weekly newsletter
weekly newsletter
WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 Rhythm of Grace service with Pastor Mark Pierson www.upperroom.org.nz WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 WELCOME TO THE UPPER ROOM CHURCH Service Times: 8.30am, 10am & 6pm. Our children’s program runs during our 10am meeting and the kids are released during the service by the MC. AGE GROUP LOCATION CO-ORDINATOR Creche & under 3’s Creche Room Parents 3 & 4 years old Behind Stage / Preschool Room Cristiane Heale Year 1 - 6 ACG School Gym / Ground Floor Taylor Watson & Anna Cusack Year 7 & 8 Attic / Upstairs Church Offices Emma Hathaway Year 9 - 13 Youth Basement / Downstairs Area Mikkah Drake (Auckland Do main) ACG College George Stree t Clayton St Driveway Church: 10A Clayton Street Newmarket, Auckland 1023 Phone: (09) 529 5329 E: info@upperroom.org.nz Web: upperroom.org.nz Sound Desk FREE PARKING FREE PARKING (Access gate) FREE PARKING Youth Basement (Year 9-13) TUR Office Youth Attic (Year 7 & 8) Sunday AM (12B Clayton Street) (Southern Latitude Crossfit) Kitchen Mum’s Room ROG Entrance Stage Garden Creche (Under 3’s) Info Desk ACG Gym (Year 1-6) Café Rhythms of Grace (8.30am Services) Front of house Main Auditorium (10am & 6pm Services) Unisex Preschool (Ages 3-5 yrs) Store Access Ramp Main Entrance MAGNIFIED VIEW (end of Clayton St) www.upperroom.org.nz Carlto WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 FOOTNOTES “My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.” (Proverbs 23.26) This week’s Footnotes reminds us that our eyes follow our hearts and not vice-versa. to see what God sees, is first to love what the Lord loves. Desire and the way it is shaped by habit and life directs us on our way and to a much larger extent than humans will admit, determines our direction and purpose. What does this say to us in debates about things like helping the poor around us or in the majority world? What does it say about welcoming refugees into New Zealand, people whose lives have been ravaged by war, persecution, and depravation? In the end, what we see - and whether we see what the Lord sees - is determined by desire. If we desire God above all things, we will begin to see as he sees. His heart is full of mercy and generosity. Footnotes is about “walking with straight feet according to the truth of the Gospel” - this is a phrase that comes from Galatians 2, where St Paul gets into a serious brotherly row with the Apostle Peter over the true nature of the Gospel - does one have to “act” as Jew, following its levitical cleansing rituals, in order to take communion as the church, even if one is a gentile Christian? This was a tough question to answer, but Paul was sure not, and Peter apparently unsure. What prior realities and experience shaped these men to determine what they saw? Several things had affected their desires. Paul was a Roman citizen, even if a Jew, and used to life outside Palestine and to differences amongst peoples, while Peter’s main experience was “in the land of Palestine.” Paul had been witness to Stephen’s stoning which culminated a debate between Grecian and Hebraic Jews over what constitutes the nature of the character of the church. Peter was under pressure from a very religious and devout Jewish-Palestinian Christian, James, the half-brother of Jesus, a power broker and guardian of the “official” church of Jesus in Jerusalem. My point is that, just as our verse from Proverbs above says, desire (the heart) shaped by habit and life guided what they saw before them. This determined their dispute. Here’s the message: In concluding, I want to remind you Advent is approaching. Advent is that time of year, when at TUR we begin to fundraise and offer pledges for the new year’s (2016) mission support. We have many projects we support in the majority world, the Bright Hope orphanage in India, scholarships for Indian kids to attend the OM school in Lalganj, funds for the Wilsons working for the disadvantaged township folks in Southern Africa, baskets and gifts for Love this City in March next year, our CFO project supporting meals for Victory Christian Outreach’s drug rehab project in South Auckland and funds for placing 24/7 youth workers in schools in our area. The point is what we see, how we perceive the needs and their relation to us, will be determined by the shape and size of our hearts and desires. TUR has always been a place of big-hearted, Godenvisioned people. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 1 God bless you this week. Craig WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 MONTHLY PRAYER POINTS In Thessalonians we read ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’. So as a community of believers, let us continue to pray over the church. This month, these are the things we are targetting in Prayer: Pray for the elders as they govern TUR, ask for God’s continual guidance, wisdom and Unity amongst the team. Pray for our Pastors. We have had a number of new appointments over the last few months. Pray for God’s grace as they adjust to their new roles and pray for protection over their families. Pray for those who lead our youth and kids ministries. Pray for energy, creativity and relationships to grow amongst the kids and leaders. Pray for Alpha. Pray for Lisa and the team as they lead the group. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will stir hearts and draw people to Jesus. Pray also for next year and for opportunities to invite people to the courses planned for next year in term 1,2 and term 4. Pray for our Worship team. Pray for protection over the team. Pray for anointing on them all as they usher us into the presence of God. Pray also for Tash who heads up the team and is recovering from recent knee surgery. Pray for our community groups. Pray for the leaders and those attending that they would be strengthened and encouraged. Pray also for new groups to form as others see the importance of meeting during the week in small groups. We rejoice with Tim and Helen and the safe arrival of their baby girl. Eva Brave Nzuri Manson was born on Wednesday at 12.41pm and weighed in at 7lbs 4 oz. That is 3.28kg if you wanted to compare it to blocks of cheese:-) Pray for protection for the new babe and peace and joy around the home. Also pray for the Manson’s as a family as they prepare to return to the mission field in Uganda early next year. Pray for Ann Wilson (one of our missionaries) as see recovers from ankle surgery. She still has 3 weeks before she can put any weight on the ankle, so is feeling very bed bound. Pray God will use this time to minister to her and strengthen her in Spirit. Also pray for complete healing and full restoration of her ankle. We celebrate with them the opening of the first Beauty Hair Salon. This initiative Kevin works on is partly about bringing dignity back to women in the African Culture. Please pray for more land as they look to open more Salons next year. Also the Holy Spirit will go before them as they look to build momentum with this initiative to empower more women. Pray for the ‘Cooking for Others’ new initiative. There is a team from TUR who are going to do a bulk ‘Cook Up’ on the 31st of October. These meals are going to be frozen and are for families in the community who have suffer a major trauma, severe illness, accident or Bereavement. Pray for God’s covering over this day and the beginnings of a new Local Mission. Pray for our other missions and missionaries. A full list of this can be found on our website: www.upperroom.org.nz For prayer contributions, please contact Ps Phil Hathaway: phil@upperroom.org.nz www.upperroom.org.nz Page 2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 YOUTH This Week in the Youth Ministry Teaching Sunday morning: Basement Youth (High school) will be doing a study on Paul and Galatians. Attic Youth (Intermediates) will be looking at Joseph in the Old Testament. Basement & Attic combined Youth Event Friday 30th October we will have a pot luck picnic and play some sports at the domain! Meet at church at 7pm and we will walk over as a group, pick up from church at 9pm (we’ll head back once it’s dark). Please bring a plate of food to share and a rug to sit on! High school and Intermediate Youth welcome! NOTICES Fireworks Fundraiser for Langanj School in India Fireworks Sale! 2nd-5th Nov, 8am till late! 10a Clayton Street, Newmarket Check out fireworksnz.com for more details The Upper Room Youth have taken on the challenge of fundraising $15,000 for a group of Dalit children in India to go to school! From the 2nd - 5th November, 8am till late, we will be selling a massive range of fireworks at The Upper Room (here at 10a Clayton Street) through Fireworksnz.com Please if you are buying fireworks this year come and spend up large at our store for an awesome cause! Accommodation Needed My name is Claire and I’m looking for a semi-permanent or permanent place to live. I have a job in St. Heliers so close to there would be best. My mobile is: 022 035 0683 Lost Property Brown leather jacket gone astray Sunday 11th October, near front of church. If anyone has found it please contact Richard Kestle or email: worship@upperroom.org.nz www.upperroom.org.nz Page 3 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 NOTICES Call To Arms Seminar David & Greta Peters are running a Spiritual Warfare Seminar at TUR on Friday Night & Saturday from 7pm to 3pm on November 6th and 7th. Brochures are available from the information desk and you can secure your place today by paying and registering there too. PRICES: $30 for Adults, $55 for Couples & $20 for Students. Rhythms of Grace - Flat Screen TV’s needed Rhythms of Grace Service is looking for 4 or 5 old flat screen televisions to mount permanently in the downstairs warehouse space. If you upgraded yours for the Rugby World Cup and have the old one ruining the aesthetic of your spare room, let us help you de-clutter! Must have an HDMI input. Around 46” or larger. Willing to wait until after RWC! Thank you. Contact: mark@upperroom.org.nz www.upperroom.org.nz Page 4 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 NOTICES Cooking For Other’s “Big Cook Up” We have the opportunity to extend the Cooking For Others programme. The Vision is for meals to go out to others in the wider community that are going through hard times, bereavement or sickness. We also would like on a regular basis to donate meals to the Victory Outreach in Clendon. To make this happen we would need to cook in bulk and have been kindly offered the use of Wilder and Hunt’s commercial kitchen in Penrose. This is not going to take the place of the Cooking for others programme we already have in place at TUR. We all still need to participate in that too!! What the ‘Cooking for Other Big Cook Up’ is about, is local mission and going beyond the 4 walls of TUR. We still have a number of needs for this new initiative to gain momentum. If you can provide financial support for ingredients and set up costs, have access to fresh vegetables, have a good freezer you can donate it would be much appreciated. Please contact Pastor Phil by email: phil@upperroom.org.nz or mobile: 021 931 651. St Georges Light Party 31st October 5-7pm St Georges Church Hall, 19 Ranfurly Rd, for Primary school kids or preschoolers with an adult. This is a Party so please dress up in your brightest stuff. Glow in the dark! Pizza and Ice Cream prizes for the brightest dress up. Bring a friend! Cost: $5 per person (for anyone eating pizza and ice cream). RSVP: Lynette on email at: sleaton@xtra.co.nz The light party will precede a celebration evening at church starting at 7pm. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 5 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 NOTICES Church Café - Be aware of 9.50am closing time! The church café operates between 9.30am-9.50am and after the 10am meeting has concluded. So if you are super keen for coffee or tea before the service, please make sure you have done so well before the 9.50am close off time which gives the cafe team time to reset everything for after church. Due to health and safety reasons, please do not go behind the counter during the cafe operating either. If you have frozen meal to drop in for the CYO program, please let the cafe volunteers know and they can put it in the freezer for you. Huge thanks for your co-operation on this one! Church Giving & EFTPOS Machine If you are using the church EFTPOS machine at the information counter, please remember to write on the back of your EFTPOS receipt your giving number or name printed clearly so we can attribute your kind generosity to your tax rebate receipt in the future. Then place the receipt on the spike. Newmarket ICONZ, Outdoor adventure on the City Fringe! ICONZ is about building Kiwi boys into Kiwi Icons. It’s about faith, blood, mud, water, speed, smash and build. Boys being boys and doing a great range of activities outdoors and indoors and experiencing new things in their lives. The leaders are strong male role models and volunteer their time to build into the boys lives. Newmarket ICONZ is for boys aged 8-11 years old runs during the school term on Thursday evening from 6-7.30pm in the basement. Term 4 kicks off on 15th October. Email Denis Agate: agate@xtra.co.nz or Aaron Holmes on: aaronholmes37@gmail.com Go to: www.iconz.org.nz if you want to know more about ICONZ Church Notices If you are wanting to place a notice on any of the churches communication forums (eg: newsletter, the city application, etc), please contact Pastor Dean at the church office or email: dean@upperroom.org.nz for further details. The deadline for notices is Wednesday 6pm each week for that coming week end. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 6 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 NOTICES TU R's family camp 2016 Breaking News!! Bethel Worship are coming! y ��� �!��BL O 2 NO EARLY BIRD TICKETS NOW. Pricing has changed to the following: Adult $129.60, Student $107.10, Child $67.50, Family (2 Adults x 2 children) $386.44. Go to https://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2016/feb/festival-one-2016 to secure tickets. � �� Use #TUR when ordering tickets to get the discounted rate. (Families use the standard family discounted rate as it is still cheaper than the #TUR rate). Camp Director and correspondence email Pastor Phil on: phil@upperroom.org.nz or contact him on The City. Once you have bought your tickets online please email Dayl Bebbington for our TUR camp register and if you are planning to take a caravan or camper let Dayl know and DON’T book this on the iticket site, she will take these bookings and will have more information for you. Email: bebbington@paradise.net.nz www.upperroom.org.nz Page 7 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 FINANCIALS, MEMBERSHIP AND GIVING Financial Update 2015 April May June July August Income $50,000 $48,000 $62,000 $71,000 $73,500 Expenses & Depreciation $56,000 $57,000 $81,000 $90,000 $92,500 Surplus/Deficit (-$6,000) (-$9,000) (-$19,000) (-$19,000) (-$19,000) We are starting to see a shift upwards in giving through our “Drop and Give Us 20” campaign kicking in and new givers coming on board. Expenses every month of the first six have been affected by unusual or one-off items. We are hoping to see regular monthly expenditure fall to the mid $70,000 level and income rise toward this number as well. We all need to give generously in the second half of this financial year to come anywhere near to hitting our budget targets for this year. Every blessing for your generous giving to TUR. TUR Church Family If we all do our small, medium or large part our community will thrive. So if you are not currently on our giving team, get on it by doing two things: 1. Ask for a giving number: giving@upperroom.org.nz 2. Set up a monthly AP gift to TUR Account Name: Upper Room Charitable Trust Account Number: 06-0293-0118183-00 Bank: ANZ Branch: East Tamaki If any of you are currently generously giving and have an ability to increase that giving, or are in a position or have been blessed by God to make a significant contribution to general costs financially, then now not later would be the time. Remember, every little gift helps. As always we are committed to trusting our gracious heavenly father for his abundant provision. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 8 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2015 SERMON NOTES www.upperroom.org.nz Page 9 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY SUNDAY 25th 30th October AUGUST 2015 2015 CONTACT DETAILS Location: 10A Clayton Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. Phone: (09) 529-5329 Postal/Office: 12B Clayton Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. Web: www.upperroom.org.nz CONTACT DIRECTORY Staff Senior Pastors: Dr Craig & Kim Heilmann / email: craig@upperroom.org.nz Associate Pastors: Jason & Cristiane Heale / email: jason@upperroom.org.nz Associate Pastors: Phil & Victoria Hathaway / email: phil@upperroom.org.nz Pastor & Curator: Mark Pierson / email: mark@upperroom.org.nz Executive Pastors: Dean & Philippa Smyth / email: dean@upperroom.org.nz Services Support: Christine Quinn / email: christine.a.quinn@gmail.com Digital Communications: Tania Jeffs / email: tania@upperroom.org.nz Youth Director: Mikkah Drake / email: mikkah@upperroom.org.nz Youth Director: Emma Hathaway / email: emma@upperroom.org.nz Children’s Ministry Director: Taylor Watson / email: kids@upperroom.org.nz Children’s Ministry Director: Anna Cusack / email: kids@upperroom.org.nz Pre-school Coordinator: Cristiane Heale / email: preschool@upperroom.org.nz Mums & New Babies: Grace Nixon / email: grace@thebabylady.co.nz Ministries / Departments Youth & Intermediate: Mikkah Drake & Emma Hathaway / email: youth@upperroom.org.nz Alpha: Lisa Mansfield / email: alpha@upperroom.org.nz Worship: Richard & Natasha Kestle / email: worship@upperroom.org.nz Creative Ministries: Karen Sewell / email: sewellart@gmail.com Men’s Ministry: Paul Forlong / email: paulforlong@gmail.com Notices: Dean Smyth & Tania Jeffs / email: notices@upperroom.org.nz Facility Bookings: Dean Smyth / email: dean@upperroom.org.nz theupperroom.onthecity.org /TURNightChurch info@upperroom.org.nz /TheUpperRoomNZ www.upperroom.org.nz
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weekly newsletter
Our children’s program runs during our 10am meeting and the kids are released