Profiles:Layout 1
Profiles:Layout 1
edited by ANCE International Relations Department ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION SECTOR FOR POLAND WLOSKI SYSTEM BUOLOWNICTWA W POLSCE COMPANY PROFILES JUNE 2008 Con il contributo di ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION SECTOR FOR POLAND WLOSKI SYSTEM BUOLOWNICTWA W POLSCE COMPANY PROFILES J U N E 2 0 0 8 Con il contributo di “Company Profiles Report” has been edited by Ance International Department (, +39 06 84567 434/437, Via Guattani 20, 00184, Rome, Italy, namely by Giulio Guarracino (Executive manager), Ilaria Calligaris, Franca Ruscio, Marco Mattia. It is possible to downolad information about ANCE international activities from the “Costruire nel mondo” section on the Ance website For further information about the Italian costruction sector legislation and companies, please contact (, +39 06 84567 434/437, ANCE “ - sezione Costruire nel mondo” Via Guattani, 20 - 00161, Rome, Italy - Tel: + 39 06 84567434 - 437 1, Av. Joyeuse entree’ - B 1040, Brussels, Belgium - Tel: + 32 2 2861228 - 230 9511 INDEX ANCE WE WŁOSZECH / ANCE NA ŚWIECIE......................................................................................5 ANCE IN ITALIA / ANCE NEL MONDO .................................................................................................6 ANCE IN ITALY / ANCE IN THE WORLD ..............................................................................................7 BIIS .........................................................................................................................................................8 ANCE PARTICIPANTS ASTALDI S.p.A. ...................................................................................................................................11 BATTISTELLA S.r.l. ............................................................................................................................12 BIDO SECONDO COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. ............................................................................................13 BITUMSTRADE S.r.l. ..........................................................................................................................14 BONATTI S.p.A. ..................................................................................................................................15 CAUDA STRADE S.r.l. ........................................................................................................................16 CECAR COSTRUZIONI EDILI CARMIGNANO S.p.A. .......................................................................17 CG COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. .....................................................................................................................18 CIR COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. ..................................................................................................................19 COGECA S.r.l. .....................................................................................................................................20 CO.IM.PRE. S.a.s. ...............................................................................................................................21 CONDOTTE D’ACQUA S.p.A. ............................................................................................................22 CONSORZIO LEONARDO ..................................................................................................................23 CONSORZIO SARA ............................................................................................................................24 COSTRUZIONI PELLIZZER S.r.l. .......................................................................................................25 DEON S.p.A. .......................................................................................................................................26 DE SANCTIS COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. ..................................................................................................27 EDILCENTRO S.r.l. .............................................................................................................................28 EDILNINNO S.p.A. ..............................................................................................................................29 EDILVI S.p.A. .......................................................................................................................................30 EUROTECK GROUP S.r.l. ..................................................................................................................31 F.LLI GIACUZZO S.r.l. ........................................................................................................................32 FORLANI COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. ...........................................................................................................33 GEOM. G. FERRARI S.p.A. ................................................................................................................34 3 GHELLA S.p.A. ...................................................................................................................................35 GRAGECO S.r.l. ..................................................................................................................................36 GRIMEL S.r.l. .......................................................................................................................................37 IBI S.p.A. ..............................................................................................................................................38 IMPREGILO S.p.A................................................................................................................................39 IMPRESA DI COSTRUZIONI ROSSO GEOM. FRANCESCO & FIGLI S.p.A. ...................................40 IMPRESA DR. ING. RENATO SANTOBONI S.r.l. ..............................................................................41 IMPRESA EDILE F. BORIO S.r.l. ........................................................................................................42 MARANI S.p.A. ...................................................................................................................................43 MASTRA S.r.l. .....................................................................................................................................44 PESSOT COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. ............................................................................................................45 PREVEDELLO ISIDORO S.r.l. ............................................................................................................46 RASOTTO CAV. LUIGI S.r.l. ...............................................................................................................47 SALA S.r.l. ...........................................................................................................................................48 SARFO APPALTI E COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. ...........................................................................................49 SEAS S.p.A. ........................................................................................................................................50 SOCOTHERM S.r.l. .............................................................................................................................51 SPAGNOL COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. .........................................................................................................52 STEDA S.p.A. ......................................................................................................................................53 STILE COSTRUZIONI EDILI S.p.A. ....................................................................................................54 TECNIS S.p.A. .....................................................................................................................................55 TECNOVIADOTTI S.r.l. .......................................................................................................................56 TERESINA IMPRESIT S.r.l. ................................................................................................................57 TOTO S.p.A. ........................................................................................................................................58 VERONA BUILDING ...........................................................................................................................59 VIGNOLI COSTRUZIONI SRL ............................................................................................................60 MAIN PARTNERS IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR ANAS S.p.A. ........................................................................................................................................62 FERROVIE DELLO STATO .................................................................................................................63 OTHER ANCE PARTICIPANTS ..........................................................................................................64 4 ANCE WE WŁOSZECH ANCE jest włoskim Stowarzyszeniem Przedsiębiorców Budowlanych w skład którego wchodzi AGI (Generalne Stowarzyszenie Przedsiębiorców Budowlanych), 102 lokalne stowarzyszenia i 20 regionalnych. ANCE reprezentuje 20000 firm budowlanych i wspiera proces rozwoju sektora przemysłowego poprzez współpracę z Rządem, Parlamentem jak i krajowymi i międzynarodowymi instytucjami i partnerami społecznymi. ANCE jest także członkiem głównej włoskiej i europejskiej organizacji przedsiębiorców (EIC i FIEC). Sektor budowlany we Włoszech stanowi 47,5% majątku trwałego brutto, 9.9% dochodu narodowego brutto i 27.9% zatrudniania przemysłowego, przy inwestycji budowlanej która od 1998 do 2006 wzrosła dwukrotnie, w tempie wzrostu GDP (przemysł budowlany +25,5%, GDP +11.3%). W 2006 inwestycje w sektorze budowlanym wyniosły 145548 milionów euro (budynki mieszkalne 52,9%; zabudowa niemieszkalna prywatna 26,1%; zabudowa niemieszkalna publiczna 21%). ANCE NA ŚWIECIE Włoskie przedsiębiorstwa budowlane rosną w liczbach i w sile na rynkach międzynarodowych: między 2003 a 2006 podwoiły swoje obroty zagraniczne z 2,5 miliarda do prawie 5 miliardów euro w 2006r. podczas gdy ogólna wartość kontraktów wyniosła około 28 miliarda euro. Przeprowadzone przez ANCE badanie na temat Działalności Włoskich Przedsiębiorstw Budowlanych potwierdza znaczącą rolę graną przez włoskie firmy na wysoko konkurencyjnym rynku: ponad 500 terenów budowy w 75 krajach, zatrudniających 45000 osób. Wynik za 2006 rok był godny uwagi: Włoskie Międzynarodowe Przedsiębiorstwa Budowlane zdobyły 209 nowych kontraktów na całkowitą kwotę 9 miliardów euro i weszły do 19 nowych krajów tylko w przeciągu jednego roku. ANCE Biuro Międzynarodowe: 5 ANCE IN ITALIA ANCE è l’Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili italiana, a cui aderiscono l’AGI (Associazione Grandi Imprese), 102 Associazioni territoriali e 20 Associazioni regionali. ANCE rappresenta 20.000 imprese di costruzione e sostiene il processo di crescita industriale del settore attraverso la collaborazione con il Governo, il Parlamento, le Istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali e le altre Parti sociali. ANCE è anche membro delle maggiori Organizzazioni imprenditoriali italiane ed europee (EIC e FIEC). Il settore delle costruzioni italiano contribuisce per il 47,5% agli investimenti fissi, per il 9,9% al PIL, e per il 27,9% all’occupazione industriale, con una crescita degli investimenti in costruzioni che dal 1998 al 2006 è stata più del doppio rispetto a quella del PIL (costruzioni +25,5%, PIL +11,3%). Nel 2006, gli investimenti nel settore delle costruzioni si sono attestati su 145,548 milioni di euro (abitazioni: 52,9%; costruzioni non residenziali private: 26,1%; costruzioni non residenziali pubbliche: 21%). ANCE NEL MONDO Cresce e si rafforza la presenza sui mercati internazionali delle imprese di costruzione italiane, che nel quadriennio 2003-2006 hanno quasi raddoppiato il loro fatturato estero, passato dai 2,5 miliardi di euro a quasi 5 miliardi di euro, per un importo contrattuale complessivo di circa 28 miliardi di euro. L’indagine ANCE sulla presenza delle imprese di costruzione italiane all’estero conferma il ruolo rilevante da esse svolto sui mercati internazionali altamente competitivi: più di 500 cantieri in 75 Paesi, in cui sono impiegati circa 45.000 addetti. La performance nel 2006 è stata rilevante: le imprese edili italiane operanti all’estero hanno acquisito 209 nuovi contratti per un importo totale di circa 9 miliardi di euro, ed hanno fatto registrare presenze in 19 nuovi Paesi. Ufficio Lavori all’Estero ANCE: 6 ANCE IN ITALY ANCE is the Italian Construction Contractors’ Association composed by AGI (Large General Contractors’ Association), 102 Local associations and 20 Regional associations. ANCE represents 20,000 construction companies and supports the industrial growth process of the sector through cooperation with the Government, the Parliament and the national and international institutions and social partners. ANCE is also member of the principal Italian and European entrepreneurs’ organisation (EIC and FIEC). The Italian construction sector contributes 47.5% to gross fixed capital formation, 9.9% to GDP and 27.9% to industrial employment, with a construction investment which has grown from 1998 to 2006 twice as fast as the GDP growth (construction +25.5%, GDP +11.3%). In 2006, investments in the construction sector were 145,548 million euros (housing: 52.9%; non residential housing private: 26.1%; non residential housing public: 21%). ANCE IN THE WORLD Italian Contractors are growing in number and strength on international markets: between 2003 and 2006, they have doubled their overseas turnover, getting from 2.5 billion euros up to almost 5 billion euros, while the global contracts amount reached about 28 billion euros. The ANCE Survey on International Activities of Italian Contractors confirms the relevant role played by Italian companies on highly competitive markets: more than 500 construction sites in 75 countries employing almost 45,000 people. The performance in 2006 was remarkable: Italian International Contractors have gained 209 new contracts for a global amount of 9 billion euros and have entered 19 new countries just in one year time. ANCE International Office: 7 BIIS is the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s new bank, dedicated to alla the public and private entities involved in developing major infrastructures and providing essential public services. As a leader in Italy and one of the main specialists in public finance in Europe, BIIS has the mission of promoting development and economic growth in the countries in which it operates, focusing on six priority areas: credit for major infrastructures; financial support to public and private healthcare services, universities and scientific research; improvement of public utility budgets; development of urban and territorial projects; innovative solutions for the efficient management of banking services by public entities. SERVING THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS BIIS stands out for its integrated management of the whole spectrum of interaction between the public and private sectors, trough a comprehensive array of traditional and innovative financial services, ranging from commercial to investment banking. Over 300 qualified professionals support our clients, offering advisory services and personalised solutions. Specialised teams are dedicated to: – the financial and advisory needs of our worldwide with reference to the different local settings in which we operate, in synergy with Intesa Sanpaolo’s international network; – project financing for infrastructural and public works the structuring of specific medium-long term lending, subsidised credit, specialised factoring and real estate leasing for the public administration; – engineering and financial innovation for the management of the debt of public entities. OUR CLIENTS Public Central government and Ministries; State pension service; Regional authorities; Provinces and municipalities; Chambers of commerce, Port authorities, public utilities; Public healthcare system; Public universities; Companies owned/controlled by central and local authorities Private Private providers of public services; General contractors, construction companies, special-purpose 8 companies for infrastructure projects; Private hospitals and healthcare providers; Private universities; Public administration supplier associations. OUR PROJECTS – Credit for major infrastructures Rome’s ring road financing of EUR 392 million for road network improvement. Client: ANAS – Support to the healthcare, univerisites, research New Mestre Hospital “PPP Deal of the year” (Project Financing International Magazine, 2005) Arranger of project financing of over EUR 250 million. Client: Veneto Region’s public healthcare system (U.L.S.S. 12 Veneziana) – Improvement of public utility services Financing for a more efficient water management system in Sicily Arranger of project financing of EUR 570 million. 24 million cubic meters of water delivered every year. Client: Siciliacque s.p.a – Development of urban and territorial projects Milan’s new exhibition sites Arranger of nearly EUR 1 bilion project financing. Awarded “Credit Entrepreneur” by Fiera di Milano Foundation. Total surface of 1.4 million sq.m.; employment of 9,300 workmen Client: Fiera di Milano s.p.a. – Innovation in banking services Pensions payments to prepaid credit cards Initiaded experimental use across Italy. A new , faster, more secure and more economical method for collecting pensions to the benefit of pension recipients. Client: INPS 9 ANCE PARTICIPANTS 10 ASTALDI S.p.A. ASTALDI S.p.A., one of the leading Italian construction companies at a global level, enjoys a leading position in Italy as a General Contractor and developer of large-scale works. Founded in the 1920’s, the Group operates in the design and build of large-scale infrastructures, mainly through EPC and PPP/PFI projects, in the areas of transportation (railways, subways, motorways, ports & airports), water (dams, hydroelectric plants, hydraulic works, treatment plants), energy and civil and industrial buildings. Listed on the STAR sector of Milan Stock Exchange since June 2002, the Group has approx. 8,800 employees, more than 100 job sites, 80 subsidiaries. It is present in 14 countries worldwide (Italy, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East, USA and Maghreb) and produces more than 50% of its turnover outside Italy. Recently ASTALDI S.p.A. has established a branch office in Warsaw. ASTALDI S.p.A Via G.V. Bona, 65 00156 Roma Tel.: +39 06 41766430 Fax: +39 06 41766744 11 BATTISTELLA COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Battistella Costruzioni Srl is a construction contractor based in Pieve di Soligo (Treviso) providing civil and industrial construction. Founded in 1972, Battistella Costruzioni Srl. particularly acts in the construction of private housing estate, shopping complexes, offices and industrial parks. In the last years, the company specialized in the restoration of constructions of historical and environmental value (historical palaces and monumental buildings). The enterprise employs 19 professionals. So far the Battistella Costruzioni Srl. has not worked abroad but it is interested in the Polish market and it is willing to explore the possibilities offered and the operative ways for a future presence in the area. Moreover, the enterprise can avail itself of a co-worker resident in Warsaw. Referring the Mission in Poland, the sectors of main interest are, in order of importance, housing construction, non-housing construction and manufacturing plants. BATTISTELLA COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. VIA Schiratti 94 31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV) Tel.: +39 043882740 12 BIDO SECONDO COSTRUZIONI SpA Bido Costruzioni, leader company in the immovable sector, arises in Padua in the 1930s. In the 1960s the enterprise continued his growth process to arrive to be, in the 1970s, highly competitive on the big industrial and commercial work market. Today Bido Costruzioni continues his development in the building market relishing combine the entrepreneurial family tradition with the today’s town planning and architectural innovations. Bido Costruzioni boasts prestigious successes in all the building fields. Important projects concerning the civil and residential buildings, the industrial commercial and directional buildings, and the works of restructuring and restoration. Bido Costruzioni is headquartered in Padua and employs at the moment fifty professionals. Is an affiliate of Ance National Association House Builder. Referring the mission to Poland, we would like to understand the development opportunity of the real estate market as well as jobs order “turnkey”. BIDO SECONDO COSTRUZIONI SpA Via E. Mattei, 15 35028 Piove di Sacco (PD) Tel.: +39 049 9707401 Fax: +39 049 9707450 13 BITUMSTRADE S.r.l. The family-owned business was founded in 1969 an is headquartered in Florence and employs more than 50 professionals. The main companies of the group are: 1) Bitumstrade S.r.l. makes road construction works at Public and Private by SOA certificate and certificate of conformity ISO 9001. General Contractor for the construction and maintenance roads and airport infrastructure; construction and maintenance aqueducts, sewers, irrigation works; hydraulic works; laying electric cables and fibre optics; excavations and demolition works, construction activities and restructuring of buildings civil and industrial. In 2007 development in Morocco was initiated with the establishment of Bitumstrade S.à.rl Succursale Morocco in Rabat. 2) Istrice Srl, is specialized in cruched and recycling material, from excavation and demolition, rental crushing, supply of mixed cemented and very new technologies of road material with cold mixed and recycling. BITUMSTRADE S.r.l. Via Montello, 39 50013 Campi Bisenzio ( FI ) Tel.: +39 055 8960078 14 BONATTI S.p.A. Bonatti Spa is a General Contractor in Oil, Gas & Power activities concerning the sector of engineering, construction and procurement. Bonatti S.p.A. is in Italy, Libya, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Austria and Germany one of the main Contractor operating in Oil & Gas EPC Projects and Pipelines, Global Maintenance services as well as Civil Works, Transport Infrastructures and Building constructions. 70% of our activities is abroad: Bonatti Spa has managed and realised EPC Projects also in Argentina, Chile, Turkey, Oman, France, Ecuador and Bangladesh. Nowadays Bonatti S.p.A. ranks among the largest pipeline Contractors in Italy and abroad with significant record of thousands of Km of pipeline laid around the world under the most different environmental and logistic conditions such as: deserts, high mountains – up to 5000 mt – forests, urban centres, from the -40°C of the frozen central Asian steppes to the never ending +50 °C temperatures of the Arabic deserts. BONATTI S.p.A. Via Nobel, 2/a 43100 Parma Tel.: +39 0521 6091 Fax: +39 0521 607700 15 CAUDA STRADE S.r.l. The Cauda Strade srl is a general Company Contractor in based in Montà nord-ovest Italia 40 Km from Torino city. The company, create after the war by its founder returned from the Russian front, began its activities with excavation and earth moving. In 1978 it became s.r.l. 2008 and today celebrates its 30 years as “srl”. Today it reached the third generation of ownership and management exclusively family is interested in cooperation and development of new activities in Poland. The experience gained in over 30 years of activity gave the Cauda Strade srl a great capacity and professionalism that has brought to UNI EN ISO that for almost a decade certify the quality of society while respecting European rules. The quality of Cauda Strade srl ranges from design to construction, therefore, the ability to manage a complex committed ensuring the high quality of final result. In reference to the mission in Poland we are interested in knowing for investment in our sector, to form a new entrepreneurial reality. Our experience ensures a preparation from design to construction and delivery turnkey works as industrial, residential streets and highways, aqueduct, sewage treatment plants. CAUDA STRADE S.r.l. Via Carmagnola, 18 10040 Pralormo (TO) Tel.: +39 011 9481309 Fax: +39 011 9481476 16 C.E.CAR. Costruzioni Edili Carmignano S.p.A. C.E.CAR. S.p.A. has a long tradition dating back to the early years of the fifties. It started to work in the northern part of the province of Padua when the construction branch played a decisive role in the reconstruction of the Nation. Throughout more than fifty years, C.E.CAR. S.p.A. has realised any type of interventions: from those made for the construction of dwelling houses to those made for the renovation and recovery of old buildings; C.E.CAR. S.p.A has also worked inside all the Italian economic sectors: from the craft to the commerce sectors; it has also worked for industries and brands of the tertiary sector and has always used the best technologies offered by the industrial market. In this way the works of C.E.CAR. S.p.A have reached an absolute quality. All this precious experience represents the great value of the real estates which C.E.CAR. S.p.A. offers to its demanding customers who are very qualified inside the production and house building sectors. C.E.CAR. Costruzioni Edili Carmignano S.p.A. Via Spessa, 13 35013 Carmignano di Brenta (PD) Tel.: +39 049 5957100 Fax: +39 049 5957897 17 C. G. COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. C.G. Costruzioni S.r.l., is a General Contractor based in Ragusa, Sicily, providing commercial, industrial and general construction since 1980. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1980, C.G. Costruzioni S.r.l. provides design-build, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the Sicilian region. The family-owned business is headquartered in Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa, Sicily) and employs more than 10 professionals. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market. C. G. COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Kennedy, 95 97012 Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG) Tel. e Fax: +39 0932 927969 18 CIR COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. Founded in 2005, Cir Costruzioni S.p.A. provides design-build, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in Italy. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. The family-owned business is headquartered in Ferrara and employs more than 30 professionals. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen of meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market renewal of buildings; specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. CIR COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. Via Ripagrande, 29 44100 Ferrara Tel.: +39 0532 793911 Fax: +39 0532 900059 19 CO.GE.CA. S.r.l. CO.GE.CA. srl is a family owned company founded in 1981. Location: San Giorgio Canavese (TO) Northern Italy near Turin CO.GE.CA is certified for public works in the following specialties: • Construction and/or renovation of civil and public buildings including technical systems. • Construction of new sewer systems and aqueducts. • General roadworks as streets, bridges and its related facilities as their maintenance and renewal. • Fluvial works as defensive works, plumbing, hydraulic settings and renewal. • Ground works. • Environmental projects and engineering as per new laws. • Particular ground works and underpinning works. Employment: 36 people. Quality: UNI EN ISO 9002:1994 in 2001 UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 in june 2003 Our aim is to have contacts with Polish companies and have the opportunity to analyse a possible joint venture in the construction field and understand opportunities in the public infrastructure market. CO GE CA S.r.l. Via Umberto I, 38 10090 San Giorgio (TO) Tel.: +39 0124 32292 Fax: +39 0124 325338 qualità 20 CO.IM.PRE. S.a.s. The CO.IM.PRE. Sas is a General Contractor based in Torino, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services in Torino and Northern Italy. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1963, the CO.IM.PRE. Sas provides design build, general construction and construction management services to industrial, commerciale, hospitality and educational institutions in the Piemonte region and other regions in Northern Italy. The family-owned business is headquartered in Torino, and employes more than 50 professionals. The CO.IM.PRE Sas is a member of the Collegio Costruttori di Torino. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyer focusing on the constitution of Italian. Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market: or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. CO.IM.PRE. Sas Via Lamarmora 7 10128 Torino Tel.: +39 011 5178743 Fax: +39 011 5178642 21 CONDOTTE D’ACQUA S.p.A. CONDOTTE D’ACQUA S.P.A. is a General Contractor based in Rome, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services in Europe and surronding area since 1880. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded on 7th April 1880, Condotte A.p.A. provides designbuild, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in all regions. The family-owned business is headquartered in Rome, and employs more than 1784 professionals. Condotte S.p.A. is an affiliate of ANCE and a member of AGI. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting company which can provide us all the information regarding the infrastructures Program; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads; railways, dams, hydraulic works, etc. constructions. SOCIETA’ ITALIANA PER CONDOTTE D’ACQUA S.p.A. Via Salaria, 1039 00138 Roma Tel.: +39 06 883341 Fax: +39 06 88334590 22 Main kinds of works: Road and Bridges - Railways - Undergrounds Ports and Marine Works - Airports - Power Stations Hydraulic Works - Power - Waste Water Treatment Plant Buildings - Industries - Factories CONSORZIO LEONARDO Leonardo is a new consortium formed by Ghella, Maire Engineering, Seli and Trevi. It aims to be an international leader in the design and construction of major infrastructural works with a large underground component. Leonardo will compete for the design and construction of underground works such as railways, undergrounds, hydraulic works and highways, all high-growth sectors in emerging economies. It will distinguish itself in world markets through excellent design and technical specialization for which Italy is famous, especially in those areas where partners can leverage their consolidated experience to add greater value. By integrating the skills of partner companies, Leonardo is able to guarantee to its clients an excellent execution of complex works with high technological content: this strategic partnership is intended to create a prestigious Made in Italy brand in the Engineering & Contracting sector, where Italy can certainly distinguish itself for its skilled know-how and particular attention for the environment. CONSORZIO LEONARDO Viale America, 93 00144 Roma Tel. + 39.06.5923273 Fax + 39.06.5927083 g.dimattia@ 23 CONSORZIO SARA Sara is a General Contractor based in Italy, providing general construction and design build services in Italy and surrounding area since 2000. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 2000, SARA provides design-build, general construction and management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality and education institutions in the Europe region. The family-owned business is headquartered in Verona, and employs more than 2000 professionals. Refering the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. CONSORZIO SARA c.s. Via Parrocchia n. 360/400 Isola Rizza (VR) Tel.: +39 045 7135027 Fax: +39 045 6970200 24 COSTRUZIONI PELLIZZER S.r.l. The Pellizzer s.r.l. is a General Contractor based in Fonte (TV). We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality constructions components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1975, Pellizzer s.r.l. provides design-built, general constructions, and construction management services in the infrastructural, civil and road fields in the Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige regions. The family-owned business is headquartered in Fonte (TV) and employs more than 30 professionals. Referring the mission to Poland, since 2006 we founded in Poland the company ITB Sp. z.o.o. Based in Grodków and operating in the Opolskie and Dolnośląskie regions, ITB Sp. z.o.o. which provides general constructions in the infrastructural, civil and road fields. We are interested on delve into the knowledge of the opportunity of the public infrastructure market, the renewal of buildings and the subcontracting of roads constructions. COSTRUZIONI PELLIZZER S.r.l. Via Mattarelli, 58 31010 Fonte (TV) Tel.: +39 0423 948100 Fax: +39 0423 948626 25 DEON S.p.A. Deon SpA a General Contractors based in Belluno, providing general construction and design build services in the Veneto region (north-east of Italy) and surrounding area since 1907. We provide construction management services, design-build, quality construction components, skilled craftsmen and general construction of industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the Veneto region. We employ more than 100 professionals and we are an affiliate of AssindustriaBelluno and a member of ANCE. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting people who ca provide us all the informating regarding the purchasing of lands, the renewal of buildings, the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures, the opportunity of the public infrastructure market, and thesubcontracting of roads construction. DEON IMPRESA COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. Via degli Agricoltori, 13 32100 Belluno Tel.: +39 0437 9378 Fax: +39 0437 937937 26 DE SANCTIS COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. De Sanctis Construction Company has been operating in both the public and the private sector for almost fifty years. De Sanctis Construction S.p.A. is a leader in Italy in the area of transport, especially in the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels and underground projects (the latter has always been one of the most demanding sectors of engineering), as well as in the field of civil and residential construction, the restoration of historic structures and projects of salvaging and returning structures to certifiably safe conditions. Its activity also extends to other sectors: railway, airport, maritime, land embankment and reinforcement projects. The numerous projects that it has completed in these sectors has endowed De Sanctis Construction S.p.A. with technological resources (equipment, tools, technical directors, construction site supervisors, and specialized workers) which guarantee the know-how and the professionalism required not only in the execution of its work, but also in the management of the completed project. This wide portfolio of experience and professionalism renders De Sanctis Construction S.p.A. capable of meeting the need for high levels of competitiveness and complexity of the projects requested, while at the same time offering the client the best value in terms of quality, cost control and efficient construction times, even for the most complex projects. DE SANCTIS COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. Via Genova, 23 00184 Roma Tel.: +39 06 4620131 Fax: +39 06 4742169 27 EDILCENTRO S.r.l. The Edilcentro srl group has always occupied an important position in the construction industry. Founded in 1996, Edilcentro underwent a phase of rapid growth, in the construction of important civil buildings, both in the public and private sectors. In the year 2000, the firm set an intense phase of development and diversification in motion, involving both traditional building sector, with activities including real estate, the purchase, transfer, trade-off, administration and the management of property. We dedicate a lot of research into the functionality of design, experimenting innovative and knowledgeable combinations of materials. Given the experience our company has matured in the residential buildings construction, renewal of buildings, commercial and general construction, we would now like to use this knowledge within the territory of Poland, involving yourselves as partners or shareholders in property transactions. This would allow us make joint purchases of areas of interest to be transformed into residential complexes. EDILCENTRO S.r.l. Via Urbino , 3 60126 Ancona Tel.: +39 071 85223 Fax: +39 071 9941199 28 EDILNINNO S.p.A. The EDILNINNO Spa was born in 1991, the headquarter is in Fabriano in the center of Italy. From the very beginning it was create a structure highly professional that he grant achievement of relevant job order the most important company like Indesit Company, Ardo, Ariston, Best, Tecnowind, Elica, Banca Delle Marche, Snam Progetti, Auchan, Gruppo Pam, Prada. The technical experience and the operating speed, place EDILNINNO to the top in the civil, industrial and commercial construction. The EDILNINNO have a team of 54 employees with specific professional figure: technical and commercial office, administrative, security and quality and construction site assistance and also have a collaboration with many subcontractors. Referring the mission to Poland we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all information regarding the purchasing of lands, or focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures or renewal buildings. EDILNINNO S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio, 13/C 66044 Fabriano (AN) Tel.: +39 0732 7031 Fax: +39 0732 703203 29 EDILVI S.p.A. EDILVI spa is a real-estate developer and a general contractor. We have our own know-how and our technologies. Founded in 1984, EDILVI provides design-built, general construction like social housing, hospitals and schools in the Veneto Region. We also provide construction management services above all about energy saving. The headquarter is in Villorba / Treviso and employs more than 40 persons. Referring the Mission to Poland we are keen on meeting a Company which can give us all the information regarding Italian-Polish joint ventures. We want to support Polish Builders with our technologies and our Italian design in order to create the best product we can in a strong Partnership. EDILVI S.p.A. Via Roma 164 Loc.Castrette 31050 Villorba (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 9144 Fax: +39 0422 914435 30 EUROTECK GROUP S.r.l. Euroteck Group Srl was initially founded as an individually run company in the 1970s, in 1995 it was transformed to Elettrica Service Snc and at the end of 2007 into its current form. We have always maintained the same core business type, integrating with specialized professionals over the years. The internal structure of the company has a variable number of 50 employees and equipment that allows the completion of private and public work. The company holds the UNI EN ISO 9000/2000 quality mark and the SOA certification, permitting the release of the declaration of conformity of the DPR 37 plant of 22/01/2008. Specifically, we are involved with maintenance, construction, reconstruction of civic buildings, industry, roads, motorways, bridges, prefabricated structures in reinforced concrete, excavation, installation and maintenance of industrial and civic plants, automation, heating and air conditioning plants, sanitary plants, gas and anti incendiary plants, transmission networks and the likes. Our mission is to supply quality and reliability to our clients, this is our strength, we aim to use this to guide our business in the future, to obtain maximum flexibility and speed in the evolution of our professional capacity and knowledge. EUROTECK GROUP S.r.l. Via Freud, 4 09126 Cagliari Tel.: +39 070 33 003 Fax: +39 070 33 003 31 F.LLI GIACUZZO S.r.l. The family-owned business, founded by Luciano Giacuzzo in 1960, is working in the construction branch since this time and after the death of the owner the activity continued under the direction of his two sons Alvezio and Antonio. The firm is specialized in the construction of industrial and commerciale hangars as well as those for craftsmen, built on one’s own account or on behalf of a third party, included are all urbanisation works. During the last 20 years the activity has been enlarged in the residential building industry for the own account and for third partys constructing various complexes. As to the mission in Poland, our firm would like to know whether in Poland there is a request of industrial or residential constructions enabling us to buy the respective ground and to construct afterwards the respective buildings. F.LLI GIACUZZO S.r.l. Via S. Paolo, 11 31020 San Vendemiano (TV) Tel.: +39 0438 777129 Fax: +39 0438 479812 32 FORLANI COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Forlani Costruzioni s.r.l. is a general contractor based in Rimini, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services in Rimini and surrounding area since 1957. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1957, Forlani Costruzioni s.r.l. provides designbuild, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the center and in the north of Italy. The familyowned business is headquartered in Rimini, and employs around 10 professionals. Forlani Costruzioni s.r.l. is an affiliated of Compagnia delle Opere and a member of ANCE and Confindustria Rimini. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. FORLANI COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Via Casalecchio, 35 47851 Rimini Tel.: +39 0541 731186 Fax: +39 0541 730924 33 GEOM. G. FERRARI S.p.A. Geom. G. Ferrari S.p.A. is a sole proprietor business, founded in 1954 and registered in the National Association of Builders and in the Association for Industry and Companies in Parma (Italy). At present, we have a primary role in the building sector in Parma. Our main activities, supported by a solid management structure in the various phases of project-design, construction and sale, are related to the purchasing of lands for the construction of residential and commercial buildings. The company has also worked at the restoration of historical buildings and the construction of factories. It has been certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 regulation since 19/06/2001 and it owns the certificate (SOA) Cat. OG 1 Class IV for the execution of public works. GEOM. G. FERRARI S.p.A. Via Passo Buole, 1/A 43100 Parma Tel.: +39 0521 960541 0521 960542 Fax: +39 0521 960542 34 GHELLA S.p.A. Founded in 1894, Ghella Group is an Italian General Contractor and construction Company whose activity is concerned in civil infrastructures and building design and construction. The Company, over one hundred years, has got a peculiar experience in tunnelling, and therefore is fully trained and equipped to design and build tunnels, using mechanical or traditional excavation methods. The Company has completed many subways, railways, roads, buildings and hydroelectric plants. Nowadays Ghella Group diversify his activity in the field of Telecommunications and Energy Production Concessions. The main production of Ghella Group is achieved in Latin America (80%) and in Italy (20%). The most important works are located en Italy ,Central And South American countries, namely Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica,The Dominican Republic and Haiti. Ghella Group has trained its staff to be highly specialized in the organization of production processes by using advanced operating technologies. The staff is made up of about 3,500 specialized personnel. The total revenue has grown up consolidating at the amount of about € 500,000,000 for the year 2007. GHELLA S.p.A. P.zza Cardinal Consalvi, 9 00196 Roma Tel.: +39 06 36094433 Fax: +39 06 36094429 35 GRAGECO S.r.l. GRAGECO S.r.l. is a General Contractor based in Ragusa, Sicily, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services since 1983. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1983, GRAGECO S.r.l. provides design-build, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the Italian region. The family-owned business is headquartered in Ragusa, Sicily, and employs more than 10 professionals. GRAGECO S.r.l. is a member of ANCE. Referring the Mission in Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures and analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market. GRAGECO S.r.l. Vico Carbonaro, 23 97100 Ragusa Tel.: +39 0932 712139 36 GRIMEL S.r.l. GRIMEL SRL is a General Contractor based in Fontanafredda (PN) Italy, providing general construction and design in Power & Mechanical System and surroding area since 1969. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction component and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1969, Grimel srl provides design build, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial hospitality, and education institutions in the Italy region. The family – owned business is headquartered in Fontanafredda (PN), an employs more than 43 professionals. Grimel srl is an affiliate of Confindustria and a member of ANCE. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market: or renewuall of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. GRIMEL S.r.l. Impiantistica tecnologica Via S. Egidio, 52 33074 Fontanafredda (PN) Tel.: +39 0434 998971 Fax: +39 0434 997333 37 IBI S.p.A. IBI S.p.A. is a construction and engineering company operating in public works area. IBI S.p.A. has been founded in 1969 and in 2002 has been transformed in a limited company. Its core business is design, construction and operation of waste water treatment plants, primary drinking water plants, water and sewage network, compost production plants and landfill for municipality solid wastes. In addition the company is growing in the field of environment processes and technologies for atmosphere pollution control and renewable energies. Until now, I.B.I. S.p.A. has realized three hundred plants and it is operating approximately two hundred plants. The technical staff (design and operation) of the company consist of 170 people about, highly specialized (engineers, biochemists and technicians). Referring to the Mission in Poland, we are interested in lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures. IBI S.p.A. Via Antiniana, 115 80078 Pozzuoli (NA) Tel.: +39 081 2303262 Fax: +39 081 6171817 38 IMPREGILO S.p.A. IMPREGILO is the Leading Contractor in Italy and one of the most important worldwide. The Company’s purpose is the construction on its own behalf and on behalf of third parties of road, port, hydraulic, hydroelectric, building and railway works and in general any constructions in the civil engineering field in Italy and abroad. The Company may undertake and perform any and all commercial, industrial, financial, movable and immovable transactions and business deemed necessary and useful to achieve the corporate purpose. IMPREGILO is actually operating in more than 20 countries around the world, i.e.: In Europe: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. In America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Peru, Venezuela, U.S.A.. In the Middle East: South Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. IMPREGILO S.p.A. Viale Italia, 1 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Tel.: +39 02 444 22111 Fax: +39 02 444 22293 www.impregilo.ita 39 IMPRESA COSTRUZIONI ROSSO GEOM. FRANCESCO & FIGLI S.p.A. The Rosso company is an Italian indipendent SpA. It is a family run business with a restricted shareholding basis. The headquarters are located in Torino with branches in Roma, Milano and Firenze. Founded in 1946 by Torino builder Francesco Rosso, father of the current owners, Engineer Giampaolo Rosso and Architect Domenico Rosso, the general construction business is active today in all sector of building and civil engineering such as the renewal of prestigious buildings; in housing building; high quality industrial building; various infrastructure works. With a highly skilled team of over 173 executives, employees and workers and portfolio of approximately 345 million euros, the Rosso company is a major force in the construction sector. The strong points of the Rosso company lie in the entrepreneurial spirit; managerial capacity and mastery of the trade; constant use of cutting-edge technologies and in dedicating the most thorough attention to each work. IMPRESA COSTRUZIONI ROSSO GEOM. FRANCESCO & FIGLI S.p.A. Matteotti, 47 10121 Torino Tel.: +39 011 5157611 Fax: +39 011 548572 40 IMPRESA DOTT. ING. RENATO SANTOBONI S.r.l. Impresa Dott. Ing. Renato Santoboni Srl is a General Contractor based in Rome, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build service in Italy and surrounding area since seventh. We are committed to providing professional management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1928, Impresa Santoboni Srl, provides designbuild, general construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the Europe. The family-owned business is headquartered in Rome, and employs more than 30 professionals. Impresa Santoboni Srl is an affiliate of ACER and a member of ANCE. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analyst to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. IMPRESA DOTT. ING. RENATO SANTOBONI S.r.l. Via Arezzo, 1 00161 Roma Tel.: +39 06 44292504 Fax: +39 06 44202126 41 IMPRESA EDILE F. BORIO S.r.l. The Impresa Edile F. Borio Srl is a General Contractor based in Turin, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services in Turin and surrounding area. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1981, the Impresa Edile F. Borio Srl provides design build, general construction and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality and educational institutions in the Piemonte region. The family-owned business is headquartered in Turin, and employs more than 10 professionals. The Impresa Edile F. Borio Srl is a member of the Collegio Costruttori di Torino and shares the Sistema ANCE. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyer focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market, or renewal of building, or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. IMPRESA EDILE F. BORIO S.r.l. Via Giacomo Durando, 15 10148 Torino Tel.: +39 011 2206112 Fax: +39 011 2206685 42 MARANI S.p.A. The Marani S.p.a. is a family owned business construction company founded in 1945.Since then Marani S.p.a. is a general contractor based in providing commercial, industrial, public and general construction in Italy, Canada and Poland. Member of the national constructors association ANCE and Ance Verona, the construction company commit to provide professional project management, certified quality construction components and skilled workers. Regarding the mission to Poland, we are keen on road constructions, renewal of both residential and non residential buildings and manufacturing plants. MARANI S.p.A. Vicolo San Domenico, 15 37122 Verona Tel.: +39 045 8000088 Fax: +39 045 595897 43 MASTRA S.r.l. Founded in 1985, Mastra srl Company, based in Caramagna Piemonte (Cuneo), provides construction and design build services in Piemonte and surrounding area. Mastra srl is a member of the Cuneo Industrial Union and employs more than 50 professionals. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the road construction and the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures. MASTRA S.r.l. Strada Meani, 12 12030 Caramagna Piemonte (CN) Tel.: +39 0172 89431 Fax: +39 0172 89707 44 PESSOT COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. PESSOT COSTRUZIONI Srl is a general construction company that has been operating in the public and private civil and industrial engineering sector for over fifty years. The company, with headquarters in Fontanafredda (Pordenone), can supply a complete construction product, except for design, for which it relies on highly qualified professional studios. Its managerial set-up has long-standing technical and managerial experience, with technical managers who can identify building procedures and run even the most complex sites. The technical experts has fifty co-ordinate production, supervised by technical management. PESSOT COSTRUZIONI has implemented the widest range of building structures, including schools and hospitals, public and private housing, hotels and industrial warehouses, cemetery works, hydro-electric power plants, roads, water supply systems, sewage systems, urban works, hydraulic structures and waste disposal and clearance systems. For works and installations of a more specific nature, PESSOT COSTRUZIONI collaborates with highly specialized firms. We would like to find partners in Poland to provide us with all possible information and advice concerning the construction market so that we will have the chance to evaluate opportunities for a joint venture. PESSOT COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Via Antonini, 14 – Ceolini 33074 Fontanafredda (PN) Tel.: +39 0434 997712 Fax: +39 0434 997713 45 PREVEDELLO ISIDORO S.r.l. IMPRESA PREVEDELLO ISIDORO S.r.l. Via Murialdo, 4 31047 Ponte di Piave (TV) Tel.: +39 0422 857660 Fax: +39 0422 857601 46 Prevedello Isidoro firm has been working since 1950’s in the construction of public works. The activity has been carried out basically in Italy and occasionally abroad too. The kind of works usually carried out can be identified with the following categories: • Special foundations and ground consolidation: micropiles, big diameter piles, tie rods, jet-grouting, bored piles, compaction grouting. • Public works at industrial and refining sites; • road maintenance (earth and rock, in open air or in tunnels); • construction and maintenance of bridges, viaducts and tunnels; • works of idraulic defense and optimization of the regime; • management and exploitation of quarries and stony material; • public works of forest arrangement and environmental recovery; • works of environmental reclamation; • building works for the construction and maintenance of buildings. The firm moreover has at its disposal equipment, means and workers suitable for the development of its activities in order to flexibly meet the different needs of the current market. It can count on eighty employees together with adeguate technical and administrative structures. So as to maintain the complete effectiveness of its means and equipment a specific premise in Ponte di Piave has been established. This workshop carries out every kind of extraordinary repairs, maintenance and alterations necessary for the execution of the variouos activities of the building site. RASOTTO CAV. LUIGI S.r.l. Rasotto cav. Luigi srl is a Genaral Contractor based in Dueville (Vicenza), providing commercial/ industrial, general construction and design build service. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting companies which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands. RASOTTO CAV. LUIGI S.r.l. Via Cittadella, 3 36031 Dueville (VI) Tel.: +39 0444 590170 Fax: +39 0444 365864 47 SALA S.r.l. SALA S.r.l. is a General Contractor based in Milazzo (ME Italy), which provides industrial, general construction and design build services in Sicily and surrounding. Sala achieved an ISO 9001 certification from DNV and is keen on providing professional project management and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1988, Sala provides also a strong quality management system, which includes process control and job planning following a continuous improvement strategy. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information to understand the opportunity of the residential real estate. We are also keen on participating at public call for bids and on working as a subcontractor with real estate companies already working in the area. SALA S.r.l. Via Giorgio Rizzo n. 25 98057 Milazzo (ME) Tel. +39 090 9223482 Fax +39 090 9241644 e-mail: 48 SARFO APPALTI E COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. The Sarfo Srl works in the construction industry since 1980 carrying out private contracts for the construction of residential buildings and the public sector dealing with monumental restoration. The company buys and sells land and building, upgrading, maintenance and restoration of buildings urban, industrial and rustic civilians; studying the design and implementation of any type of construction, including contract, as well as the design, manufacturing and supply operations of all the works necessary to carry out construction works or restoration. Referring to the mission in Poland, we intend to meet the Companies which are able to provide all the information regarding the purchase of land for establising a joint venture Italian-Polish; to understand the availability of public services and infrastructure available to restore buildings. SARFO APPALTI E COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. V.le Angelico, 38 00195 Roma Tel.: +39 06 3721082 Fax: +39 06 3721839 49 SEAS S.p.A. SEAS Polska limited is a company of the SEAS Group 100% under control of the SEAS S.p.A. It is located in Lodz, ul. A. Struga 16, from October 2005. The mission is to invest in lands, to project and to build apartments, retails and offices to sell on the local market. SEAS Polska finished the first investment called “ROTONDO” with 28 apartments, 6 commercial units and 34 underground garages in the centre of the city. The entire building has already been sold. The second investment started in may. “GREEN ISLAND” is the name of the building, with 120 apartments, 5 commercial units, 95 underground garages, gardens and fountains, located in the green zone in the heart of the city. In the same time, SEAS Polska is engaged in other activities strictly connected with the core business of the “mother” SEAS S.p.A., which means to participate to the tenders to build roads, highways, big canalizations thanks to the European Funds that will help the development of the country. SOCIETA’ EDILE ACQUEDOTTI STRADE S.p.A. 06019 Umbertide (PG) Via Roma, 107 Tel. 075/937041 Fax 075/9411697 50 SOCOTHERM S.r.l. SOCOTHERM INFRAVIAB S.r.l. Strada Pelosa, 171 36100 Vicenza Tel.: +39 0444 246911 Fax: +39 0444 240126 alessandro.fracasso@ Socotherm, founded in 1859 in Vicenza, Italy is a public company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange and with its controlled company Socotherm Americas also listed in Buenos Aires Bolsar. Today, the Group, almost 150 years after being first established, is one of the world’s largest pipe coating contractor, active in different fields: oil & gas distribution (pipe coating), infrastructure, district heating and cooling, renewables energy (photovoltaic systems integrator). Socotherm has operative plants in Italy, Spain, Australia, Malaysia, China, Nigeria, Angola, Qatar, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and USA. For the oil & gas market the Group offers any type of pipe coating: external and internal anti-corrosion, concrete weighting and thermal insulation. In particular the Group is specialized in thermal insulation for the Deep Water sector (oil extraction from great depths), offering state-of-the-art technological solutions with high added value. Socotherm is also active in the design, production and sale of coatings and insulation plants for piping and district heating and cooling, in the sector of special thermal insulation for LPG tanker ships. Trough its dedicate company (Socotherm Infraviab) is active also in the maintenance of road surfaces with ecologically compatible technology. Infrastructure’s division activities are: Draining and traditional asphalt hot in site recycling; Cold microsurface made of polymermodified slurry; Noise barriers for roads and railways made of synthetic composite materials; Waterproofing for bridge decks; Metallic orthotropic multifunctional waterproofing and paving solutions of bridge decks. In the renewables energy field the controlled company Socovoltaic Systems is a full-service company offering unique photovoltaic solutions for industrial and commercial applications. Socovoltaic Systems’s main business is to design integrated PV systems with specialization in the thin film aSi (amorphous silicon) technologies. 51 SPAGNOL COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. SPAGNOL COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Fiume Veneto (PN) Tel.: +39 0434 959387 Fax: +39 0434 560075 52 Within 1980 and 1990 the company takes the dimension and the organization of a group dividing and specializing its different sectors. New companies entered in the Dino Spagnol & C.: The Immobiliare Tiezzo and The Secim that follow the residential selling. An important joint-venture between the Dream Palace and the L’Isola del Fiume in 2001 see the develop of an important project : the recovering and restoring of an important and historical industrial area in Fiume Veneto, with the cooperation of local authority and the international union of architects (UIA). The Spagnol Group’s activities entered therefore in a global dimension; from developing news technologies to the world of building and architectural sector realizing both small and big projects. The Spagnol Costruzioni has obtained one of the most important international quality certification, the UNI EN ISO 9001 that assure the company total quality in processes and services. In addition to this important certification a new one has been obtained in 2002 the “SOA Certification”, that attests and qualifies the Spagnol Costruzioni for the realization of public buildings. Furthermore, in 2004 we obtained the UNI EN ISO 14000 thanks to the great care we apply in respect of environment. Thanks to flexibility we awarded important works both from public and private purchasers giving them solutions and analyzing all the aspects of the projects involving all the sectors and all the companies of the Spagnol’s Group in order to ensure the best outcome. This is our know-how in order to give best solution in all the aspects of the building sector. STEDA S.p.A. Steda Spa is a general construction company founded in 1999, on a thirty-year experience in the field matured by the founders. It is based in the North-East of Italy, where it mainly operates. The company activities include general construction and design-build services, for both residential and commercial buildings and for civil construction as well. A real estate division is also present, to manage the assets owned directly by the company. In time Steda has become a solid, medium-sized reality (with about 100 employees and more than 250 sub-contractors), that operates as a general contractor for important projects, now also in an international context. Regarding the Mission to Poland, the company looks forward to work in this country through the recently acquired company Mega-Bud Sp.zoo., based in Lublin, and is setting up its own operation centre. Steda Spa is willing to meet subjects that can provide help starting its business on the Polish soil (national/international investors; public servants; general contractors). STEDA S.p.A. Via Cà Vico, 31 Rossano Veneto (VI) Tel.: +39 0424 541199 Fax: +39 0424 548585 53 STILE COSTRUZIONI EDILI S.p.A. Stile Costruzioni Edili di Rebecchini Ing. Luigi C. S.p.A. (also Stile S.p.A.) is a family-owned building company based in Rome, founded in 1962. It employs more than 43 people between professionals, skilled workers and administrative employees. In over 40 years of activity Stile S.p.A. has realized buildings in any sector: private and public building, commercial and residential renovation, private and public contracts. During the last 10 years Stile S.p.A. has improved its knowledge in building and maintaining hotels and tourist areas. Stile S.p.A. planned and it’s still continuing to plan important programs for public Administration both in the historic centre of Rome than in the suburbs of it. For any project Stile S.p.A. provides professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Referring the Mission in Poland, Stile S.p.A. would like to meet companies which provide it all the information regarding opportunities of the public and private market or renewal buildings. STILE S.p.A. P.zza Santi Apostoli, 66 00187 Roma Tel.: +39 06 6791500 Fax: +39 06 6791850 54 TECNIS S.p.A. TECNIS S.p.A. Via Giorgio Almirante, 21 95030 Tremestieri Etneo (CT) Tel.: +39 095 4031244 Fax: +39 095 493063 Tecnis is a full-service constructor company serving all the italian territory on public works. The Company relies on a staff of more than 1000 individuals including executives, front-line managers, employees and workmen divided into headquarters, construction sites and consortium companies. Its talented personnel guarantee timely, competitive and cutting edge services. Tecnis has a widespread internal organization divided into different operational areas, each having its own manager and all under the central management of the Board Chairman. The areas are such as follows: technical division, purchasing division, sales management, and company management. It is important to stress that the Company owns remarkable assets and equipment that have been recently enhanced thanks to the acquisition of the Gepco Salc viaduct line of business, comprinsing of the necessary equipment. Tecnis provides a wide range of activities including different types of service, mainly related to infrastructures such as port construction, great road networks, hydrogeological consolidation and settlement, great urban construction, hospital facilities, conservative restoration. “Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure marker; or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction”. The Company has also been granted the acknowledgement for the projecting of Public Works up to unlimited classification, thus enabling the Company to manage on its own the construction order, from the design phase to the project management and the implementation. Prevailing work typology: Road and bridges; Port and marine works; Airports; Railways; Any kind of Hydraulic works; Sheet Pile foundation; Underground train. 55 TECNOVIADOTTI S.r.l. Tecnoviadotti is a Construction Company based in Bolzano, Italy, involved in bridge maintenance and build services throughout the country. We are committed to providing professional design solutions, project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1898, Tecnoviadotti has specialized in the maintenance of highway and railroad bridges and viaducts. Tecnoviadotti offers a wide selection of services, including concrete cover hydrodemolition and restoration, structural rehabilitation and strengthening, bridge deck lifting, structural bearings substitution, expansion joints installation, deck impermeabilization. Today Tecnoviadotti counts over 220 realized projects, employs up to 50 staff and generates € 10 mln annual revenue. Tecnoviadotti is an affiliate of ANCE and a member of CONFINDUSTRIA. Referring to the Mission to Poland, we are keen on gaining useful information to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market, especially for what regards bridge maintenance. TECNOVIADOTTI S.r.l. Via G. di Vittorio, 27 39100 Bolzano Tel.: +39 0461 990030 Fax: +39 0461 961591 56 TERESINA IMPRESIT S.r.l. Teresina Impresit s.r.l. is a general contractor based in Rimini, providing commercial/industrial, general construction and design build services in Rimini and surrounding area since 1980. We are committed to providing professional project management, budget and schedule controls, quality construction components and skilled craftsmen. Founded in 1980, Teresina Impresit s.r.l. provides design-build, general construction, and construction management services to industrial, commercial, hospitality, and education institutions in the center and in the north of Italy. The family-owned business is headquartered in Rimini, and employs around 10 professionals. Teresina Impresit s.r.l. is an affiliated of Compagnia delle Opere and a member of ANCE and Confindustria Rimini. Referring the mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or renewal of buildings; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. TERESINA IMPRESIT S.r.l. Via Casalecchio, 35/D 47900 Rimini Tel.: +39 0541 731271 Fax: +39 0541 730924 57 TOTO S.p.A. TOTO S.p.A. V.le Abruzzo, 410 66100 Chieti Tel.: +39 0871 58741 Fax: +39 0871 552624 58 Toto S.p.A. is the parent company of the homonymous industrial Group, and through the controlled companies, it operates in different sectors: public works construction sector, highways management, buildings, airlines transportation, airport services management, rail transportation. The Group is composed of the following five main companies: Toto S.p.A., this parent company operates in the public works construction sector; Strada dei parchi S.p.A., a joint venture established with Società Autostrade S.p.A. for the management of A24 / A25 highways; AirOne S.p.A., the main Italian privately-owned airline company; E.A.S., operates in the airport services field; Rail One S.p.A. is engaged in the development of the first private railway carrier dedicated to railway transport. The consolidated turnover of Toto Group at 31 December 2007 exceeded 1 billion Euros and has important growth prospects in all business sectors in the next five years. The company mainly operates in the field of construction of roads, viaducts, tunnels and railway structures, both in Italy and abroad. The recently established group diversification (highway, railway, airport, airlines) established also in management, enables Toto S.p.a. to offer potential customers “ready made” projects, well detailed in each phase of their process, from planning to realisation and operative management. The family-owned business is headquartered in Chieti, in the middle part of Italy, and employs more than 600 professionals. Referring the Mission to Poland, we are keen on meeting a company which can provide us all the information regarding the purchasing of lands; or lawyers focusing on the constitution of Italian-Polish joint ventures; or analysts to understand the opportunity of the public infrastructure market; or renewal of building; or specialized in subcontracting of roads construction. VERONA BUILDING (Società del gruppo Valdadige Costruzioni S.p.A.) Verona building is a polish company specializing in real estate development, belonging to the well known Italian group Valdadige Costruzioni. Verona Building started the activity in Cracow in the year 2003, where is working at present in 6 projects at different stage of progress. Other 4 projects are in progress in the town of Wroclaw, and one in Poznan. All the projects are mainly dedicated to residential, and the standard goes from mediumhigh to high. The projects are in a range of size from 4 to 25.000 m2 of sellable area. The key of success of Verona Building’s offer is a great care of the projects, all in very good localisations, the architectural peculiarity of each project, the fair relationship with the costumers, a good balance between price and quality. Verona Building has a team of 30 people, and among them 6 expatriated. Verona Building, for the realisation of its investments, operates as general contractor. VERONA BUILDING Sp. Zo.o. Ul. Glowackiego, 4/9 30-085 Krakόw Tel.: +48 012 6239451 Fax: +48 012 6239450 59 VIGNOLI COSTRUZIONI s.r.l. Fifty years have passed from when Vignoli Costruzioni s.r.l. started working in the United States, in the field of construction of houses and services. Now the firm would like to expand in new markets. The Polish market appears interesting. For this reason we look forward to the participation to the ANCE mission in Warsaw. VIGNOLI S.r.l. Via di Corticella, 205 40128 Bologna Tel.: +39 051 6389378 60 MAIN PARTNERS IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR 61 ANAS S.p.A. ANAS S.p.A. is the management authority for the Italian road and motorway network of national importance. ANAS is responsible of 27,000 kilometres of roads and motorways. It is a public limited company. ANAS activity covers management, adaptation, improvement, construction of new major highways and motorways, monitoring of works, implementation of laws and regulations, participation in studies, research and experiments regarding road and traffic conditions. ANAS also operates on overseas markets performing specialised consultancy in the field of transport planning, toll concessions, modernisation of road networks, PM&C, design at any levels of detail, works supervision, economic, financial, administrative and legal consultancy services. ANAS, in 2004, signed a general cooperation agreement with the Poland General Directorate for national Roads and Motorways. Referring to the mission to Poland we would be very keen on having detailed information over the next infrastructures projects in the country and in meeting local engineering companies interested in creating international groups to participate to international tenders for engineering services. From the institutional point of view we would also interested in meeting Poland National authorities responsible for planning and management of the Polish road network. ANAS S.p.A. U.O. Internazionale Via Luigi Pianciani, 16 00185 Roma Tel.: +39 06 44466429 Fax: +39 06 44466490 62 FERROVIE DELLO STATO S.r.l. Ferrovie dello Stato Group is an industrial holding managing the Italian railway sector through its companies focused on specific businesses, the main are: Trenitalia, that operates the rail transport of local and long distance passengers and freight; Rete Ferroviaria Italiana that is the railway infrastructure manager, Italferr that is the engineering company and Grandi Stazioni that manages and exploit main railway stations commercially. The whole group currently employs over 98,000 people and operates 9,200 trains every day, transporting 540 million passengers and 77 million tonnes of freight a year. It has about 58,000 items of rolling stock travelling on the more than 16,000-kilometre rail network, and runs a ferry service between the mainland and Sardinia, and across the Strait of Messina. In recent years, Ferrovie dello Stato SpA has largely invested in technological innovation on signalling and train control systems developed on the new Italian High Speed Lines, like ERTMS 2 system. Ferrovie is the first European railways that has successfully put into operation such innovative system. Also, statistics confirm the Italian railways as the safest railway network in Europe. FERROVIE DELLO STATO S.p.A. Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 00161 Roma Tel.: +39 06 44103266 Fax: +39 06 44103668 63 OTHER ANCE PARTICIPANTS A.CO.FER. S.r.l. Corso G. Galilei, 8 10126 Torino Tel.: +39 011 6313151 Fax: +39 011 6315690 COGEIR COSTRUZIONI E GESTIONI S.r.l. Strada statale per Carovigno 72019 San Vito Dei Normanni (BR) Tel.:+39 0831 984654-5 Fax: +39 0831 952830 ANCE ASCOLI PICENO Corso Mazzini, 151 63100 Ascoli Piceno Tel.: +39 073 6273208 EDIL.N COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Via G. La Pira 3/6 c. commerciale “Aquilegia” 30027 San Donà di Piave (Ve) Tel.: +39 0421 309736 - 307210 Fax: +39 0421 309736 ASPERIA .r.l. Via Tevere, 3 96100 Siracusa Tel.: +39 0931 67618 Fax: +39 0931 462146 ASSIMPREDIL Via S. Maurilio, 21 20100 Milano Tel.: +39 028 8129539 Fax: +39 028 8129556 CD2 S.r.l. via Mentana, 33 10042 Nichelino (TO) Tel.: +39 011 19700788 Fax: +39 011 19702075 64 IMMOBILIARE COLOGNOLA S.r.l. Via Roma, 94 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel.: +39 045 7150516 Fax: +39 045 6767507 IMPRESA DI COSTRUZIONI ING. RAFFAELLO PELLEGRINI S.r.l. via Nazario Sauro, 9 09123 Cagliari Tel.: +39 070 265271 Fax: +39 070 270812 EREDI GERACI SALVATORE S.r.l. Via Aosta, 5 93014 Mussomeli (CL) Tel.: +39 0934 951018 Fax: +39 0934 991660 IMPRESA OLIVOTTO S.r.l. Via Nazionale Loc. Rivalgo-Ospitale di Cadore 32010 Belluno Tel.: +39 0437 578000 Fax: +39 0437 578010 GUGLIOTTA S.r.l. Via delle industrie, 36 13856 Vigliano Biellese (BI) Tel.: +39 015 811 516 Fax: +39 015 812 9419 ING. DELLA GATTA S.p.A. Via Salvo D’Acquisto, 184 81031 Aversa (CE) Tel.: +39 081 5045140 Fax: +39 081 5046488 I GIRASOLI IMMOBILIARE S.a.s. Via Oberdan, 59 37060 Bonferraro (VR) Tel.: +39 045 800 8335 Fax: +39 045 732 0061 045 505 317 massimo.marchiotto@ ITALCOSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Galileo Ferraris, 118 10129 Torino Tel.: +39 011 5681874 Fax: +39 011 5684285 ITALGEO S.r.l. Cavour, 95 98122 Messina Tel.: +39 090 716355 Fax: +39 090 674325 QiREF Italia, 17 20122 - Milano Tel.: +39 02 00621171 MASCO COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Via Martin Luther King, 4 60035 Iesi (AN) Tel. e Fax: +39 0731 200917 ROSSI RENZO COSTRUZIONI S.r.l. Via E. Mattei, 1/C 30020 Marcon (VE) Tel.: +39 041 595 2393 Fax: +39 041 595 2410 MASSANO S.r.l. Via Circonvallazione, 3 12040 Montanera (CN) Tel.: +39 0171 798107 Fax: +39 0171 798023 MONTICAVA STRADA S.r.l. Strada prov.le Campi-Squinzano km. 2 73012 Campi Salentina (LE) Tel.: +39 0832 791015 Fax: +39 0832 792301 PAGGI ADELMO S.r.l. Via Ellera, 6 06032 Torre Matigge di Trevi (PG) Tel.: +39 0742 677272 Fax: +39 0742 677291 SACI S.r.l. Via del Commercio, 21 60127 Ancona Tel.: +39 071 2800005 Fax.: +39 071 2839506 SEGECO S.r.l. Via dei Salesiani, 31/B 30174 Mestre (VE) Tel.: +39 041 914644 Fax: +39 041 5448231 SIMIONATO F.LLI S.r.l. Via Noalese, 38/B 30036 Santa Maria di Sala (VE) Tel.: +39 041 5760642 Fax: +39 041 5760048 SIST COSTRUZIONI S.p.A. Via Provinciale, 1140 21030 Cassano Valcuvia (VA) Tel.: +39 0332 995807 Fax: +39 0332 995878 TONET S.r.l. Zona Industriale, 6 32035 Santa Giustina (BL) Tel.: +39 0437 859300 Fax: +39 0437 857496 TULLI LINO & ANGELO COSTRUZIONI E LAVORI PUBBLICI S.n.c. Via Cannaiola, 34 06032 Borgo Trevi (PG) Tel.: +39 0742 381546 Fax: +39 0742 78286 VENETIA DOMUS S.r.l. Santa Croce 466/b 30135 Venezia Tel.: +39 0198 489942 Fax: +39 0199 490150 65