Soroptimusings November 2013 Soroptimist International of Glendale P.O. Box 826 - Glendale, CA 91209 www.soroptimistglendale.org Chartered April 16, 1943 - Club # 112411 S.I.G. “Working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.” 2013-2014 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Susan Hunt 818-240-0897 siglendale@soroptimist.net PRESIDENT-ELECT Paula Devine 1st VICE PRESIDENT (Programs) Carol Ann Burton Margo Bottcher, Assistant 2nd VICE PRESIDENT (Fundraising) Kathy Lefkovits Lola Abrahamian, Assistant 3rd VICE PRESIDENT (Membership) Sandy Doughty Leila Otey, Assistant RECORDING SECRETARY Lola Abrahamian Mary Lotz, Assistant CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Jill Lewis Sue Wilder, Assistant TREASURER Denise Michele Gayle Craig, Assistant 2 YEAR DIRECTOR Kathy Lefkovits (Vacant), Alternate “Women — Our History and Our Future” PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings! This is my absolutely favorite time of year… warm during the day and crisp overnight ... makes my early morning walk with Bubba truly invigorating! Fall Workshop was a smashing success. We were honored to have SIA President Cheri Fleming attend and share her vision for Collective Impact. We should be proud that SIG is already doing so in many ways. It was my particular pleasure to host it at the YWCA – a place close to my heart as you know. The building is historic, the organization is historic, and their mission is solid and clear – right in line with ours! The “Empowering Women” portion lines up nicely with our new mission – “Improving the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.” In fact, all we do at SIG fits nicely with the mission. We raise funds to meet that mission ... and our Service Committee is ready to present the list of Grant Awardees at the November business meeting. Please plan to be there. We will honor all the grant recipients at the December 19th luncheon, which will be held at the Embassy Suites – mark your calendar now! Several SIG members were busy on Sunday, Oct. 20 handing out literature and purple ribbons to the public in observation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Thanks to Paula, Jill, Kathy, and Jacky from our club as well as Liza and Liz from SITV – we talked ourselves hoarse! 1 YEAR DIRECTOR Margo Bottcher Mona Marcos, Alternate Thanks to Paula and her team for Fall Workshop, to GEM Sandy Schultz and committee for Service Grants, and to Sandy Doughty for bringing in 3 new members so far this year! Let’s bring in several more – we have much to share. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Gayle Craig Thanks to all of you for all you do. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. — President Susan LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Women in History: Sarah Hale While I was researching women in history to include a woman of interest in the newsletter, I discovered an interesting website. It is www.amightygirl.com which advertises that it is “The world’s largest collection of books, toys and movies for smart, confident and courageous girls.” The website is comprehensive, featuring resources for parents and teachers. It seemed fitting to honor a woman in history who had a lot to do with our upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving. Meet Sarah Josepha Hale (pictured at left). Sarah was born in 1788. She is credited with being the individual most influential in getting Thanksgiving declared as a national holiday. I was drawn to the biography / history tab featuring books on women. One can filter books by category with category choices being: Activists, Artists / Musicians, Athletes, Entrepreneurs / Inventors, Explorers / Adventurers, Heroes, People of Color, Political Leaders, Scientists, Teachers, and Writers / Poets. There were books such as the one titled “Eleanor, Quiet No More” about Eleanor Roosevelt and how she devoted her life to teaching children in the poorest of New York City neighborhoods, later going on to become socially and politically active, including being one of the most controversial First Ladies in history. Another book caught my eye. It was titled, “First Girl Scout: The Life of Juliette Gordon Low” published in 2012 just in time for the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. I well remember being a Girl Scout and the positive impact it had on me as a young girl. I looked forward to pouring through my Girl Scout manual perusing the various badges, fulfilling the requirements to earn them and then proudly sewing them onto my sash! Last Soroptimusings issue we learned about the “Knowledge” cards President Susan found and has been using at club meetings. Now we have a book resource for girls. There is a wealth of information out there for us to educate ourselves and others on the impact powerful women have made in the world! — Debbie Mallon November 2013 Sarah was the editor of Godey’s Lady’s book, the most widely circulated magazine in Pre-Civil war times. She was also the author of the famous “Mary Had a Little Lamb” nursery rhyme. As a successful and popular editor for forty years, Sarah gained a lot of respect and influence. She made it her personal mission to establish Thanksgiving as a holiday because she felt the United States had too few national holidays that could be celebrated by all. At the time Sarah took on her holiday mission, Thanksgiving was celebrated by only a few states in the north, such as New England, and on different days — some states celebrated as early as October and others as late as January. Sarah’s goal was to establish one national holiday that would unify the nation around a single day of gratitude for one’s blessings. Her advocacy for the holiday began in 1846 and last for 17 years before being successful. Over the 17 years, Sarah wrote proposals to five different Presidents, the last being Abraham Lincoln. Her letter to Lincoln convinced him to support legislation to establish the holiday. It was felt that the new holiday would help to unify the nation after the stresses of the Civil War. On October 3, 1863, Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation that declared the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving. Prior to Thanksgiving being added, the only other two national holidays in existence were Washington’s Birthday and Independence Day. As we celebrate this year, we can thank Sarah Josepha Hale for her tireless efforts to bring Thanksgiving to national holiday status. Page 2 taxes, budgeting, financial statements and consulting. She is well organized and able to multi-task. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, gardening and cooking. Laila joined SI Glendale because she wanted to be part of a group that gives back and helps women and children. She also hopes to meet other working women with similar interests. SI Glendale welcomed a new member in September and two new members in October. SUSAN RIECHEL New member Susan Riechel joined SI Glendale at the business meeting in September. Susan is Managing Director at First Foundation Advisors. She has two children, Elisa (24) and Doug (22). Her husband’s name is Don. GEM Sandy Schultz is her sponsor and Margo Bottcher is her mentor. Susan is a board nominee at the Pfaffinger Foundation. Susan’s skills include event planning, fundraising and leadership. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and canning pickles and jams. She also likes to do quilting and sewing. Susan joined SI Glendale because she is interested in supporting women and girls and enabling them to be independent, self-sufficient and role models for other women. HEATHER WATSON GHERMEZIAN Heather Watson Ghermezian joined SI Glendale at the program meeting in October. Heather is a Senior Consultant for Kaiser Permanente. She has two children, ages 23 and 28. Her husband’s name is Vartan. Miryam Finkelbeg is her sponsor and Sandy Doughty is her mentor. Heather is a member of the Cabrini Literary Guild. Her skills include organizing and planning events, fundraising and leadership. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, eating out and walking. Heather joined SI Glendale because she felt it would have social and charitable benefits. Sponsor a new member. Be a mentor to a new member. See Sandy Doughty for more details! LAILA VILLALOBOS Laila Villalobos was inducted at the business meeting in October. Laila is Vice President at Benadon Shapiro Villalobos. She has two children, Monique (25) and Collin (23). Her husband’s name is Carlos. GEM Sandy Schultz is her mentor. Laila is a member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Her skills include accounting, November 2013 New member Susan Riechel flanked by GEM Sandy Schultz (left), her sponsor, and Margo Bottcher (right), her mentor. Page 3 Camino Real Region Fall Workshop Pictured from left to right and bottom to top: SI Glendale members Sandy Doughty, Margo Bottcher, Kathy Lefkovits, GEM Sandy Schultz, President Susan Hunt, Lynne Raggio, Julie Beers, Lou Rhodes, Joan Allen, Paula Devine, Susan Riechel, Denise Michele, Lola Abrahamian, Jill Lewis, Heather Watson Ghermezian, Lisa Raggio, Laila Villalobos, Mary Lotz and Jacky Hawley. From all reports, the 2013 Camino Real Region Fall Workshop held on Saturday, October 12th was a success! This year, SI Glendale hosted the workshop at the historic Glendale YWCA, a location near and dear to our hearts. The blue linen tablecloths and white chairs seemed to really bring out the pretty colors in the room’s stained glass windows. The centerpieces of variegated Pothos plants in wicker baskets held 4” x 6” American flags as well as pictures of military women throughout the ages. Extra centerpieces adorned the stage as well as the buffet table. The 100 plus attendees checked in, receiving a zippered portfolio with the Soroptimist logo embossed on the front and then settled in to enjoy mingling over a continental breakfast that included yogurt parfaits with granola and fruit in addition to more traditional fare. Later caterer Patrick Campbell, owner of Bartlett Food Services, would serve up a delicious buffet lunch consisting of a variety of salads, platters of various sandwiches, a selection of chips, beverages and dessert of delectable cookies, brownies and the like. Camino Real Region took care of the program for the day, delivering updates and speakers for the workshop. Warm greetings came from City of Glendale Councilwoman Laura Friedman, accompanied by her 4 month old daughter Rachel, and from State Senator Carol Liu. Senator Liu gave an update about statewide women’s issues that we often don’t hear about – like the status of incarcerated women and what happens to their children – as well as an encouragement for women to run for statewide office so our voice continues to be heard in Sacramento. “The Wave of Change — Increased Collective Impact” was the main theme of the day, but a thrust of the workshop was on the importance of recruiting new members into Soroptimist. Many attendees were moved by the personal story shared by speaker D.J. Casavant, a member of SI Oxnard. Her story was incredibly powerful – from starting life in poverty, abused, neglected, abandoned, to a successful life as a medic in the US Navy – blazing trails where women have not been allowed to serve. She had many attendees in November 2013 Page 4 tears as she shared her story. SI Glendale President Susan Hunt (pictured with SIA President Cheri Fleming) received several awards during the proceedings — a Certificate of Participation in 2013 Women's Opportunity Awards and recognition at the Builders Level and for meeting the President's Challenge for Club Giving 2012-13. A big thanks to Chair Paula Devine and all those on the committee. Paula said she was proud to be the Chair, but could not take all the credit as it took many members working on various committees working as a team. It was truly a collaborative effort. Sandy Shultz did an excellent job as Chair of reception/ greeting, Lou Rhodes and Margo Bottcher outdid themselves decorating, Joan Allen, Jill Lewis and Jacky Hawley all sold raffle tickets with the proceeds benefitting the Camino Real Region and Lisa Raggio was instrumental as the contact with the YWCA. The event stayed under budget, everyone had a fun day before the workshop helping to set up and many SI Glendale members pitched in afterwards to clean-up. All reports were that the workshop went like clockwork thanks in large part to the great team work exhibited by SI Glendale participants. Sandy Doughty even had all SI Glendale members wear teal flowers to distinguish them as the host club. SI Glendale can be proud to have hosted a warm, welcoming, fun and informative workshop for the Region. Left to right: Julie Beers, Val Douglas, Lou Rhodes, Jacky Hawley and Dolly Carl gather to plan a party “Many Hands Make Light Work” Join a Committee You’ve heard the phrase “Many hands make light work” and it’s true. At SI Glendale we have an award winning Menu of Service Opportunities, one opportunity of which is to serve on a committee. Serving on a committee is a great way to learn more about our club, socialize with other members and get hands on experience helping us with our mission. There are a multitude of committees and many members serve on more than one. When we all pitch in, it makes the work easier and more fun! Just this past Saturday, the Christmas Party Committee met at the home of Chair Lou Rhodes. In attendance were Julie Beers, Jacky Hawley, Val Douglas, Dolly Carl and Debbie Mallon. Also serving on the committee are Lola Abrahamian, Carol Ann Burton, Nancy Kochi, and President Susan Hunt. What a fun committee meeting! Lou served a delicious home cooked lunch of turkey burgers with all the fixings, baked beans, a broccoli slaw salad (by Julie Beers), a relish tray, iced tea and a freshly baked dessert of yellow cake mix and raspberry pie filling (yum!). After getting fueled with food, the committee got down to the business of planning the upcoming Christmas party, which you will hear more about at the business meeting on November 7th. A fun time is in the works and we hope you will be able to attend! November 2013 Page 5 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH Liz Mirzaian (SITV), President Susan Hunt (SIG), Liza Boubari (SITV) and Jill Lewis (SIG) joined forces to educate the public on October 20, 2013 at an information table located in the Glendale Galleria. A useful selection of information was available on the important topic of domestic violence. Great job ladies! “SHOP TILL YOU DROP” Chico’s at the Americana at Brand held a “Shop Till You Drop” event on October 30th to benefit Soroptimist of Glendale. SI Glendale members were on hand between 4 to 8 pm modeling some of Chico’s apparel. A portion of the proceeds from each sale went to SIG. Below are Mary Lotz, Margo Bottcher, President Susan Hunt, Gayle Craig, and GEM Sandy Schultz modeling some of the clothes. November 2013 Streusel Sweet Potato Casserole in Hollowed Out Orange Bowls Submitted by Debbie Mallon I made this dish for Thanksgiving last year and the family loved it! From www.sheknows.com Serves 12 Ingredients: 6 large oranges, halved and hollowed out 4 cups mashed sweet potatoes 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup softened butter, plus an additional 3 tablespoons 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk or plain skim milk 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup chopped pecans Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large baking dish, arrange all of the orange cups and set aside. 2. In a large bowl add the mashed sweet potatoes, the eggs, one-half cup of the brown sugar, salt, vanilla, 1/4 cup of the softened butter and milk mixing well. Add heaping spoonfuls of the sweet potato mixture to each of the orange cups until all the cups are filled. 3. In a separate mixing bowl add the flour, the remaining brown sugar, remaining butter and the chopped pecans mixing well. Sprinkle the streusel mixture over the top of each orange bowl. 4. Bake uncovered for 25 to 30 minutes or until the tops are golden brown. Serve warm. Page 6 NOMINATIONS NEEDED COMING SOON The Soroptimist Ruby Award Program offers widespread recognition to women whose professional or voluntary efforts have aimed to improve the lives of women and girls. Nominations are sought for women candidates who have: Been dedicated to the well-being of women and girls, Had an impact on their lives, and Inspired and encouraged others to do the same. The Ruby Award is national in scope: LIFE IS A CABERNET! JOIN SI GLENDALE FOR “WICKED WINES” ON WEDNESDAY, 11/20/13 AT 6 PM WHERE: ROSSO WINE SHOP 3459½ N. VERDUGO ROAD GLENDALE, CA 91208 ENJOY AN ARTISAN FLIGHT OF 4 WINES FOR $35 The recipient of this honorary club-level award from Soroptimist International of Glendale is then entered to compete at higher levels of the Soroptimist organization. DELECTABLE APPETIZERS PREPARED BY SIG MEMBERS AND OPPORTUNITY DRAWINGS ($5 PER TICKET OR 5 FOR $20) The finalist selected at the national level will receive a $5,000 donation to the charity of her choice. A PAID RESERVATION IS A MADE RESERVATION Previous awardees include women working in the medical and legal fields, and campaigners or mentors for at-risk women or girls, domestic violence and human-trafficking victims. A woman can nominate herself or another woman. However, Soroptimist members and their family members are not eligible for nomination. WINE IS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE BY THE GLASS OR BY THE BOTTLE SEND PAYMENT TO: S.I.G. WINE EVENT P.O. BOX 826 GLENDALE, CA 91209 RSVP TO SUE WILDER BY 11/15/13 SWILDER693@AOL.COM To submit your nomination: Complete the attached Nomination Form, with A descriptive essay (maximum 750 words) outlining the nominee's relevant attributes. Nominations must be received by December 1, 2013. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Ruby Award Chair Cindy Miller. November 2013 IMPORTANT REMINDER The business meeting in January will be held on the second Thursday of the month, January 9, 2014, instead of the first Thursday of the month. See you on the 9th at Clancy’s Crab Broiler on Central Avenue in Glendale! Page 7 SAVE THE DATE! MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOVEMBER: Christmas Party Sunday Dec. 15, 2013 5:30 p.m. The Smoke House 4420 Lakeside Drive Burbank, Calif. DECEMBER: SIG’s Annual Service Grants Luncheon Thursday, December 19, 2013 Embassy Suites in Glendale SI GLENDALE Membership Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays 12:00 noon Clancy’s Crab Broiler 219 N. Central Ave., Glendale, CA (free parking in rear) R.S.V.P. Nancy Kochi 818-243-1494 nskochi@yahoo.com or Mary Lotz 818-863-1326 mlotz@glenoaksescrow.com November 2013 4 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 7 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 12 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. at 6:00 p.m. 13 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 20 - Wine Party Rosso Wine Bar at 6:00 p..m. 21 - Program Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 2 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 5 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 10 - Human Rights Day 10 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. at 6:00 p.m. 11 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 12 - Board Meeting Glendale Unified School District at 6:00 p.m. 15 - Holiday Party The Smoke House in Burbank at 5:30 p.m. 19 - Service Grants Luncheon Embassy Suites at 11:30 a.m. JANUARY: 6 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 8 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. Soroptimusings Editor Debbie Mallon 661-254-8482 AhwahneeDM@aol.com Assistant Editor Julie G. Beers JGBeers@aol.com Publication Schedule September; November; January; March; May. Printed on recycled paper For further information about Soroptimist go to: Soroptimist International of Glendale: www.soroptimistglendale.org Camino Real Region: www.caminorealregion.org Soroptimist International of the Americas: www.soroptimist.org Soroptimist International: www.soroptimistinternational.org Page 8
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