philip dooley, md, named vc program director from aafp mayans


philip dooley, md, named vc program director from aafp mayans
Philip Dooley, M.D., Via Christi, has been named the program director for the KUSM-W Family Medicine Residency Program at Via Christi. Dr. Dooley has been on faculty at Via Christi since 2014.
Dr. Dooley is a deputy editor for the Family Physicians Inquiry Network (FPIN), a national organization that makes evidence-based family medicine and clinical scholarship accessible to family physicians in clinical practice. As deputy editor, he edits 30 manuscripts each year for publication in FPIN Help Desk Answer columns. He is the chief of aerospace medicine and chair of the Aerospace Medicine Council for the United States Air Force Reserve Unit at McConnell Air Force Base.
Dr. Dooley completed his undergraduate and medical education at the University of Michigan. He completed his family
medicine residency at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and served as chief resident. He was on the faculty at the Eglin program
and was an assistant professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.
Dr. Dooley will start his new duties on Jan. 4, 2016. Tara Neil, M.D., has served as interim director.
Laura Mayans, M.D., visited Paraguay from
Nov. 20-Dec. 1 as part of the Kansas Paraguay
Partnership Family Medicine Faculty Exchange
Program. The principal goal for her visit was
to investigate opportunities for electives for
KUSM-Wichita students. She was accompanied
by her husband, David Mayans, M.D. The Mayans
toured hospitals and clinics in Asunción, Encarnación,
Fram, and Ciudad del Este and met with officials at
those sites. They made presentations on obesity at
a Medicine and Nutrition Conference at the
Universidad Autónoma del Sur.
The couple visited the Jesuit Ruins near Fram,
the ITAIPU dam, Iguazu Falls, and attended a
soccer game with their host family Mario Feltes, M.D.,
and his wife, Lorena Feltes, M.D.
Dr. Mayans said it was a great educational
experience. She learned much about the medical
system and educational opportunities for
Kansas students.
Drs. Laura and David Mayans
tour facility in Encarnación;
Dr. Mayans at Medicine and
Nutrition Conference and at
Bautista Hospital, Asunción.
The 35th annual Family Medicine Winter Symposium
was held Dec. 4-5 at the Wichita Marriott. Erika Bliss, M.D.,
Seattle, Washington, delivered the James W. Shaw, M.D.,
Memorial Lecture, “Direct Primary Care.” Sean Lucan,
M.D., MPH, assistant professor, Department of Family
and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York, delivered the Knorr Healthy Lifestyle
Lectureship, “Nutrition Myths and Healthy Dietary Advice
in Clinical Practice.” Mark Ebell, M.D., M.S., professor,
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of
Public Health, University of Georgia, Athens, delivered
the Wilkonson Women’s Health Lecture, “United States
Preventive Service Task Force Recommendations
for Breast Cancer Screening.”
John Dorsch, M.D., was
invested as the Delos V.
Smith, Jr., Professor in
Community Geriatrics.
The following also made
presentations: Danae Doubek
Goerl, M.D., Via Christi,
“New Bronchiolitis Guidelines
and Implementation”; Rex
John Dorsch, M.D., Rick Kellerman, M.D.
Keith, M.D., Via Christi,
“Ins and Outs of Lower Extremity Edema”; Kyle Goerl,
M.D., Via Christi, “Back Pain in the Primary Care Office–A
Systematic Approach”; Kari Clouse, M.D., “Supporting
the Busy Mom: Tips and Tricks to Maintain Breastfeeding”;
Scott Moser, M.D., and Laura Mayans, M.D.,“ It’s Not Fair!
Assessing Student Clinical Performance.”
Posters presented were: Krista DeWitt, D.O.; Matt Pyle,
D.O.; Amanda Miller, M.D.; Kyle Miller, M.D.; Rachel
Carney, D.O.; Charles Allred, M.D.; and Chantel Long,
M.D., Smoky Hill, “A Standardized Approach to Chronic
Pain: A Work in Progress”; Matt Downen, M.D., and
Aaron Sinclair, M.D., Wesley, “Can Colonoscopy Quality
Indicators Be Met by Family Medicine Residents?”; Katie
Kellerman, MHCL; Trisha Melhado, MPH; Kyle Smothers,
B.S.; Gretchen Dickson, M.D., MBA; and Rick Kellerman
M.D., “Determining the Dress Code for a Family Medicine
Residency Clinic”; Rick Kellerman, M.D.; Trisha V.
Melhado, MPH; and Terry Ast, B.A., “ Preference for 4 Year
Versus 3 Year Medical School”; Roger Klein, M.D., Wesley,
“Management of a Patient with a Trisomy 18 Pregnancy”;
Bradley Craemer, M.D.; Ashley Houser, D.O.; Brandon
Cole, D.O.; Jessica Jarvis, M.D.; Aaron Hightower, M.D.;
and Lisa Zak-Hunter, Ph.D., Via Christi, “Factors That
Influence Depression Screening Follow Through in Primary
Care”; Scott Moser, M.D.; Trisha V. Melhado, MPH; and
Laura Mayans, M.D., “Medical Student Education: Patient
Centered Medical Home”; Marlana Sheridan, M.D., and
Jessica Jarvis, M.D., Via Christi, “Metformin – Induced
Lactic Acidosis: A Case Report”; Anne Walling, M.B.,
Ch.B.; Paul Callaway, M.D.; Trisha Melhado, MPH; and
Jordan Groskurth, M.D., “A Necessary Burden? Medical
Student Expenses in the Residency Interviewing Process”;
John-Michael Watson, M.D., Wesley, “Case Presentation –
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy.”
Scholarships were awarded to four students at the
luncheon on Friday. These scholarships recognize fourthyear students who have an interest in family medicine, solid
academic ranking, and evidence of service. Lexi Belem and
Caroline Reusser each received an Edward P. Donatelle,
M.D., Scholarship. Christina Bourne, MPH, received the
Harry Horn Family Scholarship, and Amanda Just received
the Monte Maska, M.D., Student Scholarship.
Lexi is a Kansas City
native and graduated
summa cum laude from
Rockhurst University
where she was a member
of the Phi Delta Epsilon
International Medical
Fraternity and participated
in a campus ministry
service trip to Honduras. From left: Caroline Reusser, Diane Steere, M.D.,
She is a member of
Christine Bourne, MPH, Rick Kellerman, M.D.,
Amanda Just, Lexi Bellem
Alpha Omega Alpha
Honor Medical Society, a JayDoc Community Clinic
volunteer, a KU School of Medicine High School Scholars
Program mentor, and a member of the Pathway to Wellness
Interest Group.
Caroline grew up on a farm near Wellington, Kansas.
She graduated from Friends University. She has volunteered
at the JayDoc clinics in Kansas and Wichita, Care for Kids
in Kansas City and at Via Christi St. Francis, the Humane
Society, and Habitat for Humanity. She is a member of the
Gold Humanism Society.
Christina is a native of Tucson, Arizona, and graduated
from the University of Arizona. She completed a master of
public health degree at Washington University, St. Louis,
Missouri. She studied medication adherence in Honduras
on a Clendening Summer Fellowship. She has volunteered
at the JayDoc Community Clinic and was the first MS1
student elected to its executive board. She is also a
co-founder of Wichita Street Medicine and JayDoc
Homeless Outreach Clinic.
Amanda is a native of Andover, Kansas, and graduated
summa cum laude from Ottawa University. She is treasurer
of the Pathway to Wellness Interest Group and co-president
of the Jager Society.
Diane Steere, M.D., clinical assistant professor, Wichita,
received the Doug Parks, M.D., Community Volunteer
Preceptor Teaching Award. She is a graduate of the
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
and the KUSM-Wichita family medicine residency at
Wesley Medical Center. She has been a preceptor for the
department since 1999. She is the current president of the
Kansas Academy of Family Physicians.
The popular FMIG “Doc for a Day” workshop attracted 86 junior and senior high
school students from Wichita-area schools to KUSM-W on Nov. 7. Activities included
workshops on performing the musculoskeletal/neurological exam, practicing
venipuncture, delivering babies, listening to the fetal heartbeat, tying surgical knots,
reading X-rays, taking vital signs, performing an ear exam, performing intubation,
and learning cardiac auscultation skills. Medical students led a discussion about
preparing for medical school. There was also an information session for parents
about getting into medical school and how to pay for it. Students helping pictured are:
1st: Sydnee Nelson, Natalie Hagman, Alex Johnson, Ali Rueschhoff,
Alex Holm-McDowell
2nd: Alma Habib, Catherine Koertje, Jessica Huff, Rabya Ahmed, Jocelyn Mattoon,
3rd: Deshanett Clay, Autumn Smith, Cheryl Dobson, Maggie Searight, Chanel Doyle,
Samantha Claassen
4th: Codi Ehrlich, Cole Gillenwater, Nicholas Ojile, Hadley Freeman, Ruth Weins
5th: Kari Clouse, M.D., Caleb McCormick, Taylor Veh, Allison Penner, Jordan Meyer, Chris Stanley
6th: Kenneth Jezierski, Tomica Blocker, Karissa Gilchrist, Kelly Zachariasen, Kimberly Hinman,
7th: Jermey Bennett, Patrick McEnulty, Mariah Miller, Jennifer Maciasek
8th: Jason Zoglman, Jared Regehr, Clifford Kissling, Ryan Woodruff, Michelle Baalmann, Cooper Nickel
KU School of Medicine has been approved as a Maintenance of
Certification (MOC) Portfolio Sponsor. This allows us to approve
health care quality improvement activities for MOC Part IV credit
for board certified physicians and family medicine residents who
participate in the activity. The program will launch in early 2016,
so watch for announcements.
Cordelia Staab, MS4, has been appointed an American
Academy of Family Physicians Family Medicine Interest Group
Network regional coordinator. She will serve Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2016.
Ashley Borniger, M.Ed.; Chris Ebberwein, Ph.D.; and
Stephanie Murray, M.D., Wesley, completed the Process
Communication Model’s Core Topics Seminar, Newton, Kansas,
Nov. 30-Dec. 2.
Robin Walker, M.D., Wesley, “I’m A Doctor, But I’m Also a
Dad,” Campaign for Dental Health
Chris Ebberwein, Ph.D., Wesley, was interviewed for a Forbes.
com article, “Overcoming Burnout: Five Ways To Get Back On
Track At Work,” June 2015.
Chris Ebberwein, Ph.D., Wesley, hosted the Kansas
Psychological Association Fall Conference, Wesley Family
Medicine Center, Nov. 7.
Gina Berg, Ph.D., is part of a team awarded a $20,000 WCGMEKBA Pilot Studies Funding Program Award for “BITES Trial.”
Congratulations to:
Kelsey Berlin, D.O., Via Christi, and Kevin Neitzel, on their
wedding, June 22.
Angela Callari, M.D., Wesley, and her husband, Jesse Plucker,
on their wedding, Nov. 1.
Katelyn Shoe, M.D., Via Christi, and her husband, Paul, on the
birth of their daughter, Amaris Grace, Dec. 6.
Mayans L. Lead Poisoning, FP Audio Leawood KS: AAFP;
October 2015.
Curry A, Melhado T, Chesser A, Schmidt A, Burke A, Emerson
R, Kellerman R. A Qualitative Assessment of Kansas Tracking
and Reporting of Controlled Substances (K-TRACS). KS J Med
Hoffecker B, Hightower A, Jarvis J, Lewis D, Wipperman J.
Efficacy of Local Corticosteroid Injection for Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome. KS J Med 2015;8(4):170-4.
Hale LS, Fraser SJ, Keuter KR, Lee FA, Berg GM. A Survey
Assessing Kansas Physician Assistants’ Attitudes/Beliefs and
Current Practices Regarding Implementation of Fall Prevention
Strategies in Older Adults. KS J Med 2015;8(4):135-42.
Weber R. Safer ways to quit, Letter to the Editor. Wichita Eagle,
Oct. 25.
Sinclair A. Diagnosing and treating yellow toenails. Wichita
Eagle, Nov. 17.
Annual CME Conference and All Member Meeting, American
Association for Primary Care Endoscopy, Nov. 6, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina:
Sinclair A. Serrated Polyps.
Sinclair A. Diverticula of the Alimentary Tract.
Kellerman R. Family Medicine Workforce and Development.
Association of Departments of Family Medicine, Association of
American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Nov. 7, Baltimore
Davis N. Maintenance of Certification and Academic
Continuing Medical Education, Society of Academic Continuing
Medical Education meeting, Nov. 13, Baltimore, Maryland.
Dickson G. Vaccines, Lunch and Learn Seminar, Wesley
Friends Retirement Club, Nov.19, Central Community Church.
Berg GM. Process Communication Model Seminar 1, Wesley
Medical Center, Oct. 5-7.
Continued on page 4.
Lee F, Hervey A, Gates C, Stringer B, Berg GM, Harrison P.
Assessing the Relationship between BMI and Resource Utilization,
Annual Conference of the Pediatric Trauma Society, Nov. 6-7,
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Berg GM, Casper P, Ohlman E, Schulte J, Nyberg S, Hervey A,
Ahlers-Schmidt CR. Physician Assistant Student Assessment of
Body Mass Index in Children Aged 3 to 5 Years Using Visual Cues,
Annual Conference of the Pediatric Trauma Society, Nov. 6-7,
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Barker R, Hartkopp B, Berg GM. Quality Forum. Wesley
Leadership Institute Quality Improvement Academy, Oct. 22.
Manry J, Berg GM. TeamSTEPPS. Wesley Leadership Institute.
Oct. 15.
Berg GM, Ekengren FH. Who Draws The Line? Wesley
Leadership Institute Professionalism Academy, Oct. 5.
Zak-Hunter L, France, B. Eating Disorders in Collaborative
Care: Detection and Treatment. Annual Meeting of the
Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Oct. 15-17,
Portland, Oregon.
Mayans L, Moser S, Melhado T. Structured “Food, Activity,
and Screen Time” Office Visits to Address Pediatric Obesity, 43rd
NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Oct. 24-28, Cancun, Mexico.
The KAFP-Foundation has announced a Call for Abstracts for
its 2016 Poster Contest. Abstracts for research, case studies, or
a literature review will be accepted. Deadline is Feb. 26, 2016.
Posters will be presented at the KAFP Annual Scientific Assembly
on June 11, 2016, Overland Park. For the guidelines, program
outline, and abstract application go to
Registration is now open for the 2016 KAFP Advocacy Day,
Jan. 27. Registration is FREE for residents and students. http://
John-Michael Watson, M.D.,
Wesley, along with WSU
bioengineering students,
Christianna Powell,
Sandra Olekanma, and
Gabriella Valverde are
part of a new collaboration
between KUSM-Wichita,
Wesley and WSU. For their
capstone project, the three
students shadowed Dr. Watson and other physicians at the Wesley
Family Medicine residency clinic and the hospital to identify
patient problems that could be addressed from a bioengineering
standpoint. They presented their findings on Dec. 8 at the Wesley
Family Medicine residency. During the spring semester they will
work on solutions to the selected problem.
Jan. 13: Using Direct Observation to Assess Clinical Competence,
Scott Moser, M.D., Laura Mayans, M.D.
Feb. 4: Advanced Endoscopy in Primary Care: Diverticulosis,
Chad Johanning, M.D.
Feb. 16: Impaired Performance: When and How to Intervene,
Tim Scanlan, M.D.
Mar. 9: Medical Education Development & Planning Basics,
Nancy Davis, Ph.D., Ruth Weber, M.D., M.S.
April 8: Spring Symposium: Focus on Neurology
April 13: Challenging Encounters with Learners and Colleagues,
Sheryl Beard, M.D.
May 5: Advanced Endoscopy in Primary Care: Endoscopic Quality
Markers, Matt Downen, M.D.
May 11: Academic Promotion & Tenure, Anne Walling, M.B., Ch.B.
June 8: Facilitating Small Group Learning Workshop: Team-Based &
Case-Based Learning, Jack Kues, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Aug. 4: Advanced Endoscopy in Primary Care: Barrett’s Esophagus
for the Primary Care Endoscopist, Jeff Davis, M.D.
Sept. 14: Career Development: Mentoring & Being Mentored
Nov. 3: Advanced Endoscopy in Primary Care: Diverticula of the
Alimentary Tract, Aaron Sinclair, M.D.
Nov. 9: Effective Interprofessional Team-Based Communication Skills
Dec. 9-10: Winter Symposium
15-17 Via Christi call back party
22-24 Wesley call back party
29-31 Smoky Hill call back party
publication staff
Terry Ast, Editor
Rick Kellerman, M.D.
Lori Bearley
Caren Bachman, Smoky Hill FM
Katie Kellerman, Wesley FM
Marcia Beasley, Via Christi FM
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