weekly newsletter
weekly newsletter
WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 Our Pre School kids - 10am service www.upperroom.org.nz WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 WELCOME TO THE UPPER ROOM CHURCH Service Times: 8.30am, 10am & 6pm. 10am goes to 9.15am and 8.30am ROG service goes to 8am on 2nd December. Our children’s program runs during our 10am meeting and the kids are released AGE GROUP LOCATION CO-ORDINATOR Creche & under 3’s Creche Room Cristiane Heale 3 & 4 years old Behind Stage / Preschool Room Cristiane Heale Year 1 - 6 ACG School Gym / Ground Floor Taylor Watson & Anna Cusack Year 7 & 8 Attic / Upstairs Church Offices Emma Hathaway Year 9 - 13 Youth Basement / Downstairs Area Mikkah Drake (Auckland Do main) ACG College George Stree t Clayton St Driveway Church: 10A Clayton Street Newmarket, Auckland 1023 Phone: (09) 529 5329 E: info@upperroom.org.nz Web: upperroom.org.nz Sound Desk FREE PARKING FREE PARKING (Access gate) FREE PARKING Youth Basement (Year 9-13) TUR Office Youth Attic (Year 7 & 8) Sunday AM (12B Clayton Street) (Southern Latitude Crossfit) Kitchen Mum’s Room ROG Entrance Stage Garden Creche (Under 3’s) Info Desk ACG Gym (Year 1-6) Café Rhythms of Grace (8.30am Services) Front of house Main Auditorium (10am & 6pm Services) Unisex Preschool (Ages 3-5 yrs) Store Access Ramp Main Entrance MAGNIFIED VIEW (end of Clayton St) www.upperroom.org.nz Carlto WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd november 2015 FOOTNOTES Well, dear friends, it’s come that time of year that we look forward to Advent. The coming of our Saviour Jesus didn’t just change our lives, it changed history itself. It’s hard to magnify the event to a scale where its importance can be fully grasped and at Christmas time we are apt, almost, to let the cardboard figurines of wise men, feeding troughs, and animals, not to mention the tinsel and bows, to dominate. We have seen many splendid and good days and we’ve watched our children growing up in faith. We’ve seen souls saved and God given his rightful praise. We’ve seen baptisms, marriages and baby dedications. We’ve witnessed it all together. Now is a new season. Consequently, the old board of the church recognised that at the five year mark Kim and myself and our family should be granted a sabbatical for three months to take a break from the rigors of what’s been done at TUR. This has been a joyous journey but hard and difficult too. We are grateful for all your support. But we have to say we are looking forward to taking a much needed break. We have a great staff team to look after this community while we go away to get refreshed. We’ll be back early next year. We won’t be able to wait to see you all. Yet the event still screams out for our attention. At TUR we try to give it the attention it deserves by focussing our services on Advent themes, involving the best gift God has given us - our children - and by starting a season of generous giving towards missions. This is our way of both looking ahead and saying thank you to God for the event itself. Gratitude is a great gift to give another and the Gospel calls us to be grateful people (Hebrews 11.28-9). In that vein Kim and I want to thank all of you at TUR for supporting us over the past five years. Your friendship, too, has been a gift to us. But this is really to say thank you for letting us lead what we think is the greatest church community in New Zealand, probably even the world. And that’s praise to God and thanks to you! From our earliest days we have been a great healthy happy community. We first met in September 2010 and by February 2011 we started planting our church in the school hall at Parnell. January next year is a fifth anniversary for us. Peace, Craig www.upperroom.org.nz Page 1 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 TUR PRAYER POINTS In Thessalonians we read ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’. So as a community of believers, let us continue to pray over the church. These are the things we are targeting in prayer: Pray for the kids in the church as they prepare for the Xmas Production and the volunteers who are guiding them. Many hours of works go on behind the scenes to make this happen. Bless them Lord. Pray for the Latu family as they go into Mt Eden prison on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in prison ministry. Pray for protection over them as they are in the prison and that inmates hearts would be softened and responsive to the word and songs they bring. Also contact Ps Phil if you would like to go into prison with the Latu’s to support them in this. Perhaps as a one off or you might feel a call to this ministry. There are opportunities for this to happen, so pray and take action! Pray for the elders as they govern TUR, ask for God’s continual guidance, wisdom and Unity amongst the team. Pray for our Pastors. We have had a number of new appointments over the last few months. Pray for God’s grace as they adjust to their new roles and pray for protection over their families. Pray for those who lead our youth and kids ministries. Pray for energy, creativity and relationships to grow amongst the kids and leaders. Pray for Alpha. Pray for Lisa and the team as they lead the group. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will stir hearts and draw people to Jesus. Pray also for next year and for opportunities to invite people to the courses planned for next year in term 1,2 and term 4. Pray for our Worship team. Pray for protection over the team. Pray for anointing on them all as they usher us into the presence of God. Pray also for Tash who heads up the team and is recovering from recent knee surgery. Pray for our Community Groups. Pray for the leaders and those attending that they would be strengthened and encouraged. Pray also for new groups to form as others see the importance of meeting during the week in small groups. Continue to pray for Anne Wilson as she recovers from her ankle surgery. Also pray for Kevin as this has put a lot more on is plate at this time. Pray for our other missions and missionaries. A full list of this can be found on our website: www.upperroom.org.nz For prayer contributions, please contact Ps Phil Hathaway: phil@upperroom.org.nz www.upperroom.org.nz Page 2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 YOUTH Youth Events Coming Up Sunday Morning Teaching Today the Basement high school youth are looking at Galatians 3. If your youth is in year 8 this year they will be joining the high school group this morning as we are starting to transition the age groups over in preparation for next year. Attic Youth year 7’s will be connecting with the year 6’s in kids church again this morning as there will be filming for the Christmas Production in the Attic Youth space. Youth Events Coming Up Basement & Attic Youth Event This Friday 27th November: Early Christmas Fiesta! Arriba! We are getting into Christmas and Summer times early with a Mexican Christmas party! Come dressed in cholo/ chola theme, a sombrero & poncho or like these cool dudes. Start time is 7pm and pick up 10pm. Entry is $5 cash for dinner costs and also a wrapped $5 present as we’ll be playing a present game ($10 overall cost!) Invite your amegos - see you there! Updated Calendars FYI We have UPDATED the calendar for our Basement (high school) and Attic (intermediate) Summer Youth Events! Make sure you pick one up from the Notices bench or at Youth today! Year 6 & Year 8 Transition for Friday Youth Nights From now on those in year 8 this year who are transitioning into Highschool in 2016 are welcome to come along to the Basement High School program, and those in year 6 this year transitioning into Intermediate in 2016 are welcome to come to the Attic Intermediate program. See you are the Christmas Fiesta this week! www.upperroom.org.nz Page 3 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 MINISTRY UPDATE ICONZ Regional Camp Report The Annual ICONZ Regional camp was held on the weekend of the 6-8th November. 200+ boys and 80 leaders made the trip down to the Karapiro for this action packed weekend. Our ICONZ boys from TUR were there in force with 21 going down to this event. The boys were treated to a weekend full of confidence building, team adventures and high adrenalin activities on land and water. We all got spiritual input from Petia Wilson AKA: The Mad Messenger, who used engaging storytelling and speed art to communicate the Gospel message. Aaron Holmes also kept to the TUR winning philosophy, rallying the team he was leading over the weekend to victory. This was the first “Roadie” for the new TUR van, which helped greatly in ensuring the boys got down there. A few of The Upper Room ICONZ boys standing by the TUR van and holding up one piece of speed art by Petia Wilson. Church Notices If you are wanting to place a notice on any of the churches communication forums (eg: newsletter, the city application, etc), please contact Pastor Dean at the church office or email: dean@upperroom.org.nz for further details. The deadline for notices is Wednesday 6pm each week for that coming week end. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 4 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 NOTICES Kids needed for TUR Christmas Production The TUR Christmas Production will be on 20th December this Year. We are planning something different and fun this year and we’d love for as many TUR kids to be involved as possible. We will be filming part of the Production during the coming Sunday mornings, so even if your family may not be around for the Christmas Service, your child can still take part in the short film. A permission form must be signed by all Parents/Guardians. Please contact Tatiana Hotere for more information: tatihotere@gmail.com Church Café - Be aware of 9.50am closing time! The church café operates between 9.30am-9.50am and after the 10am meeting has concluded. So if you are super keen for coffee or tea before the service, please make sure you have done so well before the 9.50am close off time which gives the cafe team time to reset everything for after church. Due to health and safety reasons, please do not go behind the counter during the cafe operating either. If you have frozen meal to drop in for the CYO program, please let the cafe volunteers know and they can put it in the freezer for you. Huge thanks for your co-operation on this one! JH AOTEAROA 2016 : 22 – 27 January If you have a teenage son or daughter this event is for you. JH Aotearoa is an Adventure Experience specifically designed to strengthen the Parent/Child relationship and to lead both the teenagers and their parents into a deep and very real faith in Christ during the critical years as the teenagers transition from childhood to adulthood. During a time of fun, adventure and challenge together, issues facing teenagers and their parents are addressed from a biblical perspective and family relationships are deepened and strengthened. View the website at: www.jh.org.nz If you would like to know more about this, please speak to Phil or Desiree Thompson: 021 967 998 or phil.thompson@edgecreative.net. If you would like to apply for a scholarship please register as soon as possible! www.upperroom.org.nz Page 5 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 Hope Joy Love Peace Advent Come and journey with us in anticipation of Christmas Sunday 29th November Advent One - Love 8.30-9.30am Rhythms of Grace: Leaning Toward the Light 1 10am Church Service; 6pm Church Service Sunday 6th December Advent Two - Hope (Note: Service times change from today for summer) 8-9am Rhythms of Grace: Leaning Toward the Light 2 9.15am Church Service; 6pm Church Service Sunday 13th December Advent Three - Peace 8-9am Rhythms of Grace: Leaning Toward the Light 3 9.15am Church Service; 6pm Church Service Sunday 20th December Advent Four - Joy 8-9am Rhythms of Grace: Leaning Toward the Light 4 9.15am Church Service; 6pm Church Service Thursday 24th December Christmas Eve 7-8pm: Carols & Celebration Service 11pm-12.05am: Leaning Toward the Light Carols, Candles, Cake, Cool, Company (Downstairs warehouse space) Let the anticipation grow as we prepare to celebrate! www.upperroom.org.nz Page 6 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 NOTICES TU R's family camp 2016 y We are heading down to the sunny Waikato for Festival One. ��� �!��BL O 2 This is an event not to be missed and we are setting up our very own Upper Room Village as a space to relax at together. � �� Pricing is as follows: Adult $129.60, Student $107.10, Child $67.50, Family (2 Adults and 2 children) $394.20. Go to https://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2016/feb/festival-one-2016 to secure tickets. Use #TUR in the Group / Promo Discount box when ordering to get TUR’s discounted rate. Camp Director and correspondence email Pastor Phil on: phil@upperroom.org.nz or contact him on The City. If you are planning to take a caravan or camper DO NOT BOOK ON THE iTICKET SITE email Dayl Bebbington: bebbington@paradise.net.nz for more information, basically so you can camp with us!! All caravan and camper bookings must be placed by 13th December. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 7 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd november 2015 MISSIONS 2016 - Starting next week GO INTO ALL THE WORLD As you know every year TUR is a significant partner and supporter of other missions building the Lord’s Kingdom. This year our projects are diverse, full of impact, and available to support for as small a gift as $75. We’d encourage every person, every family to pick one project to support, and get behind it with a gift or pledge to show the Lord this Advent season how much we praise God for the gift of life in Jesus Christ and to show Him how much we want others to receive that gift. Generosity is the character of God and also characterises our community at TUR. God bless you for your generous giving. Pastor Craig Heilmann. Kevin & Anne Wilson are Upper Roomer’s now working as volunteers with Hope Africa Collective, in the townships of the Cape Flats area of Cape Town, South Africa. One of their goals is to see dignity restored to young women who are marginalised in this culture. The photo shows the first recently completed hair salon. Women go through a 9 week holistic training programme and then get the opportunity run their own business. The Upper Room are committed to providing support to the Wilson’s Need $8000. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 8 PROJECT COST 8,000 $ WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd november 2015 MISSIONS 2016 - Starting next week GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Tim and Helen Manson are returning to Mbarara, Uganda to continue work for the Mission Organisation Tutapona (We Will Heal). Tutapona is a non-profit organization committed to addressing the pain and trauma associated with war and violence. They have taken rehabilitation services to the most severely traumatized individuals in the heart of war zones. With the recent birth of Eva, and Hope who is now 21 months old, Tim and Helen have a couple of PROJECT COST financial needs that need to be covered. $ Storage for house belongings while they are away is $1100. Purchase of a vehicle in Uganda for Helen to transport the kids around, needed is $7000. 7,000 Cooking for Other’s (CFO’s Local Mission). This is an extension of the cooking programme already operating in the church. We don’t want everyone to stop making meals for each other!! The goal of CFO’s Local Mission is to care for others we know or have heard about in the wider community who have a crisis, trauma, bereavement or have been in an accident. With the recent ‘Big Cook Up’ close to 500 meals were made and frozen. The goal next year is to have at least 3 ‘Big Cooks Up’s’ during the year. Cost for the project $6000. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 9 PROJECT COST 6,000 $ WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd november 2015 MISSIONS 2016 - Starting next week GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Love This City is a movement inspiring radical acts of love. From an annual event that Tim and Jenna started in Auckland City, churches from around the world now gather, simply just to go out and love on people. Cities are lit up as unsuspecting strangers are surprised with radical acts of love. Part of this is also distributing surprise food hampers to families in need throughout the city. The project is for The Upper Room to supply 130+ hampers. Project cost: $10,000. You can pledge one or more hampers for $75 each or make up your own. PROJECT COST 10,000 $ 24-7 Youth Work is a relationship between a local school and a local church. We as a church have been invited to provide pastoral care and support to school children of Newmarket. This is an incredible opportunity to journey with the next generation of New Zealand as they grow into being our future leaders. Our goal is to provide support to these youth through our Gospel centred community. Through presence based youth work, being accessible to young people and building positive Christ centred relationships our goal is to evangelise the youth of Newmarket. We have been given the opportunity to place four youth workers into ACG Parnell and ACG Senior College in 2016. Our goal is that this is just the start and so we are already looking forward to increasing the number of youth workers we have in school and the number of schools we are in. Project cost: $40,000. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 10 PROJECT COST 40,000 $ WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd november 2015 MISSIONS 2016 - Starting next week GO INTO ALL THE WORLD PROJECT COST 28,800 $ Lalganj School in India. The Upper Room would like to commit to providing 60 more scholarships for people in poverty to get the opportunity to get educated. Annual cost $480 p/a. Project cost $28,800. We also have a community garden which is producing vege to compliment the meals. The hope is to put in a deck in the area that leads out of the pre-school, so people can enjoy this space. Cost for the project: $2500. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 11 PROJECT COST 2,500 $ WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 MISSIONS 2016 - Starting next week GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Bright Hope World India. Premila Rumtel felt God calling her to start a hostel and school for children. But not just any children – the poorest, most oppressed children in India. Premila’s children are not just taught english, maths and school subjects but also life skills. Most of them had never slept on a mattress, were not used to using a toilet, having a bath or washing their hair. Premila is training these children in every area, she is showing them love and giving them a chance at a better life. Total project cost: $12,000. PROJECT COST 12,000 $ Please consider how you can help us achieve these goals You can either make a one off donation or pledge as you consider how your family or community group could fund one of these projects next year. There are two envelopes available - gold for pledges and red for giving contributions. The gold envelope is for your pledge card to go inside which you can confirm how much you would like to give over the next 12 months. The red envelope is for your giving card and for you to put your donation in (or EFTPOS receipt or credit card form) in order to give straight away. Please indicate on either the pledge card or giving form your name (or community group name), the amount and the project(s) that you wish to support. Once you have completed your envelope, please hang them on the Christmas tree in the cafe space of the church. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 12 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 22nd November 2015 FINANCIALS AND GIVING Financial Update 2015 June July August September October $62,000 $71,000 $73,500 $83,000 $105,000 Expenses & Depreciation $81,000 $90,000 $92,500 $70,500 $96,000 (-$19,000) (-$19,000) $12,500 Income Surplus/Deficit (-$19,000) (-$19,000) Tithes and offerings were $105,000 for October and expenses $96,000. There was a further $11,000 of income from other items. Our deficit for the year has dropped from $70,000 to $17,000. Thank you for all your generous giving which is bringing our budget back into line. Keep going with “Drop and give us 20%” if you can help at all. We are very grateful to you and to our great God and our Lord Jesus Christ. TUR Church Family If we all do our small, medium or large part our community will thrive. So if you are not currently on our giving team, get on it by doing two things: 1. Ask for a giving number: giving@upperroom.org.nz 2. Set up a monthly AP gift to TUR Account Name: Upper Room Charitable Trust Bank: ANZ Account Number: 06-0293-0118183-00 Branch: East Tamaki If any of you are currently generously giving and have an ability to increase that giving, or are in a position or have been blessed by God to make a significant contribution to general costs financially, then now not later would be the time. Remember, every little gift helps. As always we are committed to trusting our gracious heavenly father for his abundant provision. Church Giving & EFTPOS Machine If you are using the church EFTPOS machine at the information counter, please remember to write on the back of your EFTPOS receipt your giving number or name printed clearly so we can attribute your kind generosity to your tax rebate receipt in the future. Then place the receipt on the spike. www.upperroom.org.nz Page 13 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUNDAY SUNDAY22nd 30thNovember AUGUST 2015 2015 CONTACT DETAILS Location: 10A Clayton Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. Phone: (09) 529-5329 Postal/Office: 12B Clayton Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. Web: www.upperroom.org.nz CONTACT DIRECTORY Staff Senior Pastors: Dr Craig & Kim Heilmann / email: craig@upperroom.org.nz Associate Pastors: Jason & Cristiane Heale / email: jason@upperroom.org.nz Associate Pastors: Phil & Victoria Hathaway / email: phil@upperroom.org.nz Pastor & Curator: Mark Pierson / email: mark@upperroom.org.nz Executive Pastors: Dean & Philippa Smyth / email: dean@upperroom.org.nz Services Support: Christine Quinn / email: christine.a.quinn@gmail.com Digital Communications: Tania Jeffs / email: tania@upperroom.org.nz Youth Director: Mikkah Drake / email: mikkah@upperroom.org.nz Youth Director: Emma Hathaway / email: emma@upperroom.org.nz Children’s Ministry Director: Taylor Watson / email: kids@upperroom.org.nz Children’s Ministry Director: Anna Cusack / email: kids@upperroom.org.nz Pre-school Coordinator: Cristiane Heale / email: preschool@upperroom.org.nz Mums & New Babies: Grace Nixon / email: grace@thebabylady.co.nz Ministries / Departments Youth & Intermediate: Mikkah Drake & Emma Hathaway / email: youth@upperroom.org.nz Alpha: Lisa Mansfield / email: alpha@upperroom.org.nz Worship: Richard & Natasha Kestle / email: worship@upperroom.org.nz Creative Ministries: Karen Sewell / email: sewellart@gmail.com Men’s Ministry: Paul Forlong / email: paulforlong@gmail.com Notices: Dean Smyth & Tania Jeffs / email: notices@upperroom.org.nz Facility Bookings: Dean Smyth / email: dean@upperroom.org.nz theupperroom.onthecity.org /TURNightChurch info@upperroom.org.nz /TheUpperRoomNZ www.upperroom.org.nz
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