Spring 2012 Newsletter - Manitoba Council for International


Spring 2012 Newsletter - Manitoba Council for International
Global Students /Global Citizens
Helping you bring a global perspective to the classroom
Spring 2012 / A publication of the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
Hello Educators. Welcome to the Spring 2012 edition of Global Students/Global Citizens, MCIC’s Teacher
eNewsletter. We are here to help you bring a global perspective to your classroom. This newsletter will take you
through various opportunities, conferences, contests and events available from MCIC, our members and other
organizations that aim to promote active global citizenship.
Global Citizenship Awards for
Educators and High School Students
This year, for the first time MCIC will be awarding a
Global Citizenship Award for Educators to recognize
Manitoba teachers and administrators who are leaders
in promoting and supporting global citizenship. Awards will be given
to one recipient in each of the following categories:
• Middle years teachers
• High school teachers and
• Administrators (including Principals, Vice Principals,
Superintendents, Trustees and other divisional or Manitoba
Education staff).
The Global Citizenship Award recognizes graduating Grade 12
students who have helped create a more just and sustainable world
by engaging in meaningful global citizenship activities. Each
Manitoba secondary institution may nominate one candidate to
receive the award. The application form should be filled out by the
selected candidate and then verified by a teacher or staff member at
the nominating school who can comment on the applicant’s global
citizenship activities. A representative of MCIC may be available to
present the award at a school awards or graduation ceremony.
Last year’s winners of the Global Citizenship
Award for graduating Grade 12 students
from left to right: Jordyn Maduke (Erickson
Collegiate Institute), Matthew Stewart
(Kildonan-East Collegiate), Barbara Bucheli
(Springfield Collegiate) and Shereen Rashwan
(Collége St. Norbert Collegiate)
The deadline for both awards for the 2011/12 school year is
Friday, March 23th, 2012.
Visit the Generating Momentum website for more information
and to apply.
Matthew Stewart was awarded the Global
Citizenship Award last year, and this year his
work was profiled by MCIC for International
Development Week
Manitobans Making a Difference
International Development Week 2012
MCIC produced video profiles of nine Manitobans in English
and French to celebrate International Development Week
(IDW) 2012. These profiles were uploaded to
www.mcic.ca, explaining how these people are making a
difference in our world.
MCIC launched IDW 2012 at the Legislative Building on
Wednesday February 8. Manitoba Premier The Honourable
Greg Selinger and Rebecca Mellett, the Director of CIDA
Prairies and Pacific Region, addressed the audience. The launch
was the public premiere of the video profiles, as well as the
Unbreakable music video (see below).
Global Students /Global Citizens Spring 2012 International Development Week, held annually, the first full
week of February, is proclaimed by the Canadian International
Development Agency and highlights and illustrates the work
of Canada’s development community. IDW took place from
February 5-11, 2012.
To celebrate International Development Week eight young
people from around Manitoba came together to write, compose
and record Unbreakable, a song about the importance of the
empowerment of women and girls in our world. These eight
young people are Akina Shirt, Dani Chalus, Jeremy Ryant and
Sharlene Nicole Mabasa from Winnipeg; Andrew Chudley from
Oakbank; Kat Klassen from Steinbach and Callum Spencer and
Jayde Clendenning from Flin Flon.
Unbreakable was played on Up To Speed with Larry Updike
on CBC Radio 1, 610 CHTM (Thompson), CFAR 590 (Flin
Flon) and CHSM-AM1250 (Steinbach) during International
Development Week. Click here to watch Unbreakable, which
has received over 3,000 views already, and feel free to show it to
your class!
Laughter on menu
at Dinner Theatre
– Page 3
Kodiaks honoured for
being good sports
– Page 4
the Reminder
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Staff Sgt. Foster
Est. 1946
includes GST
Serving Flin Flon
& Area for over
60 years
Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada
Teens join equality ght
Click here to read articles in the local media
Fabout the music video Unbreakable
Jonathon Naylor
Manitoba Premier The Honourable Greg Selinger with
Brendan Yeryk, Kevin Huynk (Grade 8 students at
Frontenac School in Winnipeg) and their teacher Jennifer
Kroetsch. Brendan and Kevin were two of nine Manitobans
profiled for International Development Week 2012.
lin Flon RCMP
are cautioning
drivers after a
recent string of cash
thefts from unlocked
Police say several
vehicles in the Green
and Whitney street
Six of the eight young Manitobans who created
‘Unbreakable’ also modelled Fair Trade fashions at the
IDW Launch at the Legislative Building in Winnipeg on
Wednesday February 8
The Healthy Schools campaign this spring focuses on Environmental Health. Participating schools will receive
$100.00 plus an additional $0.35 per student in the school population for an activity that promotes environmental
health in their school community. All Manitoba schools are eligible to apply.
Any school representative (administrator, teacher, support staff, parent council member, or student council
representative) can apply on behalf of the school. Please note that only one application per school will receive
funding. Deadline for applications is March 9, 2012.
For more information, and to apply online visit www.gov.mb.ca/healthyschools/campaigns
Global Students /Global Citizens Spring 2012
Visit http://www.ceret.us/webinar/webinar.php to register for this webinar
MARCH 21-23, 2012
You are invited to the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
(MARL) March 21st Human Rights Film Festival's Programs for Youth
& Educators.
Program for Educators - Wednesday March 21, 2012
Programs for Youth - Thursday & Friday, March 22 & 23, 2012
Where: Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library
When: Noon - 1:15pm
Events are FREE and are open to all educators and classes or groups from
Manitoba middle and high schools.
Click here for more information about the programs for Youth and
Educators. For questions or to register contact MARL at (204) 947-0213 or
Schools In Action: Stories
of Global Citizens in Manitoba
‘Schools in Action’ profiles what Manitoba schools are doing to promote global citizenship and to make our world a better
place. We hear from the teachers and students who have taken the time to contribute to their schools and communities
through inspiring initiatives throughout the province. This edition we are profiling Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute
(NACI) and the actions of their Global Action Group. Katharine Kingdon a teacher at NACI spoke to us, and told us how the
group came to be, what fundraising activities they have organized, who and what was involved, and tips for other schools
that might want to organize similar events.
The major action that took place in the school
Global Students /Global Citizens Spring 2012
After attending MCIC’s Generating Momentum for Our World: Boys and Girls in the Global Classroom conference in
Strathclair in 2011, students at NACI decided to form a Global Action Group, with the focus for their first year being
‘Water’. First, the Global Action Group made PowerPoint presentations to all the grade 7 and 8 students about what
they had researched and learned about the issue of water. Once they completed the educational component, they
fundraised. Two examples of fundraising were a collaboration with the art teacher to make globe keychains made
out of clay, as well as a bake sale at the school. In total, they raised over $700, all of which they donated to Ryan’s Well.
This year the group has grown to include the entire school, so instead
of it being just a middle school initiative, it’s now Grades 7-12 and has
changed it name to from the Global Action Group to HOPE (Helping
Our World achieve Equality).
The motivation to take action
Before attending MCIC’s Generating Momentum conference,
Katharine met with a group of interested students and asked
them to visit www.mcic.ca to research one of the development
topics that interested them the most. After the conference the
students overwhelmingly felt that the topic they needed to
take action on was ‘Water’. This was because the students who
attended were profoundly affected by the Water & Sanitation
station in the simulation game. Prior to the conference, they had
no idea that girls had to walk to get water in developing countries
and that this can prevent girls from going to school.
Who got involved
Initially the Global Action Group was eight students plus the
supervising teacher, Katharine Kingdon. Now that the group has
expanded to become the HOPE group at the 7-12 level, there are
many more students involved, and another supervising teacher.
Tips and advice for other schools
When asked what NACI had learned through its Global Action Group
that other schools could use if they wished to carry out a similar initiative, Katharine Kingdon gave us the following
• When a group or initiative is starting for the first time in a school, it’s important to resist the urge to be a teacher,
and rather sit back and be a guide instead. It is important to take a backseat role.
• Keep in mind that this is an extra-curricular activity for both you and the students
• These kinds of initiatives are harder in larger contexts – once the group expanded to include the entire school, it
was necessary to remind all of the supervising teachers to take the same “backseat” mentality that Katherine had
trained herself to adopt.
MCIC would like to thank Katharine Kingdon for her time and to congratulate Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute for taking on an
initiative as Global Citizens. We are looking for other schools to be profiled, so if your school has been contributing to the local
community and to our world, then let us know! Contact Rebecca at (204) 987-6420 or youth@mcic.ca.
Youth Perspectives
Survey on Citizenship
Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) is a national non-profit organization in Canada. LSF’s mission is to promote,
through education, the knowledge, skills, perspectives and practices essential for a sustainable future. Responsible
citizenship is a key element of educating for a sustainable future. LSF is partnering with Deloitte to bring together key
policy makers across Canada to address the following questions:
What do children and youth need to know, do, and value by the time they leave school in order to ensure they are
responsible, active, and contributing citizens? How can schools help to make this happen? We want to get youth
perspectives on what works and what could be improved in school.
Please complete this on-line questionnaire http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R3GMCRW by March 15, 2012. Your
survey will go directly to the facilitator helping with the project, so your replies will be completely anonymous and
confidential. The findings from this questionnaire will be presented at a series of Roundtable sessions with educators,
government and business representatives to be held at various locations across Canada this spring.
The International Student Symposium on Science and
The International Student Symposium on Science and Sustainability (April 30 - May 1, 2012) is for high school students
Grades 10-12 and will focus on global and local issues related to sustainable development with a variety of seminars and
hands-on activities. This symposium will provide Manitoba high school students with the opportunity to participate in
a world-class event, made possible through collaboration between International Student Science Fair (ISSF), Manitoba
Education for Sustainable Development Working Group (MESDWG), Manitoba Education and FortWhyte Alive.
Please bring students from your school in groups of 5, to a maximum of 10 students (bring 5 or 10 students). This will
allow students to remain with others from their school throughout the day, while being included in larger groups with
students for other schools. One teacher from each school is asked to attend with the students. Lunch is provided on
both days for students and teachers.
For more information, and to register, please contact Jody Watson, Director of Education, FortWhyte Alive at (204) 9898359 or education@fortwhyte.org. Deadlines for registrations is April 4, 2012.
World Vision Live Webinar: Food and Nutrition
Monday, March 26, 11:00am - 12:00 pm (CST)
Wrap up Nutrition Month by chatting live with a registered dietitian. Join Alison Mildon,
World Vision's specialist in Maternal Child Health and Nutrition, as she answers student
questions about the role of proper nutrition in fighting hunger and poverty. How does
your typical meal compare to that of a child in a developing country? What's the impact
of malnutrition on school-age children? Don't miss the opportunity to get answers to your
questions. Register your grade 4 - 8 class at global_ed@worldvision.ca.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg - Manager of Youth Education Programs
The Manager of Youth Education Programs provides leadership and direction in
delivering a comprehensive educational program designed to increase high school
academic achievement and access to post-secondary education. The Manager of
Youth Education Programs is responsible for working with staff and volunteers to implement all aspects of the
Raising the Grade (RTG) program, including supervision of the Tech Centre and measuring the overall impact of
RTG. This is a full-time, permanent position with benefits. The standard work week will be 35 hours weekly. The
position starts April 2012.
For more information, or to apply, click here.
Global Students /Global Citizens Spring 2012
IRCOM (The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba) - Youth Mentor
IRCOM is seeking a Youth Mentor to act as a positive role model to youth participating in their after-school
programming. The successful youth mentor will work with newcomer youth (13-18 years old) and provide them
with educational and social support. The role will involve assisting youth with homework two times per week as
part of IRCOM's after-school homework club. Mentors will also be required to plan and participate in a social
activity with their mentee(s) once per month. Youth Mentors will be given a $100 honorarium per month for
their participation in the program.
For more information, or to apply, please contact Erin Anderson, IRCOM's Volunteer Coordinator at
erina@ircom.ca or (204) 943-8765 ext. 23.
Ethical Fashion Show
MCIC has created an Ethical Fashion Show
Kit made up of fashions produced using fair
practices including: no child labour, clothes
made by women’s cooperatives, sweatshop free
conditions and using organic and fair trade
certified materials.
You can showcase these ethically produced
clothing at a fashion show in your school or
community in Manitoba! For more information,
visit the Generating Momentum website, or
contact MCIC at (204) 987-6420 or
Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
302-280 Smith St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1K2
Phone (204) 987 6420
Fax (204) 956 0031
Email youth@mcic.ca
Program undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada
provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

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