the circular - Concours 2013


the circular - Concours 2013
Official Publication | Sierra Nevada Region | Porsche Club of America
October 2015 | SNR-PCA.ORG
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2 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
2015 Sierra Nevada Region
Porsche Club of America
Board of Directors
October 2015 Edition
Steve Kent | Vice-President
Craig Kugler | President | 775-771-3256 | 775-324-9800
Carlis Chaussee | Secretary | 775-722-1600
04 | President’s Page
Karen O’Larey | Membership | 775-626-6798
04 | Classifieds
Debbie Dell | Treasurer | 775-856-1765
06 | Calendar of Events
Doug Driver | Competition Chair
12 | New Members | 775-352-7568
Jess Lattin | Tech Chair
14 | Classifieds |
Rick Baker | Activities | 650-307-1012
Rich Chew | Media Relations & Webmaster
07 | Minden Auto Museum Visit
08 | Concours d’ Elegance
10 | Last Chance to Drive Fast
12 | Fall Wine Tour |
Karen Vibe | Past-President | 775-823-8641
Merlin Simons | Member at Large
Newsletter Staff
Cathy Rossner | Editor | 775-787-2003
Concours photo by Steve Kent
Gramma Pat | Editor at Large
Su Kemper | Editor at Large
Randy Bradley | Newsletter Distribution
PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511 SNR-PCA.ORG
October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 3
What an exciting September
for our club! We held a very successful Zone 7 Concours, had a
packed Saturday Breakfast and a
full complement on the Fall Wine
Tour. Our Concours brought
out almost three dozen cars to
Rancho San Rafael Park, with
some coming from over the hill.
The associated Meet & Greet and
Dinner also had a fine turnout
and wonderful food at the Atlantis
Resort. My thanks to all members
who volunteered to make this
event so successful. Special thanks
go to Steve Kent, Dick Bottom, Bill
King, Ragnar Kuehnert and Bob
McLaughlin for their tremendous
And as of this writing,
September isn’t over. Rennsport
Reunion V is on the immediate
horizon and it looks like we’ll
be well represented there with
both attendees and participants
in racing and displays. A great
October usually winds down
our driving season but we do
Craig Kugler
have a couple of events of interest for those who want to get in
some fall driving. First we have an
Oktoberfest Drive & Dine which
will have a wonderful drive and
a South Lake Tahoe dinner at the
Himmel Haus. For those wanting a little more adrenaline, Doug
Driver is hosting a PCA Autocross
Day. This event is in conjunction
with SCCA and it should a great
opportunity to drive your car as
fast as you can, legally, on a cone
course. You’ll be amazed at how
much fun this can be. See the calendar section for details on all our
upcoming events.
In this edition you will find
the Officers Ballot with the slate
of candidates for the 2016 Club
Officers. I encourage you to
complete your ballot and send
it in by the deadline. The ballot
is also available on line at www.
Finally, I’d like to remind
members that our club receives
much of its support from businesses and individuals who advertise
in our newsletter. I encourage you
to use our advertisers whenever
you can and be sure to let them
know you saw their ad in our
newsletter. It makes a big difference to them and ultimately to
our club.
Check out all our upcoming
events on our calendar page or at
our website: I
hope to see you at our next event.
Until then, be safe!
ASKING: $33,900
If interested, call 775-304-0038
4 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
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October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 5
October 7th; 5:30pm to 7pm
Board Meeting
Porsche of Reno
11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno
October 10th; 4:30pm to 9pm
Drive and Dine Oktoberfest
Himmel Haus
3819 Saddle Road, South Lake Tahoe
Meet at 4:30pm at Bavarian World, 595 Valley Road,
Reno, where we will grab a pretzel, Swiss Chocolate or
your favorite nosh from their bakery and food store.
Depart at 5:15pm for South Lake Tahoe for a German
Oktoberfest Dinner that we will individually order off
of their menu. Return on your own. RSVP to Steve at or 775-324-9800.
October 24th; Noon to 3pm
SCCA Autocross & Lunch
Stead Airport
4895 Texas Avenue, Reno, NV
Our plan is to run the Saturday morning session (8:00
to about noon) and then convene at Jean & Doug
Driver’s house for an afternoon of burgers, beer and
wine. RSVP to Doug at
and breakfast snacks. Contact Jess Lattin
( or 775-846-8362.
November 12th; 6pm to 9pm
Volunteer Appreciation
Twisted Fork
1191 Steamboat Pkwy, Reno, NV
This annual event is open to all members as it honors
event volunteers for their efforts during the past year.
Social hour 6pm to 7pm; Dinner at 7pm. Cost is
$40 per person and includes appetizers, soup/salad
and choice of five entrees. RSVP to Craig Kugler at Send checks, made out to
SNR-PCA, to PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511
December 2nd; 5:30pm to 7pm
Board Meeting
Porsche of Reno
11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno
December 5th; 9am to 11am
Porsche Saturday Breakfast
Board Meeting
Lili’s Restaurant, Franktown Corners
2325 Kietzke Lane, Reno
Reserved parking south side of Grove Street across
from the restaurant.
Contact George Queyrel, 775-852-3881.
Porsche of Reno
11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno
December 12th; 6pm to 10pm
November 4th; 5:30pm to 7pm
November 7th; 9:30am to 11am
Tech Session & Breakfast
Porsche of Reno
11555 S. Virginia Street, Reno
“Suspension Tricks & Options” will be the topic.
Will include a light breakfast with coffee, juices
Holiday Party
Nugget Resort, Poolside Terrace Room, Sparks, NV
Holiday Buffet Feast with Prime Rib Carving Station
and great desserts. Social hour 6pm to 7pm; Dinner
at 7pm. Cost is $50 per person. RSVP to Craig Kugler
at Send checks, made out to
SNR-PCA, to PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511
6 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
Minden Auto Museum Visit
On Saturday, August 22nd, 15 cars
houses four Rolls, two Phantom I modRagnar Kuehnert,
caravaned from Reno to Minden. We
els, a 1927 and a 1929, both U.S. built
had a broad representation of models
with lefthand drive. The other two are
— from 356s to a 2014 Cayman S, plus
British-built cars. One is a 1935 Phana Mercedes V12 Biturbo Cabrio and a BMW SUV.
tom II, pressed into military service during WWII,
In Minden, we were greeted by Ned Bacon, owner
where it was used as an ambulance. It was bought in
of a collection of about 85 vehicles housed in several
England by Ted in the ‘60s, restored, and then became
modern, purpose-built buildings. The collection
a Pebble Beach Concours winner. The other is a rare
was started in 1954 when Ted Bacon, Ned’s father,
12 cylinder 1937 Phantom III.
acquired a 1912 Cadillac that took 17 years to restore.
Is there a Porsche connection? Yes! In 1957, Ted
The oldest car is a 1911 Locomobile, unrestored but
bought a 356 Normal coupe at the factory in Gercarefully preserved. Several of the cars won prizes
many, toured with it in Europe and brought it to the
at the Pebble Beach Concours. Others have been on
United States. He traded it, in 1960, for a 1912 Impeloan to the National Automobile Museum in Reno for rial (no relation to Chrysler) which he found more
special exhibits.
desirable. In the building housing post WWII cars we
Not only the cars captured our attention, but the
saw an unrestored, 100% original 1966 Porsche 911
stories associated with them about where they were
once owned by Bill Bliss, descendant of the Bliss famfound and how they were later used enhanced our
ily (Tahoe developers since 1873), and an unrestored
visit. For example, the 1914 Knox fire truck. Ned’s
1954 Porsche with a 1966 engine, found near Ned’s
father bought it in Berkeley and drove it under its
mother’s house in southern California. Next to the
own power to Minden. It was used in several Carson
Porsches sits an unrestored 1958 Ferrari Elana coupe.
Valley and Nevada Day parades. For years, Ted gave
Ted got it in a trade for an International Scout, plus a
rides once a year to elementary school children in
three-legged cow.
Minden and Gardnerville. Another interesting story
Near the entrance we were greeted by a 1950
was the 1917 Haynes, the second car acquired in the
Plymouth station wagon, a car young Ted drove in
collection. It’s the only Haynes left in the world with a college. Decades later a teenage Ned found it in a
V12 engine. It was bought in very sad shape in 1955
motel parking lot in Lone Pine, Calif. In 1974, Ted
for $75 from a rancher near Red Rock, north of Reno. was given the opportunity to buy it back for $1. From
His twin children used the money to pay for books
1975 until 2010 it was stored on the family ranch
for their studies at the University of California, Davis. where it became home to generations of mice. Before
It was restored from 1957–1958. Richard and Pat
Ned added it to the collection, something had to be
Nixon toured in it in northern Nevada during their
done. The entire interior was ripped out and replaced,
1959 presidential campaign. Among the early “clasbut the “perfume” left behind by the rodents remains
sics” in the collection is a 1928 Packard that won Best today.
in Class at Pebble Beach in 1974.
Ned’s daily driver, a battle-scarred 1987 VW
Race cars? How about a 1915 Mercer that can
Synchro (4x4), attracted our attention. In 2006 “Chardo 75 to 80 mph and was a Pebble Beach Concours
lotte,” as she is now known, was bought sight unseen
winner. And, a 1922 Meteor with a flathead 6 that was in Connecticut by Ned and his wife Kat. They drove
raced by Ned in the Monterey Historics in the ‘80s.
Want to see Rolls Royces? A separate building
Continued on page 10
October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 7
Club Members display their Porsches
on the green at 2015 Concours
SNR-PCA Concours d’ Elegance
The 2015 SNR-PCA Concours d’
wines, beers, water and soft drinks that the
Steve Kent
Elegance kicked off with the Meet & Greet
Atlantis had prepared for us at the bar. We
at the Atlantis Resort Convention Center
were fortunate to have incoming PCA Zone
Saturday, September 5th. The Atlantis had a special
7 Representative Sandy Provasi attend along with Les
parking area roped off for us and the rows of Porsches Schreiber and Jim McMahen to help with judging
all shined up were impressive. Dick & Marilyn Botand scoring. Members were happy to see Jim & Shelly
tom and Ragnar Kuehnert did the paperwork on new Hemig — long-time, now former SNV members —
registrants while Gramma Pat made everyone feel
join us from their new home in Grass Valley. We had
welcome. Club members socialized and tried the fruit several other entrants from other regions.
trays, cheese trays and crackers as well as the special
At 4pm Ragnar handed out the Tech Quiz. Both
Porsche experts and novices participated. It was fun
to take the quiz together. A lively, humorous fun discussion of the questions and possible answers ensued.
Despite the fun-filled discussion no one was revealing
their answers.
At 6pm the Atlantis set up their Sunset Buffet
dinner, and members enjoyed salmon, chicken and
chef-carved prime rib along with assorted salads, cold
shrimp and rolls. The desert pastries topped of the
The Concours set-up started at 7am the following
morning. SNR-PCA volunteers Bill King, Rick Baker
Club members enjoy a picnic lunch in the pagoda at Concours.
8 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
and others quickly set up a spot for each car with a
printed SNR-PCA placard identifying the parking
spot and describing each car. Member Martin Stabbert and his wife quickly set up their sound system
and started playing beautiful music. Craig & Mary
Lou Kugler arrived with coffee and donuts donated by
Einstein’s Bagels (arranged by Paul Giannini). Dick &
Marilyn Bottom and Ragnar handed car owners their
registration packets as they arrived. Kelly Wozniak
Bob McLaughlin’s daughter, took pictures of each
car as they entered the grassy area. Numerous raffle
prizes were displayed and Karen Vibe sold tickets.
Car owners then started final car preparation
with judging starting at 10:30 a.m. There were a wide
variety of Porsches to admire, from Craig Kugler’s
GT-4 to Gramma Pat’s beautiful 1966 Black 911,
George Mihalko’s Pure Blue Speedster, Dan Aynesworth’s 1968 911L, Jim McMahen’s 1980 911S, Rich
O’Larey’s new Boxster, Dave Shelton’s pristine 1996
Carrera 4S wide body, Mark Gordine’s 1997, 993
Turbo, several 914s, Boxsters, Cayennes and Caymans
to admire. Judging proceeded and was complete at
noon. People’s choice ballots were handed out.
A picnic lunch buffet was laid out in the Pagoda,
our Concours headquarters. Lunch was Caesar and
potato salad, chips, watermelon and sandwiches, with
iced tea, lemonade, soft drinks and assorted cookies. While we ate lunch, Bill King and Karen Vibe
announced the raffle winners. Then the Concours
winners were announced and trophies awarded by
Concours Chairman Steve Kent. The winners were
Full display of cars at the Concours
At left, the display of impressive Concours raffle prizes.
At right, lunch under the pagoda.
People’s Choice Gramma Pat, Wash & Shine: WS-3
1st Dan Aynesworth, WS-4 1st Jim McMahen, 2nd
Richard O’Larey, WS-5 1st Mark Gordine, 2nd Dave
Shelton, 3rd George Queyrel, WS-6 1st Les Schreiber,
2nd Steve Simon, WS-7 1st Dick Bottom, 2nd Craig
Kugler, 3rd Karen O’Leary, WS-8 1st Rob Sime, WS-9
1st Barbara McCrory, Street S-6 1st Bob McLaughlin,
Full Concours CSI-2 1st Larry Moeller, C-6 1st Steve
Kent, C-11 1st Jim Hemig (who had the highest score
overall for all cars), 2nd Karen Vibe. Congratulations
to our winners!
Thank you to our sponsors Bill Pearce Porsche,
Karen Vibe - Morgan Stanley, Doug Driver, Steve
Kent - Kent Law, Kris Kent - Reno Realty.
Thank you, volunteers: Steve Kent, Chairman;
Dick Bottom, Registration; Rich Chew, Online Registration; Bill King, Field Parking & Announcer; Ragnar Kuhn, Tech Quiz, Registration and Judge; Robert
McLaughlin, Past Chairman and Photos; Gramma
Pat, Meet & Greet; Doug Driver, Raffle and Judge; Jim
Heming, Flyers and Registration Forms; Dan Aynesworth, Judging; Karen Vibe, Judge and Raffle; Karen
Goody, Judge; Les Schreiber, Scoring and Judge; Jim
McMahon, Head Judge; Martin Stabbert, Sound System; Kara Gurries, Lunch; Ray Gurries, Lunch; Kris
Kent, Lunch; Mayla Kent, Helper Extraordinaire; and
Kathie Martin, Legal Assistant. We hope we see you
next year at the 2016 Concours!
October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 9
Your Last Chance
to Drive Fast in 2015 … Legally
October 24th
This is a great opportunity
and 25th is Reno SCCA’s
to explore the handling
last autocross of the year
prowess of your Porsche
at Stead Airport, and we’d
in a comfortable environlike to see some of you
ment. The cost for the auPCA members out there
tocross will be about $25
driving your cars comfor SCCA members and
petitively before you stuff
$40 for non-members (inDoug Driver,
them away for the winter.
cludes a weekend memOur plan is to run the
bership to the SCCA). You
Competition Chair
Saturday morning session (8:00 to about noon)
can bring your own helmet
and then convene at Jean and Doug Driver’s house
or use an SCCA loaner.
for an afternoon of burgers, beer, and wine.
Please let Doug know if you’re interested
We’ll arrange instructors for any first-timin participating ( and
ers, and we’ll run in a relaxed “no points” format.
he’ll follow up with additional details.
Minden Museum Visit
her home to Minden, converting her to a camper
along the way. In 2014, the threesome embarked on
a 30,000-mile journey south that ended in Ushuaia,
Argentina, the southernmost tip of South America.
Read all about it on their website
As a special treat, we were invited to view the
Bacon family heirlooms a few hundred yards away
in a building that formerly housed the Record Courier printing press. We were introduced to a restored
1930 Ford Model A, a rare towncar that was owned
by Ned’s great grandfather, and an all original 1937
Ford Woody with 86,000 miles owned by Ned’s great
grandmother. Other family cars were a 1939 Ford
Woody, a 1941 Lincoln and a 1947 restored Ford
continued from page 7
Sportsman. On one side, almost occupying the full
length of the building, was a 1928 royal launch built
for the King of Sweden. Refurbished and repowered
at Sierra Boat, the boat was used by the family on
Lake Tahoe until 1995. Other items of interest were
a rowboat, a yacht tender and a 1950 restored Ford
tractor with its own interesting story, and driven by
Ned as a boy.
By now hungry, we proceeded a mile south on
Highway 395 to the J.T. Bar & Dining Room, where
we enjoyed an excellent lunch served family style.
We are very grateful to Ned Bacon to have been
given this rare opportunity to view his private collection and have him as a docent — a person who
literally grew up with it.
10 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
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October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 11
Fall Wine Tour 2015
This popular event was filled almost immediately.
We then headed for Plymouth where we checked
Who said that Porsche enthusiasts aren’t also wine
into our rooms. Our delicious dinner hosted by Scott
& Pam Miller, owners of Single Leaf Winery, conThe group departing from Reno met at the Tama- sisted of BBQ tri-tip, corn on the cob, green salad,
rack Junction Casino with cars ready to make the trip rolls and Pam’s killer beans. As a special treat, Pam
to Amador and El Dorado Counties for
made cheesecake topped with a fig sauce
two days of Porsche fun, drivshe made especially for us. Full
Debbie Dell
ing roads and wine tasting. In
and content, we headed back to
this group were Paul & Nancy
our motel.
Giannini, Bob Jordan & Kelly
On Sunday our first stop
Bass, Ron & denise Lewis, Rich
was at Cantiga Winery, owned
& Karen O’Larey, Fred Schatz,
by Rich & Christine Rorden.
Russ & Vicky Schultz, Johanna
Rich explained how their winWaizmann, Mary Zanella &
ery produces wine in the old
Jana Johnson and hosts Harry
European style which is quite
& Debbie Dell. Craig & Mary
different from many other winLou Kugler also joined us for
eries. Christine served homethe drive to our first rest stop.
made pairings for each wine we
Cars lined up at Single Leaf Winery.
Traveling south toward Hightasted to show how the flavor of
way 88 we were joined by Jim &
the wine is enhanced by food. It
Ellen Hodos in Washoe Valley.
was a great experience to start
Driving further south we met
the day and everyone enjoyed
four more cars in Minden. This
our visit here.
group consisted of Ozzie & MilNext we visited Madrona
lie Smith, Dan & Jackie AynesVineyards, where we were again
worth, Paul & Mary Lima and
given a personal explanation of
Jack & Sharon Calvert.
Cheers! at Windwalker Winery (Millie Smith,
the wine produced by this winOzzie Smith, Paul Lima, Mary Lima & Rich
The sky was clear and the
ery. Some of our members also
weather warm. We were fortu- O’Larey.
took a private tour of the cellars
nate that the Butte Fire was south
to see some of the special equipof our destination and did not hinder our drive or our ment used in the wine-making process. We also got a
wine tasting experience.
look and whiff of the barrel storage room. Voilà!
First stop was Windwalker Vineyards, where they
The tour ended at this point and some folks
greeted our merry bunch with a warm welcome and
headed for home. A few others visited the Boa Vista
an extensive tasting list. Then we all relaxed on their
Market for lunch and purchases of apple and blackdeck and enjoyed our self-prepared lunches.
berry pies and turnovers as well as other goodies
Next stop was Deaver Vineyards, where we were
before heading home.
treated us to our own private tasting area under their
Thank you to all who attended. It was another
outside tent on . Folks tasted wine as they wandered
fun weekend driving our cars, visiting with friends
the beautiful grounds and gift shop.
and enjoying the wine experience. Ciao!
12 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
New SNR Members
Bob Ellis
Victor Pollitt
Connor Stohlgren
Mary Swirsky
Mark Hannah
William Murphy
Allan Slocum
Nick Harris
Dominic Kichenside
Darrell Leird
Wolfgang Kuchen
Craig Raynor
Kelly McGary
Michael Whipp
Roger Davidson
Truckee, CA
Sparks, NV
Crystal Bay, NV
Yerington, NV
Incline Village, NV
Reno, NV
Incline Village, NV
Incline Village, NV
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Fallon, NV
Reno, NV
Reno, NV
Stateline, NV
Reno, NV
1972 911T Targa
2004 Boxster S
2006 Cayman S
2001 Boxster S
2008 Boxster
2007 Cayman S
2013 911 Carrera S
2003 Boxster
1999 911 Carrera
2005 911 Carrera S
1996 911 Carrera
2001 911 Carrera
2001 Boxster
1997 911 Carrera
October 2015 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 13
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Dolf VanKesteren
Stop by and
say Hi!
Karen D. Vibe
Portfolio Management Director
First Vice President – Wealth Management
Financial Advisor
5390 Kietzke Lane, #200
Reno, NV 89511
© 2015 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.
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14 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | October 2015
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