Penyampaian Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Menteri (CITP-MC)
Penyampaian Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Menteri (CITP-MC)
MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA MENTERI (CITP-MC) BIL.1/2016 TARIKH : 9 OGOS 2016 (SELASA) MASA : 10.30 PAGI TEMPAT : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG KEMENTERIAN KERJA RAYA AGENDA MESYUARAT PERTAMA CITP-MC 1. Kata Aluan YB Menteri Kerja Raya 2. CITP Sepintas Lalu 3. Pengesahan Terma Rujukan CITP-MC 4. Laporan Pencapaian CITP 5. Peranan Kementerian dan Agensi dalam CITP 6. Isu-Isu Pelaksanaan CITP 7. Halatuju Jawatankuasa CITP-MC 8. Hal-hal lain AGENDA 1 KATA ALUAN YB MENTERI KERJA RAYA AGENDA 2 CITP SEPINTAS LALU w w w. c i t p . m y CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME 2016 - 2020 QUALITY, SAFETY & PROFESSIONALISM ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PRODUCTIVITY Driving Construction Excellence Together 19 Initiatives 400+ Partners 9 Thrust KPIs 110 Initiative KPIs 15 CIDB Sponsors & Owners INTERNATIONALISATION Launching of CITP by the Prime Minister 14th International Construction Week, 10th September 2015 Chapter 8 Re-engineering economic growth for greater prosperity Focus area D: Transforming construction • • • • Strategy D1:Enhancing knowledge content Strategy D2: Driving productivity Strategy D3: Fostering sustainable practices Strategy D4: Increasing internationalisation "The Government will introduce the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP), 2016-2020, to propel the industry forward and meet market demand." Criticality of construction industry and CITP recognised within 11th Malaysia Plan (RMKe-11) RMK-11 recognises importance of construction industry and CITP … with a specific Focus Area within Chapter 8 of the document Key Outcomes by 2020 OUTCOMES : Quality, Safety and Professionalism Quality, safety and professionalism ingrained in industry culture Public projects exceed acceptable QLASSIC score Reduction in worksite fatalities and injuries Ease of Doing business indicator in dealing with construction permits improved 50% 50% 5% 5 Initiatives Under Thrust QUALITY, SAFETY & PROFESSIONALISM Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Increase emphasis on quality and implement quality assessments Improve workplace safety and workers' amenities Improve ease of doing business by addressing regulatory constraints Promote and raise awareness of CITP initiatives Enhance integrity and increase governance of large infrastructure projects 100% exceed sustainability requirements 4 Mt CO2 equivalent reduction per year OUTCOMES : Environmental Sustainability Malaysia's sustainable infrastructure: a model for the emerging world 5 Initiatives Under Thrust ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Drive innovation in sustainable construction Drive compliance to environmental sustainability ratings and requirements Focus on public projects to lead the charge on sustainable practices Facilitate industry adoption of sustainable practices Reduce irresponsible waste during construction 2.5x increase in productivity to US$16,500 per worker5 OUTCOMES : Productivity More than doubling productivity, matched by higher wages 5. US$16,500 is equivalent to RM 61,939 as stated in the 11th Malaysia Plan; 2.5x increase uses 2011 as a base as compared to 11th Malaysia Plan where 1.6x increase in labour productivity uses 2015 as a base. Both sets of numbers are consistent 6 Initiatives Under Thrust PRODUCTIVITY P1 Continue investment in human capital development in construction P2 Enhance control and balance of workforce supply P3 Accelerate adoption of IBS, mechanisation and modern practices P4 Roll out technology advantage across project lifecycle P5 Enhance availability of strategic information via National Construction Industry Information Centre P6 Advance SME / Bumiputera capacity and capabilitybuilding OUTCOMES : Internationalisation Malaysian champions: leading the charge locally and globally 10 companies achieve 5* SCORE rating 10+ construction-related companies export construction services in the global market 6X increase in volume of overseas construction projects and construction related products secured by Malaysian companies by 2020 3 Initiatives Under Thrust INTERNATIONALISATION I1 I2 I3 Internationalise construction practices and standards Strengthen access to financing for Malaysian champions going abroad Support consortia formation and strengthen overseas market intelligence 19 CITP initiatives to transform the construction industry across 4 strategic thrusts Quality, Safety & Professionalism Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Increase emphasis on quality and implement quality assessments Improve workplace safety and workers' amenities Improve ease of doing business by addressing regulatory constraints Promote and raise awareness of CITP initiatives Enhance integrity and increase governance Environmental Sustainability E1 Drive innovation in sustainable construction Productivity P1 E2 Drive compliance to environmental sustainability ratings and requirements P2 E3 Focus on public projects to lead the charge on sustainable practices P3 E4 Facilitate industry adoption of sustainable practices E5 Reduce irresponsible waste during construction P4 Continue investment in human capital development in construction Enhance control and balance of workforce supply Accelerate adoption of IBS, mechanisation and modern practices Roll out technology advantage across project life-cycle P5 P6 Enhance availability of strategic information via NCIIC Advance SME / Bumiputera capacity and capability-building Internationalisation I1 Internationalise construction practices and standards I2 Strengthen access to financing for Malaysian champions going abroad I3 Support consortia formation and strengthen overseas market intelligence Enablers Three Enablers drives the success of CITP Strong Coordination Body Effective Industry Collaborations Robust Governance Driving Construction Excellence Together Bersama-Sama Memacu Kecemerlangan Pembinaan Public Sector Private Sector 155 CITP Pledges Signed CIDB Owners/ Sponsors 6 KKR Kuala Lumpur Melaka 56 Sarawak Sabah, Johor, Penang 19 44 30 Programme Management Office (PMO) as the CITP coordinating body Have tools to jointly coordinate CITP progress Full-time committed to monitoring success of CITP Will assist stakeholders when needed 21 Policies & Decisions Cascade Down Roadblocks and Issues Escalate Up CITP Governance Structure 4 3 2 CABINET/Special Committee on Services Sector (SCSS) Chair : Prime Minister CITP Ministerial Committee (CITP-MC) Chair : Minister of Works 4 Thrust Working Group (CITP-TWG) Quality, Safety, Professionalism Environmental Sustainability Productivity Internationalisation Chair : Dato’ Sri Zohari Akob Chair : Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Ir. Jamilus Hussein Chair : Dato' Sr Srikandan Kanagainthiram Chair : Tan Sri Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Dep. Chair : Dato’Ir Jauhari Hamidi Dep. Chair : Datuk Lim Keng Cheng Dep. Chair : Datuk Kwan Foh Kwai Co-Chair : Dato’ Sri Zohari Hj Akob Secretariat & Sponsor : Secretariat & Sponsor : Secretariat & Sponsor : Secretariat & Sponsor : CIDB Head of Operation Sector CIDB Head of Technology Sector CIDB Head of Personnel & CIDB Head of Corporate & Contractor Dev. Sector Business Sector Members : Chairman & Dep. Chairman of relevant IWGs 1 19 Initiative Working Group (CITP-IWG) Chair : Industry Leader; Dep. Chair : CIDB Board; Secretariat : Initiatives’ Owner Members : Relevant Government and Industry Representatives AGENDA 3 TERMA RUJUKAN CITP-MC STRUKTUR TERMA RUJUKAN CITP-MC NO KANDUNGAN NO KANDUNGAN 1 Name of Committee 11 Duration of Membership 2 Reference Code of Committee 12 Meetings 3 Objective of Committee 13 Honorarium 4 Scope of Committee 14 Expenses 5 Abbreviation 15 Minutes of Meeting 6 Definition 16 Vacancy 7 Roles and Responsibilities 17 Termination of Membership 8 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 18 Dissolution of Committees 9 Designated Chairman 19 Confidentiality Membership of Committee 20 Secretariat 10 TERMA RUJUKAN CITP-MC 1. Name of Committee CITP Ministerial Committee 2. Reference Code of Committee CITP-MC 3. Objective of Committee The objective of the committee is to provide the highest level ministerial policy direction in implementing CITP and addressing roadblocks or challenges during the implementation of CITP. 4. Scope of Committee All matters related to all 4 Thrusts of the CITP that interface with multiple Ministries and private sector. TERMA RUJUKAN CITP-MC 7. Roles and Responsibilities 1. Provide guidance and direction to multiple Ministries, Agencies and private sector towards enhancing cooperation and coordination in implementing CITP strategic initiatives and action plans; 2. Guide overall formulation of new policies or strengthening of existing policies in addressing issues originating from CITP Thrust Committees and secure approvals from the Government to facilitate the achievement of CITP’s KPIs; and 3. Review and update CITP’s KPIs from time to time to ensure CITP’s success in line with the national agenda. TERMA RUJUKAN CITP-MC 8. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The KPIs of the committee shall be the 9 Thrust KPIs: 1. More than 50% public projects exceed acceptable QLASSIC score (supported by 7 initiative KPIs) 2. More than 50% reduction in worksite fatalities and injuries (supported by 9 initiative KPIs) 3. Ease of doing business indicator in dealing with construction permits improved by 5% points (supported by 11 initiative KPIs) 4. 100% of large infrastructure and building projects exceed sustainability requirements (supported by 11 initiative KPIs) 5. 4 Mt Carbon dioxide emission equivalent reduction per year (supported by 8 initiative KPIs) 6. 2.5 times increase in productivity to US$16,500 per worker (supported by 48 initiative KPIs) 7. 10 companies achieve 5* SCORE rating (supported by 11 initiative KPIs) 8. 6 times increase in volume of overseas construction projects and construction related products secured by Malaysian companies by 2020 (supported by 3 initiative KPIs) 9. 10 more construction-related companies export construction services in the global market (supported by 2 initiative KPIs) SAMPLE Initiative KPIs supporting Thrust KPIs OUTCOMES : Quality, Safety and Professionalism Quality, safety and professionalism ingrained in industry culture Public projects exceed acceptable QLASSIC score Reduction in worksite fatalities and injuries Ease of Doing business indicator in dealing with construction permits improved 50% 50% 5% Q1 Increase Emphasis On Quality And Implement Quality Assessments Annual Target for CITP KPI CITP KPI 1 QLASSIC score to be adopted as a deciding factor among public building tender proposals of contractors with small margin of commercial assessment difference by Q4 2018 2016 MoF and JKR agreement to incorporate QLASSIC for tender evaluation obtained 2016 Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) measurement for public projects > RM 300 Mn mandated by Q1 2019 Impact study on project cost in implementing QLASSIC completed Mechanism on implementing QLASSIC as a deciding factor for tender proposal completed Weightage: 10% 2 2017 MoF agreement to incorporate QA/QC for public project > RM300 Mn secured Weightage: 40% 2017 Impact study on project cost in implementing QA/QC completed 2018 Circular on QLASSIC issued by MoF 2019 2020 1st report on QLASSIC implementation issued by JKR for JKR projects QLASSIC incorporated as a deciding factor for public tender proposal Weightage: 40% 2018 Weightage: 10% 2019 2020 Circular on QA/QC issued by MoF QA/QC system for public projects > RM 300 Mn implemented 1st report on QA/QC implementation issued by JKR for JKR projects Weightage: 30% Weightage: 30% Weightage: 10% Template for implementing QA/QC System completed Training module for using QA/QC template rolled out Weightage: 10% 2016 3 QLASSIC measurement as a prerequisite for issuance of Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) in public projects exceeding RM50 Mn mandated by Q1 2018 Major stakeholders support to adopt QLASSIC as a prerequisite for CPC in public projects secured Weightage: 20% 2017 2018 QLASSIC for CPC implemented on 10 JKR pilot projects Circular on QLASSIC issued by MoF Weightage: 30% Weightage: 40% Policy paper approved by Ministry of Works QLASSIC Assessment centre established 2019 1st report on QLASSIC implementation issued by Assessment centre 10 JKR pilot projects approved Weightage: 20% Weightage: 10% 2020 Q1 Increase Emphasis On Quality And Implement Quality Assessments Annual Target for CITP KPI CITP KPI 4 QLASSIC measurement as a prerequisite for issuance of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) in private projects exceeding RM50 Mn promoted and encouraged commencing 2017 2016 KPKT agreements to adopt Impact study on project QLASSIC as a prerequisite for cost in implementing issuance of CCC in public projects QLASSIC completed exceeding RM 50 Mn secured 50 new projects assessed 50 new projects assessed for for QLASSIC annually QLASSIC annually Weightage: 40% Weightage: 30% 2016 5 QLASSIC score incorporated in Sales and Purchase Agreements by Q4 2020 KPKT agreement to incorporate QLASSIC in Sales and Purchase Agreements secured REHDA support to incorporate QLASSIC in Sales and Purchase Agreements secured Weightage: 20% 2016 6 500 QLASSIC assessors (QA) accredited by Q4 2018 More than 50% of public projects valued over RM50Mn exceeds a QLASSIC score of 70 by Q4 2020 2017 2018 2019 50 new projects assessed for QLASSIC annually 50 new projects assessed for QLASSIC annually Weightage: 10% Weightage: 10% Weightage: 10% 2018 Study on imposing QLASSIC in S&P completed 2019 Weightage: 60% 2018 340 assessors accredited 500 assessors accredited 300 QLASSIC Assessments 300 QLASSIC Assessments 300 QLASSIC Assessments Weightage: 20% Weightage: 20% Weightage: 20% 2017 2020 Note: 2018 - 2020 Annual target determined after study is completed Weightage: 20% 2017 2020 50 new projects assessed for QLASSIC annually 170 assessors accredited 2016 7 2017 2018 2019 2020 350 QLASSIC Assessments 400 QLASSIC Assessments Weightage: 20% Weightage: 20% 2019 2020 50% of qualifying public projects achieve 70 QLASSIC score 50% of qualifying public 50% of qualifying public projects achieve 70 QLASSIC projects achieve 70 QLASSIC score score QLASSIC portal completed Report on QLASSIC adoption by government produced Report on QLASSIC adoption Report on QLASSIC adoption Report on QLASSIC adoption by government produced by government produced by government produced Weightage: 20% Improvement to QLASSIC score proposed Weightage: 20% Improvement to QLASSIC score proposed Weightage: 20% Top 5 ministries agreement to adopt QLASSIC for projects valued over RM 50 Mn secured Improvement to QLASSIC score proposed Weightage: 20% 50% of qualifying public projects achieve 70 QLASSIC score Improvement to QLASSIC score proposed Weightage: 20% KEAHLIAN JAWATANKUASA CITP-MC 10. Membership of Committee NO NAMA JAWATAN NO NAMA JAWATAN 1 Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof (Chairman) Menteri KKR 12 Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Ir. Jamilus Hussein Pengerusi TWG2 2 Dato’ Sri Zohari Haji Akob KSU, KKR Pengerusi TWG1 13 Dato' Sr Srikandan Kanagainthiram Pengerusi TWG3 3 Datuk Seri Dr. Rahamat Bivi Yusoff KP, EPU 14 Tan Sri Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Pengerusi TWG4 4 Tan Sri. Dr. Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah KSP 15 Dato’ Ir. Ahmad ‘Asri Abdul Hamid CEO, CIDB 5 Datin Badriyah Abdul Malek TKSU, KeTTHA 16 Prof. Dato' Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su'ud President/CEO, UniKL 17 Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar VC, UTM 18 Dato’ Ir. Tan Kia Loke Senior MD, Sunway Bhd 19 Dato’ Noorizah Hj Abd Hamid MD/CEO, PLUS 20 Ir. Sr. Alex Ting Kuang Kuo MD, THSB 6 7 8 9 Datuk Hj. Mohammad Mentek KSU, KPKT Ketua Setiausaha, MITI Dato' Sri Adenan Ab Rahman KSU, KSM Ketua Setiausaha, KDN 10 Dato Ir. Dr. Roslan bin Md. Taha 11 PEMANDU TKPKR SEKRETARIAT 20. Secretariat Seksyen Pembangunan dan Penyelidikan Bahagian Dasar dan Antarabangsa Kementerian Kerja Raya Tingkat 11, Blok B Kompleks KKR Tel : +603-2771 5331 Fax : +603-2771 1024 Email : Pejabat Pengurusan Program CITP CIDB Malaysia Level 24, Menara Dato’ Onn PWTC, Kuala Lumpur Tel : +603-4047 7216 Fax : +603-4047 7140 Email : AGENDA 4 LAPORAN PENCAPAIAN CITP Ringkasan Pencapaian 18 4 50% 50% IWG telah ditubuhkan dan bermesyuarat TWG telah ditubuhkan dan bermesyuarat ahli IWG/TWG diwakili Kerajaan (124) dan ahli diwakili sektor swasta (128) Ringkasan Pencapaian 110 KPI Inisiatif & 9 KPI Teras telah disahkan oleh IWG/TWG 155 Aku Janji, 20 MoC & 2 MoU telah ditanda tangani oleh pihak Kerajaan dan Industri CITP of June 2016 CITPProgress PROGRESSStatus STATUS as AS OF JUNE 2016 73 19 Initiative KPIs Initiative KPIs 18 Initiative KPIs on track / ahead of schedule behind schedule commencing in 2017 Quality, Safety & Professionalism 373/203 85/170 QLASSIC Assessors accredited by CIDB Safety & Health Officers trained 599/125 Site Safety Supervisors trained Quality, Safety & Professionalism Ongoing GAMUDA KSM/JTK extending workers’ amenities for construction as regulations under Act 446 committed 2/8 pilot projects for constructing MS-compliant worker dormitories JKT & MPC digitisation of One-StopCentre for e-submission and e-approval for construction permits Quality, Safety and Professionalism Quality, Safety and Professionalism Ingrained In Industry Culture Achievements 2016 1) 110 private and 73 public projects (183/300) registered for QLASSIC assessment 2) 85/170 QLASSIC Assessors accredited by CIDB 3) Quality Control System for projects above RM10Mn implemented by JKR. 4) 1 MoU between CIDB and DOSH to collaborate in enhancing safety and health signed 5) 373/203 SHO & 599/125 SSS trained 6) MS2593:2015 on Temporary Construction Workers’ Amenities and Accommodation jointly completed by CIDB & stakeholders Partners Ongoing 1) CIDB finalising policy paper on mandating QLASSIC 2) CIDB finalising database on national status of QLASSIC adoption and scores 3) Jabatan Tenaga Kerja finalising 1st paper on extending workers’ amenities for construction as regulations under Act 446 4) GAMUDA committed 2 of 8 pilot projects for constructing MS-compliant worker dormitories 5) JKT & MPC to accelerate digitisation of One-Stop-Centre for e-submission and e-approval for construction permits 6) CIDB finalising criteria for facility management companies 7) CIDB to soft launch CITP portal in September 2016 MOF, MITI, KSM, KDN, KeTTHA, EPU, KKR, CIDB, DOSH, JKR, MOHR, KPKT, MPC, Contractors & Professional Boards (BEM, LAM, BQSM) 2 contractors agreed to undergo infrastructure sustainability rating for DUKE (EKOVEST) and WCE (IJM) MyCREST, tool for measuring carbon emission launched on 12 May 2016 2/3 recycling facilities for Construction & Demolition waste (C&D) built Environmental Sustainability REHDA, 20 developers to adopt MyCREST KeTTHA, energy audit using NEEAP module for energy guide SW Corp. baseline on construction and demolition waste Environmental Sustainability Ongoing Environmental Sustainability Malaysia’s Sustainable Infrastructure: A model for the Emerging World Achievements 2016 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 2 contractors agreed to undergo infrastructure sustainability rating for DUKE and WCE (using ENVISION & CEEQUAL) 6 research topics in partnerships with universities (UKM, USM, UNIMAS, BRE UK, NUS & Uni. Of Loughborough) identified 3 joint industry advisory project identified (Pan Borneo, WCE & DUKE) MyCREST, tool for measuring carbon emission launched on 12 May 2016 Circular on Green Government Procurement (GGP) to 12 selected ministries issued by MOF 2 out of 3 recycling facilities for Construction & Demolition waste (C&D) built Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Construction established by CIDB Partners Ongoing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Bursa KL annual reporting for public listed companies incorporating sustainability elements to be pulished by June 2017 JKR to implement sustainable specification in 3 pilot projects (Hulu Terengganu Polytechnic, Kompleks Budi Penyayang Penang, Kemaman Hospital) KeTTHA to undertake energy audit on 8 public buildings and 14 private buildings to pilot the construction module energy guide under NEEAP MGTC developing incentive for sustainable development SW Corp. finalizing proposal to establish the baseline on construction and demolition waste MOC with 20 developers under REHDA to adopt MyCREST as sustainability rating tool signed MOF, EPU, KKR, CIDB, JKR, Private Developers, KPKT, REHDA, KeTTHA, Universities, Bursa KL, SW Corp. Productivity Gamuda 15/20 Industrialised Building System SB is the 1st qualified IBS manufacturer to enjoy new IBS component manufacturing plants established tax holiday 69.4% adoption of IBS in government building projects Productivity Ongoing MOF JKR IBS & MC compliant PAPs Circular SPP Bil. 7/2008 (1PP PK 1/2013) broadened for projects worth RM5 Mn KPKT through MNKT Minimum 50 IBS Score in Private Sector Project RM50Mn and above Productivity More Than Doubling Productivity, Matched by Higher Wages Achievements 2016 1) 167 /500 apprentices graduated in mechanical fitters (Petronas) and mobile crane operator (MMCA) 2) RM500m IBS promotion fund under Budget 2016 allocated 3) 69.4% government building projects adopted IBS 4) 15/20 new IBS component manufacturing plants established 5) 224/250 professionals trained in IBS and modular coordination design 6) Gamuda Industrialised Building System SB is the 1st qualified IBS manufacturer to enjoy tax holiday 7) MyBIM Centre established 8) 121/100 BIM personnel trained 9) 15,375/ 7,500 Bumiputera contractors trained under CCD 10) 853/2500 Bumiputera IBS contractors trained Partners Ongoing 1) CIDB streamlining and coordinating among all TVET institutions in construction to enhance competency training 2) CIDB to gazette the amended Schedule 3 of Act 520 on skilled workers to be accredited 3) CIDB to complete 60% of Manpower Study by 2016 4) JKR to produce 200 IBS & MC compliant PAP by end 2016 5) MOF Circular SPP Bil. 7/2008 (1PP PK 1/2013) to be broadened to cover projects RM5mn to RM10mn 6) KPKT through MNKT to consider mandating IBS in Private Sector Project RM50Mn and above with a minimum IBS Score 50 7) CIDB to develop National BIM Guide and BIM Object Library MOF, EPU, ICU, KKR, CIDB, AG, KPKT, PBTs, KKM, KPM, KPKT, DOSM, MARA, MITI, KSM, KDN, KeTTHA, JKR Internationalisation 8 overseas projects worth RM930 Mn 7/10 contractors achieved 5* SCORE rating won 14/25 verification officers for product certification trained and accredited Internationalisation Ongoing MATRADE MOF SCORE rating additional tool for tender evaluation in Government projects feasibility grant for 4 projects CIDB, MITI & MATRADE merging NEC & CITP Committees Internationalisation Malaysian Champions: Leading the Charge Locally and Globally Achievements 2016 1) 2) 3) 4) 7/10 contractors achieved 5* SCORE rating 3 consortia to bid overseas projects formed 8 overseas projects worth RM930 Mn won 14 /25 verification officers for product certification trained and accredited 5) 5 projects adopted MyCESMM (MRT, JPP & JPS) 6) Draft of MSCESMM completed Ongoing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Partners MOF to mandate SCORE rating as an additional tool for tender evaluation of Government projects worth more than RM10 Mn MATRADE to evaluate feasibility grant for 4 projects CIDB facilitating 1 more consortia to bid for overseas project to be formed CIDB facilitating 4 consortia bidding for projects worth RM 6 Bn / INR 10,000 crore Jabatan Kastam & CIDB to integrate online system for local and imported products CIDB, MITI & MATRADE merging NEC Focus Group on Construction with CITP IWG18 and TWG4 MOF, MITI , EPU, MATRADE , KKR, JKR, CIDB, EXIM BANK AGENDA 5 PERANAN KEMENTERIAN DAN AGENSI DALAM CITP 70 WAKIL KEMENTERIAN DAN AGENSI DI DALAM JAWATANKUASA CITP No Kementerian/Agensi TWG/IWG Total 1 KKR TWG (1 & 3) IWG (2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16) 10 2 MOF TWG (1 & 4) IWG (1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18) 11 3 KeTTHA TWG (2) IWG (6, 7, 17) 4 4 KDN TWG (3) IWG (9) 2 5 MITI TWG (1 & 3) IWG1 (3, 4, 13, 14, 16, 18) 8 6 KPKT TWG (1 & 2) IWG (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15) 13 7 MOHR TWG (1) IWG (2, 5, 8 , 9) 5 8 JKR TWG (2 , 3 & 4) IWG (3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17) 12 9 EPU TWG (3) IWG (8, 11,13, 14) 5 KKR KPKT MITI KSM KDN MOF KeTTHA EPU JKR √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 QUALITY QLASSIC adopted for assessing quality in construction 2 SAFETY Safety requirements incorporated in tender documents Worker’s amenities fulfill MS2593 : 2015 4 SUSTAINABILITY Infrastructure and building projects rated for sustainability compliance using MyCREST etc. Public projects to lead the charge on sustainable practices 5 IBS 100% compliance to MOF Circular 1 PPK1/2013 6 BIM Public projects above RM100 Million adopt BIM Level 2 7 NCIIC Construction data shared to enrich National Construction Industry Information Centre 8 SCORE SME Competitiveness Rating for Enhancement adopted as one of the deciding factor for public projects KKR KPKT MITI KSM KDN MOF KeTTHA EPU JKR 1. More than 50% public projects exceed acceptable QLASSIC score √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2. More than 50% reduction in worksite fatalities and injuries √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3. Ease of doing business indicator in dealing with construction permits improved by 5% points √ √ 4. 100% of large infrastructure and building projects exceed sustainability requirements √ √ √ √ √ √ 5. 4 Mt Carbon dioxide emission equivalent reduction per year √ √ √ √ √ √ 6. 2.5 times increase in productivity to US$16,500 per worker √ √ √ √ √ √ 7. 10 companies achieve 5* SCORE rating √ √ √ √ √ 8 6 times increase in volume of overseas construction projects and construction related products secured by Malaysian companies by 2020 √ √ √ √ 9. 10 more construction-related companies export construction services in the global market √ √ √ √ No Thrust KPIs √ √ √ √ √ KEMENTERIAN KERJA RAYA (KKR) Q2 - Meningkatkan bilangan kontraktor G7 yang mempunyai pensijilan MS1722 / OHSAS 18001 Q4 - Mempromosikan CITP P1 - Membangunkan modal insan pembinaan P6 - Melaksanakan program pembangunan PKS Bumiputra E1 - Menubuhkan Pusat kecemerlangan (CoE) kemampanan E3 - Memastikan kemampanan diterapkan dari peringkat perolehan I1 - Menggunapakai MSCESMM dalam pengukuran projek kejuruteraan awam I1 - Mengguna pakai spesifikasi nasional pembinaan dalam projek I1 - Menguatkuasakan pematuhan standard mandatori bahan binaan JKR, CIDB, LLM, BEM, LAM, BQSM KEMENTERIAN KESEJAHTERAAN BANDAR, PERUMAHAN & KERAJAAN TEMPATAN Q1 - Memasukkan Skor QLASSIC sebagai syarat dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli (SPA) Q3 - Memantapkan proses pusat sehenti kelulusan permit pembinaan secara atas talian Q3 - Menubuhkan tribunal untuk menanggani isu-isu kelulusan permit pembinaan E5 - Menubuhkan pusat kitar semula untuk sisa pembinaan dan perobohan E5 - Meningkatkan usaha kesedaran kitar semula sisa pembinaan JKT, SW Corp., P3 - Menyelaraskan syarat UBBL untuk mandatkan 50 skor IBS P4 - Meningkatkan syarat penggunaan BIM dalam pemajuan Kelulusan Kebenaran Merancang dan Pelan Bangunan KEMENTERIAN DALAM NEGERI P2 - Memperakui kepentingan mewujudkan pusat penilaian di negaranegara sumber utama pekerja asing dan turut terlibat dalam usaha mewujudkannya P2 - Memperkenalkan sistem visa berperingkat untuk pekerja asing P2 - Memperkenalkan mekanisme meningkatkan nisbah pengambilan pekerja mahir asing P2 - Menyumbang dalam pelaksanaan perancangan tenaga kerja industri KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA Q2 - Meluaskan skop Akta 446 (kemudahan pekerja) untuk merangkumi sektor pembinaan Q2 - Meningkatkan penguatkuasaan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan Q2 - Membangunkan modul dan laksanakan latihan SHO/SSS khusus dalam pembinaan P1 - Meningkatkan kemahiran berterusan tenaga kerja tempatan dan usahawan P1 - Meningkatkan kapasiti dan kapabiliti berkaitan pembinaan P1 - Meningkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti tenaga pengajar DOSH, JTK KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN ANTARABANGSA & INDUSTRI Q3 - Meningkatkan proses pusat sehenti kelulusan permit pembinaan secara atas talian Q3 - Menubuhkan tribunal untuk menanggani isu-isu kelulusan permit pembinaan P1-P6 - Meningkatkan produktiviti sektor pembinaan P3 Meningkatkan pemberian insentif untuk penerapan IBS I2 - Memastikan capaian khas kepada pembiayaan eksport pembinaan I2 - Meningkatkan pemberian geran kajian kemungkinan untuk industri pembinaan di bawah Dana Eksport Perkhidmatan I3 - Mengukuhkan hubungan dua hala dengan pasaran eksport sasaran I3 - Meningkatkan bilangan misi pembinaan di bawah Strategi Eksport Nasional I3 - Menentukan sasaran pasaran berpotensi tinggi melalui risikan pasaran luar negara MATRADE, MPC KEMENTERIAN TENAGA, TEKNOLOGI HIJAU & AIR E2 - Memastikan garis panduan untuk pemantauan dan pemuliharaan tenaga dibangunkan E4 - Menyediakan program insentif bagi meningkatkan penerapan kemampanan E4 - Melaksanaan Pelan Tindakan Kecekapan Tenaga Kebangsaan (NEEAP) berkaitan pembinaan MGTC KEMENTERIAN KEWANGAN (MOF) Q1 – Q5 : Menjana polisi berkenaan kualiti, keselamatan & professionalisma untuk diterapkan dalam tatacara perolehan projek-projek awam. P1 - P6 : Menjana polisi yang berkenaan untuk diterapkan dalam tatacara perolehan projek-projek awam bagi memastikan peningkatan produktiviti sektor pembinaan DOSM, EXIM BANK E1 - E5 : Menjana polisi berkenaan kemampanan alam sekitar untuk diterapkan dalam tatacara perolehan projek-projek awam. I1 – I3 : Menjana polisi yang berkenaan untuk diterapkan dalam tatacara perolehan projek-projek awam bagi memastikan stakeholders tempatan telah bersedia untuk dieksport keluar negara JABATAN KERJA RAYA Q1 - Menggunapakai QLASSIC dalam penilaian kualiti pembinaan Q2 - Melaksanakan keperluan kemudahan pekerja binaan di tapak bina Q2 - Menerapkan OSH BQ di dalam dokumen tender projek JKR P3 - Meluaskan penerapan IBS berdasarkan KPI Inisiatif No.59, 61, 62, 63 & 67 P4 - Memastikan penerapan BIM dari peringkat rekabentuk sehingga ke penyelenggaraan berdasarkan KPI Inisiatif No.69, 70, 71 & 73 E1 - Penglibatan aktif dalam program-program Pusat Kecemerlangan (CoE) Kemampanan E3 - Memastikan kemampanan diterapkan dari peringkat perolehan E3 – Meningkatkan usaha penggurangan emisi carbon dioksida melalui penggunaan pengukuran MyCREST E5 - Meningkatkan usaha kitar semula sisa pembinaan I1 - Mengguna pakai MSCESMM dalam projek I1 - Mengguna pakai spesifikasi nasional pembinaan dalam projek I1 - Memastikan penggunaan bahan binaan berkualiti mengikut standard di bawah Akta 520 UNIT PERANCANG EKONOMI (EPU) RP1 RP2 RMK-11 Telah menerima bajet berjumlah RM47.6 Juta untuk: Telah memohon bajet berjumlah RM31.2 Juta untuk: Akan memohon bajet untuk: Q1 - RM0.6 Juta untuk pangkalan data QLASSIC P1 - RM40 Juta untuk pembangunan modal insan P3 - RM2 Juta untuk IBS P4 - RM5 Juta untuk BIM E1 - RM16 Juta bagi pembangunan dan penyelidikan 'Geotechnical Soft Soil‘ industri pembinaan P6 - RM5.2 Juta diperlukan bagi pembangunan PKS Bumiputera I1 - RM10 Juta bagi penyediaan prasarana dan peralatan pengujian bahan binaan untuk mematuhi piawaian mandatori E2 - RM14 Juta bagi sistem penilaian kemampanan infrastruktur E5 - RM9 Juta bagi menubuhkan pusat kitar semula AGENDA 6 ISU-ISU PELAKSANAAN CITP ISSUE NO.1 – IBS PROMOTION FUND Pembentangan oleh : Datuk Ir. Elias Ismail Penaja Inisiatif P3 “dana khas bagi IBS Promotion Fund sebanyak RM500 juta disediakan melalui SME Bank, sebagai pinjaman mudah kepada pemaju dan kontraktor kategori G5 dan ke bawah” (Sources from Ucapan Bajet 2016 pada 23/10/15, Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia) Objektif: Bagi menggalakkan lebih ramai pemain industri menggunapakai teknologi IBS. Dana ini dapat membantu pihak industri mendapat pinjaman mudah untuk membantu mereka dari segi kewangan bagi menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti seperti pembuatan dan pemasangan komponen IBS. 65 Source by SME Bank Source by SME Bank Report on Progress of SME IBS Promotion Fund (as of July 2016) Application Received 8 Application Approved Total Approved Fund (RM) 2 15,000,000 The take up-rate is low (3%). Based on feedback gathered, the industry players are not really ‘excited’ about the availability of this fund. Somehow the IBS ecosystem does not really support this national-level initiative. Source by SME Bank Issues Raised in the TWG 3 meeting (Productivity) Mesyuarat TWG3 mengambil maklum kadar take-up yang rendah dan menyimpulkan isu-isu berikut sebagai penyebab. 1. Peminjam • SME Bank mengenakan syarat2 yang ketat, antaranya: Mensyaratkan kelayakan beroperasi selama 2 tahun bagi kelayakan pinjaman - syarikat baru tidak berpeluang untuk memohon dana ini. Tempoh bayaran balik pinjaman yang singkat iaitu max. 5 tahun sahaja menyebabkan bayaran bulanan yang perlu dibayar adalah tinggi. Persoalan ‘sustainability of business’ 2. SME Bank • Dana RM500 juta adalah dari SME Bank sendiri bukan daripada Kerajaan. Faedah yang diterima dari pinjaman adalah 5% (4% faedah drp peminjam dan 1% drp Kerajaan ). • SME Bank perlu mengenakan syarat-syarat yang ketat dalam meluluskan pinjaman untuk mengelakkan NPL. Cadangan penyelesaian Kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kewangan menyediakan dana sebanyak RM500 juta untuk diuruskan oleh SME Bank - pemberian pinjaman ini dapat dipercepatkan dan dipermudahkan kepada industri IBS yang memerlukan PINJAMAN MUDAH sebagaimana hasrat asal Kerajaan . ISSUE NO. 2 – MERGING OF CITP & NEC COMMITTEES Pembentangan oleh : Puan Zainora Zainal Pemilik Inisiatif I2 & I3 NATIONAL EXPORT COUNCIL STRUCTURE CHAIRMAN YAB PRIME MINISTER MEETINGS HELD TILL DATE : 03 MARCH 2015 30 JUNE 2015 17 SEPTEMBER 2015 25 FEBRUARY 2016 SECRETARIAT MATRADE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN YAB DEPUTY PM MINISTRIES ECONOMIC COUNCIL MEMBERS PRIVATE SECTOR: FMM KHAZANAH NASIONAL BHD SARAWAK CORRIDOR OF RENEWABLE ENERGY (SCORE) WEST PORTS HOLDING BHD AIR ASIA GROUP AXIATA GROUP BHD 12 Sector : Equipment, Tourism , Medical Tourism, Medical Devices, Education, Construction Services, ICT, Petrochemical, Agro Business, Automotive, Palm Oil, Machinery & KRONOLOGI PENGGABUNGAN & PENYELARASAN CITP & NATIONAL EXPORT COUNCIL (NEC) NEC FOCUS GROUP @ 7 SEP 2015 • BERSETUJU AGAR PELAN STRATEGIK FOCUS GROUP SELARAS DENGAN PELAN TINDAKAN CITP CITP IWG18 BIL. 1/2016 @ 11 MAY 2016 • PERTINDIHAN DIANTARA KEDUA-DUA PELAN TINDAKAN BAGI CITP DAN NEC FOCUS GROUP NEC WORKING GROUP BIL. 1/2016 @ 2 JUN 2016 • BERSETUJU UNTUK MENGGABUNGKAN NEC FOCUS GROUP ON CONSTRUCTION DENGAN CITP INTERNATIONALIZATION • MENCADANGKAN PENGGABUNGAN BAGI MENYELARASAKAN KEDUA-DUA STRUKTUR TERSEBUT PADA 29 JULAI 2016 • YB MENTERI MITI BERSETUJU AGAR KKR BERTINDAK SEBAGAI PENERAJU BAGI NEC FOCUS GROUP ON CONSTRUCTION 73 4 3 2 1 CABINET / SCSS / NEC MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE (CITP-MC) Chairman : Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof (Equivalent to Focus Group on Construction under NEC) THRUST cWORKING GROUP (CITP-TWG4) Co - Chairman: Dato' Sri Zohari Bin Haji Akob & Tan Sri Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Relevant government and Industry representatives Internationalization INITIATIVE WORKING GROUP (CITP-IWG18) Co - Chairman: Mr Matthew Tee & Mr Nik Azman Nik Osman Relevant government and Industry representatives No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name of Members Dato’ Sri Zohari Haji Akob* Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Dato’ Ir. Ahmad ‘Asri Abdul Hamid Datuk Ir. Adanan bin Mohamed Hussain Datuk Seri Hashmuddin Mohammad Mdm Norzilah Mohammed Dato’ Dzulkifli Mahmud* Dato' Sr. Srikandan Kanagainthiram Dato Sri Prof Ir Dr Judin Bin Abd Karim Mr Matthew Tee Kai Woon Dato' Dr. Ir. Andy Seo Datuk Ir. Abdul Kadir Mohd Din Name of Members Mr Matthew Tee Kai Woon Mr Nik Azman Nik Osman Mdm Norzilah Mohammed Mdm P. Jayanthi A/p N. Paramaguru* Mr Mohd Rithauddeen Makip Dato' Susila Devi YBhg Dato' Seri Ir Azman bin Mohd* Ir Choo Kok Beng* Ir Prem Kumar* Ar Mohd Zulhemlee An* Mr Henry E Chelvanayagam* YBhg Tan Sri A.K Nathan* Dato’ Kuna Sittampalam Datuk Ir. Mohd Adnan Mohd Nor Dato’ Ubull Din Om Ir. Chee Weng Loon Ir. Hashimah Hashim Mr Zain Azhari Bin Zainul Bador CITP TWG4 - INTERNATIONALIZATION Co-Chairman Co-Chairman KKR UEM Group CIDB JKR Ministry of Finance (MOF) EXIM Bank MATRADE Royal Institution Of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) CIDB Holdings Sdn Bhd MBAM & Binapuri AlphaPrima Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK) CITP IWG18 - EXPORT ON CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Co-Chairman Co-Chairman Organization GOVERNMENT + 2 CIDB (9) PRIVATE (5) Organization MBAM & Binapuri Ministry of Finance (MOF) EXIM Bank KKR SME Corp MATRADE TNB Malaysian Service Provider Confederation (MSPC) Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM) Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) Engineering & Enviromental Consultant (EEC) Eversendai Consutruction Malaysia India Business Council (MIBC) RPM Engineers Sdn. Bhd Gamuda Engineering Sdn. Bhd. MMC Corporation Berhad KLCC Projeks Sdn. Bhd. Maybank Regional Head for Strategic Advisory GOVERNMENT + 3 CIDB (9) ASSOCIATION (4) PRIVATE (8) *New members from NEC Focus Group AGENDA 7 HALATUJU JAWATANKUASA CITP-MC AGENDA 8 HAL-HAL LAIN SEKIAN TERIMA KASIH