newsletter july 2012


newsletter july 2012
Holy Name
Volume 12, Issue 7
& Sunday
of the Month
6:30 - 8 PM
of the month
from 10-11
July 2012
Page 2
Those who need our
Wayne Anderson
Bob & Lida Barney
Blessed Titus Brandsma
Feast Day — July 26
William Beechin
Bill Bradtke
Ray & Hours
Mary Lou Deno
Margaret Engle
Gene Geraci
Marie Govert
the Month
Rosemarie Haberlin
Karen Hathaway
8 PM
Mary Hays
Laura Foreman Heiny
Bud & Rosalie Hoffman
Henry Huppenthal
Sunday of
Richard Johnson
the month
from Kenning
Bruce Kitchell
Monica & Fred Kujawa
Tom Manning
Jo Manes
Germain Marquess
Joy Marzynski
Sherry May
Mary Jane & Jim Molnar
Stanley Mudy
Dan & Dodie Nolan
Jeff Obarksi
Titus came from a Catholic family in the Netherlands that
encouraged the children to actively serve the Lord. Three
of Titus’ sisters became nuns and a brother became a Franciscan priest. Titus was ordained
at Carmelite priest in 1905, when he was twenty-four years old.
Titus taught theology at the Catholic University in the Netherlands for nearly twenty years.
He was also a newspaper journalist, author and popular speaker. He was greatly respected
for his holiness and his gift for giving spiritual advice.
He saw the Nazi party as a growing threat. Titus warned Catholic newspapers not to print
the lies the Nazis were spreading about the Jewish people and other groups. He spoke out
against the anti-Jewish laws the Nazis passed in Germany. The Nazis knew about Titus’ actions. They called him that “dangerous little friar.”
Titus was arrested when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. He was questioned by the Nazi
secret police. They offered Titus a deal. They would allow him to live a quiet life in a monastery if he would announce that Catholic newspapers should publish Nazi teachings. Titus refused.
The Nazis sent Titus to Dachau, a German concentration camp. He was forced to do hard
labor and underfed. He was beaten almost every day. He urged his fellow prisoners to pray
for their guards. When he grew too weak to work, he was poisoned. A nurse who was present at his death said that Titus gave her his Rosary just before he died.
When Pope John Paul II declared Titus “Blessed,” he said that Titus answered hate with
love. Blessed Titus lived Jesus’ words: “Love your enemies and do good to them” (Luke
6:35). We can honor Blessed Titus by trying our best, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to love
and forgive one another.
Joe O’Dea
Robert O’Donnell
Andrew Rahaw
Mike & Carol Rowe
Lucille Shroka
Dave Sims
Yvonne Smith-Sandor
Kylie Smith
Eric Sprehe
Jeannette Stoyakovich
Gerry Thiel
Joan Torrence
Mary Lynn Urbanski
Ed Wachter
Matthew Yakubik
Cathy Zajac
Bob Zerby
Holy Name Parish will be participating in the 4th of July Parade!
Walkers are to meet at the DQ on the lake Wednesday, July 4th. (You may
park in Pier 74 parking lot.) Please be there no later than 9:45 AM because the
parade starts at 10:00 and they will be closing down the streets. The parade
will end at the Cedar Lake Town Grounds. Please wear red, white, and blue, or
a Holy Name shirt if you have one. If you have any questions please contact
Kelly Ryan at Hope to see many of you there!
Page 3
Welcome to our newest parishioners
who were recently initiated into our
Christian Family here at Holy Name
by Baptism:
Caedon Schickel and
Sebastian Schickel
Sons of Timothy & Shannon Schickel
Cole Martisek
Son of Adam & Connie Martisek
Ross Vignone
Son of Robyn & Raquel Martisek
Canten Suarez
Son of Adam & Amanda Suarez
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The next Prayer Shawl Ministry
meeting will be on Monday, July 2
at 11 AM in the Rectory. All meetings have now been moved to 11
AM on the first Monday of the
month in the Rectory. New members to this ministry are always welcome.
We are grateful to the many parishioners who have
delivered shawls to friends and loved ones in the
name of our community. Do you know someone
who might like a prayer shawl? You can stop in the
rectory any weekday to pick one up. Shawls and
lap robes will also be available in church on the first
weekend of the month. You are invited to take one
and write down the name of the recipient. All recipients are added regularly to our prayer list and we
continue to pray for their health.
Please watch for yarn bargains as you shop yard
sales and flea markets. All donations will be put to
good use and will be greatly appreciated.
(H.O.P.E. - Helpful Outreach for People Employment)
80% of Jobs are Unadvertised
75% of Jobs are found through Networking
Thursday, July 19, 2012
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Greg Susoreny
Assistant Professor of Communication
NonVerbal Communication and
Self Presentation
What is it and why should we care?
So often techniques can make the difference
The elements of charm
Where: STM Weis Center;
8635 Calumet Av; Munster, IN
When: The third Thursday of every month
For those who are unemployed (in transition),
new to the job market, change careers or
who can offer employment opportunities
through their current professional connections.
Also have your Cover Letter, Resume or
Thank You note critiqued by a professional
Page 4
St. Vincent dePaul News
New Parishioners
Jennifer Barta
Steven Fandl
The St Vincent de Paul group meets monthly to review and discuss the many acts of kindness we are
able to perform because of the efforts of our Parish.
Carrie Kalecki
Josh Cooper
Rebecca Sandberg
Richard VerWey
Since we last reported, through your gifts, the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to continue to show God’s love and care to others by
assisting 11 families, providing $24.63 in
food, $150.00 in rent assistance, $376.56 in
NIPSCO assistance, $122.18 in water bill assistance, and $95.52 in vehicle assistance.
Steven & Angela Smit
And Madeline
Cedar Lake Lions Club
Annual Golf Outing
Sunday, August 5, 2012
If you know someone or a family who needs assistance. Please have them call 374-8800 and leave a
message. A Member from St. Vincent de Paul Society will return their call. We would love to try to
Oak Knoll Golf Club, Crown Point
Shotgun start at Noon
Best ball format with low gross
$65 donation per person
Includes: Golf & Cart, beverage, food on course
with dinner later, cash prizes, raffles & door
prizes. Skin game optional—$20 per team.
Contact Dick Kutchek 374-6479
for details & reservations.
We Remember
Our Dearly Departed
Sam Tortorici
Dorothy Collins
There will be outdoor Masses in the yard again
this summer. The Masses will be on Wednesdays
and will begin at 6 PM. The host will provide the
main food dish along with beverages. The guests
are asked to bring a side dish—veggie or dessert
and lawn chairs. If you would like to be a host for
one of the Masses in your yard, please contact the
Parish Office 374-7160.
July 25
August 1
August 22
August 29
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
11000 W. 133rd Avenue
Holy Name Catholic Church
Sunday, July 29, 2012
In and around the Parish Center (Gym)
Come join the “Hoedown”
Parishioners whose last names begin with A-Q, please bring a side dish to
Parishioners whose last name begins with R-Z please bring a dessert.
Bring your own lawn chairs.
All Are welcome!!