
Sierra Nevada region
Official Publication | Sierra Nevada Region | Porsche Club of America
April 2016
Keep your Porsche running great...
Preventive maintenance is key!
Reno Rennsport is the local expert at providing all the key maintenance
needs to keep your Porsche running well year after year.
Don’t take our word for it - Google these and see for yourself
Cayenne S 2002-2006 cooling pipes
The original plastic pipes can crack after years
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aluminium pipe upgrade kit. Call today for pricing.
911 (996) & Boxter 1997-2005 IMS bearing
The IMS bearing has potential to fail and cause severe engine
damage. Reno Rennsport is your local expert at replacing
the Intermediate Shaft Bearing with the L&N Engineering
upgrade. Call today for pricing.
2 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
6 Cal Lane - Sparks, NV
6 Cal Lane - Sparks, NV
Table of
2016 Sierra Nevada Region
Porsche Club of America
Board of Directors
Craig Kugler | President | 775-771-3256
April 2016 Edition
Steve Kent | Vice-President | 775-324-9800
Doug Driver | Secretary | 775-352-7568
04 | President’s Page
Karen O’Larey | Membership
05 | Calendar of Events | 775-626-6798
15 | New Members | 775-856-1765
15 | Classifieds | 775-352-7568
Debbie Dell | Treasurer
Doug Driver | Competition Chair
Jess Lattin | Tech Chair |
Deven Hickingbotham | Activities | 775-622-9991
06 | Street Survival
Rich Chew | Media Relations & Webmaster |
08 | 911 Launch Party
Karen Vibe | Past-President | 775-823-8641
10 | Fast Draw Shoot
Merlin Simons | Member at Large
11 | High Performance Driving
Newsletter Staff
Jim Hemig | Layout |
New 911 SNR Launch Party at Bill Pearce
Porsche of Reno (photo Craig Kugler).
Gramma Pat | Editor at Large
Su Kemper | Editor at Large
Randy Bradley | Newsletter Distribution
PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 3
President’s Page
Exciting spring events are on tap
In the valleys, leaves
are turning green and
flowers are blooming
in a rainbow of colors.
And while there’s plenty
of snow in the mountains, the weather is at
last turning winter’s
final corner signaling
that it is driving time!
If you haven’t already,
now is the time to get
your car ready for the start of our
driving season. The all-important
oil change and springtime maintenance, tire checks and alignment,
washing, cleaning, polishing, waxing … Okay … know I’m OCD
but I can’t help it! The “twisties”
are calling and whether you have a
new car or one with a little patina,
man and machine love to drive
our area roads. We have a lot of
driving events on our schedule so
get ready!
In this edition, you’ll get the
highlights of our March events
which include the High Performance Driving Meeting, a Tire
Rack Street Survival report and
the New 911 Launch Party update.
Upcoming events noted inside
include information on two tech
sessions (“New 911 Tech” and
“Paint Protection Film Tech”) and
two drive tours (our “8th Annual
Dust Off Tour” and a scenic drive
have come up to me at
recent events telling me
they want to volunteer. I
can’t tell you how encouraged that makes me feel.
We have a cadre of
motivated members on
our Treffen Committee,
planning SNR’s support
for the event. But we
will need many more
to the “Genoa Cowvolunteers for driving
boy Festival & Fast
tours and for hospitality
Draw Shoot”). And
and other Treffen-related
those are only the
event support. I know
April events!
our members and I know
CRAB Weekyou will help make this
end and our Wine
a great inaugural event!
Social series are
Going forward we will
coming in May. We
have volunteer signup
have an exciting
sheets at all club events
spring and summer Craig Kugler
for this unique PCA Naof events on tap for
tional event. If you want
you! Check out our
to volunteer but can’t
upcoming events
make an event in April
online at our web page: www.snror May, call or email me to let me
know you want to volunteer.
In addition to the above items,
Finally, I want to welcome
this edition includes the first offormer editor Jim Hemig back to
ficial ad related to Treffen Lake
The Circular. Jim will be managing
Tahoe. As you will see, Sierra
the newsletter layout and getting it
Nevada Region is identified as the
ready for printing. Jim’s participahost region. That’s a pretty eyetion is a real plus for our club and
catching statement! Even before
personally I’m thrilled to have his
the ad came out, this event had
I hope to see you at our next
started generating some real interevent. Until then, be safe!
est from members, and several
4 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
Calendar of EVents
April 6 & May 4; 5:30pm to 7pm
Saturday, April 23; 10am to 11:45am
Board Meeting
Porsche of Reno, 11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno
Saturday, May 7 & June 4; 9am to 11am
Monthly Breakfast
Lili’s Restaurant, Franktown Corners (Grove &
Kietzke), 2325 Kietzke Lane, Reno
Reserved parking on south side of Grove across from
restaurant. For info and RSVP, contact John or Jan
Bogikes at or 775.870.9293.
Saturday, April 16; 9am to 10:30am
Spring Tech Session:
New 911 Tech
You saw the “car” at our launch party. Now get the inside
tech details on what makes it tick! Join us at Porsche of
Reno at 11555 S. Virginia Street in Reno as Jess Lattin,
Head Porsche Tech, explains and demonstrates the latest
technology that goes into the new 911. The session will
also include a light breakfast with coffee and juices, fruit,
bagels and shmear! You know Jess always puts on a great
tech session so mark your calendar and plan to attend!
RSVP to Jess at or 775.846.8362.
Saturday, April 16; 11am to 4pm
8th Annual Dust Off Tour
After the New 911 Tech Session, the Dust Off Tour will
depart at 11:30am from Porsche of Reno on a fun, back
roads drive to Wellington, NV for a buffet lunch at the
Heyday Inn. Cost is $15 + tax/tip and is cash only. Join
Pete and Carol Dickinson as they led us on our first
drive-and-dine of 2016. RSVP to Pete Dickinson at
775.240.5764 by April 12th!
PFF Tech:
How to Protect Your Paint!
The roads throughout our region are fantastic to drive
your Porsche on but are super hard on its paint. For
most, the “black vinyl bra” is too old school and going
“bare” is risky. There’s a better way! Join us and Dexter
Baker and his team at Sierra Invisible Shield as they
show you how to keep your car looking great for years
at a fraction of the cost of repainting. Paint Protection
Film (“PFF”) has come a long way in the last few years
and this is a great way to learn about the advances
in materials, durability and ultimate protection. The
session will also include coffee and light breakfast
snacks. RSVP to Craig Kugler at
or 775.771.3256 by April 21st.
Saturday, April 30; 8am to 3pm
Genoa Cowboy Festival/Fast
Draw Shoot!
See event ad on page 10.
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are critical to the success of our
club. As important as event hosts are, committee
chairs and board members are even more critical
as they help direct and execute the various activities of the club. We still have a critical position
open and waiting for a volunteer: Newsletter
Editor. This position offers an interested member
an opportunity to be more involved, get to know
more members and generally have more fun in
our club. We encourage anyone interested to
contact Craig Kugler at, or
a current board member to get more information.
We think you will be surprised at how much fun
you can have!
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 5
PCA Members Survive Street Survival
Six brave members from our Sierra Nevada region
challenged the cold weather to participate in the Tire
Rack Street Survival program on March 12th at RenoStead Airport.
For several years,
Doug Driver
Competition Chair
Tire Rack has sponsored Street Survival,
a program teaching car control to teens and young
adults. The BMW club and the SCCA have long been
partners in this program, and PCA is now involving its members. Craig Kugler, Doug Driver, Ron
Lewis, Drew Hardie and Erwin Stedronsky served as
coaches while Ragnar Kuehnert shagged cones on the
frozen asphalt at the airport. This spring’s session was
organized by the Reno SCCA.
About 30 students, mostly high school, showed up
bleary-eyed at 7:45am on Saturday morning to participate. There were two tracks of 15 students each: one
group was in the classroom while the other group was
out on the course. In the classroom sessions the students learned about the physics of car control along
The Street Survival Sierra Nevada Region team.
with proper driving techniques ... like driving position, looking ahead and attitude. And the coaches
had some schoolwork of their own. Each coach was
required to complete a two-hour online course (with
a grueling final exam) to qualify. Some of the coaches
6 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
See Street Survival/Next Page
Street Survival
From Previous Page
had two students, so they were bouncing from vehicle
to vehicle as the students transitioned from course to
The “on course” car control exercises included
threshold braking (with and without a sharp turn
at the end), slaloms, high-speed lane changes, and
skid pad exercises with both circles and figure-eights.
Coaches were in the cars at all times instructing and
encouraging the students. After the exercises were
completed on dry asphalt, the water truck and soap
came out to simulate wet and icy conditions in the
threshold braking and skid pad exercises.
The variety of vehicles, as well as students, was diverse. We had everything from a ‘70s vintage Mercury
Grand Marquis to a 2016 Cayenne GTS, and the students ranged from diminutive girls to football players.
They had two things in common: (1) they preferred
the driving exercises to the classroom sessions, and
(2) all of the students exhibited impressive car control
skills by the end of the day.
After receiving their diplomas, the students took
runs through a full course that combined all of the
elements (threshold braking, slalom, lane change
and skid pad) in one circuit. After a couple of runs
with their coaches, the coaches climbed out and their
parents climbed in for a ride. It was impressive to
see the self-confidence exhibited by the students and
the minimal fear of the parents as the students went
through their paces. If we have helped prevent just
one accident, then it was all worthwhile.
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 7
New 911 Launch Party
With a bright and sunny spring
Craig Kugler
day to greet us, over 40 members
and guests turned out to see what
the fuss was about: the new 911!
I say “new” because the Carrera 991.2 (internal
designation) definitely reflects the wave of the future
for Porsche. Early arrivals got a special treat – the
dark gray car cover with PORSCHE emblazoned
on it, sitting quietly and waiting for its big moment.
Surrounded by both small and large vases of beautiful
Easter flowers, flanked by tables stocked with delicious hors d’oeuvres from Rounds Bakery and a lovely
mini wine bar with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay at the
ready, the showroom looked almost like an art gallery,
with the new 911 the “object d’art”!
Phil Speir, general sales manager
and host of the Porsche of Reno event,
welcomed everyone and presented
a brief overview of the new 911: its
enhanced technology, engine, infotainment and other
Phil also recounted his experience last week in
Atlanta at the PCNA Sales Launch where he had a
chance to put the 991.2 through its paces at the new
Porsche Center. I thinks Phil’s famous last words
were: “This car will put a smile on your face!” With
that introduction, the car cover slid off front to back
and under the sparkling showroom lights a gorgeous
Graphite Blue Metallic Carrera S was revealed.
Members immediately moved in for a closer look
8 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
Phil Speir presents an overview of the new 911
before the unveiling.
Sierra Nevada Region members examine the new
911 engine compartment.
Rich Chew and Jan Snickars are ready to go for a
test drive!
Jeff and Bridget Webster check out the food
as the driver and passenger doors and front and rear
deck lids were opened for inspection. In addition
to Phil, sales team members Michael Gracey, Vince
Harris and Jon Pohl were on hand to answer member
questions and review details on the 911. Many members took the opportunity to sit in the driver’s and/or
passenger seats of this beauty. The interior was done
in two-tone leather (Graphite Blue/Chalk) and it was
stunning. Particular attention by members was paid
to the 918ish Rotary Switch which allows you to select
different driving modes and even configure a custom
setting of your own. Impressive! In addition to PDK
and Sport Chrono, this launch car also had Porsche
Sport Exhaust (a must have), Lane Change Assist and
Sunroof Delete (yay!). The Porsche Communication
Management system which drives the car’s Infotainment system is a major step up in technology. It supports Apple Car Play and operates more like an iPad
with a much improved touchscreen. We saw a demo
of the navigation screen and it was stunning!
Of course the big question is the new enginedesignated 9A2 with twin turbochargers. While we
only had a chance to hear the car start up inside the
showroom, it sounded quite impressive.
A test drive for those seriously interested is in
order to get the full effect. The motoring press has
consistently raved about the responsiveness and virtual lack of turbo lag. The verdict from our members
in attendance: This is one killer machine!
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 9
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Wanted Cowboys, Cowgirls and Gunslingers
Here is an event for the cowboy or cowgirl
in all of us. On Saturday, April 30, “ride” with
us to the Genoa Cowboy Festival and/or take
the opportunity to join us in a gunslinger event
known as Cowboy Fast
Draw. Either way, a
scenic drive is planned to
get us to Genoa. So even
if you just want to get
out and go for a beautiful
morning drive, this is the
event for you.
The folks who participate in the Cowboy
Fast Draw event will
have all the necessary
equipment supplied: the
guns, ammunition (wax
bullets), safety holsters
and targets. Coaches and
helpers will be available.
For those participating
in this portion of the
event there is a cost of
$28/person. Wear your
best Western garb or
long-sleeved shirt, closed
toed shoes or boots for
safety (no flip flops, sandals or shorts), jeans and
a cowboy hat (if you have one)! Glasses are also
a must so bring them if you have them or safety
glasses will be provided. We anticipate the Fast
Draw portion to be over by 2pm to allow folks
the opportunity to enjoy the activities at the
Cowboy Festival.
For information on all the activities at the
Genoa Cowboy Festival, please visit their website:
The driving tour will depart from the
McDonalds on the
Mount Rose Highway.
Meet at 8am with an
8:30am departure.
We plan to arrive in
Genoa at the Genoa
Mavericks gun range
slightly before 10am.
Your hosts for this
event are Pete & Carol
Dickinson and Harry
& Debbie Dell. Please
RSVP to Debbie at
775.856.1765 no later
than Monday, April
25th. The Fast Draw
portion of this event is
limited to the first 18
paid shooters. Make
Fast Draw checks payable to and mail to:
Debbie Dell at 6002
Clear Creek Drive,
Reno, NV 89502. Your
check is your reservation. For those attending the
Cowboy Festival or the Genoa drive only, please
RSVP so that we can plan accordingly for all cars
NOTE: The Fast Draw Shoot itself is not a
PCA sanctioned event and is not covered by PCA
10 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
Pictured in photo from left to right: Dick Bottom, Deven Hickingbotham, Craig Kugler, Ron Lewis, Liam
& Ashley Nolan and Doug Driver.
High Performance Driving Meeting
speeds and costs, these events
Winter is a tough time for sports car
Deven Hickingbotham
enthusiasts. Days are short, tires don’t
can be a little intimidating. But
Activities Chair
have the grip in the cold that we’re used
the Porsche Club Driver Educato, and sand threatens our shiny paint.
tion (DE) events are a great way to dip your toe into
To compensate, we start thinking about the longer
the water. New track drivers get plenty of classroom
days that lie ahead. And so it was that eight memtime before heading out to the track with an instrucbers of SNR-PCA met in early March to discuss high
tor. In fact, you can’t get rid of the instructor in your
performance driving opportunities in Nevada and
passenger seat until he or she signs off on you. This is
very much a good thing as you get a lot of one-on-one
With the help of Doug Driver and David
advice. And since most DE events are two days, you
Delbridge, Deven Hickingbotham led a discussion of
can get a lot of instruction over the weekend.
the autocross, PCA driver education and open road
The majority of the meeting was devoted to disracing options in the area. Let’s take a closer look at
cussing one of the least known driving options: open
each of these events.
road racing (ORR). Surprisingly few people know
Local autocross competitions are sponsored by the that eastern Nevada is the center of the ORR universe
Reno Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) and are
with two events annually in May and September.
held at nearby Stead Airport. These events are open to ORR events are held on closed public highways, vary
non-SCCA members. Cars simply need to be in good
in length from 50 to 90 miles, and drivers compete
working order, and speeds are relatively low due to the
in speed classes from 95mph to 150mph to finish the
technical nature of the course that is defined by cones
course in a certain amount of time.
on the airport’s runway. These events are a great lowBut ORR is much more that the race itself. These
cost way to improve your car control skills.
The next step up is track driving. With increased
See Performance/Next Page
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 11
From Previous Page
events are just as much social as
they are competitive. Typically,
the events span three to four days
which are filled with car shows,
parades, half-mile and one-mile
acceleration competitions, dinners,
drivers meetings, and the like. It’s
a great opportunity to make new
friends, see old ones and talk cars
Much like Porsche DE events,
you can’t start ORR until you’ve
been qualified. For events organized by the Silver State Challenge
Classic (SSCC), this means new
participants have to go through
rookie school the Thursday before
the race. Once this is completed,
one is qualified to compete in the
Touring Division with a top speed
class of 110mph. Drivers can work
their way up to faster speed classes
as they gain experience.
Race day starts early. Cars are
staged by 7am and then proceed
through a final safety check. The
race starts at 8am with the fastest
classes going first at one-minute
intervals. Since the rules encourage participants to stay close to
their target speeds, the one-minute
starting interval results is very little
passing. In fact, during my last race
I never even saw another car.
Needless to say, it is great
satisfaction to pass by sheriffs and
NHP officers at triple-digit speeds
as they nod approvingly. Much
sooner than expected, you pass
the finish line on your way to the
awards banquet in Las Vegas that
evening. I can’t think of a more
exhilarating legal way to have fun
in a car.
This just scratches the surface.
For more information, please
contact Deven Hickingbotham
( or Doug
Driver (
For more information, download
the presentation at http://snr-pca.
Introducing Treffen North America, experiencing
America’s best roads and destinations. Join the
Porsche Club of America and Sierra Nevada Region
for the inaugural event: Treffen Lake Tahoe—
three days of driving, dining and exploring.
September 7-11, 2016
Resort at Squaw Creek
Olympic Valley, CA
For program information
and registration details,
see the Treffen website:
or e-mail the Treffen
North America staff at:
Caravan to CRAB
Join us on a back roads drive to Ione, CA Friday,
May 13th. Reno participants meet at Starbucks at Wedge
Parkway and Mt. Rose Hwy and depart at noon. Meet the
Carson Valley participants at Starbucks (Hwy. 395/Hwy
88) in Minden and depart at 1pm. Call Ozzie or Millie
Smith at 775.783.0037, or call or text 619.843.9500 (cell),
or email, with your name, a contact
phone number, and your start point (Reno or Minden).
We plan a fun drive to arrive in Jackson/Plymouth area
at around 3:30pm. to allow time for hotel check-in prior
to the start of CRAB at 5:30pm at Eagles Nest Airport in
Ione. Register for CRAB now; registration closes May 6th.
Go to to register and for information on
accommodations, schedules, location, activities and more.
At Eagle’s Nest
in Ione, California
Presented By Sacramento
Valley Region
3-day Multi-region event
will include:
Friday Night:
Welcome party including music
& no-host bar, Funkhana
Morning Autocross & Driving Tour
Afternoon Autocross & Driving Tour
Walking Tour
Saturday night:
CRAB Banquet & Dancing
with Music by The Speedsters
Dolf VanKesteren
Factory Trained Porsche Technicians
We Service All Makes
and Models
Carrera Four Cam
Rallye, Gymkhana,
Concours de CRAB,
Beer & Brat BBQ
…and a very special private air show
by SVR’s own Brian Sanders
(Sanders Aeronautics)
Stop by and
say Hi!
11555 South Virginia Street • Reno, Nevada
(775) 826-2100 •
Registration opens
February 15th!
Crab 36 | Sacramento Valley Region
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 13
The Invisible “clear bra” film solution
With to
PCA ate 10
Celeb rs in
Yea ss!
Reno/Sparks 775.857.2606
Protect Your Auto Investment
Installation & Repairs/Full Detailing
14 | Sierra Nevada | Porsche Club of America | April 2016
1969 Porsche 911 GT Race Car
with 3.4L Race Engine
Fully developed and sorted 1969 911 GT race car with
fresh 3.4L racing engine, located in Orinda, CA. Currently set up for PCA and Porsche Racing Club GT3
class. Current engine, suspension design and set-up by
Mat Lowrance of Reno Rennsport. PCA and NASA
logbooks. Dry weight of 19xx pounds (with oil). Fresh
and unpainted 993 widebody fiberglass bodywork. Dual
axle open trailer with large front mounted tire rack, fuel
jug storage and lockable tool box. Spares and supplies
include fuel transport bottles, funnel, etc. A turnkey racing package. $125K + to duplicate, asking $59K. Phone
or email for details and additional photos. Contact Neil
Jackson 925.785.0247 or
New Members:
Gary Ackerman
Stateline, NV
2013 Panamera
Conway Wells
Reno, NV
2006 911 Carrera 4S
Sierra Nevada
Region members: 447
April 2016 | Porsche Club of America | Sierra Nevada | 15