September 2016 Newsletter - Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church


September 2016 Newsletter - Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
September 2016
Mt. Carmel Matters
Published by Mount Carmel United Methodist Church
4265 Ebert Road
Winston Salem, NC 27127
Email address:
Volume 34 Number 9
A Word From Your Pastor: Go For The GOLD!
This past month was an exciting time as more than 11,000 athletes from over 200 nations participated in the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janerio. There were a lot of
inspiring moments in the Rio 2016 Olympics from watching the world’s greatest athletes -Jamaician sprinter Usain Bolt and USA swimmer Michael Phelps go down in history as to
winning the most gold medals in their sport. Or cheering on our women’s teams as Allyson
Felix took home six gold medals in track and field, Simone Biles lead the gymnastic team in
four gold medals, swimmer Katie Ledecky as she won the 800-meter freestyle, and our
own Winston-Salem native Kathleen Baker won the silver in 100-meter backstroke.
“As God’s light on the
hill we worship, witness, make disciples for
Jesus Christ and express his love to all
Inside this issue:
Gifts Given
Door Steppers & Greeters
It was inspiring for me to watch as many of these athletes even surprised themselves as
they pushed past their abilities to win the gold. If you asked any one of them where their
strength, endurance, and focus came from, I imagine they would tell you that they just kept
their “eye on the prize.”
Thank yous
Laity Service Date
This month we have some Olympic-sized opportunities to participate in at Mt. Carmel.
On Sunday, September 11th at 10:30am, we have invited personnel from our local police,
and departments, first responders, and those serving in the military in a 15th Anniversary
Memorial Service of 9/11. Chaplain Ret. Dr. Steven Turner will be our guest speaker.
Our choirs, Boy and Girl Scout troops will also be involved in the service. We will be hosting a fellowship meal following the worship service. Also this month we are beginning an
exciting new ministry called “Carmel Kids Academy” to provide an Afterschool Ministry
on Wednesdays from 2:30pm-6:00pm throughout the school year. In addition please take a
look at other opportunities in this newsletter that will grow your faith. I want to encourage
you to take your discipleship to a new level as you serve God to the best of your ability this
Bishop Leeland
Sept. 11
Scrapbooking Crop
Treat Around the Table
Carmel Kids
Membership Roll
Mission Engagement News
Sr. Senior Citizens
Gospel Singing
Bible Study
While we may not be focused on winning gold medals in the Olympics, we do have
something more precious to win – souls for Jesus Christ! The apostle Paul wrote to the
church in Corinth:
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run
in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into
strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown
that will last forever.” (2 Corinthians 9:24-27)
It’s time to go for the gold! See you on the track this Sunday!
Your Team Captain,
Pastor Mary
Gifts Given to the Glory of God
Thank You Notes
Don Golding
Offering/General Fund
In Memory of Aileen Miller
From: Gary & Patty Hill
In Honor of the Christian Service Class
From: Bettie Rix
In Honor of Lynn Harmon, Joe Miller &
From: Alisa Saunders (Will
Boudousquie Mom)
In Memory of Anne & Ralph Simmons
From: Patricia Wahlfeldt
A Donation from the Fulcher Reunion
The Family of Aileen Miller can never
express to our friends and church members
how grateful we are for your support and
love during her sickness and death.
Pastor Mary helped prepare her and the
family with prayers and devotions. Instead
of mourning we were celebrating her life.
The meals, visits, card, and calls were
true acts of the “Christian Brother”.
Thanks to Joan Fulcher and Steve Sink
for your beautiful message in song, and the
choir for your support.
The Miller Family
Building/Roof Fund
In Memory of Robin Owens
From: Patty Doyle
A Contribution from the
Finance Committee
Thank you for your generous donation of
$700 to Campus Crusade for Life Missionary Whitney Tobin. Whitney is a recent
graduate of NC State and will be sharing
the Gospel all year in Eastern China.
Please keep her in your prayers this year.
07/28/1933 08/21/2016 Donald C.
Golding, 83, of
Winston-Salem, NC,
died August 21, 2016.
He was born July 28,
1933 in Surry County,
NC to the late Claude
and Ona Golding. He served in the U.S.
Army. He was employed by the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County School System for
39 years, serving as a principal for 28
years. Mr. Golding is survived by his loving wife, Julia George Golding, of the
home; two daughters, Donna Nelson and
her husband Rick of Clemmons, NC, and
Suellen Hosino and her husband Mike of
Hollyglen, CA; one son, David Golding
and his wife Paige of Gastonia, NC; one
brother, Mark Golding of Mt. Airy, NC;
four grandsons, Wesley and Garret Golding and Matthew and Alexander Hosino,
and one godchild, Emma Okey. The funeral service was conducted on August
24, 2016 at Centenary United Methodist
Church, by the Rev. Craig Ford. Memorials may be made to the George Scholarship Fund, Mt. Carmel United Methodist
Church, 4265 Ebert Road, WinstonSalem, NC 27127 or Centenary Senior
Adult Fund, Centenary United Methodist
Church, P.O. Box 658, 646 W. Fifth St.,
Winston-Salem, NC 27102.
George Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Donald C. Golding
From: I Scott Johnson III
Mike & Laurie Brown
Lynn & Diane Harmon
Helen S. Cox
David & Marilynn Patterson
Laity Service Award Recog.
Kenya Water Project
A Contribution from Morning Star
United Methodist Church
A contribution from Doubs, Elm Grove
& Pleasant Hill United Methodist
The Yadkin Valley District
Laity Service Award Recognition
Sunday, October 16, 016
3:00 pm
Main Street UMC
306 South Main Street
Kernersville, NC
Speaker: Bishop Paul Leeland
Western North Carolina
Annual Conference
Joe Miller
Elizabeth Baird
Brooke Yates
Lori Britt
Ann Martin
Anne Sink
Emily Scott
Gloria Garrett
Jeff Sidden
Kristin Ayers
Kelly Miller
Julie Fuquay
Harrell Dillon
Emerson North
Trinika Jacobs
Michael Fulcher
Nicolas Yates
E.B. Smith, Jr.
Volume 32 Number 9
Special Music
Recognition of Recipients
Presentations of Certificates
No reservations necessary
Worship Service
Bishop Leeland
There will be a service to welcome
Bisphop Leeland on Sunday, October 9
at 3:00 pm at St. Paul UMC (W-S).
Please mark your calendar.
Megan Tedder
Jack Cranford
Jackie Everidge
Tricia Williamson
Penny Garris
Julia Golding
Brandy Queen
Bryan O’Shields
Judy Ledford
Maggie Miller
Ed O’Shields
Sept. 4 Harold & Linda Miller
Sept. 11
Sept. 18
Sept. 25
Sept. 4 Darrell & Kathy Stallard
Sept. 11
Sept. 18 Eluid & Elizabeth
Sept. 25
UM Men’s Ministry
NO September
Our next meeting
will be October 2 at 7:00 am. All
men are invited.
September 20, 2016
Items for the newsletter may be sent via email (—attention:
newsletter) or placed in the mailbox in the
Gathering Place.
We are encouraging everyone to consider
having their newsletter e-mailed to them.
Just give the office a call if you are
interested. 788-4183
Page 2
A Note From Charlie to
Help “Catch You Up”
Dear Mt. Carmel Church Family,
It is so exciting to be part of
Mt. Carmel United Methodist
Church. I trust that each of
you sees, as I do, the same
renewed enthusiasm in all
things Mt. Carmel.
Did you see the joy on the faces of the
children and volunteers for our Vacation
Bible School the first of August?
Did you see the smiles on the faces of the
50+ children whose lives were changed
after this summers MAD Drama Camp in
June? Did you see during the closing
ceremony performance how each of those
children showed a feeling of accomplishment in what they had learned that week?
I personally missed the performance, I still
have to work once in a while, but heard
that was one “really good show”.
Have you been apart of the fellowship of
our weekly summer Backyard Bible Studies that have been enriching the lives of
those who have been able to attend?
Did you know that Mt. Carmel has played
a key role, along with Shady Grove UMC
and a number of other UM churches, in
the purchase of water storage tanks for
our brothers & sisters in Christ in Kenya?
And lets not forget the goal of raising the
funds necessary to drill a well in that same
Kenya community that some of Eluid’s
family still call home.
Did you know that our Missional Network team has been involved with helping
families affected by the devastating floods
in not only South Carolina but West Virginia as well? Just to name a few of the
Missional Network areas of outreach and
If you are like me, you may have forgotten to make your gift to the church when
you are gone for summer vacations and
our never-ending busy family activities.
Let me invite you to make your “catch-up”
gift of your tithes and offerings to support
the Mt. Carmel Church mission and ministry as the summer season winds down.
Thank You for all you do in support of our
collective ministry through Mt. Carmel
UMC. Enjoy these last days of summer
and again Thank You for your support of
our ministries.
Charlie Shore
Finance Committee Chairperson
Volume 32 Number 9
Service of Remembrance of
the 15th Anniversary of the
Attack on the World Trade
Center and Pentagon
Appreciation Luncheon
for our Men and Women in
Scrapbooking Crop
Fundraiser in September!
Calling all Scrapbookers!
The Amy Shields Circle will hold
their fall crop day on Saturday, September 10 from 9-6. Cost is $35, and
that includes lunch, snacks, and
chances at door prizes. Please let
Jessie Stalnaker, Saundra Little, or
Laurie Brown if you are interested
in a table. It’s a good time to wok on
our books and enjoy the fellowship,
too! We’d love to have you join us!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
10:30am - 12:30pm
Mt. Carmel
United Methodist Church
4265 Ebert Road
Winston-Salem, NC
Chaplain (LTC) Ret. Dr. A Steven
Turner will be our guest speaker. A special choral tribute for our nation will be
featured along with an appreciation
luncheon will follow the service at noon
for all of our military, police, and emergency and fire department and all other
public servants.
UMW News/Prayer Shawl
There is an Executive Board meeting on
Sunday, September 25 at 3:00 pm in the
There will be a “blessing” of the shawls
at our 11:00 worship service on Sunday,
September 25.
The Amy Shield’s Circle will meet on
Tuesday, September 6 at 7:00 pm. Typically they meet the 2nd Tuesday of the
The Faye Kiger Circle will meet on
Tuesday, September 27. They meet on
the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
1:30-4:00 PM
Corpening Plaza—Downtown W-S
Our goal is to raise $100,000 and have
over 1000 teams walking in this year's
CROP WALK. I serve as the chairperson of
CROP WALK Education Committee. Our
goal is to raise awareness as well as get
more children and youth involved in this
one-day event. The walk takes place in
downtown Winston-Salem and has a 3 mile
route through Old Salem campus. If you
are interested in this, please call me at Mt.
Carmel UMC (336-788-4183) or on my
mobile at 336-460-0616. You can also
email me at
Page 3
Updating Membership
Mount Carmel is continuing to update our Membership Roll which is
long over due. This will be the end of
the second year.
If you know the where abouts of
any these members, please call the
church office and let us know as soon
as possible. (336-788-4183) If we
have not heard back by before the
Charge Conference in November
their names will be submitted for the
third and final year to be taken off the
rolls. This is a two year process.
Page 228 of the Book of Discipline—
(Paragraph 3 & 4).
Allen, Alissa
Baldwin, Julie & Wiley
Barker, Pete, Mary & Kristyn
Bender, David & Karen
Billings, Flora
Blevins, Matthew (√)
Bowman, Ricky
Bowman, Tim
Brady, Angela
Brown, Jeff
Caldwell, Rebecca
Caudill, Jessica
Caudle, Lauren
Chandler, Patricia
Chandler, Virginia
Chaudoin, Mandee
Cook, Brian
Cook, Sharon
Cranford, Peggy
Davis, Jane
Davis, William S.
Dyson, Donna
Fishel, Dale
Fishel, Jimmy
Freeman, Debra
Fulcher, Sherri (√)
Gage, Sandra
Gray, Stacy
Greenwald, Angie
Hardy, Deborah & Sandra
Hedrick, Cherry Long
Hinson, Donna
Hollis, Steve & Cathy
Hoots, Danielle
Hoots, Terry
Kowalski, Michael
Lundy, Steve
Luper, Cyndi & Dylan
Luper, Matt
McKeown, Judith
McNeill, Van
McNeill, Wanda Sims
Mitchell, Gloria
Moore, Bill
Moore, Rickey
Mounce, Charles
Mounce Martha
Myers, Stephanie
Pope, Jean & Chris
Prescott, Joe
Prescott, Karen
Pridgen, Leon & Renee
Puckett, Richard
Pyrtle, Dorthy
Redmond, Mimi
Reeves, Linda
Rhodes, Nelson
Simmons, Billy
Simmons, Kay
Smith, John
Smith, Luellen
Spach, Kay
Spaugh, Gladys
Spencer, Don
Stinson, Beverly (√)
Swing, Robin & James
Thomas, Jimmy
Turner, Tammy (√)
Ulery, Danny
Vest, Sherry
Wahlfeldt, Donna
Wall, Bruce
Ward, Neal
Watson, Lewis
White, Anthony
White, Robert, Debbie
Whitt, Sue (Spaugh)
Wilkerson, Dana
Wilkerson, Jeff
Wilson, Jenny
(√) - indicates I have
*Charge Conference is
Nov. 13 at 6:00pm at
Mt. Carmel UMC.
2nd Annual Treats Around the Table
“Treats Around
the Table”
October 29
5-7:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
Instead of saying trunk or treat we are calling it “Treats Around the
Table” . This year people can sign up to decorate a table for Halloween (nothing evil). There will be:
Treating around tables
Craft Table
Photo booth
Hot dogs, chips & a drink for the children only
Children will vote on their favorite table
Mt. Carmel UMC is offering a free after school enrichment
program for elementary kids (K-5th grade) on Wednesdays
during the school year beginning September 7, 2016. Kids will
be welcomed by caring adults from 2:30 pm until 6:00 pm. We
will follow the school calendar which includes early release
days. Please note: we will not be open if the school is closed
for holidays, work days or inclement weather. Activities will
include snacks, recreation time, reading and homework assistance, and being a part of a community music-arts-drama club
from 4:00-5:00 pm. We will be working on a holiday play to
premier on December 18. The program is free but spaces are
limited to 24 kids. Parents or guardians will need to arrange
pick up and drop off of your kids. Mt. Carmel UMC is at 4265
Ebert Rd in Winston-Salem. Please contact Mt. Carmel office
at @ 336-788-4183, look us up on Facebook or the web
(, or email us at
Last year we had 21 tables decorated. This year we would love to
have at least 25!
Volunteers are needed to help with serving hot dogs, hosting a
table (2 per table if we have a lot people sign up) . We will be
collecting candy donations through the month of September and
October and can be place outside the Gathering Place or by the
church office door.
Open House at
Kimmel Farms
Questions, contact Elaine Harwood at 926-8587 or 788-4356
Volume 32 Number 9
Page 4
Surf Shack, Catch the
Wave of God’s Amazing Love
Dear Mt. Carmel,
I would like to thank all of the volunteers who worked at our 2016 VBS, Surf Shack (Catch the Wave of
God’s Amazing Love). We served dinner every night at our own Surf Shack. We surfed into the Story Deck
to hear the scriptures with our puppet friends, danced and praised God in our Tidal Tunes, created adorable beach crafts and burned
off our energy during Surfing Recreation. During assembly and closing ceremonies our friend Snappy the Crab came to visit us. During the closing ceremonies, the children participated in our Surfing for Food Mission, every night our surfers brought in non-perishable
food items for Clemmons Food Panty. I am so
proud of our surfers, these children brought in a combined total of 837 cans/boxes of food, (last year
was 200) this was more than triple from last year. Way
to Hang 10 Surfers, this demonstrated the five
wave words they learned this week (Creates, Helps,
Love, Calms and Sends). This years VBS was
a great success starting with 22 children and ending
with an average of 30 children a night. This
year on the last night all the parents and grandparents
joined us to watch their little surfers perform the
dances and songs they learned this week, followed with
a small reception in the fellowship hall. Thank
you to all the volunteers. We could not have had such a
successful and wonderful time without you.
Your dedication of time and support is greatly appreciated.
Volunteers: Lifeguards in the Kitchen: Shannon Queen (Leader), Ann and Steve Sink, Linda Miller, Jim & Jessie Stalnaker, Mary Sue
Harwood, Everett & Debbie Ribelin; Lifeguards in the Craft: Cathy Moore (Craft Leader), Carol Burnham, Cassie More, and Sierra
Qaqish; Lifeguards Recreation Crew: Savannah Harmon (Leader), Ethan Owen, Will Boudesquie; Lifeguard Music: Ann Farthing;
Story Deck Bible Story: Liz White (Lifeguard Leader), Kayleigh Beeding, Nick Brown and a few others; VBS Photographer: Scott
Ray ; Guppies (Preschool) Lifeguards: Jane Beeding, Sandra Robertson, Leslie Boudesquie, and Matthew Brown (Michael and
Elaine’s son); Goldfish (K5 -1st grade) Lifeguards: Linda McDaniel and Judy Newberry; Starfish (2 nd – 3rd grade) Lifeguards: Carol
Garris, Connie King, and Madison Garris; Puffer Fish (4th – 5th grade) Lifeguards: Elaine Blevins and Joe Miller; Special Friends Lifeguard Group: Brandy Queen; Assembly and Closing Ceremonies: Skipper Pastor Mary and Snappy the Crab (Brandy Queen); Registration Table: Debbie and Wayne Nelson; Online Registration, Website Info and Advertisement: Scott Ray; Decorating and undecorating Lifeguard Crew, they did a wonderful job decorating the church: Linda & Harold Miller, Glenda Wilson, Jane Beeding, Pastor
Mary, Jim & Jessie Stalnaker, Kayleigh Beeding, Laurie, Matt, Will, and Michael Brown, MarySue Harwood, Ann Farthing, Elaine
Blevins, Steve Sink, Savannah Harmon, Ethan Owen, Lynn and Diane Harmon, Wayne & Debbie Nelson and our young men Nick
and Matt Brown. And a special thank you to my Husband Michael Harwood for helping me with all the unseen things that needed to
be done as well as decorating and undecorating.
Thank you once again for such a successful VBS.
Elaine Brown
Director of VBS
Trustees Open House held on
Sunday, August 21, 2016.
Thank you for a job well done.
Volume 32 Number 9
Page 5
Mission Engagement Team
How do we reach our neighbors? Can
you be a part of reaching out? Can you be
a Missionary?
" With evangelism, the issue isn't
where we are but our willingness to
spread God's message. Do we have the
faith to call on and believe in the Holy
Spirit to help us face our fears, our discomfort, or our insecurity about sharing the gospel of Jesus with others?"( taken form Upper Room 8-13-16 )
We have had a blessed summer reaching out to our neighbors, Drama Camp &
VBS both reaching children to share
Christ's love with them. We raised many
food items to feed hungry children this
summer. Were you a part? Can you be a
Starting on the first Wednesday in September we will offer a free after school
program. We will be able to reach children
and indirectly reach their parents. Will you
help? You can be part of the solution to
spreading the love that Jesus wants
spread! For as little as 2 hours once a
month you can help a child. Please remember that Jesus said when we serve
others we are serving Him.
We have a second challenge this fall
know as the Crop Walk to raise money for
hunger here and around the world. We
need walkers and we needs funds to
reach the goal for our church of
$1000. We surpassed that goal last year
and I bet we can again this year! We
need your help so please ask your friends,
neighbors and family if they will sponsor
you in this walk. You don't have to walk to
get sponsors and if they want to write a
check to the church we can make one
check for what is raised to turn in on October 16th.
Please don't forget the first Sunday of
each month we are raising money for the
Kenya well / clean water fund. Prayer will
make all this a reality. I know you can
make a difference.
Grace and Peace
Lynn Harmon
Volume 32 Number 9
Five Point Sr. Citizen's
Please join us in the Family Life Center
at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 1st
as we welcome Josh Gardner back to
entertain us. He will be accompanied on
the piano by his mother, Darlene Gardner. Most of you have heard Josh's vocal
accomplishments earlier this year when
he sang at his grandmother, Polly Lovern's funeral and at our Yadkin Valley
District United Methodist Women's prayer
breakfast. After the meeting, we will take
our guests to lunch, location to be determined at the meeting.
Next month, on October 6th, we will be
hosting the Joy Singers of the Yadkin Valley District at our meeting. Josh and Darlene are also a part of this chorus, as well
as our own Marilynn Patterson and Clifton
Berrier (who is a member of Doug Miller's
church and attends most of our meetings). Please put this date on your calendar and plan to attend. You won't be disappointed. We will be providing a meal
after our entertainment for the October
meeting. We will also be inviting the other
seniors of Doug Miller's church to join us
for this event - hoping to grow our membership! See you soon.
Happy (almost) Fall, Diane Harmon
Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts meet on
Monday nights at 6:30 pm at Mt. Carmel.
Ages include K-12th grades. The Boy
Scouts meet year round. The Cub Scouts
meet during the school year. The Cubs
first meeting will be September 12. For
more information on Boy Scouts, please
contact Gary Hardin (336-341-2351). For
information on Cub Scouts, please contact
Jason Murray (336-403-1559) or .
Girl Scouts/Brownies/Daisies
Faith Health NC
FaithHealth NC is a faith based program
affiliated with Wake Forest University to
help train caregivers give referrals to a
appropriate agencies and help clients
through difficult circumstances.
Training for the program will be held at
Mt. Carmel On Saturday, October 1 from 9
-1:00 pm. This training is open to all denominations at not cost.
If you are interested, please call Saundra Little so that you can register or ask
additional questions. (336) 473-3881
3D Conference Dynamic Duo
3D Conference (Dynamic Duo Daughters of the KING), a non-profit day conference , will take place n Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm at
Mt. Carmel UMC.
Cost is $35 per person or $60 for married couples. A catered lunch will be provided.
Dynamic speaks include Jonathon Dow
from Hendersonville, TN and former Aldersgate Renewal Ministries Dir. , Rev.
Jeena Grogan from First UMC Randelman, and Rev. Alanda Harris from Gray’s
Chapel UMC in Franklinville. Arrival and
seating begins at 8:00 and Conference at
9:00 with a Holy Spirit-filled day in the
Lord. Registration forms available in the
Troops#41688 meet on Tuesday nights at
6:30 pm at Mt. Carmel. Ages K-12 grades.
They meet during the school year and have
special summer outings. For more info,
email Traci Gerber
School Supplies are
Now on Sale!
Let’s start collecting now
for Flat Rock School for
Items needed:
 Loose leaf paper—college rule
 #2 Pencils
 Clorox Wipes
 Boxes of Kleenex
 Hand Sanitizer
 Composition Notebooks
 Pens (blue, black and red)
 Glue Sticks
 Highlighters
 Colored Pencils or Markers
 Graph Paper
 Index cards
 Pencil pouch
All types of supplies are welcome.
Page 6
September 24,
6:30 PM
Richard H
arding an
d Anthon
y Russell
Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
4265 Ebert Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
Glory Street Quartet
Following: Ice Cream Social—Sundae Bar
Sponsored by the Christian Service Class
Donations: Proceeds going toward Roof/Building Fund
Volume 32 Number 9
Page 7
Scenes from our Backyard Bible Studies and VBS Adult Bible Study
Scenes from the Backyard Bible Studies and
VBS Bible Study for Adults
Top 2 left: VBS Adult Bible Study
3rd down on left: Wayne & Debbie Nelson’s. It
was his birthday that day!
Right of that; Linda and Harold Miller’s
Bottom: Kim & Charlie Shore’s
TNT is Coming to Mt. Carmel this Fall!
THURSDAY NIGHT TOGETHERNESS is a small group experience for youth and adults
where we can grow deeper in our faith. Since many of our church members will be doing a lot with
the After School Care Ministry on Wednesdays, we will no longer be having Wednesday Night
Bible Study in September. The Mission Engagement Team recommended the TNT group replace
our Wednesday night Bible Study beginning in October at 6:30pm. TNT will be a time of sharing
where we are in God's Word and in our Walk with Christ. The model for this discipleship/
accountability group comes from the Emmaus Reunion Group. However, you do not need to attend the Walk to Emmaus in order to participate in this group. For more information, please contact Lynn Harmon or Pastor Mary Miller. We hope to see you there in October!
Volume 32 Number 9
Page 8
Pastor.............................................. Dr. Rev. Mary Miller
Administrative Assist. .................................. Joanne Spetz
Nursery Attendant .................................... Paula Bergmann
Financial Sec. .............................................. Linda Mabe
Choir Director ............................................Beverly Miller
Business Manager ............................................ Darrell Stallard
Custodian ..................................... Wilson Commercial Cleaning
Pianist ............................................................ Ann Farthing
Phone: 336-788-4183 ———————— Fax: 336-788-1013
Newsletter E-mail: (attn: newsletter)
Mt. Carmel Matters
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Winston Salem, NC
Permit No. 194
Published Monthly by
Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
4265 Ebert Road
Winston Salem, NC 27127
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner: 2nd night of every month at 5:30pm
September 14, 2016
5:30 PM
Mt. Carmel Family Life Center
Menu: Baked Potato and Salad Bar
Cost: by donation.
Sponsored by the Men’s Club
Please come and have some great fellowship and enjoy your meal.
Please watch for the sign-up slips in the bulletin or
call the church office by Tuesday before (788-4183) for reservations!
911 Remembrance
Covered Dish Lunch
Sunday, September 11, 2016
12:00 PM
(following the 10:30 am Worship Service)
Only one worship service on this Sunday.
Mt. Carmel Family Life Center
Bring a dish to share with our invited guest of military, police, emergency and
fire departments.