DRP for the Quarter Ended 31 March 2015


DRP for the Quarter Ended 31 March 2015
20 APRIL 2015
31 MARCH 2015
Folkestone Investment Management Limited as the responsible entity of the Folkestone Education
Trust (FET) advises that the March 2015 quarter’s Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) issue price
is $2.14 per unit.
The issue price has been calculated by reference to the average of the daily volume weighted
average market price of all sales of FET units recorded on the ASX from 2 April 2015 to 17 April 2015.
A discount of 1.5% has been applied to determine the issue price.
Holders with 52.4 million units or 21% of the units on issue as at the Record Date have elected to
participate in the DRP.
The DRP units will be issued on Monday 20 April 2015 and rank equally with existing units.
The March 2015 quarter distribution statements will be sent to all Unitholders and will also be
available on Boardroom’s website at: http://www.boardroomlimited.com.au/ - InvestorServe.
For further information contact:
Chief Executive Officer
Folkestone Education Trust
Investor Relations Manager
Folkestone Education Trust
t: +61 3 8601 2668
About Folkestone Education Trust
The Folkestone Education Trust (FET) is a listed real estate investment trust (A-REIT) that invests in early
learning properties. FET’s website, http://educationtrust.folkestone.com.au/ provides information on FET, its
Manager, announcements, current activities and historical information.
About Folkestone
Folkestone (ASX:FLK) is an ASX listed real estate funds manager and developer providing real estate wealth
solutions. Folkestone’s funds management platform, with $870 million under management, offers listed and
unlisted real estate funds to private clients and select institutional investors, while its on balance sheet activities
focus on value-add and opportunistic (development) real estate investments. www.folkestone.com.au
Folkestone Investment Management Limited
ABN 46 111 338 937 AFSL 281544
e: fet@folkestone.com.au
www. educationtrust.folkestone.com.au
Sydney Office
Level 10, 60 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
t: +61 2 8667 2800
f: +61 2 8667 2880
Melbourne Office
Level 12, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
t: +61 3 8601 2092
f: +61 3 9200 2282