Your Gifts at Work 2010 Annual Report to Investors


Your Gifts at Work 2010 Annual Report to Investors
Your Gifts at Work
2010 Annual Report to Investors
VCU School of Dentistry
2010 Annual Report to Investors
Edward G. Kardos
Contributing Editor
Cristina Woods
Editorial Committee
Jim Doyle
Edward G. Kardos
Dr. James H. Revere, Jr.
Cristina Woods
Contributing Writers
Marcy Horwitz
Dr. Charles Janus
Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett
Ruth Compton
Allen T. Jones
Joe Mahoney
Layout & Design
Neal Hanchey
School of Dentistry Current Board of
Dr. Gerald Brown
Ms. Melanie Callanta-Swain
Ms. Stephany Covington
Dr. William Covington
Dr. Terry Dickinson
The Honorable Franklin Hall
Dr. Claire Kaugars
Dr. Michael McMunn
Dr. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
Dr. John Philips
Dr. A. Carole Pratt
Dr. Pamela Regimbal
Dr. Warren Sachs
Dr. David Sarrett,
Board of Advisors Chair
Dr. James Watkins
Dr. Tonya Parris-Wilkins
Please send alumni news,
suggestions and corrections to
Cristina Woods
P: (804) 828-4516
F: (804) 628-6775
P.O. Box 980566
Richmond, VA 23298-0566
To learn more about the VCU School of
Dentistry, visit
■ Learning 2
■ Research 12
■ Clinical Technology 14
■ Service 16
■ Honor Roll of Investors
Interim Dean’s Greeting
Dear Friends,
What a busy year it’s been! It is both an
honor and a privilege to continue to serve the
VCU School of Dentistry as your interim dean.
As we move closer to the end of the year and
into a new one, our school, too, is poised for
Although we continue to face the constant
challenges of budgetary restraints and dwindling state funds, we are changing for the
better. We are expanding our reach in the community with clinical service-learning, preceptorships and service missions. We are expanding
our knowledge base as practitioners and instructors with continuing
education programs and lectureships, and we are exploring the frontiers
of dental science with research projects. We are teaching students the
ins and outs of compassionate patient care while using the latest dental
technology. And we are offering a helping hand to students when they
need it most to defray the ever-growing cost of their dental education.
You can’t read a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing
about the state of the economy, but – at least at the School of Dentistry
– we have reason to be hopeful. This year, alumni, friends and
investors like you contributed more than $1 million to the school – and
we led VCU with the highest alumni participation across both campuses. Special thanks and recognition go to the many generous alumni,
corporations and friends who honored the School of Dentistry with
your gifts in the fiscal year of 2010. We are dedicated to putting your
gifts to work – we’ve got the results to prove it.
As you read through the 2010 School of Dentistry Annual Report to
Investors, you will see your gifts brought to life through the work of
students and teachers, alumni and friends. I encourage you to imagine
and explore the possibilities of where your next gift could take the
School of Dentistry in the next year and into the future. I am confident
that our school will continue to grow and continue to change – for the
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you.
Best wishes,
David C. Sarrett, DMD, MS
Associate Vice President for Health Sciences &
Interim Dean, VCU School of Dentistry
Your Gifts at Work
Computers Help Students Model Reality
“We don’t put astronauts into space without giving them simulated flight experiences first,” says Dr. James C.
Burns, Associate Dean for Clinical Dental Education and Department Chair for Oral Pathology (DDS ’72; PhD ’80),
explaining the rationale behind the School of Dentistry’s two clinical simulation labs. Before dental students can
practice on real patients, they undergo hours of rigorous, supervised practice in the labs.
The non-computerized lab boasts 108 mannequins, which Burns elegantly describes as “heads on a stick.” In the
non-computerized lab, students learn to work with the mirror, upside down, just as they eventually will in their own
practices. Their progress is evaluated by professors.
The 20 mannequins in the computerized lab give students immediate and objective feedback while helping students to develop good posture, work ergonomically and gain confidence.
“Combining the two simulation labs accelerates competent motor skill development,” says Burns. As a result,
some students can begin to work in clinical settings (under faculty supervision) in their very first year.
Dr. Lawrence Masters and Dr. James Burns observe as D2 students Mark Crocker and Ashley Abesamis
practice their skills on a mannequin.
July 2009
Year in Review
Your Gifts at Work
2 VCU School of Dentistry
(7/2/09) VCU Class of 2013 Reflects Planned Recruitment of Students from
Southside and Southwest Virginia - The new addition of the Perkinson
Building provides additional space that allowed for an increase in class size.
An additional 10 students were recruited from Southside and Southwest
Virginia for the Class of 2013.
The VCU School of Dentistry Woolwine Lab
Students like Claire Dickey, D2, are enthusiastic about working in the simulation labs.
“Instead of just sitting in class, you get to start doing things right away,” she says. And she likes
the computer’s rapid response. “Did I angle my burr correctly? In other labs, you have to wait
20 minutes for a faculty member to critique your work.” The computerized mannequins give
instantaneous evaluation.
Burns points out another benefit of computerized simulation. It takes only one faculty member to monitor 20 students in the computerized lab. In the non-computerized lab, the faculty-tostudent ratio is one to 10. In clinical settings, the ratio is one to six. The cost effectiveness of
computerized simulation labs is inarguable.
Burns wishes he had more computerized mannequins. “With 100, the entire class could be
working in the lab at the same time,” he says. But 20 units were all that the school could
afford. He hopes that alumni will consider contributing to the cost of additional mannequins.
“We’d be happy to buy more units.”
August 2009
(7/24/09) Wise Missions of Mercy Project - The July
MOM Project marked the 10th anniversary of the VCU
School of Dentistry’s involvement. Students, faculty and
staff traveled to treat underserved and uninsured community members in Southwest Virginia. (See “Bringing
the Clinic to the Community” on page 16.)
(8/27/09) 21st Annual Mirmelstein Lecture: “People
Behaving Badly - What Versus Want” - Dr. Charles Bertolami,
Dean of the New York University College of Dentistry, presented his unique interdisciplinary perspective on the importance
of insight and its effect on ethics and professionalism at the
Annual Mirmelstein Ethics Lecture.
Guest speaker
Dr. Charles Bertolami
Your Gifts at Work
Scholarship Funds at the
School of Dentistry
It’s gratifying when alumni support their alma mater.
The Class of ’60 shows how to do it “old school.”
The class wanted to note their 50th anniversary in a
meaningful way. Under the leadership of Dr. French
Moore, Jr. (DDS ’60), alumni raised $354,350 to support
student scholarships. The class’ gift tops all other
reunion giving at the university – combined.
Dr. J. Robert Eshleman (DDS ’60), chairman of the
Class of ’60 alumni event, attributes the group’s extraordinary generosity with the strong bonds that members
have forged over the years.
He notes, too, that members of the Class of ’60 are
beginning to retire from active practice. Now they have
the time to reflect on their training and their careers.
“We’re looking back at what our education meant to
us and how it molded our lives. It’s time to give something.” The costs of training tomorrow’s dentists resonated with a lot of class members. An exceptional number
of members of the Class of ’60 made commitments to
the fund.
Moore, a former rector of the VCU Board of Visitors,
and Eshleman presided over the presentation of an
oversized check to the MCV Foundation. Literally on the
way to the ceremony, they had a little bit of luck: Moore
parlayed a chance elevator encounter into a $75,000
commitment to the fund, sending the fund well over its
original goal – and funds continue to arrive in support of
student scholarships.
Eshleman is proud of his class’s leadership in supporting tomorrow’s dental professionals. He takes pride,
too, in the Class of ‘60’s joint demonstration of loyalty
and in its tangible show of appreciation for the School
of Dentistry.
Dr. J. Robert Eshleman
September 2009
October 2009
(09/11/09) Membership Matters: Students Participate at VDA
Governance Meeting - The Virginia Dental Association (VDA)
Governance Meeting was held in mid-September, during which the
VDA House of Delegates approved several resolutions, providing a
larger voice for VCU School of Dentistry students.
(10/15/09) White Coat 2009 Speaker Encourages Students to Practice
Dentistry with Heart - Dr. Steve Lutz, parent, alumnus and adjunct faculty member, gave an inspired speech about professionalism, ethics, integrity and the
importance of heart in the profession of dentistry at the 10th annual VCU School
of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony. Clinic coats were presented to the DDS Class
of 2012 and the DH Class of 2011.
4 VCU School of Dentistry
Supporting the school’s scholarship funds isn’t a privilege reserved for
alumni. Grateful patients like Harry Stein also can choose to make significant gifts in support the School of Dentistry.
Stein grew up in Richmond when eight cents would buy a bus ride. That
was back in the Depression, and Stein remembers how hard times were. He
also remembers the African-American dentist who rented an office above his
father’s dry goods store on Main Street. Even then, Stein was fascinated by the
craft and artistry of dentistry.
Still captivated by the technical advances made in dentistry, Stein – now
retired from a successful career in real estate – has created student scholarship funds honoring three dental legends: his long-term dentist, Dr. Richard
Wilson; Dr. Thomas E. Koertge, School of Dentistry professor of periodontics; and Dr. David C. Sarrett, MS, DMD, Associate Vice President for Health
Sciences and Interim Dean, VCU School of Dentisty.
Stein’s motivation to support dental scholarships is two-fold. His own
college career was cut short because of financial exigencies. And he’s
received excellent care from the School of Dentistry, as his captivating smile
proves. That’s why he’s proud to give tomorrow’s dental professionals a
helping hand as they complete their education.
“After all,” he says, “your mouth is your headquarters.”
Endowed Scholarships
at the School of Dentistry
Alexander Kaufman Fund
Bernie Wilson Fund
Christopher Wadsworth Memorial Fund
Class of 1948 Dental Fund
Class of 1951 Endowment Fund
Class of 1977 Fund
Class of 2006 Scholarship
Dwight H. Shull Fund
Edmond Theodore Glenn Fund
Edwin F. and Marjorie B. Irish
Scholarship Fund
Eugene Harrison Fund
F. B. Wiebusch Fund
Gay-Vaughan Fund
George E. Kaugars Fund
Harry Lyons Merit Scholarship
International College of Dentists Virginia
Chapter Scholarship
J. Marvin Reynolds Prosthodontic
Scholarship Fund
Karen and Warren Sachs Fund
Linden O. Alexander Fund
Mark Barban Fund
Oliver Wendell Clough Fund
Preston D. Miller, Sr. Fund
Richmond Dental Study Club Fund
Robert and Ann Wong Fund
Robert and Ruth Helsabeck Scholarship
Robert M. Saunders Fund
Rural Dental Scholarship Fund
Sanford L. Lefcoe Fund
Thomas H. Tatum Scholarship Fund
Thomas Parker Freeman
Scholarship Fund
William B. Fitzhugh Scholarship
William C. Brokaw Fund
Willie D. Crockett Fund
Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett and Mr. Harry Stein
Mrs. Marjorie Irish
(10/30/09) School Celebrates Gifts at Naming Recognition
Day - The VCU School of Dentistry honored its donors and
commemorated their investments by naming important physical spaces in the School of Dentistry’s buildings after the generous individuals who gave major gifts to the school.
Keynote speaker Dr. Steve Lutz
(DDS ‘82)
Delta Dental representatives Mr.
Lyndell Brooks and Dr. George
Levicki (DDS ’73)
Dr. Gerald Kluft (DDS ’73)
Your Gifts at Work
Scholarships are Gifts at Work
Now, more than ever, the VCU School of Dentistry faces fierce competition from other dental schools for the best
and brightest students. The applicant pool of qualified Virginia residents is pulled outside of the Commonwealth, as
other schools have greater capacity to offer attractive financial packages to applicants. Therefore, high tuition rates
combined with inadequate financial aid, or scholarships, is a tremendous disadvantage for the school in its ability to
attract the best candidates.
Competition for students is a compelling motivation to increase scholarships in order to attract top-quality, in-state
candidates. For example, the University of Pennsylvania offers a Presidential Scholarship that covers 50 percent of
tuition, and the University of Maryland also has similar scholarships and results. In the past fiscal year, the VCU School
of Dentistry had fewer funds from all sources to matriculate students recruited by peer dental schools.
In the face of dwindling state funds, tuition increases are inevitable. Increased tuition leads to greater indebtedness
among our graduates and presents overwhelming challenges in their careers. Graduates with exceptional debt often
choose careers paths in more lucrative practice areas, dismissing many localities that have a great need for dentists and
other career options, such as teaching, research and military or public health dentistry.
Challenge and Responsibility
This past fiscal year, VCU received $25.4 million less in state support than it did in fiscal year 2000, despite
enrolling nearly 9,000 more students. Because the overall fiscal health of VCU greatly affects the School of Dentistry,
scholarships become one of the best ways to ensure the proper recruitment and retention of the finest dental candidates in the Commonwealth and beyond.
In the dental school, tuition and fees for fiscal year 2010-2011 for in-state residents will exceed $30,700. For nonresidents, the tuition fees will be more than $54,600. The school has practiced fiscally responsible means over many
years keeping our tuition among the most affordable. The school’s leadership has acknowledged the shortage of dentists and dental hygienists and responded to this challenge by increasing our DDS class by 10 percent to 100 students
and doubling our Dental Hygiene enrollment.
Looking forward, tuition and fees are likely to rise even more. This year alone, DDS tuition increased by eight percent and six percent respectively for resident and non-resident students to balance the school’s budget. With inevitable
tuition increases, the school’s strong pool of candidates is in jeopardy. A growth of available scholarship funds is one
solution of ensuring the level of qualified candidates that is vital for a strong dental school.
Investing in Dental Scholarships
Last year, VCU announced Opportunity VCU, a campaign to raise $50 million for student scholarships and fellowships across all academic units. Following suit, the School of Dentistry has made student scholarships a top priority.
Gifts to dentistry scholarships now total approximately $450,000 in pledges. Today, donors may help us to make a significant and historic step in the dental profession in the Commonwealth.
November 2009
(11/17/09) Hats Off to Friends of Dentistry - More
than 250 guests gathered at the Virginia Museum of Fine
Arts for an evening of music, awards and recognition at
the Friends of Dental Education Dinner. Dr. John Philips
(DDS ‘69) presented a check to the school for $832,000
to advance research in the VCU Philips Institute for Oral
Craniofacial Molecular Biology.
Scott Shirk (D2)
Dr. John Philips (DDS ‘69)
6 VCU School of Dentistry
Willie D. Crockett Fund
Willie D. Crockett was born on September 17, 1920 in Tangier Island, Va. He
graduated from the University of Virginia in 1943 and earned his dental degree
from the MCV School of Dentistry in 1947.
In 1951, Crockett started a private practice but three years later returned to
the School of Dentistry to teach. Crockett was on the faculty for 34 years before
retiring in 1987.
The fund is given to juniors based on merit and other criteria as established
by the school’s administration. Currently, preference is given to students intending to set up practice in Southside or Southwest Virginia.
Willie D. Crockett
William B. Fitzhugh
Oliver Wendell Clough
Oliver Wendell Clough Fund
This endowment was established in 1981 by the family of Oliver Wendell
Clough. When asked why she started this fund, Clough’s wife, Marion Handy
Clough, explained that “the dental school was and is so much a part of our family’s life.”
The endowment provides a yearly scholarship to a senior who shows great
promise for outstanding contribution as a general dentist in the field of restorative dentistry.
Class of 1977 Fund
The fund was established in 2001 by the members of the class of 1977 in
honor of their 25th reunion. The money raised was in response to a challenge
from the class of 1951, whose members created a scholarship in commemoration of their 50th anniversary.
The fund provides a yearly scholarship to a junior or senior dental student
who has distinguished himself or herself in the clinical and didactic courses during the first two years of dental school. Preference is given to a student from
Virginia who also plans to practice in Virginia.
William B. Fitzhugh Scholarship
The scholarship is named for William B. Fitzhugh, a 1950 graduate of the
MCV School of Dentistry. Fitzhugh was born on August 26, 1917 and died on
November 11, 1987.
Fitzhugh’s son, John, contributes annually to this fund, which provides assistance to an incoming dental student who has demonstrated financial need.
Preference is given to a student who showed athletic ability at his or her undergraduate institution.
January 2010
(1/15/10) Advocacy in Action - More than
60 dental students joined VDA members at
the Virginia General Assembly Building for
the VDA’s Legislative Day. Together they spent
the morning informing their elected representatives about legislation concerning oral
health and the dental profession.
Alex Barton (D2) with Delegate
(1/19/10) Dean Hunt Leaves VCU - Former Dean Ron Hunt
announced his departure after 12 years of committed service to
the VCU School of Dentistry. He left the school to help shape a
new one, as he accepted the position of Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs at the Midwestern University College of Dental
Medicine in Glendale, Arizona. Dr. David C. Sarrett serves as the
Interim Dean.
Your Gifts at Work
Providing Additional
Opportunities for Faculty
and Students
Alfred J. Certosimo, DMD, MSEd and chair, General Practice
Department, considers the Revere Fund effort to be a model for
others who want to support research opportunities at the
When Dr. John Svirsky (DDS ‘73; MEd ‘79) and
School. But there are other ways of giving.
Dr. James C. Burns (DDS ‘72; PhD ‘80) decided to
honor a beloved teacher and mentor, their motivation was simple.
“Jim and I have been successful here,” says
Svirsky. “We wanted to give something back.”
That’s why they established an endowment fund
in honor of James H. Revere (DDS ‘65), a 35-year
veteran of the School of Dentistry faculty and current president of the MCV Alumni Association of
VCU. Svirsky calls Revere “the heart and soul of
the School of Dentistry.”
Both Svirsky and Burns wanted their gift to
have an impact beyond the MCV campus. “We
wanted to show our gratitude to the hardworking
faculty of the School of Dentistry,” says Burns,
referring to the school’s 78 full-time faculty members, 150 adjuncts on-campus and 100 adjuncts
off. Accordingly, they directed the fund to provide
for an annual development day benefiting both
MCV dental professionals and practitioners from
the larger community. “We gave them a full day of
free continuing education featuring a distinguished
speaker—and a good lunch!” The inaugural lecture
was held earlier in 2010.
Dr. John Svirsky and Dr. James Burns
February 2010
(2/5/10) Free Dental Treatment on Give Kids a Smile
Day - The VCU School of Dentistry’s Pediatric Dental
Clinic provided free dental services to nearly 100
children during Give Kids a Smile Day and also
helped to educate children on the importance of
proper oral healthcare.
(2/11/10) Successful Accreditation Site Visit Concludes The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) visitors presented a verbal report to the School of
Dentistry’s executive team, commenting on the caring
and nurturing environment that the group experienced
while at VCU and speaking highly of the school’s impressive facilities.
Barrett Peters (D4) and a smiling patient
8 VCU School of Dentistry
The General Practice Department is home to 20
full-time and 100 part-time professionals. “Getting
resources for faculty development is difficult,” says
Certosimo. While he’s appreciative of large, multi-year
commitments like Svirsky’s and Burns’, he says there’s
a role for smaller donors to play. Fred Kennett’s gift
illustrates his point.
Kennett is a dentist in private practice in
Midlothian and an adjunct faculty member at the
School of Dentistry. Kennett’s financial support
allowed a student, Gloria Kim, to conduct research
and to present her research findings at a national
Kennett’s financial commitment was modest, says
Certosimo. “But it changed the lives of two people.
Private gifts like Kennett’s help students develop their
skills and contribute more to the mission of the
school.” He encourages other faculty members to consider making targeted gifts to help provide students
with off-campus opportunities to hone their skills and
broaden their professional contacts.
Long-term, Svirsky has plans for the Revere Fund.
“Our goal is for people to piggyback onto our gift and
make this a professorship.” That’s an ambitious goal,
certainly, but Svirsky thinks it’s realistic.
“Given the way people feel about Jim Revere and his
career at the School of Dentistry, it’s attainable,” he says.
Over the years, Dr. Certosimo has utilized private gift support to create much needed educational opportunities in
the form of lecture series and retreats for part-time General
Practice faculty at the School of Dentistry.
(2/19/10) Young Alumni Meet with President Rao and Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett - Graduates of the
last ten years gathered to network and hear first-hand from university administrators about the VCU
School of Dentistry’s and VCU’s futures. Both President Rao and Interim Dean Sarrett commended the
classes of 2008 and 2009 for their class gifts, while emphasizing the serious budget shortfalls that VCU
faces in 2010 and beyond.
VCU President Michael Rao with Young Alumni Council Members Dr. Harlan Hendricks (DDS ’08)
and Dr. Melanie Crisp (DDS ’09)
Your Gifts at Work
Dental Hygiene Alumni Step Up and Give Back
Dental hygienists play a critical role in educating patients how to
develop and maintain good oral health, and they often are the first to
treat patients. The VCU School of Dentistry is invested in its dental
hygiene program, and dental hygiene alumni are invested as well.
Only a few years ago, the Dental Hygiene Department invited its
alumni to give back to the program – and they jumped at the opportunity. As a result of gifts from alumni and friends, the dental hygiene
program has been given the flexibility to grow and advance.
When the dental hygiene program had an opportunity to expand,
alumni joined together to give a gift in honor of the founder of the
school’s program, Dr. Ann Dinius. This gift has given the program the
opportunity to purchase new equipment and allow for new learning
experiences for students. Dental hygiene students now can participate
in service-learning preceptorships, and they regularly cite their experiences “in the field” as one of the best parts of dental school. “A few
years ago, we did not have the same flexibility we have today to
strategically advance the program due to financial limitations. Thanks
to the generosity of our alumni, we now have funds to build on the
excellence they have come to know and expect,” said Kim
Isringhausen, Director of Dental Hygiene and Clinical Service-Learning
The Dental Hygiene Class of 2010 presented their class gift of
$4,600 at graduation with the hopes of helping to support the students
who follow in their footsteps. With the continued support of the dental hygienists who got their start at the VCU School of Dentistry, the
dental hygiene program will continue to blossom.
March 2010
(3/10/10) VCU Honors Recipients of Professional Achievement
Awards in Science, Dentistry and Medicine - Dr. Carolyn Booker
received one of two awards given at the 18th Annual Women in
Science, Dentistry and Medicine (WISDM) Leadership
Conference for special contributions, accomplishments and professional achievements within the Schools of Medicine and
Dentistry at VCU.
10 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. Carolyn Booker
(3/22/10) Interim Dean Meets with Students, Describes
Fiscal Challenges and Encourages Communication During his first dinner and conversation with students,
Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett cited the biggest issue facing the school in the coming months as uncovering strategies to reduce spending and increase revenue and encouraged students to share ideas with him and ask questions.
Ms. Kim Isringhausen meets with students Nada Al-khafaji, Celinda Fickling and Peter Tran (all DH3) in the Dinius Dental Hygiene Office Suite.
April 2010
(4/16/10) VCU’s Perkinson Building Receives Top Award for
Going Green - The Perkinson Building in the VCU School of
Dentistry was awarded LEED Silver certification for eco-friendliness. Notable “green” features of the building include its lightcolored roofing for energy savings, low-flow plumbing fixtures
and low VOC finishes.
W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Building
Your Gifts at Work
Providing Research Opportunities for Students and Faculty
Private philanthropy supports the School of Dentistry in a variety of ways, as this sampling
The “Greatest Generation” establishes endowment for student research. The 48 men of
the Class of ’51 already were seasoned veterans of World War II when they started their dental
training. They went on to build successful practices in post-war America, but they never forgot
their shared experiences at the School of Dentistry. Regular meetings and the group’s own
newsletter – the “Painless Publication” – strengthened the bonds of friendship over the years.
Laboratory Specialist Jennifer Bradley with Dr. Harvey Schenkein
April 2010
(4/23/10) 2010 Reunion Breaks Records in Attendance, Events
and Gifts - The 2010 Reunion and Alumni Weekend celebrated
classes whose graduating year ended in 0 and 5. The busy three-day
event included the 1st Annual MCV Motor Car Show, the 5th Annual
VCU School of Dentistry Alumni Student Golf Invitational, the Dental
Hygiene Dance and the 50 Year Medallion Ceremony.
Alumni and friends gathered for the 2010 Reunion and Alumni Weekend.
12 VCU School of Dentistry
John Salley (DDS ’51), Lewis T. Rogers (DDS ’51) and J. Marvin Reynolds (DDS ’51) began a drive to create a
scholarship fund to mark the class’ 50th anniversary in 2001. Their efforts were successful: the group raised
$50,000 to support student research projects beyond the classroom and the clinics.
Harvey A. Schenkein, DDS, PhD, Paul Tucker Goad Professor, Assistant Dean for Research, Director for the
Clinical Research Center for Periodontal Disease and Chair for the Department of Periodontics, says the Class of
’51 Endowment is a good example of how a modest endowment can help. Despite the university’s support of
student research projects, there simply isn’t enough money to fund every investigation. For that reason, the Class
of ’51 directed that its funds be used to support upperclassmen and their research projects.
“This was the first fund that had been created purely for use for programs at the dental school,” says
Reynolds. In subsequent years, other classes have created funds marking their milestone events, but the Class of
’51 was the first. “I feel certain that the fact that we did it and it was well publicized had a bearing on stimulating other classes to do the same thing,” he says. “If we hadn’t done it, the other classes might not have thought
of it either.”
Honoring a father’s achievements. John Philips (DDS ’69), created the VCU Philips Institute of Oral and
Craniofacial Molecular Biology in memory of his father, who died of oral cancer. Dr. Philips’ latest gift to the
Institute will help the Institute attract the qualified professionals it needs and will fund packages of supplies,
reagents and instruments for new research hires need.
The Brodie family honors its patriarch. Edmund G. “Mac” Brodie (DDS ’43) believes in the power of
education. Although Brodie, the youngest of six children, grew up in rural North Carolina during the
Depression, his family made education a priority. Now 91, Brodie has been honored by his children, who have
named the Brodie Oral Cancer Research Laboratory on the fourth floor of the W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Building
in honor of their father.
Speaking for his siblings (Rebecca “Bec” Fellom and David and Robert Brodie), Harry Brodie said the gift
recognizes Dr. Brodie’s signal achievements as a scientist and a humanitarian. Harry Brodie adds, “He is a man
who understands the value of money.”
The need continues. Schenkein says that research gifts help not only faculty and students. They also help
the School of Dentistry to attract new faculty members by providing start-up funds. Research gifts also allow
investigators to purchase equipment. “That is one of the major uses for these endowment funds,” says
Schenkein. “If we had more money to set up professorships, then we’d be in a better position to recruit investigators and researchers to the dental school.”
Asked how alumni could help, Schenkein responds with a chuckle. “Just send money!”
May 2010
(4/29/10) International Dentist Program
Increases School’s Diversity - The new
International Dentist Program helps dental practitioners from foreign countries earn a degree to
help them practice dentistry in the U.S. The first
students admitted to the program hail from India
(three), Nepal (one) and Colombia (one), and a
total of 10 students will be admitted in 2011.
VCU School of Dentistry’s
inaugural International Dentist
Program participants
(5/3/10) Winning Student Research Posters
Announced - The annual VCU School of
Dentistry Clinic and Research Day poster competition encourages students to actively engage
in the science of dentistry. The first place winner, Cheyanne Warren, presented her poster at Clinic and Research Day poster
competition winner Cheyanne
the VDA’s meeting in Williamsburg and in
Warren (D2)
Orlando, Florida for the American Dental
Association’s Annual Meeting.
Your Gifts at Work
Intraoral Cameras
In many instances, a picture can best communicate complex ideas and features of dentistry. With this in mind,
the Class of 2009 chose to fund the purchase of intraoral cameras, costing approximately $1,300 each. These hightech digital intraoral cameras allow students to take their dental work to the next level and to document the
Students use images produced by the intraoral cameras to aid in identifying dental conditions in patients, making treatment decisions and monitoring progression of treatment in addition to providing visual aids for case and
other presentations. The pictures help patients in recognizing improvements in their own dental conditions and also
are used for general patient education. Dental faculty may use the intraoral cameras for teaching, speaking engagements and professional and university presentations. Other general uses may include colleague referrals, legal
defense, communication with dental technicians, advertising and general documentation
Making pictures to illustrate one’s work—especially with the advanced intraoral cameras at the School of
Dentistry—encourages students to take a more critical look at their treatment outcomes and develop an appreciation
for the time it takes to document work and become an expert lecturer in a specific discipline. – Dr. Charles Janus
Dr. Charles Janus helps Jo Koontz (D3) capture a picture of her patient’s teeth.
May 2010
(5/5/10) VCU Receives Two Architectural Awards for
Recent Building Projects - The VCU School of
Dentistry’s Perkinson Building was one of two VCU
buildings to be awarded Project of the Year in the public and private sectors by Richmond Real Estate Group,
a professional organization comprised of members
from various sectors within the real estate industry.
14 VCU School of Dentistry
(5/21/10) Graduates Take Center Stage - At the VCU
School of Dentistry’s Honors Convocation, the DDS Class of
2010 presented Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett a gift of
$8,500 to benefit the Clinical Service-Learning Program, and
the Dental Hygiene Class of 2010 presented a gift of $4,600
to support the future student hygienists who follow them.
Interim Dean Dr. David Sarrett thanking the DDS
Class of 2010 for its generous gift
Dr. Thomas Waldrop and Resident Dr. Jason Streem
Digital Radiography
Digital oral radiography with paperless patient records, introduced earlier this year due in
part of a generous Class of 2008 gift, already has improved the service we provide to our
patients. Going digital teaches our students how to use the most innovative technology
available. The Class of 2008 wanted to give a meaningful, useful gift that would enhance
the patient-centered, student-friendly experience—their gift is hard at work.
June 2010
(6/29/10) Student Participation and Recognition at
the VDA’s Virginia Meeting–Several students were recognized with awards at the annual VDA “Virginia
Meeting.” The Pierre Fauchard Academy honored the
International College of Dentists, and the American
College of Dentists celebrated five of many academically talented students who have dedicated many hours of
their time in service to their future profession.
Pictured from left: Interim Dean Dr. David
Sarrett; award recipients Cheyanne Warren
(D2), Oscar Vega (D4) and Will Goodwin
(D4); Dr. Ron Tankersley (DDS ’68); and Dr.
Ed Mullins (DDS ’71)
Pictured from left: Interim Dean Dr. David
Sarrett, Dr. Ted Roberson, Dr. Bill Bennett,
award recipient Samuel Allen (D3) with his
father Mr. Marv Allen and Dr. Richard Barnes
(DDS ‘77)
Your Gifts at Work
Bringing the Clinic to the Community
Dr. Terry Dickinson, Executive
Director of the Virginia Dental
Association, examines an X-ray
with his patient.
16 VCU School of Dentistry
Back in 2000, the School of Dentistry and the Virginia Dental
Association embarked on a joint project to bring dental care to
underserved populations. Since then, the Missions of Mercy
(MOM) project has been a healing force throughout the
Commonwealth. MOM’s forty-one missions have served 32,000
patients with an estimated $16.5 million in contributed service in
communities like Wise, Grundy, Roanoke and the Eastern Shore.
What motivates dental students, seasoned health care professionals and donors to support MOM?
Lloyd “Jeppy” Moss, D3, says he was hooked from his very
first mission – and 25 missions later, he hasn’t missed a single
one since. As this year’s MOM student coordinator, it’s his role to
help plan and orchestrate missions. From gathering supplies to
fixing equipment to driving supply trucks to creating mobile dental clinics, Jeppy’s done it all.
“MOM missions,” says Moss, “are a great experience.” In addition to giving students the opportunity to give back to those less
fortunate, they give students a chance to learn from other dentists
and practitioners.
Dr. Terry Dickinson, Executive Director of VDA, concurs. The
partnership between VCU and VDA, he says, “broadens the contact between the two. Practitioners enjoy being around the students, and vice versa.” He acknowledges the important role that
contributors play in supporting MOM.
“Private funding allows us to expand our reach. It
gives us the resources to expand the number of projects that we can do.” Private funding also helps the
program reach out: this fall, MOM will help health care
professionals in Maryland replicate MOM’s approach
and successes in that state.
Back in Virginia, MOM has big plans for the coming year. Dickinson estimates that volunteers will see
4,500 patients and provide $3 million in free dental
services. Volunteers like Jeppy Moss welcome that
“I’m locked in for life!” says Moss, who plans to
volunteer with MOM after he begins his professional
practice. “I plan to go every year!”
A Few Notable Service Projects at the School of Dentistry
Delta Dental Miles for Smiles 5k
Annual Jamaica Project
Give Kids a Smile Day
Student National Dental Association Oral Cancer Walk
Your Gifts at Work
Honor Roll of Investors
July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
The totals reflect cash gifts, pledge transactions and pledge payments and expectancy transactions
Deans’ Circle
Distinguished Partners
$100,000 and greater
Dr. French H. Moore, Jr.
Delta Dental Plan of Virginia
Mr. Harry Stein
Dr. James C. Burns
Dr. John A. Svirsky
$50,000 to $99,999
Dr. Robert F. Harman
Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter
Perkinson, Jr.
$20,000 to $49,999
Hazel Thorpe and
George Gay Carman Trust
Dr. J. Robert Eshleman
Dr. Norborne F. Muir*
Delta Dental Plans Association
Dr. Gerald McElroy Kluft
Dr. S. Bernard Jones
Thomas & Kate Jeffress
Memorial Trust
Dr. Scott B. Ross
$10,000 to $19,999
Dr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Marshall
KLS Martin LP
VCU School of Dentistry
Class of 2010
Dr. Charles D. Kirksey
Dr. George A. Oley III
Dr. Dennis C. Wong
Dr. Leonard V. Jackson, Jr.
Dr. William D. Covington
Mrs. Phyllis Dickey
Dr. Eric H. Norby
$5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Richard W. Cottrell
Virginia Dental Association
Dr. Claire C. Kaugars
Dr. Pamela F. Regimbal
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford N.
Dr. Kitt S. Finley-Parker
Dr. Marshall S. Bonnie
Dr. and Mrs. J. Frederick
Mrs. Jean B. Clayton
Dr. Charles E. Clough
Dr. R. Lee Fletcher III
Dr. James B. Graham
Dr. Richard K. Green
Dr. Brian J. McAvoy
Dr. John D. Stephens
Dr. Richard D. Wilson
Dr. Roger E. Wood
Dr. Ronald G. Downey
Dr. Tal D. Jergensen
Dr. and Mrs. Fred F. Kennett
Dr. Thomas E. Koertge
Dr. Timothy A. Leigh
Dr. Steven D. Lutz
Dr. Christopher L. Maestrello
Dr. James T. McClung, Jr.
MCV Foundation
Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas
Dr. R. Douglas Ross
Dr. James L. Stanley
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Taliaferro
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Tate
Senior Partners
$2,500 to $4,999
Drs. Susan and Alfred Griffin
Dr. Stephen S. Radcliffe
Dr. Clay Hendricks
MCV Orthodontic Alumni
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Salmon III
Dr. William R. Parks
Dr. William E. Crutchfield II
Dr. James R. Snodgrass
Dr. Michael J. Link
Dr. Gerald J. Brown
Dr. Surya Prakash Dhakar
Dr. Scott R. Goodove
International College of
Dentists-VA Chapter
Dr. James R. Schroeder
Dr. and Mrs. James Lester Slagle
Dr. Kit Tucker Sullivan
Dr. George S. Tate, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James H.
Revere, Jr.
Dr. Mark A. Crabtree
Dr. Randy J. Norbo
Dr. Michael A. Campbell
American College of Dentists
VA Section
Dr. Carl O. Atkins, Jr.
Dr. Anne C. Adams and Dr.
Charles L. Cuttino III
Dr. Harold F. Demsko
$1,000 to $2,499
Dr. and Mrs. Randall I. Furman
Dr. Thomas G. McKenna
Dr. Marco A. Beltrami
Dr. David W. Major
Dr. Steven G. Forte
Dr. Bradley S. Nester
Dr. William P. Kennedy
Dr. Darryl Lynn Lefcoe
Dr. Ralph H. B. Anderson
Dr. John J. Schinto III
Dr. Gerald Brown
18 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. Kevin S. Swenson
Dr. David A. Reid
Dr. Elizabeth M. Attreed
Dr. Theofaniy J. Batistas
Dr. William L. Davenport
Drs. Nancy and Damon
Dr. Steven E. Evens
Dr. Betsy A. Hagan
Dr. Harold P. Heafner, Jr.
Ms. Jackie P. Jackson
Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas and
Mr. James Lewis
Dr. Michael O. McMunn
Mrs. Evelyn F. Mirmelstein
Mr. Charles E. Titus
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Dr. Jeryl A. Abbott
Dr. William T. Bivins
Dr. James Forni
Dr. Stephen E. Recupero
Dr. Daniel R. Rhodes
Dr. George Russell Aylor, Jr.*
Dr. Charles A. Harrell
Dr. Wood N. Lay
Dr. Edward Y. Lovelace III
Dr. Donald F. Reynolds
Dr. Harvey H. Shiflet III
Dr. Richard E. Smith
Dr. Jeffrey D. Wagman
Dr. Mary F. Stavropoulos
Dr. Neil D. Lutins
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sarrett
Dr. Stephen J. Brown
Dr. John C. Doswell II
Dr. Randy Adams
Dr. A. Scott Anderson III
Dr. Charles A. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E.
Dr. Brian C. Harsha
Dr. Thomas G. Luckam
Dr. Melvin R. Morrison*
Dr. Jane A. Soxman
Dr. Robert B. Steadman
Student National Dental
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin H.
Dr. Ross I. Heisman
Dr. Jan E. Milner
Dr. Mary E. Gregory
Dr. J. Marvin Reynolds
Mr. Adam Davis
Dr. Edmund E. Mullins, Jr.
Dr. Clinton J. Norris III
Dr. and Mrs. Cephas V.
Thomason III
Dr. Ellen Byrne
Dr. Joseph M. Adair
Dr. Ralph L. Anderson
The Asset Protection Group, Inc
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Austin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary V. Avakian
Dr. Robert F. Baima
Dr. Scott Blanchard
Dr. Cramer L. Boswell
Dr. Donald R. Brown
Dr. Jerry G. Caravas
Dr. Stanley D. Dameron
Dr. Patrick J. Dolan
Dr. Benjamin Duval
Mr. John F. Fitzhugh
Dr. Carolyn M. Flanary
Fortress Insurance Company
Dr. Erma L. Freeman
Dr. Matthew W. Glasgow
Dr. Frank T. Grogan III
Dr. Robert E. Grover
Dr. Walter H. Hankins, Jr.
Dr. James A. Harrell, Jr.
Dr. Heidi A. Herbst
Dr. Michael L. Huband
Dr. John R. Hubbard
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Dr. David R. Hughes
Dr. Neal B. Jones
Dr. S. Kimberly Jones
Dr. Robert D. King
Dr. John L. Kordulak
Dr. Louis J. Korpics, Jr.
Dr. Trisha A. Krause
Dr. Lawrence J. Kyle
Dr. Edward Y. Lovelace, Jr.
Dr. Christopher K. Loveland
Dr. Michael A. Marcou
Dr. Beechard C. McConnell, Jr.
Dr. Gwyn G. McCutchen
Dr. Demetrios P. Milonas
Dr. Howard M. Mitnick, Jr.
Dr. Joy S. Moretti
Dr. Naseer A. Naeem
Dr. Mark M. Neale, Jr.
Dr. Raymond R. Niles, Jr.
Dr. Michael E. Oppenheimer
Dr. James T. Pascia
Dr. A. Wright Pond, Sr.
Dr. Madison R. Price
Dr. Richard F. Roadcap
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey A.
Dr. James W. Shearer
Dr. Richard L. Sherwood
Dr. David R. Sipes
Dr. Robert N. Sorenson
Dr. Cynthia M. Southern
Dr. Al J. Stenger
Dr. William L. Stiebel
Dr. Matthew T. Storm
Our Givers
Marvin E. Thews, Jr.
Dennis R. Throckmorton
Benjamin T. Watson III
Glenn A. Young
Samuel S. Yun
Charter Members
$500 to $999
Dr. Eric Todd Scheyer
Dr. Susan Ash
Dr. Dominick J. Pisciotta
Dr. Vernon E. O’Berry, Jr.
Dr. Nathan C. Stephens
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Clark
Mr. Jeffrey C. O’Neil
Drs. Meredith and John Owen
Dr. Ronald C. Fuhrmann
Dr. Barry K. Cutright
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Wiltshire
Dr. Harlan K. Hendricks
Orapharma Inc.
Dr. James S. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Unger
Dr. and Mrs. Odie A. Whitlow
Mrs. Ellen S. Lipps
Dr. Susan A. Grimes
Dr. Michael P. Adams
Dr. Charles P. Jewett
Dr. David C. Jones
Dr. Preston D. Miller, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Ness
Dr. Russell S. Harden
Dr. David J. Dattilo
Dr. Barry Kurzer &
Dr. Lisa Syrop
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Lee Green
Dr. Thomas B. Reynolds
Dr. Thomas A. Warwick
Dr. Anne E. Morgan
Mrs. Layda C. Bushong
Dr. David C. Jones
Dr. James E. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller
Dr. Barclay K. Weisberg
Mrs. Jenny K. Cassidy
Dr. Sejal C. Patel
Dr. T. Nelson Adams
Dr. Diana M. Almy
Dr. Stephen B. Alouf
Dr. Frank J. Beale
Dr. William C. Berbes
Dr. Robert M. Bielawski
CAPT Timothy J. Brady,
Dr. Byron A. Brill
Dr. and Mrs. John A.Burmeister
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Carter
Dr. James P. Coffey
Dr. Wayne T. Coleman
Dr. James F. Dollar
Dr. Peter W. Eisenhardt
Dr. Katherine Garrett-Thomas
Dr. Scott E. Gerard
Dr. Joseph M. Greene, Jr.
Dr. William T. Griffin
Dr. Zachary P. Hairston
Healthy Smiles, Healthy
Dr. Harry H. Heard III
Drs. Sandra and
Steven Hearne
Dr. Paul P. Hicks, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Holland
Dr. William G. Horbaly
Dr. Maury A. Hubbard, Jr.
Dr. Herbert M. Hughes
Mrs. Tammy M. Hughes
1% Organizations
11% Individuals
1% Foundations
13% Corporations
74% Alumni
Your Gifts at Work
Dr. Jerry L. Jenkins
Richard J. & Beverly W.
Dr. and Mrs. David E.
Dr. Ronald S. Langdon
Dr. Steven J. Lindauer
Dr. Robert Lunka
Dr. Michael J. McGowan
Dr. Robert L. Merian
The Preston & Mary Jane
Miller Fund
Dr. French H. Moore III
Dr. Kenneth Wayne Morris
Dr. James K. Muehleck
Dr. Kathleen M. Mullaney
Dr. Edward L. Mustian III
Dr. Charles H. Nelson, Jr.
Dr. William B. Ossakow
Dr. Clyde T. Padgett, Jr.
Dr. Robert N. Penterson
Dr. William B. Perkinson III
Dr. Charles L. Prizzia
Dr. Harry A. Raddin, Jr.
Dr. James M. Roberson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Victor G.
Dr. Robert A. Simmons
Dr. C. Frederick Smith
Friends have honored the
following individuals in fiscal
year 2010 with their gifts.
Mrs. Martha Blease
Dr. Ronald J. Hunt
Dr. Jeffrey Levin
Dr. J. Gary Maynard, Jr.
Dr. James F. Nelson
Dr. Elbert P. Osborne, Jr.
Dr. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
Mr. Barrett W. R. Peters
Dr. Chris R. Richardson
Dr. James D. Watkins
Dr. David A. Whiston
Dr. Richard D. Wilson
20 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. James H. Smith
Dr. Edward P. Snyder
Dr. John H. Speegle
Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Thompson
Dr. Charles R. Utley
Dr. Andrius E. Uzpurvis
Dr. B. Aaron Vaughn
Dr. John Trung D. Vu
Ms. Jean Ann Wensell
Dr. S. Lee Wheeler
Dr. Richard S. Wilson
Dr. Mark A. Winkler
Woody Funeral HomeParham Road
Dr. D. Kent Yandle
Dr. David V. Young
Dr. Tara Lowe Zier
$250 to $499
Southern Association of
Dr. Vicki L. Tibbs
Dr. Wood N. Lay
Dr. Robert W. Bigelow
Dr. Avi Benjamin Gibberman
Ms. Roberta Zobel
Dr. Franklin J. Henrich
Dr. Shwetha Rai
Dr. Zane W. Berry
Drs. Catherine and
James Crichton
Dr. Melvin E. Cruser III
Dr. Daniel M. Etheridge
Dr. Kenneth R. Giberson
Dr. Kenneth R. Giberson
Dr. Chad M. Goeckeritz
Dr. Frederick E. Martin III
Dr. Thomas J. Morris
Dr. Denise T. Nguyen
Dr. Christopher A. Payne
Dr. James C. Wallace
Dr. Kyle W. Wheeler
Dr. Michael A. Abbott
Dr. Douglas R. Malone
Ms. Kim T. Isringhausen
Dr. Dustin S. Rubink
Dr. Elizabeth Merz Alligood
Dr. Mitchell A. Avent
Dr. C. William Dabney
Dr. Keith E. Vaughan
Ms. Cara Collison
Dr. Richard S. Mansfield
Dr. Claire Kaugars
Mr. Tan N. Ho
Dr. Jennifer C. Bobbio
Dr. Philip A. Sherrill
Dr. Trevor N. O’Neil
Dr. Paul W. Callahan
Ms. Arlene Duncanson-Taylor
Dr. Robert N. Emory
Dr. Dunbar O. Godbold
Dr. Stephen M. Goldstein
Dr. Stephen Mark Goldstein
Dr. Stephen G. Harrington
Dr. Thomas R. Hudson
Dr. David T. Kiger
Dr. N. Ray Lee
Dr. Preston B. Loving
Dr. Richard H. Mansell
Dr. Michelle T. McGregor
Dr. Thomas J. McVay
Dr. and Mrs. Walter K. Murphy
Dr. William N. Nelson, Jr.
Dr. Ralph M. Powers, Jr.
Dr. Lane B. Prior
Dr. Jeffrey L. Reider
Dr. Alan D. Robbins
Dr. Stephen F. Rosenblum
Dr. William G. Sandifer, Jr.
Dr. Kevin G. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Dr. Richard L. Sherman
Dr. Timothy K. Sumner
Dr. William C. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Dr. A. Nelson Yarbrough
Ms. Wijati E. Soemantoro
Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen
Dr. Cheryl B. Billingsley
Dr. Robert H. Blease
Dr. Richard B. Bradley, Jr.
Dr. Fred A. Bubernak
Dr. Steven C. Bunting
Dr. Benjamin F. D. Chikes
Mrs. Katherine Cleveland &
Dr. Russell Cleveland
Dr. Samuel Daniels
Dr. Joseph J. Delmonico III
Eli Lilly & Company
Dr. R. Benjamin Ellis
Finlay Corbin
Dr. Wanda Flinn
Dr. Robert A. Friedberg
Dr. Jeffrey M. Gallisdorfer
Dr. Lloyd A. Green
Dr. Lance F. Grenevicki
Dr. Edward N. Griggs III
Dr. Eric G. Grossmann
Dr. Robert L. Grossmann
Dr. Joseph A. Gwiazdowski
Dr. C. Craig Henry
Dr. William Michael Hudgins
Dr. Lewis W. Irby, Jr.
Dr. Robert A. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones
Dr. Thomas W. Kelly, Jr.
Dr. Thomas W. Littrell
Dr. and Mrs. J. Gary Maynard, Jr.
5th Annual VCU School of Dentistry
Alumni/Student Invitational
VCU’s new president, Dr. Michael Rao,
welcomed the largest number of players
and teams ever for what has become a
reunion weekend tradition at the
Crossings Golf Course. Thanks to the
generous efforts of this year’s many
sponsors, this student-organized event
raised $25,000 for student activities and
student involvement in the Virginia
Dental Association’s Missions of Mercy
Major Sponsors
Medical College of Virginia Foundation
VDA Services
W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr., DDS & Associates
Eagle Sponsors
Abatement Technical Services
Asset Protection Group
Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery
Covington International Travel
Dr. Michael O. McMunn & Associates
Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, PC
Mitnick & Herbst, PC
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Dr. Mary Gregory
Student Team Sponsors
Dr. Anthony Meares
VCU Department of Pediatrics
Birdie Sponsors
Beach Dental
Commonwealth Endodontics
Dr. David Konikoff
Dr. Graham Gardner
Dr. Lloyd Moss, Jr.
Drs. Kaugars and Miller
Drake Precision Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Henry Schein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence
RK Tongue, Inc.
Dr. John Doswell, VCU Board of Visitors
member, MCV Foundation board chair
and honorary tournament chair, joined
President Rao and School of Dentistry
Interim Dean, Dr. David Sarrett, in hoisting the Dr. Frank Filipowicz Memorial
Trophy before sounding the horn and
kicking off the competition.
Student Player Sponsors
Dr. Gary Smagalski
Dr. George H. Aberth, Jr.
Dr. Girish Banaji
Mr. Mike Kowalczyk
Visual Spend
VCU Department of Oral Pathology
VCU Department of Orthodontics
VCU Department of Pediatrics
VCU Division of Dental Hygiene
Your Gifts at Work
Mrs. Mary Jane Miller
Dr. Alfred P. Moore
Dr. David A. Morris
Dr. Stephen K. Payne
Dr. James M. Peery, Jr.
Mrs. Amy Plowden
Dr. Alexandra S.
Dr. Erik C. Roper
Dr. Scott A. Ruffner
Dr. Jonas B. Spiegel
Dr. Grant M. Sprinkle III
Dr. Jimmy R. Stanley
Dr. Frank D. Straus
Dr. Theodore W. Struhs
Drs. David and
Rebecca Swett
Dr. David M. Swisher
Dr. Gary P. Tarangelo & Dr.
Dianne P. Tarangelo
Dr. Thomas H. Tatum
Dr. Frank A. Wade III
Dr. Joseph J. Waff III
Dr. Jeffrey B. Wetter
Dr. Thomas G. Yarbrough
Dr. Glenn A. Zeh
$100 to $249
Ms. Golbahar Jalali
Ms. Tammy K. Swecker
Dr. Merissa Heather
Ms. Marina L. Gitlin
Ms. Lauren D. Gray
Mrs. Marcy L. Kerr
Dr. Tamesha D. Morris
Dr. Bryan R. Katz
Mrs. Christy H. Casella
Dr. Caitlin B. Stangel
Ms. Audrey M. Sunga
Dr. Ken B. Handy
Ms. Ashley S. Edlin
Ms. Helen A. Alley
Ms. Marjorie J. Barker
Ms. Hannah R. Barnette
Ms. Dijana Berber
Ms. Lisa D. Brown
Mr. Jonathan N. DelVecchio
Ms. Courtney T. Do
Ms. Christine L. Hedblom
Mr. Hoa M. Ho
Ms. Annie R. Leffingwell
Ms. Quyen L. Ly
Ms. Astrid N. Mattera
Ms. Meghan J. O’Hara
Ms. Stephanie Orsatti
Ms. Emilie D. Roberts
Mr. Oscar A. Rodriguez
Ms. Yolanda L. Rymal
Dr. Scott Goodove
Mrs. Jen L. Stevens
Ms. Elizabeth V. Toney
Dr. Mark S. Friedlander
Ms. Amy M. Trn
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Ms. Stephanie C. Wisniewski
Dr. Eric D. Ballou
Dr. Mac Garrison
Dr. Ronald C. Jarvis
Dr. Paula Bass and
Dr. Jay M. Bass
Dr. Kenneth R. Giberson
Dr. Trevor S. Beck
Mrs. Janet C. Gilliam
Dr. and Mrs. Duane J. Bickers
Dr. Alvin S. Goodman
Dr. Joshua A. Binder
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford T.
Dr. Grover P. Burns III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Byer
Timothy A. Grubb
Dr. Michael V. Catoggio
R. Hatcher
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Cook
Dr. Joseph R. Craig
Dr. Gary K. Iskol
Dr. Bryce J. Cushing
Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr.
Dr. Joffre W. Daigle, Jr.
Dr. Stephen P. Johansen
Dr. Brett A. Dameron
Dr. Mantique L. Johnson
Dr. Andrew R. Estill
Dr. Edwin D. Joy, Jr.
Dr. Cotesworth P. Fishburne, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia D. Kennedy
Dr. Robert C. Flikeid
Your Gifts $1,145,574
56% Alumni
12% Organizations
15% Individuals
6% Foundations
11% Corporations
22 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. Matthew P. Kim
Dr. Gregory K. Kontopanos
Dr. James R. Lance
Dr. Barry D. Laurent
Dr. James F. Londrey
Dr. Bruce I. Longman
Mrs. Remedios D. Lotuaco
The Preston D. Miller Jr.
Living Trust
Dr. Sumayra M. Mohiuddin
Dr. Bich Loc T. Nguyen
Dr. Robert G. Owen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Pfab
Dr. W. Lee Phillips
Dr. Kurt A. Pierce
Dr. Maria B. Pierce
Dr. Marcus R. Pope
Dr. James H. Priest
Dr. Isabel B. Rocha
Dr. Matthew C. Roller
Dr. E. James Rubis
Dr. Samuel V. Russo
Dr. Izzat A. Sbeih
Dr. Michael C. Schuck
Dr. Barney E. Selph
Dr. Sarah N. Sparks
Dr. Stephen T. Swallow
Dr. Hugh Teller
Dr. Justin D. Thornton
Dr. William N. Thornton III
Dr. Paul T. Umstott
University of Maryland
Baltimore Fda., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William M.
Dr. William H. Walls, Jr.
Drs. Melinda and
Julien Warren
Dr. Jeffrey S. Williams
Dr. Amy M. Williams-Trujillo
Dr. Lawrence A. Hayes
Dr. Jair P. Urteaga
Mr. Patrick J. Doyle, Jr.
Mrs. Meredith A. Jones
Ms. Dawn B. Roy
Mrs. Audrey D. Jones Bass
Dr. Melanie R. Crisp
Dr. James Lee
Dr. G. Thomas Bryce, Jr.
Dr. Rob Chatterton
Dr. Trevor S. Winegar
Dr. Kenneth R. Heise
Dr. Jason B. Blundell
Dr. Stephanie N. Chambers
Ms. Ruth E. McNamara
Mrs. Pamela Leigh Cottrell
Dr. John A. Agapis
James D. Cahn
Matthew A. Chapman
Maneesha R. Chigurupati
Ray Y. Cho
Baker Michelle Christin
Jessica M. Clark
Erika A. Crawford
Jaime L. Cyprowski
Jeff K. Davidson
Darren B. Dorfman
Son T. Duong
David Durham
Brandon R. Erickson
Christine Farah
Andreen M. Fearon
Casey M. Feiling
Brian W. Fife
Audrey M. Gamulo
Davis W. Gardner
Sarah C. Gerber
Hashem T. Ghadhanfari
Misha S. Ghazarian
Adam C. Goddard
Neda Hovaizi
John F. Howard
Elizabeth A. Klein
Ashley W. Lamay
Mani Matin
Kelly O. Mayer
Lyndsey B. McCaskey
Michael J. Millburn
Clayton J. Miller
Paul W. Miller
Nitika Mittal
Nikolay D. Mollov
Jeffrey Moon
Diane E. Nelson
France J. Nielson
Justin R. Norbo
Jonathan E. Norris
Adam M. Park
Mimi E. Park
Cana E. Pasierb
Christian Peck
Stephen R. Quinn
Kevin D. Rasmussen
Carter C. Reeves
Brian R. Richman
Cameron T. Roberts
John D. Roller
The Evens family and friends in front of the Evens Operatory
Hasan Hisham Al-Arbash
Matthew H. Aldred
Yousif Fadel Ali
Khalid Jamal Amin
Peter B. Appleby
Poonum Bharal
Sushmita Bhardwaj
Fawzia R. Bhavnagri
Grant Hutchens
Erick A. Jansson
David L. Jones
Richard T. Jones
Edward T. Jordan
Preeti Kansal
Natasha Kapoor
Kwang W. Kim
Farzaneh Rostami
Jonathan W. Rucker
Danielle H. Ryan
Latasha N. Sauls
Eric R. Shell
Nathaniel M. Sherman
William Edward Slack
Ryan C. Swigert
Dr. Amir H. Tavassoli
Dr. Naquida Taylor
Dr. Harper A. Thompson
Dr. Rebecca L. Turner
Dr. Kevin H. Van
Dr. Irina Volkova
Dr. Samuel D. Waddoups
Dr. Amber Weems
Dr. Michael W. Whitecar
Dr. Kime A. Whitman
Dr. Tyler N. Williams
Dr. Rudolf W. Wolf
Mr. David J. Yoder
Dr. Robert S. Berman
Dr. E. D. Blair
Dr. Russell E. Christensen, Jr.
Dr. James W. Culclasure
Dr. Ronald W. Davis
Dr. Peter S. Evans
Dr. Robert Faine
Mrs. Shirley Anne Herlong
Dr. Marshall E. Flax
Dr. Benjamin W. Foster, Jr.
Dr. Jeffrey K. Friend
Dr. Rawley H. Fuller III
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A.
Dr. Marshall P. Gordon III
Dr. S. K. Heard III
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Dr. A. Clayborn Hendricks
Dr. Perry E. Jones
Dr. Stanley M. Kaufman
Dr. Robert R. Keen
Dr. Melvin L. Kessler
Dr. Samuel J. Marsh
Dr. William W. Martin
Dr. Sujit K. Mohanty
Dr. Michael S. Morgan
Mr. Michael W. Morgan
Mrs. Patsy S. Morrissette
Dr. Scott Parr
Mrs. Maryanne D. Persons
Dr. Thomas M. Peterson
Dr. T. Carroll Player, Jr.
Ms. Princess M. Rhoads
Dr. Stephen F. Selden
Dr. Walker W. Shivar
Dr. K. Martin Simon
Ms. Melanie Swain
Mr. Sam Swecker
Dr. Norman M. Trahos
Your Gifts at Work
Mr. Jack Unkel
Dr. John H. Unkel
Dr. Allen H. White III
Dr. John W. Willhide
Mr. Donald Pohl
Dr. Kaitlin H. Cronan
Dr. Brian Leypoldt
Dr. Karina Munoz
Dr. Risa L. Odum
Dr. Frank J. Francica
Ms. Jennifer C. Midulla
Mrs. JoAnne S. Skibinski
Dr. Kevin C. Sweeney
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G.
Dr. William S. Harrison
Dr. Aaric J. Allred
Dr. Lewis A. Arthur
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Ayers
Dr. Steven J. Barbieri and
Dr. Shari L. Ball
Dr. Samuel G. Baroody, Jr.
Dr. Charles H. Barrett
Dr. Harold J. Barrett, Jr.
Dr. James I. Bernhardt
Dr. Daniel M. Birkmire
Dr. Keith S. Blevins
Dr. Eugene D. Brinkley, Jr.
Dr. J. Cary Bryant
Dr. Carl B. Bullen
Dr. Alan I. Burch
Dr. Duane D. Callahan
Dr. Jeffrey R. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Colvard
Dr. Richard E. Conner
Dr. Wayne Davis
Mr. Matt Detar
Dr. Anthony N. Di Cesare
Mrs. Frances C. Edwards
Dr. Thomas D. Edwards
Bernard I. Einhorn
Anna V. Falcon
James R. Farmer
Gisela K. Fashing
Brenda J. Faulk
Scott G. Ferguson, Jr.
Miguel E. Fernandez
and Mrs. Elmer O. Fisher
Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Charles F. Fletcher
Alan G. Forbes
Glenn W. Fortner
Gerald I. Frank
S. N. Gagliano-Springmann
& Mr. D. M. Springmann
Mrs. April T. Garrison
Dr. Clyde McAllister Garrison III
Dr. Christin J. Gauquie
Dr. Gregory T. Gendron
Dr. Nicos G. Georgiades
Dr. Ira Gould
Dr. W. H. Gray, Jr.
Dr. Ralph N. Greenway
Dr. Carlyle Gregory
Dr. Barry I. Griffin
Dr. Thomas A. Gromling
Dr. B. Keith Haley, Jr.
Dr. Sheryle L. Hamlett
Dr. Mark A. Hammock
Dr. Benjamin S. Hanson III
Dr. Darrell Harman
Dr. James A. Harrell, Sr.
Dr. Laurence N. Heiden
Dr. R. M. Hilton
Dr. W. Ray Hilton
Mr. Henry R. Hortenstine III
Dr. Irwin Hurwitz
Mrs. Deb R. Jackson
Drs. Kaugars & Miller, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Kay, Jr.
Gifts at Work $1,145,574
Dr. Justin Edwards (left) and Dr. Andy Reed perform a basic dental exam for
VCU men’s basketball coach Shaka Smart.
Dr. David R. Kelly
Dr. Malcolm H. Kerstein
Dr. Jerry Kim
Mrs. Toni King
Capital Uses: $22,100
Endowments: $105,759
Sponsored Research: $95,689
Current Uses: $922,026
24 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. Richard A. Kline
Dr. Penny L. Lampros
Dr. Sharon Lanning
Dr. Peter J. Lanzaro
Ms. Sarah E. Larimer
Dr. John D. Lentz
Dr. Craig L. Levine
Dr. Christopher Libbey &
Dr. Anne Libbey
Dr. Bobby A. Lomax
Dr. J. Hart Long, Jr.
Dr. Gary A. Lubel
Dr. Richard C. Mariani
Mrs. Margaret J. Martin
Dr. Lawrence E. Masters
Dr. Michael P. McCormick, Jr.
Dr. Peter J. McDonald
Dr. L. Edward McGaha
Dr. Julian C. Metts, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Edward Mitchell
Dr. Wendy M. Moore
Dr. Barbara Morgan-Washington
Dr. Julia Williams Neuls
Dr. John H. Neumann
Dr. Edward S. O’Keefe
Dr. George Orlove
Dr. John M. Parham, Jr.
Dr. Charles A. Pendergrass, Jr.
Dr. Robert B. Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. Don Poline
Dr. Cleveland H. Porter, Jr.
Dr. Stephen P. Raffensperger
Ms. Carrie M. Rash
Dr. Holman C. Rawls III
Dr. David H. Reames, Jr.
Dr. Emmett V. Richardson III
Dr. Dennis B. Rinker
Dr. David S. Roberts
Dr. William S. Robinson
Dr. James L. Rutledge III
Dr. Daria J. Ryan
Dr. Craig M. Scimeca
Dr. Oscar W. Self, Jr.
Dr. Felix Eugene Shepard, Sr.
Dr. Jack Silverman
Dr. Brion C. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. Smith
Dr. David B. Solomon
Dr. Stephen E. Spainhour
Dr. William M. Steele
Dr. S. W. Stockton, Jr.
Dr. David W. Stone, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Dr. Richard P. Suter
Dr. David R. Suyes, Jr.
COL Robert B. Teweles
Ms. Michelle Toms
Dr. Peter S. Trager
Dr. Perry N. Trakas
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Trow
The Trust Company
of Virginia
Dr. J. Neil Turnage
Dr. Robert Bruce Warlick
Dr. Michael S. Wasserman
Dr. David B. Webster
COL Stanley L. Wellins
Dr. John R. Wheless III
Dr. Paul R. White II
Dr. John R. Williams
Dr. Michael K. Williams
Mr. Ronald S. Williams
Dr. Ronald L. Wray
Dr. Charles R. Wright
Dr. Reginald S. Young
$50 to $99
Dr. Michael D. Wolter
Dr. John M. Peroutka
Ms. Emily B. Mauck
Dr. Marielena Arroyo-Pratt
and Mr. Mark C. Pratt
Dr. Howard J. Baranker
Dr. Donald T. Bond
Mrs. Diane I. Campbell
Dr. Raymond J. Gardner
Mrs. Karen K. Wiles
Dr. Derek C. Brown
Ms. JoAnne P. Brown
Ms. Judy A. Tremellen
Dr. David R. Turok
Mrs. Becky D. Austin
Dr. Charles E. Barr
Dr. Frederick T. Birsch
Dr. Frank D. Bruni
Dr. Donald A. Brunton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Leigh C. Budwell
Dr. Bobby D. Burnette
Dr. Morris S. Chimon
Dr. Domenick P. Coletti
Ms. Chrissy Luellen Conner
Mrs. Marilyn V. Davis
Dr. Lonnie B. Dickens, Jr.
Dr. Tuyet D. Do
Mr. Andrew R. Duggan
Dr. Jeffery B. Evans
Dr. Melvin L. Ford III
Dr. Elliott W. Goldner
Dr. Ken E. Handley
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harman
Dr. John F. Hunt III
Dr. Bradley G. Johnson
Dr. Robert L. Kenney
VCU School of Dentistry students Jennifer Boyland Reynolds (D3) and John Reynolds (D3)
at the 2009 White Coat Ceremony
Friends have remembered the
following individuals in fiscal year
2010 with their gifts.
Dr. Kathryn E. Benner
Dr. Kenneth N. Byrne
Dr. Kenneth P. Byrne
Dr. Guy C. Clayton
Dr. Walter H. Dickey, Sr.
Dr. Matthew D. Dollar
Dr. Hugh B. Douglas, Jr.
Dr. Nathan Benjamin Evens
Dr. Edwin F. Irish
Dr. Lawrence G. Mathews
Dr. Harry L. Mears, Jr.
Dr. Cyril R. Mirmelstein
Dr. Edward S. Nacht
Mr. J. M. Parham, Sr.
Dr. Philip B. Peters
Dr. Ramon G. Plowden
Dr. Jonathan R. Rasnake
Dr. Mickey Runion
Dr. Hal Turkus
Dr. William H. Webb
Dr. Bruce A. Ketner
Dr. C. Patrick Killen
Dr. Christine N. Kirk
Dr. Bruce A. Leary
Dr. Robert A. Levine
Dr. Joseph M. Lewis
Ms. Carol L. Liles
Dr. Ashley E. Matthews
Dr. Robert A. McDonald, Sr.
Dr. Bridget E. McDowell
Dr. Anna I. Murphy
Dr. Martin R. Nagel
Dr. W. Linwood Outten III
Dr. Mark N. Perlin
Dr. Eugene A. Petrasy
Dr. Long D. Pham
Dr. Jillian Reynolds
Mrs. Sheryl G. Roemer
Dr. Samuel F. Rowe
Dr. Scott M Sachs
Dr. Spencer G. Shelley
Dr. Harry D. Simpson, Jr.
Dr. Erica E. Sok
Dr. Bernard H. Spivak
Dr. Cory M. Stark
Your Gifts at Work
Ms. Kathleen M. Thaler
Dr. Stanley D. Toporek
Dr. Eric L. Townsend
Dr. My Kim Tran
Dr. Leah Q. Walden
Dr. John H. Walrod
Dr. Robert L. Weber
Dr. Gordon T. Witcher
$10 to $49
Dr. Katherine J. Southwell
Dr. David R. Throckmorton, Jr.
Dr. Maria Victoria
Dr. Taylor F. Townsend
Dr. An P. Tran
Dr. Julie D. Tran
Dr. Nathan M. Vogt
Dr. Cerina A. Wanzer
Dr. Glennetta B. White
Dr. Scott E. Wilkes
Dr. David A. Woodruff
Dr. Jason R. Abel
Dr. Gaurav Agarwal
Dr. Sadaf Ahmed
Dr. Folake A. Akinbi
Dr. Forough Akrami
Dr. Humam K. Alathari
Dr. Ahmad Al-Attar
Dr. Loulwah K. Al-Jaber
Dr. Mona F. Al-Omairah
Dr. Andrew D. Baird
Dr. Anita L. Bell
Dr. Katherine Bogacki
Dr. Stephen C. Booth
Dr. Benjamin K. Campbell
Dr. Daniel G. Chatterley
Dr. Jamie L. Childress
Dr. James K. Cornick
Dr. Kalisha R. Cotten
Dr. Carrington W. Crawford
Dr. Campbell S. Delk
Dr. Colby W. Echols
Dr. Eron J. Evans
Dr. Craig W. Flaherty
Dr. Chad E. Fowler
Dr. Gabriel W. Fritz
Dr. Monamie Ghatak
Dr. Tabbitha E. Grantham
Dr. David L. Hadley
Dr. Brooke E. Hammelman
Dr. Jesse B. Harris
Dr. Michael G. Heffelfinger
Dr. Gene Hilton III
26 VCU School of Dentistry
Dr. Leonard Jackson looks on as his commerorative plaque is installed in the Woolwine Lab.
Dr. Mark G. Horning
Dr. Kalisha Jordan
Dr. Michael J. Klemann
Dr. Sheela Kori
Dr. Brandon S. Marks
Dr. Mark W. Marlowe
Dr. Elisha B. Mayes
Dr. Michael D. Millward
Dr. William R. Monacell
Dr. Christopher T. Morgan
Dr. John Ashby Morgan
Dr. Colleen E. Nash
Dr. Markus L. Niepraschk
Dr. Priya J. Patel
Dr. Coray L. Preece
Dr. Robert Quilez
Dr. Chanda A. Roberts
Dr. Cara N. Schantz
Dr. Scott V. Schlofman
Dr. David R. Stevens
Dr. Scott E. Stoddard
Dr. Zachary F. Strauss
Dr. Scott G. Thews
Dr. Benjamin C. Thornal IV
Atlas Resources, Inc.
Ms. Lindy M. Davies
Mrs. Christina Green
Mrs. Julie G. Welch
Wellpoint Associate Giving
Dr. Bruce P. Hawley
Dr. James Ray Lewis, Sr.
Mrs. Rhonda P. Austin
Dr. Fred G. Alouf, Jr.
Mrs. Melinda M. Austin
Mrs. Hilda Alvarez Bass
Dr. John I. Bowman, Jr.
Dr. Rowland L. Browder
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart D. Cherner
Mrs. Susan B. Chiarello
Ms. Pallavi K. Desai
Dr. Sayward E. Duggan
Dr. Charles W. Ford
Mrs. Katherine C. Hancock
Ms. Rebecca W. Headley
Mrs. Janet M. Herl
Dr. Gregory C. Hohl
Dr. David W. Holley
Mrs. Katherine Burts Jennell
Dr. Wesley P. Kandare
Dr. Lloyd C. March, Jr.
Dr. Thomas J. Martin
Dr. Andrew McDaniel
Ms. Beverly L. Morrison
Dr. Angela M. Ojibway
Mr. Barrett W. R. Peters
Dr. and Mrs. Watson O. Powell
Mr. Andrew J. Reinhardt
Dr. Frank R. Richardson
Dr. L. Kaye Segelken
Mrs. Sharon Jones Shortridge
Mrs. Edith K. Spritzer
Mr. and Mrs. Geroge A. Sterling, Sr.
Dr. Ernest E. Wooden III
Dr. Howard A. Woolwine
Dr. Kevin P. Snow
Ms. Susan G. Shaver
Dr. Jeffrey G. Allred
Dr. Emily J. Goldstein
Dr. Howard S. Tugwell
* Deceased
Thank you to all of our many investors to the school. This report
reflects activity from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. We make
every effort possible to report accurate information. Please accept
our apologies if we have made an error, and please notify us so
we may correct our records and express our sincerest apologies
to you.
Thank you.
Edward G. Kardos, Director of Development
To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to
use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which
they were given.
To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
To be assured that information about their donation is handled
with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by
To expect that all relationships with individuals representing
organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in
VIII. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers,
employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to
receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
Developed by:
American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC)
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Association of Fund Raising Professionals (AFP)
Ways to Invest
Giving to the school is donordriven. “If a donor is interested in making a difference, we
will see to it that we do our
best to make the dreams of
the donor come to life,” said
Ed Kardos, Director of
Development at the VCU
School of Dentistry. “We have
a variety of ways, whether
large or small, in which a
donor can invest in the students and the school, and a
gift that is meaningful to our
donors certainly is very meaningful to us.”
Giving to the school is donor-driven. “If a donor is interested in making a difference, we will see to it that we do our best to make the dreams of the donor come
to life,” said Ed Kardos, Director of Development at the VCU School of Dentistry.
“We have a variety of ways, whether large or small, in which a donor can invest
in the students and the school, and a gift that is meaningful to our donors certainly is very meaningful to us.”
Annual gifts provide critically needed support for the School of Dentistry and are
among the easiest ways to make a lasting difference at the school.
You may designate your gift to a specific department, program or scholarship.
Private support is crucial, as state dollars do not provide the margin of excellence
they may have decades ago. Annual giving is used for current needs with funding
directed towards innovations and items important in the day-to-day life of our
school, such as scholarships, outreach, service, continuing education and professional travel. These funds provide the flexibility to address immediate needs and
unbudgeted opportunities.
Major gifts make a major difference to our students and faculty. The impact is
apparent everywhere—in equipment, in enhancements in buildings both new and
old, in our comprehensive programs within our various learning environments and
in the quality of our students and faculty.
Major gifts offer the donor naming opportunities in many cases, which are available throughout the three dental buildings. We have naming opportunities for
everything from physical facilities to new technology, research funding to program
development and from endowed scholarships to professorships and chairs.
A named gift is the most enduring way to honor the memory of a loved one or a
faculty member that holds great meaning for you. Many donors permanently link
their own name with the school in this way.
Endowments never stop giving. The principal of your gift is invested and grows
over time, while a percentage of the income growth is distributed annually to support the purpose you have specified at the School of Dentistry.
Endowments are extremely important to the quality of our campus programs, as
they provide long-term financial stability, regardless of government funding and
changes in the economy.
You may create an endowment to support students, faculty, research or other programs at the school. We stand ready to assist you in designing an endowment and
structuring your gift to accomplish your specific goals.
A minimum gift of $10,000 is required to establish a new endowed fund; however,
there is no minimum or limit on gifts to existing endowments within the MCV
Tribute and memorial gifts remember a deceased friend or loved one. Tribute
gifts to mark a holiday, birthday or other special occasion also are welcome.
If you decide to send a check, please attach with your check your honoree’s
name and a note explaining your donation intentions so that we may thank you
and notify the individual or family of the individual being honored properly and
in a timely manner.
28 VCU School of Dentistry
Planned gifts are a wonderful way to support the school while incorporating
your philanthropic goals into your estate and financial planning. You may receive
financial benefits such as lifetime income for yourself or another and substantial
tax savings. The options are many, and our planned giving experts are here to
help you or your financial advisor tailor a plan that meets your individual objectives.
Planned gifts tend to fall into three broad categories:
Ruth Compton
Development Assistant
Phone: (804) 828-9245
• Gifts you make after your lifetime, such as bequests, retirement plan and life
insurance gifts
• Gifts you make in partnership with us (the MCV Foundation), such as charitable
gift annuities, deferred charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts
• Gifts you make now, such as outright gifts of cash, real estate and appreciated
Giving appreciated securities is an easy way to make a lasting impression on
the school. If your securities are held electronically with your broker, you may
send your broker a letter authorizing the transfer (not sale) of shares of specific
stock(s) to the MCV Foundation’s main brokerage account.
Jim Doyle
Director of Alumni Engagement
Phone: (804) 828-1138
Considerable tax benefits are an added benefit to gifts of appreciated securities.
Such benefits include:
• A charitable tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities at the
time of your gift
• Avoidance of the capital gains tax on the increase in value
• Reduction of the cost of the gift when a long- or mid-term appreciated stock
gift is made
The School of Dentistry Development team, in partnership with the MCV
Foundation, stands ready to assist you in exploring giving options and opportunities that will be meaningful and beneficial to both you and the school.
Edward G. Kardos
Director of Development
Phone: (804) 828-0324
Dr. James H. Revere
Director of Planned Giving
Phone: (804) 827-0438
Cristina Woods
Development Assistant
Phone: (804) 828-4516
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Dentistry
520 North 12th Street
P.O. Box 980566
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0566
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An equal opportunity, affirmative action university