Soroptimusings January 2014 Soroptimist International of Glendale P.O. Box 826 - Glendale, CA 91209 www.soroptimistglendale.org Chartered April 16, 1943 - Club # 112411 S.I.G. “Working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.” 2013-2014 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Susan Hunt 818-240-0897 siglendale@soroptimist.net PRESIDENT-ELECT Paula Devine 1st VICE PRESIDENT (Programs) Carol Ann Burton Margo Bottcher, Assistant 2nd VICE PRESIDENT (Fundraising) Kathy Lefkovits Lola Abrahamian, Assistant 3rd VICE PRESIDENT (Membership) Sandy Doughty Leila Otey, Assistant RECORDING SECRETARY Lola Abrahamian Mary Lotz, Assistant CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Jill Lewis Sue Wilder, Assistant TREASURER Denise Michele Gayle Craig, Assistant 2 YEAR DIRECTOR Kathy Lefkovits (Vacant), Alternate 1 YEAR DIRECTOR Margo Bottcher Mona Marcos, Alternate IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Gayle Craig “Women — Our History and Our Future” PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As I write this on a beautiful New Year’s Eve morning, I am reminded of the most amazing year coming to an end. My grandson came to live with me, my mother made a successful transition to retirement living, my son got married and bought a house, my grandchildren are healthy and well, my daughter moved to Eureka, and therefore I spent Christmas there – away for the first time in 18 years! AND… the added bonus of Soroptimist activities all year! The Service Grants luncheon was outstanding – my favorite activity is giving away all the money we work so hard to raise each spring. Our recipients gave us many wonderful moments to help us appreciate the impact we have on their programs. I especially loved the comment from the Girl Scout about seeing all the stars at camp, because in Glendale “we only have 5 stars.” So cute! Thanks to Janet Hamilton and her committee for a great event, and to GEM Sandy for an outstanding Service Committee – making all those hard decisions. The Old Fashioned Christmas at the Smoke House was such fun! A perfect place for a holiday party. Thank you to Lou Rhodes and her committee. We had a great time! 2014 brings many more opportunities for us. Food drive in February, followed immediately by PJ Day on March 1… so keep SIG in mind as you shop… and of course Bras for a Cause coming in April. I’m proud of all we do, proud to be your President. Happy New Year! — President Susan LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Happy New Year! 2014 looks bright for SI Glendale. We closed 2013 on a high note with our Grants Presentation Luncheon. We begin 2014 looking forward to our Salvation Army SIG Can Help food drive, our popular PJ Day where we collect donations of pajamas for women and children, our heartwarming Accolades luncheon celebrating special women with our Ruby Award, Violet Richardson Award, and Women’s Opportunity Award, and our signature SIG FUNdraising event “Bras for a Cause.” Along the way, not only will we endeavor to “improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment” as is the Soroptimist mission, but we will recognize and celebrate women in history. Women truly are “Our history and our future” … President Susan’s theme. Soroptimusings looks forward to highlighting SI Glendale’s achievements, the impact we have in the community and beyond, and the fun we have in the process. As always, your photos, recipes, ideas and contributions to the newsletter are always welcomed. — Debbie Mallon A Look Back on Heroic Women Making History in 2013 Here is bing.com’s list of heroic women of 2013. I am sure you will find some of your favorites listed! Malala Yousafzai who is heralded for taking a stand on education for women and girls. She survived an assassination attempt, arose stronger than ever and vowed to continue her efforts with renewed resolve. Malala was named one of Time’s “100 Most Influential People” in 2013, a year in which she addressed the United Nations and became the youngest woman nominee (at the age of 16) for a Nobel Peace Prize. Serving Up Some Fun and Dinner at Ascencia SI Glendale members have for years invited their family, friends and co-workers to join them in providing dinner one night a month at Ascencia. Through Ascencia’s Guest Chef Program, volunteers prepare and serve hot meals to homeless families and adults participating in the Emergency Housing program. The volunteer “Guest Chefs” donate the food, their time and energy. Those members who have participated in the past have said it is a very rewarding experience. Recently SI Glendale member Kathy Lefkovits enlisted the help of her Soroptimister Bill and her co-workers from Keller Williams Realty to be “guest chefs.” The meal they chose to prepare consisted of chicken, broccoli (a surprising hit among the adults and children!), macaroni and cheese, a salad, and dessert of ice cream sandwiches (yum!). However, they served up more than food, providing a little musical entertainment as well! The residents of the program were most appreciative. Lisa Raggio is currently the SIG Chair for the Ascencia Guest Chef Program. If you are interested in more details or in participating, please contact her. Margaret Thatcher, to date the only female prime minister of Great Britain, passed away in 2013. She was known as the “Iron Lady” for her uncompromising style in politics and leadership as she paved the way for women to lead in the highest offices of the world. Continued on page 7 ... January 2014 Page 2 2013 SERVICE GRANT RECIPIENTS American Association of University Women (AAUW) Tech Trek science summer camp for girls Ark Family Center Grant recipients Melina Sardar (representing Ark Family Center) and Soroptimist District 2 Director Liz Mirzaian (representing SIA Club Giving) with SI Glendale member Margo Bottcher. “Tis the Season of Service” SI Glendale’s Annual Service Grants Luncheon SI Glendale members, guests and grant recipients gathered on December 19, 2013 at the Embassy Suites in Glendale for the annual Grant Presentation Luncheon celebrating $47,000 in SIG grants made to various organizations. President Susan Hunt welcomed a room full of festive attendees. Greetings from the City of Glendale were provided by Councilmember Laura Friedman, an ardent supporter of SIG and many community organizations and programs that serve women and girls. Following a delicious lunch, GEM Sandy Schultz gave an introduction of the awards explaining the function of the Service Grants Committee and the selection process. Presentation to grant recipients, listed at right, was provided by SI Glendale members Joan Allan, Margo Bottcher, Carol Ann Burton, Paula Devine, Sandy Doughty and Val Douglas. Grateful grant recipients provided a description of their programs as well as heartwarming stories. Special thanks to the Service Grants Committee (President Susan Hunt, Co-Chair Sandy Schultz, CoChair Janet Hamilton, Joan Allen, Margo Bottcher, Bobbie Brundige, Carol Ann Burton, Paula Devine, Sandy Doughty, Val Douglas, Michele Flynn and Denise Michele) as well as the Luncheon Committee (Chair Janet Hamilton, Julie Beers, Bobbie Brundige, Val Douglas, Lou Rhodes and Sandy Schultz). Job well done! January 2014 “Create Freedom and Awareness” seminar for girls Ascencia Taking Care of the Caretakers: Basic needs for women and girls Commission on the Status of Women Funding for Camp Rosie 2014 Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services “Teen Health Information Nurtures Choices” program Door of Hope Women’s Empowerment Life Skills classes GAR Services Flu shots for female clients Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles Camperships for low income girls Girls on the Run of Los Angeles County After school program for girls ages 8 to 12 Glendale Healthy Kids Mental health and prescriptions for young women Glendale Unified School District Elementary and middle school spelling bees SIA Club Giving Empowering Women & Girls to Live Their Dreams YWCA of Glendale Support for Domestic Violence Shelter clients Page 3 Photos from the Grant Presentation Luncheon President Susan Hunt with Elizabeth Sadlon of GOTR Tim Peters of Door of Hope District 2 Director Liz Mirzaian, Val Douglas, Paula Devine and GEM Sandy Schultz Joan Allan and Liz Mirzaian Sharon Townsend of Glendale Healthy Kids and Carol Ann Burton Miryam Finkelberg, Denise Miller (Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women) and Lynne Raggio January 2014 Sandy Doughty Val Douglas and Lisa Raggio Page 4 Old Fashioned Christmas Party It was an “Old Fashioned Christmas” at the Smoke House restaurant in Burbank for about forty members, Soroptimisters and guests of SI Glendale on Sunday, December 15th. The long tables were set with holiday garland, candles and a selection of snowmen and Santas. Partygoers mingled and conversed before dinner over cocktails. The sit down dinner featured a choice of either filet mignon, salmon or vegetarian entrees. All were quite tasty, but raves about the perfectly cooked filet mignon topped with a hefty onion ring were often heard. The baskets of cheesy garlic bread were also a huge hit. The dinner tables were festooned with “Christmas Crackers” which Jackie Hawley explained were popular in Britain as party noisemakers. Guests had fun popping their noisemakers and sharing the silly jokes and riddles contained inside. Steve Wilder was the night’s auctioneer for a featured selection of homemade items and goodies popular at past parties — holiday necklaces, Filet mignon entree fruitcakes, cookies, a succulent container garden, and limoncello. The live auction raised some money for the club and bidders went home happy with their purchases. Everyone seemed to have a good time! Thanks to Lou Rhodes and her holiday party committee of Lola Abrahamian, Julie Beers, Carol Ann Burton, Jacky Hawley, Debbie Mallon and Val Douglas. Special thanks also to the club members that donated the live auction items (Joan Allan, Janet Hamilton, Susan Hunt, Debbie Mallon and Sue Wilder) and to our Soroptimister Auctioneer — Steve Wilder. Pres. Susan’s cookies January 2014 Page 5 DAY OF ACTION! Human Trafficking: What Can I Do? Sponsored by: Synod of Southern California and Hawaii Presbyterian Women Soroptimist and FAN Saturday, January 11, 2014 1:00 – 5:00 PM Westminster Gardens 1420 Santo Domingo, Duarte, CA 91010 Keynote Speaker Sandra Morgan, RN, MA Director of Vanguard University’s Global Center for Women and Justice And Body and Sold Deborah Lake Fortson’s Documentary Play Directed by Dave Jorgensen $5.00 Door Fee At the Grant Presentation Luncheon in December, grant recipient Shelly Blechman of the Girls Scouts of Greater Los Angeles, revealed that she was inspired to join Soroptimist after attending some of our past luncheons. She is a member of Soroptimist Covina/West Covina. She saw her work with the Girl Scouts and Soroptimist as being complementary. It was so nice to hear her story and that SI Glendale had played a role in her decision to become a Soroptimist member! January 2014 Sour Cream Lemon Pancakes Submitted by Debbie Mallon Once I had lemon pancakes at the Torrey Pines Lodge in La Jolla and I was bound and determined to make them at home. I found a recipe in one of Art Smith’s cookbooks. These pancakes are now a breakfast staple in our home. We serve them with aebleskiver sauce, powdered sugar and fresh berries. Enjoy! 1/2 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 large egg 1 tablespoon lemon zest 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup milk 1 cup self rising flour 2 tablespoons sugar Combine sour cream, melted butter, egg, lemon zest, lemon juice and milk in a bowl and beat well. Add the flour and sugar. Stir carefully, but do not overmix. Add more milk if needed. Drop by spoonful on a preheated (350 degree) lightly greased griddle. Turn pancakes when most of the air bubbles have come to the surface and burst, being careful not to overcook. Top the pancakes fresh off the griddle with warmed aebleskiver (raspberry jam) sauce. We run up to Solvang, CA to get jars to keep in stock in our pantry. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and top with fresh berries of your choice (optional). Sour cream lemon pancakes topped with aebleskiver sauce, powdered sugar, sliced strawberries and whole blackberries. Page 6 Continued from page 2 (A Look Back on Heroic Women of 2013) Adrianne Haslet-Davis, the 32 year old competitive dancer and Arthur Murray Studio dance teacher, inspires with her will to dance again after losing her lower leg in the Boston Marathon bombing. Additionally she has vowed to run in the 2014 Boston Marathon on a prosthetic leg. Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, who resigned from her congressional seat after suffering a gunshot wound to the head, returned in 2013 to make an inspirational statement to Congress in the Sandy Hook hearings. She has gone on to use her experience to fight for improved gun safety regulations. Dianna Nyad who, after four failed attempts, went on at the age of 64 to be the first person to swim from Havana to Key West unassisted and without a shark cage, completing her long held dream and serving as an inspiration to “never give up.” Janet Yellen is celebrated for shattering the “glass ceiling” when President Barack Obama nominated her to be the first woman to be the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Antoinette Tuff, an elementary school bookkeeper, showed incredible courage by talking down the gunman who entered Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy. With quick thinking, she used her words of compassion to talk the gunman into peacefully surrendering thus averting potential tragedy and saving hundreds of lives. Angela Merkel led her party to a historic third term in 2013 German elections. She is the first woman to hold the offices of Chancellor and leader of Christian Democratic Union. Edith Windsor is heralded for her long fought victory for equality. She is one of Time’s “People of the Year” and her Supreme Court victory in United States v. Windsor was hailed as a landmark milestone in marriage equality. Deb Cohan put a face on hope when, facing a double mastectomy, she held a joyous dance party, in her hospital gown, with the surgical team, in the operating room, just prior to her surgery! The video of the party went viral giving hope and courage to others facing cancer. January 2014 Life is a Cabernet Wine Tasting Party SI Glendale held their annual wine tasting event at Rosso’s Wine Bar on Wednesday, November 20th. SI club members provided delectable appetizers to accompany the wine offerings. It was a drizzly day, however that did not deter about two and a half dozen from attending. A great time was had by all and the proprietor was available to answer any questions about wines, which was a bonus! Thanks to event Chair Sue Wilder for a great party! Page 7 MARK YOUR CALENDAR SIG CAN HELP JANUARY: Reminder to bring your canned goods to the Business Meeting on February 6th for our annual food drive to benefit the local Salvation Army. For further details, contact GEM Sandy Schultz. 6 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 8 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 9 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 9 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. at 6:00 p.m. 11 - National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness 16 - Program Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 23 - Board Meeting Glendale Unified School District at 6:00 p.m. FEBRUARY: 3 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 6 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 12 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 13 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. at 6:00 p.m. 20 - Program Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 27 - Board Meeting Glendale Unified School District at 6:00 p.m. SIG’s Saturday of Service PJ Day Saturday, MARCH: March 1, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Home of Janet Hamilton Bring your donations of new pajamas! SI GLENDALE Membership Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays 12:00 noon Clancy’s Crab Broiler 219 N. Central Ave., Glendale, CA (free parking in rear) R.S.V.P. Mary Lotz 818-863-1326 mlotz@glenoaksescrow.com January 2014 1 - PJ Day Home of Janet Hamilton at 9:00 a.m. 3 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. Soroptimusings Editor Debbie Mallon 661-254-8482 AhwahneeDM@aol.com Assistant Editor Julie G. Beers JGBeers@aol.com Publication Schedule September; November; January; March; May. Printed on recycled paper For further information about Soroptimist go to: Soroptimist International of Glendale: www.soroptimistglendale.org Camino Real Region: www.caminorealregion.org Soroptimist International of the Americas: www.soroptimist.org Soroptimist International: www.soroptimistinternational.org Page 8
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