Future Meetings and Events - Michigan Accordion Society


Future Meetings and Events - Michigan Accordion Society
Spring 2013
Vol. 16 No. 2
Each m onthl y Meeti ng i s on the t hird Tuesday of t he
month at 7:30 at the Forestre B anquet Center in
Rochest er Hills 1919 St ar Batt Drive ( West si de of the
Concorde I nn). Take M-59 and exit at Crooks Rd.
“Advancing the Accordion
in Michigan & Beyond.....”
President: Joe Recchia
Vice President: Bob Berta
Secretary: OPEN
Treasurer: Jerry May
Tony Papa
Tony La Tona
Lorraine Lozovoj
Jim Rand
Sam Randazzo
Mike Zawojsky
Michigan Accordion Society
5955 Cobb Creek Rd.
Rochester, Mi. 48306
Web Page
Robert Stead, Web Master
Our annual Youth Night is the theme of our JUNE monthly get together
Bring your kids, grandkids and ALL of your family to support these musicians of tomorrow. Every year we are amazed at the enthusiasm and
skill these kids exhibit….this year should be even more of the same.
NOTE….the June Youth Night will start at 7:00pm due to the number of musicians on the program. There will NOT be jamming at this
event due to time restraints.
Every club musical get together features a special artist/s, various performances by the club members and at the end of each meeting jamming.
Please feel free to bring your accordion to join in the jam session or to
volunteer to play a couple of solo pieces.
We took the opportunity at the October meeting to take a group
photo of our members to celebrate our receiving the prestigious
2012 FROSINI award. It was awarded at the 2012 Los Vegas International Accordion Convention. This is a very big honor recognizing
the many innovations we incorporated in 2012. It is awarded to only one club each year. A special thanks to Joe Recchia for an incredible amount of work putting together the documents needed to support our efforts to compete for this award.
Future Meetings
and Events
Todromovich 7:30
 June—
Youth Night
starts at
 July–
Nick Ballerini from Dallas, Texas.
 August–
Newsletter Committee
Bob Berta, Bob Stead
Phillip Ma, Joe Recchia,
Tony La Tona
Tony La Tona
Bob Berta
Music Editors:
Bob Berta & Joe Recchia
Office Hours
For information, music from
the Library, or tickets to
MAS events, call 248-6529154.
For up to date MAS info
v i s i t
u s
o n
search for the Michigan
Accordion Society. Please
consider Joining Facebook
it is 100% free and always
will be. A number of our
joined. It’s a great way to
connect with your family
and friends as well as
thousands of accordionist
from all over the world!
For Accordion Teachers or
Accordionists for hire, news
of special events, etc. please
visit our website at
Past Presidents
Steve Stolaruk: 1996-2005
Lana Gore: 2006
Ray Battani: 2007-2010
Stephen Kaye: 2011
Bob Berta 2012
MAS members get discounts for attending. When booking your attendance let them know which club you
belong to to ensure best deals. Book early for even larger discounts.
More Accordion Fun On YouTube
Check out this YouTube video...now here is an animal that loves accordions ;-)
This is something you have never seen before. Playing both hands on the bass side of a free bass accordion.
Argentine tango. Heard about this from Peter Soave.
YouTube is an amazing resource for accordion lovers. If you haven’t checked it out you are missing some
unbelievable musicians. All you have to do is enter ACCORDION in the search box and you will see thousands of performances ranging from so-so to some of the finest playing you will ever hear. Once you find a
video there are additional videos listed in the same subject. Click on those and you will be able to spend
hours in accordion nirvana.
Besides searching for accordion you can search for your favorite accordion performers. Many professional
musicians place their videos there. Sometimes others will record concerts or place old videos from years
ago of famous musicians. If you like Jazz for instance...especially Art Van Damme...just type his name in
the search box and there he is.
And while we all have our favorites, a search will reveal many that you have never heard of...but have
amazing talent. I discovered a few myself including a couple that I was able to arrange for a visit as featured performers at my old accordion club in San Francisco.
YouTube has proven a boon for many musicians….once people see your video your fame may quickly
rise. My favorite story is of a guy who worked at Home Depot. He delighted in singing the tunes of a big
name rock groups lead singer. The groups singer was unable to sing due to an illness so the group went on
line and found the Home Depot guys singing of their tunes. They asked him to fill in for their singer until
he got well. The Home Depot guy said OK but only if he could wear his Home Depot apron.
You may even want to consider putting yourself on YouTube. Several friends have done so and are
amazed when they see that the number of people viewing their videos rises rapidly. You might even be the
next Home Depot guy and get the fame you deserve!
Accordion Stuff
On the heels of the earlier release of a single and two CD music tribute to Tony Dannon we have a new 3-DVD set of videos made during
the Dannon Tribute. It was professionally filmed with excellent video
and sound. All proceeds from their sale go to the club.
It is available for sale at upcoming meetings as well as direct from Joe
Recchia. Price is $30 total for all three DVDs. For $50 you can have
both the DVD set as well as the CD music tribute to Tony Dannon.
Call Joe at 248-824-3856 or jrecchia@comcast.net.
The featured music selection this month, Val’s Waltz, was written by my dear friend, Val Kieser, who recently passed away. She was a fellow member of the club I also belong to in San Francisco, Calif. She was an enthusiastic member of the club who served in various officer positions, newsletter editor, a member of three
different accordion ensembles, and was the go-to person for just about every activity of the club. She often let
the club ensembles practice at her house and her home was the scene of several great parties She played a piano accordion but decided later in life to accept the challenge of learning to play the Austrian button box
which she did quite well. She wasn’t a professional musician...just a very dedicated lover of the accordion in
all its forms. Bob Berta
Much is happening at the MAS. The board proposed to the membership and approval was given for a position
swap between the President and Vice President. Joe Recchia who previously was VP got a promotion at work.
The good news is that he got the promotion, The bad news is that he will have a bit less time to spend on club
business. Bob Berta offered to swap positions and he would take over the clubs Newsletter Editor position as
well as doing email “Flashes” to members of upcoming events. This should take some of the load off Joe who
has been a unbelievably hard working board member the last year.
Another change is the addition of a Roland Special Interest group in the club. As many of you know the new
Roland electronic accordions have been a smash hit and many of our members are enjoying them. There is a
bit of a learning curve and the club’s special interest group will help those who already have the Roland learn
some new tricks and tips to make it even more impressive. And those who are thinking of getting one (like
me) can attend to get some familiarity with it and have your questions addressed. If you want more info about
the Roland Group please contact Joe Recchia for future meetings at 248-824-3856 or jrecchia@comcast.net.
Bob Berta returned from a month long visit to California to “check out” his new grand daughter. He took the
time to visit his family, other two grand daughters, and the two clubs he belongs to back there. He attended the
monthly meeting of the San Francisco Accordion Club (which he still belongs to). They had a nice meeting
with guest performer Bonnie Birch who is a terrific player along with some local talent including a very nice
duet that played Irish traditional music. He had the time to talk about the MAS and the president of the club
purchased one of our Dannon Tribute DVDs. When he returned to Michigan he got a request for a write up of
the various new innovations we are doing in the MAS. He submitted that and it sounds like the SF club will be
trying a few of those ideas out to increase membership.
MAS Music page featuring great Accordion music!
More Music—Page 2
Our new membership cards. These will get you discounts
from our sponsors, ensure you get the discount rate at club
events, and other accordion national events. This card shows
you belong to a very special organization….to steal a well
known phrase...don’t leave home without it ;-)
If you wish to provide a future article or photo,
contact Bob or Joe. We Always need items for
our newsletter!
For advertising, or to participate in the MAS discount program, please contact one of our Officers or Board Members
Our New Roland Accordion Sub Group
First MAS Roland workshop was a success!
The Michigan Accordion Society hosted our very first Roland workshop at the Concorde Inn in Rochester Hills,
MI on Monday May 6, 2013 from 7 am to 10 pm. We spoke about features of the Roland and updated all Roland software to the latest level 1.06 version.
We also had a few members there that were interested in what the Roland can do (maybe future owners ed.).
Everyone was very happy with the outcome of the workshop and we are in the planning stages for our next roland workshop. Date to be announced.
Please contact Joe Recchia if you are interested in attending future meetings of this group.
Pictures left to right are MAS members Joe Recchia, Sam Randazzo, Mike Cusenza, Tony Latona, Rich Stoey, Tony Papa and James
Rand. Photographed by Norah Cooper
Our New Par tners
We have recently partnered with the Slovene American Club to help promote our organizations and the accordion. We ask our
members to visit and support the Slovene Club. As a MAS card carrying member you are a welcomed guest and will get in free
of charge. We are working on future collaborations that will bring our two clubs closer together in the future so stay tuned for
more announcements!
More MAS Tidbits
June is National Accordion Awareness Month (NAAM). National Accordion Awareness Month was established in 1989 to promote the accordion, help spread the word about the resurgence in popularity in the accordion and to educate people about the
accordion. Tom Torriglia of San Francisco, CA. established the month of June as National Accordion Awareness Month.
Did you know?
1. The piano accordion is the official musical instrument of the city of San Francisco and has been since 1990 The cities of
Detroit, Skokie, Illinois, and St. Paul, Minnesota have designated the accordion as their official instrument also.
2. Actress Lucy Liu plays the accordion
3. Guitarist Nils Lofgren started on the accordion.
4. Billy Joel and Barry Manilow also play the accordion.
5. The accordion is a member of the reed family, not the keyboard family.
6. The first United States-made piano accordion (ones with the keys on it) was manufactured in San Francisco back in 1907. It
was at the Guerrini Accordion Company on DuPont St. (Grant Ave., near Columbus Ave.)
7. In addition to the piano accordion, the accordion family also includes Cajun button boxes, chromatic and diatonic button
accordions, the concertina, the bayan, and the bandoneon.
8. Shania Twain's immensely popular Come On Over CD has accordion on a couple of tracks. Los Lobos. Bruce Hornsby
plays the accordion and uses it in shows. Counting Crows uses accordion a lot. In San Francisco, the show Forever Tango
was a huge hit and featured two bandoneonists.
9. China is the largest manufacturer and exporter of accordions in the world.
10. Your accordion knows you love it….you hug it every time you play it ;-)
11. Singer Bobby McFarrin works frequently with accordionist Gil Goldstein.
12. John Smoltz is a Major league baseball player who plays the accordion.
13. Famous people who played the accordion: Richard Nixon and H. Ross Perot; actors James Stewart, Drew Carey and
Charlie Chaplin; novelists Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy; baseball pitcher John Smoltz; and Mahatma Gandhi.
15. Former Boston Celtics player Tony Lavelli (1926-1998) used to play his accordion at half time.
16. Elvis Presley played the accordion.
Are you playing accordion around town? If so you may want to let others in the club know
where...that is one of the FREE benefits of being a paid member of MAS. If you want to be
listed here give Bob Berta a call at 586-992-0498. (members only!!)
Al Battistelli & Friends dinner dance
Saturday June 22nd, 2013
Forestre Banquet Center
See flyer in this newsletter for more information
Slovenian American Club in Melvindale.
See flyer in this newsletter for more information
MAS Business & Classified Section
MAS Members Please Support the Business that support MAS!
Accordion International offer MAS mem- Address: 1760 South 450 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
bers: 20% discount on Accordion Straps and
cases and special Member pricing on the Phone: (800) 935-0013
lineup of Roland V Accordions
Website: www.accordionfactory.com
Attention: Paul Pasquali
Address: 30640 Dequindre Rd
Warren, MI 48092
20% off all in stock items, including Les- Phone: 586 751-8616
sons, Instruments and Professional Record- Website: www.edbstudios.com
Attention: Eric or Donna
EDP Studios offers MAS Members:
Gus Zoppi Music Center offers MAS Mem- Address: 38944 Dequindre Road
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Phone: (586) 978-1816
20% off all in stock items, including Les- Website: www.guszoppimusic.com
Attention: Vicky or Tom
sons & Instruments!
Music Authority offers MAS members:
Buy four lessons & get two free!
ConCorde Inn offers MAS members:
20% discount on Rooms at both locations
Address: 24736 W. Warren St.
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Phone: (313) 551-5420
Website: www.musicauthorityschool.com
Attention: Pavel
1919 Star Batt Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309,
Phone: 248-299-1210
44315 Gratiot, Clinton Township, MI 49036
Phone: 586-493-7300
A Portable Charger is now available for your Roland FR7/FR7x V Accordion which is specifically engineered and designed
for your BP 24-45 Battery pack. Stop carrying around your bulky Roland Charger and upgrade with this very small and portable
(less than 1 pound) very high quality Micro processer based charger. Retail price $249.00. MAS Members will receive a 25% discount.
JR Products LLC, jrecchia@comcast.net, 248-824-3856
Avoid high legal costs with Legal Shield
Very Affordable Legal and Identity Theft
Protection Service. MAS Members will
receive personal 1 on 1 program introduction.
MAS Members receive
A wonderful 30 Plus % off on a brand new
Borsini Accordion!
Please contact our MAS member Jeanette Fulton
at 248-229-4880 or for more info please visit her
personal website at
Please contact Mr. Jeffrey Iacono, President of
Borsini Accordion of America 1814 Tanger Drive,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714)-269-8648
MAS Member Classifieds
Tony Dannon Autographed Borsini “Modern Accordion” for sale
Black 41 Key 19 inch Keyboard 4/5 reed with pickups Great working condition and sounds fantastic Includes
Original Case, Bottle of Tony Dannon Wine and Tony Dannon Tribute CD
call Joe 248-824-3856 $2,600 firm
Alesis RA-100 power amplifier and 2 Alesis Monitor One speakers. Includes connecting cords, etc. Asking
Contact Evelyn Pasko evelynp1@yahoo.com
Join MAS and Enjoy these 2013 Membership Benefits!
v i si t us at www. m i chi ganacc or di on. org or o ur
Your $30.00 MAS membership entitles you to:
  Receive our brand new official Membership card and use it to save money at local area business
(please refer to our website for the latest list of our MAS business supporters and discount listing)
 Be added on our Website Performers Directory and Teachers Directory
 Promotion of your CD's, events & performances
 Periodic Updates & Newsletters
 Free Classified Advertising in our Newsletter and Website
 Membership meeting entrance discounts $5.00 for MAS Members and $8.00 for Non Members
 Receive a copy of our MAS members list and begin to access a great network of Musicians
 Membership Incentive, a little effort and you can get your membership for free (see below incentives)
 Invitation to work shops and special appearance as they become available
 Help support the Accordion
Membership Incentive Programs:
$5.00 Finders Fee Details:
 You must be a current and paid in full MAS
In order to qualify, all of the following must apply:
 Solo Music performance during one of our Membership Meetings
 Placed on our playing roster by the Clubs Music Editors
 The new member you refer must have neverbeen a MAS member
 The new member must also be paid in full
 Your name must be placed on our MAS Application form where it says “Referred By”
Michigan Accordion Society Application Form
We would be delighted if you would join the Michigan Accordion Society!
Please fill out the form below and mail back with your enclosed check at:
“Michigan Accordion Society, 5955 Cobb Creek Road, Rochester, MI 48306”
I express my talents as:
Dues are to be made payable
to the “Michigan Accordion
Society” with application for
Single Mem-
bership dues are $30.00/year
or $15.00/year for students.
under) just $20.00 extra with
Accordion Fan / Supporter
Student (must be under 18 yrs of age)
Play For My Own Enjoyment
2013 CY Sliding scale for
new single members/ Spouse
& Family plans are:
Jan—Feb = $30.00/$20.00
March—April = $25.00/$18.00
May—June = $20.00/$15.00
July—August = $15.00/$10.00
City, State, ZIP:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
“Referred by”
Sept—Oct = $10.00/$5.00
(*paid through 2014 CY)
Signature: _______________________________Date: _______
Membership Form Revision Nov 2012
MAS Last Note News
Attention MAS Members…..don’t forget one of your Membership Perks! We have an Accordion Performers
White Page Directory on our Website. From time to time we get phone calls or notifications through our
website from someone that would like to hire an accordionist to perform for an event. In the future we will
direct all callers to our website so they can select an accordion performer accordingly. In order to be on this
list you must be a current MAS member. If you are interested in being placed on this list, please contact
Bob Berta or Joe Recchia, thank you!
We need your help to search for more members, so please do your part and help support the Michigan Accordion Society by attracting more members to our club to join, with out members were nothing!
As always we look for comments so please let us know how we are doing! And if you care to write an article
or see something interesting that others might enjoy...send it to Bob Berta or Joe Recchia for a future issue.
Inventive Marketing for the Accordion
Michigan Accordion Society
5955 Cobb Creek Rd
Rochester, Michigan 48306