SF Pride Parade
SF Pride Parade
Wondering what congregants think of Temple Sinai? As part of a comprehensive communications survey conducted this spring, the Communications Task Force asked temple members to list the three words they would use to describe Temple Sinai. More than 300 congregants responded, and this word cloud shows what they had to say. The biggest, boldest words represent the sentiments expressed most often. Warm, welcoming, inclusive, diverse, caring, friendly community, anyone? Watch for full survey results in the fall! SF Pride Parade Sunday, June 28, 10:30am This will be Temple Sinai’s 15th year marching in the San Francisco Pride Parade to show our support for LGBT rights and liberation. This year we will join a contingent organized by the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) and will march with over 25 Bay Area Congregations. The Parade kicks off at Market & Beale and ends at Market & 8th Street in downtown San Francisco. Please register at http://urj.org/west/SFpride/. For questions, contact Emmett Kohler at emmettkoehler@gmail.com. SUMMER SERVICES SHABBAT MINYAN Second Shabbat morning of each month, at 10:30am in the Albers Chapel The Shabbat Minyan is an exuberant and joyful lay-led service. This highly participatory celebration combines traditional elements with professionally led modern music. Volunteers (for chanting, readings, etc.) can contact Dan Fendel at dfendel@sfsu.edu. TUESDAY MORNING MINYAN Every Tuesday morning from 7:30am – 8:00am We begin in the Chapel at 7:30am with 10 minutes of learning (presented either by Rabbi Regev or a lay participant), followed by the prayer service itself, ending at 8:00am. SHABBAT MORNING TORAH STUDY Every Shabbat Morning from 9:00am – 10:15am Join Rabbi Mates-Muchin or Rabbi Regev in a stimulating discussion on the Torah. Discussions end in time for the 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service. EREV SHABBAT – MIZMOR SHIR! SERVICE Friday, June 19, 7:30pm A musical Shabbat service featuring Cantor Keys and the Mizmor Shir! musicians. After June, the next Mizmor Shir! service will be in September. JUNE JULY AUGUST Friday, June 5 Friday, July 3 Saturday, August 1 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, July 4 Friday, August 7 Friday, June 12 Friday, July 10 Saturday, August 8 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits; Upper Courtyard 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits; Upper Courtyard 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Binger; Sanctuary 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Wrinkle; Sanctuary 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service; Albers Chapel 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, June 13 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Isaac; Sanctuary Saturday, July 11 Friday, June 19 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel (NO Mizmor Shir! during the summer months!) 7:30pm, Social Action Shabbat with Mizmor Shir! Erev Shabbat Service featuring the Mizmor Shir! musicians and soulful music; Sanctuary (This is the last Mizmor Shir! service until after the High Holy Days) Saturday, June 20 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Annika Freeling; Sanctuary Friday, June 26 Friday, July 17 Saturday, July 18 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service led by the Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class; Sanctuary 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the B’nei Mitzvah of Ava and Emma Pederson and Stella Isaacs; Sanctuary 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, Senior Rabbi Ilene Keys, Cantor Yoni Regev, Rabbi Samuel Broude, Rabbi Emeritus Steven A. Chester, Rabbi Emeritus t Cantor Keys, Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Rabbi Regev Friday, August 14 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, August 15 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Sherman-Raz; Sanctuary Friday, August 21 Saturday, August 22 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Leo Cramer; Sanctuary Friday, July 31 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fujita; Sanctuary 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel (NO Mizmor Shir! during the summer months!) Friday, July 24 Saturday, July 25 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, June 27 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits; Upper Courtyard 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service led by the Adult B’nei Mitzvah class; Sanctuary Friday, August 28 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, August 29 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Goldberg; Sanctuary 4:30pm, Sababa Havdalah for Pre-K through 2nd grade children with their families; off site Mike Baker, President Paul Geduldig, Executive Director Sue Bojdak, Director of Education Ellen Lefkowitz, Preschool Director Lisa Hanauer, Director of Membership & Communications TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 7053) is published monthly except July and August by the First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609. Periodicals Postage Paid at Oakland, CA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai Bulletin, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland CA 94609-3605. 2 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP WE INVITE YOU TO SHARE IN OUR JOY AS WE ARE CALLED TO THE TORAH AS ADULT B’NEI MITZVAH SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2015; 10:30am Barbara Kluger Sue Getreuer Susan Emily Cohn Susan Rosenthal SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015; 10:30am Nancy Bronstein Carla Koren Ilene Levinson Annie Levy Barbara Richmon Adreana Rotenberry Helen Smiler Annabelle Travis Rem van Tijen Kiddush Luncheon to Follow www.oaklandsinai.org n 3 EVENTS FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Kumzits Shabbat* Summer Fridays at 6:30pm: June 5, July 3, August 7, September 4 Temple Sinai Upper Courtyard Join us for a family service around the fire. There will be lots of singing and s’mores. Come in campfire attire and bring a picnic blanket. *Kumzits is Yiddish for “come sit”. It is the tradition of singing, praying, socializing and building community around the campfire. Wine and Cheese with Atid Friday, June 19; 6:30pm in the Sacred Garden Please join Atid, Temple Sinai’s ‘20’s, 30’s and Young at Heart’ group, for a wine & cheese gathering before Erev Shabbat Services Summer Havdalah Hikes Saturdays, June 20, July 18, August 15; 5:30pm We meet in Redwood Park, in the last parking lot inside the Redwood Gate. Please join us as we hike the paved path through the trees then return to a picnic area for a short service followed by wine/cheese/snacks (please bring something if you are able). Please contact Richard Hart at richard.p.hart@gmail. com for more information. Sponsored by Temple Sinai’s Green Committee. Discussion with Dan Fendel Friday, July 10 after Erev Shabbat Services Dan Fendel will talk and show photos from the Gamliel Institute Study Mission that spent 2 ½ weeks in New York, Prague, and Israel this spring, studying the history and current state of Chevrah Kadisha and Jewish end-of-life practice. The group had unprecedented access and contact with groups and facilities in all three locations, seeing ancient documents, experiencing the depth of Kabbalah in Tsfat, and the depth of holiness in the work of the IDF Chevrah Kadisha, as well as making valuable connections for future work. Back by Popular Demand! Taqueria Sinai al Fresco Friday, July 17; 6:00pm Join us for dinner catered by Taqueria El Paisa in the Sacred Garden followed by Erev Shabbat services in the Albers Chapel. Advance registration required by July 13. taqueriasinai2015.eventbrite.com Discussion with Maya Katz-Ali Friday, July 24 after Erev Shabbat Services Temple Sinai’s own Maya Katz-Ali will be talking about her project called Ethiopians in Israel: Narratives of Identity, Struggle and Hope. Grief & Growing™: A healing weekend for bereaved individuals and families August 21 – 23, 2015 at Camp Newman This is a weekend program for adults, children, teens, families of all kinds, and friends who are experiencing grief from recent or past losses in their life. Grief & Growing™ is professionally guided by griefcare specialists, providing a supportive Jewish environment where people of all ages and backgrounds can meet and work with those who have experienced similar losses. Take time from the demands of your busy life at home to reflect and renew in a loving and caring Jewish community. For more information or registration: (415) 750-3436 www.jewishhealingcenter.org COMMUNITY PHOTOS top: Temple Sinai's Reform CA Team meet with District 15's Assemblymember Tony Thurmond. left: The Temple Sinai ‘Matzo Balls’ trivia team took 1st place at the New Parkway Theatre’s trivia night in May. Join the team! Contact Carolyn Hutton for information: batgirlctc@comcast.net 4 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 THANK YOU TO OUR TEACHERS WORSHIP Thank you to our wonderful Preschool and Religious School teachers for another great year! AMANDA ANN BOB CHRISTINE SUE DINA FELICIA IDA NATALIE TERRY JACKI JOSH RACHEL JEANIE ELAINE MALKA MICHELE ANNETTE JARON GABRIELLA MICHELLE RO JENN KELSEY LISA JEAN NATHANIEL MARSHALL MICHAEL BRUCE www.oaklandsinai.org n 5 VOLUNTEER FROM THE CANTOR’S APPRECIATION DESK Thank You For Making Us Who We Are Temple Sinai is special for many reasons. One of them is the high level of volunteerism in this community. We are who we are and we do what we do because of our volunteers. For everyone who has given time and energy to our congregation, thank you. In this bulletin edition, we want to particularly thank those volunteers who have served on a task force group in the past year. The task forces were formed to look at specific aspects of how our community works and to make recommendations to the staff and Board for future consideration. Additionally, there are a number of volunteers who are stepping down from significant leadership positions and we wish to recognize them here as well. Volunteer Taskforce The Volunteer Taskforce was charged with evaluating our current volunteer systems and developing recommendations to create meaningful and fulfilling volunteer opportunities at Temple Sinai. Thank you so much to CeCe Langs, chair, Laurie Leiber and Karen Tanner for jump starting this crucial conversation. LYNNE BELMONT JACKIE BERKMAN JENNIFER BOMZE JONATHAN CAREY ILANA DEBARE AMY JO GOLDFARB LUCY HARRIS ADRIENNE KIRSCHNER CECE LANGS LAURIE LEIBER DEENA LEVINE JAY MOMET LARRY STONE KAREN TANNER HELENA WEISS-DUMAN Tech Taskforce The Technology Taskforce was charged with assessing our technological status and needs and making recommendations moving forward. However, they did way more than that, and, in fact, have taken on a huge amount of work in an effort to upgrade nearly all of our systems and hardware. This will enable us to keep better records and will give us additional outlets for engaging with the community. We owe them tremendous thanks for their expertise, their dedication and their time. Thank you, Joan Waranoff, chair, Tom McCleary, Robert Einsbruch, Wyit Wright, Ben Galison and Larry Stone. Communications Taskforce The Communications Taskforce was charged with assessing our current communication systems by talking with staff, lay leadership and members of the congregation and making recommendations for a future communications strategy. Thank you to Adrienne Kirshner, chair, Jay Momet, Jennifer Bomze, Ilana DeBare, Amy Jo Goldfarb and Lynne Belmont for your creativity and excitement. 6 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 WORSHIP The world is sustained by three things: Torah, prayer and deeds of loving kindness. ~Pirke Avot Membership Taskforce TECH TASK FORCE MEMBERS: JOAN WARANOFF, TOM MCCLEARY, ROBERT EINSBRUCH, WYIT WRIGHT AND BEN GALISON. (LARRY STONE NOT PICTURED) The Membership Taskforce Committee was charged with recommending a plan to better reach out to prospective members, to continue to welcome and integrate new members and to explore ways of further building community within the congregation. Thank you to Jonathan Carey, chair, Amy Jo Goldfarb, CeCe Langs and Adrienne Kirschner. Social Media For the past few years, there are two members of our community who have been instrumental in helping us maintain a social media presence: Dawn Kepler and Linda Burnett. Thank you both for your enthusiasm, your energy, the wealth of beautiful photographs you have taken to document events, your time and your amazing dedication to our community. Hospitality Committee SUSAN LEVY AND BARBARA MORRISON DAWN KEPLER AND LINDA BURNETT A central piece of communal gathering is, of course, food. The Hospitality Committee has, for many, many years, ensured that aspect of our congregational life was presented with elegance, warmth and caring. The committee has decided to disband this year as our congregational needs are being served through other avenues. We want to express our immense gratitude to Laurie Leiber, chair, and the entire Hospitality Committee for helping to make Temple Sinai a friendly and welcoming place to be. Women of Temple Sinai’s Gift Shop Barbara Morrison and Susan Levy have run the Women of Temple Sinai Gift shop for many years, going out of their way to help and support our community with every Judaica need. Though they have both stepped down this year, the Gift Shop will continue to thrive thanks to Barbara and Susan’s commitment and leadership. Thank you! Wrestling Jerusalem While many individuals and committees lent a helping hand to bring Wrestling Jerusalem to Temple Sinai, it would never have happened without the hard work and leadership of Deena Levine-Lipsett. Thank you for all the coordination, communication and effort you put into bringing such a powerful program to Temple Sinai. Adult Education Committee The Adult Education Committee continues its work of creating and coordinating learning opportunities for all adults in our community. Thanks so much to Helena Weiss-Duman, who is stepping down from her position as co-chair this year. Our adult education programming owes a great deal to your leadership. Purim Spiel Our Purim Spiel is not only fun and entertaining, it not only enables us to celebrate Purim with a big splash, but it is also an amazing community building program, and one that is uniquely intergenerational. The success of the last nine years has been because of the dedication, creativity and patience of Jackie Berkman, director, and Lucy Harris, writer and music director. Thank you for the wonderful gift of this program to our congregation! www.oaklandsinai.org n 7 CONTRIBUTIONS Todah rabah! Thank you very much to the following who provided contributions to Temple Sinai. These donations were recorded between April 1 & May 15, 2015. For corrections or additions to this list, please contact lisa@oaklandsinai.org (510) 451-3263 x302. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Phil Rubin and Laurie Leiber CANTOR KEYS MUSIC FUND Jody Adelberg and Luanne Jenkins FINE ARTS FUND Reutlinger Community For Jewish Living In appreciation of the Tin Pan Alley Singers In honor of Elaya Jenkins-Adelberg’s Steve and Cindy Snow newly created Cantorial Internship at In support of the Fine Arts East End Temple, NYC Committee on Culture and In honor of Cantor Keys and Community Seth Bobrowsky on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah JOE REMCHO FUND FOR Maurice Engel In memory of Barbara Engel Alan and Renee Goldhammer In memory of Rose Goldhammer Melissa Schoen, Andy and Ben Huntington In honor of Ed and Fritzi Schoen’s 55th Wedding Anniversary Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner In honor of Seth Bobrowsky Bob and Kathy Knoll In memory of Andre Welmond Deena Levine-Lipsett and Michael Lipsett In memory of Hillel B. Levine PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS David Alexander, Polly Fox and Family In appreciation of Ronnie Caplane Lisa Hanauer In memory of Paula Bernstein Hanauer In honor of Susan Levy In honor of Barbara Morrison David Schlessinger and Karin Cooke LIBRARY FUND Bob and Kathy Knoll In memory of Joseph Knoll LIONEL BENAS In honor of Seth Bobrowsky becoming CONFIRMATION FUND a Bar Mitzvah Evelyn Benas In memory of Barbara Engel Robin Nagel Barbara and Bob Morrison In loving memory of Frieda Eva Guttmann Joan Natkin In appreciation of Cantor Keys Stan and Marty Ross In memory of Richard Inlander CARING COMMUNITY FUND Nadyne Epstein In memory of Maurice Porter RABBI CHESTER DISCRETIONARY FUND Jacki Annes In memory of Gladys Annes, Bernard Scherer, and Sam Bookbinder Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner In appreciation of Rabbi Chester’s participation in the Federation trip to Israel Barbara and Bob Morrison Peter and Diane Laub Chuck Ross and Mary Triest RABBI GIVING FUND Fred Isaac In memory of Melody Kepler In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND John Citron and Felicia Liu In honor of Robin Reiner Arnie Gutlaizer and Lisa Norris In memory of Estelle Frankel 8 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Nadyne Epstein In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin’s Installation as our first woman Senior Rabbi In memory of Ivy Blum John Citron and Felicia Liu In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin RABBI REGEV DISCRETIONARY FUND Maurice Engel In memory of Barbara Engel In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin for Bob and Kathy Knoll her installation as Senior Rabbi In memory of Barbara Engel Fred Fink and June Cochran In honor of David Fink for completing classes for his PhD at Columbia Leonore Foorman Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin In appreciation of Rabbi MatesMuchin’s participation in the Federation trip to Israel Paul and Sali Johnson In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Sima Khantsin On the occasion of Passover Barbara Beach Kotin and Geoff Kotin In honor of Denise Jacobson’s Birthday Deena Levine-Lipsett and Michael Lipsett In memory of Hillel Levine Tillie Molho In memory of Sam Mario Molho Robin Nagel In loving memory of her childhood friend, Jono Weiss Laura Simonson-Costain In celebration of her marriage REDUCING OUR DEBT FUND Jody Adelberg and Luanne Jenkins In appreciation of Barbara Morrison’s dedicated service Sue Bachman In appreciation of the Women of Temple Sinai and the gift shop Lisa Braver Moss and Mark Moss Jackie Berkman Shawn and Elizabeth Moyle Rabbi Samuel and Judith Broude Dick and Peg Roisman Leona Chester In appreciation of Jonathan Carey In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In honor of the life of Mitzi McClosky Bart Schenone and Sandie Margulies In memory of Alberta Schenone and in memory of Gerald S. Margulies Dana Sheanin and and Sue Bojdak In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin’s Installation Valerie Sopher In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on the occasion of her becoming Senior Rabbi Sandy and Marsha Van Broek In memory of Cecil Abraham Van Broek Duncan Watry and Ellen RABBI MATES-MUCHIN Greenberg DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin’s Jody Adelberg and Luanne Jenkins In appreciation of Robin Reiner on the occasion of Douglas Norris’ burial Mark and Jackie Berkman Linda Kamby and Paul Weir In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In memory of Alice Kamby Lorin Blum and Jean Brady CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN Seth and Molly Rosen Douglas and Lori Elefant Installation as our new Senior Rabbi In honor of Barbara Morrison In honor of Barbara Morrison In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Jane Cohen In honor of Barbara Morrison Robin Edwards In honor of Barbara Morrison and Susan Levy Nadyne Epstein In honor of Barbara Morrison for her service to the Temple Community Deana Freedman In honor of Barbara Morrison’s dedicated service to the WTS gift shop Phyllis Green In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Cherie Hallert In honor of Barbara Morrison Rhonda Hartman In honor of Barbara Morrison’s dedicated service to the WTS gift shop Janet Weinstein Joanne Jagoda Galen Hoskin and Dina Wolkoff CeCe Langs In appreciation of Barbara Morrison In honor of the installation of our wonderful Rabbi Jacqueline Cathy Kobel Mates-Muchin In appreciation of Barbara Morrison’s The celebration on Friday, May 8 was great contribution to the temple for emotional and memorable. years In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Laurie Leiber In honor of Barbara Morrison CONTRIBUTIONS Maureen Logan Nancy and Ethan Bronstein Arnie and Joyce Brown Barbara and Bob Morrison Donald Calvo and Estelle Baum In appreciation of Paul Geduldig Bootie Charon for his ten years of service to Temple Sinai – and his guidance through the Janis Clark transition to, and fundraising for, the Andy and Emily Cohen new building. Aron Cramer and Berit Ashla Barbara Morrison Mike Crommie In appreciation of the WTS Board Andrea Daniel and the many WTS members who Barry and Dori Dubin have volunteered for the Gift Shop Beth Eiselman over the years In appreciation of the Temple Sinai Mark and Kimberley Epstein Office Staff for their support of the Eva Federico WTS Gift Shop Adam Feldman and Patricia Osganian Pilar Strutin-Belinoff In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Fleishhacker Foundation Caroline Peters Leonore Foorman In honor of Barbara Morrison In honor of Barbara Morrison Fritzi Schoen In honor of Barbara Morrison In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on the occasion of her installation as Senior Rabbi Mary Triest Gary and Susan Forman Barbara Whitgob Harvey and Deana Freedman Larry Ginsburg In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Donald and Dava Freed In honor of Barbara Morrison’s many years of service managing the WTS gift shop Pearl Wolffs In honor of Mike Baker leading the Board Glenn and Ricki Oleon David Peterkofsky and Wendy Spander Geoff Piller and Karen Tiedemann Dick and Peg Roisman Seth and Molly Rosen Phil Rubin and Laurie Leiber Rob and Eileen Ruby Bart Schenone and Sandie Margulies Michelle Siegel Aaron Sheanin Mark Snyder and Dawn Kepler Karen Sternstein Frances Stevens and Jen Rainin Temple Sinai Senior Staff Janet Weinstein Helena Weiss-Duman and Dan Duman Matthew and Sarah Weisman Linda Yaffe In honor of Susan Levy Mary Triest In appreciation of Susan Levy Pearl Wolffs In honor of Susan Levy Margery Zelles In appreciation of Susan Levy WHERE THE NEED IS GREATEST FUND Rabbi Ruth Adar and Linda Burnett In apprecation of Rabbi MatesMuchin. We are thrilled she is our new Senior Rabbi! Randall and Cheryl Berger In memory of Gerald Berger Dick and Jane Cohen In memory of Ruth Sperling In memory of Elaine Cohen Goldingay Cheryl Dembe In honor of Shirley Dembe URJ CAMP Paul Dresnick SCHOLARSHIPS FUND In memory of Kenneth Rothman Jody Adelberg and Luanne Jenkins Dan and Nina Fendel In appreciation of Susan Levy’s dedicated service Steve Goldstein and Pat Livingston In appreciation of Barbara Morrison Sue Bachman Tom Gold and Lucy Harris In appreciation of Susan Levy’s work RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Brett Remy and Ann Gordon for the Women of Temple Sinai and the gift shop Matt Fogelson and Jodi Short Frances Greenberg In memory of Mitzi McClosky Jackie Berkman Brian and Christina Greenberg In honor of Susan Levy David Lerner and Charmaine Toy Arnie Gutlaizer and Lisa Norris Rabbi Samuel and Judith Broude Lisa Hanauer Steven Chen and Rachel Saidman In honor of Susan Levy Michael and Sarah Handelsman SOCIAL ACTION/ Leona Chester Shelley Horwitz ANTI-HUNGER FUND In appreciation of Susan Levy Joe and Beth Hurwich Randy and Jan Kessler Nadyne Epstein Neil and Denise Jacobson In memory of Ellen Miller In honor of Susan Levy for her service Eliot and Philippa Jubelirer to the Temple Community SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND Howard and Sarah Kaplan Deana Freedman Raidelle Newman Moss Kardener and In honor of Susan Levy’s dedicated In memory of Leonora E Hirsch and Renee Grimani-Kardener service to the WTS gift shop Joseph J Hirsch Randy and Jan Kessler Rhonda Hartman In honor of Susan Levy’s dedicated Jim and Gail King TEMPLE SINAI TECHNOLOGY service to the WTS gift shop UPGRADES Jeff and Adrienne Kirschner CeCe Langs Chuck Adams and Dena Belzer Michael and Patty Kirschner Jason and Jennifer Alderman Terry Alexander and John Blaustein Jim Allison and Margaret Lindenstein Barbara Arnold and Andrew Brown Gerson and Barbara Bakar Al and Barbara Barza Elaine Binger Dave Birnbaum and Liz Beck Adam and Dana Blankman Ed and Fritzi Schoen In memory of Ruth Fendel In memory of Irvin Fendel Allen Gardner In memory of Herman Green Doris Goldman In memory of Dr. Melvin Goldman Patricia Golde In memory of Barbara Engel Cathy Kobel and Robert Altbaier In memory of Aaron Kobel Ward and Elaine Lindenmayer In memory of Paxton H. Ackerman Frank and Libby Silver Robert and Judy Simons Nathan Stein In memory of Laurel Stein Murray and Janet Gordon In honor of Audrey Adler’s birthday. In appreciation of Susan Levy In honor of Adrienne Kirschner’s appointment to the Board of Trustees Laurie Leiber In honor of Susan Levy Matthew and Corinne Kreeger Richard and Alice Kulka Pat Kurzman Peter and Diane Laub Eric Lipsitt and Brenda Eskenazi Jay Momet Brett and Linsey Morrison Mark Moss and Lisa Braver Moss In appreciation of Lisa Hanauer, Rizwan Mir, and staff Neil and Zell Nathanson Maureen Logan In honor of Susan Levy Barbara and Bob Morrison In memory of Margie Siegan Barbara Morrison In appreciation of Susan Levy for her outstanding support co-managing the WTS Gift Shop with me for over a decade Caroline Peters In honor of Susan Levy www.oaklandsinai.org n 9 WTS FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Women of Temple Sinai Your membership in WTS helps fund Camp Newman and Israel Trip scholarships, provide financial support to Temple Sinai education programs from pre-school to Midrasha, coordinate various programs of interest to our members, and to collaborate with other Temple Sinai affinity groups in organizing and delivering wonderful events for the entire Temple Sinai community. Through our membership in the international organization, Women of Reform Judaism, we support social and education issues of importance to the global community of Jewish women. WTS is planning a new year of fun, friendship and interesting programs. Please consider joining the board or helping to plan an activity. No experience required. Compensation is immeasurable. Please contact Teri Bleckner, Teri.bleckner@gmail.com or Ricki Oleon, roleon@aol.com. WTS HONORS BARBARA MORRISON AND SUSAN LEVY: Susan Levy and Barbara Morrison were honored Sunday May 3rd with a lovely afternoon tea, complete with songs (Sherri Richards, Sandy Goldberg, Robin Reiner, Elaine Bachrach) and speeches (Robin Reiner) for their many years of dedication to WTS in chairing the WTS Gift Shop for Temple Sinai’s congregation. Elaine Bachrach’s garden was filled with women enjoying specialties made by Beth Eiselman, Sue Bachman, Zell Nathanson and Sydney Schimmel and desserts made by Sandy Goldberg. COCKTAILS, CARDS AND CAMARADERIE Wednesday, June 10; 7:00pm The Women of Temple Sinai Board of Directors invite you to our final board meeting and event of the season, “Cocktails, Cards and Camaraderie”. Join us for a very short business meeting followed by food, spirits and games. Tables will be set up to play Mah Jongg, Bridge, Mexican Train and Scrabble. If you have a favorite, please let us know. All are welcome. Location is still to be determined. For more information or to RSVP, contact Estelle Baum at (510) 541-5195 or dominodog@aol.com. WTS: A YEAR IN REVIEW AND A LOOK AHEAD: We had a busy, productive, and fun year. In September, we had a chance to meet and greet Rabbi Regev and to sing and swing to the music of the Jazz Trio. Our Film Series drew scores of attendees and stimulated much conversation. The Hanukkah party was fun and drew from a wide range of our membership. WTS Shabbat Service in January brought out the incredible creativity of our women. The Women’s Seder was a joyous celebration, with over a dozen of our religious school girls participating and flawlessly reciting the four questions. We hosted monthly book groups, luncheons, and bridge games. Weekly Mah Jongg lessons and games were well attended. The coming year will bring many opportunities to come together to study, worship, socialize and support our Temple community. ON-GOING WITH WTS DAYTIME BOOK CLUB Meets the third Wednesday of the Month at 1:00pm in room 310. June 17, 2015 – “Once We Were Brothers” by Ronald H. Balson July 15, 2015 – “Euphoria” by Lily King August 19, 2015 – “A Replacement Life” by Boris Fishman September 16, 2015 – “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry” by Rachel Joyce WTS TO HOST WRJ PACIFIC DISTRICT AREA DAY: SUNDAY, JULY 19th Women from Sisterhoods around the Bay Area and Central Valley will gather at Temple Sinai for the WRJ Pacific District Annual Meeting. Rabbi Mates-Muchin will be joined by other rabbinic colleagues in facilitating workshops. The $39 registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. For more information and to obtain a registration packet, contact Peggy Martin at peggymarti@aol.com. SAVE THE DATE: SEPTEMBER 20th WTS OPENING BRUNCH Please mark your calendars for the WTS Opening Brunch planned for Sunday, September 20th. A delightful afternoon of friendship, food and entertainment is in the formative stages! 10 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 The Sinai contingent (Sue Bachman, Lynne Belmont, Lynn Simon, Ricki Oleon, Estelle Baum…plus Rabbi and Leona Chester) were at the Shalom Bayit annual event, Creating Hope in April BROTHERHOOD and PEOPLE OF THE WORSHIP BOOK Brotherhood The Temple Brotherhood is planning some entertaining and enlightening events for the coming months. Mark your calendars and be sure to join us: Brotherhood Annual Dinner – Thursday, June 11 Rabbi Regev will speak on “The Current State of Israeli Politics.” Monaghan’s, 2820 Mountain Blvd. near Joaquin Miller Drive in Oakland; 6:30 cocktails, 7:30 dinner, $40 per person. An informal social gathering, the annual dinner is a chance to relax and kibbitz with fellow Sinai-ites. New members are always welcome. RSVP to Bob Morrison at rlmlarry@aol.com. Oakland A’s Jewish Heritage Night – Tuesday, August 4 A’s vs. the Baltimore Orioles. Jewish heritage give-aways at the game are part of the fun. $28 per ticket. Contact Barry Dubin at bdubin68@gmail.com for more information. Annual Jack Weinstein Memorial Golf Tournament – Sunday, Sept. 20 Tilden Park Golf Course. We will have an afternoon start this year, followed by dinner. This is the main fundraising event organized by the Brotherhood each year and has become a popular way to support good causes such as scholarships for religious school, preschool, trips to Israel, and camperships to Camp Newman. For more information contact Glenn Oleon at gpoleon@aol.com. Tenth Annual Jack Weinstein Memorial Golf Scramble Upcoming Brotherhood meetings will be held on Thursday, July 9, and Thursday, August 13. They are usually, but not always, held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm. We discuss additional ways we can provide financial and volunteer support to activities and events at the Temple. Meetings and membership are open to all. For more information contact Dan Crouch at dlcrouch@comcast.net. People of the Book Literacy Project Since 1998, we have partnered with many schools in the Oakland Unified School District: Longfellow, Lazear, and Santa Fe (now closed or converted to charter schools), Think College Now, Greenleaf, International Community School, Sankofa, and most recently Bella Vista. We’ve stocked libraries and held annual school-wide book giveaways, tutored at two schools each year, organized a teen after-school program and a very successful Adopt-a-Family program, as well as food drives, school supplies drives, annual author visits to each school and programs with the Golden State Warriors. As we celebrate our 17th year — a generation! — we want to thank all the volunteers who have made this possible. In the last few years alone, we have relied on Rubi Abrams, Carla Anders, Blanca Bang, Evelyn Benas, Emily Berenberg Schlesinger, Teri Bleckner, Tracey Borst, Diane Brett, Richard Burge, Bootie Charon, Leona Chester, Lois Clauson, Sandy Cohn, Helen Dittmer, Cole Duman, Flora Feldman, Ginny Fine, Susan Forman, Marilyn Friedman, Crissi Goldman, Barbara Gross, Louis Guzman-Woldrich, Beth Hurwich, Nancy Klehr Nancy Lenahan, Julie Millman and Malena, Julie Palley, Nancy Parker,Mary Nelson (stepped down at the end of 2013-14), Jen Rainin, Frances Rainin, Susan Rancer, Ted Rossini, Dagmar Serota, Ellen Sirbu, Helen Smiler, Sylvia Smith, Cindy Snow, Naomi Stein, Jean Stein, Judy Stettner, Beverly Stone, Gary Stower, Sandy Summerfield, Mary Tishman, Sarah Weisman, Helena Weiss-Duman and Judy Zollman, Sue Bachman, Sandy Cohn, Helena and Cole. We also thank everyone who has helped over the history of the project, but there isn’t enough space. We particularly want to express our gratitude to friends who have held leadership positions for years, but are phasing out of these duties. Lois Clauson has helped to coordinate tutors at Sankofa Academy; Susan Forman will be taking over that role (and looking for another volunteer to help). Mary Nelson and Judy Zollman have coordinated Greenleaf tutors, but next year Sylvia Smith and Diane Brett will take over. And Beth Hurwich will no longer coordinate the after-school program. The Literacy Project has truly been a congregation-wide effort. Without the constant gifts of books – well over 100,000 over the years – and funds, as well as the support of clergy and our religious school, we would not be able to have such a great impact on our Oakland community. Thank you all for your support! www.oaklandsinai.org n 11 FROM THE CANTOR’S PRESCHOOL, MIDRASHA DESK AND YOUTH Celebrating our Volunteers! As we reflect on the school year that is now coming to a close, one teaching comes to mind from Pirke Avot, “Do not separate yourself from your community”. In other words, it takes a village to build and sustain a community and all of us contribute to this community in our own way. In our school programs, we want to celebrate the many individuals who have given back in ways large and small. Our volunteers have dedicated much time and energy in supporting us this year and throughout the years to create a welcoming, meaningful, and vibrant place for our families and children. In this issue of the Bulletin you will find a list of names of the people who are moving on from specific volunteer roles here at Sinai and specifically for us in the Education department. To these people, we offer our deepest appreciation and gratitude and to everyone who continues to give, we say thank you. What a list of names cannot reflect are the myriad of ways in which people give of their time, from appreciating our staff with food, to stuffing envelopes, attending meetings and taking leadership positions, nudging friends to join us for events and programs, organizing gatherings, opening one’s home to fellow congregants and community members, and countless other things. We are a stronger community because of the dedication of our volunteers. And, we know that much of what we do would not happen without the support of our volunteers. People volunteer for many different reasons and it is our hope that for whatever reason one feels inspired to help, that the act of volunteering in our programs has been enriching for that individual as well. To all of our volunteers who are continuing on in their work or are moving on to other things, may you go from strength to strength. Rov Todot – Many thanks, Sue Bojdak and Ellen Lefkowitz Thank you to the following Preschool Parent Committee Members who are completing their time at the preschool and, therefore, their leadership in the PPC. Amy Jo Goldfarb, Christina Greenberg, Naomi Stein, Holly Bybee, Stef Jenzeh, Adrienne Kirschner, Colleen Orfuss, Chelsea Sachs, Taryn Segal Preschool Registration is Still Open! It’s not too late! There are still a few precious spots left in our preschool program for the 2015-16 school year. Contact Ellen Lefkowitz at Ellen@oaklandsinai.org or call (510) 451-3263 to get registered. 12 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 2015-2016 Religious School Registration Time is HERE It’s not too late! You can still register for Religious School for the fall. Registration materials are available on-line. Visit oaklandsinai.org for the link or contact Marcy Walsh at mwalsh@oaklandsinai.org for instructions. Got questions about our Religious School program? Contact Sue Bojdak at sue@oaklandsinai.org today! Youth Trip to Waterworld Sunday, August 30 ALL Temple Sinai 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (that’s practically everyone) are invited to kick off the school year with your Temple Sinai friends at our annual trip to WATERWORLD! We’ll meet at temple at 10:30am and head over to Waterworld by bus with friends old and new and we’ll return to temple by 5:30pm. The cost for this trip is $55 for all payments received by August 25. Space is limited. DON’T MISS OUT!!! Camp Chaverim 2015! We are so excited about Temple Sinai Preschool’s Camp Chaverim. This summer’s theme is Shomrei Adamah: the Jewish value of taking care of the earth. The groups will be different colored rolly pollies. We’ve got some fun enrichments planned like visits from the bubble lady, recycling truck, East Bay Vivarium and more special guests! Family Engagement Coordinator and Associate Preschool Director! Our new Associate Preschool Director Rachel Fenyves is certainly not new to the preschool or to Temple Sinai. Rachel is starting her 10th year here at Sinai. We are thrilled to welcome her into this new role which is a natural step in her growth as a Jewish early childhood professional. In addition to teaching, she recently received a certificate in Jewish Early Childhood from Gratz College, worked as our Jewish Resource Specialist, and is currently participating in a national program called the Jewish Early Childhood Leadership Institute. Rachel brings to the position a wealth of teaching experience, leadership training, and a deep love of Jewish early childhood education. She will continue in her part-time role as Family Engagement Coordinator. She looks forward to stepping into this administrative role beginning June 15th and to continue serving our community of families here at the preschool and Temple Sinai. Please stop by the preschool office to say hello! B’NEI MITZVAH AND SUMMER B’nei Mitzvah Naomi Helen Binger Daughter of Richard Binger and Andrea Binger Saturday, 6/6/2015 Stella Isaacs Daughter of Myron & Angela Isaacs Saturday, 6/27/2015 Maya June Fujita Daughter of Neal Fujita & Tammy Medress Saturday, 8/8/2015 Rebecca Claire Lifshitz Isaac Daughter of Karl Isaac & Marlo Sandler Saturday, 6/13/2015 Ava Reese Pedersen Daughter of Roderick Pedersen and Zoe Francesca Saturday, 6/27/2015 Joshua Ruben Sherman-Raz Son of Jeffery Raz & Sharon Sherman Saturday, 8/15/2015 Annika Helen Freeling Daughter of David & Nicole Freeling Saturday, 6/20/2015 Emma Umiko Pedersen Daughter of Roderick Pedersen and Zoe Francesca Saturday, 6/27/2015 Samuel Goldberg Son of Carl & Sarah Goldberg Saturday, 8/29/2015 Gabi Cota (in Barcelona, Spain) Daughter of Mark & Allison Cota Thursday, 6/25/2015 Jake Cota (in Barcelona, Spain) Son of Mark & Allison Cota Thursday, 6/25/2015 Leo Ashla Cramer Son of Aron Cramer & Berit Ashla Saturday, 7/25/15 Sarah Wrinkle Daughter of Brent & Alisa Wrinkle Saturday, 8/1/2015 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER: Sunday, September 27 & Wednesday, September 30 Religious School Begins! Fun things to do this summer with a Jewish twist Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco Jewish Books, Games, Toys, Music Families experience new adventures in drop-in art-making every Sunday. Learn more about the exhibitions on display, the building’s architecture, or Jewish holidays and traditions, while experimenting with materials and art techniques. Sundays from 1:00pm – 3:00pm. thecjm.org Afikomen Judaica, 3042 Claremont Avenue in Berkeley (510) 655-1977 or afikomen.com PJ Library The Jewish Federation of the East Bay is distributing free, age-appropriate, Jewish-content books and music to families with children from 6 months to age 6½. There are also local community PJ Library events. Sign up to receive free books and music. eastbayjews.org/pjlibrary/index.html Jewish Children’s Media Explore G-dcast: Meaningful Jewish Media for all ages! g-dcast.com A whole set of Shalom Sesame DVDs were created for this generation of young children. It is a wonderful introduction to Jewish life and Israel through our favorite characters from Sesame Street. shalomsesame.org Like the “Sprout East Bay” Facebook page facebook.com/groups/SproutEastBay www.oaklandsinai.org n 13 LIFECYCLES BIRTHDAYS JUNE 6/1 Corinne Kreeger 6/1 Sarah Larson 6/2 Stephen Eiselman 6/2 Brett Lee Remy 6/3 David Liebman 6/3 Sol Miller 6/3 Karen Sternstein 6/3 Myrna Vidor 6/4 Frances Greenberg 6/4 Justin Thomas Hunt 6/4 Reesa Tansey 6/5 Stanley Lichtenstein 6/5 Warner Bein Oberndoerfer 6/6 Martha Ross 6/8 Robert Eisenbach 6/8 Roger Mann 6/9 Adam Blankman 6/9 Barry Goldstein 6/9 Maurice Levitch 6/9 Raidelle E. Newman 6/9 Susan Singer 6/10 Holly Brock-Cohn 6/11 Mark Drexler 6/13 Evelyn Benas 6/13 Stephen Dell 6/13 Amy Kahn Kelly 6/13 Jack Stuart Summerfield 6/14 Rhea Rubin 6/14 Zona Sage 6/15 Jared Price 6/16 William Berland 6/17 Lisa Orta 6/19 Carol Bieri 6/19 Katie Rodan 6/19 Bruce Schwab 6/20 Hannah Goody 6/20 Fredric Herskowitz 6/22 Barry Gross 6/22 Alexander Van Broek 6/23 James Smallman 6/24 Nate Estep 6/26 Theodora Schwab 6/27 June Brumer 6/28 Barbara Gettelman 6/28 Martha Liao 6/28 Kathie Zatkin 6/29 Remi Rubel JULY 7/1 Maria Gracia Sugahara-Henderson 7/2 Raine Rude 7/2 Gay Schrag 7/2 Beth Wolinsky 7/3 Joan Fierer 7/3 Scott Sugarman 7/4 Judith Noveshen 7/4 Stephanie Reif 7/7 Edward Abramson 7/7 Colette Sidi-Schoulal 7/8 Valdemar Jordan 7/10 Berit Ashla 7/12 Elisa Goody 7/14 David Burk 7/14 Matthew Cooper 7/14 Michele Stone 7/15 Sherri Richards 7/15 Lillian Rubenstein 7/16 Leona Chester 7/16 Glen Dahlbacka 7/17 Alice Kulka 7/18 David Libby 7/19 Gary Beasley 7/19 Michelle Fang 7/19 Rebecca Sydnor 7/19 Erik Zwerling 14 n Temple Sinai n Summer 2015 7/20 Jean Brady 7/21 Ruth Jaffe 7/21 Gary Sirbu 7/22 Barbara Gouveia 7/22 Jessica Weiss 7/23 Bette Epstein 7/24 Anita Backer 7/24 Naomi Rudinow Cohen 7/24 Susan Kahn Levy 7/25 Carole Robinow 7/25 Marlene Sakol 7/26 Zubair Ali 7/26 Linda Yaffe 7/27 Sadie Braun 7/27 Israel Halpert 7/27 Beth Karren 7/27 Leslie Rose 7/27 Karen Zwerling 7/28 Miriam Bloomberg 7/28 Donna Buttlaire 7/28 Andrea Hess 7/28 Charles Ross 7/29 Barbara Gross 7/29 Bailey Peters 7/29 Libby Silver 7/30 Margi Brill AUGUST 8/1 David Bobrowsky 8/2 Jonathan Blatteis 8/2 Stephen Goodman 8/2 Michael Rothschild 8/3 Joshua Sonnenfeld 8/6 Neil Muchin 8/6 Judith Stettner 8/7 Jessica S. Pers 8/8 Thomas Smail 8/10 Karen Bowen 8/10 Edgar J. Schoen 8/11 Debra Berenberg 8/11 Harold Rubenstein 8/12 Leonore Foorman 8/12 Merilee Hoffman 8/12 Roderick Pedersen 8/14 Trish Elliott 8/14 Irving Schnayer 8/14 Lisbeth Schwab 8/14 Martin Zwerling 8/15 Benjamin Simon 8/16 Stephen Hasegawa 8/17 Carole Krumland 8/18 Irwin Feinberg 8/18 Stephen Fox 8/18 Ted Krumland 8/18 Roslyn Tunis 8/19 Muriel Schnayer 8/20 Heather Meil 8/21 Richard Cohen 8/21 Elaine Markowitz 8/22 Jacqueline James 8/22 Ruth Michaels 8/24 Ari Levy 8/24 Dan Salomon 8/25 Elaine Bachrach 8/25 Elana Vitek 8/27 Colleen Sanford 8/28 David Adler 8/28 Ronald Rubenstein 8/29 Lisa Hyman Larkin 8/30 Ann Bornstein 8/30 Allison Ketler 8/30 Pat Kurzman 8/30 Art Spander 8/30 Jack Wahrhaftig 8/31 Derrick Kirkwood 8/31 Mary Pezzuto ANNIVERSARIES NEW MEMBERS JUNE 6/1 David Berger & Helle Vistisen 35 6/3 Jason & Jennifer Alderman 20 6/3 Clifford Shapiro & Doreen Ludemann 25 6/4 Sidney & Lucia Phillips 60 6/4 Benjamin and Stephanie Lepow 10 6/7 Lawrence Berman & Rhea Rubin 40 6/8 Joseph & Beth Hurwich 40 6/10 Andrew & Randi Drake 15 6/10 Ron & Jocelyn Weiss 25 6/12 Jack & Lila Wahrhaftig 60 6/14 Zack Wasserman & Meg Zweiback 45 6/16 Michael & Linda Baker 45 6/18 Rabbi Samuel & Mrs. Judith Broude 65 6/20Arthur & Meredith Stanten 61 6/22Maury & Barbara Engel 63 6/25Vincent & Kari Stewart 15 6/26Herb & Marilyn Friedman 50 6/27Herman & Betty Anne Lipow 67 6/28Stephen & Paula Arnold 45 6/28Jean Savy & Nancy Lowenthal 40 6/29Bernard & Carol Sideman 68 JULY 7/1 Mark & Kimberley Epstein 20 7/1 Irving & Muriel Schnayer 66 7/2 Kevin Griffith & Adrienne Oberstein 20 7/3 Gerald & Carolyn Michaels 35 7/5 John & Suzanne Weiss 30 7/5 Ronald & Caroline Peters 45 7/6 Stephen & Betsy Goodman 30 7/10 Sidney & Sandra Zusman 55 7/10 Steven & Diana Brenner 10 7/11 Victor & Joan Sonenberg 61 7/13 Greg Lieberknecht & Patricia Mintz 15 7/16 Jonathan & Marni Weinstock 10 7/16 Jared & Linda Price 15 7/20Robert & Flora Feldman 35 7/21 Mark & Maxine Eisenberg 30 7/22Dan & Natalie Crouch 40 7/23Mark & Liz Daoust 10 7/23Stanley & Adeline Kahn 65 7/25Robert & Bette Epstein 50 7/25Mitch & Lai-Ming Meyer 35 7/29Matthew Fogelson & Ms. Jodi Short 15 7/31 Josh Nelson & Lee Hanten 5 7/31 Andrew Henderson & Maria Sugahara-Henderson 15 AUGUST 8/1 Ronald & Erica Rubenstein 45 8/3 Michael Appleton & Pamela Sawyer 40 8/5 Henry Gutman & Grace Walcott 20 8/10 Thomas Gold & Lucy Harris 35 8/12 Richard Nagler & Sheila Sosnow 35 8/12 Jim & Gail King 25 8/16 Daniel & Gail Rubinfeld 45 8/17 Dennis & Tracy Albers 30 8/19 Layne Martin & Jennifer Bomze 15 8/20Christopher Clarke & Mara Tobis 10 8/21 Brian & Anne Rabkin 10 8/21 Ronald & Sue Bachman 55 8/23Scott & Sandy Baker 35 8/24Michael & Leslye Davidson 35 8/24Joe & Sherry Felson 35 8/24Fred & Anne Herskowitz 40 8/27Jason & Annie Kantor 20 8/30Rich & Robin Edwards 45 Deborah and Adam Miller, Aviva (age 2) Wayne Lippman MAZEL TOV! Andrew Appleton married Rayna Gordon-Hellman on May 16, 2015. Proud Parents: Michael Appleton & Pamela Sawyer It’s a girl! Elodie Litten Weintraub was born February 26, 2015. Proud parents: Elizabeth & David Weintraub It’s a girl! Talia Gabriella Moore was born April 30, 2015. Proud Grandparents: Randy Perrin & Karen Tanner She’s a Rabbi! Mazel Tov to Rabbi Lara Pullan Regev on her ordination on May 17, 2015. Mazel Tov to Lisa Braver Moss on the publication of her book, “Celebrating Brit Shalom.” REMEMBRANCES (THROUGH MAY 14, 2015) Susan Frahm Modlin, congregant and wife of Raymond Modlin Barbara Engel, congregant and wife of Maurice Engel Gertrude D.T. Schimmel, mother-in-law of Sydney Firestone Schimmel Kathy Rose, sister of Eileen Ruby Rosa Maria Nuques, grandmother of Jill Broadhurst Janice Miller, congregant and wife of Frank Miller z’l Shirley Dembe, mother of Cheryl Dembe THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR ONEG SPONSORSHIP: 6/6 6/13 6/20 6/27 6/27 7/25 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/29 Binger Family Isaac & Sandler Family Freeling Family Isaacs Family Pedersen & Francesca Family Cramer & Ashla Family Wrinkle Family Fujita & Medress Family Raz & Sherman Family Goldberg Family Birthdays and Anniversaries are listed in multiples of 5. Any birthday or anniversary that ends in a 0 or a 5 will be listed. Mazel Tov! Temple Sinai Summer 2015 sunday monday tuesday May 31 June 1 7 8 5:30pm Hebrew Free Loan Gala (co-sponsored by Temple Sinai) 10:00am Preschool End of Year Picnic (offsite) 14 7:30pm Finance Committee Meeting wednesday 7:30amTuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 2 12:00pm WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:30amTuesday Morning Minyan 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 9 Last Day of Preschool 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 12:30pm Shemesh/Perachim – End of Year Ceremony 7:00pm WTS Board Meeting 5 11 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 12 6 13 16 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 1:00pm WTS Book Group 6:00pm Social Action Committee Meeting 7:00pm Temple Board Meeting 17 18 6:30pm Atid Wine and Cheese Gathering 7:30pm Erev Shabbat – Mizmor Shir! Service 19 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Annika Freeling 5:30pm Havdalah Hike 24 25 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 26 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with B’not Mitzvah of Ava Pederson, Stella Isaacs and Emma Umiko Pedersen July 1 2 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors’ Lunch 23 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting SF Pride Parade 28 29 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 30 11:30pm WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 5 6 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7 12 13 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 14 20 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors’ Lunch 21 28 3 Independence Day Observed Preschool and Office Closed 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits in Upper Courtyard 8 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:15pm WTS Board Meeting 6:00pm Adult B’nei Mitzvah 7:30pm Brotherhood Board Meeting (Offsite) 9 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 27 4 Independence Day 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service 10 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 17 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Adult B’nei Mitzvah 5:30pm Havdalah Hike 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Leo Cramer 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Wrinkle 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fujita 15 16 6:00pm Taqueria Sinai 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service (No Mizmor Shir! Service) 12:15pm Al-Anon meeting 22 23 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 24 12:15pm Al-Anon meeting 29 30 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 31 5 6 6:00pm Adult B’nei 12:15pm Al-Anon meeting Mitzvah rehearsal 1:00pm WTS Book Group Meeting 6:00pm Social Action Committee Meeting 20 11 18 25 26 27 2 3 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 4 9 10 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11 12:15pm Al-Anon meeting 7:15pm WTS Board Meeting 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 7:30pm Brotherhood Board Meeting (Offsite) 13 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 14 17 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 18 19 20 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service (No Mizmor Shir! Service) 21 23 24 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors’ Lunch 7:00pm Adult Choir 25 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 6:00pm Adult B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsal 1:00pm WTS Book Group Meeting 6:00pm Social Action Committee Meeting 7:00pm Temple Board Meeting 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 26 27 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 28 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Goldberg 30 31 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:00pm Adult Choir 2 3 4 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Lucas Terk 6:30pm Slichot 16 Youth Event: Waterworld for 4th - 12th grade (Offsite) 4 saturday 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Binger 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Lifshitz Isaac 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 22 7:30pm Finance Committee Meeting 6:30pm Brotherhood Annual Dinner friday 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service Kumzits in Upper Courtyard 15 21 19 3 10 Fathers’ Day WRJ Pacific District Annual Meeting thursday 7:30pm Preschool Parent Committee Meeting 7:30pm Finance Committee Meeting Sept 1 11:30pm WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 12 11:30pm WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service – Kumzits in Upper Courtyard 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service – Kumzits in Upper Courtyard 7 Aug 1 8 15 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Sherman-Raz 5:30pm Havdalah Hike 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Adult B’nei Mitzvah 22 29 www.oaklandsinai.org 5 n 15 PERIODICAL First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland Temple Sinai 2808 Summit Street Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 451-3263 www.oaklandsinai.org About Beit Olam Planning a cemetery visit around Father’s Day? If you’re not sure of a relative’s location, call your friendly cemetery administrator before you go. Staff aren’t there on weekends but we’d HOME love to help you! If the lawn is looking a o f ETERNIT Y little less lush than usual, that’s because we’re conserving water. There are about 50 double graves available now. Want more information? Wondering where to start with funeral and cemetery planning? You know who to call. Robin Reiner, Friendly Cemetery Administrator cemetery@oaklandsinai.org or (510) 325-7073. Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Tillie Molho at the memorial unveiling ceremony on March 29 WTS Gift Shop We are sure you have walked by the glass cases at Temple more times than you can count and either ignored the contents or thought you might like to purchase something...later. You most likely have wondered why we persist in coaxing you to buy the wide variety of frogs and hopping matzo balls for Passover, whimsical menorahs for Hanukkah or even the beautiful tallit for your B’nei Mitzvah child. Not only are we trying to make your Judaica shopping a little easier, we want to remind you that all of the proceeds from sales go back to the Temple in the form of donations. We help to fund camperships, special projects for the Religious School and Preschool, B’nei Mitzvah kiddish cups and confirmation bibles, and other needs that may arise throughout the year. If you would like to make a purchase or just see something in one of the cases that interests you, don’t hesitate to contact Estelle Baum at (510) 541-5195 or Ricki Oleon at (925) 528-9433. The office staff are also available to help with sales. TEMPLE SINAI HAS BEEN CERTIFIED AS A BAY AREA GREEN BUSINESS Our Bulletin is printed on recycled paper at a printer registered as a Green Business and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. We print with earth-friendly soy-based ink.