Casey Flynn, Mackenzie Forrest, Anthony Frederick, Luke Gahafer, Jessica Garcia, Juan Gehl, Benjamin Geier, Matthew Geiger, Gabriella Ger, Nicolas Glasper, Keeley Glazebrook, Jennifer Greenburg, Hannah Groff, Jacob Hall, Luke Hallam, Nicholas Hanes, Hannah Hanvey, Justin Hardy, Helen Harkins, Joseph Hauck, Clayton Haun, Lindsey Haynes, Elijah Hegerich, Madeline Heinze, Gabrielle Henry, Mable Hubbuch, Rachel Hudler, Matthew Hyland, Jared Jones, Shelby Kavanaugh, Kassidy Keelor, Grace Kerins, Paige Kim, Eunice Klinkam, Jessica Kopp, Jacob Kreuch, Alexander Lafollette, Lauren Lenhart, Abigail Lindo, Justin Loch, Amanda Lopez, Maya Lynch, Samuel Malonis, Madisen Manning, Skylar Manning, Turner Mcquaid, Chance Meadows, Ashley-Nicole Meed, Michelle Millard, Elisha Miller, Cassidy Mills, Avery Moff, Emily Morelli, Luca Morrison, Mia Moyo, Evans Muldowney, Breandan Mumaw, Ellie Murphy, Sean Nelson, Annabel Nelson, Brittany Newkirk, Nicolas Nichols, Carrie Niemann, Anastasia Nouri, Darya Ntantang, Mpeh Nutter, Taylor Oakes, Bradley Oakes, Charles Ochs Thomas, Zachary Partin, Sydney Payne, Gregory Peach, Brittney Perry, Avery Petraitis, Antanas Pierce, Samantha Piliere, Benjamin Pimentel, Angeline Pittelkau, Jocelyn Ploeger, Alexis Potter, Kyle Price, Adeline Rabatin, Jessica Rattana-Jones, Genovi Reid, Christian Renner, Matthew Reynolds, Shane Ricker, Frank Rittner, Brooke Roach, Joshua Rosa, Elizabeth Ruddy, Alexandra Russello, Thomas Schermerhorn, Sydney Scruggs, Christopher Sgarrella, Sophia Skrobialowski, Zoe Smith, Hayden Soler Parrilla, Andres Sorensen, Ryan Stribling, Robert Stuva, Nicole Tansley, Katelynn Tapia-Rios, Jennifer Tardiff, Jarrett Tran Le, Trung-Hieu Trexler, Dylan Trombly, Alexis Tuell, Eloise Upton, Samuel Vacca, Brayden Vander Molen, Rachel Vasta, Bridget Vergeres, Thomas Volpone, Joseph Warren, Kaden Washington, Kaylee White, Broderick White, Madison Widzinski, Allison Wiles, Joshua Williams, Caitlin Williams, Katherine Wilson, Sydnie Woehrle, Calvin Wright, Nathan Zach, William Zoldos, Robert Zwicker, Katherine Page 10 MAY 8th Grade A/B Honor Roll Acton, Lexi Albanese, Kenneth Alexander, Emily Andrews, Luke Araneda, Sidney Arnold, Amanda Ayers, Sarah Ball, Nicholas Beach, Emily Bennett, Nicholas Berge, Siri Blackwell, Russell Blake, Lyndsay Blevins, Jason Bonilla Cruz, Andrea Boyd, Madison Brantingham, Kate Brohard, Bailey Brower, Cortland Brown, Amelia Bruton, Peter Burke, Kevin Cain, Carolyn Camp, James Candelaria, Hailey Candelaria, Jonathan Candelaria, Joseph Casper, Cory Cavallaro, Catherine Clark, Amanda Combs, Calvin Crossfield, Erik Delitta, Kaycee Derrow, Jessica Diederich, Brendan Dietrich, Christian Dimitrew, Audrey Dodd, Stefania Doherty, Mark Donaty, Brett Eastman, Margaret Ellis, Thomas Fagan, Camryn Fagan, Daniel Ferrari, Andrew Fiedler, Andrew Fisher, Joshua Fortin, Madeline Frederick Harteis, Ja Freeland, Eva Fritz, Madison Fulton, Hunter Furlow, Harrison Gernerd, Sarah Glidden, Brittany Grady, Robert Haene, Sarah Hallissey, Sean Hardesty, Tess Harrelson, Hannah Hawes, Kaitlin Healy, Sara Heinze, Jonathan Hollar, Benjamin Hope, Julie Hughes, Willow Hutchinson, Spencerkaplan, Hannah Kardos, Peyton Kaur, Navneet Keane, Kelly Kessler, Kathryn King, Kayla Larson, Arianna Lassiter, Elle Lucas, Zoe Luthman-Wallenberg, Lyne, Allison Madden, Connor Marques, Ashley Marrs, Allison Mattia, Bradley McBride, Noah McClure, Nikole McConnell, Jordan McGallicher, Bridgett McMahon, Keegan McVey, Kyle Mengel, Margaret Miller, Allyson Miller, Kyle Mogili, Abhishek Mullen, Kelsey Mullins, Virginia Neeves, William Oelschlager, Rebecca Olivier, Connor Olsen, Arthur Olsen, Zachary Orfanides, Michael Owen, Kaleigh Palmieri, Nicholas Paschal, Julie Pereira, Samantha Perry, Andrew Petzen, Hannah Phelps, Noah Piland, Annie Rader, Justin Ramsey, Patrick Raney, Tyler Reed, Grayson Reynolds, Brady Reynolds, Jacob Roberts, Clayton Robic, John Robinson, Grace Rumsey, Lauren Rupp, Renea Russell, Teresa Samaha, Ethan Saunders, William Schara, Victoria Schnabel, Yadel Shipp, Collin Smeraldo, Katherine Smetana, Kyra Smith, Scott Sternberg, Shelby Stewart, Nicholas Stutt, Nicole Sutara, Casey Szalay, Tad Tabod, Corbyn Taylor, Benjamin Thomas, Blake Umbaugh, Berkley Warndorf, James Warndorf, Molly White, Chad Wilk, Nolan Wolf, Matthew Zimmer-Chu, Alexis 201 Page 11 BUZZ 6th Grade A Honor Roll Avila, Darin Barona, Isaac Black, Owen Case, Raven Chatfield, Rachel Cianciaruso, Giovanni Clark, Elizabeth Crandall, Kevin Diederich, Brooke D`Errico, Lukas Forsyth, Carson Glass, Alice Grady, Cara Hasenfang, Mark Hegerich, Thomas Junker, Calle Klimek, Kelly Kline, Gavin Kostal, Shelby Lanham, Keagan Maad, Ryan Murtaugh, Sarah Mustacchio, Robert Ortiz, Faith Owen, William Pettit, Rylan Ramsey, Erin Regnery, Alexander Schultejans, Mary Siek, Chandler Smith, Ryan Stitt, Joseph Stone, River Stuckey, Melissa Swisher, Patrick Szalay, Grace Tantlinger, Carley Thomas, Caroline Tolley, Patrick Whitehurst, Shea Zimmerman, Nicholas Zurschmeide, Carly 7th Grade A Honor Roll Allison, Samuel Bailey, Jacob Beisler, John Berlik, Emerson Bland, Matthew Brooks, Bailey Burroughs, John Caldas, Ethan Carpenter, Virginia Christian, Sophia Cleary, Meghan Cox, Katie David, Zachary Delmonte, John Donches, Taylor Eastman, Joseph Engel, Kirsten Espejo, Madison Franklin, Emily Friberg, John Fuller, Owen Gardner, Emily Ghiorzi, Julianne Glidden, Meghan Gwartney, Ella Hale, Andrew Hammer, Ryan Heine, Lauren Hemminger, Keely Huffer, Miranda Kasdorf, Ranger Khan, Fatimah Lewis, Christine Liston, Ailish Lynham, Alexandra Makarita, Sophia Markel, Reese Nasser, Sarah Nelson, Sage Nerantzis, John Newland, Lane Olchevski, Elizabeth Peede, Somerset Peterson, Holly Roden, Caroline Sacoto, Francheska Saffer, Haley Schooling, Cassidy Smeraldo, Lillian Smith, Joshua Smith, Kathryn Stewart, Jessica Thomas, Matthew Troxell, Lydia Valakis, Fallon Vetter, Hudson Ward, Preston Warner, Collin Whalen, Sean Woldt, Paul Woodward, Sierra Wunder, Johann 8th Grade A Honor Roll Anwari, Nazaneen Bailey, Amelia Barona, Madylaine Basha, Sohaib Bava, Christopher Black, Wyatt Burns, Kevin Cromwell, James Dorsch, Eric Dunster, Hailey Ghaffari, Shahdin Gingerich, Madeline Grady, Shannon Hall, Christopher Hallam, Sara Harris, Catherine Hayden, Maryann Herrity, Matthew Hile, Clark Hurst, Mary Juergensen, Parker Kaur, Puneet Kershner, Samantha Lynham, Kaitlyn Manno, Taylor Morris, Gwyneth Norcott, Echo Oruma, Annabel Pack, Rachel Peake, Georgia Petterson, Rachel Rodal, Jacob Snare, Sarah Stang, Julia Stewart, Julia Stitt, Erin Taylor, Casey Thompson, Isabel Vandervort, Caden Warndorf, Joseph White, Thomas Whitehurst, Seth Zhang, David Zimmerman, Josef Zurschmeide, Jacob Page 12 MAY SPANISH DEPARTMENT NEWS Spanish I students will begin studying the unit involving the house and furnishings. The summative for this unit will involve each student drawing and describing his/her dream house. 201 GERMAN DEPARTMENT NEWS Future German Students: If you signed up to take German next year, please find Frau Lenz and introduce yourself! European Embassy Open House: The European Embassy will hold its annual Open House on May 11th from 10 AM to 4 PM. German students from Harmony are invited to attend with their families. Students are able to take tours, meet embassy employees, try German food, listen to music and participate in crafts and games. Tutoring: If you need extra help, please see Frau Lenz to arrange a meeting before school or during your resource/ lunch. German Class: German students will participate in an “Auktion” at the end of the year with their hard earned Euros. Start bringing in your prize! Donations are always welcome! Chemistry Challenge Congratulations to the following students who participated in the regional competition held at Harper Park Middle School: Josef Zimmerman, Kelly Keane, Joseph Warndorff, Drew Perry, Abhi Mogili, David Zhang, Matthew Herrity, Samantha Kershner, Patrick Ramsey, James Cromwell, and Harrison Furlow. Josef Zimmerman, Patrick Ramsey and Abhi Mogili made it to the finals. Josef and Abhi are alternates in the state competition. PAGE 13 BUZZ PTA News Please visit the PTA for all of our latest information: 1. Upcoming PTA General Meeting: The next general meeting will held on Thursday, May 16th at 6:30 PM in the Harmony library. 2. Staff Appreciation Week(S.A.W.) May 6th – 10th 2013: We had an AWESOME turnout last year to show Harmony staff how much they mean to us and how we value their hard work and dedication, so we want to spoil them again this year. Please feel free to shower your child’s teachers with flowers, notes, little gifts, or just heartfelt thanks in appreciation for all they do for our students. Donate whatever you desire (time or cash donations) to make the week special. There is a luncheon on Friday for which special desserts will be needed. We would love to have you work with us during this week; just sign up by contacting our wonderful coordinator, Ginny Skrobialowski, directly at 540-822-4214, or email 3. School Box Express continues until May 24th: Ease your Back-to-School shopping experience by ordering your child's supplies today. You may fill out an order form and deliver it to school, or use online ordering. Either way, orders will be taken until May 24th. Every School Supply Pack contains just what your teacher has requested. One-stop shopping. Tax free. Check out the PTA website for all information. 4. Loudoun Education Alliance for Parents (LEAP): BECOME A VOLUNTEER - JUST A FEW HOURS OF YOUR TIME PER MONTH! Become one of Harmony’s LEAP Delegates and join us at a LEAP Meeting! The Loudoun Education Alliance for Parents is a non-partisan network that promotes collaboration between parents, teachers, School Board members and members of the Loudoun County Public Schools Administrative Team. Monthly and focus on important topics such as technology in the classroom, homework strategies, bullying and so much more. Read more about it and how you can benefit from LEAP on the Harmony PTA LEAP page! 5. Washington Nationals games at discount: AS A THANK YOU TO VIRGINIA PTA MEMBERS, FRIENDS and FAMILY, ENJOY EXCLUSIVE ONLINE TICKET DISCOUNT. For all of the information: click here. 6. VIRGINIA & MARYLAND PTA FAMILY DAY AT THE WASHINGTON NATIONALS: Come see the Washington Nationals play the New York Mets on Saturday, July 27th at 3:05 PM! ***Tickets must be purchased by midnight June 26, 2013*** Click here for all of the information. Send in Box Tops: FREE MONEY ALERT! PTA Rewards Programs: PLEASE also keep sending in your Coke rewards and Campbell's Labels for Education. Our point basis in all of the programs continues to grow, and the points can be used to purchase supplies and items for the school/teachers/students. Please check out our PTA web site for all of the current point totals, in addition to checking to see what the points have been used for. Join your PTA Today! It is never too late to join the PTA for this school year! If you have not yet signed up to become a member of the PTA, please visit the PTA website and click on "Membership: Join the PTA." Come join the over 450 current members of the PTA and support our programs and our school. Membership is only $5 ($4 if you are staff). Also, please take some time to visit our Membership web page to see everything the PTA has already supported this year (and the list keeps growing). Stay informed: The Harmony Middle School PTA currently produces a weekly email newsletter. PTA membership is not needed to receive The Hornets' Nest, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Just email to sign up, and put the address in your trusted contacts list on your email program, so the newsletter doesn't end up in your spam or junk mail folder. If you have any questions or difficulty, contact newsletter editors Barbara Petzen or Tom Regan. P a g e 14 @ the Library Harmony Library Used Book Sale Results: Thank you to everyone for your support of the Library’s Annual Used Book Fair. The donations of books were overwhelming! We were able to donate $335 from our earnings to the Empty Cup Project sponsored by our Art Department . Again, thanks for bringing and buying books. The Month of May: Please be aware that the library may be temporarily closed for testing during SOLs from May 7th through May 30th. Please remind your student that we will always be open before and after school if they need to check out and/or return books. “Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky. My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them.” ~Arnold Lobel MAY 201 MOUNTAIN VIEW ELEMENTARY ANNUAL SPELLING BEE Many thanks to those who participated in the Third Annual Spelling Bee hosted by Mountain View Elementary School. This year in excess of $1,000 was raised for scholarships to a Loudoun Valley High School and Woodgrove student who graduated from Mountain View. Dr. Hatrick participated as a contestant, and Mr. Byard served as Emcee. Spellers were from Woodgrove, Valley, Blue Ridge Middle School, Harmony, and Mountain View. Jeff Hood from Harmony was runner up to the winner, Rachel DeLashmutt! Dr. McCann was the caller for the third year in a row. The bake sale was a success along with the raffle which included gift certificates from Market Burger, Boodacades, Jersey Mikes, and Coaches Corner. Admission was $2.00 per person and LVHS and WHS SCAs sold ticketsl! LVHS sold over $500 worth of tickets at their school!! Congratulations to all! ART NEWS Congratulations to the following students whose work was chosen to represent Harmony at the Franklin Park Performing and Visual Arts Center in Purcellville: 8th graders - Ben Taylor, Peyton Kardos, Amelia Bailey, Nazaneen Arwari; 7th graders - Madison Espejo, Stephanie Vandevender, Madeline Hegerich, Emily Alvare; 6th graders - Steven Webber, Shelby Kostal, Grace Kostal, Reena Rajah, Zander Regnery. This show is currently up in the main space at Franklin Park Art Center just a few minutes down the road until May 24th . So go show your support and see the show today! The Art Department presented the Western Loudoun Food Pantry with a check for $2,000 from the Empty Cup Project and Used Book Sale proceeds. Over the last five years, these activities have donated a total of $9,600 to the WLFP!!!! We have also sold more than 700+ ceramic wares since 2009. The Art Department thanks you for your support—especially if you purchased a cup or a book! Hornet Hi-5’s Congratulations to the March Hornet Hi-5 winners: 8th grade: Emily Maroni and Abhi Mogili; 7th grade: Kyle Potter and Casey Flynn; and the 6th grade: Frank Dodge and Lauren Mellstrom. BUZZ Page 15 Family Life Education Parent Preview 2013-2014 The Family Life Education Parent Preview offers an opportunity to review the FLE curriculum guides for each grade level and preview the audio-visual materials purchased specifically for the FLE program. There is no formal showing. Parents may come any time during the times listed below and spend as much time as they need to preview the material. FLE Specialists will be available to answer questions. LCPS Administration Building 21000 Education Court Ashburn, Virginia 20148 September 9-13, 2013 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM SCA RETREAT 12th, On Friday, April 31 members of the Harmony Student Council Association and their advisors set out to attend their first retreat at Bears Den. The retreat enabled the students to become energized, more acquainted with one other, and most importantly, learn about leadership. After a 30 minute hike up the mountain and a welcome by their president, Molly Warndorf, the members were divided into groups and had much fun participating in a mad lib icebreaker that required public speaking. They participated in several indoor and outdoor team building activities which helped to develop trust, character, and good listening skills. During a working pizza lunch, the groups had an opportunity to assess the projects they sponsored this year and discuss suggestions for activities in the future. After lunch and one final outdoor team building activity, the members packed up and headed down the trail where they delighted in a beautiful view of the Blue Ridge area. When they returned to school, there was a wrap up session in the auditorium, where everyone could process the activities of the day and discuss some of the suggestions for activities next year. The retreat was definitely a success, and the SCA will plan to host another session in the fall. Shelby Jones SCA Vice President P a g e 16 MAY 201 Odyssey of the Mind Congratulations to Harmony's Odyssey of the Mind team for placing 2nd at the State's competition on Saturday, April 13th and qualifying for the World's finals!!! We are all so proud of you! School Calendar 2012-13 August 27th First Day of School for Students September 3rd Holiday (Labor Day) October 8th Holiday (Columbus Day) November 2nd End of the Grading Period November 5th-6th Student Holidays (Planning/Records/ Conference Days) November 21st-23rd Holiday (Thanksgiving) December 24th-January 1st Winter Break (Classes Resume January 2nd) th January 17 End of Grading Period January 18th Moveable Student Holiday* (Planning/Records/Conference Day) January 21st Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) February 18th Holiday (Presidents' Day) March 22nd End of the Grading Period March 25th-29th Holiday (Spring Break) April 1st Student Holiday (Planning/Records/Conference Day) May 27th Holiday (Memorial Day) June 6th Last Day of School for Students End of Grading Period Harmony Outreach Thank you to everyone who participated in the Share and Shop Event at Woodgrove. So many staff members and parents cleaned out their closets and donated their unwanted clothing and household items. In turn, so many families in the community who cannot afford to go out and purchase the items were able to come and shop for free. The event was a huge success. Thank you, Rhonda Lough Parent Liaison "The team came into the Odyssey season with their sights set on making it to the Worlds level of competition. Since September, they have been focused on that goal and as a team have worked together countless hours to make it reality. I am so thrilled that all their efforts are paying off and they now have a chance to represent Harmony Middle School -- and the State of Virginia -- at Worlds next month." Stated head coach Kim Ramsey. An interesting fact that she thinks plays into the team's success is the kids have been together for a long time and know each other well. Two have been on the team since second grade, two joined in third; and two in fifth. The last member is new this year, but they have all seven been in school together since kindergarten (some since preschool). They know each other’s strengths and have an amazing chemistry together. A big thank you goes out to the Harmony PTA and SCA who have pledged to help greatly defer the costs of the trip to Lansing, Michigan, the site for the world competition. Harmony community, we need your help to get the team the rest of the way. We will be having several "Spirit Nights" at Purcellville businesses who have pledged to donate a percentage of the profits from that night’s sales. In order to make sure the Odyssey team receives the proceeds, you must tell the cashier or waitress that you are from Harmony. Come out and support the team! Spirit Nights: KFC/Taco Bell: April 30th (4-8 PM) Tropical Smoothie Cafe: May 3rd (5-8 PM) Coach's Corner: May 7th (all day) BUZZ Hot Meal Menu Schedule: Page 17 Week of April 22nd Week of April 29th Week of May 6th Week of May 13th Week of May 20th Week of May 27th Week 3 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 1 Week 2 May 2013 MAY EVENTS 4/30: Geometry SOL 5/1: Geometry SOL 5/3: Interims 5 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 28 29 30 1 2 3 Geometry SOL 5/7: Reading 8 SOL 5/8: Reading 7 SOL 5/9: Reading 6 SOL/Nurses Day B 5 5/15: SS 6 SOL 6 7 B 12 19 B 15 16 SS 6 SOL Science 8 SOL B A 20 21 22 Algebra I SOL Algebra 1 SOL Math 6 SOL Memorial Day Holiday A 28 10 A SS 7 SOL 27 A 11 Nurses Day 14 B 26 9 4 Interims Go Home B Reading 6 SOL 13 5/22: Math 6 SOL 5/27 Memorial Day 8 A A 5/21: Algebra I SOL 5/24: Math 7 6th Grade & Math 7 SOL A Reading 7 SOL Civics 8 SOL 5/16: Science 8 SOL 5/20: Algebra I SOL Reading 8 SOL Teacher Appreciation Week 5/13: Civics 8 SOL 5/14: SS 7 SOL Geometry SOL Sat 17 B 23 B 29 B 18 A 24 25 Math 7 6th Grade & Math 7 SOL A 30 B 31 Math 8 & Math 7 SOL A B A 5/28: Math 8 & Math 7 SOL 6/6: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 6/12: Report Cards Sent Home Standards of Learning (SOL) – Online Testing All students at Harmony will take the Spring SOL tests. The test- The SOL testing dates are as follows: ing will begin on Tuesday, April 30th and continue until Tuesday, Date Subject th th st May 28 . Please make sure that your student gets a good night’s April 30 & May 1 Geometry sleep and a hearty breakfast in the morning. Also, please make May 7th Reading 8 sure your student is present at school on the days of their SOL May 8th Reading 7 tests. May 9th Reading 6 May 13th Civics 8 May 14th SS 7 th May 15 SS 6 May 16th Science 8 May 20th Algebra I May 21st Algebra I May 22nd Math 6 May 24th Math 7- 6th Grade & Math 7 th May 28 Math 8 & Math7 Buzz The Harmony Middle School 38174 West Colonial Highway Hamilton, VA 20158 YEARBOOK NEWS The last day to purchase your yearbook through the company is May 15th. If you did not purchase your yearbook and would still like one, there will be a sign-up list available to purchase one on a first come, first served basis beginning May 15th. Bring a $30 check made out to "Harmony Middle School" to Svensson or Mrs. Lutz to add your name to the list. Yearbooks will not be distributed until the end of the month.
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