Magruder News Email Blast May 8, 2013


Magruder News Email Blast May 8, 2013
Magruder News
Email Blast
May 8, 2013
Upcoming Events and Activities
As of May 8, 2013
Dates are subject to change please check website for updates
Mon - Fri
May 6 - 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 11
Magruder Madness Day
Mon - Fri
May 13-17
Blue Ribbon Week
May 15
McDonalds (McTeacher) Night
May 21
Regular Schedule – No Late Start
CST Testing
Early Out – 1:20pm
Tue - Thur
May 21 - 23
CST Testing
Attention 8th Grade Parents
Points Make-up Day
*Friday May 10th 3pm – 6pm
*Friday May 31st 3-pm – 6pm
Saturday June 8th 1-4pm
*If a student has detention on Friday his/her points can be made up after detention time is served. Students
will be able to make up 3 points for each hour served for a maximum total of 18 points.
Please contact Mr. Roulette at with any questions.
Magruder Madness
Saturday May 11th is Magruder Madness Day. There will be lots of activities for young and old. Here are a few things
that are planned: Food Trucks, BMX Bike demonstration, LA Galaxy, educational booths, face painting, and the
Experium Science Academy. This is a neighborhood event and everyone is welcome. Please check our website in the
next few days for more information.
California State Testing (CST) will be on May 21, 22 and 23. These are state mandatory tests. Please do not
schedule any appointments or activities where you child will be out of school on those days. There is no late start on
Tuesday, May 21 and students will be dismissed at 1:20pm on that day.
Over the next couple of weeks students will be preparing for this exam. Please make sure your children are getting a full
night sleep and are well rested. Also, another important factor for success is giving your student a nutritious breakfast
before he/she comes to school.
Everyone is Invited to this community event!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
10am – 2pm
BMX Stunt Team
Tricks and Jumps
LA Galaxy
Run Drills
Information Booth
Much more
to see
and Do!!!!!!
Food Trucks
Ragin Cagin
Dog Town Dogs
A Rockin Ice
This is a Tentative Schedule of
Events and Participants*
Check the Magruder Website updates
Schedule of Events:
Science Module (courtesy of ExxonMobil)
Parent Ed- School and Community Safety (Torrance Police Dept) – Café
Science Module (courtesy of ExxonMobil)
BMX Bike Show (Blacktop)
Parent Ed – Summer Reading (Youth Services)– Café
Community Members who will be hosting a booth:
Cub Scouts
Experium- Ongoing
Food Trucks: Ragun Cajun, Dog Town Dog and Rockin Ice (shaved ice), Lobos
Fun Services Inflatables: Speed Pitch with Radar; Soc-It-To-Me; QB Challenge; Shooting Stars
Jamba Juice
LA Galaxy / Soccer City
MMS- Photo Booth
SAMs Club
Yukon Elementary- Face Painting
*Subject to change
Blue Ribbon Week
May 13th –May17 Is Blue Ribbon Week! We are honoring the men and women
of the Torrance Police Department. Below is a list of activities that we are
planning. Please encourage your students to participate.
Activities for the Week
We kick Off Blue Ribbon Week!
Please show your support by posting this Blue Ribbon (see next page for Ribbon).
We will also be making posters at school to display, for the Police Departments visit on
Torrance Police Officers will be joining us for afternoon assembly and lunch.
We will be taking a token of our appreciation to the Police Department.
We will have a gift for the students from our Torrance Police Officers.
Show your support by wearing as much blue as you can.
Magruder Middle School would like to thank you in advance for your support.
Torrance Police Department
Magruder wants to say “Thank You” for everything you do!
Special Thanks To
Torrance Police Officers
Come and join Magruder Middle School
for a fundraising night at
McDonald’s 182nd and Crenshaw
(18145 Crenshaw Blvd.)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
5 PM — 8 PM
Don't miss this great opportunity to support
Magruder Middle School
while having a great time at
McDonald’s. Your favorite teachers
and parents will be working
behind the counter.
See what they are
serving up!