07-15-15 - Wesley United Methodist Church
07-15-15 - Wesley United Methodist Church
July 19 Worship 10:30 a.m. Rev. Jim Healy July 26 Food Ministry Offering Worship 10:30 a.m. Rev. Vickie Healy Growing in Christ to be a Bold Witness to God’s Love The Encounter Newsletter July 15, 2015 FREE FREE FREE FREE Volume 28 #14 FREE FREE FREE Tuesday, August 4, 2015 for our Fourth Annual National Night Out on Wesley’s Campus 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Outdoor Activities 6:30 p.m. Hot Dogs and Chips 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Outdoor Family Movie Q97.1 All The Hits Games Watermelon Eating Contest Sno-Cones Food Family Fun We are currently looking for groups to sponsor a kids game or activity. There is still space table space available should you want to advertise your group. If your group, committee, etc. is interested please contact Eduardo at 559-824-6084 or Eduardo.rodriguez@fresno.gov. Sponsored by the El Dorado Park Community Leaders, Fresno State ASI, Wesley UMC, El Dorado Park CDC, Building Neighborhood Capacity Program, Councilmember Paul Caprioglio, and EDP Community Partners. Imagine Wesley We did it! You did it! We are ready to “launch” our Heifer Ark! We raised over $5100.00 in honor of our 50th anniversary for a Heifer International ark. What a great way to celebrate our anniversary —making this significant contribution to fighting hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world! A Bold Witness to God’s Love! We will continue receiving donations through the end of July so we can buy some more animals and maybe even “pooper scoopers” for the ark. We have also made a significant commitment to fighting food insecurity right here in our El Dorado Park neighborhood over the last few years. With your generosity and careful shopping, we are able to provide food for many adults and children. Each month we pack and give away over 200 bags of nonperishable food items. While these bags of groceries are meant for emergency relief, many families and households have come to depend on these groceries as a way to stretch their food dollars. Since we joined the Community Food Bank we have been able to provide more free, fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Each Thursday night we serve a simple, home cooked meal. At five o’clock we serve dinner to the youth from the Boys and Girls Club and at 5:30 we open the doors to adults, families and other children and youth. While the number of folks coming to dinner has decreased over the last few months, we still serve 45 to 60 people each week. We can only do this work and ministry because of your generosity — your time and money. It is a bold witness to God’s love to serve food to those who are hungry and food insecure. I often hear expressions of appreciation as people eat dinner or pick up a bag of groceries. With two local food pantries closed for the summer and with the summer break from the monthly food giveaways at Wesley, our ongoing work is even more important. Thank you! The fourth Sunday of each month is our Food Offering. We put blue envelopes in the bulletin and ask you to make a contribution. Your gifts enable our two food ministries to meet the needs for our neighbors. And, of course, you may donate to our Food Programs at any time. Don’t worry if you miss the fourth Sunday. On an unrelated note: It has been a busy summer and we are needing some catchup time! So to that end, the office will be closed August 14, 21 and 28 (Fridays) for some carpet cleaning, some other “house” cleaning and even some time off. We have done this a couple of other summers and it just helps us regroup before the fall activity begins. We have had a wonderful summer so far — but it has been busy and sometimes that means that everything does not get put away where it needs to go or we received some new things we don’t know where they go — yet! I hope you are having a great summer! I am! What a great place to be in ministry! Page 3 Just look at how many families lives will be changed with your donations to the ARK at Heifer International. Hot Dogs and Apple Pie Sponsored by Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Sunday August 2nd Following Worship Wesley’s SPRC would like you to join them in welcoming Pastor Vickie back for another year. The Journeymen will prepare hot dogs with all the fixin's, served along with drinks and apple pie. Attention All Hikers and Backpackers Upcoming Events July 23—25 Backpack We have reserved a two night backpack to Island Lake (9,810 ft. elevation) in the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness from July 23 - 25 for 12 people. We could make this a loop hike. There are plenty of lakes for fishing, swimming, and exploring. Total loop trip is about 9 miles. This is a great option for a family or beginners backpack. August Backpack The longer backpack is scheduled to begin the middle of the first week in August. This semi-loop trip to the Red Mountain Lakes basin/Devil’s Punchbowl (trailhead at Courtright Reservoir - we will stay overnight at trailhead). Total mileage is approximately 36-40 miles, with about 3020 ft. of elevation gain. Contact: Jim Shepard or Joellyn Hamaguchi at hamaguchishepard@sti.net Pink Cow Thrift Shop Store Hours Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. First Saturday of the Month 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Third Sunday of the Month 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Donations accepted during store hours or in the church office Monday thru Thursday. Donations are tax deductible… ask one of the Pink Cow volunteers to supply you with a donation form. Sunday Mornings 9:15 a.m. Fireside Room Walking Together Led by Pastor Vickie Healy Base Camp It is good food and it is community. It is a ministry that matters. Thursday Evenings Dinner is served to the Boys & Girls Club members at 5:00 p.m. and the Community at 5:30 p.m. Questions, give Christie a call at 269-6133. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Sermons now available online! Log onto Saturday, July 18 at 9:00 a.m. in the Library wesleyfresno.org We are currently making short stoles for General Conference 2016 in Portland. The stoles are colorful and very easy to cut and sew. We have enough material to make 150 stoles. We are also continuing with our UMCOR Layette sewing projects. Click on the Worship/ Listen to Our Sermons tab and click-on the date. Everyone is welcome to join us. Looking for a sermon date not listed… click-on the link at the bottom of the page to see additional dates. The Sew-n-Sews are in need of NEW BABY FLANNEL FABRIC for a great opportunity to involve Fresno State Students to work on projects for UMCOR with the Sew-n-Sews. Want to keep up on what is happening around Wesley? On Wednesday, September 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fresno State is hosting a Community Service Fair to help students find places where they would be of service. The Sew-n-Sews are going to teach the students how to knit, sew, crochet, cut fabric, etc., which will enable us to do more for UMCOR. But we need your HELP to make this happen . . . with a fabric donation. Look for sales and remember not to buy anything with patriotic symbols, religious symbols or camouflage. Barb Bray, Holland Wright or Wesley staff would be happy to accept these items and your willingness to "serve" is greatly appreciated. What a great opportunity to involve young people and teach them how to give back to their community and the world through UMCOR. Follow us on Wesley’s Facebook Fan Page Search online: facebook.com/wesleyfresno Wesley Photographers The 4th Sunday of the month we meet and have a potluck. New Folks are Always Welcome! For more information contact Barb Bray at 284-7836. July Meeting/Potluck Sunday, July 26 at 3:00 p.m. Contact Jim Healy jimhealy45@me.com or Dwight Wilcox dwightwilcox@sbcglobal.net for the July meeting location. Be part of Circles Fresno dedicated to eliminating poverty in our community. Tuesday Evenings Dinner at 5:30 Fireside Rm. Gathering 6:15 p.m. Fireside Rm. Circles contact: Jackie Holmes (559) 906-6822 Email: circlesfresno@wesleyfresno.org Building a community where every person has enough resources, relationships, and reason to thrive. SAVE THE DATE! Meditation Retreat Rescheduled All are welcome to participate on Saturday, September 5, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in a Meditation and Silent Retreat. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a day to reflect and take stock of life. We will meet in John Wesley Hall at the southwest corner of the building in the Choir/Conference Room. Lunch will be a potluck. Drinks and snacks will be provided. The retreat will include periods of meditation, silent walks and exercise. Please dress casually with loose clothing for relaxation and for exercise and stretching. You do not need any experience in meditation or the exercises. The retreat will accommodate all person regardless of age and personal needs. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about meditation and enjoy a relaxing day away from the hustle and bustle of your regular routine. You will find it a meaningful experience. Please call Jim Healy at 289-2250 for additional information and to answer any questions you might have. Volunteers Provide Radical Hospitality Have you wondered how it is that we have coffee on the patio after service each week? Who asks folks to read the scripture? Can I volunteer in the office – regularly or once in a while? If I want to be a greeter or an usher for worship, how do I let someone know? Volunteers are essential to radical hospitality and passionate worship. Greeters welcome each person with the peace of Christ as they come through the door. Ushers hand out the bulletins, assist with seating if necessary, receive the offering and provide direction during communion. Liturgists assist the pastor with the call to worship, the opening prayer and the scripture reading during worship. Coffee cart duties include preparing coffee, beverages and snacks. The coffee cart is set up just before the 10:30 a.m. service and is put away around 12:30 p.m. Other volunteers include receptionists who will answer the phones, make copies, give out food bags, and do other minor clerical work. The office volunteers usually work from 9 am to noon or 12:30 pm to 4 pm, Monday thru Thursday and 9 am to noon on Friday. Training is available for each of these opportunities. For more information or to volunteer call Lorrae at 224-1947 or email her at lorraeemory@wesleyfresno.org. Worship Volunteers Greeters Liturgists Media Techs Ushers July 19 CJ Pitcher & Joyce Cape Susan Coberly Barb Bray & Charis Campbell July 26 Charlien Hawkins Todd Gaskill TBA Kathy Shivaprasad Claudia Andrews Margie Andreco Rich Plummer August 2 Martin Vargas TBA Michelle McArtor Irma Garza Date TBA “The Encounter” (USPS 742-130) is published semi-monthly by Wesley United Methodist Church, 1343 E. Barstow Avenue, Fresno CA93710. Periodical postage is paid at Fresno, CA 93706. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Encounter, 1343 E Barstow Avenue, Fresno, CA 93710 Page 7 Calendar of Events Volume 28, #14 Sunday, July 19 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal JWH 9:15 a.m. Walking Together—Bible Study FSR 9:15 a.m. Meditation Group EDE 10:00 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 12:30pm 10:30 a.m. Worship JWH 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship on the patio 11:40 a.m. Sew-n-Sews WEC #3 11:45 a.m. Social Justice Action Team Library Monday, July 20 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 11:00 a.m. El Dorado Community Leaders Meet WEC#2 11:00 a.m. Monday Bible Study WEC #3 Tuesday, July 21 8:00 a.m. Tuesday Crew 8:30 a.m. Pink Cow Committee Library 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 10:00 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 2 pm 2:00 p.m. Nurture & Care Committee Library 5:30 p.m. Circles Dinner and Gathering FSR Wednesday, July 22 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 12:00 p.m. Book Study Group Library 2:30 p.m. Circles Resource Team Library 7:00 p.m. Fresno Wesley Foundation JWHCF Thursday, July 23 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 10:00 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 2 pm 5:30 p.m. Base Camp FSR 6:00 p.m. Nuevo Ministerio WEC #1 Friday, July 24 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR Sunday, July 26 Food Ministry Programs Offering 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal JWH 9:15 a.m. Walking Together—Bible Study FSR 9:15 a.m. Meditation Group EDE 10:30 a.m. Worship JWH 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship 3:00 p.m. Wesley Photographers Offsite Monday, July 27 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 11:00 a.m. El Dorado Community Leaders Meet WEC#2 11:00 a.m. Monday Bible Study WEC #3 Tuesday, July 28 8:00 a.m. Tuesday Crew 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 10:00 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 2 pm 3:30 p.m. EDPCDC Board Meeting Library 5:30 p.m. Circles Dinner and Gathering FSR Wednesday, July 29 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 12:00 p.m. Book Study Group Library Thursday, July 30 9:00 a.m. Summer Breakfast / Recreation / Lunch FSR 10:00 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 2 pm 5:30 p.m. Base Camp FSR 6:00 p.m. El Dorado Community Leaders Meet WEC#2 6:00 p.m. Nuevo Ministerio WEC #1 Friday, July 31 9:00 a.m. Breakfast / Lunch FSR 10:00 a.m. LAST DAY FOR SUMMER RECREATION Saturday, August 1 9:00 a.m. Food Not Bombs FSR Kitchen 9:30 a.m. Thrift Shop Open until 12:00pm Saturday, July 25 9:00 a.m. Food Not Bombs FSR Kitchen Wesley Food Pantry Building Directory JWH JWHCF JWHK EDE FSR John Wesley Hall John Wesley Hall Conference Room John Wesley Hall Kitchen Ed East (Headstart) Fireside Room OCR WEC Library WRC Office Conference Room Winterberg Education Center In the Office Building Wesley/ Circles Fresno Office (1396 E. San Bruno Apt. A) WCC Wesley Classroom Center (1328 E. San Ramon Apt. B) Many of you might not know that Wesley’s Food Pantry Program can supply as many as 200 food bags a month to families in and around our El Dorado Park neighborhood. Wesley accomplishes this vital outreach with your generous monetary (fourth Sunday Food Ministry offering) and non-perishable food donations. Your support and generosity is needed even more during the summer months, as other food pantries close. Questions, contact Paula Belden at 289-6288. We continue to be in great need of: Boxed Cereal Canned Tuna Jar Peanut Butter Wesley United Methodist Church 1343 E Barstow Ave Fresno, CA 93710-6309 Periodical Postage Rate At Fresno, Calif. (559) 224-1947 lues: Our Core Va s Inclusivenes wth Spiritual Gro e Social Justic Center for Grief and Healing Presents Caring for the Caregiver Workshop Julie Cardoza, LMFT Deanne Sayles, RN, MN, CHPN Wednesday, August 5, 2015 1:30 — 3:00 p.m. Hinds Hospice Patient Services Center 2490 W. Shaw Ave., Fresno, 93711 The caregiving journey can bring an array of confusing feelings that often are unpredictable and painful. This caregiver workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the caregiver’s journey, and how to cope with caregiver stress and fatigue. You will be provided with strategies for coping through rituals, self-care and suggestions for receiving support during this process. (between Van Ness & Shaw Lane) Cost: Free Seating is limited. Call 559-248-8579 to register. Wesley United Methodist Church Phone 559-224-1947 wesleyfresno.org Contact Wesley's Staff Pastor Vickie Healy vickiehealy@wesleyfresno.org Office Manager Lorrae Emory lorraeemory@wesleyfresno.org Bookkeeper CJ Pitcher cjpitcher@wesleyfresno.org Music Director Elizabeth Layous Volunteer Staff Accompanist Peggy Copp Base Camp Christie Sartor Custodian Dolores Lopez Pink Cow Thrift Shop Betty Bigham Asst. Custodian Wally Grisso Food Pantry Paula Belden Adjunct Pastoral Staff David Roy csartor@sbcglobal.net 224-1904 289-6288 Our United Methodist Connection Warner H. Brown, Jr., Bishop, California-Nevada Annual Conference Phone (916) 374-1500 Website: www.calnevumc.org Debra Brady, Central Valley District Superintendent Phone (916) 374-1501 Email: debrab@calnevumc.org