Transportation Guide for Administrators Draft
Transportation Guide for Administrators Draft
Transportation Guide for Administrators Lincoln County Schools August 2015 Index 1. Transportation staff members and contact information 2. Adding Students to a route and Web Query 3. EC Transportation 4. Open Bus Driver Positions and Sub Bus Drivers 5. Administrators In Charge of Buses/Drivers 6. Student Discipline 7. Vandalism 8. Synovia GPS and Clocking in and out 9. Activity Buses 10.Charter Bus Use 11. State Board Policy Change (TCS-H-006) School Bus and Activity bus Passenger Safety Transportation Staff Members Director of Transportation Eric Eaker 980-429-6787, ext. 50101 Financial Secretary/Activity Buses Kim Gates 704-736-4242, ext. 50104 TIMS Data Manager/Bus Routing Leighann Campbell 704-736-4242, ext. 50105 Parts Manager/Bus Trouble Scott Hart 980-429-6827, ext. 50102 Lead Shop Tech Lee Hughes 980-429-6772, ext. 50103 Mechanic Staff 704-736-4242 or 704-736-4247 Craig Abernathy, North Lincoln High and East Lincoln High Jeff Campbell, North Lincoln High and East Lincoln High Adam Martin, West Lincoln High and Lincolnton High Robby Kendrick, West Lincoln High and Lincolnton High Rick Hass, Shop Mechanic Freddie Woodring, Fuel, All Schools Adding Riders to a School Bus New Enrollment or Change of Residence Before adding a student to a school bus, you will need to verify the address to make sure the address is in your school boundary. If the address is outside the boundary then – a) send the student to the correct school or b) verify a transfer has been approved, transportation will not be provided to transfer student. (Web Query will help in verifying the address) Once the address has been verified, you should fill out a Bus Rider New Enrollment or Change of Address Form (see link on transportation web page). The following information should be placed on the form: date, school name, student’s full name, resident address, grade level, and the bus you wish to assign the student to. If the student is not picked up or dropped off at the resident address, you will also need to provide the address/location where the student’s stop should be. Again, please verify that the alternative address is within your school boundary. Contact Transportation for the correct stop location if the student’s address is on a street that the bus is not currently traveling. Buses cannot travel roads that are not state/city maintained. After completing the online form, click submit and it will be e-mailed to transportation. If, for any reason, questions would arise during this process, please contact transportation and the TIMS Data Manager will assist in the process. EC Transportation Please note that Web Query should not be used for EC transportation. Transportation of EC students should be discussed with the transportation department directly, Eric Eaker or Leighann Campbell. If at any time an IEP meeting is scheduled to discuss transportation please notify the transportation department as soon possible. This will allow staff the needed time to determine the best possible solution for that student’s transportation needs. Should a contracted vendor be used both school administration and parent/guardian will be contacted with the name of the vendor and times of pick up/drop off. Open Bus Driver Positions Should you have a bus driver to resign or transfer creating an opening at your school, please contact Eric Eaker to inform him of the vacancy. Transportation will work with Human Resources to have the position posted. The department will also screen the applicant pool and work with school administration to schedule interviews of selected applicants. Once a candidate has been chosen transportation will submit all hiring documentation to Human Resources so a background check, DOT drug test and DOT physical can be completed. Once all paperwork has been completed transportation will notify you of a start date for your new bus driver. Sub Bus Drivers It is the responsibility of school administration to secure sub bus drivers when needed. School administration should work with staff in their building that hold the proper license to ensure all bus routes are covered both AM and PM. It is recommended that school administration develop a sub driver rotation list from its dual employees and other staff members interested in sub bus driving. When assigning sub bus drivers, school administration should be cognizant of that employees regularly assigned work hours as not to create overtime. Placing an employee in overtime should only be done in cases of emergency. Assistant Principals In Charge of Buses/Drivers Assistant Principals in charge of buses should be the first contact for their school’s bus drivers. Assistant Principals should make sure to keep their cell phones charged and on after hours should a driver need to get in touch with them concerning an absence and need of a sub driver. It is the responsibility of school administrators over buses to handle disciplinary action of their bus drivers. Issues addressed with employees should always be documented in writing with a copy given to both the employee and the transportation department. Should an employee continue to have poor performance issues or fails to meet expectations given to them from prior meetings and further disciplinary action be needed (i.e.……placing employee on administrative leave or dismissal), school administration should contact the Transportation Director to discuss all issues and schedule a meeting with the employee. Transportation Discipline Policy School transportation service is a privilege, not a right. Appropriate behavior by students on school buses or vehicles is vital to student safety. At any time while riding a school bus or other school vehicle, students shall observe the directives of the bus or vehicle driver. These rules apply while on the school vehicle and at/near the vehicle stop. Since school transportation is an extension of the school day, regular school disciplinary policies and rules apply in addition to other bus related rules. The Following conduct is specifically prohibited on a school vehicle: Stopping , impeding, delaying or detaining a bus or school vehicle; Throwing or launching objects on the bus; Disturbing the peace , order or discipline on a bus or school vehicle; Refusing to obey the driver’s instructions; Refusing to meet the bus at the designated stop; Tampering with or willfully damaging the bus or school vehicle; Getting on the bus at an unauthorized stop; Distracting the driver’s attention by participation in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation; Failing to observe established safety rules and regulations; Willfully trespassing upon a school bus or school vehicle; Fighting, smoking, using profanity, possession or using drugs or intoxicating beverages, or otherwise violating any other board policy or school rules while on a school bus or other school vehicle; and Any other behavior that may endanger lives or property Any complaints of drivers, parents or students that are not specified in the above list should be reported promptly to the school principal. Consequences Consequences for engaging in prohibited behavior may result in temporary or permanent suspension from school transportation services and/or school, in addition to other consequences for violating other student behavior policies. Other consequences may be provided in accordance with the school's student behavior management plan (see board policy 4302, School Plan for Management of Student Behavior). Upon request and when deemed appropriate, a principal may use his/her discretion and restore a student's bus privileges if the principal, bus driver, student and parent agree to a written contract and specific steps and consequences for future inappropriate behavior. Regulation Code: 4317-R(2) School Bus Behavior/Safety Middle/High School The following guidelines, in addition to existing disciplinary codes at each school, are to be uniformly in place: A. Failure to follow instructions of the bus driver to remain seated, keep hands, feet, and objects to self, or other instructions for safe and efficient operation of the bus will result in: FIRST OFFENSE Warning to parent by phone and/or written notification, preferably both. SECOND OFFENSE Denial of bus privilege for 5 days. Second warning to parent by phone and/or written communications, preferably both. THIRD OFFENSE Denial of bus privileges for 20 days. Notification to parents by phone and/or written communication, preferably both. A parent conference must be held prior to the student being reinstated on the bus, prior to the end of 20 days. A contract documenting the parents understanding of the fourth offense consequences will be signed as a prerequisite for returning to the bus. FOURTH OFFENSE Permanent removal from the bus for the remainder of the year. B. Throwing or Launching Objects on the Bus or Destruction of Property This activity creates an immediate hazard for the students and bus driver on the bus. Injury to eyes, face, and other body parts can result from even the smallest projectiles making contact with the student or driver. Contact with the driver can result in an accident that could injure or kill passengers on the bus. FIRST OFFENSE Parent notified by phone and/or written communication, preferably both. Bus privileges denied for 10 days and pay for damages when applicable. SECOND OFFENSE Parent notified by phone and/or written communication, preferably both. Student is denied bus privileges from 20 days up to the remainder of the year and pay for damages when applicable. Parent conference is required prior to the student being reinstated on the bus and a contract specifying an understanding of the 3rd offense consequences will be signed by the parent. THIRD OFFENSE Denial of bus transportation for the remainder of the year and pay for damages when applicable. Parent notified by phone and/or written communication, preferably both. C. Fighting, assaults, weapons, drugs, etc. Students involved will be removed from the bus for a period of time up to the end of the year. Other school rules affecting fighting, assaults, weapons, drugs, etc. will apply. General Guidelines Upon appeal, principals may use discretion and grant that a child's bus privileges be restored if all parties involved (principal, bus driver, student, parent) agree to a written contract and specific steps and consequences for future inappropriate behavior. The principal may "skip" initial steps of discipline and move to more stringent steps if severity of the offense justifies more severe punishment. If an offense is committed that does not fall under one of the categories listed, the principal may apply disciplinary action at his discretion to assure that students will have access to safe, unencumbered transportation. Elementary *The following guidelines, in addition to existing disciplinary codes at each school, are to be uniformly in place for elementary schools. These guidelines are to be used for violations on the school buses that include: failure to follow instructions of the bus driver- to remain seated, keep hands, feet, and objects to self, or other instructions for safe and efficient operation of the bus, as well as throwing or launching objects on the bus or destruction of property. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in: FIRST OFFENSE Warning to parent by phone and/or written notification, preferably both. SECOND OFFENSE Student is placed on probation. Parent will be notified in writing by mail and by telephone. THIRD OFFENSE Denial of bus privileges for up to 3 days depending on the maturity of the student and the severity of the offense. Parent will be notified. FOURTH OFFENSE Denial of bus privileges for up to 5 days depending on the maturity of the student and the severity of the offense. Parent will be notified. FIFTH OFFENSE Denial of bus privileges for up to 10 days depending on the maturity of the student and the severity of the offense. Parent will be notified. SIXTH OFFENSE Denial of bus privileges for up to 20 days depending on the maturity of the student and the severity of the offense. Parent will be notified. SEVENTH OFFENSE Permanent removal from the bus for the remainder of the year. *Fighting, assaults, weapons, drugs, etc. Students involved may be removed from the bus for a period of time up to the end of the school year. Other school rules affecting fighting, assaults, weapons, drugs, etc., will apply. General Guidelines Upon appeal, principals may use discretion and grant that a child's bus privileges be restored if all parties involved (principal, bus driver, student, parent) agree to a written contract and specific steps and consequences for future inappropriate behavior. The principal may "skip" initial steps of discipline and move to more stringent steps if severity of the offense justifies more severe punishment. If an offense is committed that does not fall under one of the categories listed, the principal may apply disciplinary action at his discretion to assure that students will have access to safe, unencumbered transportation. Vandalism Buses are inspected every 30 days as required by law. During this inspection buses are checked for vandalism. The primary point of concern is seat covers being cut. School administration should work with the bus driver on a seating chart for assigned seats. This will help cut down on vandalism, as both administration and driver will know where students are seat. School will receive a bill for any confirmed vandalism. Students caught for vandalizing school buses or activity buses can be billed for damages to that vehicle. Current cost for one seat cover replacement is $54.00 per cover (not including seat foam). Synovia GPS and Time Keeping System All school buses and Activity buses are equipped with GPS. School administrators have access to their bus fleet only. The product is real time and buses can be viewed at any time while buses are in route. GPS will allow administration to answer parent questions on the exact time the bus is in their neighborhood or if the bus did or did not stop at an assigned stop. You will receive an e-mail once your Synovia account has been set up. We also use our GPS tool as a means to capture drivers work hours. Each driver clocks in and out on their assigned bus. All financial secretaries have access to Synovia and manage your schools bus driver payroll in this system. Activity Buses 2015/2016 Cost Per Mile $1.40 All field trip requests should be entered into Travel Tracker two weeks prior to the requested trip. All bills should be paid within 30 days of the trip. Invoices and payment should be sent to Gaye Knight in the Finance Department, along with a copy of the invoice for the trip taken or a list of trip numbers on the check to indicate what trips are being paid. When requesting trips, make sure you enter the correct number of students planning to attend to ensure enough buses are scheduled. Should inclement weather be forecast, schools should communicate with transportation before embarking on the trip. It may be best to delay or reschedule the trip. ACTIVTY BUSES SHOULD BE CLEANED AFTER EVERY TRIP. REMEMBER JUST BECAUSE A BUS IS PARKED AT YOUR SCHOOL DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TO USE IT!!!!! BUSES RETURNED DIRTY ARE SUBJECT TO A $50.00 CLEANING FEE. ACTIVTY BUSES SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THEIR HOME LOCATION AFTER EACH TRIP. MANY OF THESE BUSES ARE SCHEDULED FOR USE NEXT DAY OR EVEN SAME DAY. BUSES NOT RETURNED ON TIME WILL BE SUBJECT TO A $50.00 LATE FEE. Travel Tracker End User Guide Table of Contents Submitting a Request ................................................................................................................................... 14 Follow your request through the approval process ...................................................................................... 22 Printing Permission Slips and Directions ...................................................................................................... 23 Using the Calendar....................................................................................................................................... 26 How to Cancel a trip .................................................................................................................................... 28 How to Reschedule a Trip ............................................................................................................................ 29 How to Enter Mileage for a Completed Trip................................................................................................. 29 Getting Help ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Submitting a Request Login using your link for Travel Tracker. Your email address is your user name. Use the password that you created when you registered. To submit a request, click on the Main tab. Click on “Submit a request” The note at the top of the Travel Request Form will give you the transportation contact person and phone number. Select staff only travel or travel with students. Staff only is used to reserve vehicles (such as staff cars) that do not involve student travel. Select drop down box and choose the trip type. Note – Any field designated with an * is a required field. Click on calendar and select trip leave date. Click on clock and select trip leave time. Click on calendar and select trip return date. Click on clock and select trip return time. Is the trip overnight or out-of-state? Is the trip Out of County? **Note – out of state, overnight and out of county trips may require additional levels of approval. Depending on how your system is configured, there may be a certain number of lead days required for an overnight/out of state trip. Enter any comments about the trip in the Comments box. Click the drop down box and select your school or department. **This is very important as this determines the field trip approver for routing Select your destination from the dropdown menu. Common destinations are in a table created by your Transportation Dept. If your destination is not listed, enter it in the “Destination Not Listed” Box. Note that if you type an address or location in this box, Google Maps will display matching locations. You can either click on one of the matching locations, or continue to type in the address. If you select one of the Google Map locations shown, the mileage can be calculated automatically for you. Click the calculate box. The mileage will calculate if both your location and the destination locations have addresses listed. If the mileage does not calculate, enter the approximate mileage in the box. Click on the Get Directions box to show printable driving directions. Click on the Print button to print the directions. If the option to print permission slips has been activated on your system, you have the option to input special instructions that will be printed on the permission slip. If additional funding applies such as EC or Title1, select the drop down box and choose an option. This selection will automatically fill in the account code and the funding approver box. If you selected “yes” for funds to be paid to a third party a window will appear for you to enter a payment amount, payment option, payee name and address. This will give your financial secretary the information she needs to process a check if needed and either mail it to your venue prior to the actual trip date or have it ready for you to pick up. Enter the Teacher/Advisor name and phone number. If the Emergency Contact Info is the same, check the box next to Same as Teacher/Advisor. If it is different, fill in the Emergency Contact Name and phone number. Check the grade level(s) making the trip. Enter a description of who will be going on this field trip. Enter the education objective for the trip. Check Special indicators if applicable. If the option to specify standards and objectives has been activated on your system, click on the drop down arrows to select. Complete the number of male/female students and adults attending the trip. Please make note of your district requirements for adult/student ratios for each trip. Will students be away at lunch and if so will a bag lunch be required? This will notify the system designated individual which would typically be the cafeteria manager. Indicate if you need to reserve vehicles. The pickup date and time boxes will auto fill based on your initial selections. If you are picking up the bus earlier or will be dropping it off later than the times listed, please adjust these times. Click on the drop down box to select the type(s) of vehicles needed– yellow bus, activity bus, charter bus, car, etc. Note – if yellow bus is not an option on your system, you can enter a comment to indicate that you would like to use a yellow bus. Enter the number of vehicles needed. Indicate if a lift is needed. Enter any Vehicle Driver information. The vehicle owner for your location will be listed. Indicate if there are any special needs for this trip. “Will you be using external transportation?” refers to transportation other than a school owned vehicle such as parent vehicles or chartered transportation. If you would like to get an estimate of what you trip will cost, click on the arrow next to Trip Estimator. The fields that are outlined with a box are fields that you can input data. The other fields are calculated from the information that you have already entered in the trip request. Click on the Compute button to compute the estimated cost of the trip. Read the conditions set forth by your school district and check “Yes” to certify that you have read, understand and accept the trip responsibilities. If you would like a hard copy of your request, click on the Print button. Submit the request. If there are any items on the form that have not been filled in correctly, you will see messages above the Submit button. Scroll up through the form to find the errors and correct. Click on Submit. You will see the message briefly that the document has been saved. Follow your request through the approval process Go to the “Main” tab Select “Your Trip Requests” Check the status of your trip request by viewing the second column. You will be able to see at any point who the request is waiting on for approval. If the trip has been approved the status will show “Approved”. If a vehicle has been assigned, you will see it in the vehicle assignment column. The dropdown menu gives you several options for sorting your requests. To see all of you vehicle reservations, click on Your Vehicle Reservations on the Main Menu. The dropdown menu gives you several options for sorting your reservations. If there is more than one vehicle assigned to a trip, you will see all vehicles listed. Printing Permission Slips and Directions Once a trip has been approved, a permission slip and trip directions can be printed. From the menu options select “Your Trip Requests”. Click anywhere on the trip. Scroll to the section of the form where the Destinatio n informatio n is located. Click on the Get Directions button to print out the directions to your destination . Click on the Print button to print the directions. Click on Close to close the window. When you click on Download Permission Slip a new window will open. Click on the Download Permission Slip button on this screen to open the Permission slip. This may take a few seconds. The body of the permission slip will be the same for every trip. This portion of the permission slip has been created from the trip request. If you added additional information in your trip request, it will be listed here. If you scroll your mouse over the body of the permission slip, this window will appear. You can click on the disk icon to save the permission slip to your computer or you can click on the printer icon to print the permission slip. Using the Calendar You may also view your trip using the calendar view. You have the option to view the calendar by vehicle assignme nt or by trips. The calendar is district wide. This allows users to look ahead and determin e potential dates for schedulin g a trip. The vehicle calendar can be sorted by Month, Requesti ng location, Vehicle Location, Vehicle Type and Trip Type by clicking on the drop down arrows. The trip calendar can be sorted by Month, School and Trip Type by clicking on the drop down arrow. Hovering over the trip will display detailed informati on about the trip. How to Cancel a trip Go to the Main menu and select Your Trip Requests. Use the sort options to find the trip that you want to cancel. Find your trip and select that trip by clicking anywhere on the line. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select “Cancel Trip and Reservations” You will receive a cancellation message and all approvers will also be notified of this cancellation. If a vehicle has been assigned, the vehicle will be canceled and the vehicle owner will be notified. How to Reschedule a Trip Go to the Main menu and select Your Trip Requests. Use the sort options to find the trip that you want to reschedule. Find your trip and select that trip by clicking anywhere on the line. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select “Reschedule Trip” You will enter the new leave date and time along with the new return date and time. Click on OK. Your trip will go back through the entire trip and vehicle approval process. How to Enter Mileage for a Completed Trip Go to the main menu and select Vehicle Mileage Not Entered. All the trips that you have scheduled that require mileage to be entered will be listed here. From this screen, you can enter mileage for just one trip or for multiple trips. There will be a column for estimated mileage and beginning and ending odometer readings. Enter the beginning and ending odometer reading for one trip or multiple trips and then click on Compute for each trip. The message Pending Change will be shown in the Computed Miles Column. This is an indication that the mileage that was entered will not be applied until the Confirm Changes button located at the top of the screen is clicked on. Once the Confirm Changes is clicked on, this trip will be removed from the Vehicle Mileage not Entered screen. Getting Help There are several places to get help. If you click on How-to-Videos, you will be taken to our Video library. The library contains videos that explain how to do every task. The User Guide has step by step instructions on how to do every task. You can click on the topic in the table of contents that you are interested in and you will be taken to that topic. If the User Guide or the How-to-Videos don’t answer your questions, you can enter a Support Ticket. You can click on app-garden Support from the Main menu or click on Need Help? Enter Support Ticket in the upper right hand corner of the screen. A Travel Tracker Support form will be presented. Several of the fields are pre-filled. Fill in your name, phone number and a description of your suggestion or problem and click on Submit. Someone will contact you shortly with a response to your issue. Charter Buses Lincoln County Schools Transportation Department Instructions for Schools Using Charter Buses These guidelines and instructions should be used by Lincoln County Schools personnel contracting with a Charter Bus Carrier. Only contractors that are on the “approved list of carriers” for Lincoln County Schools may be selected to perform field trips or to satisfy other school based transportation needs (i.e. athletic trips, etc.). Schools using contractors for transportation are responsible for the following: 1) Contracting with an approved carrier for the trip Contact and price carriers on the approved list. Once a carrier is selected request that a copy of the contract be sent to you for review well in advance of the trip. Be sure that document addresses the following: o Date of trip, # of passengers, # of buses, itinerary, total charge for the trip & total expected mileage. Name of carrier and name of your group. o Details of how the cost is determined: are charges hourly, fixed, mileage based or other? Be sure to understand any special driver accommodations, gratuity or other costs. Trips booked using a travel agent may incur additional cost. o Deposit and refund/cancellation policy; amount due at the time of reservation; when is final payment due? o Any other costs? Taxes? Permits? Fees? o Understand any miscellaneous policies that might affect the group (e.g. carry-on items or food/beverage) o In case of emergency who should be contacted? (e.g. if the bus driver or vehicle is not acceptable, broken down, etc.) o Keep in mind that any trip that will require 10 hours or more of driving WILL require 2 drivers and may require additional cost. How will the drivers rotate and will drivers comply with federal hours of service regulations? The contract should specify the number of drivers as well as the number of vehicles. o The need for handicapped accessibility, storage capacity (i.e. band equipment), etc. 2) Confirming travel arrangements with the carrier prior to the day of the trip Review the terms of the contract. Call the carrier to confirm reservations and details of the trip. Copy the contract and emergency contact information. Have one (1) copy ready for each bus that will be used for the trip. 3) Day of the trip / Departure Checklist Provide a copy of the contract and emergency contact #’s to chaperones for each bus. Complete the Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For School Personnel. Ensure that the completed Charter Bus Pre-trip Checklist For School Personnel and the Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist for Charter Bus Drivers is on file at the school office before departure. Validate that the bus company contracted for the trip is using buses from that company. If the buses being used for the trip are from a subcontractor, be sure that the subcontractor appears on the list of approved carriers. If a company being used for the trip does not appear on the approved list of carriers, that bus and company MAY NOT be used for the trip!! If any items on the pre-trip inspection are unsatisfactory, the bus must not be used until the items are corrected! 4) Upon completion of the trip Settle remaining financial matters with the carrier. Notify Transportation of any complications incurred with the carrier. Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For School Personnel School Administrator/Employee Responsibilities ____ Upon bus arrival, verify the Carrier that arrives is the carrier contracted for the trip. If not, the carrier must be on the Lincoln County Schools approved list of carriers. ____ Confirm that the proper number of buses and drivers are present, as stipulated in the contract for the trip. ____ Complete the following information: Name of Driver: _________________________________________________________ Destination: _________________________ Dates of Trip: __________________ School Name: _________________________ Type of Trip: __________________ Carrier Name: _________________________ Bus #: Departure Time: _______________________ Return Time: __________________ __________________ No. of Students: _______________________ Name of Chaperones: ______________________________________________________ ____ Ask the bus driver to complete the Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For Charter Bus Drivers; (Driver must sign the checklist). Note that a separate form is required for each bus! ____ Deliver this form and the form signed by the driver(s) to the School office prior to departure. If trip departs before office is open, leave forms in designated location. Name of School Employee(s) responsible for Trip: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ By signing below, I acknowledge that the Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For School Personnel has been followed: ________________________ Printed _____________________ Signature _______ Date Lincoln County Schools Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For Charter Bus Drivers Driver Responsibilities ____ Driver has a valid Commercial Drivers License with passenger endorsement, valid Medical Certificate (Pocket Card), and Duty Status Record (log book). ____ Ensure that a current certificate of insurance, vehicle registration card and DOT safety inspection are on the bus at all times. ____ Explain emergency procedures and safety regulations to bus riders prior to departure. ____ Conduct Pre-Trip inspection procedures for the vehicle prior to each trip as follows: Check Vehicle number and expiration date on DOT inspection Copy of vehicle Pre-Trip is available and executed Check tires and treads (no recaps on front tires; no slick tires!) Check wheel hubs for grease leaks Check all mirrors for visibility Look for any fluid leaks, including a check of the fuel tank cover Validate that the bus is registered to operate in the states it will be traveling Check all Lights (interior, head, tail and brake) Check emergency doors, roof hatches, windows and exit handles Check first aid kit, fire extinguisher and reflectors Check driver’s seat belt; rider seat belts must be securely fastened to the bus Check handrails and handholds Ensure spare fuses are on board unless bus is equipped with circuit breaker Test horn and windshield wipers Check windshield and windows for cracks Test emergency brakes and foot brake; check for air leaks Check two-way communication capability Check and confirm route of trip Ensure that log book is visible ____ Deliver the signed Charter Bus Pre-Trip Checklist For Charter Bus Drivers to appropriate school personnel prior to departure. ________________________________________________________________________ I certify by signing below, that I have completed all required pre-trip inspection procedures prior to the assigned trip and that the items inspected are free of any defects. I agree to operate the vehicle according to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, including but not limited to the provisions governing hours of service availability. _______________________ Driver Name (Printed) ______________________ Driver Signature ___________ Date School Bus and Activity Bus Passenger Safety NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Policy ID Number: TCS-H-006 Updated: 07/09/2015 SCHOOL BUS AND ACTIVITY BUS PASSENGER SAFETY (a) LEAs shall provide instruction in school bus safety to all children (regardless of whether they regularly ride a school bus to and from school) during the first five days of school and at least once during each semester thereafter. LEAs shall document the date on which training was provided to each student. This instruction shall include but not be limited to: (1) basic skills and knowledge vital to safety in school bus transportation; (2) proper loading techniques, including street crossing at the bus stop and the North Carolina crossing signal ; and (3) instruction as needed to ensure that passengers are familiar with location and operation of emergency exits for the vehicle on which they are riding for any specific trip. (b) LEAs shall adhere to the following when assigning pupils to school buses, activity buses, commercial buses, or other contracted vehicles. (1) LEAs shall not allow the number of passengers being transported to exceed the official rated capacity for the specific vehicle being used. (2) LEAs shall ensure that all riders are seated completely within the seating compartment, when any bus or other vehicle is in motion. (3) LEAs shall ensure that no person is standing or sitting in the aisle or stepwell when any bus or other vehicle is in motion. (c) LEAs shall require school bus drivers to utilize the North Carolina crossing signal to communicate to students when it is safe to cross the street to board the bus and when it is safe to cross the street after exiting the bus. The Department of Public Instruction shall develop and make available training materials describing the crossing signal for students and school bus drivers. (d) LEAs shall also provide safety instruction to students taking trips on activity buses or commercial buses as needed, including but not limited to instruction and demonstration of emergency exit operation for the vehicle on which they are riding for any specific trip. Lincoln County Schools 2015/2016 Bus Driver Handbook Index Emergency Contact Numbers Breakdown Procedures Mechanical Procedures Accident Procedures Reporting Discipline Problems Handling Fights Speaking with students/NO Physical Contact Stay with students/Safety Concerns. Cell Phones Seat Belts Routing Issues Passenger Stops (NEW PROCEDURES JANUARY 2016), RR Crossing, & Backing Procedures Assigned Passenger Stops and Exiting the Bus Dealing with Parents CDL Renewal Pre-Trip Inspection Inclement Weather GPS/Clocking In and Out/Driver Expectations Transportation Contact Information AM Contact Numbers (Before 6:00am) Eric Eaker 980-429-6787 AM Contact Numbers (After 6:00am) Bus Garage Bus Garage Eric Eaker 704-736-4247 704-736-4242 ext. 980-429-6787 PM Contact Numbers Bus Garage Bus Garage Scott Hart Lee Hughes Eric Eaker 704-736-4247 704-736-4242 ext. 1 980-429-6827 980-429-6772 980-429-6787 Breakdown Procedures 1. Try to get the bus off the road and in a safe location. 2. Instruct students to sit quietly and stay in their seats. Remember to keep the key in the on position for video system to record. 3. You should call the bus garage to report the problem. 4. Following information should be reported: driver’s name, bus number, location, nature of the problem - what the bus was doing or what sounds the bus was making, number of students on the bus. 5. Notify your school of the problem. 6. All students should remain on the bus while waiting for a bus tech or spare bus. Mechanical Problems All Mechanical Problems should be reported to the Assistant Principal and placed on the trouble sheet. Trouble sheets should be faxed in each morning by the Assistant Principal by 8:30am. Once transportation receives the trouble sheet, a work order will be created for the problem to be addressed. Do not call and leave a voice message concerning mechanical problems. Please know if a reported problem is not fixed that day, it does not mean we don’t care. Sometimes we must prioritize what gets addressed first (ie…..brakes are more important than patching a seat cover). Accident Procedures ALL School Bus accidents must be reported – no matter how big or how small. 1. Check all students for injuries. 2. If any students are injured immediately call 911. 3. If no students are injured call Eric Eaker or the Bus Garage to report your accident. DO NOT LEAVE! 4. The following information should be given: driver’s name, bus number, location, number of students on the bus, number of students injured, type of damage to the bus and who may be at fault. 5. Do not discuss the details of the accident with the other party involved. Only speak with school officials and law enforcement as to the cause of the accident. 6. Keep all students on the bus. Only evacuate the bus if it is absolutely necessary (i.e.…..there is a chance for the bus to catch on fire or the bus is stopped on a railroad track). 7. If evacuation is required, students should be placed in a safe area away from the crash site and roadway. The driver should stay with students until school officials arrive. Note: All accidents should be reported (including hitting mailboxes, fencepost, signs……etc). Disciplinary Problems Disciplinary problems should be reported to the Assistant Principal. It will be the responsibility of the Assistant Principal to handle all disciplinary problems as he or she sees fit (following LCS board policy). Disciplinary problems that the driver feels need to be addressed by the Assistant Principal should be submitted in writing directly following the bus route of which the incident occurred. Handling Fights If a fight breaks out while your bus is in route, the following procedures should be followed: 1. Stop the bus in the safest possible area. 2. Attempt to stop students from fighting. If the students continue to fight or a student is injured call 911. 3. Once the fight has been broken up, separate students from each other placing one student at the front of the bus and the other at the back. 4. Call your home school to report the incident. 5. Only continue the route when you feel it is safe to do so. If this means one or more students need to be removed from the bus, let your school administration know. 6. If at any time your home school cannot be reached contact Eric Eaker. Addressing Students in a Positive Manner When addressing student discipline issues on the bus you should speak to students in a positive and professional manner at all times. Give students a clear and precise directive of what you need them to do or stop doing. If the student continues the inappropriate behavior after you have addressed the issue do a formal write up and give it to school administration. You SHOULD NOT get into a back and forth or banter type conversation with the student. PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH STUDENTS Physical contact with students is permissible when students need medical attention due to injury/sickness or the employee is trying to protect any student from harm and further injury. AN EMPLOYEE SHOULD NEVER TOUCH A STUDENT FOR ANY OTHER REASON. PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH ANY STUDENT OUT OF ANGER OR AGGRESSION WILL RESULT IN DISIPLINARY ACTION. Stay With Your Students All drivers should remain in visual contact with their bus and students while students are on board. At NO TIME should a driver leave students on the bus unattended. Safety Concerns The bus driver is responsible for the safety and well-being of the students he or she is transporting. If at any time the driver feels the safety and well-being of a student has been threatened he or she should report this incident immediately to school administration. Do not wait to report any incident that could affect the safety of students. Cell Phones It is unlawful for any school bus driver or activity bus driver, while driving, to use a cell phone. Only in case of emergency should a cell phone be used while a school bus or activity bus is in motion. Any driver caught using a cell phone while driving will result in disciplinary action. 20-137.4. Unlawful use of a mobile phone. (a) Definitions. – For purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean: (1) Additional technology. – As defined in G.S. 20-137.3(a)(1). (2) Emergency situation. – Circumstances such as medical concerns, unsafe road conditions, matters of public safety, or mechanical problems that create a risk of harm for the operator or passengers of a school bus. (3) Mobile telephone. – As defined in G.S. 20-137.3(a)(2). (4) School bus. – As defined in G.S. 20-4.01(27)d4. The term also includes any school activity bus as defined in G.S. 20-4.01(27)d3. And any vehicle transporting public, private, or parochial school students for compensation. Seat Belts All school bus and activity bus drivers must wear their seat belt in its proper fashion any time the bus is in motion. Except as otherwise provided in G.S. 20-137.1, each occupant of a motor vehicle manufactured with seat belts shall have a seat belt properly fastened about his or her body at all times when the vehicle is in forward motion on a street or highway in this State. Any driver or front seat passenger who fails to wear a seat belt as required by this section shall have committed an infraction and shall pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plus court costs in the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Drivers not wearing their seat belt or not wearing their seat belt in the proper fashion will result in disciplinary actions. Routing Issues All bus drivers should follow their TD 29’s as they indicate where the bus stop is located. School bus stops should be no closer together than .2 of a mile, unless approved by transportation. Bus drivers should not take it upon themselves to determine where a student should be picked-up or dropped off. Any questions concerning stop location and turn around points should be answered by the Transportation Department. An updated TD 29 and seating chart should be on the bus at all times. Passenger Stop Steps 1. Check traffic. 2. Activate amber warning lights 300 feet in advance of passenger stop. 3. Make a smooth stop 15 feet short of passengers. 4. Keep firm pressure on foot brake. 5. Check traffic. 6. Open door (when safe). 7. Count, watch and recount students (loading and unloading). 8. Close door (when safe). 9. Check mirrors from left to right for students and traffic. 10. Proceed slowly while checking for students. NEW PASSENGER STOP PROCEDURES JANUARY 2016 RR Crossing Procedures School buses and school activity buses must stop at all railroad crossings. 1. Check traffic and turn on hazard lights. 2. Stop at least 15 feet, but not more than 50 feet from the track. 3. Turn off any accessories that prevent good hearing, open window and door, look and listen. 4. Close door, recheck track(s), proceed if safe. 5. After crossing tracks, turn off hazard lights, close window. Backing the Bus When backing the following procedures should be followed. 1. Check traffic (front, rear, and sides). 2. Engage hazard lights (four-way flashers). 3. Communicate with monitor. 4. Blow horn. 5. Back slowly, with no acceleration. 6. Continue to check traffic and with monitor. Never back the bus to pick up passengers! Assigned Passenger Stops Students should only be picked-up and dropped off at their assigned passenger stops. In order for a student to be dropped off at an alternate stop, a note must be given to the driver by the Assistant Principal or other school officials with a parent signature requesting that the child be dropped off at another location. This should not be an everyday occurrence. Procedure for Students Exiting at Unassigned Stop Students should only be dropped off at their assigned stops unless a signed note from parent/guardian is presented to school officials. If a student exits the bus at a stop other than their own, the following procedures should be followed. 1. Pull the bus onto the shoulder of the road and stop immediately after the child exits. 2. Contact your Assistant Principal and explain what has happened. If at any time your home school cannot be reached contact Eric S. Eaker. 3. Do not leave the area where the student departed until a school official has arrived on the scene or you have been given verbal instructions to continue on your route. 4. DO NOT exit the bus to try to get the student back on the bus or allow anyone else to do so either. Dealing with Parents As a bus driver you should always be polite when dealing with parents. If parents make requests or have questions concerning a bus stop you should not answer them. Direct the parents either to your schools Assistant Principal or the Transportation Director. If a parent becomes belligerent at a passenger stop the following procedures should be used: 1. Let the parent know that they cannot come onto the school bus and that you do not make passenger stop decisions. 2. Give them the names of both the Transportation Director and your Assistant Principal as to who to contact with their questions. 3. Let them know you have a schedule to keep and need to proceed. Any parent who forces their way on a bus should be reported to the Transportation Department immediately. They are jeopardizing the safety of both students and driver. § 14-132.2. Willfully trespassing upon, damaging, or impeding the progress of a public school bus. (a) Any person who shall unlawfully and willfully demolish, destroy, deface, injure, burn or damage any public school bus or public school activity bus shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (b) Any person who shall enter a public school bus or public school activity bus after being forbidden to do so by the authorized school bus driver in charge thereof, or the school principal to whom the public school bus or public school activity bus is assigned, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (c) Any occupant of a public school bus or public school activity bus who shall refuse to leave said bus upon demand of the authorized driver in charge thereof, or upon demand of the principal of the school to which said bus is assigned, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (c1) Any person who shall unlawfully and willfully stop, impede, delay, or detain any public school bus or public school activity bus being operated for public school purposes shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (d) Subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall not apply to a child less than 12 years of age, or authorized professional school personnel. (1975, c. 191, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 73; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2001-26, s. 1.) Driver License Renewal Renewal of license and pocket card is the responsibility of the bus driver. Both pocket card and license can be renewed six months in advance of their expiration date. When your license is up for renewal you should contact Jeff Clevenger with School Bus and Traffic Safety (see contact info below). A copy of your permanent license must be submitted to the Transportation Department before your new pocket card is issued. Once we have a copy of the permanent license we will send you your new pocket card through the courier. Jeff Clevenger……… School Bus and Traffic Safety, DMV Phone Number……..828-855-8978 E-mail address……… Pre-Trip Inspection and Cleaning School bus drivers are required by federal and state policy to perform a pre-trip inspection before each run. This inspection should be done each morning and again in the afternoon (approximate time 5 min). If a problem is found while inspecting, it should be reported to the Assistant Principal and placed on the daily trouble sheet sent to the transportation department. If the problem is one that you feel compromises the safe operation of the school bus, a call should be made to the transportation department for further instruction. Use numbers provided on page one. School buses should be kept in a clean manner. Drivers are responsible for emptying trash and sweeping the bus. Buses will be inspected once a month to ensure they are cleaned. Inclement Weather If we have inclement weather Lincoln County Schools will do it’s best to make a decision on school closure or delays by 5:30am. On days of bad weather NO buses should leave their home school until they have been informed about the school day schedule. This year you will receive a call from our School Messenger system at home, on your personal cell, and your school cell phone to inform you of school closings and delays. Your school cell phones will have voice mail capability to receive the School Messenger message. If you have arrived at school on a morning of questionable weather, please check the voice mail on your school phone. How to listen to a voice mail 1. 2. 3. 4. Press and hold the 1 key. Phone screen should say calling voice mail. Phone screen will ask for a security code. Your security code is 8989. DO NOT CHANGE THE SECURITY CODE ON YOUR PHONE!!! If for some reason you have left your phone or it is not charged and you are unsure whether to proceed, wait until another driver arrives and call Eric Eaker. CLOCKING IN AND OUT Operator Panel Login Instructions Clocking In 1. Turn on the ignition and start the bus. The operator panel will light up and display dashes across the panel. 2. Press the EMP button, the red light beside the A will light up and the light above the ID will light up as well. 3. Using the number pad enter your four digit employee ID number and then press ENT. 4. The light above the JOB button will light up. When you see this light using the key pad enter a number 1 through 3 to clock in to your job function. 1= Regular Bus Driver, 2= Sub Bus Driver, 3= Remediation Bus Driver. After entering the number press ENT. 5. The light above the RTE button will light up. Using the key pad you should enter your bus number and press ENT. Your four digit id will appear on the screen and both the red and green light will be on under A on the operator panel. You are now clocked in. Operator Panel Login Instructions Clocking Out Park the bus, turn the ignition off, walk through and do a post trip inspection/sweep the bus and empty the trash. 1. Turn the ignition switch to the on position (do not crank the bus). Press the JOB button and using the key pad press 0 and then ENT. 2. When dashes appear on the operator panel you are clocked out. Turn the ignition switch off. Expectations for Clocking In and Out The expectations for all Lincoln County School Bus Drivers clocking in and out on the bus are as follows: Once you have clocked in for your AM route the bus should be underway within 5 to 7 minutes, the time it should take you to do a pretrip inspection. When you have returned from your AM route you should park the bus in your assigned parking area, post trip the bus for any issues and clock out. Once parked you should be clocked out within 5 minutes. Once you have clocked in for your PM route the bus should be underway within 5 minutes, the time it should take you to do a pre-trip inspection. When you have returned from your PM route you should park the bus in your assigned parking area, post trip the bus for any issues and sweep/clean the bus. All drivers should be clocked out within 10 minutes of being parked in the afternoon. Should a driver fail to clock in or out GPS will be used to determine your clock in/clock out time. Important Dates 1. JANUARY 4, 2016 NEW PASSENAGER STOP PROCEDURES 2. REVISED TD 29’S DUE SEPTEMBER 14th…..these should list turn by turn direction, stop location (address), student names and times stops are made. 3. DPI STUDENT COUNT WILL BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 21-25. 4. SECOND REVISED TD 29’S WILL BE DUE th FEBRUARY 12 .