brochure - Intertecno
brochure - Intertecno BROCHURE CONTATTI CONTACTS SEDE / HEADQUARTERS Intertecno S.p.A. 20125 Milano – Viale Marche 13 Tel. +39 02 607901 – Fax: +39 02 60790200 BUDAPEST Poligon – Teta Mérnöki Iroda Kft. Könyves Kálmán Krt. 76 – H-1087 Budapest Tel +36 1 3036486 3036487 – Fax +36 1 3039050 FILIALE / BRANCH 00147 Roma – Via Giorgione 63 Tel. +39 06 4522701 – Fax: +39 06 45227099 VARSAVIA / WARSAW PMI – Project Management Intertecno Rakowiecka 36 – 02-532 Warsaw Tel +48 22 8498594 – Fax +48 22 6464767 FILIALE / BRANCH Tripoli Libya – An-Nasser Street – Pal. Al-Wahda Tel/Fax +218 21 7147145 THE FIRM PRESENTATION 1 Intertecno was established in 1973 and is now amongst Italy’s most qualified engineering firms with a forty years long experience in both Italian and international markets. Our major fields of competence range from multidisciplinary engineering design, to technical consultancy, as well as project and construction management. Our professional expertise and experience have ensured high quality services and the attainment of the most adequate technical solutions in relation to project obligations and the criteria of quality, timing and costs concerning realization, environmental sustainability and energy performance. We are a competent, professional and reliable firm able to tailor its services to the specific needs and characteristics of each Project and hence we are also a reliable Partner for our Clients.Our Clients’ interests are at the heart of our operations and thus we work with a balanced and professional approach in every situation to take care of them, as Partners do. Intertecno is entirely owned by its senior management, and we believe this to be a guarantee of autonomy, impartiality and independence. Our extensive expertise and experience, alongside the skills of our staff, our goal-oriented corporate philosophy, and – above all – the flexibility of our organization and our operations management system enable us to provide professional services during the whole lifecycle of a project, be it by assuming its full control and responsibility or by operating in specific sectors, based on our Clients’ needs and demands. The company is managed according to project management principles, and its matrix structure makes use of the same strict and yet flexible organizational principles that are the key elements for the development of each individual project. For example, a project manager is primarily responsible for the project and functional managers provide technical expertise and assign resources as needed. THE FIRM PRESENTATION 2 LOCATIONS Our headquarter offices are located in Milan. We are also present with a local office in Rome. Internationally, Intertecno operates in Poland and Hungary through directly controlled subsidiaries; in 2009 we opened a branch in Tripoli (Libya); also we have been operating in Iran with Projects of significant size for many years. TOP E In 1990 Intertecno participated in the foundation of TOP E, a network comprising leading, long-standing and well established European and American, independent consulting engineering firms. THE FIRM OUR HISTORY 1 THE START Intertecno’s history begins almost 50 years ago. In 1964, Mario Costantino and Pierluigi Cattaneo started their consulting engineering business venture in the hectic years of the Italian economic boom. During these years they rapidly made a name for themselves amongst the leaders of Italian building services design. In 1973, the rapid growth of the business has led the founders to transform their professional practice into a limited company, Intertecno S.p.A.. During the 70s, thanks to the professional prestige of the two founding partners, Intertecno consolidated its role as leader in the field of building services design in Italy, operating through offices in Milan and Rome. In the course of his long career, Mario Costantino held significant roles also in the world of associations as the chairman of AICARR (Italian Association Air Conditioning, Heating and Cooling), of REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations), and finally of EFCA, the Federation of European Engineering Associations. PIERLUIGI CATTANEO AND MARIO COSTANTINO – THE FOUNDERS OF INTERTECNO INTERTECNO’S FIRST OFFICE THE 80s AND 90s During the 1980s Pier Paolo Vecchi, an Architectural Studies Graduate from the Politecnico University in Milan, joined the Company with the role of General Manager, he later became one of the Company’s Shareholders as well. The new General Manager brought to the company his Project Management skill, gained during his experience within a major international engineering and contracting organization, and applied it to the commercial sector. In these years the company was able to develop new competences, ranging from the integrated design of all engineering aspects, to the introduction of a Project Management division. This allowed the company to expand its reach and business capabilities. The accomplishment of this major step forward was achieved with the important contribution of new shareholders, Paolo Zuccala, Giuseppe Baudille and Domenico Baudille. INTERTECNO’S TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT IN THE EIGHTIES THE FIRM OUR HISTORY 2 In the 1990’s, the fall of the Berlin wall opened new horizons for the firm. Intertecno seized these opportunities by beginning to establish cooperation relationships in Poland and Hungary with local companies active in the same field. In 1994-1995 Intertecno acquired the majority stakes of these companies. These initiatives enabled Intertecno to take an active part in the fast moving real estate market and industrial sector of these nations as well as to act as a bridge towards these countries for Italian companies. The first skyscraper built in Warsaw after the fall of the old regime is Italian, and Intertecno plays a leading role in its design and construction management. In the early 90s, with the opening of the markets within EU countries, Intertecno promoted the set-up of the first EEIG – European Economic Interest Group – among Engineering Companies in Europe. It is called TOP E and is based in Brussels; it includes 12 important Engineering Companies from EU countries. During those years, when market globalization was at its dawn, Intertecno’s initiatives abroad enabled it to build a sizeable network of cultural exchange and commercial support in Europe. This helped it to expand its horizons in the following years to increasingly far-away and difficult markets. FROM THE YEAR 2000 TO DATE In the first years of the new millennium, two new young Shareholders joined Intertecno, Alberto Romeo and Enrico Bonetti, thus confirming its philosophy and its mission of being a Company that is independent from industrial or financial groups and entirely owned by its Management so as to ensure services to its Clients exclusively in their best interests. In these years, Intertecno consolidated its leading position amongst Italian companies active in the hospitality sector, a field the company had already been operating in with several significant projects in the previous decade. FOTO 1 OUR PRESENT-DAY HEADQUARTERS THE FIRM OUR HISTORY 3 In the luxury hotels field Intertecno worked with prestigious international chains and Italian customers, successfully applying the methods of Project and Construction Management to building and renovation initiatives, often concerning historical buildings, of hotels and resorts all over Italy and abroad. Hotels like the Danieli in Venice, the Principe di Savoia in Milan and De Russie in Rome are just a few of the prestigious examples of hotels where the competence and professional expertise of Intertecno contributed to the refurbishment of the property, by carefully respecting their architectural history. Intertecno’s market leading expertise and know-how of integrated engineering design, alongside its ability to lead and manage complex projects with many professional figures as well as its capability as a project and construction manager, allow the firm to be employed by major Italian and foreign real estate operators in some of their most important developments. Some of these are located not only in Europe but also in Africa and in the Middle East, where Intertecno confirms its cooperation policy with local professionals already tested in Europe in previous years. Today, Intertecno is present with offices in Milan, Rome, Warsaw, Budapest and Tripoli (Libya), this attests to its increased ability of operating both domestically and internationally as well as to its capability of gearing its services and competences to the constantly changing needs of its clients while maintaining its key values unchanged over time: independence, high ethical standards, mindfulness of its employees and of the community settings it works in. These values, alongside with its dedication to Clients, its capability of endorsing their challenges, and its goal-oriented attitude have enabled Intertecno to keep growing over the past forty years and to expand its Customer portfolio as well as to retain a very good business relationship with its existing customers. THE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT IN MILAN THE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT IN ROME THE FIRM TOP MANAGEMENT 1 PIER PAOLO VECCHI CHAIRMAN AND CEO Mr. Vecchi has a degree in Architecture read at Milan’s Politecnico University in 1970, and he is registered at the Architects Board of the Province of Milan. He has joined Intertecno in 1987 as General Manager and he is currently the Company’s Chairman and CEO. Under his management Intertecno has consolidated its organizational structure and has developed in particular its integrated engineering capabilities as well as Project and Construction Management business, becoming a market leader especially in the hotel sector. Mr Vecchi is a member of the Board of Directors of Assolombarda (Entrepreneurial Association of the Milan Region) and Vice President of OICE. He is one of the Company’s shareholders. ALBERTO ROMEO GENERAL MANAGER Mr. Romeo has a degree in Civil Engineering which he read at Turin’s Politecnico in 1990. He then read a PhD at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) in 1995 and is registered at the Engineers Board of the Province of Turin. He has been working with Intertecno since 2001, initially as Project Manager, then becoming the Head of the Project Management department. He has been the Company’s General Manager since 2010 and is one of the Company’s shareholders. PAOLO ZUCCALA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Mr. Zuccala has a degree in Chemical Engineering which he read at Milan’s Politecnico University in 1978 and he is registered at the Engineers Boards of the Province of Milan. He has been working with Intertecno since 1990 and is today its Sales Manager. He is one of the Company’s shareholders. THE FIRM TOP MANAGEMENT 2 GIUSEPPE BAUDILLE VICE PRESIDENT AND TECHNICAL MANAGER Mr. Giuseppe Baudille has a degree in Electronics Engineering which he read at Milan’s Politecnico University in 1968 and he is registered at the Engineers Board of the Province of Milan. He has been working with Intertecno since 1982, acting as the Company’s Chief Operating Officer until 2010. Today he is Vice President and one of the Company’s shareholders. DOMENICO BAUDILLE MANAGER OF THE ROME BRANCH Mr. Domenico Baudille has a degree in Civil Engineering which he read at Milan’s Politecnico in 1972 and he is registered at the Engineers Board of the Province of Rome. He has been working with Intertecno since 1989 as Manager of the Rome Branch. In the capacity of Project Manager and Site Manager, he has worked at prestigious projects especially in the tourist and hotel industry sectors. He is one of the Company’s shareholders. ENRICO SERAFINO BONETTI MANAGER OF THE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Mr. Bonetti has a degree in Civil Engineering which he read at Milan’s Politecnico in 1979 and he is registered at the Engineers Board of the Province of Milan. He has been working with Intertecno since 1986, where he has mainly taken care of the construction sector which is in charge of important construction sites in Italy and abroad. He is one of the Company’s shareholders. THE FIRM OUR STAFF A crucial element to ensure the success of the projects we carry out on behalf of our clients is our team. The constant search for the best specialists in all the different disciplines we operate in is our permanent goal, alongside with the training of our younger staff. The high competence levels of our specialists is guaranteed by their continuing education and training. At present, most of our staff members have degrees in technical and scientific disciplines. We believe that the keys to our success lie in enabling our staff to work, within the range of their abilities, as independently and responsibly as possible, as well as favouring team spirit to support professional and personal cooperation within our organization and in the relationships with our Clients. This has allowed us to keep growing professionally as well as to increase our staff’s loyalty to the Company. These are the values that our organization has always promoted and sought for, aware that Intertecnos people have been and always will be the foundations on which our Company lays. THE FIRM MISSION Intertecno’s priority commitment is to maintain and strengthen its Project Management and Engineering competences in order to adequately meet the constant needs of both Customers and markets. To achieve this goal, Intertecno is continuously engaged in, amongst others, the following: • Offering its clients the best solutions for their projects in terms of quality, sustainability, scheduling and budget compliance. • Increasing its competitiveness by offering to clients its experience and know-how with an effective cost/benefits ratio that enables Intertecno to be their ideal Partner. • Becoming the point of contact of its clients by developing longlasting relationships and offering them assistance for all their needs. • Expanding its business across new geographical areas as well as in new sectors where the company’s distinctive competences can be successful. • Being always aware of its social responsibilities. THE FIRM CODE OF CONDUCT Intertecno operates in strict observance of the codes of ethics that guide the professional activities it carries out. Since July 2009, it has adopted an Ethics Code and a model of Organization Management and Control pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the above documents are intentionally included in the Italian version only. THE FIRM ASSOCIATIONS ASSOLOMBARDA Since 1975 Intertecno has been a member of Assolombarda, the local association of the entire entrepreneurial system of the Milan Region. Assolombarda is part of Confindustria (Italian Entrepreneurial Association). Pier Paolo Vecchi, President and CEO of Intertecno, is a Member of the Board of Directors of Assolombarda and member of the Council of the Innovative Tertiary Business Group. OICE Since 1978 Intertecno has been a member of OICE, the Italian Association of Engineering, Architecture and Technical-Economic Consultancy organizations that are members of Confindustria. At present, Pier Paolo Vecchi is the Vice President also in charge of the Market Development Area. ANIMP Since 1999 Intertecno has been a member of ANIMP, the National Association of Industrial Plant Engineering. The Association pursues the goal of representing and promoting plant engineering as well as the relevant cultural, scientific and knowledge sharing activities. GBC Since 2010 Intertecno has been a member of GBC (Green Building Council), a non-profit organization that promotes the independent building certification system LEED ® Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. THE FIRM CERTIFICATIONS DNV Since 1997 Intertecno has a Quality Assurance System complying with EN ISO 9001 certified by the independent body DNV Det Norske Veritas -. Since 2010 this certification has been complying with ISO 9001:2008. SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 Intertecno coordinates and manages Projects during their whole lifecycle. We have a staff of competent, professional and motivated project managers who are able to comply with all the obligations, with the requested quality level, with the Client’s deadlines, with the approved budget and with the environmental sustainability and energy performance goals. Our project managers work on the basis of the operating procedures that have been developed during our many years of experience as well as on the basis of international standards. OUR SERVICES The main activities in the field of Project Management are the following: TO ACT AS AGENTS ON BEHALF OF CLIENTS Acting as agents on behalf of Clients in the management of contracts. STRATEGY CONSULTING Setting up work strategies, defining and sharing goals with Clients. OVERALL COORDINATION Coordinating all the players involved, such as consultants, designers, firms and suppliers across all the phases. PROJECT PLANNING AND TIMELINE CONTROL Defining the overall project schedule, implementing correction measures. PROJECT BUDGETING E COST CONTROL controlling deviations, Defining the overall budget of the project, controlling deviations, implementing corrective measures. SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 CONSULTING IN RELATION TO CALLS FOR TENDER AND PROCUREMENT Determining tender strategies for works and services and the most appropriate contractual instruments. Prequalification of contractors and suppliers, and preparation of tender packages. Management of calls for tender and evaluation of offers. Assistance in construction contract awarding. PROJECT COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT Drawing up project reports, constant liaison with the Client concerning the progress of the Project; provision of forecasts and timely notification regarding decisions the Client has to take. PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Spotting the potential risks involved in the project and defining risk reduction and control measures. VALUE ENGINEERING Consulting on optimising project solutions in order to minimise time and costs maintaining the same performance and quality level. SERVICES ENGINEERING & DESIGN 1 The Intertecno Technical Department has strong design competences in the various disciplines of engineering and technical architecture (building services, foundations and structure, façades and roofing, internal distribution, space planning, finishes, outdoor landscaping, etc.) as well as safety and security systems. Our flexible organization can provide complete and coordinated multidisciplinary design as well as disciplinespecific design packages in coordination with other professionals. In addition, our experience allows us to undertake projects that are particularly complex due to their size, logistics, multidisciplinary approach, the linking of their phases, etc, such as: refurbishment works with or without activity interruption, large-scale urban development projects, projects under difficult conditions, and much more. Special emphasis is laid on the issues of energy efficiency and sustainability also in relation to the various certification protocols. The technical design services are made to measure. Intertecno’s approach is to provide these services with a Project Management methodology to ensure the utmost efficiency and Customer satisfaction. OUR SERVICES The main services of Intertecno in the field of engineering & design are the following: PRELIMINARY DESIGN In this phase our designers assess possible design alternatives according to operational, economic and regulatory constraints, providing Clients with the necessary instruments to decide which technical solution best suits their ideas and needs. SERVICES ENGINEERING & DESIGN 2 FINAL DESIGN AND AUTHORIZATIONS PLANNING FOR OBTAINING PERMITS AND In this phase the basic elements of the project are pinpointed regarding all its technical and economic factors, and the necessary programs are worked out to obtain all the required authorizations (Building Permit, Fire Department, Health Department, Fine Arts Office, etc.). PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP OF ALL THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND AUTHORIZATION PROCEDURES Our project managers take care of the preparation, submission and follow-up of the technical and administrative documentation up to the obtaining of the relevant permits or authorizations. DETAILED DESIGN In this phase all the facets of the detailed design are analysed. All the issues concerning the projects are studied in order to reach a completed definition of the design and commence construction: this allows the Client to minimize the risks of future claims or potential litigations during the construction phase. DRAWING UP TENDER SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT SCHEMES, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS, BILL OF QUANTITIES, ESTIMATES AND PRICE LISTS H&S DESIGN (SAFETY COORDINATION IN THE DESIGN STAGE) DRAWING UP PERFORMANCE-RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND BUILDING SERVICES VALIDATION OF THE PROJECTS EXECUTED BY THIRD PARTIES THE Intertecno provides technical validation and verification services for private clients through the application of protocols codified within the quality assurance system. SERVICES ENGINEERING & DESIGN 3 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT (PROCUREMENT AGENT) Intertecno operates as Procurement Agent for direct purchasing by the Client. The services are mainly related to – but not limited to – Hotel FF&E and OS&E, and M&E main equipment. The Project Procurement Plan includes a number of services along the whole lifecycle of the supplies, from pre-selection of vendors to final acceptance. SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1 During the construction phase, Intertecno offers and delivers for each project services which are functional to the contracting strategies. These can range from entrusting the works to a single General Contractor, to a series of separate contracts with qualified companies and suppliers. Our Construction Management department is staffed with construction managers, site managers, discipline specialists and assistants who are able to manage complex construction sites. They operate on the basis of special procedures that we have developed and codified over many years, as well as of international standards. OUR SERVICES In the field of Construction Management Intertecno can provide, amongst others, the following services: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION To assume the role and responsibility of the general construction site supervisor, as well as the role of supervisor of each discipline. TECHNICAL CONSULTING REGARDING BUILDING SITE STRATEGIES Analysis of possible alternatives for the optimisation of the construction process based on cost-effectiveness goals and realization timeline. COORDINATION OF SUB-CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS Coordination and harmonisation of the activities entrusted to different sub-contractors and of the possible direct supplies according to the principles of Construction Management, in particular according to procurement models with separate contracts. SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 2 SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES The construction supervision and control activity is performed with the help of well-tested management procedures. These concern, among other activities, all the operation phases, all the procedures aimed at the delivery of quality results, the proper information flow and the continuous updating regarding schedules and progress. VERIFICATION AND CONTROL OF THE PROGRAMMES FOR THE TIMELY COMPLETION OF BUILDING WORKS VERIFICATION AND CONTROL OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION BUDGETING AND COST CONTROL QUALITY CONTROL AND ACCEPTANCE/DELIVERY OF THE WORKS EXPEDITING Intertecno performs inspections at the production facilities of contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers in order to verify the quality and correct timing of the supplies and the parts of the works built offsite. MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE ORDERS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS AND LITIGATIONS FUNCTIONAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS DURING THE WORKS, ACCEPTANCE TESTS Technical and administrative inspections, inspections on structures, functional tests concerning the building services, verification of the required performances indicators, acceptance tests. ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING FIT FOR USE CERTIFICATES SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3 ASSISTANCE IN THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORKS AND THEIR COMMISSIONING Intertecno provides services for the supervision and coordination of precommissioning and commissioning so as to ensure the proper process in the acceptance and use of the works. SAFETY MANAGEMENT Assuming the role and responsibility of Safety Coordinator during the construction works and acting as Safety Manager. SERVICES CONSULTANCY 1 Intertecno supplies a wide range of technical consulting services combining specific consulting competences with the professional know-how of the different activity sectors (Project and Construction Management, Engineering), in order to produce documents that are complete, exhaustive and coordinated in technical, economic and managerial terms. OUR SERVICES In the field of Consultancy Services, Intertecno can provide, amongst others, the following services: TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDIES TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE TDD (Technical Due Diligence) services for real estate sells and acquisitions. BUILDING SURVEYS AND VERIFICATION OF CONDITIONS OF A PROPERTY’S SERVICES (FINISHES, SERVICES, STRUCTURES, ETC.) ENERGY CHECK-UP FOR BUILDINGS Services for the verification of the energy consumption of existing buildings or building complexes, aimed at determining the measures suited to reduce running costs and increase energy efficiency. CONSULTANCY REGARDING ENERGY REDUCTION ISSUES ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATION FOR ANY KIND OF PROPERTY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTS OVERALL PROJECT MONITORING Overall Project Monitoring on behalf of Clients and investors to ensure that works are properly carried out by all the parties involved in the operations process. SERVICES CONSULTANCY 2 RISK ANALYSIS DRAWING UP BOTH SHORT AND LONG TERM MAINTENANCE PLANS SERVICES OF PROJECT VALIDATION AND VALUE ENGINEERING Intertecno supplies services for the validation and supervision of projects, and proposes technical solutions aimed at time and money saving thus ensuring equal performances. TECHNICAL CONSULTING AND PROJECT MONITORING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF BANKS AND INVESTORS COORDINATION OF TENANTS FIT OUT WORKS FOR SHOPPING CENTRES (PILOTAGE) Intertecno has developed exhaustive experience in the field coordination of tenant fit out works for shopping malls and production facilities, interacting with the technical departments of the different tenants and ensuring a coordinated development of fit out works. AND PRODUCTION FACILITIES ASSISTANCE IN MANAGING CLAIMS Intertecno has developed specific competencies in technical claims management of construction projects. This activity, that was once carried out mainly as part of Project Management services, is now also performed as a separate professional service. SERVICES EPC CONTRACT Besides offering professional engineering and P&CM services, Intertecno can also operate as EPC Contractor (Engineering, Procurement, Construction). As EPC contractor, Intertecno is the Client’s only point of contact for technical issues in the realization of construction works according to contract types adjusted to special needs, such as: TURN-KEY CONTRACTS OPEN BOOK COST-PLUS-FEE CONTRACTS This kind of contract is particularly suited to high-tech or complex projects, without weighing on the Client’s management structure. The unitary management – entrusted to Intertecno – of the design, procurement and construction processes ensures the proper result and quality, maximum timeline optimization and a transparent cost management. SERVICES SUSTAINABILITY Intertecno has always been committed to developing innovative environmentally-friendly energy- and resource-efficient projects. Over the years we have selected and adopted the most reliable and bestsuited reference methods in the sector. Hence, we are able to offer professional services in the field of sustainable engineering; these services are provided by our qualified engineers with dedication and commitment, but also with the necessary pragmatism to choose the most viable alternatives and ensure to our Clients sustainable solutions not only in relation to the environment, but also from the technical, economic and programmatic standpoint. OUR SERVICES Intertecno can provide the following services: DEFINING THE REFERENCE PROTOCOL (LEED, SBC/ITACA, BREEAM ETC.) CONSULTANCY FOR BUILDING CERTIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE CHOSEN PROTOCOL SPOTTING BOTH TECHNICAL AND DESIGN SOLUTIONS TO ACHIEVE THE BEST POSSIBLE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES (ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY, WATER) AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEFINING MATERIALS THE CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES AND SELECTING THE (ECOLABEL) PREPARING BUILDING THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND FIELDS OF COMPETENCE 1 HOTELS Intertecno is Italy’s leading engineering company in the hotel field. Over the years we have managed several projects on behalf of the most prestigious operators, each with its own peculiarities, but all sharing the same high quality of the final product and strict process control so as to ensure delivery within time and budget . Therefore, we have developed special design and project & construction management methods that are particularly efficient in projects, often involving the refurbishment of buildings of historical and architectural value, and often requiring that the premises remain open to the public during the works. OFFICES We have been working for many years in the field of office and commercial properties, where space planning, optimization of the building shell, the microenvironment conditions, the choice of efficient and comfortable building services solutions, the reliability of the communication and building management systems, the safety of the working environment must comply with the latest quality standards. Our references from both Italian and international Clients speak for themselves. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE 2 INDUSTRIES INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Intertecno has gained valuable experience in the pharmaceutical, foodindustry, manufacturing and telecommunications fields. The capability of designing and completing the physical space as well as the provision of services for the most diverse and sophisticated production processes, along with an environmentally-friendly approach, are the distinguishing features of Intertecno’s projects. Intertecno has developed considerable know-how in the field of large-sized buildings for public agencies and of public properties in general, such as exhibition venues, theatres, schools and universities, stations and terminals always adopting optimum solutions regarding functional aspects, efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness. We provide integrated services for real estate development for residential purposes, taking care – not only of design and P&CM – but also of providing tailored solutions to clients while works are in progress through specifically set-up procedures. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE 3 HEALTHCARE SHOPPING CENTRES We have specific competences in the design and project management concerning the new construction or refurbishment of existing facilities in the health and social care field. In particular, we have worked in complex situations where significant refurbishment works were performed ensuring continuity of care and compliance with particularly strict delivery terms. Our technical department has the capability to deliver integrated projects in the healthcare sector also including competences of medical engineering. We have specific know-how and competences in the realization of large retail facilities, as far as both the design and Project and Construction Management services are concerned, as well as the coordination concerning the fit out of shops and the pilotage procedures of the tenants. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE 4 HISTORICAL BUILDINGS Intertecno has gained sizeable know-how in the field of renovating historic buildings subject to liens or of special architectural value, managing such complex situations both at the designing stage and during construction, for hospitality, residential and commercial purposes. URBAN DEVELOPMENT We operate in the field of infrastructure and development work of large areas as well as in the field of energy production (cogeneration and trigeneration) and transport. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Intertecno has been operating abroad since its early years and has an operational structure able to supply specific consulting, P&CM as well as work supervision services in Europe and throughout the world. In recent years Intertecno has provided design and work supervision services in Poland, Hungary, Libya, Iran, Central America, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti and other countries. PROGETTI PROJECTS EUROMILANO S.p.A. EXPO VILLAGE – CASCINA MERLATA - 1 2004 – oggi/today MILANO-ITALIA Il nuovo quartiere Cascina Merlata si trova a Nord-Ovest di Milano, in prossimità del futuro insediamento dell’Expo 2015 e del polo fieristico di Rho-Pero. Elemento centrale dell’intervento è rappresentato dalla realizzazione di 52.459 m² di residenze. I servizi di Intertecno riguardano le unità di intervento R9.3 e R11 che comprendono 11 edifici a torre, per un totale di circa 681 appartamenti oltre a 608 posti auto e 104 box. Grande rilievo verrà dato al confort delle residenze, dall’ottimizzazione del microclima nel rispetto delle linee del risparmio energetico (teleriscaldamento, fotovoltaico, produzione di acqua calda centralizzata, pompe di circolazione con inverter ad alta efficienza, etc.) agli aspetti termo acustici (divisori interni, isolamenti termo acustici, tipologia infissi, vetri, etc.). The new development “Cascina Merlata” is located in the northwestern part of Milan, close to site of Expo 2015, and the RhoPero Exhibition ground. One of the main features of this development is the realization of 52,459 sqm of residential buildings. Intertecno’s services refer to units R9.3 and R11 which include 11 residential tower for about 681 apartments, 608 parkings and 104 underground parking spaces. Great emphasis will be given to the comfort of the apartments, to the optimization of the internal microclimate and to energy saving principles. The buildings are connected to a district heating system and equipped with photovoltaic panels, and high efficiency water distribution systems. Particular consideration is given to thermo-acoustic performances of the partitions (internal and external) and of the windows (frames and glass). PROGETTI PROJECTS EUROMILANO S.p.A. EXPO VILLAGE – CASCINA MERLATA - 2 2004 – oggi/today MILANO-ITALIA Grazie alle scelte di edilizia e di impiantistica effettuate, gli edifici avranno alte prestazioni energetiche, consentendo notevoli risparmi sui consumi se comparati a quelli di un edificio di edilizia tradizionale. Servizi Intertecno: • • Progettazione strutturale Direzione Lavori Generale e delle strutture Architetti: Mario Cucinella Architects CZA-Cino Zucchi Architetti Pura Teknoarch B22 C+S Associati Data: 2013-in corso Thanks to construction and systems choices made, the buildings will have high energetic performances and will allow considerable energy savings in comparison to traditional buildings. Services by Intertecno: • • Structural Design Work supervision Architects: Mario Cucinella Architects CZA-Cino Zucchi Architetti Pura Teknoarch B22 C+S Associati Date: 2013-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PERMASTEELISA GARTNER QATAR LLC NUOVO AEROPORTO INTERNAZIONALE DI DOHA – NUOVE LOUNGE NEL TERMINAL PASSEGGERI – 1 NEW DOHA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – PASSENGER TERMINAL COMPLEX LOUNGES - 1 DOHA - QATAR Con l’apertura prevista nella seconda metà del 2013 il Nuovo Aeroporto Internazionale di Doha sarà uno dei più avanzati al mondo. Il progetto comprende tutte le opere di completamento e i relativi impianti di 17 sale di imbarco comprese quelle di prima e business class con una superficie totale di 40.000 m². Il progetto ha una importante valenza architettonica e finiture di altissimo livello con una complessa attività di coordinamento tra i diversi sistemi costruttivi e gli impianti tecnici. Il programma di realizzazione prevede il completamento dell’opera in tempi molto brevi. Scheduled to open for passenger traffic in the second half of 2013, the New Doha International Airport will be one of the world’s most advanced airports. The project includes fit out and completion of 17 passenger lounges including first class and business class. The total surface is 40,000 sqm. The project includes extensive architectural features, high-end finishes and complex coordination between multiple trades with aggressive completion schedule. PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PERMASTEELISA GARTNER QATAR LLC NUOVO AEROPORTO INTERNAZIONALE DI DOHA – NUOVE LOUNGE NEL TERMINAL PASSEGGERI – 2 NEW DOHA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – PASSENGER TERMINAL COMPLEX LOUNGES – 2 DOHA - QATAR Servizi Intertecno: • Coordinamento generale della progettazione interdisciplinare e degli arredi fissi • Progettazione Costruttiva di opere civili e di finitura • Programmazione generale dei lavori • Construction Management Architetto: Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel & partners Data: 2012-in corso Services by Intertecno: • Design Coordination • Preparation of shop drawings • Programming • Project Management Architect: Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel & partners Date: 2012-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ILO – INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION QUARTIER GENERALE – 1 HEADQUARTERS – 1 GINEVRA - SVIZZERA Intervento di ristrutturazione della sede centrale dell’ILO a Ginevra per una superficie totale di 100.000 mq. Il progetto comprende le seguenti attività: - rilievo dello stato di fatto dell’edificio, architettonico, delle strutture e degli impianti - studio e progettazione per la ristrutturazione e messa a norma dell’edificio e degli impianti: • rifacimento o recupero delle facciate e delle vetrate del «colonnato»; • ristrutturazione dei piani uffici e delle sale riunioni; • ristrutturazione parziale delle sale conferenze, cinema, delle aree di servizio e delle centrali interrate; • verifica delle strutture in c.a.; Renovation of ILO headquarters in Genève for a total surface of 100,000 sqm. The project involves the following activities: - building survey, architectural, structural and MEP - study and design of renovation under consideration of applicable norms and standards for building and utilities: • renovation of building façade and «colonnade» glazing; • restructuring of office floors with meeting rooms • partial renovation of conference rooms, theater, service areas and underground utility rooms • assessment of concrete structures PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ILO – INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION QUARTIER GENERALE – 2 HEADQUARTERS – 2 GINEVRA - SVIZZERA • • • rinnovamento degli impianti meccanici e di climatizzazione con particolare attenzione al contenimento dei consumi energetici; realizzazione di una centrale con gruppi polivalenti che utilizzino per lo scambio termico l’acqua del lago Lemano; rinnovamento degli impianti elettrici e speciali Servizi Intertecno: • • • Progettazione preliminare, definitiva ed esecutiva per gara degli impianti Modellazione energetica Studio per certificazione LEED Architetto: Groupe H Data: 2012-in corso • • • renovation of mechanical and HVAC installations with particular attention for the energy consumption containment installation of heat pumps utilizing lake water as thermal reservoir renovation of electrical and low voltage installations Services by Intertecno: • • • Preliminary, Permit and Tender design of MEP systems Energy modeling Study for LEED certification Architect: Groupe H Date: 2012-current PROGETTI PROJECTS BANCA PATRIMONI SELLA PALAZZO BRICHERASIO BRICHERASIO BUILDING 2004 – oggi/today TORINO Intervento di ristrutturazione di Palazzo Bricherasio a Torino destinato ad ospitare gli uffici della società. Il palazzo ha una superficie complessiva di circa 2000 mq. Renovation of “Bricherasio” building in Turin to be used for offices. The building has got a total surface of about 2,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’Appalto Direzione lavori specialistica • • • Preliminary Design and Application for permits Tender design Site supervision Architetto: Architect: Studio Amdl Studio Amdl Data: Date: 2011-2013 2011-2013 PROGETTI PROJECTS LORO PIANA S.p.A. STABILIMENTO DIVISIONE LUXURY GOODS LUXURY GOODS DIVISION FACTORY 2004 – oggi/today ROMAGNANO SESIA (NOVARA) Rinnovamento di edifici esistenti e costruzione di nuovi edifici da destinare ad uffici (10.000 m²), aree prodotto, magazzini, logistica, mensa e maglieria nonché le sistemazioni delle aree esterne su una superficie complessiva di 30.000 m². Renovation of exiting buildings and construction of new buildings to be used for offices (10,000 sqm), production areas, warehouses and logistics, catering and knitwear manufacturing and relevant landscape work on a total area of 30,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Studio di fattibilità Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’Appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione temporale Controllo costi Reporting periodico Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Feasibility Study Preliminary Design and Application for permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and tender documents Programming and progress monitoring Tender management Cost management Reporting Data: 2011-2012 Date: 2011-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today GRANDS HOTELS DU CONGO RISTRUTTURAZIONE DEL GRAND HOTEL KINSHASA RENOVATION OF GRAND HOTEL KINSHASA KINSHASA-CONGO La ristrutturazione dell’hotel riguarda 166 stanze, 15 junior suites, 8 suites, 1 presidential suite, ristoranti, cucina, bar, lobby principale per una superficie totale di circa 12.000 m², e la ristrutturazione della facciata. L’hotel è gestito da Lonrho. The hotel renovation involves 166 rooms, 15 junior suites, 8 suites, 1 presidential suite, restaurants, kitchen, bar and main lobby for a total of about 12.000 sqm, as well as a façade renovation. The hotel is operated by Lonhro. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Progettazione e Direzione Lavori impianti meccanici ed elettrici Data: 2012-in corso • • Project Management Design and Work Supervision of MEP Systems Date: 2012-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today MULTI DEVELOPMENT ITALIA NUOVO CENTRO COMMERCIALE «VALLE AURELIA» NEW «VALLE AURELIA» SHOPPING CENTRE ROMA Nuovo progetto di sviluppo di un centro commerciale all’interno dell’area denominata “Valle Aurelia” (circa 30.000 m²) situata a nord di Città del Vaticano – Roma. Nel passato Valle Aurelia era chiamata “Valle Inferno” per via delle alte ciminiere fumanti delle fabbriche di mattoni presenti in tutta la valle. Il centro commerciale rappresenta un “canyon urbano” che mette in connessione la vecchia fornace con l’area residenziale. New project development of a shopping centre in the area called “Valle Aurelia” (about 30.000 sqm) located to the north of Vatican’s wall – Rome. In the past Valle Aurelia was called “Hell’s Valley” because of the high chimneys belching out smoke coming from the brick factories placed in all the valley. The shopping mall is an “urban canyon” connecting the old furnace to the residential area. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • Project Management Construction Management Validazione del Progetto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Reporting periodico Architetto: T+T Design Data: 2011-in corso • • • • • • • Project Management Construction Management Project Validation Tender Management Programming Cost Management Reporting Architect: T+T Design Date: 2011-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today BURJ AL BAHER TOURISM INVESTMENT JSC COMPLESSO MULTI-FUNZIONALE MULTI-USE COMPLEX TRIPOLI-LIBYA Il progetto riguarda lo sviluppo di un grande intervento immobiliare a Tripoli, che prevede la realizzazione di tre edifici a torre destinati ad appartamenti, uffici e spazi commerciali. L’intervento è in Al-Jalaa Road, a 10 km dal centro di Tripoli di fronte alla Costa del Mediterraneo. Il progetto comprende: -1 Hotel con 32 piani, alto circa 125 m -1 Hotel di Suites con 28 piani, alto circa 106 m - 1 edificio ad uso uffici con 21 piani, alto circa 93 m - Superficie del lotto: 70,000 m² - Superficie lorda: 92.567 m² The project refers to a mixed development of a Hotel, serviced apartments, offices and retail facilities. The site is along Al-Jalaa Road, 10 km from Tripoli city centre, facing the Mediterranean Sea. In particular it includes: -Hotel Tower 32 Floors, approx 125 m high - All-Suite Hotel Tower – 28 floors, approx 106 m high - Office Tower – 21 floors, approx 93 m high - Site area: 7 ha. (70,000 sqm) - Gross Floor Area: 92,567 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Supervisione lavori • • Project Management Work Supervision Progettista: Design Concept: Arcop Arcop Architetto: Architectural: Chao Tse Ann and Partners Chao Tse Ann and Partners Interior design: Interior design: Hirsch Bedner Ass. Hirsch Bedner Ass. Data: Date: 2010-in corso 2010-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today COMPLESSO MULTI-FUNZIONALE MULTI-USE COMPLEX BENGHAZI-LIBYA Il progetto riguarda un intervento immobiliare a Benghazi. Esso è costituito da tre torri: una con destinazione uffici, una con destinazione residenziale ed una con destinazione alberghiera per una superficie totale di 130.000 m². The project refers to a multi-use complex in Benghazi. The complex is constituted by three tower buildings: 1 for offices, 1 for residences and 1 for hotels for a total area of 130,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Work Supervision Architetto: Tabanlioglu Architects Data: 2010-in corso • • Project Management Works Supervision Architect: Tabanlioglu Architects Date: 2010-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today NUOVO SVILUPPO TURISTICO NEW RESORT DEVELOPMENT GAMINIS-LIBYA Realizzazione di un complesso turistico-alberghiero ubicato a 10 km a sud dalla città di Gaminis, sulla costa mediterranea in prossimità di Benghazi. Il progetto comprende hotels, ville, chalets, ristoranti, centri sportivi, un centro termale e parcheggi su una superficie di circa 1,040,000 m². Realization of a building complex in a site located 10 km south of Gaminis Town, on the Mediterranean coast. The project will include Hotels, villas, chalets restaurants, sport center, SPA, car parking etc. on a total area of 1,040,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Master Planning Progettazione architettonica Programmazione preliminare ingegneristica infrastrutturale Progettazione paesaggistica Architetto: Intertecno S.p.A. (Sandro Sergi) Data: 2010-in corso • • • • • Project Management Master Planning Architectural Concept Design Infrastructure and Utilities Concept Design Concept Landscape Design Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. (Sandro Sergi) Date: 2010-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today CENTRO COMMERCIALE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX BENGHAZI-LIBYA Il progetto riguarda un complesso commerciale a Benghazi costituito da un centro commerciale (60.000 m²), un’acquapark (42.000 m²) e una laguna (22.500 m²). The project refers to a commercial complex in Benghazi. The complex is constituted by a shopping centre (60.000 sqm), aquapark (42.000 sqm) and Lagoon (22.500 sqm). Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Supervisione lavori Architetto: 2D Architects Data: 2010-in corso • • Project Management Work Supervision Architect: 2D Architects Date: 2010-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today BONYAD MOSTAZAFAN .AMPLIAMENTO E RISTRUTTURAZIONE DELLA SEDE HEADQUARTER’S RENOVATION AND EXTENSION TEHRAN-IRAN Ristrutturazione completa e sopraelevazione del quartier generale, con particolare attenzione a: Complete renovation and extension of Headquarter’s offices, with particular consideration of: - Rifacimento facciata - Sistemi di sicurezza antincendio - Risparmio energetico - Salute e confort del personale - Nuove tecnologie e flessibilità - New facade - Fire Safety - Energy Saving - Health and comfort of the personnel - New technologies and flexibility L’edificio ha una superficie lorda di 47.000 m² The total gross area of the building is 47.000 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Progettazione architettonica e ingegneristica Architetto: Intertecno S.p.A. Data: 2010-in corso • • Project Management Architectural and Engineering Design Services Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Date: 2010-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today CCR ISPRA NUOVO EDIFICIO UFFICI - IPSC 102 IPSC 102 - NEW OFFICE BUILDING ISPRA (VARESE) Progettazione del nuovo edificio dell’Istituto per la Sicurezza del Cittadino. L’edificio è destinato ad ospitare circa 300 ricercatori del centro ed ha una superficie coperta di circa 6.000 m². Dal punto di vista energetico si prevede la certificazione in Classe A e l’ottenimento del Green Building Certificate dell’Unione Europea. New office Building for the Institute for Protection and Security of the Citizens. The building is to house about 300 researchers of the Joint Research Center and has a covered area of about 6,000 sqm. In terms of energy it is expected to be certified Class A and obtain the Green Building Certificate of the European Union. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Progettazione preliminare ed esecutiva delle opere civili, strutturali e degli impianti dei servizi generali Architetto: • • Project Management Preliminary and Final Design for civil, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural works Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Intertecno S.p.A. Data: Date: 2009-in corso 2009-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today CCR ISPRA CENTRO COMUNE DI RICERCA DELL’UNITA’ EUROPEA JOINT RESEARCH CENTER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ISPRA (VARESE) Costruzione di due nuovi laboratori di ricerca presso il Centro Comune di Ricerca dell’Unione Europea di Ispra (VA) per un totale di 26.000 m² e circa 40 milioni di € di investimento. Si tratta del progetto edilizio più importante per Ispra degli ultimi 50 anni e segna il rilancio del Centro che occupa oltre 1.800 ricercatori. I laboratori, rispettivamente in campo ambientale e delle "life sciences", sono tecnologicamente all’avanguardia con particolare attenzione ai temi dell’efficienza energetica e della sostenibilità ambientale. The project includes two new research buildings by the Ispra (VA) Joint Research Center of the European Union. The buildings have a covered area of 26.000 sqm and require an investment of approximately 40 million €. The project is the largest single investment in construction in Ispra in the last 50 years. It marks the beginning of a new development era for the Center which employs over 1.800 researchers. The laboratories - for environmental and life sciences are technologically advanced with particular emphasis on energy efficiency and mitigation of environmental impacts. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Direzione Lavori Architetto: Politecnica Data: 2009-in corso • Site Supervision Architect: Politecnica Date: 2009-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today AP LEGNANO - PALLADIUM NUOVO SVILUPPO RESIDENZIALE NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGNANO (MILANO) Realizzazione di un nuovo complesso residenziale composto da sette edifici per una superficie totale di circa 30.000 m² Development of a new residential complex consisting in seven buildings for a total surface of about 30.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Coordinamento Sicurezza Architetto: Antonio Citterio & Partners Data: 2008-in corso • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting H&S Planning Architect: Antonio Citterio & Partners Date: 2008-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today INTESA SANPAOLO S.p.A. CENTRO CONTABILE EDP CENTER MONCALIERI (TORINO) Ristrutturazione integrale del complesso edilizio che ha una superficie di circa 47.000 m². Complete refurbishment of a complex which has a total building area of about 47.000 sqm. La ristrutturazione viene realizzata per fasi senza interrompere le attività operative. Phased refurbishment without breaking off the daily work activities. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) Data: 2008-current • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) Date: 2008-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PROVINCIA DI MILANO ISTITUTI SCOLASTICI SCHOOL BUILDINGS LEGNANO (MILANO) Ristrutturazione dell’edificio scolastico esistente “ITGC Dell’Acqua”. Realizzazione di un nuovo complesso scolastico completo di nuove aule, laboratori e palestra. Ristrutturazione della palestra esistente presso “IPIA e ITI Bernocchi” Refurbishment of the existing school building called “ITGC Dell’Acqua” . Realization of a new school building including new classrooms, laboratories and gym. Refurbishment of the existing gym of “IPIA and ITI Bernocchi” school building. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Construction Management Architetto: • • Project Management Construction Management Architect: Arch. Valle Arch. Valle Data: Date: 2007-in corso 2007-current PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today MINISTERO DEGLI AFFARI ESTERI CANCELLERIA DIPLOMATICA DELL’AMBASCIATA D’ITALIA ITALIAN EMBASSY TEHRAN-IRAN Lavori di restauro, adeguamento antisismico, adeguamento funzionale e impiantistico, sicurezza ed arredamento del complesso immobiliare sede della cancelleria diplomatica dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Teheran. Complete renovation of the Italian Embassy in Teheran. The project includes restoration works, anti-seismic reinforcement, functional and installation updating new security system and furniture. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Management Architetto: Architect: Luciano De Licio / Giuliano Begnozzi Luciano De Licio / Giuliano Begnozzi Data: Date: 2003-in corso 2003-current PROGETTI PROJECTS FONDAZIONE OPERA SAN CAMILLO OSPEDALE SAN PIO X S. PIO X HOSPITAL 2004 - oggi MILANO Progettazione e realizzazione chiavi in mano di: - un nuovo reparto di medicina nucleare per una superficie complessiva di circa 300 m2 - un nuovo reparto di urologia per una superficie complessiva di circa 160 m2 - un nuovo reparto di radioterapia per una superficie complessiva di circa 480 m2 - un’area didattica per una superficie complessiva di circa 340 m2 dedicata a scuola infermieri - installazione di un impianto di spegnimento automatico di tipo Water-Mist al livello secondo interrato del Corpo F - sostituzione delle torri evaporative in copertura al Corpo B con torri di nuova fornitura e taglia - sostituzione dei 9 UPS attualmente a servizio dei 2 blocchi operatori con 2 nuovi sistemi di UPS indipendenti - sostituzione dei due UPS a servizio del CED e della Sala TAC con nuove apparecchiature Design and realisation of the following turnkey projects: - a new nuclear medicine ward for a total surface area of approx. 300 sqm - a new urology ward for a total surface area of approx 160 sqm - a new radiotherapy ward for a total surface area of approx. 480 sqm - a teaching zone for a total surface area of approx. 340 sqm dedicated to a nursing school - installation of an automatic water mist system on the 2 basement floor of Building F - replacement of the roof chillers of Building B with new ones - replacement of n. 9 UPS currently serving the 2 operating theatres with n. 2 new independent UPS systems - replacement of n. 2 UPS serving the EDP and the CAT scan rooms with new ones - complete over of the Medium Voltage section of the MV/LV substation serving Building B. PROGETTI PROJECTS FONDAZIONE OPERA SAN CAMILLO OSPEDALE SAN PIO X S. PIO X HOSPITAL 2004 - oggi MILANO - completo rifacimento della sezione di Media Tensione della Cabina MT/bt a servizio del Corpo B. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architetto: Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Intertecno S.p.A. Data: 2011-2012 Date: 2011-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME BASE LOGISTICA UMANITARIA A DJIBOUTI HUMANITARIAN LOGISTIC BASE IN DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI La base è situata a 20 km da Djibouti sulla strada nazionale n° 1 verso l’Etiopia. La base ha una superficie di circa 40.000 m² ed è progettata per ospitare le seguenti strutture: - Magazzino per circa 60.000 tonnellate di derrate alimentari - Magazzino per beni non deperibili - Magazzino per containers - Parcheggio per camion - Uffici Le strutture sono progettate in conformità con le norme antisismiche europee ed etiopi. The site is located at 20 km from Djibouti on the National Road n° 1 to Ethiopia. The site is approximately 40.000 sqm and it is designed to host the following facilities: - Storage for 60.000 tons of bulk - Storage for non-food items - Storage for containers - Parking for trucks - Office facilities Structures are designed in compliance with European and Ethiopian Seismic Codes. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Progetto multidisciplinare per i lavori di completamento Preparazione documentazione per la gara d’appalto. Data: 2011-2012 • • Multi-disciplinary design for works completion Preparation of tender documents Date: 2011-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ISTITUTO CLINICO HUMANITAS AREA VENDER PIEVE EMANUELE (MILANO) Rifunzionalizzazione di un edificio esistente di circa 2.000 m² con incremento di superficie lorda a 3.700 m² e realizzazione di nuovo volume tecnico impiantistico Destinazione d’uso: nuovi laboratori e relativi uffici, stabulario. Complete refurbishment of the existing building of about 2,000 sqm with an increase of the total area to 3,700 sqm. and construction of new technical volume plant. The project includes new labs, offices and stalling area. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management, Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti Architetto: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Intertecno S.p.A. Data: Date: 2008-2012 2008-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PARSIAN INTERNATIONAL HOTEL CO. RISTRUTTURAZIONE DEL GRAND HOTEL AZADI AZADI GRAND HOTEL RENOVATION TEHRAN-IRAN Ristrutturazione di un hotel a 5 stelle a Teheran – Iran. L’edificio ha 26 piani ed una superficie di 30.000 m² e comprende: - 473 camere - 3 ristoranti - Sale meeting - Sala banchetti - Piscina - Centro Benessere Complete refurbishment of a 5-star Hotel in Tehran – Iran. The 26 storey building has a total area of 30.000 sqm and includes: - 473 rooms - 3 restaurants - Meeting facilities - Banquet hall - Swimming pool - SPA Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Construction Management Architetto: CATIC Data: 2008-2012 • • Project Management Construction Management Architect: CATIC Date: 2008-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ISTITUTO CLINICO MATER DOMINI OSPEDALE «MATER DOMINI» «MATER DOMINI» HOSPITAL CASTELLANZA (VARESE) Rifunzionalizzazione di un edificio storico di circa 6.300 m². Emodinamica Day surgery Endoscopia Diagnostica immagini Degenze Ambulatori Risonanze magnetiche Complete refurbishment of the historical building (6300 sqm) Hemodynamic Day surgery Endoscopy Diagnostic Imaging Units Outpatient’s departments MRI Scan Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architetto: Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Intertecno S.p.A. Data: Date: 2008-2012 2008-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ISTITUTO CLINICO HUMANITAS OSPEDALE HUMANITAS – EDIFICIO 4 HUMANITAS HOSPITAL – BUILDING 4 ROZZANO (MILANO) Rifunzionalizzazione ed ampliamento dell’edificio 4 (3.000 m²) Complete refurbishment building 4 (3.000 sqm) Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti • • • • • • • • • of Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architetto: Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. /Arch. Restelli Intertecno S.p.A. / Arch. Restelli Data: Date: 2007-2012 2007-2012 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today STARWOOD HOTELS GRAND HOTEL ST. REGIS FIRENZE Completa ristrutturazione del famoso hotel di Firenze. La ristrutturazione ha riguardato le 100 stanze, le aree comuni e gli impianti tecnici. Complete renovation of the famous hotel in Florence including 100 rooms, common areas and complete refurbishment of the mechanical, electrical and special systems. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Architetto: M. Stelea (HDC) Data: 2010-2011 Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: M. Stelea (HDC) Date: 2010-2011 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today IMMIT – IMMOBILI ITALIANI S.p.A. PALAZZO «DARIO BIANDRA’» «DARIO BIANDRA’» BUILDING MILANO Ristrutturazione complessiva di un edificio in Piazza Cordusio con una superficie di circa 10.000 m² destinato ad ospitare uffici. Servizi Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori Architetto: Complete refurbishment of an office building in Cordusio Square. The total building area is about 10.000 sqm. Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Management Architect: aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) Data: Date: 2008-2011 2008-2011 PROGETTI PROJECTS CARLYLE GROUP PALAZZO «TERGESTEO» - 1 «TERGESTEO» BUILDING - 1 2004 – oggi/today TRIESTE Palazzo Tergesteo è un immobile di rilevante interesse storicosociale, costruito nel 1842 in stile neoclassico. Un’attenta opera di restauro e di recupero filologico ha portato alla realizzazione di circa 20 unità commerciali e di 80 unità tra residenze e uffici. Gli spazi commerciali, di differenti tagli e tipologie, sono distribuiti su circa 40.000 m² all’interno della “Galleria Tergesteo” che da sempre è il luogo di incontro per eccellenza dei triestini. Cuore dell’intervento è la ricomposizione della Galleria nella sua versione originale. L’innalzamento della copertura al piano ammezzato attribuisce allo stesso valenza di destinazione commerciale unitamente al piano terra, su modello dei passage francesi. La superficie lorda dell’edificio è di circa 16.700 m². Constructed in 1842 in neoClassical style, Tergesteo Palace has significant historical and social importance. Restoration works have been carried out with meticulous attention to historic detail and the Palace now contains 20 shops units and 80 residential and office units. Commercial units, with varying styles and dimensions, are distributed over an area of about 4,000 sqm within the “Tergesteo Gallery”, which is considered the most important meeting point by Trieste’s citizens. The most important aspect of the restoration was the gallery’s rearrangement; the aim was to recreate the same aspect of the original XVIII century building. Ceilings have bee raised to allow for a new mezzanine floor, with the groud floor modelled on French “passage” style. The total building surface is of about 16.700 sqm. PROGETTI PROJECTS CARLYLE GROUP PALAZZO «TERGESTEO» - 2 «TERGESTEO» BUILDING – 2 2004 – oggi/today TRIESTE Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Supervisione lavori Services by Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Tender Management Programming Cost Management Work Supervision Architetto: Architect: Architetti Seita / Marè Architetti Seita / Marè Data: Date: 2007-2011 2007-2011 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME CENTRO REGIONALE WFP WFP REGIONAL OFFICE ACCRA-GHANA Il centro è composto principalmente da due grandi magazzini, due magazzini più piccoli a temperatura controllata, un edificio per uffici su due piani, un cortile per i mezzi pesanti e per il deposito temporaneo di materiali. The centre is basically composed of two larger warehouses, two smaller temperature-controlled warehouses, a two-storey office building and a yard for trucks and temporary material storage. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Progetto multidisciplinare per i lavori di completamento preparazione documentazione per la gara d’appalto Data: 2010-2010 • Multi-disciplinary design for works completion preparation of tender documents Date: 2010-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME PROGETTI WFP NEL MONDO - 1 WORLDWIDE WFP PROJECT - 1 SEDE WFP A ROMA – ITALIA Ristrutturazione generale. Progettazione ingegneristica e Interior Design WFP HEADQUARTER IN ROME – ITALY Renovation of WFP HQ in Rome Multi-disciplinary Engineering and Interior Design Data: 2009-2012 Date: UFFICI REGIONALI WFP A ACCRA – GHANA Indagine tecnica per gli uffici e magazzini generali degli uffici regionali di WFP ad Accra. Progetto per i lavori di completamento WFP REGIONAL OFFICE IN ACCRA – GHANA Technical survey of Regional Warehouses and offices in Accra. Design for works completion. Data: Date: 2010-2010 2009-2012 2010-2010 SEDE WFP A BAGHDAD IRAQ Progettazione ingegneristica per gli uffici regionali del World Food Programme. WFP HEADQUARTER IN BAGHDAD – IRAQ Multi-disciplinary Engineering for the Regional Offices of World Food Programme. Data: Date: 2010-2010 2010-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME PROGETTI WFP NEL MONDO – 2 WORLDWIDE WFP PROJECT - 2 UFFICI REGIONALI WFP A PANAMA CITY – PANAMA Supervisione tecnica del progetto e dei documenti di gara per la costruzione di un nuovo centro logistico e uffici. WFP REGIONAL OFFICE IN PANAMA CITY – PANAMA Technical survey and Tender design review for Regional Warehouses and offices. Data: 2010-2010 Date: 2010-2010 SEDE WFP A KHARTOUM – SUDAN Progettazione ingegneristica per gli uffici regionali del World Food Programme. WFP HEADQUARTER IN KHARTOUM – SUDAN Multi-disciplinary Engineering for the Regional Offices of World Food Programme. Data: Date: 2009-2009 2009-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today DANIELI HOTEL S.r.l. (Gruppo Statuto S.p.A.) HOTEL DANIELI VENEZIA Ristrutturazione dell’hotel posto nel cuore di Venezia in prossimità del Palazzo Ducale. L’albergo è composto da tre edifici e ospita 144 camere, 43 junior suites e 14 suites, oltre a saloni, bar e ristorante con terrazza. La superficie totale dell’edificio è di circa 20.000 m². L’intervento viene svolto in fasi, con una ridotta interferenza con la normale attività dell’albergo. Complete renovation of the hotel located in the heart of Venice close to the Palazzo Ducale. The hotel includes three buildings with 144 rooms, 43 junior suites, 14 suites, lounges, bar and restaurant with terrace. The total building surface is about 20.000 sqm. The works are carried out in phases with small interference with hotel operation. Services by Intertecno: Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: Architetto: Deco Jacques Garcia Deco Jacques Garcia Date: Data: 2006-2010 (1a fase) 2006-2010 (1st phase) PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today RAS IMMOBILIARE HOTEL MAISON MOSCHINO MILANO Ristrutturazione integrale e adattamento strutturale ed impiantistico dell’edificio che costituiva la prima stazione ferroviaria di Milano in Via Montegrappa (linea MilanoMonza). Il progetto di trasformazione in albergo è stato approvato dalla Soprintendenza. L’albergo è dotato di 69 camere, un ristorante, un bar, una zona spa/fitness ed un parcheggio interrato. Complete refurbishment and new structural and building services development of the building which was the first railways station in Milan in Montegrappa street (Milano-Monza line). The building will be trasformed in a Hotel and such project has been approved by the Monuments and Fine Arts Office. The hotel includes 69 rooms, 1 restaurant, 1 bar, 1 spa/fitness centre and a new underground parking. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Due Diligence iniziale Project e Construction Management • • Initial Due Diligence Project and Construction Management Architetto: Architect: Luca Strada Interior Designer: Luca Strada Interior Designer: Moschino Moschino Data: 2005-2010 Date: 2005-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today BOSCOLO GROUP HOTEL CORSO MATTEOTTI MILANO Intervento di ristrutturazione di un edificio in Corso Matteotti a Milano. L’edificio, adibito originariamente ad uffici, è stato trasformato in hotel a 5 stelle (154 camere). Complete refurbishment of a building in Corso Matteotti in Milan. The building, which was originally an office building, has been transformed into a 5 stars hotel (154 rooms). Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Coordinamento generale dei lavori Supervisione specialistica • • Coordination of construction work Technical supervision Architetto: Architect: Italo Rota Italo Rota Data: 2008-2010 Date: 2008-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS MILANOFIORI 2000 S.r.l. NUOVO SVILUPPO IMMOBILIARE – EDIFICI UFFICI NEW DEVELOPMENT – OFFICE BUILDINGS 2004 – oggi/today MILANO Nuovo sviluppo immobiliare su una superficie complessiva di circa 135.000 m² all’interno del quale si articolano un polo direzionale, una zona residenziale, parcheggi pubblici e privati. New mix use development scheme including office buildings, retail park and residential blocks. Total plot area 135,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: Copyright: Maurizio Bianchi • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: EEA (Erick van Egeraat) EEA (Erick van Egeraat) Data: Date: 2003-2010 2003-2010 Copyright: Maurizio Bianchi PROGETTI PROJECTS MILANOFIORI 2000 S.r.l. NUOVO SVILUPPO IMMOBILIARE – PARCO COMMERCIALE NEW DEVELOPMENT – COMMERCIAL PARK 2004 – oggi/today MILANO Nuovo sviluppo immobiliare su una superficie complessiva di circa 65.000 m² all’interno del quale si articolano un edificio ad uso ricettivo, un centro fitness, un cinema multisala, parcheggi pubblici e privati e molteplici unità commerciali. New mix use development scheme including a hotel, a fitness centre, a multiscreen cinema, parkings and shopping centres. Total plot area about 65.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architetto: Architect: EEA (Erick van Egeraat) EEA (Erick van Egeraat) Data: Date: 2003-2010 2003-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS MILANOFIORI 2000 S.r.l. NUOVO SVILUPPO IMMOBILIARE – H2C BUSINESS HOTEL NEW DEVELOPMENT – H2C BUSINESS HOTEL 2004 – oggi/today MILANO Costruzione di un nuovo hotel all’interno del nuovo insediamento denominato “Milanofiori” ad Assago (MI), L’Hotel è un edificio multipiano organizzato in due corpi di fabbrica di altezza diversa (7 e 11 livelli rispettivamente) tra loro uniti. Complessivamente le camere sono 158, di cui 87 regular e 71 superior. L’hotel è dotato inoltre di ristorante, lounge-bar, sala convegni e zona fitness riservata ai clienti dell’hotel. Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management, Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: EEA (Erick van Egeraat) Data: 2006-2010 Realization of a new hotel within the new “Milanofiori” development in Assago (Milan). The hotel is organized in two multi-storey buildings (7 and 11 floors) joint together. The hotel has got 158 rooms (87 regular and 71 superior). Hotel’s facilities include: restaurant, lounge-bar, convention rooms and a fitness area for the clients. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: EEA (Erick van Egeraat) Date: 2006-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ROCCO FORTE’S NEW HOTELS GROUP VERDURA INTERNATIONAL GOLF AND SPA RESORT IN SICILY - 1 SCIACCA (AGRIGENTO) Nuovo complesso turistico alberghiero articolato in: hotel da 200 camere, con 50 suite, due campi da golf 18 buche ed un campo a 9 buche, un centro benessere con 16 diversi trattamenti, palestra, una grande piscina, cinque piscine per la talassoterapia e un ristorante riservato alla spa. Nella Torre Verdura ristrutturata, trova ospitalità un centro congressi in grado di accogliere fino a 250 persone, un ristorante, un teatro e business centre. Completano il grandioso intervento un ristorante sulla spiaggia e diversi altri minori distribuiti nel complesso, insieme a circa 50 ville di lusso con spiaggia privata. New resort complex with: a new 200 bedroom hotel, including 50 suites, two 18-hole championship golf courses, a nine-hole course, a spa complex including 16 treatment rooms, gym, large swimming pool, five thalassotherapy pools and a spa cuisine restaurant, conference center for up to 250 people with eight meeting rooms, a theatre and a business centre; restaurant in the restored Verdura Tower building, a beach restaurant and several other intimate themed restaurants throughout the resort; private beach; approximately 50 luxury villas. PROGETTI PROJECTS ROCCO FORTE’S NEW HOTELS GROUP VERDURA INTERNATIONAL GOLF AND SPA RESORT IN SICILY - 2 SCIACCA (AGRIGENTO) 2004 – oggi/today Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architetto: Architect: Studio Albanese Studio Albanese Architetto campi da golf: Golf course architect: Kyle Phillips Kyle Phillips Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Asa – Studio Albanese Asa – Studio Albanese Data: 2006-2010 Date: 2006-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS H2C HOTEL GRUPPO CLASS CLASS HOTELS 2004 – oggi/today MILANO-TREVISO-ROMA Progettazione di tre nuovi alberghi categoria a 4 stelle a Milano in Via Gallarate (110 camere), a Silea in Provincia di Treviso (70 camere), a Roma in Via Battistini (69 camere). Design of three new 4-stars hotels in Milan Via Gallarate (110 rooms), in Silea –Treviso (70 rooms), in Roma Via Battistini (69 rooms). Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Progettazione multidisciplinare integrata Architetto: Studio Faggioli Data: 2008-2010 • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Architect: Studio Faggioli Date: 2008-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS SAN DONATO S.r.l. NUOVO COMPLESSO TERZIARIO POLIFUNZIONALE MULTI-USE COMPLEX 2004 – oggi/today NOVOLI (FIRENZE) Realizzazione di un complesso terziario polifunzionale di circa 35.000 m² e del parcheggio di circa 40.000 m². Il complesso comprende al suo interno: • cinema multisala • palestra • negozi • ristoranti. Realization of a new multipurpose building complex of about 35.000 sqm (and parking of about 40.000 sqm) including: • multi screen cinema • fitness centre • shops • restaurants. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Controllo Costi Reporting periodico Architetto: Isola Architetti S.r.l. Data: 2007-2009 • • • Project Management Cost Management Reporting Architect: Isola Architetti S.r.l. Date: 2007-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today DERILCA HOTEL W BRERA MILANO Intervento di ristrutturazione di un edificio degli anni ’50 in Via Brera a Milano. L’edificio, adibito originariamente ad uffici bancari, verrà trasformato in hotel a 5 stelle per il marchio “W”. Superficie totale: circa 9.000 m². Complete refurbishment of a building built in the fifties at Via Brera in Milan. The building, which was originally an office building, will be trasformed into a 5 stars hotel for the brand “W”. Total area: about 9,000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Architetto: Studio Yabu Pushelberg (Toronto + New York) Data: 2006-2009 • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Architect: Studio Yabu Pushelberg (Toronto + New York) Date: 2006-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ISAV S.p.A. CENTRO DI RIABILITAZIONE REHABILITATION CENTRE AOSTA Centro di Riabilitazione ubicato nel Comune di St. Pierre (Aosta). Il Centro è costituito da un edificio con: - 40 camere di degenza a due/tre letti disposte al 1° e 2° piano - ambulatori e uffici al piano terra - servizi al piano interrato - parcheggi coperti e fuori terra Rehabilitation Centre in St. Pierre (Aosta) including: - 40 rooms (2/3 beds) at 1° and 2° floor. - outpatient’s departments and offices at ground floor. - services - parking Services by Intertecno: Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti Architetto: ISAV S.p.A. • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architect: ISAV S.p.A. Data: 2007-2009 Date: 2007-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today MILANO SANTA GIULIA (GRUPPO RISANAMENTO S.p.A.) NUOVA SEDE SKY ITALIA NEW SKY TV HEADQUARTER IN ITALY MILANO Il complesso immobiliare è realizzato nell’area del nuovo sviluppo “Santa Giulia”. L’edificio, di circa 85.000 m², ospita gli uffici direzionali, gli studi televisivi, i parcheggi e i magazzini. The building complex is constructed in the new “Santa Giulia” development area. The building has a gross area of about 85.000 sqm and includes office buildings, TV studios, parkings and warehouses. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Direzione Lavori • • Project Management Works Supervision Architetto: Architect: Byron Harford & Associates/URBAM S.p.A Byron Harford & Associates/URBAM S.p.A Data: Date: 2005-2009 2005-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today NEPA S.r.l. HOTEL PARK HYATT MILANO Realizzazione ”chiavi in mano” di: - Suite Imperiale, comprendente area SPA/fitness (sup. tot. 200 m²) - Suite SPA (sup. tot. 100 m²) - Suite Prestige (sup. tot. 75 m²) - Suites Executives (sup. tot. 120 m²) e ampliamento della SPA al piano interrato Realization “turn-key” of: - Imperial Suite, including SPA/fitness area (total surface 200 sqm) - SPA Suite (total surface 100 sqm) - Prestige Suite (total surface 75 sqm) - Executives suites (total surface 120 sqm) and extension of the SPA at the basement Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents, Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Ed Tattle Ed Tattle Data: 2008-2009 Date: 2008-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS NAVIGLI S.r.l. NUOVO SVILUPPO RESIDENZIALE NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 2004 – oggi/today MILANO Realizzazione di un complesso composto da 4 edifici a corte in Via Segantini, che sviluppano circa 12.000 m² ognuno, un edificio alto che sviluppa circa 28.000 m², un parcheggio interrato e ristrutturazione della Cascina Argelati. New residential development in Segantini street including: four buildings of about 12,000 sqm each, a high rise building of about 28,000 sqm, an underground parking and the refurbishment of “Cascina Argelati”. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori Architetto: • • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Works Supervision Architect: Architetti Associati- Arch. H. Sillano Architetti Associati- Arch. H. Sillano Data: Date: 2006-2010 2006-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today COMMERZ REAL CENTRO UFFICI EDISON EDISON BUSINESS CENTER SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (MILANO) Realizzazione del complesso per uffici in Viale Edison a Sesto San Giovanni. Il complesso è composto da 3 edifici con una superficie totale di circa 32.000 m². Il complesso comprende inoltre circa 500 parcheggi e 7.000 m² di aree esterne. Realization of a new offices building complex situated in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan). It consists of 3 buildings with a total area of about 32.000 sqm. The area will includes 500 parking and 7.000 sqm of lanscaped areas. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Due Diligence tecnica Project Monitoring Architetto: • • Technical Due Diligence Project Monitoring Architect: Garretti Associati Garretti Associati Data: Date: 2007-2010 2007-2010 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ISTITUTO CLINICO HUMANITAS OSPEDALE HUMANITAS - EDIFICIO 5 E NUOVO REPARTO DIALISI HUMANITAS HOSPITAL - BUILDING 5 AND NEW DIALYSIS UNIT ROZZANO (MILANO) Rifunzionalizzazione ed ampliamento dell’edificio 5 (2.200 m²) e Nuovo Reparto Dialisi (900 m²) Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Realizzazione chiavi in mano a libri aperti Architetto: Intertecno S.p.A. /Arch. Restelli Data: 2007-2009 Complete refurbishment of building 5 (2.200 sqm) and New Dialysis Unit (900 sqm). Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting EPC Contract Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. / Arch. Restelli Date: 2007-2009 PROGETTI PROJECTS PANORAMA CENTRO COMMERCIALE SHOPPING CENTER 2004 – oggi/today CASSINO (FROSINONE) Realizzazione di un nuovo complesso commerciale comprendente: - un ipermercato PANORAMA di circa 6000 m² di area vendita - una galleria commerciale con circa 60 unità commerciali di diverse dimensioni - aree esterne destinate a circolazione, parcheggio, verde e servizi. La superficie complessiva è di 24.000 m². Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Pilotage Architetto: Intertecno / PAM DITE Data: 2005-2008 New retail development including: - hypermarket PANORAMA with a commerciale surface of about 6000 sqm - Shopping mall including 60 shops of different sizes - external and landscaped areas - the total commercial surface is of 24,000 sqm. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Pilotage Architect: Intertecno / PAM DITE Date: 2005-2008 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL WESTIN EXCELSIOR ROMA Ristrutturazione di 320 camere e suites dello storico albergo di Via Veneto a Roma. I lavori sono stati effettuati senza interrompere l’attività dell’albergo. L’hotel, la cui facciata è stata completamente rinnovata, è stato dotato anche di un nuovo centro benessere. Historic landmark hotel on Rome’s famous Via Veneto. The project includes the refurbishment of all 320 guest rooms and suites. All public areas, convention facilities and building services form part of the upgrade with all works being performed whilst the hotel remains fully operational. The project also includes an entirely new health facility with pool/spa and a complete facelift for the facade. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Project Management Multy-disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Interior Designer: HDC- Michael Stelea HDC- Michael Stelea Data: 2000-2008 Date: 2000-2008 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ROCCO FORTE HOTELS RICHEMOND HOTEL GINEVRA - SVIZZERA Ristrutturazione completa di uno dei più prestigiosi hotel di Ginevra, Le Richemond, nato nel 1875. Il lavoro ha riguardato la completa ristrutturazione dell’albergo composto da 67 camere, 31 suites, due ristoranti, bar, centro benessere, terrazze. Complete refurbishment of one of the major hotels in Geneva, built in 1875. The project included the full refurbishment of 67 guest rooms, 31 suites, public areas as well as two restaurants, bar, spa, terraces. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Interior Designer: John Stefanidis John Stefanidis Data: 2004-2007 Date: 2004-2007 PROGETTI PROJECTS GRUPPO PAM NUOVO COMPLESSO TERZIARIO-COMMERCIALE «ROMA EST» «ROMA EST» NEW SHOPPING CENTER 2004 – oggi/today ROMA Nuovo complesso terziario e centro commerciale: -area commerciale: 110.000 m² -parcheggi: 211.000 m² - parcheggio secondario: 24.000 m² - cinema: 12 sale per 2.500 posti - negozi: 210 New shopping and entertainment centre in Lunghezza (Rome): - commercial area: 110.000 sqm - parking: 211.000 sqm - secondary parking: 24.000 sqm -12 cinema (2.500 places) - 210 shops Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • Project Management Controllo Costi Alta Sorveglianza Pilotage Architetto: • • • • Project Management Cost Control Work Supervision Pilotage Architect: Petruccioli & Associati/Chapman Taylor/Naço Petruccioli & Associati/Chapman Taylor/Naço Data: Date: 2001-2007 2001-2007 PROGETTI PROJECTS CARLYLE GROUP EDIFICIO UFFICI OFFICE BUILDINGS 2004 – oggi/today MILANO Completa ristrutturazione di un edificio per uffici di circa 10.000 m² sito in Via Castellanza a Milano. Complete refurbishment of the office building in Milan. The total building area is of about 10.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Project Management Architetto : Progetto CMR Milano Data: 2006-2007 • Project Management Architect: Progetto CMR Milano Date: 2006-2007 PROGETTI PROJECTS CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI CESENA NUOVO CENTRO SERVIZI NEW EDP CENTER 2004 – oggi/today CESENA (FORLI’-CESENA) Realizzazione di un complesso comprendente uffici, centro EDP, banca, sale conferenza ed archivi. La superficie totale dell’edificio è di circa 18.000 m². Construction of a new building to house offices, EDP centre, bank, conference facilities and store rooms. The total building area is approximately 18.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori • • • Project Management Cost Management Construction Supervision Architetto: Architect: Gregotti Associati International Gregotti Associati International Data: Date: 2000-2007 2000-2007 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PANORAMA CENTRO COMMERCIALE SHOPPING CENTER ARICCIA (ROMA) Realizzazione di un nuovo complesso commerciale con: - un ipermercato PANORAMA di 5200 m² di area vendita - una galleria commerciale con 10 unità commerciali di diverse dimensioni - aree esterne destinate a circolazione, parcheggio, verde e servizi. La superficie complessiva è di 11.000 m². Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi New retail development including: - hypermarket PANORAMA: with a commercial surface of about 5200 sqm - shopping mall including 10 shops of different sizes - external and landscaped areas The total commercial surface is of 11,000 sqm. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • Architetto: Intertecno / PAM DITE Data: 2005-2006 Project Management Preliminary Design and application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Architect: Intertecno / PAM DITE Date: 2005-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ALITALIA SERVIZI AEROPORTO DI MILANO MALPENSA – NUCLEO TECNICO MANUTENZIONE MILANO MALPENSA AIRPORT – TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE GROUP Realizzazione all’interno dell’esistente hangar dell’Aeroporto di Malpensa di nuovi uffici, spogliatoi, magazzini per il Nucleo Tecnico Manutenzione. New realization inside the existing hangar at the Malpensa Airport of offices, locker rooms and warehouses for the Technical Maintenance Group. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Progettazione Ingegneristica Construction management Coordinamento Sicurezza Architetto: • • • Multidisciplinary Engineering Construction Management H&S Planning Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. Intertecno S.p.A. Data: Date: 2005-2007 2005-2007 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today ING REAL ESTATE ATTIVITA’ DI DUE DILIGENCE DUE DILIGENCE CARREFOUR SHOPPING CENTRE –Milano (Limbiate) Due diligence tecnica del centro commerciale. L’edificio ha un’area complessiva di circa 38.000 m². CARREFOUR SHOPPING CENTRE – Milano (Limbiate) Technical due diligence of the Shopping Centre. The total building area is of about 38.000 sqm. Data: Date: 2006-2006 2006-2006 CARREFOUR SHOPPING CENTRE (Siracusa) Due diligence tecnica del centro commerciale. L’edificio ha un’area complessiva di circa 16.700 m². CARREFOUR SHOPPING CENTRE (Siracusa) Technical due diligence of the Shopping Centre. The total buildings area is of about 16.700 sqm. Data: Date: 2006-2006 2006-2006 CAMERI LOGISTIC CENTRE Cameri (Novara) Due diligence tecnica del centro logistico. Il complesso ha un’area complessiva di circa 100.000 m². CAMERI LOGISTIC CENTRE Cameri (Novara) Novara Technical due diligence of the Logistic Centre. The total building area is of about 100.000 sqm. Data: 2006-2006 Date: 2006-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today CARLYLE GROUP EDIFICIO UFFICI OFFICE BUILDING ROMA Opere di adeguamento alle norme sulla sicurezza antincendio e per il superamento delle barriere architettoniche. Works to improve the quality of the building and to ensure compliance with norms on fire safety and access for disabled people. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Direzione Lavori Architetto: • • Project Management Work Supervision Architect: Goring & Straja – FGS/MGA Goring & Straja – FGS/MGA Data: Date: 2004-2006 2004-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today DESIGN HOTEL DEVELOPMENT HOTEL NHOW MILANO Il complesso edilizio è inserito negli interventi di riqualificazione post-industriale dell’area di Porta Genova, in via Tortona. L’intervento alberghiero interessa una superficie utile di 26.000 m² per un volume di 110.000 m³ e si articola su cinque diversi edifici. Il complesso alberghiero è stato dotato di molte funzioni come una SPA” (1.500 m²), camere di varia tipologia e dimensione (256) e un Congress center (1.200 m²). The complex is located in the exindustrial area of Porta-Genova in Tortona street. It consists of 5 buildings and has a total gross floor area of 26.000 sqm and a volume of 110.000 cum. The hotel complex contains a Fitness Centre as a SPA (1.500 sqm), rooms of different kind and sizes (256) and a Congress Center (1.200 sqm). Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Supervisione specialistica alla costruzione Interior Designer: • • Project Management Technical Supervision Interior Designer: Studio MT, Matteo Thun and Partners Studio MT, Matteo Thun and Partners Data: 2004-2006 Date: 2004-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today CONSORZIO EX-ZUCCHERIFICIO, CARICE IMMOBILIARE SVILUPPO IMMOBILIARE DELL’AREA EX-ZUCCHERIFICIO NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE «EX-ZUCCHERIFICIO» AREA CESENA (FORLI’-CESENA) Riconversione di un’ex-area industriale (220.000 m² circa) a Cesena. Il nuovo sviluppo comprende: - nuove realizzazioni (edifici universitari, edifici residenziali, centro direzionale, albergo e centro commerciale) per un totale di circa 82.000 m² - area verde (72.000 m²) - parcheggi (17.000 m²) - aree pedonali (10.000 m²) Re-conversion of a big discarded industrial area (220,000 sqm) of Cesena. The new development includes: - 82.000 sqm of new buildings (university, apartments, offices, hotel and shopping mall) - 72.000 sqm gardens and green areas - 17.000 sqm parking areas - 10.000 sqm pedestrian paths Services by Intertecno: Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: Gregotti Associati International Gregotti Associati International Data: Date: 1996-2006 1996-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today GRONTMIJ COMAN CENTRO LOGISTICO AVIOPORT AVIOPORT LOGISTICS PARK Parco logistico per l’Aeroporto Internazionale di Malpensa costituito da moderni uffici e deposito magazzini rispondenti agli standard internazionali, realizzati su una vasta area attrezzata. Superficie totale: 10 ettari Area magazzini: 42.500 m² Area uffici: 10.500 m² Logistics park for International Airport of Malpensa with modern and flexible office and warehouse accommodation of international standard integrated within a landscaped business park setting. Total surface: 10 hectares Total warehouse buildings: 42.500 sqm Total office buildings: 10.500 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Construction Management Supervisione Tecnica della realizzazione Architetto: • • Construction Management Site Supervision Works Architect: Arch. Ernesto Cerutti Arch. Ernesto Cerutti Data: Date: 2004-2005 2004-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS CARLYLE GROUP – NOKIA NUOVI UFFICI NEW OFFICES 2004 – oggi/today CASSINA DE’ PECCHI (MILANO) Gli uffici Nokia erano precedentemente distribuiti su 4 differenti edifici ubicati nell’area di Cassina de’ Pecchi. Gli uffici sono stati ristrutturati ed unificati in un unico edificio su una nuova area di circa 10.000 m². Nokia occupied office spaces in 4 different buildings in the Cassina de’ Pecchi “Cassina Plaza” campus. Nokia offices have been restored and joined together in a single building, for a total area of about 10.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Supervisione tecnica della realizzazione • • Project Management Works Supervision Architetto: Architect : Progetto CMR Progetto CMR Data: Date: 2004-2005 2004-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE/DORCHESTER GROUP HOTEL PRINCIPE DI SAVOIA MILANO 2004 - oggi/today ALA ROSSA Ristrutturazione completa di un blocco di 48 camere e corridoi dell’Ala Rossa ALA ROSSA Full refurbishment of 48 rooms and corridors at ”Ala Rossa” Servizi Intertecno: • Project Management • Progettazione ingegneristica • Construction Management Services by Intertecno: Architetto: Francesca Basu Architect: Data: 2005-2006 • • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Francesca Basu Date: 2005-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS GRUPPO LEONARDO CALTAGIRONE NUOVO COMPLESSO “PARCO LEONARDO” NEW «PARCO LEONARDO» DEVELOPMENT 2004 - oggi/today ROMA Nuovo complesso terziario, commerciale e residenziale così articolato: - complesso “Sistema delle Piazze – Athena” costituito da 24 sale cinematografiche (oltre 6.100 posti e 4.000 posti auto), zona commerciale e residenziale (8 edifici) - centro commerciale con ipermercato Auchan e 214 negozi (circa 60.000 m², parcheggio da oltre 60.000 m²) -parcheggio interrato su 2 livelli ( 60.000 m² ciascuno) - infrastrutture di servizio (circolazione interna, svincolo autostradale, sovrappasso ferroviario), Superficie complessiva: 1.210.000 m², New complex with shopping and entertainment centre and residential buildings: - complex called “Sistema delle Piazze – Athena”: 24 cinemas (about 6.100 places and 4.000 car places), commercial and residential area (8 buildings) - shopping centre Auchan and 214 shops (commercial: about 60.000 sqm, parking about 60.000 sqm) - 2 level parking (about 60.000 sqm each level) - infrastructures (internal roads, a highway junction and a railway’s bridge). Total surface: about 1.210.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project & Construction management Pilotage Architetto: Ricardo Bofill • • Project & Construction management Pilotage Architect: Ricardo Bofill Data: Date: 2005-2006 2005-2006 PROGETTI PROJECTS BEIERSDORF LECHIA S.A. STABILIMENTO PER LA PRODUZIONE DI COSMETICI NEW COSMETIC MANUFACTURING PLANT 2004 - oggi/today POZNAN-POLONIA Nuovo stabilimento industriale ed uffici a Poznan, con superficie complessiva di circa 12.000 m². Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico New cosmetic production factory and office building in Poznan (Poland) of about 12.000 sqm floor area. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architetto: Architect: Aguilera Ingenieros SA, Ramón Losada, Camilo Corbí Aguilera Ingenieros SA, Ramón Losada, Camilo Corbí Data: Date: 2001-2005 2001-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU NUOVA SEDE NEW HEADQUARTER MILANO Ristrutturazione di edifici degli anni ’60 e realizzazione dei nuovi uffici di Deloitte in Via Bergognone 53 a Milano. Il complesso è composto da 4 edifici indipendenti, una piazza centrale, parcheggio interrato per una superficie totale di circa 25.000 m². The project constitutes the restructuring of four buildings from the 1960’s to be trasformed in new Deloitte headquarters in Via Bergognone (Milan). Total surface: about 25.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione dei lavori eseguiti dal conduttore Supervisione Tecnica della realizzazione Architetto: • • • Project Management Design of tenant’s works Works Supervision Architect: MCA Mario Cucinella Architects MCA Mario Cucinella Architects Data: Date: 2003-2005 2003-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today PIAGGIO & C. S.p.A. FABBRICA MOTORI PIAGGIO PIAGGIO ENGINE FACTORY PONTEDERA (PISA) Ristrutturazione della fabbrica motori comprendente le officine di produzione, reparto trattamenti termici, magazzino e centro servizi, per una superficie totale di circa 54.000 m² - stabilimento di produzione: 30.000 m² -edificio per uffici: 6.500 m² Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management, Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: Intertecno S.p.A. (J. Dupon) Data: 2000-2005 Refurbishment of the engine factory, that includes production, thermic treatment, services, with an extension of about 54.000 sqm: - production area: 30.000 sqm - offices: 6.500 sqm Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: Intertecno S.p.A. (J. Dupon) Date: 2005-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today LE MERIDIEN FORTE VILLAGE SANTA MARGHERITA DI PULA (CAGLIARI) Ristrutturazione del villaggio (capacità totale 1600 ospiti) costituito da bungalows, stanze, ristoranti, lavori esterni e aree paesaggistiche. I lavori sono stati effettuati in varie fasi con limitate interferenze con il funzionamento dell’hotel. Renovation of the village (total capacity 1600 guests) including bungalows, rooms, external works and landscaped areas. The works have been carried out in different phases with limited interferences with hotel operation. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Project e Construction Management Interior Designer: Studio Sergi Data: 2004-2005 • Project and Construction Management Interior Designer: Studio Sergi Date: 2004-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS 2004 – oggi/today BANCA D’ITALIA PALAZZO KOCH KOCH BUILDING ROMA Palazzo Koch - Ristrutturazione degli impianti di condizionamento dell’aria; nuovi impianti di illuminazione e forza motrice; impianti per fonia/dati e cablaggio strutturato di tutto il Palazzo. Realizzazione delle opere civili e strutturali connesse agli impianti. Palazzo Koch – Refurbishment of building services including HVAC, electrical system and relevant building works. New phone/data and new cabling network of whole building. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Progettazione preliminare ed esecutiva degli impianti tecnici Data: 2002-2005 • Preliminary and final design of building services Date: 2002-2005 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 BOSCOLO GROUP HOTEL BOSCOLO ALEPH ROMA Ristrutturazione completa di uno dei più famosi hotel di Roma comprendente 151 camere, salone di rappresentanza, bar, ristorante, locali di servizio. La superficie complessiva è di circa 12.594 m², per un volume complessivo di circa 46.596 m³. Fast track complete renovation of one of the most famous hotels in Rome including 151 rooms, staterooms, bar, restaurant and back of house. The total surface is about 12.594 sq.m. and total building volume is about 46.596 cum. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Project e Construction Management Interior Designer: • Project and Construction Management Interior Designer: Adam D. Tihany Adam D. Tihany Data: 2001-2003 Date: 2001-2003 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 BOSCOLO GROUP HOTEL CARLO IV PRAGA - REPUBBLICA CECA Ristrutturazione completa dell’hotel situato in un palazzo del centro storico di Praga. L’albergo è composto da 148 camere, di cui 2 standard suites, 1 executive suite, 8 junior suites, 135 camere. Complete refurbishment of the hotel located into a palace in the old town center of Prague. There are 148 guest rooms, including 2 Standard Suites, 1 Executive Suite, 8 Junior Suites, 135 Standard rooms. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Project e Construction Management Interior Designer: Studio Papiri Data: 2001-2003 • Project and Construction Management Interior Designer: Studio Papiri Date: 2001-2003 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 – 2003 ALITALIA SERVIZI AEROPORTO DI MILANO MALPENSA – NUOVO HANGAR MILANO MALPENSA AIRPORT – NEW HANGAR Progetto di nuovo hangar per la manutenzione di aerei presso l’aeroporto di Malpensa (Milano), in grado di ospitare grandi aeromobili quali MD80, A321, B767, MD11 e B747. Il complesso comprende un hangar principale, sei hangar secondari, uffici e centrali tecniche per un volume complessivo di circa 260.00 m³. New maintenance hangar in the Malpensa airport (Milan), designed to host aircrafts as MD 80, A 321, B 767, MD 11 e B 747. The complex has one main hangar, six secondary hangars, offices, services area. The total volume is about 260.000 cum. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Progettazione impianti meccanici ed elettrici Architetto: SEA Data: 1999-2000 • Design of MEP Systems Architect: SEA Date: 1999-2000 PROGETTI PROJECTS MAX MARA FASHION GROUP NUOVO QUARTIER GENERALE NEW HEADQARTER 1994 - 2003 REGGIO EMILIA Realizzazione di nuovi uffici, magazzino e show-room. Il nuovo complesso costituisce la sede principale del gruppo - Magazzino: 15.000 m² - Uffici: 35.000 m² - Show-rooms: 5.000 m² La superficie complessiva urbanizzata è di circa 100.000 m². Realization of new offices, warehouses and show-rooms facilities. - Warehouse: 15.000 sqm - Offices: 35.000 sqm - Show-rooms facilities: 5.000 sqm Total landscape is about 100.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori Architetto: JMP Studio Landscaping: Peter Walker and Partners Data: 1996-2003 • • • Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Management Architect: JMP Studio Landscaping: Peter Walker and Partners Date: 1996-2003 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 YACHT CLUB COSTA SMERALDA YACHT CLUB COSTA SMERALDA - 1 PORTO CERVO (OLBIA) Il progetto riguarda la ristrutturazione e l’ampliamento dell’edificio Yacht Club Costa Smeralda di Porto Cervo in Sardegna. L’edificio è una struttura complessa destinata ad attività terziarie ed ospita uffici amministrativi, spazi per l’accoglienza dei soci, ristorante, bar, cucina, camere ospiti, spazi commerciali, servizi ausiliari, parcheggio interrato, terrazza con piscina ed una piazza esterna a uso esclusivo. L’area complessiva di intervento è di circa 8.000 m². L’intervento di ristrutturazione di elevata complessità, anche in relazione alla esigenza manifestata dal Committente di non interrompere la attività estiva del Club durante i lavori di ristrutturazione, si è articolato su tre fasi di realizzazione con una durata complessiva delle opere pari a circa 20 mesi lavorativi. The project refers to the renovation and the extension of the building of the “Yacht Club Costa Smeralda” in Porto Cervo (Sardinia). The building includes: administrative offices, reception areas for club members, restaurant, bar, kitchen, guestrooms, commercial areas, auxiliary services, underground parking, terrace with pool and outdoor “piazza” for exclusive use of club members. The total area is about 8.000 sqm. The renovation works have been carried out in three phases whilst the summer club operation has not been affected. The renovation works has been executed in 20 months. PROGETTI PROJECTS YACHT CLUB COSTA SMERALDA YACHT CLUB COSTA SMERALDA - 2 PORTO CERVO (OLBIA) 1994 - 2003 Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Interior Designer: Peter Marino + Assoc Architects Data: 2000-2003 Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Peter Marino + Assoc Architects Date: 2000-2003 PROGETTI PROJECTS TELECOM ITALIA NUOVO QUARTIER GENERALE NEW HEADQUARTER 1994 - 2003 MILANO Ristrutturazione dell’edificio Piazza degli Affari destinato ospitare uffici direzionali operativi. La superficie complessiva è circa 9.550 m². in ad ed di Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management, Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Refurbishment of an existing building in Piazza degli Affari (Milan) to be used as new headquarters of Telecom Italia. Total surface is about 9.550 sqm. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Architetto: aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) Data: 2000-2003 Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: aMDL (Michele De Lucchi) Date: 2000-2003 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 BOSCOLO GROUP HOTEL BOSCOLO EXEDRA ROMA Ristrutturazione completa dell’hotel composto da 243 camere, 9 suites, salone di ricevimento, bar, ristorante, locali di servizio. L’edificio occupa una superficie di circa 30.000 m² ed un volume complessivo di circa 180.000 m³. Fast track complete renovation of the famous hotel in Rome including 243 rooms, 9 suites, staterooms, bar, restaurant and back of house. The total surface is about 30.000 sqm. and total building volume is about 180.000 cum. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Project e Construction Management Interior Designer: Maurizio Papiri Data: 2001-2002 • Project and Construction Management Interior Designer: Maurizio Papiri Date: 2001-2002 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP HOTEL DE LA VILLE INTERCONTINENTAL ROMA Completa ristrutturazione di questo edificio nel centro storico di Roma, posto alla sommità della scalinata di Trinità dei Monti. L’intervento ha portato al rinnovo delle 169 camere, 21 suites e delle 2 suites presidenziali, inoltre è stato rinnovato tutto l’aspetto impiantistico. Durante i lavori, l’albergo è rimasto sempre operativo. Complete refurbishment of this renowed landmark in the historic heart of Rome at the top of the Spanish Steps. The project revolves around the renovation of the 169 guestrooms, 21 suites and 2 Presidential Suites and complete upgrade of the building engineering services. The hotels shall remain fully operational during the works. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi, Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Interior Designer: Ilana Feingold Design Data: 2001-2002 • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Ilana Feingold Design Date: 2001-2002 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 GARDALAND S.p.A. HOTEL GARDALAND CASTELNUOVO DEL GARDA (VERONA) Nuovo complesso alberghiero in prossimità del parco di divertimenti “Gardaland”: 250 camere, bar, ristorante, sale congressi. Superficie complessiva dell’hotel: 9200 m² Superficie parcheggi: 8.200 m² New hotel close to “Gardaland”, the largest amusement park in Italy including: 250 rooms, restaurant, bar, meeting rooms. Hotel’s total surface: 9.200 sqm Parkings surface: 8.200 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Progettazione ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • Multy-disciplinary Engineering Work Supervision Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Ilana Feingold Design Ilana Feingold Design Data: 2001-2002 Date: 2001-2002 PROGETTI PROJECTS STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS HOTEL CALA DI VOLPE/CERVO/ROMAZZINO/PITRIZZA TERRENI E PROPRIETA’ CORRELATE 1994 - 2003 COSTA SMERALDA - SARDEGNA • HOTEL CALA DI VOLPE • HOTEL CERVO • HOTEL ROMAZZINO • HOTEL PITRIZZA • CALA DI VOLPE HOTEL • CERVO HOTEL • ROMAZZINO HOTEL • PITRIZZA HOTEL Due diligence tecnica degli edifici e delle proprietà correlate (autorizzazione permessi, stato di manutenzione, prevenzione incendi, sicurezza) e stima di massima degli interventi necessari. Due diligence including building condition survey, assessment of building statutory compliance (H&S, fire protection, operation licenses) and maintenance conditions, preliminary cost estimate for defects remedial. TERRENI E PROPRIETA’ CORRELATE MASTER PLAN AND AUXILIARIES PROPERTIES Due diligence dei terreni e delle proprietà immobiliari (quali porti, ristoranti, negozi, appartamenti ed uffici) svolta con analisi documentale e in sito, al fine di verificare le destinazioni urbanistiche e le condizioni degli edifici. L’estensione del master plan è pari a 2.300 ettari. Due diligence including land and property assessment as marinas, restaurants, shops, apartments and offices (documental and field surveys), cadastral survey, ownership check, land urban destination and building constraints. The services addressed all the land included in the master plan (2300 ha). Data: 2002-2002 Date: 2002-2002 PROGETTI PROJECTS GIORGIO ARMANI NUOVO QUARTIER GENERALE NEW HEADQUARTER 1994 - 2003 MILANO Riconversione di un ex-edificio industriale e realizzazione di un teatro/spazio multifunzionale che include il nuovo show-room, uffici, hall e sala banchetti. Superficie Teatro: 1.100 m² Superficie Uffici: 8.900 m² Full refurbishment of industrial building for the creation of: A theatre / multifunctional space including banqueting and hall New show-room and offices. Theatre Area: 1.100 sqm Office Area: 8.900 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Architetto: Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Management Architect: Tadao Ando – Michele De Lucchi – Giancarlo Ortelli Tadao Ando – Michele De Lucchi – Giancarlo Ortelli Data: Date: 2001-2002 2001-2002 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 PROVINCIA DI MILANO TEATRO DAL VERME MILANO Ristrutturazione del teatro Dal Verme, che comprende due sale: - sala principale: 1500 posti - sala secondaria: 270 posti Superficie totale: 11.000 m² Complete refurbishment of the Theatre, including two halls: - Main hall: 1500 seats - Small hall: 270 seats Total surface: 11.000 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Progettazione e Direzione Lavori impianti tecnici Interior Designer: • Design and Works Supervision of building services Interior Designer: Arch. Alberti, Arch. Ferrari Arch. Alberti, Arch. Ferrari Data: 1998-2001 Date: 1998-2001 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 – 2003 STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL WESTIN PALACE MILANO Ampliamento dell’hotel costituito da 28 nuove stanze e 2 suites. Extension of the hotel which includes 28 new rooms and 2 suites Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Barry Design and Associates Barry Design and Associates Data: 1999-2000 Date: 1999-2000 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL ST. REGIS GRAND ROMA Completa ristrutturazione del famoso hotel di Roma costituito da 137 stanze, 25 suites, sale di rappresentanza, bar, ristorante e locali di servizio. La superficie locale è di circa 24.000 m². Fast track complete renovation of the famous hotel in Rome including 137 rooms, 25 suites, staterooms, bar, restaurant and back of house. The total surface is about 24.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Tender Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Hirsch & Bedner Hirsch & Bedner Data: 1999-2000 Date: 1999-2000 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 ROCCO FORTE’S NEW HOTEL GROUP HOTEL SAVOY FIRENZE Completa ristrutturazione dell’Hotel ubicato nel cuore di Firenze vicino la famosa Cupola del Brunelleschi. L’Hotel è costituito da 100 stanze, 8 suites, nuova lobby, ristorante ed attrezzature per conferenze. Complete renovation of the hotel located in the heart of Florence close to the Brunelleschi Cupola. The hotel includes 100 rooms, 8 suites, new lobby, restaurant and conference facilities. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Controllo Costi Interior Designer: • Cost Management Interior Designer: Studio Bellini Studio Bellini Data: 1998-1999 Date: 1998-1999 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 HOTEL CORPORATION OF EUROPE HOTEL HILTON MILANO MILANO Completa ristrutturazione dell’Hotel costituito da 317 stanze, 2 suites, nuova lobby, ristorante e attrezzature per conferenze ed aree di servizio. I lavori sono stati effettuati in varie fasi con limitate interferenze con la normale attività dell’hotel. Complete renovation of this hotel including 317 rooms, 2 suites, new lobby, restaurant and conference facilities and back of the house. The works have been carried out in different phases with limited interference with hotel operation. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Interior Designer: Robinson Conn Partnership Data: 1998-1999 Project Management Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Robinson Conn Partnership Date: 1998-1999 PROGETTI PROJECTS MANULI AUTO POLSKA NUOVO STABILIMENTO NEW FACTORY 1994 - 2003 TYCHY- POLONIA Il complesso industriale comprende un edificio adibito a produzione e uno adibito a servizi con una superficie lorda totale di circa 5.600 m² oltre alle opere esterne. New factory in Poland composed by a production area and a services area, with an extension of about 5.600 sqm, excluding the external area. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management, Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architetto: Architect: Intertecno (J.Dupon) Intertecno (J. Dupon) Data: Date: 1998-1999 1998-1999 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL DIANA MAJESTIC MILANO Completa ristrutturazione dell’hotel costituito da nuova hall, 100 stanze, ristorante e attrezzature per conferenze e aree di servizio. I lavori sono stati effettuati in conformità ad un programma estremamente dettagliato ed il progetto è stato completato in meno di un anno. Complete renovation of the hotel (100 rooms) including new lobby, restaurant and conference facilities and back of the house. The works have been carried out according to a fast track programme and the project was completed in less than one year. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Project Management Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Interior Designer: Barry Design and Ass. Barry Design and Ass. Data: 1997-1998 Date: 1997-1998 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 ROCCO FORTE’S NEW HOTEL GROUP HOTEL DE RUSSIE ROMA Completa ristrutturazione dell’hotel affacciato su Piazza del Popolo. L’Hotel è costituito da 104 stanze, 26 suites, bar e ristorante con un meraviglioso giardino privato all’italiana su diversi livelli. Complete renovation of the hotel at Piazza del Popolo. The hotel includes 104 rooms, 26 suites lounges, bar and restaurant with a marvelous private landscaped “Italian” garden at different levels. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Direzione Lavori Interior Designer: • • Project Management Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Studio Satpi/Studio Ziffer Studio Satpi/Studio Ziffer Data: 1997-1998 Date: 1997-1998 PROGETTI PROJECTS GKN AUTOMOTIVE NUOVO STABILIMENTO NEW FACTORY 1994 - 2003 WROCLAW - POLONIA Il complesso industriale comprende un edificio adibito a produzione e servizi con una superficie lorda totale di circa 10.860 m² oltre alle opere esterne. The industrial complex includes a building for manufacturing and services and has a total surface of about 10.860 sqm. excluding the external area. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architetto: Intertecno (J.Dupon) Architect: Intertecno (J. Dupon) Data: 1998-1999 Date: 1998-1999 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL EUROPA E REGINA - 1 VENEZIA Ristrutturazione dell’hotel posto sul lato sinistro del Canal Grande e prospiciente la chiesa “La Salute”. L’albergo è composto da otto differenti edifici per un totale di 168 camere, 13 suites, lounge, bar e ristorante con terrazza che si affaccia direttamente sul Canal Grande e l’approdo riservato. L’intervento è stato svolto in tre fasi, con una ridotta interferenza con la normale attività dell’albergo. Ottemperando alle esigenze espresse dalla Sovrintendenza ai beni architettonici ed ambientali, gli impianti elettrici e meccanici sono stati progettati per avere il minor impatto possibile sulla struttura originaria, conciliando così le esigenze architettoniche a quelle di sicurezza. Complete renovation of the hotel on the left bank of the Grand canal facing “La Salute” church. The hotel includes eight different buildings with 168 rooms, 13 suites, lounges, bar and restaurant with terrace at the Grand Canal level and private pier for gondolas. The total building volume is about 55.000 cum. The works have been carried out in three phases with small interference with hotel operation. Mechanical and electrical systems are as unobtrusive as possible to meet design requirements and to satisfy constraints imposed by the Fine art Authority and the Commission for Venice Preservation. PROGETTI PROJECTS STARWOOD HOTELS AND RESORTS WORLDWIDE HOTEL EUROPA E REGINA - 2 VENEZIA 1994 - 2003 Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Interior Designer: Hirsch & Bedner Data: 1997-1998 Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Interior Designer: Hirsch & Bedner Date: 1997-1998 PROGETTI PROJECTS GKN AUTOMOTIVE NUOVO STABILIMENTO NEW FACTORY 1994 - 2003 FIRENZE Il complesso industriale comprende il nuovo stabilimento di produzione, un edificio per uffici ed altri edifici di servizio. - stabilimento di produzione: 30.000 m² - edificio per uffici: 6.500 m² New industrial complex, with production plant, offices and services: - production plant: 30.000 sqm - offices: 6.500 sqm Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Architetto: Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Architect: Intertecno (J.Dupon) Intertecno (J. Dupon) Data: Date: 1993-1996 1993-1996 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 – 2003 STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE/DORCHESTER GROUP HOTEL PRINCIPE DI SAVOIA MILANO PRESIDENTIAL SUITE & FITNESS CENTRE La Presidential Suite si sviluppa su un’area di circa 500 m², ed include sala da pranzo, tre bagni, cucina con dispensa, piscina privata con fondale decorato da un mosaico di marmo. Contemporaneamente è stato realizzato un fitness centre di 600 m², che include la piscina, palestra ed altre dotazioni accessorie. PRESIDENTIAL SUITE & FITNESS CENTRE Fast track construction of 500 sqm luxury presidential suite including three bedrooms, dining room, butler’s pantry and private swimming pool with marble mosaic frescos and up to date building services communication and IT. At the same time the 600 sqm fitness centre has been built including swimming pool, health and gym facilities. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori • • • Interior designer: Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Interior designer: Barry Design and Ass. Barry Design and Ass. Data: Date: 1995-1996 1995-1996 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 MEDIOLANUM ASSICURAZIONI RESORT CALA DEL FARO CALA DEL FARO (OLBIA) Nuovo villaggio vacanze a Cala del Faro (Olbia). Il complesso ha una superficie complessiva di circa 18.600 m². New village and resort at Cala del Faro (Sardinia). Total surface is about 18.600 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Direzione Lavori Architetto: Arch. Vietti Data: 1995-1996 • • Project Management Work Supervision Architect: Arch. Vietti Date: 1995-1996 PROGETTI PROJECTS FORTRADE FINANCING ORCO TOWER (FIM TOWER) VARSAVIA - POLONIA 1994 - 2003 Realizzazione del grattacielo per uffici “Fimtower” a Varsavia. Altezza: 108 m Uffici: 21.000 m² Piani: 27 New office skyscraper “Fimtower” in Warsaw. Height: 108 m Offices: 21.000 sqm Levels: 27 Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione e Gestione Lavori • • • Architetto: Loremzo Martinoia Data: 1992-1996 Project Management Multi-disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Architect: Lorenzo Martinoia Date: 1992-1996 PROGETTI PROJECTS PIRELLI REAL ESTATE NUOVI EDIFICI UNIVERSITARI NEW UNIVERSITY BUILDING 1994 - 2003 MILANO Ristrutturazione di edifici industriali destinati ad ospitare aule, uffici dipartimentali e parcheggio interrato. La superficie complessiva è di 70.000 m². Refurbishment of former industrial buildings to house new classrooms, university offices and parking. Total surface is 70.000 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • Progettazione impianti tecnici Interior Designer: Gregotti Associati International Data: 1994-1996 • Design of building services Interior Designer: Gregotti Associati International Date: 1994-1996 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1994 - 2003 FORTE HOTELS HOTEL EDEN ROMA Ristrutturazione completa dell’hotel nel centro di Roma, nelle vicinanze di via Veneto. Il progetto include la ristrutturazione di 101 stanze e 11 suites e la costruzione di un nuovo ultimo piano per il ristorante "La Terrazza" con un’indimenticabile vista. Il Progetto ha portato alla creazione di un ambiente lussuoso attraverso l’intenso impiego di marmi e stucchi. Complete renovation of the hotel in the heart of Rome, close to via Veneto. The Project includes the refurbishment of 101 rooms and 11 suites and the construction of the new top floor restaurant “La Terrazza” with an unforgettable view on Rome. The Project aimed at creating a luxury environment with an extensive use of marble and stuccoes in a beautiful context. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • Project Management Progettazione Ingegneristica Direzione Lavori Interior Designer: • • • Project Management Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Richard Daniels Design Richard Daniels Design Data: 1992-1995 Date: 1992-1995 PROGETTI PROJECTS CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI CESENA RISTUTTURAZIONE QUARTIER GENERALE HEADQUARTER’S RENOVATION 1984-1993 CESENA (FORLI’-CESENA) Ristrutturazione integrale dell’edificio risalente al XIX secolo, ospitante uffici, banca, sale conferenza ed galleria d’arte. Gli impianti, concepiti secondo le più moderne tecnologie, includono un sistema di controllo dell’umidità per la galleria d’arte. Il complesso è interamente controllato da un sistema computerizzato che gestisce tutti gli impianti, inclusa la climatizzazione, sicurezza, illuminazione, comunicazione ed energia elettrica. Servizi Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Progettazione Preliminare e Definitiva Progettazione Esecutiva d’appalto Assistenza in fase di appalto Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Architetto: Complete renovation of an XIX century building to house offices, bank, conference facilities and an art gallery. Building services are state of the art including special humidity control for the art gallery area. The building has a fully computerised building management system controlling all services including air conditioning, safety, security, lighting, communication and electrical supply. Services by Intertecno: • • • • • • • • Project Management Preliminary Design and Application for Permits Multi-disciplinary Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents Tender Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Architect: Studio Monopoli Studio Monopoli Data: Date: 1990-1993 1990-1993 PROGETTI PROJECTS 1984-1993 FORTE HOTELS HOTEL EXCELSIOR GALLIA MILANO Completa ristrutturazione di uno dei più famosi hotel di Milano, costituito da 238 stanze e 13 suites, sale conferenze e ricevimenti. Complete renovation of one of the most famous hotel in Milano, including 238 rooms and 13 suites, banqueting and conference facilities. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Programmazione Controllo Costi Assistenza in fase d’appalto Reporting periodico Interior Designer: Michele Achilli Data: 1990-1992 • • • • • Project Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Tender Management Reporting Interior Designer: Michele Achilli Date: 1990-1992 PROGETTI PROJECTS FORTE HOTELS GRAND HOTEL PALAZZO DELLA FONTE FIUGGI (FROSINONE) 1984 - 1993 Ristrutturazione completa dell’hotel nel cuore di un’antica area termale non distante da Roma. L’hotel è costituito da 152 stanze e 7 suites ed ha un volume complessivo di circa 80.000 m³. Il progetto include anche la costruzione di un centro fitness comprensivo di due piscine più varie attrezzature sportive e sanitarie. Complete renovation of the hotel in the heart of an old health and spa area not far from Rome. The hotel includes 152 rooms and 7 suites with a total building volume of about 80.000 cum. The Project includes also the construction of a new fitness centre including two swimming pools, health and gym facilities. The works have been completed in 14 months. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • Project Management Direzione Lavori Interior Designer: Studio Angeletti, Richard Daniels Data: 1989-1990 • • Project Management Construction Supervision Interior Designer: Studio Angeletti, Richard Daniels Date: 1989-1990 PROGETTI PROJECTS ADR – AEROPORTI DI ROMA RISTRUTTURAZIONE SALA PARTENZE INTERNAZIONALI REFURBISHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURES HALL 1984-1993 FIUMICINO (ROMA) Ristrutturazione della sala partenze internazionali dell’aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci a Fiumicino (Roma). Superficie complessiva: 7.500 m² Refurbishment of international departures hall of the Leonardo da Vinci’s airport at Fiumicino (Rome). Tatal surface: 7.500 sqm. Servizi Intertecno: Services by Intertecno: • • • • • Project Management Programmazione Controllo Costi Direzione Lavori Reporting periodico Data: 1989-1990 • • • • • Project Management Programming and progress monitoring Cost Management Construction Supervision Reporting Date: 1989-1990 NOTE LEGALI TERMS OF USE I contenuti pubblicati in questo book Intertecno e nel sito sono soggetti a “Riproduzione Riservata”; ne è vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta di Intertecno spa. La riproduzione dei contenuti è libera per i siti e i documenti non commerciali e senza finalità di lucro, purché sia fedele, non denigratoria o in un contesto fuorviante e si citi la fonte Intertecno spa. The contents published in this Intertecno book and on the website are copyrighted. All Rights Reserved; no reproduction, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorization by Intertecno spa. The reproduction of contents is freely available for non-commercial non-profit websites and documents, as long as it is faithful, not defamatory or used in a misleading context, and the source Intertecno spa is quoted.
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