The L-Cat Leader - Lake Mills Area School District
The L-Cat Leader - Lake Mills Area School District
Lake Mills High School November, 2012 The L-Cat Leader November FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK 1 - WKCE Testing For Sophomores Only, 7:5511:30 AM, attendance required By this time you have probably heard about our score on the State School Report card. LMHS scored “Meets Expectations” as did most schools in the state. Although we have not been informed about how scores were determined, we do understand key areas. We will use this information as part of our school’s Continuous Improvement Plan. 1 - School Starts For All At Noon, Day 2 - Blocks 3 & 4 The following areas are evaluated on this report card: ∗ Student Achievement as measured by the WKCE Our Sophomores are taking this test this week and we are encouraging them to do their best. We are working with students to have a solid foundation in Algebra and the beginnings of Geometry before they take this test. ∗ Closing the Gaps This refers to how ALL groups of students are making achievement gains. ∗ 7 - Musical Dress Rehearsal For LMHS Students and Staff ACT Participation and Performance LMHS has implemented the EPAS system to replace the MAP testing to help students prepare for the ACT by taking EXPLORE and PLAN. In addition, the staff uses EPAS information to enrich our curriculum to support College and Career Readiness. ∗ Graduation Rate We do very well in this area at LMHS. 9 - End of First Quarter ∗ Attendance We continue to remind students and parents that the State allows 10 parent excused absences each YEAR. Absences for any reason should be used sparingly. 2 - This will be a “normal” Day 2 3 - 8 AM-5 PM All Day Musical Rehearsal For All Cast & Crew 5 - Capitol Conference Academic Bowl @ Lodi, 4:30 PM 5 - Boys’ Basketball Practice Starts 9 - Musical Performance, 7 PM 10 - Musical Performance, 7 PM 11 - Musical Performance, 1:30 PM 12 - Senior Class Meeting During Advisory For Graduation Supplies Information The State Report Card is new and we know that LMHS is so much more than a number score based on the data points listed above. By working with this new system and continuing to improve our services to students, we know that our score and our student outcomes will improve. Pam Streich More On Page 2 By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. NOVEMBER CALENDAR ITEMS CON’T. 12 - Girls’ Basketball and Wrestling Practice Starts 12 - Fall Sports Awards Night, 7 PM, Auditorium 12 - School Board Meeting, 7 PM, LMC 13 - NHS Induction Ceremony, 7 PM, Auditorium PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Although students have no classes the week of Thanksgiving, teachers will have staff development and hold Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 19 and Tuesday, November 20 from 4-8 PM. 15 - Capitol Conference Honors Band @ Waterloo 16 - Graduation Orders Placed During Advisory and Lunch 19 - FFA Produce Sale Thru Dec. 3 19 - No School, Inservice Day 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-8 PM 20 - No School, Inservice Day 20 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-8 PM Unfortunately, turnout at Parent Teacher Conferences at LMHS is very low. We encourage EVERY parent to take a few minutes to meet with teachers about their student’s success and struggles. 21 - No School Students who have parents who take an active role in their education demonstrate great school success! 22 - No School 23 - No School WINTER ATHLETES SIGN UP INFORMATION In order to be eligible to participate in a sport at LMHS, an athlete needs to complete the following: 1. Turn in either a completed physical card or alternate year card. 2. Both the parent/guardian and student must review the “Co-Curricular Handbook” and then both the parent/guardian and student need to sign the “I’ve Read The Rules” Athletic Permission form that says that they have read the materials and are committed to abide by them. 3. Read and sign the “Authorization For Release Of Medical Information” form. 4. Read the Concussion Information and sign the “Parent Concussion Agreement” form this needs to be done before each sport season. All of the above items can be found on our website at Click High School and then on Athletics. A $50 Sports Participation Fee is also due before any athlete can participate in practice. Page 2 The L-Cat Leader By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. LAKE MILLS HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS THE MUSICAL "SEUSSICAL" Friday, November 9 at 7 P.M. Saturday, November 10 at 7 P.M. Sunday, November 11 at 1:30 PM. AND due to an overwhelming response, we are adding a 4th show on Saturday, November 10 at 1 P.M. Lake Mills High School Auditorium ****************************************************************** Ticket Sales: Box Office Hours Sunday, Nov. 4 2-6 pm Monday -Thursday, Nov. 5-9 2-6 pm One Hour Before Each Performance Adults $6.00 Youth/Seniors $5.00 3 and under (lap seats) are free ****************************************************************** Three Ways To Get Tickets 1. Come to the high school auditorium lobby during box office hours. 2. Call 648-2355 ext. 331 during box office hours to put tickets on hold. 3. Send an e-mail with your order information to Reserved tickets are on sale to the public starting Sunday, Nov. 4. Don’t wait - you don’t want to miss out on this family friendly show! u se a c e y b r, r c n’t ove e it “Do it’s ecaus ” e b ened. l i sm app h u ss e S . -D r Music Theatre International 421 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 212-541-4684 By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. Cast and Crew of LMHS’ “Seussical the Musical!” Over 100 high school and middle school students are participating in the LMHS musical Seussical. Cast and Crew are busy putting finishing touches on this whimsical show that is based on Dr. Seuss storybooks and characters. Come and see what it is all about! Reserved tickets are on sale to the public starting Sunday, Nov. 4. Don’t wait, you don’t want to miss out on this family friendly show. CAST: The Cat in the Hat-Chase Black, Horton the Elephant–Bryce Krull, JoJo–Ben Bollig (Friday and Sunday) & Blaise Knueppel (Saturday and Wednesday HS dress rehearsal), Gertrude McFuzz–Margaret Bond, Mayzie LaBird–Chelsey Windl, Mr. Mayor–Logan Severson, Mrs. Mayor–Aberdeen Leary, Sour Kangaroo–Patience Vallier, General Schmitz–Nick Anderson, 3 Bird Girls–Maddy Bergum, Hannah Brill, & Emily Johnson, 3 Wickersham Brothers–Shane Hoffman, Trevor Howells, & Kolten Stewart, Yertel the Turtle–Kellen Murphy, Thing 1 & Thing 2–Riley Knueppel & Baily Rockney, and Vlad Vladikoff–Bryce Zimmermann High School Whos/Jungle Creatures/Circus Acts/ Fish/Hunches-Abby Carncross, Cait Schlieger, Caity Riley, Emily Jackson, Emma Newton, Isabel Lackey, Kara Sanders, Riley Knueppel, Whitney Hein, Bailey Rockney, Angie Ramsey, Anna Messerschmidt. Carley Little, Lindsey Massen, Emili Keil, Sydney Iverson, Becca Riley, Clarissa Howells, Elizabeth Frey, Jordan Woodland, Marisa Gonzalez, Andrea Hooverson, Emily Hoggatt, April Trewyn, Becca Keller, Brandon Glock, Joi Williams, Raina Severson, Taylor Panczak, Maria Rosales, Caitlin Hooverson, Bryce Zimmermann, Paige Zimmermann, and Paushida Zafar Middle School Military/Whos–Jaed Colvin, Sam Denzin, Stacie Dressel, Katherine Hoggatt, Sloan Hoover, Phoebe JacksonMiller, Maggie Polzin, Aly Steffan, Ariana Stewart, Sophia Thompson, Ellyn Werner, Ricky Wollin (Ben Bollig & Blaise Knueppel) Student Directors-Ellen Luthanen, Katelyn Primmer, and Carly Roehl Crew-Alana Booth, Bekah Vail, Brian Cordy, Jenni Olszewski, Jessica Dakin, Stirling Perschke, Taylor Hosey, Adam Beaver, Chase Scheel, David Hertel, Hannah Punzel, Joseph Matzelle, Libby Oemig, Maigualida Rocha, Brandon Newhouse, Carl Koeppel, Christian Neitzel, Devon Beaver, Emily Mickelson, Maddie Luthanen, Megan Tickner, Sam Scheel, Bo Behling, Karly Cushway, Marissa Schroeder, Devin McCord, Cherub Kirkpatrick, Jenny Vellender, Kasi Samson, Nellie Liegel, Jessica Roessler, Ricki Smith, Marina Swanson, Taylor Trewyn, Eli Primmer, Nicole Drayna, and Catilin Hooverson. By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. 2012-2013 ACT TEST DATES Test Date December 8, 2012* February 9, 2013 April 13, 2013* June 8, 2013 Registration Deadline November 2, 2012 January 11, 2013 March 8, 2013 May 3, 2013 Late Registration (extra fee) November 3 – 16, 2012 January 12 – 18, 2013 March 9-22, 2013 May 4 – 17, 2013 *test offered at Lake Mills High School NEW THIS YEAR : Students must upload a photo on the ACT website to test. Directions and specifications are available at No longer will students be allowed to test stand-by and register the day of the test. Seniors College Applications Just a reminder to seniors who are planning to attend college next fall – time is ticking! Colleges accept applications well into the winter months but they are more selective when extending acceptances. One more thing – please share the news of your college responses and acceptances with the Guidance Office…we would like to celebrate with you! DR. SEUSS PARTY NOVEMBER 4 The Lake Mills High School Drama Club is putting on a special fundraiser Sunday, November 4 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in conjunction with the musical Seussical. Don’t miss this fun afternoon with the Seussical Cast. This “SEUSS-A-RAMA” is for kids of all ages but is geared to children 12 and under. Musical cast and crew members will serve treats and entertain attendees with story telling and singing. Those attending will get a sneak preview of the Seussical performance which will take place Nov. 9, 10, & 11. There will also be a take home craft, free gift of a “Cat” hat or Mayzie LaBird feather boa, door prizes, silent auction, and mingling with the Seussical characters (Bring your camera for pictures!). All this for only $15 per child 12 and under. Adults/ Chaperones are free accompanying a child. Tickets will be sold at the door and the event will take place at Lake Mills High School. The box office will also be open at that time for those who want to get tickets for Seussical the Musical. All proceeds will go towards various production costs, which include (but are not limited to) costumes, sets, props, sound, and light equipment. By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. Please keep your records updated!! Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank You! We require that student health information be kept up to date at all times. The district staff uses this information regularly to better understand your child’s educational needs and to provide our EMS personnel with the most accurate health information if emergency treatment is needed. We are requesting that you login under your parent Family Access account to update health information. This option will now be available throughout the school year, so update regularly. The following list is a general guideline, however; please remember it’s better to error on the side of too much information than not enough! -prescribed glasses/contacts -hearing loss -ADHD or ADD -seizures -asthma -diabetes -depression/anxiety -prescription medication taken at home and/or at school -environmental/food allergies. Family Access Directions: - -Parents (top right) -Family Access (left side) -login or click Forgot your Login/Password (only if we have your current email will you receive your login/password) -Select Student Information (under General Information) -select Request Changes to my Child’s Information (top left side) -again select Request Changes to my Child’s Information button (top left side) -add or update their information and select Save (top left side) -Upon saving, the requested changes will be sent for approval to our school nurse If you have questions regarding this process or request for health information, please contact one of the following school personnel: Andrea Phillipson/Elementary 648-2338 ext. 403 Danelle Werner/Middle 648-2358 ext. 210 Julie Masche/High 648-2355 ext. 1 Toni Zastrow/District Nurse 648-2355 ext. 427 Thank you in advance for taking the time to update your son/daughter’s health information. By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. NOV. 6TH IS ELECTION DAY Please remember to vote and encourage your 18 year old to vote too! If you need more information on the District’s Building Referendum please visit our website at L-CAT OF THE WEEK Each week we randomly select two students to use the newly designated parking stalls closest to the front door. These are students who have purchased a parking pass and have demonstrated safe driving in our parking lots and driveways. This means wearing a seat belt, driving slowly and carefully, and NOT texting while driving. These stalls will only be used by the students during school hours and not during afterschool events. LMHS’ PURPOSE The Lake Mills Area School District meets every 5 years to do strategic planning. At the last session, attended by over 35 community members, parents, students, and staff, we created the current Mission Statement. We have decided that for the purposes of the students, we will articulate our purpose as ACE: Academic and Character Excellence. It was recommended by several students. Look for more publicity of this logo throughout the school. Scholarships for Seniors Senior Financial Aid Night A financial aid night for seniors and parents from Lake Mills, Waterloo, Deerfield and Cambridge High Schools is planned for Monday, Dec. 10 at 7 P.M. at Cambridge High School. A representative from the Department of Public Instruction will share information regarding the financial aid process. This is especially relevant for families who have never been involved with the financial aid process. Scholarships are great way to help finance postsecondary education. They can be awarded based on various criteria – economic need, academic merit, community service, intended major, etc. Scholarships are awarded by a wide range of sources. It is important to research scholarship opportunities through the financial aid office of the college a student plans to attend and through places such as the parent’s source of employment and/or service organizations. Seniors should check our high school website or visit the Information Station outside the main office for a list of scholarships that come to our guidance office. Seniors are encouraged to check this weekly, as scholarship opportunities posted are timesensitive. Page 7 By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. ATTENTION BAND PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS The band now has a great website that you can use to receive information about the band. Our front page is a blog with important announcements about upcoming events and news, a calendar with all of our upcoming performances and winter pep band dates, and recent pictures and videos of our band. Please check us out at Attention parents of students going on the March Music Trip. We have the complete payment schedule. Please stick to it and get your student paid in full. May, 2012 - $75 PAID September 13 - $100 PAID October 30 - $175 November 30 - $175 January 4 - $175 February 1 - $175 Total - $875 FRENCH VISITORS On September 24th, fifteen students and two teachers arrived with excitement from the Lycée Zola for our second French exchange. The students enjoyed our homecoming week activities, capping the week off with the homecoming dance. They also took field trips to Madison, Milwaukee, Lake Mills and Old World Wisconsin where they were able to enjoy all aspects of Wisconsin culture. I would like to extend a big thank you to the families who hosted or were involved with the students from Lycée Zola, as well as the Lake Mills Community. I could not have an exchange without your support - Ellen Onsrud. LMHS and Lycée Zola students on their last day in Lake Mills (LMHS students pictured: Nicole Baumann, Maddy Bergum, Rose Bollig, Margaret Bond, Morgan Hardy, Emily Hoggatt, Emily Johnson, Abbey Leary, Eli Primmer, Katelyn Primmer, Alex Schlieger, Maverick Spoke and Maria Waters) Page 8 By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. FACS FACTS Baking/Pastry Arts just finished a unit on quick breads. Items prepared in class included blueberry muffins, coffee cake, pancakes, biscuits, pizza made with a biscuit crust, and Wisconsin State Fair Cream Puffs. Be sure to check the district web page to see pictures of the students making and eating the cream puffs. We are beginning the yeast bread unit with a speaker, Mr. Nick Brillion, a former baker for Panera’s, who will be demonstrating bread-making and making Three Cheese Twists in class. Later, students will be making cinnamon rolls and pretzels. Foods, Foods, Foods has completed units on safety in the kitchen, measuring and reading a recipe, fruits, vegetables, and grains. We have just begun a dairy unit. Students will be making pudding (the old-fashioned kind, no boxes involved!), sampling various varieties of cheeses, learning how to make a white sauce, making a cheese sauce from a white sauce, and making macaroni and cheese (also no boxes involved!). Relationship/Parenting topics to date have included friendship, dating, and engagement. We are currently discussing choosing a mate and from there we will deal with marriage. We have viewed two movies, A Walk to Remember, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding and have discussed how they have related to topics we are covering in class. ACCREDITATION & PARENT SURVEY LMHS has been an accredited High School since 1915. The organization that now grants this accreditation is called AdvancED. Every five years we complete a self-audit and then have a review team visit our school for two days. This is our year! We have explained the process to the staff and students. Here is how you, as a parent/guardian, will be involved. Please complete our online parent survey at The survey will be open until November 25 and is anonymous. Thank you very much in advance for your help! If you would prefer a hard copy, please contact us. By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. STAY IN TOUCH Ways to stay up-to-date with LMHS: Visit our website at LIKE us on Facebook: Lake Mills High School (WI) Sign up for short text messages by texting follow lmhsstreich to 40404; if you would like to end this service text stop to 40404. Watch for emails and messages through the Family Access Message Center. Check teacher webpages and Facebook fan pages often. ********************************************************************************************************************************** JEFFERSON COUNTY CHRISTMAS NEIGHBORS P.O. BOX 177 JEFFERSON, WI 53549 Dear Parent or Guardian: Since 1952, the Jefferson County Christmas Neighbors Program has tried to reach the low income families so that their children might enjoy the gifts and food for the Christmas holidays. This year, again, we are asking schools to help us find these families. This letter gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the generosity of our community who provide us with money, gifts and food. Please call our office at (920) 674-4499, after November 1, and our volunteers will answer your questions and mail you a form to complete and return to us before December 7. This year we ask that you do not leave a message on the answering machine, other than a phone number. We prefer that you speak to a volunteer in order to get the right information. You may choose between the Toy Program, which will take place on Tuesday, December 18 at the Jefferson County Activity Center, and the Adopt-a-Family Program where a sponsor is matched with your family. We hope that you will call us soon after November 1 so that your child or children may have a wonderful Christmas. We must remind you, however, that this program is only for Jefferson County Residents and you must have a referral or the name of the caseworker to qualify. If you receive a letter from your child’s school, tell us that when you call. Sincerely, THE CHRISTMAS NEIGHBORS BOARD By providing an outstanding education, the Lake Mills Area School District inspires our students to be responsible citizens with integrity and life-long learners in an ever changing world. Business and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY October 2012 Visit Area Businesses Introduction to Business Jennifer Iverson, Instructor Lindsay Boesch, Intern Chicago Financial District Accounting The Introduction to Business students Students in Accounting took a field trip toured both Spectrum Brands and Epic to downtown Chicago to visit the Corporation, two financial district. Students toured Madison area businesses, the Federal Reserve Board and on October 12. The visits learned about the government’s gave students a role in managing our economy. perspective on the Students also saw the Chicago different types of Board of Trade and got to travel Epic Corporation— businesses and were 103 floors up to the Willis Tower Hangar Conference Room educated on the business Skydeck overlooking the windy operations of each city. Some students were even working environment. Students were able brave enough to venture out on the to see a more traditional type of business glass enclosed ledge 1,353 feet in the at Spectrum and a very untraditional air! atmosphere at Epic. The students in particular liked Epic’s business motto: Do good, have fun, make money! Thanks to both companies for their hospitality and to Spectrum Brands for the bag of fun stuff, including a portable Spectrum Presentation battery charger for all of our electronic devices. Randy Otto Special thanks to Mr. Randy Otto for coming in to the Personal Finance course to teach students about investing and why it is important to start early. Many of those concepts will “stick” and, as always, we appreciate Mr. Otto’s enthusiasm and passion for his message! Lake Mills FFA Chapter by: Jakob Larsen, Secretary Old Business World Dairy Expo World Dairy Expo (1st-7th) Carl Koeppel, Daytona Beth, and Carley Krull were on the Judging Team. Equestrian Team went to State (20th-21st) National Convention (24th-27th) Carley Krull also showed and got Intermediate Showmanship Haunted house (28th) Equestrian Team National Convention Haunted House The Lake Mills Area Equestrian team made it to state this year. They took Reserve State Champions! There were 20 people from our Chapter that went to National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our FFA Chapter is going to the number one rated haunted house in the state of Wisconsin. Team Members Jennifer Michel, Lauren Rockney, Whitney Hein, Cheyenne Johnson, Liza Griggs, Nora Keip, Rachel Peterson, Kailey Meschke, Alyssa Boley, Margret Powers, and Hailey Morrall New Business Produce Sale Starts Nov 4th Link Crew News Fourth Annual Freshmen Orientation This year the 2012-2013 Lake Mills Link Crew welcomed 130 Freshmen and new students to Lake Mills High School for a very eventful first day of school. LMHS’s 4th Annual Freshmen Orientation started off in the Upper Gym with the Freshmen and Link Leaders up in the bleachers participating in short activities. After a morning of fun activities the new students and Freshmen split up into groups of 8 or 9 Freshmen with 2 or 3 LMHS’ Junior and Senior Link Leaders. In the small groups the Link Leaders led activities that allowed everyone to know each other better. The Freshmen and new students also received helpful information about high school and had a personal “themed” tour of the school. Third Annual Link Crew Tailgate Party The Link Crew welcomed freshman and new students to a football tailgate this past month. We had a large turnout of students. All of the food was donated by the Link Leaders, Link Crew Coordinators and Brian Conrad from Conrad’s Sentry. Coach Murphy also gave free passes to the final home game of the season to all students who attended the tailgate party and the Moravian Church allowed us use of their parking lot to hold the tailgate party. Stay tuned for more fun activities with Link Crew. Want more information about Link Crew or to see more pictures from Orientation, the tailgate party and other past activities? Check out our webpage through Mrs. Denzin’s website: LAKE MILLS HIGH SCHOOL 2012-13 WINTER SPORTS BOYS’ BASKETBALL New Head Coach – Steve Hicklin VARSITY Sat 11/10/2012 Fri 11/16/2012 Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Thu 11/29/2012 Tue 12/04/2012 Fri 12/07/2012 Tue 12/11/2012 Mon 12/17/2012 Fri 12/21/2012 Fri 12/28/2012 Sat 12/29/2012 Thu 01/03/2013 Sat 01/05/2013 Tue 01/08/2013 Fri 01/11/2013 Thu 01/17/2013 Tue 01/22/2013 Fri 01/25/2013 Thu 01/31/2013 Sat 02/02/2013 Tue 02/05/2013 Fri 02/08/2013 Thu 02/14/2013 Tue 02/19/2013 Fri 02/22/2013 Sat 02/23/2013 Thu 02/28/2013 Beaver Dam Home 10:00am Oregon Home 7:30pm Waterloo Away 7:30pm Winnebago Luth Home 6:00pm Wisconsin Hts Home 7:30pm Belleville Away 7:30pm Cambridge Home 7:30pm New Glarus Home 7:30pm Deerfield Away 7:30pm Marshall Away 7:30pm Lake Mills Classic Home 5:15pm Lake Mills Classic Home 7:00pm Lodi Home 7:30pm Wis Dells FieldhouseAway4:00pm Lakeside Luth Away 7:30pm Luther Prep Away 7:30pm Columbus Away 7:30pm Poynette Home 7:30pm Lodi Away 7:30pm Lakeside Luth Home 7:30pm Beaver Dam Away 10:00am Luther Prep* Home 7:30pm Columbus Home 7:30pm Poynette Away 7:30pm TB Regionals 7:30pm TBA Regionals 7:30pm TBA Regionals 7:30pm TBA Sectionals 7:30pm VARSITY RESERVE Sat 12/08/2012 Lakeside Luth Sat 01/19/2013 Lakeside Luth Sat 01/26/2013 Beaver Dam Sat 02/02/2013 Beaver Dam JUNIOR VARSITY Sat 11/10/2012 Fri 11/16/2012 Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Thu 11/29/2012 Tue 12/04/2012 Fri 12/07/2012 Tue 12/11/2012 Mon 12/17/2012 Fri 12/21/2012 Fri 12/28/2012 Sat 12/29/2012 Thu 01/03/2013 Sat 01/05/2013 Tue 01/08/2013 Fri 01/11/2013 Thu 01/17/2013 Tue 01/22/2013 Fri 01/25/2013 Thu 01/31/2013 Sat 02/02/2013 Tue 02/05/2013 Fri 02/08/2013 Thu 02/14/2013 10/29/12 Home Away Home Away 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am Beaver Dam Home 10:00am Oregon Home 6:00pm Waterloo Away 6:00pm Winnebago Luth Home 3:00pm Wisconsin Hts Home 6:00pm Belleville Away 6:00pm Cambridge Home 6:00pm New Glarus Home 6:00pm Deerfield Away 6:00pm Marshall Away 6:00pm Lake Mills Classic Home 7:00pm Lake Mills Classic Home 3:45pm Lodi Home 6:00pm Wis Dells FieldhouseAway6:00pm Lakeside Luth Away 6:00pm Luther Prep Away 6:00pm Columbus Away 6:00pm Poynette Home 6:00pm Lodi Away 6:00pm Lakeside Luth Home 6:00pm Beaver Dam Away 10:00am Luther Prep* Home 6:00pm Columbus Home 6:00pm Poynette Away 6:00pm *Parents’ Night FRESHMEN Fri 11/16/2012 Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Thu 11/29/2012 Tue 12/04/2012 Fri 12/07/2012 Tue 12/11/2012 Mon 12/17/2012 Fri 12/21/2012 Thu 01/03/2013 Sat 01/05/2013 Tue 01/08/2013 Fri 01/11/2013 Thu 01/17/2013 Tue 01/22/2013 Fri 01/25/2013 Thu 01/31/2013 Tue 02/05/2013 Fri 02/08/2013 Thu 02/14/2013 Oregon Home Waterloo Away Winnebago Luth Home Wisconsin Hts Home Belleville Away Cambridge Home New Glarus Home Deerfield Away Marshall Away Lodi Home Wis Dells FieldhouseAway Lakeside Luth Away Luther Prep* Away Columbus Away Poynette Home Lodi Away Lakeside Luth Home Luther Prep Home Columbus Home Poynette Away 6:00pm 6:00pm 1:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm WRESTLING New Head Coach – Adam Vaughan VARSITY Sat Tue Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Thu Sat Thu Sat Thu Sat Sat Sat 12/01/2012 12/04/2012 12/08/2012 12/10/2012 01/03/2013 01/05/2013 01/08/2013 01/10/2013 01/12/2013 01/17/2013 01/19/2013 01/24/2013 01/26/2013 02/02/2013 2/9/2013 JUNIOR VARSITY Sat 12/01/2012 Tue 12/04/2012 Mon 12/10/2012 Thu 01/03/2013 Tue 01/08/2013 Thu 01/10/2013 Thu 01/17/2013 Thu 01/24/2013 Sat 01/26/2013 10:00am Away Parker Inv 7:00pm Away Lodi 9:30am Away Pittsville Tourn 7:00pm Home Pecatonica 7:00pm Away Waterloo 9:00am Away Palmyra-Eagle Inv 7:00pm Home Omro 7:00pm Home Lakeside Lutheran* 10:00am Away Racine Case Inv 7:00pm Home Columbus 9:00am Home L-Cat Duals 7:00pm Away Poynette 9:30am Away Deerfield Tourn 10:00am Cambridge Conference Meet TBA TBA Regionals 10:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:45am Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Parker Inv Lodi Pecatonica Waterloo Omro Lakeside Lutheran* Columbus Poynette Fort Atkinson Inv LAKE MILLS HIGH SCHOOL 2012-13 WINTER SPORTS GIRLS’ BASKETBALL New Head Coach – Derek Nelson VARSITY Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Tue 11/27/2012 Fri 11/30/2012 Sat 12/01/2012 Thu 12/06/2012 Fri 12/14/2012 Thu 12/20/2012 Fri 12/28/2012 Sat 12/29/2012 Fri 01/04/2013 Thu 01/10/2013 Tue 01/15/2013 Fri 01/18/2013 Thu 01/24/2013 Tue 01/29/2013 Fri 02/01/2013 Thu 02/07/2013 Tue 02/12/2013 Fri 02/15/2013 Mon 02/18/2013 Thu 02/21/2013 Tue 02/26/2013 Fri 03/01/2013 7:15pm 4:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 5:15pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Away Whitewater Home Winnebago Luth Away Belleville Home Marshall Away Deerfield Home Wisconsin Hts Away New Glarus Away Lodi Home Lake Mills Classic Home Lake Mills Classic Home Columbus Away Poynette Home Luther Prep Away Lakeside Luth Home Lodi Away Columbus Home Poynette* Away Luther Prep Home Lakeside Luth Away Waterloo Home Jefferson Home Cambridge Regionals TBA Regionals TBA JUNIOR VARSITY Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Tue 11/27/2012 Fri 11/30/2012 Sat 12/01/2012 Thu 12/06/2012 Fri 12/14/2012 Thu 12/20/2012 Fri 12/28/2012 Sat 12/29/2012 Fri 01/04/2013 Thu 01/10/2013 Tue 01/15/2013 Fri 01/18/2013 Thu 01/24/2013 Tue 01/29/2013 Fri 02/01/2013 Thu 02/07/2013 Tue 02/12/2013 Fri 02/15/2013 Mon 02/18/2013 Thu 02/21/2013 5:40pm 3:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 1:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 5:15pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Home 10/29/12 Whitewater Winnebago Luth Belleville Marshall Deerfield Wisconsin Hts New Glarus Lodi Lake Mills Classic Lake Mills Classic Columbus Poynette Luther Prep Lakeside Luth Lodi Columbus Poynette* Luther Prep Lakeside Luth Waterloo Jefferson Cambridge *Parents’ Night FRESHMEN Tue 11/20/2012 Sat 11/24/2012 Tue 11/27/2012 Fri 11/30/2012 Sat 12/01/2012 Thu 12/06/2012 Fri 12/14/2012 Thu 12/20/2012 Fri 01/04/2013 Thu 01/10/2013 Tue 01/15/2013 Fri 01/18/2013 Thu 01/24/2013 Tue 01/29/2013 Fri 02/01/2013 Thu 02/07/2013 Tue 02/12/2013 Mon 02/18/2013 Thu 02/21/2013 5:40pm 1:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 1:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Home Home Whitewater Winnebago Luth Belleville Marshall Deerfield Wisconsin Hts New Glarus Lodi Columbus Poynette Luther Prep Lakeside Luth Lodi Columbus Poynette* Luther Prep Lakeside Luth Jefferson Cambridge NOVEMBER 2012 Volume 4, Issue 3 Backpack News Healthy Drinks for Kids Upcoming Classes/Events: Family & Friends CPR Monday, November 5 6 to 8 p.m. Fort Memorial Hospital There’s a lot of talk about getting kids to eat healthy foods, but what about getting them on board with healthy drinks? What kids drink can drastically affect the amount of calories consumed, as well as the amount of calcium needed to build strong bones. Serve Water and Milk For kids of all ages, water and milk are the best choices, so let them flow. Not only is water calorie-free, but drinking it teaches kids to accept a low-flavor, no-sugar beverage as a thirst-quencher. Because a cup of milk has 300 milligrams of calcium, it can be a big contributor to your child’s daily needs. When kids drink too much juice, juice drinks, sports drinks, and soda, these beverages can crowd out the milk they need. Sugary drinks also can pile on the calories. This chart shows the calories and sugar in different beverages: Red Cross Babysitting DRINK SIZE CALORIES SUGAR (ages 11 and older) Saturday, November 17 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Rock Lake Activity Center Water 8 oz (240 ml) 0 0g On My Own at Home (ages 9 and older) Saturday, November 17 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fort Memorial Hospital To register or for more information, visit Low-fat milk 8 oz (240 ml) 100 11 g 100% orange juice 8 oz (240 ml) 110 22 g Juice drink (10% fruit juice) 8 oz (240 ml) 150 38 g Powdered drink mix (with sugar added) 8 oz (240 ml) 90 24 g Soda 8 oz (240 ml) 100 27 g Put Limits on Juice If your child likes juice, be sure to serve 100% juice. Also follow these recommended limits: up to 6 months old: no juice 6-12 months old: no more than 2-4 ounces (120 milliliters) per day, always served in a cup 1-6 years old: 4-6 ounces (120-180 milliliters) of juice per day 7-18 years old: 8-12 ounces (240-360 milliliters) of juice per day Say No to Soda Sign up for our Health 365 email newsletter! Soft drinks are commonly served to kids, but they have no nutritional value and are high in sugar. Drinking soda and other sugared drinks is associated with tooth decay. Colas and other sodas often contain caffeine, which kids don’t need. In addition, soft drinks may be taking the place of calcium-rich milk. One study found that on average preschoolers drank less than the recommended 16 ounces of milk each day while consuming 8 ounces of soda and fruit drinks (not including 100% fruit juice). If soda habits start when kids are little, chances are they will drink increasing amounts as they get older. In older kids and adolescents, drinking soda has been linked to excessive weight gain and other problems. That said, many kids like soda and will request it. As a rule, don’t serve it to babies, toddlers, or preschoolers. With older kids, let them know it’s a once-in-a-while beverage. Don’t ban it entirely if your kids like it now and then — that’s likely to make it more alluring and them more inclined to overdo it when they get the chance! © 1995- 2012 . The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Is it a Cold, Flu, or Pertussis? The Myth of the "Stomach Flu” Many people use the term "stomach flu” to describe illnesses with nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These symptoms can be caused by many different viruses, bacteria, or even parasites. The "flu" is a term that generally refers to influenza. While vomiting, diarrhea, and being nauseous or “sick to your stomach” can sometimes be related to the flu — particularly in children — these problems are rarely the main symptoms of influenza. The flu is a respiratory disease and not a stomach or intestinal disease. Is it a Cold, Flu or Pertussis? Colds, flu and Pertussis are highly contagious and, in the initial stages, might seem alike. Check the following table for a comparison of the symptoms for each illness. Symptom Influenza ("Flu") Cold (Viral URI) Pertussis Fever Usually present and high (102-104°F or 3940°C); typically lasts 3-4 days Uncommon Uncommon If present, typically low-grade Headache Very common Uncommon Uncommon Aches and pains, muscle aches, chest discomfort Common, Often severe Slight to Moderate Uncommon Fatigue and weakness Moderate - severe; can last up to 14-21 days Mild Mild to moderate Extreme exhaustion Very common early in illness Extremely Rare Rare Stuffy or runny nose Sometimes Common Common, early in the disease Sneezing Sometimes Common Common, early in the disease Sore throat Sometimes Common Uncommon C O U G H Hacking cough, often productive; nocturnal Variable character; fits / paroxysms and cough rare; usually responds to cough nocturnal cough are common; generally not medications responsive to cough medications Character Non-productive ("dry") cough is typical; nocturnal cough rare Severity Moderate Mild to Moderate Variable; can be mild in adults and very severe in infants and young children Duration Typically 3-7 days; occasionally to 14 days Typically 3-7 days Persistent cough, almost always >1week, usually 2-6 weeks, sometimes 10+ weeks Paroxysms Uncommon Rare Common 1-2 d before symptom onset to 5-10 days after Variable; typically 4-7 days after symptom onset; can be longer From start of catarrhal phase (before cough) to 21 days after cough onset* Infectious Period *or until taking 5 days of appropriate anti-pertussis antibiotics, or until a nasopharyngeal pertussis PCR is negative, whichever occurs first. Contacts:Thomas Haupt, Influenza Surveillance Coordinator Wisconsin Division of Public Health Bureau of Communicable Diseases and Emergency Response(Phone 608-266-5326) (Fax 608-261-4976)