January/February 2014 - Family Campers and RVers
January/February 2014 - Family Campers and RVers
Kansas Camper January/February 2014 KCA a State Chapter of FCRV The Kansas Camper is the official publication of the Kansas Campers Association Inc. of Family Campers and RVers. The Kansas Camper is published six times a year. Subscription is included in the membership fee for Kansas Campers Association Inc. Kansas Campers Association Inc. holds two camping conventions each year, one the first weekend in May and the other over Labor Day weekend. Information will be carried in the Kansas Camper preceding each convention giving location, fee and schedule. Kansas Campers Association Inc. Board of Directors President….. Harold & Lori Johnson, (316-721-0651), E-mail president@ksfcrv.org Vice President….. Forrest & Faye Tennyson, (620-251-3403), E-mail ftennyson@ksfcrv.org Secretary….. Florence Fox, (785-228-2579), E-mail ffox@ksfcrv.org Acting Treasurer….. Bob & Kathy Schreck, (316-680-2058) E-mail rschreck@ksfcrv.org Past President……... Tom & Ilene Young, (913-909-6085), (913-909-9978) E-mail tyoung@ksfcrv.org State Directors….. Earl and Ivalee Vanderhoff, Ivalee (316-830-2115) Earl (316-253-8200) E-mail evanderhoff@ksfcrv.org Area I Executive Committeemen: Area II Executive Committeemen: Area III Executive Committeemen: Area IV Executive Committeemen: Marty & Barbara Mashak, (620-459-6737) mmashak@ksfcrv.org Area V Executive Committeemen KANSAS CAMPER ASSOCIATION COMMITTEES C.A.M.P.: Forrest and Faye Tennyson, , (620-251-3403) E-mail ftennyson@ksfcrv.org Chaplains: Bill & Karen Hickerson, (316-282-5207) E-mail bhickerson@ksfcrv.org Chapter Development: Conservation & Wildlife: John & Charlotte Hendrick, (316-684-5267), E-mail jhendrick@ksfcrv.org DASAT: Dorothy Cole, (316-755-5792) (316-755-5791) E-mail wcole@ksfcrv.org First Aid/Safety: David & Barbara Hyle, (316-841-0385), E-mail dhyle@ksfcrv.org Historian: Tony & Ann Newport, ( 316-776-2779) E-mail tnewport@ksfcrv.org Kan-Teens: Legislation: Nominations & Elections: Teen King: Anthony Tennyson - Parent Thomas Tennyson, E-mail ftennyson@ksfcrv.org Teen Queen: Mercedes Tennyson - Parent Thomas Tennyson, E-mail ftennyson@ksfcrv.org Youth Director: Georgiana Denisar, 785-865-3679), E-mail gdenisar@ksfcrv.org Editor: John and Georgiana Denisar, (785) 865-3679 E-mail editor@ksfcrv.org 2 KCA Presidents Message the expense of funding the fair booth and the time commitment to coordinate the fair booth is quite significant. At least for 2014, it was agreed that we should try other recruitment methods and therefore established the before mentioned $25 fund and as well as the $10 state campout discount program for member and guest. Spring State 2014 is being held at the Kansas State Fair RV Park and encampment building May 2-4, 2014. The planning committee is comprised of Ilene Young, Barb Mashak, and Lori Johnson. I can't speak for the committee but I would encourage you to contact them if you have ideas, would like to help, or if your chapter would like to do something special at Spring State. A reminder that Keith Koontz is heading up the nominations committee for our 2014 KCA officer elections and Keith would love to hear from you if you have interest in serving as an officer. Officer terms are for 2 years. Lori and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year along with great camping fun! Harold & Lori Johnson As I write this it is 20 degrees outside and we are in the busy holiday season. I will say that I'm already ready for the warmer months and the start of the camping season. In a few weeks it will be Christmas and Lori and I hope that you and your family are well. At our Annual meeting held this year in October the executive committee approved the updated Kansas Campers Association bylaws with one change from what we sent out prior to the annual meeting. The change is to retain the term "executive committeeman" instead of using "representative". I expect to have the updated bylaws published on our KCA website after the first of the year (www.ksfcrv.org). For those that don't have easy access to the Internet remember that most public libraries offer computers with Internet access and generally have staff that will assist. The KCA board decided to discontinue the "yellow discount card" $10 discount for attending a prior year state campout. In its replacement, and to encourage new and prospective members to attend a state campout, the board is offering a $10 discount to any KCA member that registers and brings a guest that registers and camps in their own separate camping unit. The guest will also receive a $10 discount and can be a new KCA member that has never attended a state campout, or a prospective KCA/ FCRV member. Inviting someone to attend a State campout is a great way to introduce them to KCA/FCRV!! The KCA board also decided to offer each KCA chapter a $25 fund that can be used to offset expenses related to member recruitment. Recruitment costs might be postage and mailing expenses, or other expenses that relate to recruitment. The funds will be distributed on submission of receipts and/or other proper documentation with a limit of $25 for each chapter. The executive committee and KCA board also decided to discontinue the Kansas State Fair booth. While we have gained members over the years from contacts made at the State Fair, “Truly an Experience you Won’t Forget” KANSAS LARGEST-FINEST PUBLIC RV PARK SPRING LAKE RV RESORT - HALSTEAD, KS. 316-835-3443 866-935-3443 On 93 Acres-180 Large Sites with 30/50 amp hookups; Storm Shelters, Monthly & Long Term Sites, Rental Cabins & RV’s, Tenting, Pool, Fishing Ponds, Clubhouse, Recreation, Weekend Activities & Meals. A Great place for Groups. A Family Friendly Park-Annual Memberships Available Located 12 Miles West of I-135 on US 50 Near Hutchinson, Newton & Wichita OPEN YEAR ROUND! PROPANE ON SITE Visit our Web-Site: www.springlakervresort.com E‐Mail Address: office@springlakervresort.com 3 State Directors Note May 2 – 4, 2014– Kansas Campers Spring State Campout, hosted by the officers of KCA It may be after Christmas but we still send greetings to everyone and hope that your holiday was great. Now we need to work on our plans for 2014. Are you ready? We have lost a few in numbers for the state and we need to work to earn more members. Hopefully the chapters will come up with a plan for your group that will help you with meeting and inviting others to join you to camp. Look at friends, fellow church folks, neighbors, and when the weather is better, the camper next to you. Don’t look just at your own age group. Venture out and meet others. A wide age range in a group will help it to survive for a longer time. Let’s get busy and get to work. We will travel during January, February, and part of March. The last of March will find us at the International Retiree Campout in Canton, TX. It’s not that far away so think about joining us if you can camp during the week. Give us a call if you need help getting a registration form. Don’t let the cold weather stop you in your planning for 2014. We always enjoy going to the camping sites that we know but try out some new ones. When we get the plans for the chapters, we will publish them in this newsletter. Read them over and get some ideas of places you might enjoy. We plan to enjoy 2014 and hope and pray that everyone will have a great year. See you camping down the road.. Earl and Ivalee Vanderhoff May5 – 9, 2014 – Sunchasers Retirees Campout, Winfield Fairgrounds, Winfield, KS. July 7 – 12, 2014 – FCRV International Campvention in Essex Junction, Vermont August 11 – 10, 2014 —Regional Campvention, York, Nebraska. August 29 – September 1, 2014 – Kansas Campers Fall Campout October 6 – 10, 2014 – Sunchasers Retirees Campout, Winfield Fairgrounds, Winfield, KS. Feel free to contact the state directors if you need more information on any of the above dates. Regional Directors Note Another camping season is closing down. Some of our members have already headed south, some will be going soon, and some of us will remain in the north. Hopefully you will have a good winter wherever you may be. Remember to keep trying to promote FCRV with your winter neighbors. We really have to keep working on gaining new members. As you are planning your 2014 camping schedule, be sure to include the dates for our re- DATES TO REMEMBER March 25 – 30, 2014 – 42nd National Retiree Rally at Canton, TX. April 11 – 13, 2014 – District II Spring Thaw Campout, Winfield Fairgrounds, Winfield, KS. April– 18 – 21, 2014 – District III Campout, Four Seasons RV Park, April 25 – 27, 2014 – District I Campout, 4 WICHITA R.V. (316)-733-7777 EAST: 3 miles east of Andover on North Side of HWY 54 WEST: Wichita RV, 10810 west Kellogg, Wichita, Ks, 67209 -LARGE SELECTION OF NEW & USED MOTOR HOMES, 5TH WHEELS &TRAVEL TRAILERS -FULL SERVICE PAINT & BODY SHOP FOR ALL SHAPES AND SIZES OF R.V. OR TRUCKS. (WE EVEN REPAIR BOATS AND CARS). -7 FULL SERVICE AND REPAIR BAYS TO MEET YOUR SERVICE NEEDS -LARGE PARTS INVENTORY. ( IF IT IS NOT HERE THEN WE CAN ORDER IT FOR YOU) LOOK US UP ON LINE AT WICHITARV.COM gional. It will be held in York, Nebraska, August 7-10. Since the national campvention is in Vermont, many of us will probably not attend because of the distance. Let's make a real effort to get together in Nebraska. Hope to see you there. Glenda Sellers CAMPING FURTHER OUT KANSAS CAMPER NEWS SCHEDULE: Kenneth Dennett passed away December 8, 2013. Kenneth & his wife Betty were member of the Kyotees & Sunchasers. Reports for the March/April issue are due no later than February 10th. When sending reports by e-mail please put, “Report KCA Newsletter” in the subject line. Include your Chapter name and if possible send .doc files instead of .docx. The editor has no easy way of opening .docx files. Velma Clark, 87, of Temple, Texas, formerly of El Dorado, died, Oct. 12, 2013. Velma’s Daughter, Carol Kay Olcott, was once the KCA President. Send reports to: editor@ksfcrv.org. Send Snail Mail reports to: 364 Republic Rd Lawrence, KS 66044 5 Dusters: (Vermillion) NEWS AROUND THE STATE Man Kans: (Manhattan) Mustangs: (Holton) October 18-20 eight members of the Mustangs enjoyed camping at Oregon Trail RV Park in Westmoreland. A large (second largest in Kansas) hand dug well is adjacent to the campgrounds. We enjoyed visiting other area attractions that included Hoffman Pharmacy with its original soda fountain, Oregon Trail Park at Scott Springs, Rock Creek Valley Historical Museum Complex and Wamego. The museum at Westmoreland has memorabilia from Whizzo the Clown and his circus family and also items of interest from the Marlboro Man. The museum also houses many historical items from the early settlers of the area. On Saturday Vanita and Harlan joined us for lunch at South Forty Café. Then we held our meeting at the campground and enjoyed cookies and ice cream for Vanita’s birthday. Sunday morning we gathered for breakfast and had pancakes. On November 15 twelve members and two guests met at Perkins for our November meeting. We planned our 2014 camping schedule and enjoyed dinner and visiting. December 8 several members plan to attend Miracle on 34th Street at the Columbian Theater in Wamego. The next meeting will be December 13 at Perkins, and we will be collecting AREA I DISTRICT ONE CAMPOUT Heartland Park, Topeka 7530 SW Topeka Blvd. April 25 through 27 2014 Cost: $55 BINGO, Saturday Morning Breakfast And Supper, Evening Entertainment followed by Hospitality. We will hae games, C.A.M.P. Coloring Contest for all Ages, Sunday Church Service and Memorial Service for those in District 1 Camping Further Out. Campfire Campers: (Northeast KS) We met at the Timber Creek Lodge in Louisburg, KS for our November meeting. Plans were made for our December meeting. We will be meeting at the First Christian Church, Topeka, KS for supper with Florence baking the turkey and others bringing the rest. We will be bringing gifts for the Topeka Rescue Mission. We’re also making plans for our 2014 schedule. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Linda Smith, Secretary 6 canned goods for a food bank at Holton. Polly Coulter, Acting Recorder Cole, Vice President – Dale and Evelyn Mishler, Secretary-Treasurer – Forrest and Faye Tennyson, Board of Directors – Albert and Charlotte Nitz and John and Alberta Layton. Committee chairmen will be Executive Representative – Forrest and Faye Tennyson, CAMP – John and Alberta Layton, DASAT – Bill and Evelyn Carinder, Conservation – Bill and Wanda Minor and Wildlife – Bob and Neta Conway. Our December meeting will be held at the Oswego First Methodist Church on the 14th of December. This will be our Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Hosting will be Bill and Wanda Minor and Bob and Neta Conway. Reporter Evelyn Mishler. Wagonears: (Berryton) Wyandots: (Kansas City) AREA II DISTRICT 2 SPRING THAW! April 11—13, 2014 Winfield Fairgrounds, Winfield KS Camping Fee: $40 includes electricity Fun, Games, Hospitality, Fellowship, Flee Market, Programs, Pot Luck Contact: Gerry Matney (620) 442-2404 Kansa Travelers: (Augusta) KansaTravelers met at Spring Lake RV Resort the weekend of Oct 19. Five units took part in the activities of the resort. October 25-27 we camped at Napawallah Park in Oxford. We had 6 units camping and 1 drive in for Saturday evening pot luck. Friday we caravanned to Montana Mikes in Winfield for a good meal and visiting. The Mid Kansas Chapter of Good Sams were camping at the same place. They had reserved the shelter and shared their campfire with us. Saturday and Sunday morning, Glenn & Lynda made breakfast treats for us, very good. Saturday afternoon the K.T. ladies went “to town”. We checked out the treasure’s & things Kanokliners: (Caney) The Kanokliners met for a noon luncheon and business meeting on October 19th at the Sirloin Stockade in Coffeyville. We were originally schedules to go to Copan Lake in Oklahoma but with the government shut down the facility was closed. Joining us for lunch were former members Frank and Donna Wahl of Caney. Dale Mishler gave the nominating committees recommendations for officers and committee heads for 2014. In November we met at the Golden Corral in Bartlesville, Ok. Officers were elected and will be President – Dorothy Thanks for renewing your 2014 dues. If you have a blue mark on your newsletter label this indicates this will be your last newsletter unless you have paid your 2014 dues. The labels were printed early so if you have paid there still may be a blue mark on your label. 7 shop. Two other shops were happy to see our group because several purchases were made. Our Saturday evening pot luck/soup dinner was shared with the Good Sammers in the toasty warm shelter, and a swell campfire. Sunday morning we had a short devotional time led by Bill. We enjoyed our morning in fellowship, prayer and nature. Before breaking camp we all caravanned to the Old Mill for Sunday dinner. YUM! November 2, there were 15 members attending dinner at Logan’s Restaurant in Towne East parking lot at Kellogg & S. Rock Rd. Invitations were sent out to all the prospective new members, but none attended. Our next indoor meeting is December 7th at 3:00PM at Logan’s in Towne East parking lot, Wichita. Some of our members are already in Texas and others will be leaving in a few weeks. Jan 18th we will meet at 3:00PM at Pizza Hut in Augusta. Reporter, Beverly Koontz AREA III Drifting Clouds: (Concordia) Eager Beavers: (Salina) La-ZZZ Swingers: (Abilene, Talmage) Pony Expressers: (Washington) AREA IV Peacemakers: (Medicine Lodge) Pratt Fireliters: (Pratt) Sunflower Ramblers: (Buhler) The third weekend of October brought a mixture of weather as we camped in the River Road Campground at the Great Salt Plains Lake in Oklahoma. The sites are along the Salt Fort of the Arkansas River facing high red dirt bluffs. The overflow and river were busy with active pelicans making for the perfect place to appreciate nature. Four couples braved the rain, sleet, snow and sunshine. Friday evening we snuggled inside the motor home with hot chocolate, popcorn, apples and good friends. No room to dance but plenty for story telling. Saturday was dry and we were able to view the Salt Plains and see some of the selenite crystals dug up by a family. Digging for the chocolate brown crystals is not allowed after October 15th but they had climbed around the gate. Jim and Brenda Carpenter were hosts for the weekend and gave us a tour of the area. Sunday morning Jim & Brenda fried doughnuts for us for breakfast. They tasted especially good on the cool morning. We weren’t the only ones enjoying the campground, it was close to being full. In November the Carpenters hosted a group of twenty-five at the Lumberyard Restaurant in Zenda. Before the meeting we visited the town’s museum and saw wooden replicas of Ky-O-Tees: (Wichita) Newton Nomads: (Newton) The Newton Nomads met at Country Lakes Café in Marion. Lou Roberts was hostess. After our meal we moved to Hilltop Manor for our meeting. President Bill Hickerson conducted the business meeting. We made out our calendar for 2014 and assigned hostess duties. KCA dues were collected. Local dues were paid. We held election of officers. Meeting was adjourned. Lou furnished snacks and drinks while we played 3-13 and visited. Karen Hickerson will be having surgery on December 6th. We were pleased to have Donna Pankratz as a guest. Lou Roberts Secretary. Old Forters: (Ft. Scott) Teepers: (Belle Plaine Area) 8 different buildings in Zenda in years gone by. Quite an undertaking by the builder and the lady making them so unique. We thank Jim & Brenda for hosting again. The food was good and the fellowship even better. We have two new couples in our chapter. The Bartels from Buhler and the Heins from Augusta. Welcome to the Sunflower Ramblers. Reporter – Eileen Naasz secretary, respectively. Their commitment extends beyond the office and is greatly appreciated. With two potlucks and hospitalities each morning and evening, we didn’t lack for nourishment. A highlight of the week has become our field trip on Thursday afternoon. We pack a sack lunch and car pool to a destination. This year we went to the Wheat State Wine Co. southeast of Winfield. We had lunch on the patio surrounded by their beautiful grounds followed by a tour of the winery and a tasting of their wines. One of their wines, Ad Astra, was the 2012 wine of the year in Kansas. Some of us went on to Dexter to the Henry Candy Company. It was a great week enjoying friends and having a good time. The next rally is May 5/9 (arriving on Monday and leaving Friday morning.) Many come in on Sunday afternoon before the rally starts for more time to visit. Acting Reporter – Eileen Naasz STATE WIDE CLUBS Kan Teens: Sunchasers: Good weather graced the October fall session of the Kansas Sunchasers in Winfield at the Fairgrounds. The Kansas Sunchasers are a chapter of retired campers and anyone able to camp during the week is welcome. As usual, we played all types of games which included a spirited game of bean bag baseball with gracious losers and proud winners. Green Frogs, bring your guns (water) in May for a shoot out at noon! Speakers were Becky Reid, Kansas Research & Extension Agent and Diane Caton with the Kansas Volunteer Commission. Becky shared ways to be prepared and to recover from a disaster and Diane told us about opportunities to volunteer. She said Kansas ranked 7th in the county for the number of volunteer hours the Commission tracked. We are checking to see if hours FCRV members volunteer could be included in the state total. Julie Neufeld from Newton demonstrated some new Tupperware items that would be handy while camping or at home. Entertainers for two evenings were Brad Fritz and Melody & Allen. They played the old music that we knew and loved. Movie night featured “Second Hand Lions” and lots of popcorn. Keith & Beverly Koontz and Kathy & Bob Schreck agreed to another term as treasurer and Did you know four chapters in Kansas have their own websites as well as the KCA? Go to ksfcrv.org/ (the Kansas Campers Association) and follow the links to the Kansas Sunchasers, Suflower Ramblers, Kansa Travelers and Campfire Campers. Check them out! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 National Campers & Hikers Assn. DBA FCRV Kansas Campers Association c/o Editor 364 Republic Rd. Lawrence, KS 66044 Non-Profit U S POSTAGE PAID Wichita, Ks Permit No. 711 The official publication of the Kansas Campers Association 16