Jan , 26tn.2076 dari Unit Kokuriulum , JPN Per:ak berkaitan perkara
Jan , 26tn.2076 dari Unit Kokuriulum , JPN Per:ak berkaitan perkara
HEBAHAN PERTANDINGAN PROJEK INOVASI SAINS, MATEMATIK DAN KEJURUTERAAN KEBANGSAAN TAHUN 2016/2017 Jan , 26tn.2076 Semua Pe.ngetua Sekolah- Sekolah Menengah Daerah Kuala Kangsar Adalah dimaklumkan , bersama ini disertakan surat dan lampiran- lampiran dari Unit Kokuriulum , JPN Per:ak berkaitan perkara di atas untuk perhatian dan tindakan pihak tuan. Sekian , terima kasih. Penolong PPD Kokurikulum Akademik PPD Kuala Kangsar. JA$,{TAN PT]T{}I]}IKAX XS{;SRI PSN.AK .tAl-AN TllN A*nl.tl- l{{ll{K, 30640 IXJ}i, PI;RAX. }ARUL R},Dg{,iAN. |blefun : ff5-381 S|XN fi*r ..05-52? i?73 port{il r &tttr,'4?@rr.?&J1'd{.,{..}r.r,t - watnvste, iexv/J aionuutuKAN, pErrcipAtAN ovfnwnxa|v R{j. Kamjr i,Pet.Pk.{KOK1I)4531/5/14 ,jk. 3 { Tadkl: :}, t? } Januari 2016 Pengetua, Sekolah-sekolah llfienengah Negeri Perak, Tuan, H€BAHA,N PERTANTXNGAN PROJEK INOVASI SAINS, MATEI!{ATIK OAN KEJURUTERAAN KEBANGSAAN 201 612017 Dengan honr-ratnya saya meftiuk kepada perkara di atas, swat daripada Bahagian Kokrrikulrm den Kesenian (B.KK), Kernenterian Pend,idikan Malaysia {KpM), KFMSP.600-14nAA &) yang bertarikh 15 Januari 2016 adatah berkaitan" 2. Sukacila dimaklumkan bahawa Bahagian Kokurikulum dan Kesen.ian {BKK;" Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia {KPM) akan rneneruskan pegan,uran program tersebut sepe'rti b iiran yang dilampirkan. Pertandingan ini adalah terbuka kepada semua murid sekslah menengah bagi mencungkil bakat-bakat rekacipta dan inovasi dalam bidang sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan rnabrnatik (STEM) yang selad dengan dasar KPM untuk memupuk minat murid-murid terhadap STEM derni melahirkan murid kreatif dan inrlvatif. 3. Sehubungan dengan itu, korjasarna tuan adalah dipohon agaf dapat menaklumkan dan menggalakkan murid-murid dan guru untuk menyertai prograrn te6€bu! mel*lui projek berasaskan inkuiri {iaqur-ry,based projec{. Sila layari bagl m€n€liti dan memahami maklumat berkaiian I ntern atia n a I Rrres for Scierce Researcfi; Guidelines for Science and Engineering F€irs. Bersama-sanla ini dilampirkan borang-borang dan panduan be*aitan pertandingan lersebui, iaitu: i" n. llt, iv, vi. Jadual Tindakan Pertandingan (untuk rujukan dan edaran) Borang Senarai $emak .{dult $ponsor {Borarg .l} Borang Senani Semek Murid {Borang 1A} Panduan Researeh Plan lnstwclion Borang Approval Form (Borang 18) Borang Ringkasan Hantaran Projek 4. Setiap sekolah boleh menghantar lebih daripada satu pasukan. pasukanpasukan yang berminai menyertai pertandingan ini perlu mematuhi tarikh dan svarar yang ditetapkan agar dapai melancarkan proses penyemakan Plan penyelidiran oleh Panel Scientific Review Committee (SRCJ, Sernua kos bagi peserta dan setiap ciptaan untuk progEm tersebut serta yang berkaitan dengannya adalah ditanggung oleh pihak sekolah. fiada unsur paksaan kepada pihak sekolah uniuk melaksanakan f.-l--;r i 1 nr " {:J.4?1ll-{r{ &.dY,1S;{ &r.f,l" alr& ir&t*$$ili$ir.rrl ti3*trr,x! r4n",lirj.r $ert*ir]r&{,' i-v--i-_] -I s4 Kerlasanra tuan anrat dihagai obh Sekien, .brinra kagitr. "B€RKTTIDMAT UNruK |!IE&ARA" ,PERPADTJAN MELALUI KOKURIKULUM" Saya yang menurut perintah, sk 1. Pengarah Pendidikan Negeri Perak Spi4oto/ain rl{6geri Perak. E oJ -< c) a! = <:x o t oo Ir!.!/ 6-ICO = CJ a,) -o =G I l <IJ 5 .= 5 .= F N (o N UJ ? .. z ::. l o .r. a.. =t r'60, i al ( .l l! o t! (! 'a c G -t z t{r. .. .. .4. G o i.i I ......$. =l : .(, t!i ; ' '(o .= .o Checktist for Adult Sponsor (1) his complet€d form is required for ALL projects. To be completed by the Adutt Sponsor in collaboration with the student researcher(s): Student's Name(s): Project Titie: 1. | have reviewed the Intet ISEF Rules and Guidelines. 2. I have reviewed the student's comp(eted Student Checktist (1A) and Research ptan. 3. | have worked with the student and we have discussed the possible risks involved in the project. 4. The project invotves one or more of the foltowing and requires prior approval by an SRC, lRB, IACUC or IBC: Humans Potentiatty Hazardous Biotogical Agents ! E [ tr 5. E E I Microorganisms I rDNA I Tissues ltems to be compteted for ALL PROJECTS i Adutt Sponsor Checktist (1) n Research Plan n Student Checktist {1A) n Approvat Form (1 B) n Regutated Research Institutionat/lndustriatsetting Form (1C){when appticable after completed experiment) I 6. n Vertebrate Animals Continuation/Research Progression Form (7){when appLicabLe) Additional forms required if the protect includes the use of one or more of the foltowing (check alL that apply): Humans (Requires priorapproval byan lnstitutional Review Board (lRB); seefutt text ofthe rures.l n Human Participants Form (4) or appropriate Institutionat IRB documentation ! SampLe of Informed Consent Form (when appticabte and/or required by the IRB) f Quatified Scientist Form (2) (when appticabte and/or required by the tRB) I Vertebrate Animals {Requires prior approvaL, see futt text of the rutes.) E Vertebrate AnimaI Form (sA)-for projects conducted in a schoot/home/fietd research site (SRC prior approval ! reou ired.) n I n Vertebrate Animal Form (5B)-for projects conducted at a Regulated Research Institution. (lnstitutionat AnimaL Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approvat required prior experimentation.) E Quatified Scientist Form (2) (Required for all vertebrate animat projects at a reguiated research site or when applicable) Potentially Hazardous Biologicat Agents (Requires prior approvat by SRC, IACUC or InstitutionaI Biosafetv Committee (lBC), see futI text of the rules.) D Potentiatty Hazardous Biologicat Agents Risk Assessment Form (64) I Human and Vertebrate Animat Tissue Form (68)-to be completed in addition to Form 6A when project invotves the use of fresh or frozen tissue, primary ce[[ cuttures, bLood, blood products and body fLuids. n Quatified Scientist Form (2) (when appticable) Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices (No prior approvaL required, see fuLt text of the rutes.) E Risk Assessment Form (3) n Quatified Scientist Form (2) (required for projects involving DEA-controtled substances or when appLicabie) Note: The fotlowing are exempt from prior review but require a risk assessment: projects invoLving prot:sts, archae and simiLar microorganisms, for projects using manure for composting, fueL production or other non-cutturing experiments, for projects using color change coliform water test kits, microbiat fuet celts, and for projects invotving decomposing vertebrate organisms. Adutt Sponsor's Printed Name Signatu re Pho ne EmaiL Pdge 28 Intendtionol RuIes: Guidelines Date of Review for Science ond Enginee ng Foirs 2O15-2016, student.societyforscience.org/intel-isef 1. a. Student/Team Leader: Grade: Emait: Phone: b. Team Member: 3. c. Team Member: School: Schoot Phone: Schoot Address: 4. Aduti Sponsor: 5. Does this project need pre-approval? 6. ls this a lf Yes: Phone/EmaiL: E Yes E No Tentative start date: continuation/progression from a previous year? E Yes E No the previous year's E Abstract and E Research Ptan b. Exptain how this project is new and different from previous years on E Continuation/Research Progression a. Attach Form (7) 7. 8. This year's laboratory experiment/data collection: ActuaL Start Date: {mm/dd/yy) End Date: (mm/dd/yy) Where wilt you conduct your experimentation? (check atL I E Research Institution D School tr Field that apply) Home E Other: 9. List name and address of a[[ non-school work site(s): Add ress: Phone: 10, Complete a Research Ptan/Project Summary following the Research Plan instructions and attach to this form. 1 1. An abstract is required for a[[ projects after experimentation. lnternotionol Rulesi Guidelines for Science ond Engineering Fqhs 2015-2016, student.societyforscien.e.org/intel-isef Poge 29 1. lhe Research Plan is a succinct detailing of the rationate, research question(s), methodology, and risk assessment of vour research project and should be cornpleted before experimentation. For alL projects .equiring preapprovaL, thjs document must be reviewed ancl approved by the appropriate approvat cornmittee {e.9. lRB, IACUC, SRC) before experimentation. ALL changes made to the orig'nal plan should be added to the final do.ument as part oi the Post Project Summary. For projects not req!iring preapprovaL, this document rnay be completed either pre- or post-experimentation. All projects should complete a Post P.oject Sumrnary alter experimentation. 2. The Research Ptan and Post Project Summary shouLd include the followingtl a What is the RATIONALE lor your project? lnctud€ a brief synopsis ofthe background that supports your researclr problem and expLain why this research is important sci€ntificalty and if applicabLe, explain any societal impact of your research. b. State your HYPOTHESIS(ES), RESEARCH QUESTION(S), ENGINEERING GOAL(S), EXPECTED OUTCOMES. How is this based on the rationale described above? c. Describe the foltowing in detail: . Procedures: Detail aLl procedures and experimental design inciuding methods for data coLlection. Describe only your project. Dc not include work done by rnentor or others. . Risk and Safety: ldentify any potential risks and safety precautions needed. . Data Analysis: Descrjbe the procedures you wilt use to anaiyze the daia/resutts that answer research questions or hvpoiheses . Discussion of Results and Conctusions: Discuss the data/results and the conclusions that can be drav,,n. d. Bibtiography: List at least five (5) major references {e.g. science journaL articles, books, internet sites) from Vour literature review lf you plan to use vertebrate animals, one of these references must be an animal care reference_ Items 1-4 below are subject-specific guidetines for additionat ilems to be inctuded in your research plan/project summary as appticable. 1. Human part;ciDants research: . Participanls, Descr;be who witl participate in your study (age range, gender, racial/ethnic cornposition). tdentify anV vutnerable poputalions {minors, pregnant women, prisoners, mentally disabted o. economicalLy disadvantaged). . Recruitment. Where will you find your participants? How witL they be invited to participate? . Methods. What will participants be asked to do? Will you use any surveys, questionnaires or tests? What is the freauencv and tength of tirne involved for each subject? . Risk Assessment Risks. What are the risks or potentia[ discomforts (physicat, psychological, tirne involved, social, legai, will you minimize the risks? 0 . 0 etc.)to parti.jpants? Ho.,^., Benefits.. sta4ybene'tstosocieryoreachparl( panr. Protection of Privacy. Witt any identifiabte information (e.g., names, telephone numbers, birth dates, email addr€sses) be coLtected? WiLl data be confidentiaL or anonymous? lf anonymous, describe how the data wilt be colte.ted anonymousty. lf not anonymous, what procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiatity? Where wiltthe data be stored? Who wlI have access io the data? What will you do with the data at the end of the study? . Informed Consent Process. Describe how you will inform participanls about the purpose of the study, what they will be asked to do, that their pa.ticipation is voluntary and they have the right to stop at any time. 2, Vertebrate aniina[ research: . BriefLy discuss potential ALTERNATIVES to vertebrate animal use and present a detaited iustification for use of vertebrate animals . Explain potential impact or contribution this research may have . Detait ali procedures to be used include methods used to minimize potential discomfort, distress, pain and iniury to the animals during the co{]rse of 0 4. experimentation Detailed chemical concentrations and drug dosages Deldil arinal n-mbers.5pecies, strdin. se,. age. soutce. et.. O Include justification of the numbers planned for the research . Describe housing and oversight of daily care ' Discuss disposition of the animals at the termination of the study Potentiatly hazardous biotogicat agents research: . Desc.ibe Biosafeiy LeveI Assessment process and resultant BSL determination . Give soJrce o'agert. soLrce of spa(if c cell lr.e, etc. . Detail safety precautions . Discuss methods of disposal Hazardous chemicals, aciivities & devices: ' Describe Risk Assessment process and results . Detait chemical concentrations and drug dosages . Describe safety precautions and procedures to minianize risk . Discuss methods of disposal . 3. 0 Psge 30 lnternotionol Rules: Guidelines lor Science ond Engineeing Fahs 2o15-2016, student.societyforscience,org/intelisef To Be Completed by Student and parent a. StudentAcknowledgment: I understand the rjsks and possible dangers to me of the proposed research plan. Intet lsEF Rules and GuideLines and witl adheie to att tnternationaL Rutes when conducting . ' ilffii::Xil" . I have read and wilt abide by the fot{owing Ethjcs statement entific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any [evel of research or competition. such practices include or data. Fraudurenr on",, own! and rabrication flil:Iilli,ei.l,,::j,:: wilt fail to qualify X:s.:il,l:,:.:l for competition ?:!e.:.f:"T..h*i,*o,f., in affitiated fairs anA tfre lntet lSgf. tudenr's Printed Name b, Signature Date Acknowtedged (mm/ddlyyi (Must be prior to experimentat;on.) Parent/Guardian Approval: lhave read and understand the risxs and possible dangers invotved in the Research Plan. I consent to my chiid particjpating in this research. ent/G uardian's Printed Name Signature Date AcknowLedged (mm/dd/yy) (Must be prior to experimentation.) 2. To be. completed by the local or affiliated Fair SRC tKequtred ror prorects requiring prior SRC/lRB AppROVAL. Sign 2a or 2b as appropriate.) a. Required for projects that need prior SRC/IRB approvaI BEFORE experimentation (humans. verrebrates or potentiatty hazardous biolosicaL agents). The SRC/lRB has carefuuy studied this project,s Research Plan and a[[ the required forms are inctuded. Mv signature indicates approval of the Research ptan before the student begjns experimentation. b. Required for research conducted at att RegutateJ with no prior fair SR-C/lRB Research Institutions approval. This project was conducted at a regutated research institution (not home or high school, etc.), was reviewed and approved by the proper institutional board before experimentation and compLies with the lntel ISEF Rutes. Attach (1C) and required institutionat approvats (e.g. tACUC, tRB). SRC/lRB Chajr's printed Name SRC Chair s Printed Name Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy) (M ! st be p rio r to experimentation.) 3. Final Intel ISEF Affiliated Fair SRC Approval :tgnature Date of Approvai (mm/cJd/yy) (Required for ALL projects) sRc Approvaa After Experimentation and Before competition at Regionat/state/NationaI Fair I certify that this project adheres to the approved Reseirch plan ano compties with att InteL lsEF Rutes. RegionaL SRC Chair's printed Name State/Natjonat SRC Chair's printed Name lb/here opplicoble) lntemotionol RuIes: GuideIir", for sci Date of Approvat Date of Approvat Pdge 31 di= FEJ s=; ?+ P<ci -t lrJ 4 t'*=, 1\ 5 (\l 5 N z s< E< z<< vQ u{j \=9 (0 lt t! <o =H zg ti? frz z1 =i ai Az #i et rJ< =Y -E -o c, o IuJ Fqt F z= +d =l 6g ==E 3= z= Yq $= (9 z 6 OJ =P e.2 S= 3 <o :z oz o< t- ozi z{i eili eoi Fti tr+l o-&i <l oi Y: <i tiuli IL: I Io EI rh z tut |rJ (, trJ 2 ut J :: (.' z t c\t an $