Rs 50 milliards pour la transformation de Port-Louis
Rs 50 milliards pour la transformation de Port-Louis
Established Nov 1983 Published in the UK Published the1983 UK EstablishedinNov ISSN 2706 ISSN 0953 0953 2706 TM TM No Issue No323 332 07December April 2016 2015 December 2015 Issue Issue No 323 Monthly Monthly--80p 80p 33rd 33rd year year Truth & Justice au Waannddsswwoorrtthh RRooaadd,, LLoo nn dd oo nn S W 8 3 J D * T e l : 00 22 00 77449988 33006666 wwww . m. m au r irti it ui us ns ne ewws s. i. ni nf of o * * 558833 W T eh ef ifrisrts tMMa au ur irtiitai annnne ewws sppaappeerr oovveerrsseeaass -- EEm mppoowweerriinngg tt h e M a u r i t i a n D ii aa ssppoorraa Th Smart City Politique Rs 50 milliards pour Barlen Vyapoory a prêté serment la transformation de comme vicePort-Louis président de la L e projet Smart City à PortLouis coûtera au moins Rs 50 milliards. Rs 43,3 milliards proviendront principalement du secteur privé, et Rs 8,5 milliards seront issues d’autres sources financières, notamment pour la gestion du trafic routier, l’aménagement d’infrastructures culturelles ou encore pour les piétons. Les projets s’étendront du quartier d’affaires à China Town et au Ward 4. Nando Bodha, ministre des Infrastructures publiques, a annoncé que 600 000 touristes visitent la capitale contre 300 000 auparavant. Ainsi, Port-Louis ne manquera pas d’activités culturelles, et la ville deviendra davantage piétonne, tandis que des voies pour les bus seront introduites. République Page 2 Page 2 En France Gurib-Fakim élevée au rang de Grand Officier de la Légion d’honneur Page 2 Licenciement Accident fatal Le couple Henry dans de beaux draps Page 3 & 5 La famille Jeetah condamnés à verser Rs 1,3 million à un prof Page 3 2 2 07 April 2016 DATE Smart City Rs 50 milliards pour la transformation de PortLouis La ville de Port-Louis connaîtra une transformation d’ici peu. Le projet Smart City à PortLouis fait toujours débat. Et au parlement hier (mardi 5 avril), le ministère des Infrastructures publiques a répondu en écrit à une ques- tion posée par le député Osman Mahomed. Ce dernier a voulu savoir qui financera les importants changements prévus à Port-Louis. Nando Bodha, ministre des Infrastructures publiques, devait aussi dire que le projet coûtera au moins Rs 50 milliards. Rs 43,3 milliards proviendront principalement du secteur privé et Rs 8,5 milliards seront issues d’autres sources financières, notamment pour la gestion du trafic routier, l’aménagement d’infrastructures culturelles ou encore pour les piétons. Il a aussi fait ressortir que les chiffres exacts ne seront connus que Au Château de Réduit Barlen Vyapoory a prêté serment comme vice-président de la République Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory, aussi connu comme Barlen Vyapoory a prêté serment comme viceprésident de la République, lundi 4 avril à la State House, à Réduit. Et ses priorités, c’est de travailler de concert avec la présidente de la République pour l’avancement des projets et répondre aux attentes de la population C’est un Barlen Vyapoory émus qui a déclaré que c’est un nouveau chapitre de sa vie qui commence. C’est un grand challenge et un grand honneur. Il a aussi dit qu’il tâcherait de son mieux de répondre aux attentes de la population. De son côté le Premier ministre, sir Anerood Jugnauth a, pour sa part, réitéré sa confiance en Barlen Vyapoory lors de la prestation de serment. Il a fait ressortir que Barlen Vyapoory Barlen Vyapoory, vice-président, a déclaré qu’il répondra aux attentes de la population. a été patient et aujourd’hui il récolte le fruit. Il le souhaite bonne chance et il est persuadé qu’il fera quelque chose de bien. Pour rappel, la motion déposée par le chef du gouvernement pour que Barlen Vyapoory occupe le poste de vice-président avait été votée à l’unanimité au Parlement, mardi 29 mars. Barlen Vyapoory a été très actif aux côtés de l’alliance Lepep lors des dernières élections générales. Dharamraj Paligadu nommé Officer in Charge Editor in Chief - Seemadree Ramiah Founder Peter Chellen du député mauve Rajesh Bhagwan. Le contrat de Jacqueline Chuong, qui occupait auparavant ce poste, est arrivé à terme mardi. Elle recevait une allocation de Rs 50 000, a précisé sir Anerood Jugnauth. Le Premier ministre a assuré que la Administrative and Contact address (UK) : 583 Wandsworth Road London SW8 3JD. Tel: 0 2 0 7 4 9 8 3 0 6 6 2 Journalist Advert (Mauritius) : Seemadree Ramiah Tel: (+230) 5 2 5 6 8 6 8 6 Design email: Bobby Poullé Steeve How Nitish V. Bhugobaun Ghanishsingh Bissessur MBC aura un nouveau directeur général prochainement. A noter que ce poste est vacant depuis le 24 août 2015. Il y a eu un appel à candidatures entre le 28 et le 4 septembre 2015. Mais le Premier ministre a indiqué que des vingt candidats qui ont postulé, aucun. torique incontournable. Justement, le ministère a fait ressortir que 600 000 touristes visitent la capitale contre 300 000 auparavant. Ainsi, Port-Louis ne manquera pas d’activités culturelles, et la ville deviendra davantage piétonne tandis que des voies pour les bus seront introduites. Il a aussi précisé que même les autobus seront plus écologiques, en devenant, notamment, électriques… Sans compter qu’il y aura un espace dédié aux marchands et aux taxis, avec un système de stationnement intelligent. En France Gurib-Fakim élevée au rang de Grand Officier de la Légion d’honneur En 1995, alors chargé de cours au MIE, il démissionne pour représenter le Mouvement socialiste militant (MSM) au n°6. Comme les 59 autres candidats de ce parti, il essuie une sévère défaite. Néanmoins, avec le retour de sir Anerood Jugnauth au pouvoir en 2000, il retrouve son poste au MIE. Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) Dharamraj Paligadu, un haut cadre au ministère des Finances, a été nommé Officer in Charge à la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC). C’est ce qu’a indiqué le Premier ministre au Parlement, le mardi 5 avril, en réponse à des questions lors de la mise en application des différents projets. En ce qui concerne l’apport du gouvernement dans ce projet, il se situe surtout au niveau de la rénovation des gares routières et la construction de nouvelles voies pour accéder à Port-Louis. Les projets s’étendront du quartier d’affaires à China Town et au Ward 4. Il est à noter que le plan directeur n’a pas encore été finalisé. A terme, le gouvernement espère faire de Port-Louis une destination touristique mais aussi une zone his- Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, présidente de la République a été décorée par le président français, François Hollande. Maurice est à l’honneur. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, présidente de la République, a été élevée au rang de Grand Officier de la Légion d’honneur par le président français, François Hollande. Selon un communiqué de presse de l’Elysée, François Hollande a salué l’effort promis par la République de Maurice en matière d’atténuation du changement climatique, avec une baisse de 30 % de ses émissions de CO2 d’ici 2030. De même que l’engagement de la présidente mauricienne pour l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes. La Présidente de la République, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim se trouve à Paris depuis le début de la semaine. Elle avait des séances de travail avec des hommes d’affaires français depuis mardi dernier. A l’agenda : des opportunités d’investissements à Maurice. Une visite était également prévue au quartier général de Dassault Systems. Après la France, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim mettra le cap sur la GrandeBretagne, et elle sera de retour dans l’île le 6 avril. 3 2 07 April 2016 Politique L’affidavit explosif de Lutchmeenaraidoo contre Bhadain Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo accuse son collègue Roshi Badhain d’avoir orchestré une campagne malsaine à son égard. Roshi Bhadain a cité Gandhi pour répliquer à son détracteur. Voyages de la Speaker SAJ déclare qu’il n’a aucun contrôle sur les missions à l’étranger « Je n’ai pas de contrôle sur les missions à l’étranger », telle est la réponse du Premier ministre, sir Anerood Jugnauth au député mauve, Adil Meer Meea. Les membres de l’opposition sont ainsi restés sur leur faim d’autant que SAJ n’a fourni aucun détail sur les voyages effectués par la Speaker, Maya Hanoomanjee. Sir Anerood Jugnauth a expliqué qu’il y a une séparation de pouvoirs entre l’exécutif et la législature. Il n’a donc pas de contrôle sur les missions à l’étranger. La décision d’accepter ou de refuser une invitation revient entière- ment à la Speaker. L’exécutif ne peut se mêler de cela. De son côté, Adil Ameer Meea a, lui, affirmé que les voyages de la Speaker sont financés par l’argent public. Le Deputy speaker a tenté de rappeler les parlementaires à l’ordre. Adil Ameer Meea a poursuivi sur sa lancée, et a demandé au Premier ministre s’il savait que la Speaker a effectué onze voyages et qu’en cinq occasions, elle était accompagnée de son époux. La question a été rejetée par le Deputy Speaker, mais sir Anerood Jugnauth a répondu qu’elle pouvait être adressée à la principale concernée. Le froid entre Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo et Roshi Bhadain se confirme dans avec un affidavit explosif de l’ancien ministre des Finances contre le ministre de la Bonne Gouvernance. On pouvait lire ceci: «I have reasons to believe that the respondent n° 3 who is a minister ‘très en vue et très en verve’ of the present government has initiated a smear campaign to tarnish and to sully my reputation. » Ce sont là les propos de Lutchmeenaraidoo contre Bhadain dans son affidavit déposé en cour le lundi 4 avril. Dans un affidavit juré en Mauritius Telecom Sherry Singh victime d’un acte de piratage de sa boîte de messagerie électronique Sherry Singh, CEO de Mauritius Telecom. La boîte mail du directeur général de Mauritius Telecom, Sherry Singh a été piratée ainsi que d’autres dirigeants. Tout laisse croire que le pirate a pris le contrôle de ces comptes et a expédié des courriels à des employés en se faisant passer pour les détenteurs. La direction a découvert le problème dans l’après-midi du vendredi 1er avril. Elle a adressé une circulaire pour demander aux employés qui ont reçu ou qui recevront des instructions par courriel d’en vérifier la provenance en appelant l’expéditeur. Les répercussions externes de ce piratage ne sont pas encore connues car personne ne sait si le pirate a envoyé des e-mails à des destinataires à l’étranger. Licenciement La famille Jeetah condamnés à verser Rs 1,3 million à un prof Vijay Kumar Bachoo, employé depuis le 24 avril 1990 comme enseignant d’éducation physique au collège Professeur Basdeo Bissoondoyal à Flacq puis licencié le 30 septembre 2011, a eu gain de cause en cour. Cela après qu’il eut logée une plainte en cour, réclamant un mois de salaire, soit Rs 20 810 pour 22 jours. Mais aussi une indemnité de licenciement pla- fonnant à Rs 1,33 million pour 257 mois de service. Le collège Professeur Basdeo Bissoondoyal, géré par la famille Jeetah, a été condamné, le jeudi 31 mars, à verser Rs 1,3 million d’indemnités de licenciement et de salaires impayés à ce enseignant d’éducation physique. Ce dernier avait été licencié après une suspension. Vijay Kumar Bachoo avait débuté comme attendant avant de devenir enseignant de Physical Education. Le 26 août 2008, il reçoit une lettre de la Private Secondary Schools Authority au sujet de sa conduite. Il y est indiqué qu’il est suspendu et qu’un comité disciplinaire sera institué. Comité qui s’est tenu… trois ans plus tard. En effet, Vijay Kumar Bachoo a reçu une lettre de la PSSA en 2011, l’informant de la mise sur pied du comité disciplinaire. Celui-ci a rendu sa décision le 26 septembre 2011 : un warning et une suspension de trois jours sans salaire. Cependant, lorsqu’il reprend le travail le 30 septembre 2011, une lettre de licenciement lui est adressée. La raison : il s’est opposé à la signature des ‘minutes of proceedings’ du comité disciplinaire. cour lundi 4 avril, Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo laisse bien comprendre ce qu’il pense de son collègue au sein du gouvernement. Les propos sont lapidaires. Incriminants et sans ménagement. Pour Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo, c’est le ministre de la Bonne gouvernance qui est derrière la fuite de documents entourant l’emprunt en euros qu’il a contracté auprès de la State Bank of Mauritius. Il écrit : “The respondent n° 3 has been on a spree to malign my reputation by inter alia, leaking to the press and to the public at large the following false and malicious information…” Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo va même plus loin en l’accusant de convoiter le poste qu’il détenait jusqu’à tout récemment, soit le fauteuil des Finances. Accusé par son collègue Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo d’opérer comme le KGB ou encore de vouloir le détruire politiquement, Roshi Bhadain était plutôt d’humeur philosophique dans les couloirs de l’Assemblée nationale, le mardi 5 avril, et il a cité le Mahatma Gandhi pour répliquer Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo. À l’Assemblée nationale SAJ : « S’il y a un case, je demanderai à Thierry Henry de step down » Le couple Henry, Thierry et Vicky, est sous le feu des projecteurs après leur accident qui a causé mort d’homme. Le Premier ministre, sir Anerood Jugnauth (SAJ) répondant à une question du leader de l’opposition, Paul Bérenger, sur l’accident mortel survenu durant le week-end à BoisMarchand, et dans lequel est impliqué le secrétaire parlementaire privé, a déclaré que s’il y a un ‘case,’ il demanderait au PPS Thierry Henry de step down. Cependant il dit que l’enquête est toujours en cours. SAJ a aussi assuré qu’il n’y aura aucune ingérence politique et qu’il ne le permettrait pas. Pour le leader de l’opposition, ce qui s’est passé est clair. Le PPS et son épouse ont menti. Thierry Henry a disparu pendant de longues heures. De fait, selon sir Anerood Jugnauth, il ne fait pas de doute que Thierry et Vicky Henry ont tous deux ment, mais il dit qu’il attend les conclusions de l’enquête. Sir Anerood Jugnauth est revenu sur cet accident, indiquant notamment que Vicky Henry, l’épouse du PPS, a été arrêtée à 2h24, le dimanche 3 avril, après avoir indiqué qu’elle était au volant de la voiture qui a percuté Stéphano André, un maçon de 23 ans. Elle se trouvait sur le fast lane. Pour Paul Bérenger, Thierry Henry était au volant et il a refusé de faire un alcotest. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi on ne l’avait pas arrêté. Il se demande aussi si la femme d’un PPS avait le droit de conduire une voiture de fonction. Le Premier ministre a répondu qu’on ne peut arrêter une personne sur la base de soupçons. 4 2 07 April 2016 DATE Fraude électronique NMH réclame Rs 115 M à la Swan, son principal assureur New Mauritius Hotels Ltd (NMH) entend réclamer Rs 155M soit le même montant de la fraude électronique au préjudice du premier groupe hôtelier auprès de la Swan, son principal assureur. NMH ont déjà entamé les procédures. La Swan, serait toutefois en présence d’une deuxième réclamation d’un montant de 7 millions d’euros (plus de Rs 280 millions) sous la Directors & Officers Liability (D&O). Il s’agit d’une couverture d’assurance qui protège l’assuré contre les conséquences de fautes professionnelles commises par ses administrateurs ou directeurs. Le Chief Executive Officer du groupe Swan, Louis Rivalland, a confirmé que les procédures en vue de récupérer le montant de l’escroquerie ont bel et bien été enclenchées par NMH. Il dit qu’il n’est pas en présence de toutes les données car quand il y a une demande de réclamation, il y a des étapes à suivre avant de décaisser le montant. Louis Rivalland affirme cependant, ne pas être au courant de l’existence d’une seconde réclamation de 7 millions d’euros. Les directeurs de la New Mauritius Hotels Ltd ont mis la balle dans le camp de la Swan Insurance. Montant lié à une police d’assurance souscrite par NMH sous le régime du plan d’assurance D&O. Même son de cloche du côté de la direction du groupe hôtelier, qui insiste qu’un seul cas a été rapporté. Les enquêteurs sont sur le point de boucler leur enquête qui devrait révéler, selon nos renseignements, le modus operandi des escrocs étrangers pour mettre la main sur les fonds du groupe hôtelier. Entre-temps, la valeur de NMH à la Bourse est restée inchangée à Rs 22 entre les 22 et 24 mars et a même grimpé à Rs 22,45 du 25 au 28 mars pour perdre 10 sous lors de la séance du mardi 29 mars. Preuve si besoin est que les opérations boursières de NMH n’ont pour l’heure pas été affectées par les dégâts collatéraux que l’annonce de cette fraude aurait pu occasionner en d’autres circonstances. Tourism Authority Sen Ramsamy renonce à son poste de directeur Sen Ramsamy quitte son poste pour des raisons personnelles. Sen Ramsamy claque la porte. C’est le cas de le dire après qu’il renonce à son poste de directeur de la Tourism Authority. Il explique qu’il préfère partir pour des rai- sons personnelles et il le fait de son propre chef. C’est la seconde fois que Sen Ramsamy soumet sa lettre de démission au ministre Xavier-Luc Duval. La première fois, c’était en janvier, soit trois mois après sa prise de fonction. Toutefois, le ministre du Tourisme avait rejeté sa démission. Les relations entre Sen Ramsamy et le président de la Tourism Authority, Robert Desvaux, n’étaient pas au beau fixe en raison de leurs divergences. Que ce soit dans leur manière d’opérer ou leurs objectifs. C’est le 4 septembre que la nomination de Sen Ramsamy a été avalisée par le Conseil des ministres. Un appel à candidatures avait été lancé au préalable pour trouver un directeur. NIC Health Care Apollo Bramwell vendu au rabais… La National Insurance Company Health Care (NIC) a accepté un rabais de Rs 108 m dans le cadre de la vente de l’hôpital Apollo Bramwell, mais on est loin encore de l’accord final même s’il a y eu des négociations très serrées ces trois derniers jours entre Omega Ark et la National Insurance Company Health Care. La National Insurance Company Health Care a toutefois accepté de revoir ses attentes. Si elle campait sur 63 millions de dollars (Rs 2,2 milliards), elle est d’accord pour descendre à 60 millions de dollars, ce qui équivaut à une baisse d’environ Rs 108 millions. Du côté d’Omega Ark, qui avait été désigné Preferred Bidder, on hésite à aller au-delà de 59 millions de dollars, soit Rs 2,1 milliards. C’était le jeudi 24 mars que la société a offert 50 millions de dollars, soit environ Rs 1,8 milliard, pour l’hôpital. L’administrateur spécial a jugé la somme insuffisante surtout qu’initialement, c’est-à-dire lors de l’appel d’offres, Omega Ark était la seule à avoir proposé de racheter l’hôpital à 63 millions de dollars. Les autres soumissionnaires avaient L’hôpital Apollo Bramwell continue à faire l’actualité. tous évalué l’établissement à moins de Rs 2 milliards. Sans compter que la société britannique était également la seule à avoir proposé de le racheter et le gérer. Omega Ark a revu son offre à la hausse : 56 millions de dollars, ce qui équivaut à quelque Rs 2 milliards lundi dernier. Deuxième proposition qui n’a pas plu au board de la National In- surance Company Health Care. Et mercredi la société a, une fois de plus, revu la proposition à la hausse. Cette fois, c’est 58 millions de dollars qui ont été offerts. Mercredi soir, on est passé à 59 millions de dollars. Toutefois, il nous revient que les autorités envisagent difficilement d’accepter un montant en dessous de 60 millions de dollars. Relation diplomatique La cargaison de bois de rose saisie à Maurice déjà débarqué à Madagascar On note beaucoup de contrebande au sujet de bois de rose car il est en grande demande sur le marché international. Les six containers de bois de rose saisis à Maurice sont arrivés à bon port à Toamasina jeudi matin, vers 6h. Cette cargaison de bois de rose a été saisie à Maurice en juin 2011 puis ont été récem- ment rapatriés à Madagascar. On se souvient qu’une cargaison de bois de rose, à destination de la Chine, avait été saisie par la douane mauricienne en rade de Port-Louis. Des tractations diplomatiques avaient lieu depuis pour le rapatriement de celle-ci. Le mois dernier, lors d’une visite officielle du Président malgache Hery Rajaonarimampianina à Maurice, celui-ci avait indiqué que les conteneurs de bois de rose seront rapatriés à Madagascar. Le gouvernement mauricien, de son côté, avait laissé entendre, à maintes reprises, son souhait de vendre ce bois précieux à travers un appel d’offres international. Tout ceci dépend de l’issue des négociations entre le gouvernement malgache, et le comité de la Convention sur le commerce des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d’extinction, (CITES) au mois de juillet. 5 2 07 April 2016 Rapport PRB Les fonctionnaires se partagent Rs 3 milliards par an jusqu’à 2021 Les hauts fonctionnaires se frottent déjà les mains avec cette augmentation de leurs salaires. Pour la Présidente et le Premier ministre Hausse salariale conséquente Avec la publication du 8e rapport du Pay Research Bureau (PRB), Les 85 000 fonctionnaires et employés des organismes parapublics, tout comme les 25 000 retraités, se partageront une manne de Rs 3 milliards par an jusqu’à 2021. Cette somme représente la hausse salariale et les privilèges dont ils seront les heureux bénéficiaires à compter de ce mois. Ce, avec effet rétroactif à janvier 2016. Cependant, on retiendra surtout que l’écart entre ceux au bas de l’échelle, et leurs collègues se trouvant plus haut dans la hiérarchie restent considérable. Ce, en dépit, cette fois-ci, de l’augmentation salariale plus importante, soit de 10,4 % pour les fonctionnaires au bas de l’échelle, contre 6,5 % pour les hauts fonctionnaires. Un planton employé dans la fonction publique par exemple, touchera désormais un salaire de base de Rs 17 375, au lieu de Rs 15 175. Alors qu’un secrétaire permanent bénéficie d’une hausse salariale de Rs 8 000, et touchera dorénavant Rs 122 000. Dans ce 8e rapport du PRB, l’équipe de Jaivassen Curpen Naick avance que le ratio a été ramené à 1:7 en prenant en compte le salaire de Rs 17 375 du General Worker et celui de Rs 122 000 du Permanent Secretary (PS). Ce qui, pour Rashid Imrith, président de la Fédération syndicale du secteur public, n’est que ‘démagogie’. Le syndicaliste affirme que si on prend en compte le salaire de départ d’un laboureur de la fonction publique, qui est de Rs 7 800 en comparaison à celui du PS, le ratio est alors de 1 :15,6. Sauf que le PS est loin d’être le fonctionnaire le mieux rémunéré. Avec un salaire de Rs 206 000, c’est le chef juge qui rafle ce titre. Ce qui fait un écart de Rs 198 200 entre lui et le laboureur au plus bas de l’échelle. Quoi qu’il en soit, pour le PRB, ce rapport jette les bases en vue du second miracle économique puisqu’il a été rédigé dans le cadre du programme gouvernemental. Parmi les mesuresphares du rapport, l’on note l’introduction d’un plan assurance médicale à partir de juillet, avec une contribution à hauteur de 50 % du gouvernement de même que l’introduction du flexitime. Accident à Bois-Marchand Le PPS Thierry Henry relâché sous caution… Rs 300 000 pour le Premier ministre alors que la présidente perçoit une salaire de Rs 305 000. Après les fonctionnaires dont les salaires ont été revus à la hausse, c’est aussi le cas pour une révision des salaires du président de la République, et du vice-président, du Premier ministre, des ministres et des parlementaires. Une hausse salariale de Rs 300 000 pour la Présidente, et le Premier ministre est en vue. Si la parité de 2008 et de 2013 entre les salaires des hauts fonctionnaires et ceux des parlementaires est maintenue, le salaire mensuel du président de la République devra passer à environ Rs 305 000, et celui du Premier ministre tournera autour de Rs 300 000. Le vice-président de la République touchera Rs 206 000, tout comme le Premier ministre adjoint. Le salaire du vice-Premier ministre s’élèvera à Rs 203 000, celui des ministres et du Speaker sera de Rs 200 000. De son côté, le leader de l’opposition touchera Rs 158 000, le Government Chief Whip Rs 145 000, les Parliamentary Private Secretaries (PPS) et le Deputy Speaker Rs 140 000, le Whip de l’opposition Rs 105 000. Le Deputy Chairman of Committees, le Deputy GM Chief Whip et le Chairman du Public Accounts Committee verront leur salaire passer à Rs 90 000, et les députés toucheront Rs 75 000. En sus de cette allocation de base, tous bénéficient d’au moins six allocations supplémentaires : Entertainment Allowance (Rs 13 000 pour les ministres, Rs 12 000 pour les PPS et Rs 10 000 pour les députés) Petrol Allowance (Rs 27 000 pour les ministres, Rs 22 000 pour les PPS et Rs 16 800 pour les députés) Driver’s Allowance (Rs 12 000 pour les ministres, Rs 10 000 pour les PPS et Rs 6 700 pour les députés) Clerk Allowance (Rs 11 500 pour les ministres, les PPS et les députés) Facilities Allowance (Rs 22 000 pour les ministres, les PPS et les députés) Duty Allowance (Rs 45 000 pour les ministres, Rs 25 000 pour les PPS et Rs 6 500 pour les députés) Au bout du compte, actuellement, un ministre obtient Rs 322 000 par mois, un PPS Rs 234 000 et un député Rs 142 000. Thierry Henry et son épouse Vicky sont actuellement en liberté conditionnelle. Le secrétaire parlementaire privé, Thierry Henry arrêté après un accident mortel survenu à Bois-Marchand a retrouvé la liberté contre une caution de Rs 50 000, et une reconnaissance de dette de Rs 100 000. Trois charges provisoires ont été retenues contre lui : homicide involontaire par imprudence, refus de se soumettre à un alcootest et conduite en état d’ivresse. C’est sur l’autoroute à BoisMarchand que s’est produit l’accident dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche. Stéphano André, un maçon de 23 ans, a été percuté par une BMW immatriculée T1219. Il est mort sur le coup. L’autopsie a attribué le décès de cet habitant de Congomah à de graves blessures. Si dans un premier temps, l’épouse du secrétaire parlementaire, Vicky Henry a raconté qu’elle avait percuté le piéton. Elle a été admise dans une clinique après l’accident mais revirement de situation dimanche soir. Thierry Henry, député du Parti mauricien socialdémocrate, s’est rendu au poste de police de TerreRouge pour dire que c’est lui qui était au volant de la voiture, et non son épouse. Thierry Henry a déclaré à sa sortie de la cour de Pamplemousses, le lundi 4 avril qu’il était dans un état de choc et qu’l a été emporté par les événements. Quand il a retrouvé mes esprits, il a décidé de prendre ses responsabilités. Son épouse, Vicky Henry, fait, elle, face à une charge provisoire ‘of obstructing police’. Elle a eu à fournir une caution de Rs 10 000. Elle a également signé une reconnaissance de dette de Rs 50 000. 6 2 07 April 2016 DATE À l’assemblée Nationale Bérenger contre Hanoomanjee pour la présidence du Broadcasting Committee À la suite de la motion du Premier ministre, mardi 29 mars dernier, pour amender le Standing Order 69 en vue de mettre sur pied un Broadcasting Committee pour le contrôle de la retransmission en direct des travaux parlementaires, Paul Bérenger a déclaré qu’il n’a rien de personnel, mais il suggère que ce ne soit pas la Speaker qui préside le Broadcasting Committee. Le leader de l’opposition a rappelé que le point principal qu’il avait soulevé lors des débats, en octobre dernier, n’a toujours pas été pris en compte. C’est-àdire, la personne qui présidera le comité, de même que les autres membres, ne sont toujours pas connus. À quoi le Premier ministre a simplement répondu que le Broadcasting Committee comprendra un président et huit membres qui seront désignés par le comité de sélection, comme c’est le SAJ déclare qu’il serait sans pitié s’il a des preuves Paul Bérenger, leader de l’opposition s’oppose catégoriquement au speaker Maya Hanoomanjee. cas pour le Public Accounts Committee. À savoir que c’est la présidente de la Chambre qui préside ce comité. C’est durant la première tranche des travaux parlementaires de mardi, bien avant la motion du Premier ministre, que Maya Hanoomanjee a annoncé les réalisations à ce jour en vue de la retransmission en direct des travaux parlementaires. En l’occurrence, une chaîne dédiée a été mise à la disposition de l’Assemblée nationale par Multi Carrier. Une caméra a déjà été installée à l’arrière des rangs de l’opposition, et des tests de lumière sont actuellement en cours dans l’hémicycle. Un exercice de recrutement sera également lancé. MSM Pravind Jugnauth soutient Lutchmeenaraidoo Le Premier ministre sir Anerood Jugnauth et son fils, Pravind ne sont pas sur la même longueur d’onde, semble-t-il, en ce qu’il s’agit de Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo. Si le Premier ministre avait déclaré, mercredi, qu’on ne peut plus compter sur Vishnu Lutchmeenaraido, en revanche, Pravind Jugnauth a lui répliqué pour dire qu’il fait toujours partie intégrante du MSM et qu’on peut Affaire Lutchmeenaraidoo toujours compter sur lui. Sir Anerood Jugnauth a, cependant, précisé que l’ancien ministre des Finances est toujours membre du parti que dirige son fils. Pravind Jugnauth qui était à Quartier-Militaire, à l’occasion de l’International Women Day a également affirmé que les enquêtes se font en toute indépendance dans les affaires Dayal et Lutchmeenaraidoo. Il devait aussi dire qu’il n’est pas en mesure de les juger et les condamner. Il attend les conclusions des enquêtes. Par ailleurs, parlant du rôle de la femme dans la société, Pravind Jugnauth a souligné que les hommes doivent changer de mentalité envers les femmes. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, Premier ministre, est connu pour sa droiture. Le Premier ministre qui était présent lors d’une soirée organisée par le SAJ Fans Club pour son anniversaire au château Labourdonnais, à Mapou n’a pas manqué de dire que des gens lui ont dit qu’il est âgé de 68 ans, alors qu’il célèbre son 86e anniversaire. Sir Anerood Jugnauth a profité pour rappeler son parcours politique. Il raconte qu’en 1982, s’il n’avait pas été là, le pays aurait connu la misère. Parlant du miracle économique d’alors, il a indiqué qu’à cette époque, Il avait Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo avec lui. A cette époque, il y avait des rumeurs disant qu’il avait ceci et cela. S’il y a des preuves, il serait sans pitié. Parlant du remake qui était-on, il confie qu’il avait à Paul Bérenger d’amener Lutchmeenaraidoo pour réaliser le deuxième miracle économique. Malheureusement, après ce qui s’est passé, le gouvernement ne peut compter sur lui. Le gouvernement doit dé- Ministère de la Technologie, de la Communication et de l’Innovation L’IBA n’est plus sous la responsabilité de Sinatambou L’éducation est primordiale car il faut inculquer les valeurs dès le plus jeune âge». Meeting du 1er Mai Revers pour le Parti travailliste La demande de révision judiciaire du Parti Travailliste(PTr) a été rejetée en Cour suprême, le jeudi 31 mars. Le parti contestait la décision de la mairie de Vacoas-Phoenix d’autoriser le MSM à tenir son meeting du 1er mai à la place Bazar, Vacoas. Le chef juge Keshoe Parsad Matadeen a indiqué avoir pris note du conflit d’intérêts évoqué par le PTr. Mais il a soutenu qu’il revient au conseil municipal de décider à qui il allouera la place Bazar. Le président du PTr, Patrick Assirvaden a déclaré à sa sortie de la cour. Qu’au PTr, les membres respectent le judiciaire et le ‘ruling’ rendu. Le PTr verra au niveau du bureau poli- tique comment s’organiser pour 1er mai. Le Parti doit être présent à cette occasion. Les rouges disent avoir fait leur demande à la mairie de Vacoas-Phoenix le 1er décembre 2015. Le parti soleil a, lui, fait sa demande le 4 janvier 2016. Deux jours plus tard, le conseil de Vacoas-Phœnix a donné son feu vert au MSM. brouiller par lui-même et il dit espéré avoir un nouveau ministre des Finances. Par ailleurs, le Premier ministre a également exhorté ceux présents à ne pas prêter foi à ce qu’il qualifie de fausse propagande. Il faisait notamment référence au projet Heritage City et des financements de pays comme l’Arabie saoudite. Il a, aussi, donné l’assurance que plusieurs projets démarreront cette année. Notamment au port, à l’aéroport, Heritage City, les routes. Etienne Sinatambou, ministre de la Technologie, de la Communication et de l’Innovation, est-il bien vu à l’intérieur du gouvernement ? Étienne Sinatambou, ministre de la Technologie, de la Communication et de l’Innovation, est-il mal vu au niveau du gouvernement ? C’est la question que se posent des nombreux observateurs politiques en ce moment, surtout que plusieurs organismes sous sa tutelle lui ont été enlevés. Après l’Information and Communication Technologies Authority of Mauritius (ICTA) et de la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) lorsqu’il a pris ses fonctions au ministère de la Technologie, de la Communication et de l’Innovation, Étienne Sinatambou a aussi perdu l’Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), et de Multi Carrier Mauritius Ltd. L’annonce officielle n’a pas été faite, mais les cadres de ces organismes en ont été informés. 7 2 07 April 2016 National Insurance Company (NIC) Bhadain indique que la SICOM va investir Roshi Bhadain, ministre des Services financiers et de la Bonne Gouvernance, Holdings et au National Pension Fund, pour le rachat de 45 % de son actionnariat. C’était lors d’une interpellation de Paul Bérenger, à l’heure des questions aux ministres, mardi 29 mars. Cependant, Roshi Bhadain devait aussitôt revenir sur ses propos lorsque le leader de l’opposition l’a repris sur ‘SICOM will invest’, faisant ressortir que c’est au conseil d’administration de décider. Avant de souligner qu’il n’y a aucune raison pour que ces entités n’investissent pas au sein de la NIC, qui a 140 000 assurancesvie contre 70 000 pour la SICOM. Sans compter que la compagnie est profitable. Des soins de qualités à la prison de Beau-Bassin… Les femmes incarcérées ont Selon le ministre des Ser- désormais droit à des soins vices financiers, la NIC a de qualité, comme tous les décidé d’ouvrir son capital Mauriciens. C’est la déclaration faite par le ministre de la Santé, le mercredi 30 mars, lors de l’inauguration d’un complexe médical à la prison des femmes de Beau-Bassin. Des 110 détenues que compte ce centre pénitencier, environ 95 ont des problèmes de santé. Elles auront ainsi de quoi pour leur permettre voir l’avenir en rose ! Le complexe médical comprendra, entre autres, une pharmacie et une unité pour les prisonnières qui doivent être placées sous surveillance médicale. Des équipements de pointe ont également été commandés pour les soins dentaires. Et des séances de prévention et réhabilitation seront organisées. Anil Gayan a indiqué que ce nouveau complexe médical Roshi Bhadain, ministre des Services financiers de la Bonne Gouvernance, est confiant que la situation est sous contrôle. trouve qu’il y aucune raison de ne pas investir dans la National Insurance Company (ex-British American Insurance) (NIC). Il a déclaré que State Insurance Company of Mauritius (SICOM) va investir, et que du côté de la SBM Holdings, il attend également une réponse positive. Roshi Bhadain s’est prononcé, pour la toute première fois, sur la proposition faite par la National Insurance Company (ex-British American Insurance) à la State Insurance Company of Mauritius (SICOM), à la SBM Inauguration d’un complexe médical pour lever des fonds afin que le gouvernement n’ait pas à puiser des fonds publics. Il a fait valoir qu’après les rapports des actuaires de QED, du cabinet indépendant BDO en ce sens, un autre rapport de Deloitte était attendu entre mardi et ce mercredi. Roshi Bhadain a aussi fait ressortir que si elle investit au sein de la NIC, qui est également une compagnie d’assurances, la SICOM ne pourra le faire qu’à une certaine hauteur, comme le stipule un règlement de la Financial Services commission. Pas de discrimination au niveau des soins médicaux pour les femmes prisonnières à Beau-Bassin. doit aspirer à ce type de fonctionnement. Actuellement, 412 prisonnières à travers l’île sont séropositives, 400 sont sous méthadone, et 215 ont des problèmes mentaux. Conflit avec Balancy Me Antoine Domingue décide de rester… Agression à l’acide Dix ans de prison pour Tariq Gaffoor Cette affaire remonte au 31 décembre 2013. Tariq Gaffoor, 45 ans, a offert Rs 10 000 à l’un de ses neveux pour défigurer sa belle-sœur. Fou amoureux de cette dernière, il n’a pu supporter qu’elle se fiance à un autre homme. Au cours de l’attaque, Farhaan Dowlut, 7 ans, sa sœur de trois ans, leur mère et leur grand-mère ont été brûlés. Tariq Gaffoor, le commanditaire de cette attaque à l’acide, aura à purger une peine de prison de dix ans. Tariq Gaffoor a écopé de dix ans de prison, le mercredi 30 mars, en cour intermédiaire. Il avait été trouvé coupable d’avoir commandité une attaque à l’acide à Plaine-Verte. Plongé dans le coma Farhaan Dowlut a rendu l’âme en janvier des suites d’une septicémie à l’unité des grands brûlés de l’hôpital Victoria, à Candos. Me Antoine Domaingue est revenu sur sa décision de rendre sa robe à la suite d’une réunion cordiale avec le Chef Juge, Kheshoe Parsad Matadeen. Après un contentieux avec le Senior Puisne Judge (SPJ) Eddy Balancy, Me Antoine Domaingue avait envoyé une lettre au secrétaire du chef juge le vendredi 25 mars, indiquant son intention de ne plus pratiquer au barreau à partir du 1er mai. Cependant, depuis une discussion avec le chef juge Kheshoe Parsad Matadeen, Me Antoine Domingue ne compte plus mettre sa menace à exécution. Il décide ainsi de demeurer au barreau. Pour rappel, Me Antoine Domaingue avait demandé que son nom soit enlevé officiellement de la liste des avocats pratiquants. Le même jour, l’homme de loi a eu une rencontre avec le chef juge au bureau de ce dernier, à la Cour suprême. Rencontre qui a duré plusieurs heures et lors de laquelle le chef juge Kheshoe Parsad Matadeen a donné la garantie à Me Antoine Domingue que les procès dans lesquels il plaide ne seront pas entendus devant le SPJ Eddy Balancy. Me Antoine Domingue a indiqué que c’était une réunion très cordiale. Le chef juge a été très atten- tif. Il lui a expliqué le fil des événements qui ont débouché sur un accrochage verbal avec le SPJ Balancy. Me Antoine Domaingue précise aussi qu’il ne tient pas rigueur. Au SPJ Balancy et d’ajouter qu’ilo n’a rien de personnel contre lui. Cette affaire a, pour toile de fond, le renvoi du procès Halkae Quadria Ishat vs la Private Secondary School Authority, le 22 mars, suivant le retard du SPJ Eddy Balancy. Me Antoine Domingue s’est engagé à se faire remplacer par un autre collègue après consultation avec son client. 8 2 07 April 2016 DATE Balika Vadhu to Power Couple: 7 shows that we will always remember Pratyusha Banerjee for Pratyusha Banerjee who shot to fame after portraying the role of Anandi in the popular TV series Balika Vadhu is no more. She committed suicide last night at her Mumbai residence by hanging herself from the ceiling fan. Her body was recovered by her boyfriend and actor Rahul Raj Singh, with whom she was in a live-in relationship. The news, which was first thought to be an April Fool’s prank left everyday shocked, when they came to know it was true. Known to be a strong-willed, talented and chirpy girl, she was only 24 years old when she decided to take her life. Though Pratyusha is no more with us, she will always be remembered for the person she was and for the memorable roles she portrayed on television. We celebrate her life through the various characters she played on screen. Balika Vadhu Pratyusha started her career with Balika Vadhu and soon became a household name after gaining popularity as Anandi. Pratyusha was selected for the show after the audience voted for her to portray the grown-up Anandi after the show’s first leap. She quit the show after about three years. Bigg Boss 7 After her exit from Balika Vadhu, Pratyusha entered the popular reality show, Bigg Boss 7 as a contestant in 2013. Through the show, her fans were able to see a totally different down-to-earth side of hers. Although the actress was evicted after 63 days she was able to make an impact on people. Sasural Simar Ka The favourite bahu of Indian Television industry turned a daayan for the show Sasural Simar Ka and surprised her fans. She portrayed the role of Mohini in the widely popular show and was able to entertain the viewers even in a negative role. Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5 Well, all know that Pratyusha was a brilliant actress until her participation in the dance reality show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, judged by Madhuri Dixit. With her sizzling and lively dance moves, the versatile actress wooed the audience once again. Hum Hain Na Pratyusha portrayed a Bengali girl(which she actually was) who falls in love with Banaras ka Bunty in the show. Although the show ended soon but Pratyusha was able to entertain her fans once again. was circulated in the first place,” a source from the film’s unit told IANS. The film’s director S.S Rajamouli is currently busy shooting some important portions of the film in Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. Prabhas and Anushka Shetty have also already joined Homosexuality is normal, kudos to Kapoor & Sons for showing this Let’s face it, watching Kapoor & Sons was painful because the decibel level of shouting could do serious harm to your ear drums. Yes, this reflects a noise-filled India, but after a while, the screaming match that erupts between the completely dysfunctional Kapoors is cringe-making, as they run totally out of control. In that sense, it plays to our stereotypical expectation of a henpecked, under-ambitious husband trying to live with an over-ambitious wife, who cannot tolerate the fact that they are the poor end of the family. This situation is made worse by the fact that the parents openly discriminate between their two sons, preferring the elder, leading the younger to complain bitterly (and rightly so!) that he had not received the same kind of affection from his parents. Of course tension is further escalated because the two brothers are determinedly alike where their interests are concerned and sibling rivalry becomes extreme because they are both authors. One is rich, however, and the other is poor. One is successful, the other barely can make do with what he has. And then matters get worse when they meet the same girl and appear to be attracted to her as well. And yes, they are both working on a new novel: the only difference is that one of them has been working and the other is still trying to get himself to complete it. One has writer’s block and the other thinks of himself as a failure. The reunion is happening because their grandfather is unwell, and both have been summoned to his bedside. Given this history of dispute and confrontation, there is little to be done except wait till the end of the film for the fight to be sorted out. But even that decision is ultimately taken over by the shrillness of the ending. And yet this film is worth viewing because it is the first time that we see someone who is actually “gay” come out and confess his homosexuality. This has rarely happened in mainstream Indian cinema, and for many of us, this is even more interesting because the actor playing this difficult role is Fawad Khan, a Pakistani. Would a mainstream Indian actor have been able to play this role without worrying about his “image”, one wonders. In the past, films have used insinuation, innuendos, gestures to make homosexuality either a joke or a cruel one night stand that becomes a nightmare. This is the first film in which the gay individual is shown as normal, as someone who is part of the social fabric, and not something apart. One should make this film a “must see” for today’s generation. And also for older people, who would strive to ignore the problem altogether. As the young man’s mother decides to accept her son’s homosexuality, others in the audience too might reconsider their stance. (Source: Deepika Padukone not doing BAAHUBALI 2 Power Couple Pratyusha participated in the celebrity couple reality show this year along with her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh and talked about their love story in detail. But who would have thought that this would be one of her last shows. (Source: Deepika Padukone not doing BAAHUBALI 2 Actress Deepika Padukone is not part of the second instalment of the ‘Baahubali’ franchise, contrary to some reports, a source said. “Even we were surprised when we came across this news. It’s just a rumour, which we don’t even know how it Bollowood the sets, while Rana Dagubatti will join from May, after he wraps up HindiTelugu bilingual ‘Ghazi’. Tipped to be even more majestic than the first part, the film is likely to hit the screens on April 14 next year. (Source: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently shared a picture of him on Instagram where he is seen in full fledged action mode while shooting for his upcoming movie Raees. The actor, who will be seen fighting the villains in this one wrote in his Insta post, that no ropes were used while shooting for the sequence. The 50-year-old actor is seen in action mode in the still, wherein he could be seen flying high while filming a scene and captioned it as,”Action Director Ravi sir & Cinematography team of Mohanan sir is making making me fly. Filter yes…Wires No!”. The movie, which is directed by Rahul Dholakia and produced by Gauri Khan, Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar under their banners Red Chillies Entertainment and Excel Entertainment respectively, also stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Pakistani actor Mahira Khan in the lead roles. The film is slated to hit the theatres on 3 July. (Source: 9 2 07 April 2016 Hollowood iHeartRadio Awards 2016 winners list: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and more WINNER“Uptown Funk,” Fifth Harmony, Jasmine V, Jacob Whitesides and Mahogany Lox covering Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars Taylor Swift won four awards during Sunday night’s iHeartRadio Music Awards, including Female Artist of the Year, Album of the Year (for1989), Best Tour, and – perhaps most important in 2016 – Most Meme-able Moment for her “Blank Space” video. Other winners included Swift’s boyfriend Calvin Harris (named Dance Artist of the Year), Adele, Justin Bieber, Drake, Selena Gomez, and Chris Brown, who topped Beyoncé in the R&B Artist of the Year category. Ahead the full list of winners from the 2016 iHeartRadio Music Awards. Song of the Year “Blank Space,” Taylor Swift “Can’t Feel My Face,” The Weeknd WINNER: “Hello,” Adele “Shut Up and Dance,” Walk the Moon “Uptown Funk,” Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars Female Artist of the Year Adele Carrie Underwood Meghan Trainor Selena Gomez WINNER: Taylor Swift Male Artist of the Year Ed Sheeran WINNER: Justin Bieber Luke Bryan Sam Smith The Weeknd Best New Artist WINNER: Fetty Wap Hozier Sam Hunt Shawn Mendes Tove Lo Best Duo/Group of the Year Fall Out Boy WINNER: Maroon 5 One Direction Walk the Moon Zac Brown Band Album of the Year WINNER: 1989, Taylor Swift 25, Adele Beauty Behind the Madness, The Weeknd In the Lonely Hour, Sam Smith X, Ed Sheeran Best Tour Foo Fighters Garth Brooks Best Song from a Movie “Earned It,” The Weeknd (Fifty Shades of Grey) “Love Me Like You Do,” Ellie Goulding (Fifty Shades of Grey) “See You Again,” Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth (Furious 7) WINNER: “Til It Happens To You,” Lady Gaga (The Hunting Ground) “Writing’s On The Wall,” Sam Smith (Spectre) Luke Bryan WINNER: Taylor Swift U2 Alternative Rock Artist of the Year AWOLNATION Foo Fighters Muse WINNER: Twenty One Pilots X Ambassadors Alternative Rock Song of the Year “Cigarette Daydreams,” Cage The Elephant “Ex’s & Oh’s,” Elle King “Renegades,” X Ambassadors “Shut Up and Dance,” Walk the Moon WINNER: “Stressed Out,” Twenty One Pilots Rock Artist of the Year Breaking Benjamin Disturbed Five Finger Death Punch WINNER: Foo Fighters Three Days Grace Rock Song of the Year “Cut the Cord,” Shinedown “Failure,” Breaking Benjamin “Footsteps,” Pop Evil WINNER: “Heavy Is the Head,” Zac Brown Band featuring Chris Cornell “I Am Machine,” Three Days Grace Country Song of the Year WINNER: “Buy Me a Boat,” Chris Janson “Homegrown,” Zac Brown Band “I See You,” Luke Bryan “Lose My Mind,” Brett Eldredge “Take Your Time,” Sam Hunt Country Artist of the Year Blake Shelton Brad Paisley WINNER: Luke Bryan Sam Hunt Thomas Rhett Dance Song of the Year “Hey Mama,” David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha & Afrojack “Lean On,” Major Lazer & DJ Snake featuring MØ “Waves,” Mr. Probz WINNER: “Where Are Ü Now,” Skrillex & Diplo with Justin Bieber “You Know You Like It,” DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge Dance Artist of the Year WINNER: Calvin Harris David Guetta Major Lazer Skrillex & Diplo Zedd Hip Hop Song of the Year “Blessings,” Big Sean featuring Drake & Kanye West “Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh),” Rich Homie Quan WINNER: “Hotline Bling,” Drake “Trap Queen,” Fetty Wap “Truffle Butter,” Nicki Minaj featuring Drake & Lil Wayne Hip Hop Artist of the Year Big Sean WINNER: Drake Fetty Wap Future J. Cole R&B Song of the Year “Bitch Better Have My Money,” Rihanna WINNER: “Earned It,” The Weeknd “Planes,” Jeremih featuring J. Cole “Post To Be,” Omarion featuring Chris Brown & Jhene Aiko “The Hills,” The Weeknd R&B Artist of the Year Beyoncé WINNER: Chris Brown The Weeknd Trey Songz Usher Latin Song of the Year “Ay Vamos,” J Balvin WINNER: “El Perdón,” Nicky Jam & Enrique Iglesias “Hilito,” Romeo Santos “La Gozadera,” Gente De Zona featuring Marc Anthony “Mi Verdad,” Maná featuring Shakira Latin Artist of the Year Enrique Iglesias J Balvin Nicky Jam WINNER: Pitbull Prince Royce strong>Regional Mexican Song of the Year “Aunque Ahora Estés Con Él,” Calibre 50 “Eres Una Niña,” Gerardo Ortiz WINNER: “Levantando Polvadera,” Voz de Mando “Mi Vicio Más Grande,” Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lizárraga “Te Metiste,” Ariel Camacho y Los Plebes del Rancho Regional Mexican Artist of the Year WINNER: Banda Los Recoditos Calibre 50 Gerardo Ortiz Julión Álvarez y Su Norteño Banda Voz De Mando Best Lyrics “Die A Happy Man,” Thomas Rhett WINNER: “Fight Song,” Rachel Platten “Hello,” Adele “Photograph,” Ed Sheeran “See You Again,” Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth Best Collaboration “Bad Blood,” Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar “Like I’m Gonna Lose You,” Meghan Trainor featuring John Legend “See You Again,” Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth WINNER: “Uptown Funk,” Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars “Where Are Ü Now,” Skrillex & Diplo with Justin Bieber Best Cover Song 1989 (Album in Full), Ryan Adams covering Taylor Swift “Bad Blood,” Alessia Cara covering Taylor Swift “Bitch Better Have My Money,” Kelly Clarkson covering Rihanna “Cheerleader,” Pentatonix covering Omi “Hands To Myself/Sorry,” Troye Sivan covering Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber “Hello,” Demi Lovato covering Adele “Hotline Bling,” Justin Bieber covering Drake “Hotline Bling,” Sam Smith & Disclosure covering Drake “Trap Queen,” Ed Sheeran covering Fetty Wap Most Meme-able Moment Adele and all of the “Hello” memes (Lionel Richie, Miss Piggy, Etc.) Drake and “Hotline Bling” Katy Perry and the Left Shark (from Super Bowl 49) Kanye West and Kanye For President / Kanye 2020 WINNER: Taylor Swift’s “Crazy Girl” with Running Mascara (from “Blank Space” video) Triple Threat Lady Gaga, Singer/Actor/ Activist Hailee Steinfeld, Singer/Actor/Model Jason Derulo, Singer/Host/ Dancer Jennifer Lopez, Singer/Actor/Dancer Justin Timberlake, Singer/ Actor/Dancer Nick Jonas, Singer/Actor/ Model WINNER: Selena Gomez, Singer/Actor/Dancer Troye Sivan, Singer/Actor/ YouTuber Usher, Singer/Actor/Dancer Zendaya, Singer/Actor/ Dancer Best Fan Army 5 Seconds of Summer, 5SOSFam Adam Lambert, Glamberts Ariana Grande, Arianators Demi Lovato, Lovatics Fifth Harmony, Harmonizers WINNER: Justin Bieber, Beliebers Little Mix, Mixers Nicki Minaj, Barbz One Direction, Directioners Selena Gomez, Selenators Shawn Mendes, Mendes Army Taylor Swift, Swifties (Source: 10 2 07 April 2016 DATE 07 April 2016 2 s t o h S r u o Glam at Champ de Mars 11 12 2 07 April 2016 DATE 21. THE ARMED GUARD CUP - -1365 m – [0-20] D.CONTROLLER M.NAUGHT 21. THE ARMEDM. GUARD CUP 1365-[0-20] MAN S.NETWORK V.MAGICO 22. THE LALL T.O.FORTUNE SEESURRUNS.FOUNTAINS CUP - Draper’s Mile 1500-Benchmark 31 DUNRAVEN HALABALOO M. MAN D.CONTROLLER Horse 1 DATA CONTROLLER KURUNDU R.PERFORMER M.NAUGHT Rk KURUNDU R.EXPRESS R.PERFORMER F.NOBLE 2 MC NAUGHT 3 MEDITERRANEAN MAN C.NERO S.NETWORK Jockey S.FOUNTAINS F.NOBLE Equip Wgh Draw Time & Length SN 60.5 7 S.Rama 1m23.74 4-1 UD UN 56 60 2 1 K.Ghunowa P.Hall 1m23.85 1m24.04 9-4F 9-2 Odds SOCIAL NETWORK 59.5 5 B.Sooful 1m24.22 4-1 5 6 CAPTAIN NERO FORT NOBLE BN 61.5 58 4 3 R.Joorawon R.Hoolash 1m24.55 1m24.80 13-1 12-1 7 ROYAL PERFORMER N 56.5 6 S.Bhundoo 1m24.82 10-1 DUNRAVEN R.EXPRESS T.O.FORTUNE BUT 4 Rk Horse Equip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEVEN FOUNTAINS TRIAD OF FORTUNE ROMAN EXPRESS KURUNDU DUNRAVEN HALABALOO VIENTO MAGICO BN N TN SN S N YN Wgh Draw 61 60 59.5 60.5 55 61.5 60.5 6 4 1 7 5 2 3 250 E.LOVE C.CITY B.BEAR L.VALENTINE 24. THE PRODIGALN.COMPARES CUP 1365-Benchmark 51 T.BASSETT E.ROYALE CULA R.F.FUN MILLENIMESTA Horse Equip Wgh 1 RACING FOR FUN 2 EMBLEM ROYALE N 3 MILLENIMESTA B 4 TED BASSETT TSD 5 COLOUR OF COURAGE B 6 CULA TD 7 8 COUNT EMMANUALE KAZM B N C.O.COURAGE Draw Jockey Time & Length BUT Odds 59 59 59 59 59 60 3 8 1 2 5 6 K.Ghunowa M.Neisius R.Hoolash R.Joorawon D.David B.Sooful 1m23.05 1m23.17 1m23.59 1m23.70 1m23.87 1m24.13 11-4F 21-1 15-2 3-1 9-2 9-1 60 58 4 7 P.Hall S.Rama 1m24.53 1m25.60 8-1 17-1 After catching the eye with very promising theMillenimesta final meetingjumped last season, Racing Colour Of Courage stoodhis flat-footed and wasdebut slow in out. awkwardly and was slowone into stride. Racing For Fun threw head on jumping. Shortly after the start For Fun went better here, continuing the veryits good start to 2016 for Shirish Narang and Racing For Fun bumped the hindquarters of Ted Bassett, which had jumped awkwardly and Kevin Ghunowa. shifted out. From its wide draw Kazm was taken back to race behind runners and raced wide in the early stages. Leaving the 1300 metres Kazm threw its head being settled. From Running in 6th position along the rails, Racing For Fun once againwhen showed a quick turn of approaching the 700 metres Count Emmanuale commenced to over-race and had to be steafoot when it mattered, getting the win ahead of debutant Emblem Royale (Mark Neisius), died when awkward close to the heels of Emblem Royale. Ted Bassett and Racing For Fun,who which following,showing. were also inconvenienced and had to be steadied. When questioned put up a were good-looking with regard to the poor performance of Ted Bassett, jockey Joorawon explained that from his Millenimesta (Reehaze strongest finishHis of all, though was only good draw, he managedHoolash) to secureproduced a positionthe justbest behind the leaders. mount then ittravelled relaxedfor but, when asked for anGAETAN effort at the 300 CUP metres, Bassett failed to quicken and hung enough 3rd, while Ted Bassett (Rye Joorawon) wasTed 4th. 25. THE HALBWACHS - -1400 m – [Benchmark 61] out in the home straight. He added that in his opinion this gelding races better when coming from off the pace and the fact R.T.LIFE that today it raced closer to the lead may have contributed to its H.ROCKET 250 poor performance. A subsequent veterinary examination of Ted Bassett revealed no abnormality. When questioned, jockey Hall (Count Emmanuale) explained that he was instructed to A.GOLD lead, however, if challenged, to endeavour to settle in secondKALINAGO position61 and ride his race from D.BRASCO 25. THE GAETAN HALBWACHS CUP 1400-Benchmark K.CAPTAIN thereon. He explained that after jumping well he managed to secure the lead, however leaving the 1300 metres, seeing that Emblem Royale improved on his outside, he elected to settle H.ROCKET Count Emmanuale behind it. He added that leaving the 800 metres, when Cula improved on its outside, Count Emmanuale commenced to race fiercely and approaching the 600 metres had to be taken outR.T.LIFE from behind Emblem Royale to avoid its heels. He also said that when K.CAPTAIN asked for an effort at the 300 metres, his mountA.GOLD failed to quicken and was disappointing. He D.BRASCO BUT added that in his opinion Count Emmanuale might be better suited when leading. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon that Kazm was lame on the near fore leg.Time Trainer P. Merven Rk Horse reportedEquip Wgh Draw Jockey & Length Odds informed the Stewards that he would retire Kazm. KREMLIN CAPTAIN RECALL TO LIFE ASHANTI GOLD HOT ROCKET DONNIE BRASCO KALINAGO Race 5: TN 60.5 60 59.5 57 60 60.5 BN N BN 5 2 1 3 4 6 Y.Emamdee D.David D.Mansour K.Ghunowa S.Rama R.Joorawon 1m24.48 1m24.62 1m25.02 1m25.27 1m25.31 1m25.96 27. THE ZINOVIEFF PLATE 1365-[0-20] EPICENTRE B.GAMBIT Horse VAN DER SCALER SEVEN CARAT BLACK GAMBIT EPICENTRE TOBEASTAR BATAAN RACE 7 Wgh Draw 6 7 Time & Length LUCKY VALENTINE NOTHING COMPARES ALWAYS FLIRTING ELUSIVE LOVE BOBBY BEAR SN UN ND D N 59.5 60 61.5 59 61 5 1 4 7 2 D.Mansour D.David P.Hall R.Joorawon S.Rama 1m24.13 1m24.21 1m24.27 1m24.58 1m24.62 6-4F 3-1 9-1 11-2 13-2 Odds CARSON CITY SOLE MIO N N 59.5 61.5 6 3 S.Bhundoo R.Hoolash 1m24.67 1m25.89 39-1 12-1 Sole Mio had to be checked to avoid the heels of Always Flirting, clipped its heels and Lucky Valentine his insufficiently second win of theAt day, alsointo helped stumbled whenearned AlwaysRameshwar Flirting was Gujadhur taken in when clear. an and inquiry this incident, jockey Hall (Always Flirting) pleadedto guilty to a charge under MTC Rule 160 A (e) Donovan Mansour taste victory on his return Mauritius. for careless riding and was suspended from riding in races for the race meetings of 9 and 16 Seizing lead from the word go, metres LuckyAlways Valentine held became on rightawkward to the end, scoring Aprilthe 2016. Approaching the 1200 Flirting and was easedhis to 3rd avoid the heels of Lucky Valentine when the latter slowed the pace. Bobby Bear, which was winfollowing, on Mauritian turf. was also inconvenienced and had to be steadied. At an inquiry into this incident, jockey Mansour pleaded guilty Compares to a charge(Derreck under MTC Rule and 160 Always A (b) Accompanying him(Lucky on theValentine) podium were Nothing David) for excessively slowing the pace of his mount and was fined Rs.25,000. An inquiry into the Flirting (Peter Hall), while Ryewas Joorawon had to settlemorning. for 4th again, this time on Elusive handling of Always Flirting adjourned to Tuesday Love. An inquiry was opened in the handling of Lucky Valentine who shortened from 5/1 to 2/1. 26. THE JASON ESPITALIER NOEL CUP - DRAPER’S MILE - -1500 m – [Benchmark 41] W.GLIDER PARADO T.ISLAND 250 S.A.COIN 26. THE JASON ESPITALIER NOEL CUP - Draper’s Mile 1500-Benchmark 41 U.E.ORBI MONSIEURNANDO GHARBEE S.A.COIN PARADO GHARBEE W.GLIDER MONSIEURNANDO Rk Horse 1 2 GHARBEE PARADO 3 4 5 6 7 MONSIEURNANDO WIND GLIDER SPIN A COIN URBI ET ORBI TIGER ISLAND Race 6: 6 RACE Equip Jockey Time & Length BUT Wgh Draw D TN 57.5 61.5 7 2 R.Joorawon D.David 1m31.53 1m31.56 6-1 11-10F Odds UD PN B N N 59.5 61 59 58 57 5 3 4 1 6 P.Hall Y.Emamdee M.Neisius K.Ghunowa B.Sooful 1m31.95 1m32.42 1m32.70 1m32.78 1m33.78 11-1 8-1 8-1 5-1 14-1 Urbi Et(Rye OrbiJoorawon) jumped awkwardly shifted Parado. Fromas leaving 1250 Gharbee came upand trumps in out, thisbumping penultimate contest, he ledthe stable metres Urbi Et Orbi raced fiercely and near the 700 metres clipped the heels of Wind Glider. companion Parado (Derreck forturn. a Gilbert Roussetthe one-two. Gharbee raced wide roundingDavid) the home Approaching 250 metres Monsieurnando had to be steadied when unable from behind Parado. In the early in stages the Gharbee was running at the reartoofimprove the field, before accelerating brilliantly the of final home straight Monsieurnando could not secure clear running and leaving the 100 metres was taken to to the inside of Wind Glider to continue going forward. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon metres steal victory from Parado, who was not beaten by much. The latter seemed reported that Tiger Island was not striding out properly after the race. to have made the difference when closing dangerously on Wind Gilder, but just we thought that he had the race won, he was peeped at the post by his stable companion. Monsieurnando (Peter Hall) was 3rd, ahead of Wind Glider (Yashin Emamdee), who had set the pace. BATAAN Race 7: TOBEASTAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 Jockey BUT Equip 250 S.CARAT Rk Horse E.LOVE TOBEASTAR V.D.SCALER V.D.SCALER N.COMPARES Rk S.MIO RACE 4 13-8F 10-3 9-2 13-2 6-1 11-1 B.GAMBIT Odds 6-1 13-2 10-1 6-5F 22-1 8-1 9-2 Carson Race 4: City was slow to begin. Elusive Love hesitated at the start. Near the 1350 metres 5 NoRACE such problems for the champion horse in this main event, as Kremlin Captain showHot Rocket fly-jumped and was slow out. Ashanti Gold jumped awkwardly and shifted out, cased his authority and earned his yard and Leaving jockey Yashin Emamdee the firstGold of two wins crowding Recall To Life onto Hot Rocket. the 1200 metres Ashanti comto race fiercely and was taken out when awkward close to the heels of Kremlin Capof menced the day. tain and, in doing so, carried Kalinago wider on the track. Kalinago raced wide from then Kremlin Captain led throughout onhome his way to victory, with Recall To Life (Derreck onwards. Hot Rocket hung in in the straight. David) the best of the rest. Kremlin Captain won with something in hand, and this is a clear indication that there is a lot to come from him in the coming weeks. Ashanti Gold (Donovan Mansour) completed the podium, with Hot Rocket (Kevin Ghu27. THE ZINOVIEFF PLATE - -1365 m – [0-20] nowa) performing solidly to take 4th. S.CARAT 1m31.34 1m31.46 1m31.71 1m32.47 1m32.50 1m32.77 1m32.84 C.CITY B.BEAR A.FLIRTING L.VALENTINE Race 3: 3 RACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 B.Sooful S.Rama P.Hall Y.Emamdee S.Bhundoo K.Ghunowa D.Mansour BUT RACE 2 out over the concluding stages with jockey Hall shifting his whip to his left hand. Leaving the 50 metres jockey Hall (Mediterranean Man) dropped his whip. R.F.FUN C.EMMANUALE 23. THE DR. JOCELYN T.BASSETT MAINGARD CUP 1365-Benchmark 36 E.ROYALE CULA MILLENIMESTA Time & Length cover in the early stages. Kurundu hung in from leaving the 900 metres and approaching the Trainer Rameshwar Gujadhur once Emamdee’s again saddled two to winners in this meeting, and the 600 metres shifted in despite jockey attempt straighten his mount. Halabaloo, which was racing on its inside, had to be steadied. Seven bagged Fountains raced wide from leaving first one came here with Seven Fountains, who finally his first win. the 450 metres. Leaving the 400 metres Triad Of Fortune was taken out from behind Halabaloo to improve position in doing so, carried Seven Fountains on the the field, track. With Dinesh Soofulitson board,and, Seven Fountains was running near thewider back of When questioned with regard to poor performance of Kurundu, jockey Emamdee explained before finishing superbly on the outside of the final straight. that from his wide draw, after jumping well, he elected to use his mount in order to obtain a forward position close to the leaders. He added that leaving the 1300 metres he found himself Triad Ofwide Fortune (Swapneel Rama) could only manage with Roman Express (Peter racing without cover and, as such, he elected to settle2nd, his mount just off the leaders. He alsocompleting said that from leaving the 1200 metres KurunduKurundu commenced to raceEmamdee), fiercely and leaving Hall) the podium. As for big favourite (Yashin he the 900 metres had a tendency to hang in badly. He further stated that when asked for an effort 24. THE PRODIGAL CUP - -1365 m – [Benchmark 51] approaching the 300 metres Kurundu failed torun. quicken and was disappointing. A Magico subsequent could only manage 4th, after a very difficult It was reported that Viento veterinary examinationA.FLIRTING of Kurundu revealed mild cuts on its near and off legs. The Club’s 250 (Mansour) afterreported this race. Veterinarybled Surgeon that Viento Magico suffered a bleeding attack. Hero was slow out. Social Network jumped awkwardly and got its head up, unbalanIt Captain was ajockey series of firsts in thisafter opening contest, Data Controller scored his unbalanced. first win in cing Sooful. Shortly the start, Social as Network knuckled and became Leaving the Data steadied to avoid heels of Mediterranean Mauritius and800 alsometres opened theController accounts was of Alain Perdrau andthe Swapneel Rama. Man. Social Network, which was following, became awkward when close to the heels of Data Controller got anwas excellent start from his 7th toRoyal run inPerformer 3rd position. He Data Controller and taken out and, in doing so, draw carried wider onthen the track. Royal Performer raced from then onwards. Social Network raced wide Ghunowa). from leashowed great speed in the finalwide straight to get the better of Mc Naught (Kevin ving the 450 metres. Leaving the 200 metres Mediterranean Man shifted in under pressure, Inresulting 3rd wasinMediterranean Man (Peter whileinto Social Sooful)Man took Data Controller, which wasHall), improving a gapNetwork between (Dinesh Mediterranean and Mc Naught racing in restricted room for a short distance. Mediterranean Man shifted 4th. 23. THE DR. JOCELYN MAINGARD CUP - -1365 m – [Benchmark 36] KAZM Jockey Race 2: was slow out. Seven Fountains was slow into stride. Kurundu raced wide without Dunraven RACE Race 1: 1 Rk SATURDA Y 250 22. THE LALL SEESURRUN CUP - DRAPER’S MILE - -1500 m – [Benchmark 31] 250 C.NERO BATAAN EPICENTRE Equip Wgh Draw N PND TSN USEN S N 59 60.5 58 62 56.5 58.5 5 1 2 3 6 4 Jockey Y.Emamdee K.Ghunowa S.Rama P.Hall B.Sooful R.Hoolash Time & Length 1m24.81 1m24.83 1m24.87 1m25.16 1m25.23 1m25.73 BUT Odds 3-1 7-4F 11-4 14-1 12-1 9-1 If Yashin Emamdee rode Kremlin Captain to victory at the front, he won on Van Der Scaler in a completely different style. Despite misbehaving himself before the start, Van Der Scaler got away solidly, with Yashin Emamdee electing to settle him at the rear of the field. He pressed the button just before the final bend and hit the front in the middle of the final straight, where he just about did enough to hold off Seven Carat (Kevin Ghunowa). In 3rd was Black Gambit (Swapneel Rama), while Epicentre (Peter Hall) was 4th. This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. Seven Carat jumped awkwardly unbalancing jockey Ghunowa. Epicentre was slow into 2 13 to secure a position just behind the leaders. His mount then travelled relaxed but when asked for an effort at the 300 metres, Ted Bassett failed to quicken and hung out in the home straight. of the Stewards, Always Flirting is a horse that usually takes a couple of runs to get to peak fitness and that for today’s race he was of the opinion that jockey Hall rode the gelding to his satisfaction. After consideration, the Stewards decided not to proceed further other than to tell jockey Hall that he should ride his horses so as to leave no room for query. When questioned, trainer Maingard (Elusive Love) explained that he had instructed jockey Joorawon from his poor draw to endeavour to jump and settle Elusive Love  on the rails behind the two fast horses in the race, namely Lucky Valentine and Always Flirting and wait for the last 300 metres to make his move. Jockey Joorawon confirmed these instructions and explained that after Elusive Love hesitated at the start he asked the gelding for an effort and passing the 1300 metres found himself racing on the outside of Always Flirting. He added that from leaving the 1100 metres, when the pace slackened, Elusive Love commenced to race fiercely and that leaving the 700 metres he gradually let his mount improve on the outside of the leader and leaving the 300 metres, when asked for an effort Elusive Love quickened over a short distance before tiring leaving the 200 metres. When questioned, jockey Joorawon explained that after finding himself further forward than expected in the race and his mount over-racing, he decided against improving on the outside of the leader leaving the 900 metres as it would have made Elusive Love pull even harder, which would have been detrimental to its chances. 07 April 2016 RACING STEWARDS’ REPORT – SATURDAY 2 APRIL 2016 RACE 1 – THE ARMED GUARD CUP Captain Hero was slow out. Social Network jumped awkwardly and got its head up, unbalancing jockey Sooful. Shortly after the start, Social Network knuckled and became unbalanced. Leaving the 800 metres Data Controller was steadied to avoid the heels of Mediterranean Man. Social Network, which was following, became awkward when close to the heels of Data Controller and was taken out and, in doing so, carried Royal Performer wider on the track. Royal Performer raced wide from then onwards. Social Network raced wide from leaving the 450 metres. Leaving the 200 metres Mediterranean Man shifted in under pressure, resulting in Data Controller, which was improving into a gap between Mediterranean Man and Mc Naught racing in restricted room for a short distance. Mediterranean Man shifted out over the concluding stages with jockey Hall shifting his whip to his left hand. Leaving the 50 metres jockey Hall (Mediterranean Man) dropped his whip. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Data Controller after the race. RACE 2 – THE LALL SEESURRUN CUP Dunraven was slow out. Seven Fountains was slow into stride. Kurundu raced wide without cover in the early stages. Kurundu hung in from leaving the 900 metres and approaching the 600 metres shifted in despite jockey Emamdee’s attempt to straighten his mount. Halabaloo, which was racing on its inside, had to be steadied. Seven Fountains raced wide from leaving the 450 metres. Leaving the 400 metres Triad Of Fortune was taken out from behind Halabaloo to improve its position and, in doing so, carried Seven Fountains wider on the track. When questioned with regard to the poor performance of Kurundu, jockey Emamdee explained that from his wide draw, after jumping well, he elected to use his mount in order to obtain a forward position close to the leaders. He added that leaving the 1300 metres he found himself racing wide without cover and, as such, he elected to settle his mount just off the leaders. He also said that from leaving the 1200 metres Kurundu commenced to race fiercely and leaving the 900 metres had a tendency to hang in badly. He further stated that when asked for an effort approaching the 300 metres Kurundu failed to quicken and was disappointing. A subsequent veterinary examination of Kurundu revealed mild cuts on its near and off legs. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Viento Magico suffered a bleeding attack. When questioned with regard to his vigour in the home straight, jockey Hall (Roman Express) explained that leaving the 100 metres he decided to ride with the whip and his style usually changes when doing so. He was told that he is expected to keep urging his mount with the same vigour even when riding with the whip.  Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Seven Fountains after the race. RACE 3 – THE DR JOCELYN MAINGARD CUP  Colour Of Courage stood flat-footed and was slow out. Millenimesta jumped awkwardly and was slow into stride. Racing For Fun threw its head on jumping. Shortly after the start Racing For Fun bumped the hindquarters of Ted Bassett, which had jumped awkwardly and shifted out. From its wide draw Kazm was taken back to race behind runners and raced wide in the early stages. Leaving the 1300 metres Kazm threw its head when being settled. From approaching the 700 metres Count Emmanuale commenced to over-race and had to be steadied when awkward close to the heels of Emblem Royale. Ted Bassett and Racing For Fun, which were following, were also inconvenienced and had to be steadied. Passing the 600 metres Count Emmanuale was taken out to avoid the heels of Emblem Royale. Cula, which was racing on its outside, was carried wide from then onwards. Approaching the 100 metres Millenimesta was taken to the outside of Cula to continue going forward. When questioned with regard to the poor performance of Ted Bassett, jockey Joorawon explained that from his good draw, he managed He added that in his opinion this gelding races better when coming from off the pace and the fact that today it raced closer to the lead may have contributed to its poor performance. A subsequent veterinary examination of Ted Bassett revealed no abnormality. When questioned, jockey Hall (Count Emmanuale) explained that he was instructed to lead, however, if challenged, to endeavour to settle in second position and ride his race from thereon. He explained that after jumping well he managed to secure the lead, however leaving the 1300 metres, seeing that Emblem Royale improved on his outside, he elected to settle Count Emmanuale behind it. He added that leaving the 800 metres, when Cula improved on its outside, Count Emmanuale commenced to race fiercely and approaching the 600 metres had to be taken out from behind Emblem Royale to avoid its heels. He also said that when asked for an effort at the 300 metres, his mount failed to quicken and was disappointing. He added that in his opinion Count Emmanuale might be better suited when leading. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Kazm was lame on the near fore leg. Trainer P. Merven informed the Stewards that he would retire Kazm. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Racing For Fun and Ted Bassett after the race. RACE 4 – THE PRODIGAL CUP Carson City was slow to begin. Elusive Love hesitated at the start. Near the 1350 metres Sole Mio had to be checked to avoid the heels of Always Flirting, clipped its heels and stumbled when Always Flirting was taken in when insufficiently clear. At an inquiry into this incident, jockey Hall (Always Flirting) pleaded guilty to a charge under MTC Rule 160 A (e) for careless riding and was suspended from riding in races for the race meetings of 9 and 16 April 2016. Approaching the 1200 metres Always Flirting became awkward and was eased to avoid the heels of Lucky Valentine when the latter slowed the pace. Bobby Bear, which was following, was also inconvenienced and had to be steadied. At an inquiry into this incident, jockey Mansour (Lucky Valentine) pleaded guilty to a charge under MTC Rule 160 A (b) for excessively slowing the pace of his mount and was fined Rs.25,000. An inquiry was held into the handling of Always Flirting. Trainer Henry explained that this gelding had pleased in the lead up to the race, however could have been short of one gallop and hence was about 14kg above his form weight. He added that he instructed jockey Hall to jump, clear the three horses on his inside and, if challenged for the lead, settle behind the leader. Jockey Hall confirmed these instructions and explained that, after jumping well, he asked his mount for an effort and managed to secure a position on the fence shortly before the 1300 metres. He further stated that at this point Lucky Valentine was improving on his outside and showing much more speed than his mount, as such, taking into consideration that Always Flirting was carrying 61.5kg, he decided to settle the latter behind Lucky Valentine as he was under the impression that jockey Mansour, having had to work for the lead, would set a decent pace. He also said that as soon as jockey Mansour got to the front, he slowed the pace down drastically and caused him to ease his mount to avoid its heels. He added that from then onwards he managed to save his mount, obtain the inside run in the home straight where Always Flirting quickened in the early part of the home straight but stayed one pace over the concluding stages. When questioned, jockey Hall explained that, in the circumstances, had he asked his mount for more of an effort leaving the 1300 metres, he is of the opinion that the latter would not have run in the placings. Trainer Henry concurred and added that, although he understood the concerns Mr. Maingard concurred and added that according to him this gelding had every chance to win the race where it was positioned and got tired in the latter stages of the race and it was probably in need of this run. After consideration, jockey Joorawon was told that he should show more initiative when riding in races. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Lucky Valentine after the race. RACE 5 – THE GAETAN HALBWACHS CUP Hot Rocket fly-jumped and was slow out. Ashanti Gold jumped awkwardly and shifted out, crowding Recall To Life onto Hot Rocket. Leaving the 1200 metres Ashanti Gold commenced to race fiercely and was taken out when awkward close to the heels of Kremlin Captain and carried Kalinago wider on the track. Kalinago raced wide from then onwards. Hot Rocket hung in in the home straight. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Kremlin Captain after the race. RACE 6 – THE JASON ESPITALIER NOEL CUP Urbi Et Orbi jumped awkwardly and shifted out, bumping Parado. Urbi Et Orbi raced fiercely in the early and middle stages. Near the 700 metres Urbi Et Orbi clipped the heels of Wind Glider. Gharbee raced wide rounding the home turn. Approaching the 250 metres Monsieurnando had to be steadied when unable to improve from behind Parado. In the early stages of the home straight Monsieurnando could not secure clear running and leaving the 100 metres was taken to the inside of Wind Glider to continue going forward. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Tiger Island was not striding out properly after the race. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Gharbee after the race. RACE 7 – THE ZINOVIEFF PLATE Seven Carat jumped awkwardly, unbalancing jockey Ghunowa. Seven Carat then shifted out, slightly inconveniencing Black Gambit, which was slow out. Approaching the 800 metres Seven Carat ducked out sharply, inconveniencing Tobeastar. Approaching the 400 metres Van Der Scaler was taken out to improve its position and raced wide rounding the home turn. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Epicentre was slightly lame on the near fore leg. Routine urine and blood specimens were taken for analysis from Van Der Scaler after the race. This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. 14 2 07 April 2016 DATE THE GAETAN HALBWACHS CUP YASHIN EMAMDEE: BACK ON TRACK! Following Yashin Emamdee’s superb double on champion horse Kremlin Captain and Van Der Scaler, Mukund Gujadhur – son of trainer Ramapatee Gujadhur – was not slow in heaping praise on the Mauritian jockey, having seen exactly why the champion stable had hired him. Yashin Emamdee’s double success was the feel good factor of a meeting, overshadowed by the cancellation of a race, and the immediate aftermath of Lucky Valentine’s win. The Gaetan Halbwachs Cup may have only featured six runners, but there was plenty of interest in this 1400 metre contest. Kremlin Captain was undisputedly the horse to beat, although with competitors such as Donnie Brasco (Swapneel Rama), Recall To Life (Derreck David) and Ashanti Gold (Donovan Mansour) also taking part, it would not be easy for the champion horse. His connections were confident though, and as it turned out, it was easy street. It would be right to say that the race was done and dusted at the start. The lack of fast starters was a factor in Mukund Gujadhur instructing Yashin Emamdee to ride Kremlin Captain at the front. This is exactly what he did, with the champion horse in complete control throughout. In the final straight, he was untroubled, going on to score his 11th win on his 15th start. Recall To Life and Ashanti Gold completed the podium, while Hot Rocket (Kevin Ghunowa) served up a promising showing to complete the quartet. Donnie Brasco’s usual strong finish was nowhere to be seen, as he finished in 5th, while Kalinago (Rye Joorawon) was last, after a difficult race where he was stuck one-off throughout the trip. Yashin Emamdee got his second win with Van Der Scaler in the final race. Running at the back of the field, Van Der Scaler was on the move just before the final bend and the momentum took him into the lead in the home straight. Despite a late attempt by Seven Carat (Kevin Ghunowa) in the last 75 metres, Van Der Scaler did enough to win. After making the headlines with their public and perhaps babyish complaints about Reim not being loaded last in the Noble Salute Cup (Gr3) in the first meeting, the champion stable – together with their highly motivated jockey – were the ones generating the positive headlines. With five second places in the opening meeting, Gilbert Rousset would have been forgiven if he was full of anger. Instead, he reflected on the positives, insisting his horses did well. It looked as if it was a sense of deja-vu last Saturday, as Nothing Compares (Derreck David) and Recall To Life were the bridesmaids in their respective races. But it came together in the penultimate contest, as Gharbee – ridden by Rye Joorawon – produced a bullet-like finish in the final stages to take victory, with Parado (Derreck David) 2nd. While Gilbert Rousset is off the mark, his champion jockey still has a zero in the wins column. It is in complete contrast to the Maiden Cup winning jockey, who is top of the Quantum Insurance Jockeys’ Premiership with four wins. Kevin Ghunowa has made a fantastic start to the new season. After a hat-trick in the opening meeting, he won again last Saturday, this time on Racing For Fun in the 4th race. This Shirish Narang-trained horse proved too hot to handle in the home straight as he won going away. This is a horse that has a bright future in Mauritius. Trainer Alain Perdrau has fielded only a handful of entries in the first two meetings. He got off the mark in the opening contest, with Data Controller (Swapneel Rama). There should be more to come, now that Vinay Naiko is back from suspension. The yard of Rameshwar Gujadhur continued their strong start to 2016 with another double. While Seven Fountains and Dinesh Sooful were outstanding victors in the 2nd race – which saw hot favourite Kurundu (Yashin Emamdee) only finishing 4th, it was Lucky Valentine’s (Donovan Mansour) win in Race 4 that attracted plenty of attention. There was plenty of whisper of how events would fold out before the horses had even entered the parade ring and as it turned out, the early stages of the race proved crucial. Lucky Valentine may have looked the sole true frontrunner in the race, but he was drawn outside of Always Flirting (Peter Hall), who could also run at the front. Always Flirting insisted for only a small bit, before letting Lucky Valentine stride in front. An inquiry into the handling of Always Flirting took place, where Peter Hall revealed he was instructed not to insist too much, bearing in mind Always Flirting was carrying a whopping 61.5kg. The inquiry was adjourned and was due to be completed on Tuesday morning. The meeting only consisted of seven races, as the original first race was cancelled, after less than six runners were entered. This is the third time that this has occurred, following the 2014 implementations of the new directives, issued by the Gambling Regulatory Authority (G.R.A). With countries such as United Kingdom and South Africa allowing races to go on, even with five runners, the current stance in Mauritius is very embarrassing. None of the said above matters one bit to Yashin Emamdee. This is a jockey that has been really unfortunate and gone through numerous difficulties in recent seasons. Now he is fit again and he is riding with bags of confidence. It is a real shame that he – and Kremlin Captain for that matter – are not the subjects on everyone’s’ lips. What they said ON TV: Mukund Gujadhur (Owner of Kremlin Captain) ‘Kremlin Captain had everything in his favour. There were not a lot of fast starters in the race, so I told Yashin (Emamdee) that if he was able to lead, he would be very hard to stop. He beat a very good horse in Recall To Life, but the latter would have had to be very special if he wanted to stop our horse. I warmly congratulate Yashin, who has gone through many difficulties and has been unlucky. He won a main event and I think it is very good for his morale.’ Yannick Perdrau (AssistantTrainer of Data Controller) ‘Last season, Data Controller was unlucky as he picked up an injury. We gave him a long rest and he has managed to win on his return. He is a delicate horse and it makes me happy to see him win. He has already achieved his aims for the season and it is a good sign for the future.’ Dinesh Sooful (Jockey of Seven Fountains) ‘It is great to win on my birthday. I say thank you to Mr Subiraj Gujadhur. Seven Fountains is a horse I know well, as I rode him last season. I said that it was better to attack from far. I think this is perhaps the best way to run.’ Shirish Narang (Trainer of Racing For Fun) ‘I thank the MTC and especially Michel Nairac, who chose Racing For Fun. I saw him in quarantine when he arrived and he immediately caught my eye. We made an offer for the horse and we were lucky to have him. We thought he had a strong chance and he won easily.’ Subiraj Gujadhur (Assistant-Trainer of Lucky Valentine) ‘This is a horse that we banked on during this meeting. Donovan (Mansour) was a bit disappointed with his ride on Viento Magico, so he is very happy to have bounced back. I thank the Foo Kune family, who has joined our stable. I hope we can have a very good season together.’ 15 2 07 April 2016 HORSE OWNER MEETING 2 601st WIN DATA CONTROLLER (S.Rama) 361st WIN SEVEN FOUNTAINS (B.Sooful) 22. THE LALL SEESURRUN CUP - Draper’s Mile 1500-Benchmark 31 21. THE ARMED GUARD CUP 1365-[0-20] Prop.: Mme A. Totozafy, MM. A. Poinen, E. Hosenie, L. Brunchault & V. Muholee Entraîneur: M.Rameshwar Gujadhur Prop.: MM. D. Jaunky, D. Laljee, Y. Tat Li Fung Lan & Armand Brun Entraîneur: M.Alain Perdrau 362nd WIN 15th WIN RACING FOR FUN (K.Ghunowa) 23. THE DR. JOCELYN MAINGARD CUP 1365-Benchmark 36 LUCKY VALENTINE (D. Mansour) 24. THE PRODIGAL CUP 1365-Benchmark 51 Prop.: MM. Bryan Foo Kune & Avishan Askurn Entraîneur:M.Rameshwar Gujadhur Prop.: MM. & Mmes Vimal Damry, Vivek Gujadhur & Dayen Murden Entraîneur: M. Shirish Narang 404th WIN 722nd WIN GHARBEE (R.Joorawon) KREMLIN CAPTAIN (Y.Emamdee) 25. THE GAETAN HALBWACHS CUP 1400-Benchmark 61 Prop.: MM. & Mmes Ramapatee, Tikanand, Dr. & Mme Hemant K. Gujadhur Entraîneur: M.Ramapatee Gujadhur 405th WIN 26. THE JASON ESPITALIER NOEL CUP - Draper’s Mile 1500-Benchmark 41 Prop.: M. Agasthamuni Gujadhur Entraîneur: M. Gilbert Rousset AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath VAN DER SCALER (Y.Emamdee) 27. THE ZINOVIEFF PLATE 1365-[0-20] Prop.: M. MM. & Mmes Ramapatee, Tikanand, Dr. & Mme Hemant K. Gujadhur Entraîneur:M.Ramapatee Gujadhur E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) E.g For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: 18+ 16 2 07 April 2016 DATE QUANTUM INSURANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS RAMESHWAR GUJADHUR GOES TOP! Ten things that occurred 1. Gujadhur stable (Kremlin Captain and Van Der Scaler) and Rameshwar Gujadhur stable (Seven Fountains and Lucky Valentine) both scored two wins. 5. Yashin Emamdee became the 8th different jockey to win on Kremlin Captain. 6. The Gilbert Rousset-trained Gharbee made it a hat-trick of wins. 2. Donovan Mansour struck in his very first meeting for Rameshwar Gujadhur. He had made winning starts when riding for Serge Henry (2012) and Hurlywood (2014). In the Jockeys’ Premiership, Kevin Ghunowa sits on top of the table with four wins, one ahead of Rye Joorawon and Dinesh Sooful – both scoring a single win apiece on Saturday. Yashin Emamdee is in 4th place, thanks to his double on Kremlin Captain and Van Der Scaler, while Donovan Mansour is the only foreign jockey to have scored, so far this season. the Trainers’ Premiership. He is Rs 5000 ahead of Gilbert Rousset, who finally got off the mark with Gharbee. Shirish Narang’s superb start of his own sees him in 3rd, with Ricky Maingard tumbling down to 4th after saddling no winners on Saturday. 7. Seven Fountains, Data Controller and Van Der Scaler – who were all winless in 2015 – won first time out in 2016. 3. Dinesh Sooful has 65 wins in his belt. He achieved this on Seven Fountains. Ricky Maingard may have fallen from the top, but his horse Casey’s War maintains the advantage in the Horse Of The Year championship. Champion horse Kremlin Captain is in 2nd, with Tube Wave 3rd. A strong start to the new season has seen Rameshwar Gujadhur move to the top of Classement des ENTRAÎNEURS après la 2ème journée Rang ECURIES Nombres D’entrees 1er 2e 3e 4e NP PRIX %1er 1 R.GUJADHUR 11 4 1 3 1 2 748,000 36.4 2 G.ROUSSET 17 1 8 1 3 4 743,000 5.9 3 S.NARANG 11 4 3 0 0 4 711,000 36.4 4 R.MAINGARD 11 3 0 1 4 3 665,000 27.3 5 GUJADHUR 6 2 0 1 2 1 391,000 33.3 6 J.M.HENRY 15 0 1 5 3 6 232,000 0.0 7 A.PERDRAU 6 1 0 2 0 3 183,000 16.7 8 C.RAMDIN 10 0 1 1 1 7 95,000 0.0 9 P.MERVEN 9 0 1 1 0 7 73,000 0.0 10 V.ALLET 5 0 0 0 1 4 18,000 0.0 Classement des JOCKEYS après la 2ème journée Rang CHEVAUX Ecurie 8. Seven Fountains, Data Controller and Racing For Fun – who ran just once in 20151er– all first time on Couru 2e won 3e for 4e the NP PRIX Mauritian turf. 4. Kremlin Captain now has 11 wins in Mauritius. Of the horses that are currently still in competition, only Diamond Light (14) and Casey’s War (13) have more wins than the champion horse. 9. The second race saw two horses suffering from health issues. Kurundu had mild cuts on its near and off legs, while Viento Magico bled. 10. As for Kazm, he was immediately retired, after being found lame on the near fore leg. 18 2 THE SIR RADHAMOHUN GUJADHUR CUP (B.56 – 1365m) KIMBERLY AL vs CHINESE GOLD – AN EXCITING BATTLE! The main contest of this Saturday’s third meeting looks the most interesting on the card, with the majority of the field boasting good claims. It is highly likely to be a competitive affair and of the eight runners, the duo of Kimberly Al and Chinese Gold merit closest attention. Most analysts were of the opinion that Kimberly Al would turn out to be an excellent newcomer, when he arrived for Ricky Maingard in 2014. However, he failed to win a single race and despite the consolation of finishing all but one of his races in the money, he was notorious for pulling throughout the trips. Last season saw him do much better, scoring two wins – both coming in very strong finishes. He was transfered to Gilbert Rousset’s stable, and race twice, making little impact. This son of Captain Al has come out very well from the off-season and it appears that he is pulling less. In excellent shape and with Derreck David on board, all the ingredients are there for him to win his first feature race. In eight races in 2015, Chinese Gold won three and placed four times, in what was an excellent season for this six-year-old. He even finished runner-up to a certain Kremlin Captain in his penultimate start, just 0.8 lengths away. He failed to crack the top 4 in the International meeting, but it was none of his fault. He has a good attitude and if he can replicate his very good work in training, he is more than capable of scoring. Off the back of a strong end to 2014, Kruger Rand continued where he left off, when he won the feature race in the 2nd meeting. However, that would be the sole highlight of his season, as he faded into obscurity. This Patrick Merven-trained horse normally does well when he is freshened up and if he puts his right foot to good use, he will be a big threat in the closing stages. After taking victory in the 2013 Mauritius Guineas Cup (Group 2), the future looked extremely bright for Seeking Angelo. Since then, he has won just three times, as his form has been up and down. He did not disgrace himself last season, and he caught the eye in the International meeting, when he produced the strongest finish of all to complete the podium behind Donnie Brasco and Ryder Cup. He has shown satisfaction at track work and even if he is carrying a whopping 61.5 kg, he is not without his chances here. Maestro’s Salute won just once in 2015, scoring a pillar to post in the 29th meeting. That came one month after switching to Vincent Allet’s yard from Jean-Michel Henry. He has showed up well in training and he will have no problems tackling the 1365 metre trip. He will be hard to beat if he is given a soft lead. Fellow front runner Icy Jet will be bidding to follow in the footsteps of his stable mate Abington, who earned Alain Perdrau a brilliant win in this very race last season. He raced just three times last season, but he did manage to score one win. He has got over his issues and has looked decent in his workouts. All will depend on how he breaks. Debutant King Neptune is the highest rated horse in Chitranjan Ramdin’s yard, having arrived in Mauritius in August 2015. He would have preferred a much longer trip, although it is still worth keeping an eye on him. The champion stable has caused a surprise by entering Headstrong Harry instead of Dustan. The former won once and finished in the money in all but one of his races. Even so, it was rated as an average season for this five-year-old, as he was capable of performing even better. He looks well and with only 53.5 kg on board, he will pose a threat in the final stages. 07 April 2016 DATE SATURDAY 1 09h30 THE AZUL CUP 1365 - Rating: 0-25 No HORSE MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K 1 PEACE KEEPER G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 61.5 KG GEAR 3 New New 2 RIGHT TO TANGO 3 TIGRE LIBRE J.M.HENRY P. HALL 60 BEN 4 1 25.05 1 25.05 R.MAINGARD R. JOORAWON 60 - 1 1 23.06 1 23.06 GUJADHUR Y. EMAMDEE 59 SCN 5 1 23.42 1 22.20 V.ALLET S. BUSSUNT 59 BTN 2 1 23.12 1 22.83 C.RAMDIN B. SOOFUL 52 B 6 1 24.56 1 24.56 4 EK THA TIGER 5 JOYFUL 6 PUT FOOT SINGE 2 JOCKEY S GATE T.Factore B.TIME 10h05 THE WORLD VETERINARY DAY CUP 1000 - Rating: Benchmark 31 No HORSE 1 ADI STAR 2 JUST B BRAVE 3 POWER DIVE 4 DON'T TELL MAMA 5 KINGDOM'S KEY 6 MAGIC JAY 3 STABLE STABLE MRU 135K - 50K - 25K - 12K V.ALLET S. BUSSUNT JOCKEY 60 KG GEAR 6 0 57.78 0 57.04 R.GUJADHUR D.MANSOUR 60 BT 1 0 57.59 0 56.67 A.PERDRAU V. NAIKO 60 SCN 4 0 57.65 0 57.33 J.M.HENRY P. HALL 59 N 2 0 59.43 0 59.43 S.NARANG R. HOOLASH 58 ND 3 0 57.34 0 57.22 J.M.HENRY L. Goomany 57.5 N 5 New New - GATE T.Factore B.TIME 10h40 THE HOOMESHWAR CHUMMUN MEMORIAL CUP 1365 - Rating: 0-25 No HORSE MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K 1 CONSTELLATION 2 ETERNAL LOVE P.MERVEN N.T.CALLOW 61.5 KG GEAR 5 1 22.81 G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 61.5 S 2 New New 3 BRAZO C.RAMDIN M. NEISIUS 60.5 S 1 1 22.93 1 22.61 4 IT'S MY PARTY 5 BRIGHT SHINING R.GUJADHUR D.MANSOUR 60 N 4 1 25.32 1 25.32 C.RAMDIN B. SOOFUL 59.5 T+ 6 1 25.57 1 25.57 6 VAN DER SCALER GUJADHUR Y. EMAMDEE 58.5 N 3 1 22.08 1 22.08 4 STABLE JOCKEY B GATE T.Factore B.TIME 1 21.25 11h15 THE 'DEANAN' DOYAL CUP 1400 - Rating: Benchmark 31 No HORSE S.NARANG R. HOOLASH 60.5 KG GEAR 2 1 26.44 1 26.44 V.ALLET S. BUSSUNT 60.5 ND 6 1 24.33 1 24.17 3 CAPTAIN'S CRONICLE 4 DOMANI R.MAINGARD R. JOORAWON 58.5 T ND 3 1 25.56 1 24.38 J.M.HENRY P. HALL 58.5 B U ND 1 1 25.78 1 25.78 5 SAIL TO PARADISE S.NARANG S. RAMA 58.5 N 4 1 24.93 1 23.91 6 EASTWARD BOUND R.GUJADHUR D.MANSOUR 56 S 5 1 24.56 1 23.53 1 BLIZZARD OF OZZ 2 FREEDOM 5 STABLE MRU 135K - 50K - 25K - 12K JOCKEY N GATE T.Factore B.TIME 11h50 THE CHICA CUP - Draper's Mile 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 36 No HORSE V.ALLET S. BHUNDOO 61.5 KG GEAR 6 1 30.67 1 30.59 V.ALLET S. BUSSUNT 60.5 N 1 1 31.74 1 31.74 G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 60 - 5 1 30.44 1 30.44 S.NARANG S. RAMA 59.5 TD 4 1 30.76 1 30.38 5 REBEL'S GAME 6 SHIELD OF THUNDER R.MAINGARD R. JOORAWON 59.5 - 2 1 30.66 1 30.55 C.RAMDIN B. SOOFUL 59.5 - 3 1 31.57 1 31.03 7 SHODDY NICK J.M.HENRY P. HALL 59.5 N 7 1 31.18 1 30.63 1 CINCHONA 2 BLUE LORD 3 HARBA 4 LIVIDUS 6 STABLE MRU 140K - 55K - 28K - 14K JOCKEY B GATE T.Factore B.TIME 12h25 THE SIR RADHAMOHUN GUJADHUR CUP 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 56 No HORSE G.ROUSSET P.K. HORIL 61.5 KG GEAR 4 1 22.64 1 21.31 G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 61 PD 1 1 24.20 1 21.24 3 KING NEPTUNE 4 ICY JET C.RAMDIN M. NEISIUS 61 - 3 New New A.PERDRAU V. NAIKO 60.5 N 2 1 21.83 1 21.83 5 KRUGER RAND P.MERVEN N.T.CALLOW 59.5 TN 7 1 22.37 1 21.03 6 CHINESE GOLD 7 MAESTRO'S SALUTE R.MAINGARD R. JOORAWON 59 TD 8 1 21.99 1 20.50 V.ALLET S. BHUNDOO 59 N 6 1 21.93 1 21.51 8 HEADSTRONG HARRY GUJADHUR Y. EMAMDEE 53.5 N 5 1 20.89 1 20.59 1 SEEKING ANGELO 2 KIMBERLY AL 7 STABLE MRU 180K - 65K - 35K -18K JOCKEY N GATE T.Factore B.TIME 13h00 THE GREAT GUSTO PLATE 1500 - Rating: 0-25 No HORSE MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K 1 ISIPHO 2 MOJO G V.ALLET S. BUSSUNT 61 KG GEAR 1 1 31.89 1 30.95 C.RAMDIN M. NEISIUS 60.5 S 2 1 31.50 1 31.50 3 OBLIGATION 4 KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS J.M.HENRY P. HALL 60 B 5 1 32.54 1 31.28 P.MERVEN N.T.CALLOW 59.5 B 7 1 30.70 1 30.70 5 NO PRISONERS 6 TORNADO MAN J.M.HENRY L. Goomany 59.5 STN 3 1 34.47 1 34.47 R.GUJADHUR D.MANSOUR 59.5 S 6 1 32.73 1 32.73 S.NARANG P.K. HORIL 56 T1 N 4 1 32.64 1 30.48 7 GRIS CHEVAL STABLE JOCKEY This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. - GATE T.Factore B.TIME 19 2 07 April 2016 SATURDAY 19h30 08h30 THE AZUL CUP 1 1365 - Rating: 0-25 PEACE KEEPER 1 DATE RAT. DIST. MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K TIME KG GEAR GATE JOCKEY 20.06.15 MdnmG 1450 1.29.64 60 8 06.05.15 MdnmG 1600 1.37.49 60 2 MdnmG 19.04.15 1400 1.23.07 60 8 MdnmG 07.12.14 1600 1.39.19 59 3 Newcomer who has run 5 races in South Africa. RIGHT TO TANGO 2 26.03.16 0-25 12.09.15 0-25 22.08.15 0-30 19.07.15 Benchm ark 31 1400 1500 1365 1400 1.27.35 1.32.41 1.24.09 1.26.06 S 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. J.PV'DMERWE S.KHUMALO A.DELPECH W.KENNEDY May need that race. 1 4 7 6 3 7 9 10 P.HALL L.GOOMANY R.HOOLASH R.R.OODITH 5 7 7 9 3 61.5KG MARGIN COMMENT 4 Roman Calamity 5.85 10 Charles My Boy 17.10 7 Roy's Winter Patch 6.25 5 Listen And Learn 6.50 BEN 4 8 8 10 3 7 9 8 CMatthew SOThunder KKey TBassett 2.20 5.15 4.65 3.05 TIGRE LIBRE DATE 26.09.15 gate 4 60KG Improved race Raced wide throughout Early move-faded Lacked acceleration 2 R. JOORAWON 17.10.15 1 3 4 10 7 2 9 7 DTMama Domani Evergreen 1.15 6.95 5.60 Finished strongly Wide throughout Lacked extra 28.11.15 G.D.AUCHARUZ 7 3 6 11.04.15 3 B.LERENA 7 6 4 WAMillion 2.35 Inconvenienced, good debut 12.09.15 EK THA TIGER 06.12.15 0-25 07.11.15 0-25 10.10.15 0-25 03.10.15 0-25 Won twice last 5 JOYFUL 06.12.15 0-25 07.11.15 0-25 06.09.15 0-25 04.07.15 Benchm ark 31 1400 1365 1365 1365 Y. EMAMDEE (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1400 1.26.06 59 CSN 5 O.CHAVEZ 1365 1.23.74 59 CSN 8 N.T.CALLOW 1500 1.32.83 59.5 CSN 4 J.BARDOTTIER 1365 1.24.18 59.5 CSN 10 J.BARDOTTIER year. Do well when being race fresh. SCN 7 7 6 8 8 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 Joyful BOfOzz Kaafel Domani 4.05 1.30 3.75 2.20 59 59.5 60 57.5 TBN TBN TBN TBN 1 3 6 5 5 59KG Lacked acceleration Lacked finish Checked 1000m Lacked extra BTN gate T.JARNET D.HOLLAND S.BUSSUNT S.BUSSUNT 6 5 4 6 5 5 6 7 1 4 6 9 S.Network* DTMama ETTiger Craftsman 1.45 2.75 3.20 15.50 2 59KG Well judged win Lacked extra Average race No show 6 PUT FOOT SINGE 26.03.16 0-25 1400 1.26.86 52 14.11.15 0-25 1600 1.40.67 53 03.10.15 0-25 1365 1.24.45 53.5 12.09.15 0-25 1500 1.31.99 54 His saddle slipped in the comeback FAVOURITE B 6 B.SOOFUL 1 2 6 K.Advisor O 8 B.SOOFUL 1 1 6 Isipho 2 B.SOOFUL 2 2 8 Domani OS 8 R.HOOLASH 3 3 5 SOThunder race. Can surprises us with his light handicap. TRAINING CLOCK Tigre Libre HORSE Right To Tango hasn't disgraced in the opening meeting 1 PEACE KEEPER when he finished third. He will have to keep an eye on Tiger Libre who has greatly improved. Put Foot Singe will him try to trap his opponents with his light handicap. 2 RIGHT TO TANGO Place: Ek Tha Tiger Joyful 4.30 5.75 4.00 2.60 6 52KG Over-raced Lacked finish Well placed-disappointing Lacked extra 12.27 11.79 - - GEAR BL B 4 D.HOLLAND 1 2 3 Strum 5.05 Beaten favourite 8 S.RAMA 2 2 6 Act Of Valor 3.10 Ignore run 1000 0.57.36 57 - 2 D.HOLLAND 1 1 2 Papa Joe 0.15 Didn't disgrace 1000 0.56.98 57.5 - 2 D.HOLLAND 2 1 1 Lord Al* 0.90 Pillar to post 3 TIGRE LIBRE 12.92 12.22 12.51 11.78 13.31 38.40 25.14 12.22 37.60 25.09 13.31 BT - 5 N.TEEHA 3 3 4 Strum 5.55 Lacked acceleration 1365 1.23.54 61 TON 1 S.BUSSUNT 2 3 7 TBassett 3.35 Over-raced 1000 0.57.68 59 TB1 1 K.GHUNOWA 3 3 3 Papa Joe 2.20 Improved race 1365 1.23.28 59 TN 3 I.CHISTY 4 3 4 Lietuva 8.55 Stayed one-paced N SW 5 JOYFUL Outsider: 13.23 11.74 12.47 12.62 11.52 12.31 37.44 24.21 12.47 36.45 23.83 12.31 N 6 PUT FOOT SINGE 14.70 13.10 14.11 13.18 11.33 13.97 41.91 27.21 14.11 38.48 25.30 13.97 gate V. NAIKO (A.PERDRAU) h.b S.AF 7 yrs SCN 4 60KG 1400 1.26.98 61 CSN 3 V.NAIKO 3 4 5 Y. Man 4.95 Did his best 1000 0.57.32 59 CSN 5 S.RAMA 1 1 1 Smitten* 0.20 From pillar to post 1365 1.22.63 59 CSN 5 V.NAIKO 4 3 3 Evergreen 2.60 No match for winner 1000 0.57.74 59 CSN 4 V.NAIKO 1 2 4 Millenimesta 1.05 Did his best 5 1365 1.24.53 60 1 1 4 BOfOzz 2.25 Needed run 0-25 1000 0.57.71 61 N 0-25 1365 1.24.46 59 N 0-20 1365 1.24.32 59.5 N last race. Can beat this field. 8 8 5 N.TEEHA N.JUGLALL N.TEEHA 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 V.D. Scaler* T.Libre* P.Albert* 1.00 1.15 1.45 Three in a row Won race at start Easy-Won going away Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 ND 7 V.SOLA 1 1 3 Y. Man 3.10 Good third place 1000 0.57.69 60 ND 7 K.GHUNOWA 3 3 6 Power Dive 2.25 Wide-difficult race 1365 1.22.88 60 ND 1 V.A.BUNDHOO 1 2 5 Evergreen 4.05 Led-faded home turn K.GHUNOWA 1 1 1 E'NFire* 0.35 Pillar to post N - 6 4 3 4 8 4 Mystical Twilight Eighth Wonder Breathless Bertie TRAINING CLOCK Kingdom's Key AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName 5.25 4.95 6.28 5 57.5KG Rolled out - brushed Midfield Speed-dropped away SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.82 12.18 12.54 11.47 12.84 600m 400m 200m 38.29 25.00 12.18 36.85 24.31 12.84 GEAR N N 14.84 13.71 13.00 12.69 11.66 12.93 41.55 26.71 13.00 37.28 24.59 12.93 N 3 POWER DIVE 12.55 11.85 12.77 12.60 12.73 - 37.17 24.62 12.77 37.22 25.33 12.73 N N 4 DON'T TELL MAMA 12.56 12.61 12.16 12.56 - 38.18 25.17 12.61 37.82 24.72 12.56 5 KINGDOM'S KEY 12.82 11.08 12.94 12.13 11.69 13.54 36.84 24.02 12.94 37.36 25.23 13.54 6 MAGIC JAY 12.82 12.84 12.48 11.78 - 42.30 25.66 12.84 36.93 24.26 11.78 HORSE The swift Adi Star is back to business in a range which 1 ADI STAR he rules last year. He is in a good form and he is the horse to beat in this event. Don't Tell Mama will be his 2 JUST B BRAVE main danger as she has fully benefited of her first race Outsider: gate L. Goomany (J.M.HENRY) h.a S.AF 3 yrs 9 A.ANDREWS B 2 A.ANDREWS 7 M.BYLEVELD To be followed in the future. 3 58KG 1.26.67 59.5 ND 05.08.15 MdnmG 1000 0.59.64 58 16.05.15 MjpmF 1000 0.59.29 60 18.04.15 MdnmG 1000 0.59.95 57 Young sprinter who hasn't won yet. gate R. HOOLASH (S.NARANG) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1400 MAGIC JAY 2 59KG P.HALL 22.08.15 0-30 1365 1.23.29 58.5 ND 1 Was impressive in training. Can be a surprise. 6 N 5 KINGDOM'S KEY gate P. HALL (J.M.HENRY) S.AF 7 yrs N Benchm ark 31 Best Time: 37.09 23.61 12.03 37.55 24.26 12.43 1 60KG 0.58.20 60 Just B Brave Don't Tell Mama 13.48 11.58 12.03 13.29 11.83 12.43 gate D.MANSOUR (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1000 Place: 12.27 11.79 4 EK THA TIGER Right To Tango - 0.57.42 54.5 - Adi Star Ek Tha Tiger Joyful TIGRE LIBRE Best Time: 0.58.12 59 FAVOURITE SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 600m 400m 200m 12.66 12.31 12.30 37.27 24.61 12.30 13.85 36.52 25.56 13.85 - 21.11.15 07.11.15 17.10.15 Need her 12.09.15 gate MARGIN COMMENT 1000 DON'T TELL MAMA 10.10.15 B. SOOFUL (C.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 4 28.11.15 Was winner in the International Jockeys' Day. Looking for the double. 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. Honest horse who always try his best. Don't underestimate him. 26.03.16 S. BUSSUNT (V.ALLET) h.b S.AF 8 yrs 1.25.42 1.24.95 1.23.28 1.26.68 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 29.08.15 gate GEAR GATE JOCKEY 1000 POWER DIVE 10.10.15 Ran his best race in his last outing 2015. He is to be followed. 6 60KG Still looking for his first success here. Good training. To be followed. R.JOORAWON R.JOORAWON 4 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 31.10.15 60KG TIME KG gate S. BUSSUNT (V.ALLET) h.b S.AF 5 yrs JUST B BRAVE 28.11.15 gate DIST. MRU 135K - 50K - 25K - 12K Back in a range in which he won last year. Good training. The horse to beat. 1 4 7 - Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 36 03.10.15 (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1000 0.57.52 58 RAT. 17.10.15 07.11.15 0-25 1365 1.24.66 60 03.10.15 0-25 1365 1.24.90 61 12.09.15 Benchm 1365 1.23.15 58.5 ark 31 Benchm ark 31 ADI STAR 07.11.15 Hanged-in in his first race 2016 and took the third place. Beware. 3 1 1000 - Rating: Benchmark 31 28.11.15 Pace - no more Unruly - pulled - amiss Slow no show Examined - normal P. HALL (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 60 EBN 61 EBN 59.5 UB1N 56 N gate D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 09h05 THE WORLD VETERINARY DAY CUP 10h05 2 N N Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath E.g E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK ) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK ). Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. 18+ 20 2 07 April 2016 DATE SATURDAY 10h40 09h40 THE HOOMESHWAR CHUMMUN MEMORIAL CUP 3 1 1365 - Rating: 0-25 CONSTELLATION DATE RAT. DIST. TIME KG GEAR GATE JOCKEY 21.11.15 0-30 1365 24.10.15 Benchm 1500 1.23.93 60 1.33.52 57 B B 2 1 M.NEISIUS S.RAMA 26.09.15 1365 1.23.02 53 B 3 1365 1.23.70 56.5 B 4 ark 36 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 08.08.15 gate N.T.CALLOW (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 11 yrs B 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 5 61.5KG MARGIN COMMENT 4 3 2 3 3 3 CCronicle Roventas 2.20 2.90 Did his best Did his best S.RAMA 2 1 3 POWings 1.95 Good third place S.RAMA 8 8 7 L. Valentine 5.45 Slight disappointment ETERNAL LOVE 11.07.15 MdnmG 1200 07.06.15 MdnmG 1000 16.05.15 MdnmG 1000 03.05.15 MdwmG 1200 Promising horse who 3 BRAZO 29.08.15 01.08.15 12 C.ORFFER B 2 B.FAYD'HERBE B 6 G.VANNIEKERK B 7 L.NHOSE career here. To be followed. - 6 5 2 2 9 5 4 2 Marinaresco 8.15 Red Rex 1.30 Mayoral Decree 4.55 In Full Regalia 2.25 1.24.14 59.5 S 1.24.66 59 S 4 3 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE B.SOOFUL 7 5 5 2 4 2 CCronicle CBounty gate 2 0.58.62 60 - 5 I.CHISTY 7 7 7 Millenimesta 6.55 No show 1.24.26 59.5 - 7 M.VANRENSBURG 7 10 8 Lord Al 3.97 Wide throughout gate 1 Has improved at the end of the last season. He is knocking at the door. 4 IT'S MY PARTY 26.03.16 0-25 1400 06.12.15 0-25 1400 21.11.15 0-25 1000 03.10.15 0-25 1365 Forced to run wide at 5 1.27.72 60.5 OS 6 R.JOORAWON 1.26.42 60.5 BN 7 D.HOLLAND 0.58.15 61 B1N 2 J.BARDOTTIER 1.25.35 61 S 4 I.CHISTY the first part of his last race. Can do better. BRIGHT SHINING 2 5 7 2 N 2 7 5 8 4 8 4 9 CMatthew Joyful DTMama QTime 4.65 6.35 2.70 10.35 Slight disappointment Over-raced Big mass-Good run Lame on the off fore leg T+ 6 59.5KG 1.28.06 60.5 1.33.21 57.5 - 2 7 M.NEISIUS N.T.CALLOW 3 9 5 8 6 8 CMatthew KURUNDU 6.85 8.80 Disappointing Lost both fore shoes 31.10.15 1500 1.34.14 59 5 B.SOOFUL 4 6 7 BBerry 11.25 Wide-Difficult race 1500 1.33.12 59.5 - 5 M.NEISIUS 5 5 6 ARex 3.30 One-paced run 17.10.15 gate B. SOOFUL (C.RAMDIN) h.a S.AF 5 yrs D 4 60KG 26.03.16 0-25 1400 06.12.15 Benchm 1500 ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 gate D.MANSOUR (R.GUJADHUR) c.b S.AF 4 yrs VAN DER SCALER 02.04.16 0-20 1365 1.24.81 59 N 5 28.11.15 0-30 1000 0.57.68 54.5 N 7 21.11.15 0-25 1000 0.57.87 57 N 3 07.11.15 0-25 1365 1.26.93 58.5 SN 2 Winner of the last race last Saturday. Enjoying FAVOURITE N Y.EMAMDEE 1 S. Carat* P.K.HORIL 1 2 2 Torero P.K.HORIL 4 2 2 DTMama N.T.CALLOW 6 9 10 DTMama his form to try to snatch another victory. TRAINING CLOCK 0.15 1.25 1.00 13.75 3 58.5KG Credit to jockey Good run Good 2nd place Inquiry into run 600m 400m 200m 26.33 13.18 39.56 26.04 13.46 GEAR N 12.29 12.14 12.42 11.78 12.17 13.72 36.85 24.56 12.42 37.67 25.89 13.72 N N 3 BRAZO 13.28 13.30 14.15 12.57 12.87 13.79 40.73 27.45 14.15 39.23 26.66 13.79 4 IT'S MY PARTY Constellation Van Der Scaler BRAZO 14.73 12.39 12.70 12.14 12.26 12.23 39.82 25.09 12.70 36.63 24.49 12.23 N N 5 BRIGHT SHINING 24.86 12.45 38.41 25.94 13.64 N Outsider: 12.41 12.45 12.47 12.30 13.64 6 VAN DER SCALER - - SN N HORSE Eternal Love, le new horse of the Gilbert Rousset is a 1 CONSTELLATION promising one. He has been impressive in training and he can have a successful debut. Van Der Scaler, winner 2 ETERNAL LOVE of the last race last week is him going for the double. Place: IT'S MY PARTY Van Der Scaler Best Time: Constellation 12.89 13.39 11.73 12.97 26.28 13.39 24.70 12.97 GEAR GATE JOCKEY 1365 1.24.14 58.5 N 4 K.GHUNOWA 1500 1.32.68 58.5 N 8 D.TOURNEUR 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. gate 2 60.5KG MARGIN COMMENT 4 2 1 Melson* 0.30 Well judged win 3 5 5 KURUNDU 5.50 Lacked extra 3 5 3 7 1 6 CTreasu.* R.Express 0.35 12.20 Good first win here Suffered a bleeding attack S. BUSSUNT ND 60.5KG 1600 1.38.91 59.5 ND 7 S.BHUNDOO 4 5 7 CINCHONA 3.90 Lost race at start 1500 1.32.78 60.5 ND 3 D.HOLLAND 3 5 7 ARex 3.35 Lacked finish 1400 1.25.84 56.5 ND 9 D.HOLLAND 2 8 9 Torotino 6.55 Faded home turn 1365 1.23.37 57.5 ND 8 D.HOLLAND 1 6 7 POWings 4.20 Average race CAPTAIN'S CRONICLE 21.11.15 0-30 1365 1.23.58 31.10.15 0-25 1400 1.25.99 03.10.15 0-25 1365 1.24.37 22.08.15 0-30 1365 1.23.91 Opened his account in his last 4 DOMANI 57 TND 1 R.JOORAWON 1 1 59.5 TOND 3 R.JOORAWON 3 4 TBND 60.5 10 R.JOORAWON 10 7 58.5 TBND 4 R.JOORAWON 8 9 2015 race. Beware of him if he can lead. 1.26.37 61.5 1.40.66 59 UBND 31.10.15 D.Controller* P.Albert QTime KKey 1.32.97 59 1500 1.00 0.25 4.05 3.60 58.5KG gate 6 P. HALL 58.5KG UBND 3 7 P.HALL L.GOOMANY 3 3 4 5 4 6 K.Advisor R.Game 1.35 7.50 Good run Average race UBND 8 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE 3 5 7 SOThunder 8.95 Wide-Faded 1 APalace* 0.80 Pillar to post SAIL TO PARADISE S. RAMA (S.NARANG) h.a S.AF 5 yrs N 58.5KG 1500 1.33.15 58.5 N 3 K.GHUNOWA 6 8 8 ARex 3.50 Inquiry into run 1600 1.39.67 56.5 - 1 R.JOORAWON 3 4 6 Gharbee 6.85 Disappointing 1500 1.32.94 59 1 B.LERENA 4 6 7 Gharbee 8.05 Big disappointment 20.06.15 0-25 1500 1.32.25 60 10 B.LERENA Bled in the last 2015 race. Average chance. 2 2 1 P.F. Singe* 1.05 Too good this field Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 6 - EASTWARD BOUND FAVOURITE D.MANSOUR (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 10 3 4 last S I.CHISTY 6 9 10 B.BOJANGLES I.CHISTY 1 2 1 T.Master* S.BUSSUNT 4 2 5 FNoble R.BOUTANIVE - 2015 race. Can redeem himself. TRAINING CLOCK Blizzard Of Ozz HORSE Winner on the opening day, Blizzard Of Ozz is taking 2 FREEDOM advantage of his nice form to try to snatch another win. He will have to keep an eye on Captain'sa Cronicle who has ended the 2015 season on a good note. Place: CAPTAIN'S CRONICLE DOMANI Best Time: EASTWARD BOUND SAIL TO PARADISE Freedom Freedom This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. 7.60 0.50 2.35 - gate 3 Pillar to post On the up-Just failed Wide-good run Lacked extra B U ND UBND 03.10.15 0-25 1365 1.23.85 60 1 N.TEEHA 1 1 Hasn't disgraced in the opening meeting. Has once more a big handicap. 5 1 2 5 7 T ND (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 26.03.16 0-25 1400 21.11.15 Benchm 1600 ark 31 Benchm ark 31 R. JOORAWON (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 5 yrs Outsider: Blizzard of Ozz N (V.ALLET) h.b.b S.AF 8 yrs 10.10.15 0-25 1500 1.33.75 59 SN 12.09.15 0-20 1650 1.42.69 59.5 OSN 04.07.15 0-20 1500 1.33.63 60 BN 20.06.15 0-30 1600 - 55 BN Hasn't been able to repeat his victory in his SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 13.15 13.18 12.58 13.46 - Eternal Love 3 25.07.15 gate R. HOOLASH (S.NARANG) h.b S.AF 6 yrs Was out of form at the end pf the previous season. Runs well fresh. To be considered. 22.08.15 Y. EMAMDEE (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 26.09.15 17.10.15 Disappointing run in the opening meeting. Should do better with a race in the legs. 6 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 10.10.15 Late acceleration Vast improvement 1365 TIME KG FREEDOM 07.11.15 60.5KG 1000 2 14.11.15 Did not quicken Tried to close Speed - faded Lost 2L - slow 3.55 0.15 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 DIST. MRU 135K - 50K - 25K - 12K 07.11.15 0-25 1365 1.23.52 59.5 ON 1 S.RAMA 19.09.15 0-30 1365 1.25.06 57 BN 3 B.SOOFUL Won a nice victory in the first meeting. Can double the score. 61.5KG S RAT. 06.12.15 M. NEISIUS (C.RAMDIN) h.a S.AF 6 yrs 21.11.15 0-30 1365 24.10.15 Benchm 1365 ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 1.13.94 60 1.01.06 60.5 0.59.10 60 1.12.67 60 is starting his S BLIZZARD OF OZZ 26.03.16 D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 1 1400 - Rating: Benchmark 31 DATE He is getting old but he is still present at the finish. Can be back in the winner's enclosure. 2 10h15 THE 'DEANAN' DOYAL CUP 11h15 4 MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K 56KG gate 1 gate 4 gate 5 Very disappointing Pillar to post-upset the odds Lacked extra Scratched SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 600m 400m 200m 12.69 12.69 12.96 11.24 11.76 35.96 23.00 11.76 GEAR N 21 2 07 April 2016 SATURDAY 11h50 THE CHICA CUP - Draper's Mile 10h50 5 1 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 36 CINCHONA DATE RAT. 28.11.15 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 41 14.11.15 17.10.15 26.09.15 DIST. MRU 140K - 55K - 28K - 14K S. BHUNDOO (V.ALLET) h.a S.AF 5 yrs TIME KG GEAR GATE JOCKEY B 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 61.5KG gate 6 1.38.99 59.5 B 4 D.HOLLAND 2 2 2 W. Glider 0.60 Challenged winner 1600 1.38.27 60 B 6 D.HOLLAND 2 1 1 Roventas* 0.45 Well judged win 1850 1.55.86 60 B 4 D.HOLLAND 4 4 4 S.A.Coin 0.40 Did his best 1600 1.39.02 57.5 B 8 D.HOLLAND 3 3 3 N. Star 1.30 Good run this field BLUE LORD 28.11.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 46 07.11.15 31.10.15 10.10.15 1850 S. BUSSUNT (V.ALLET) c.b S.AF 6 yrs - 61.5 N N 60.5KG - D.HOLLAND - - - - - Scratched 8 7 6 ARex 2.20 No clear run 1500 1.32.58 62 N 1 S.BUSSUNT 1600 1.38.45 59 N 5 D.HOLLAND 7 7 7 N. Star 2.60 One-paced run 1400 1.25.44 58 N 7 S.BHUNDOO 10 9 5 Torotino 4.10 Improving gate 1 HARBA 14.11.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 07.11.15 17.10.15 03.10.15 D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) c.a S.AF 5 yrs 60KG 1600 1.38.42 60 - 2 D.DAVID 7 4 3 CINCHONA 0.90 Game run 1500 1.32.40 60 - 7 D.DAVID 6 3 2 ARex 1.25 Couldn't match winner 1850 1.55.81 60 - 1 D.DAVID 5 5 2 S.A.Coin 0.10 Unlucky-Just failed 1500 1.33.22 60 - 9 D.DAVID 8 4 3 Jambamman 1.80 Beaten by better 4 LIVIDUS 28.11.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 14.11.15 1850 (S.NARANG) h.g S.AF 8 yrs - 59.5 TD TD 59.5KG - V.SOLA - - - - - Scratched 2 3 gate 5 4 gate 4 Kaafel* 0.65 Deserving win 14.11.15 08.08.15 1 R.JOORAWON 1 2 2 T DANCER 1.20 Did his best - 1 R.JOORAWON 1 5 8 Harba 10.75 Gunned down 1850 1.55.55 60 - 7 R.JOORAWON 4 3 2 C.T.Charm 3.35 Second best SHIELD OF THUNDER 06.12.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 31.10.15 03.10.15 1.38.74 59.5 - 2 O.CHAVEZ 4 3 6 Roventas 1500 1.31.49 59.5 - 3 B.SOOFUL 2 1 1 B.BOJANGLES* 2.75 Won going away-Bled 1650 1.43.40 59.5 - 4 M.NEISIUS 6 5 5 T DANCER 6.40 2 1 1 BBhutan* 1.15 SHODDY NICK 06.12.15 28.11.15 07.11.15 17.10.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 51 59.5KG 1600 12.09.15 0-25 1500 1.31.56 60.5 5 M.NEISIUS Is a horse who runs well fresh. Will try his chance at the front. 7 B. SOOFUL (C.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 5.95 3 I.MENDIZABAL 9 8 4 Hot Rocket 1.95 Did his best 1400 1.25.68 59.5 TN 1 M.NEISIUS 7 5 5 K. Captain 4.75 Eye-catching run 24.10.15 50+ 1500 1.31.96 55 TN 29.08.15 60+ 1365 1.22.56 53.5 TN Good training. Good outsider. 4 9 S.RAMA P.K.HORIL 5 9 7 9 7 7 N.Warrior DBrasco 7.75 5.5 Far from best Too far back CHINESE GOLD Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 61 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 14.11.15 03.10.15 3 Over-raced 22.08.15 7 Saddle slipped 1400 1.25.07 58 TD 2 R.JOORAWON 3 1 2 K. Captain 0.80 Good 2nd place 1500 1.31.43 60.5 TD 6 R.JOORAWON 6 6 3 K. Captain 2.80 Blood in its trachea 1500 1.31.28 60.5 TD 4 R.JOORAWON 3 2 2 Hillbrow 0.75 Beaten by better 6 D.HOLLAND 1 2 3 1.22.71 61 6 S.BUSSUNT 5 6 4 59.5KG gate 7 6 4 Roventas 4.55 Improved race 3 5 4 ARex 5.45 Disappointing 1500 1.32.55 61.5 N 8 B.SOOFUL 4 8 5 ARex 2.10 No clear run 21.11.15 1600 1.38.91 54.5 N 2 B.SOOFUL 3 7 5 M. Rapax 1.75 Checked 150m 24.10.15 8 Was a disappointment last season. Will be tough for him. N 10 Hillbrow 1 NCompares* 6 59KG 7.40 0.20 1500m too long for him Held on boldly BBear 0.85 Led-did his best Sole Mio 4.65 Difficult race Good training. Will rely on his freshness. 7 HEADSTRONG HARRY 10.10.15 12.09.15 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 1500 1.32.51 60 N 1500 1.33.26 60 N 1400 1.25.36 60.5 N 1400 1.24.98 59.5 TN gate Y. EMAMDEE (GUJADHUR) h.g S.AF 5 yrs N 5 53.5KG 3 N.T.CALLOW 3 5 6 E. Class 8.60 Never in it 4 J.BARDOTTIER 3 4 3 AFlirting 0.60 Hung in home straight 10 J.BARDOTTIER 8 6 3 Torotino 3.60 Finished strongly 4 J.BARDOTTIER 5 4 4 L. Valentine 2.40 Inquiry into run Good training. Seems in a better shape. Beware. SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 13.63 12.53 13.85 13.45 12.35 12.06 600m 400m 200m 40.01 26.38 13.85 37.86 24.41 12.06 GEAR N P FAVOURITE TRAINING CLOCK Headstrong Harry HORSE This race is a headache as it's a much opened one as 1 SEEKING ANGELO each of them can win this race. A slight advantage for Headstrong Harry who has been impressive in training and he will carry only 53.5kg. Icy Jet runs well fresh and 2 KIMBERLY AL he will try his chance at the front. Place: SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 13.56 13.28 11.70 12.25 12.10 600m 400m 200m 26.84 13.28 36.05 24.35 12.10 12.30 12.47 12.84 11.91 12.09 24.77 12.47 36.84 24.00 12.09 GEAR N 3 KING NEPTUNE Kimberly Al Icy Jet Chinese Gold 13.16 13.51 12.81 - 35.12 24.54 13.16 39.79 26.32 12.81 4 ICY JET 23.94 12.46 36.67 23.82 12.77 N Best Time: 11.48 12.46 12.85 11.05 12.77 5 KRUGER RAND 12.61 12.53 12.17 11.26 12.98 36.70 25.14 12.53 36.41 24.24 12.98 N N 6 CHINESE GOLD 13.22 12.17 11.38 12.47 12.02 13.64 36.77 23.55 11.38 38.13 25.66 13.64 D 7 MAESTRO'S SALUTE 13.44 11.86 11.78 - 35.66 25.30 13.44 39.34 23.64 11.78 N 8 HEADSTRONG HARRY 12.94 11.65 12.45 13.53 12.57 13.07 37.04 24.10 12.45 39.17 25.64 13.07 N N Chinese Gold HEADSTRONG HARRY Kruger Rand Outsider: KING NEPTUNE SMS Format: E.g Note: Do not leave any space between characters. AmountR?H? Amount = Stakes amount Kimberly Al N 1.23.54 60.5 N ark 51 Benchm ark 51 Benchm ark 51 gate S. BHUNDOO (V.ALLET) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1365 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE Lividus 2.12 1365 06.09.15 R.JOORAWON Outsider: Hot Rocket 03.10.15 2 Lividus Harba REBEL'S GAME 6 Trainer questioned 5 Best Time: 5 Ignore run - CINCHONA Harba 5 5 1 ON Place: O.CHAVEZ 2 1 1.56.61 61 HORSE With his good draw, the horse of the Maingard stable 1 CINCHONA offers the best guarantee in this race. Harba is in a good form and he will be dangerous. Lividus has been quite good in training and he is a good outsider. 1 R.HOOLASH D.HOLLAND 1.38.50 60 Rebel's Game 1.31.70 60.5 TD MAESTRO'S SALUTE 1850 TRAINING CLOCK 1500 2 1 P. HALL 8 59KG Was unlucky in the International jockeys' day. Good form. Excellent chance. 1600 FAVOURITE TD 1.31.73 53 N 1.24.10 59.5 N N gate R. JOORAWON (R.MAINGARD) c.b S.AF 6 yrs 14.11.15 50+ 1500 24.10.15 Benchm 1365 (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 7 59.5KG TN 06.12.15 gate TN 1.31.68 61 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 61 gate N.T.CALLOW (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 1500 6 Remains on a nice win. Is in a higher range. Has a chance. 6 KRUGER RAND 2 60.5KG One-paced run 1 - N Pace-faded badly 1365 gate V. NAIKO (A.PERDRAU) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 3.60 1 1.40.34 60 Difficult to load Up there-weakened Hung in late Muzzle struck - short 7.80 3 1.42.58 60 12.15 7.40 1.15 4.00 DBrasco 29.08.15 0-30 1500 1.32.32 61 TD 6 K.GHUNOWA Was at ease in training. Good form. To be followed. 1600 Sun On Africa Double Clutch The Hangman Double Clutch Kimberly Al 06.12.15 1650 3 7 4 7 2 3 2 5 surprise. 4 Good run this field 06.09.15 B 7 S.CORMACK 2 S.VEALE B 3 W.KENNEDY B 1 S.CORMACK has been well prepared. Beware 6 ark 56 Benchm ark 56 3 61KG 2 4.10 2 ICY JET gate M. NEISIUS (C.RAMDIN) h.a S.AF 7 yrs 4 Jambamman 03.10.15 1 Over-raced Needed run Bad last Second best 1 4 59.5KG 3.45 4.45 5.75 0.90 1 3 Easy-Kept finding more DBrasco Tandragee DBrasco A. Sun R.JOORAWON 2 1.20 6 6 9 2 3 K.GHUNOWA V.Magico* 6 6 4 4 1.23.36 59.5 N 5 gate KING NEPTUNE 18.10.14 61-45 1400 1.25.09 59 N 8 V.NAIKO The off-season has been beneficial for him. Run well fresh. 4 1 6 8 3 4 18.04.15 TD 1 T.PATEL S.RAMA R.JOORAWON B.LERENA Needed run Pillar to post 1.33.59 60 1 8 8 4 3 61KG loin 2.45 1500 R.JOORAWON PD D PD PD PD Tandragee NCompares* Can do better 1 53.5 54.5 53 60 gate D. DAVID 8 1 3.40 - Good third Not this distance Lacked extra Hard fought win 8 1 CINCHONA 1.39.30 60 1.25 5.10 4.65 0.50 6 1 6 1600 DBrasco Reim N.Warrior B.Day* V.NAIKO R.JOORAWON 3 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 21.11.15 1.22.90 0.57.57 1.22.60 1.22.47 7 4 5 1 N N K.GHUNOWA R. JOORAWON 1365 1000 1365 1365 7 2 7 2 4 MARGIN COMMENT 1.00.35 54 1.24.36 60 5 (R.MAINGARD) c.b S.AF 4 yrs 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 61.5KG 07.11.15 50+ 1000 02.05.15 Benchm 1400 TD REBEL'S GAME GEAR GATE JOCKEY N (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 17.06.15 Mr86C 1950 1.58.77 60 10.04.15 EastB 2000 2.01.59 54.5 15.03.15 KingB 1600 1.38.83 53 22.02.15 UmthA 2000 2.03.84 58 Aged 7, this product of Cataloochee 1.38.83 60 5 TIME KG KIMBERLY AL 06.12.15 55+ 07.11.15 50+ 29.08.15 60+ 11.07.15 Benchm 1600 03.10.15 DIST. ark 61 Good training. Good form. Can be a winner here. S. RAMA RAT. gate P.K. HORIL (G.ROUSSET) h.a S.AF 7 yrs Was prepared by Nishal Teeha. Good form. Will be a danger. Have fully taken advantage of the offseason. To be followed. 3 SEEKING ANGELO MRU 180K - 65K - 35K -18K 06.12.15 55+ 1365 1.22.54 54 N 5 S.RANDOLPH 21.11.15 55+ 1365 1.22.76 55 N 3 D.DAVID 07.11.15 50+ 1500 1.31.19 57 N 4 N.TEEHA 10.10.15 50+ 1600 1.36.83 55 N 2 D.DAVID Good training Tuesday with David. Can be the winner in this field. Honest horse who always try his best. Don't underestimate him. 2 1 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 56 DATE MARGIN COMMENT 1600 12h25 11h25 THE SIR RADHAMOHUN GUJADHUR CUP 6 R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. To bet £50 on Race No1 Horse No5 Send 50R1H5 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. Email: 18+ 14.11.15 26.09.15 22.08.15 Won one 7 1 DATE 06.12.15 26.03.16 06.12.15 14.11.15 07.11.15 Average 12h00 THE GREAT GUSTO PLATE 13h00 ISIPHO RAT. Benchm ark 31 28.11.15 25.07.15 06.06.15 09.05.15 MRU 130K - 48K - 23K - 12K DIST. 1500 TIME KG - 1600 1.39.67 59 1600 1.41.61 62 1500 1.32.72 60 a powerful finish and who is MOJO G Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 1400 9 N.JUGLALL 5 D.DAVID 7 D.HOLLAND 5 D.HOLLAND to be followed at the 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 8 7 KURUNDU 6.25 9 2 3 6 5 6 finish. 1 6 4 N.Prisoners* 1.50 MSky 6.50 B.BOJANGLES 2.30 S 6 S.RAMA - Never in it S 7 Y. Man 7.55 Average 1365 - 57 5 N.TEEHA - - - - - Scratched before start 1650 1.41.69 60 OD 2 R.HOOLASH 7 7 8 Wing Man 8.10 Average run 1600 1.42.24 59.5 TB 3 N.TEEHA 3 10 10 M. Rapax loin Faded badly ark 31 gate 2 3 28.11.15 0-20 1500 1.34.40 21.11.15 0-30 1365 1.24.24 31.10.15 0-25 1400 1.26.06 03.10.15 0-25 1365 1.23.99 Opened his account in his last 4 06.12.15 14.11.15 26.09.15 22.08.15 Won one 5 26.03.16 06.12.15 14.11.15 07.11.15 Average 6 60.5 56.5 59 59 2015 7 D.DAVID 9 D.DAVID 6 D.DAVID 2 D.DAVID race. Beware. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Benchm ark 31 1500 - 56.5 B 0-25 1600 1.40.10 59.5 0-20 1500 1.31.79 57.5 0-20 1500 1.34.28 60.5 race last year. Will come at NO PRISONERS - ark 31 1500 1600 1500 1500 1.32.83 1.40.90 1.33.11 1.32.68 1 5 6 3 CMatthew* CCronicle P.Albert QTime 0.10 4.15 0.85 1.60 - - - Scratched 3 1 8 Isipho Parkwood* R. Consort 2.45 1.70 5.85 Beaten favourite Nice finish-expected win Unbalanced 900m STN OS B1 S S 4 4 6 3 V.A.BUNDHOO J.BARDOTTIER 1 Race st N.TEEHA I.CHISTY 2 6 2 2 S 1 7 4 4 1 8 7 6 A. Day* Isipho Kaafel Roventas The first winner of this season. Going for the double. CHEVAL (S.NARANG) h.g S.AF yrs last showing. He TIGRE LIBRE showed his true ability in5his 7 GRIS has benefited from the break and is in very good condition. 28.11.15 ON 4 R.HOOLASH 6 7 ARex He gets the1850 vote1.58.58 here,53.5 breaking from Stall 1. Right To7 Tango 10.10.15 0-25 1500 1.34.18 57 BN 3 M.TEETAN 4 10 10 Kaafel completed the podium in his last race, although it could have 06.09.15 1600 1.41.17 59.5 BN 6 I.CHISTY 4 10 10 Harba been a better result, if he was 9ridden with more motivation. 25.07.15 1500 1.33.24 60.5 BN S.BUSSUNT 10 9 9 Gharbee He should go close here. Peace Keeper makes his debut for Hasn't been good up to now. To be reviewed. Gilbert Rousset and having looked well in training, he must enter calculations. Ek Tha Tiger has worked very well, and should be thereabouts, while Joyful and Put Foot Singe – whose last race must be ignored – are just outsiders. Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 EXPECTED FAVOURITE: TIGRE LIBRE STAR HORSE: TIGRE LIBRE DARK HORSE: RIGHT TO TANGOTRAINING SHOT: EK THA TIGER 4th Race A finish of 4th place, 1.35 lengths behind Kings Advisor was an honourable result for Domani, considering he was shouldering a whopping 61.5 kg. He can do better than that, and having been drawn stall 1, he can score a pillar to post. even if he is running in a higher category. Freedom has dropped down a category. He will also relish running over shorter and having produced some decent gallops, he is not prevented from showing up. Preference however is for CAPTAIN’S CRONICLE, who finally opened his Mauritian account in his last race, leading from start-to-finish. He has come out well from the off-season and seems to be on very good terms with himself. Blizzard Of Ozz scored a commanding win in the first meeting. Still in good condition, and with his stable mates bang on form, he can confirm. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: C. CRONICLE STAR HORSE: CAPTAIN’S CRONICLE DARK HORSE: DOMANI TRAINING SHOT: FREEDOM 0.50 7.15 5.40 5.70 4.95 5.25 1.50 3.50 2 6 2 2 J.BARDOTTIER N.TEEHA I.CHISTY No finish Beaten favourite Good 2nd place Inquiry into run gate D.MANSOUR S 1 7 4 4 1 8 7 6 A. Day* Isipho Kaafel Roventas 0.50 7.15 5.40 5.70 6 59.5KG Well judged win No show Bad tactics-ignore run Average race gate P.K. HORIL T1 N 4 56KG 7 7 ARex 16.75 Never in it 10.10.15 0-25 1500 06.09.15 Benchm 1600 1.34.18 57 BN 1.41.17 59.5 BN 3 6 M.TEETAN I.CHISTY 4 4 10 10 10 10 Kaafel Harba 11.70 15.75 Bad last-no show Bad last 25.07.15 ark 31 Benchm ark 31 1500 1.33.24 60.5 BN 9 S.BUSSUNT 10 9 9 Gharbee 9.55 No show TRAINING CLOCK SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.36 13.90 11.86 13.06 600m 400m 200m 37.06 25.72 12.36 38.82 24.92 13.06 12.74 13.06 12.93 16.08 - 38.73 25.99 12.93 45.58 31.31 16.08 3 OBLIGATION 12.96 13.01 13.30 11.80 13.17 39.01 25.97 13.01 38.27 24.97 13.17 4 KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 13.02 13.03 - - 26.05 13.03 N 14.20 12.70 - 39.36 26.90 12.70 N 5 NO PRISONERS 13.61 12.92 13.13 13.96 - 40.19 26.53 12.92 40.85 27.09 13.96 6 TORNADO MAN 13.87 11.92 12.32 11.62 11.85 38.11 24.24 12.32 23.47 11.85 7 GRIS CHEVAL 12.15 12.27 14.26 12.49 11.97 13.52 38.68 26.53 14.26 37.98 25.49 13.52 HORSE Winner of the first race 2016, Tornado Man is aiming for 1 ISIPHO a double in this race. He will have to beware of Kentucky Bluegrass who is in a good form and also of Obligation who opened his account in his last race 2015. 2 MOJO G Best Time: GRIS CHEVAL KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Isipho Outsider: KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS gate 3 GEAR N N N No finish Beaten favourite Good 2nd place Inquiry into run D.MANSOUR (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 60 60 61 58.5 59.5KG CMatthew Joyful Isipho BOfOzz 6 7 59.5KG - 4.95 5.25 1.50 3.50 V.A.BUNDHOO 3 07 April 2016 DATE 5 6 2 9 R.HOOLASH gate 6 5 8 CMatthew Joyful Isipho BOfOzz 6 6 3 9 (S.NARANG) h.g S.AF 5 yrs Isipho No Prisoners - 5 6 2 9 4 4 6 3 Place: 5 7 7 6 6 3 9 6 8 7 8 4 5 - 6 8 7 8 OS B1 S S gate 59.5KG 1.58.58 53.5 ON gate 60KG L. Goomany STN (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 60 60 61 58.5 Beaten favourite Nice finish-expected win Unbalanced 900m L. Goomany Tornado Man N.T.CALLOW (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 2.45 1.70 5.85 1850 Good 1st win here Average race Lacked extra Lacked acceleration B Isipho Parkwood* R. Consort (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 6 yrs FAVOURITE B 1 V.NAIKO B 8 N.MARDAY B 8 V.NAIKO the finish. SATURDAY 26.03.16 0-20 14.11.15 0-25 10.10.15 0-25 19.09.15 Benchm 2 7 5 3 (P.MERVEN) h.a S.AF 5 yrs T1SN 0-25 1400 1.27.76 60 4 V.SOLA 0-25 1400 1.26.25 60 SN 4 T.PATEL 0-25 1600 1.39.93 60 OSN 9 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE 0-25 1365 1.24.13 60.5 B1N 6 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE race on the first meeting. Can do better. TORNADO MAN B 7 9 9 6 3 1 8 Hasn't been good up to now. To be reviewed. P. HALL (J.M.HENRY) h.a S.AF 5 yrs 1.32.83 1.40.90 1.33.11 1.32.68 6 5 8 Benchm ark 36 Disappointing in his four races. To be reviewed. OBLIGATION 1500 1600 1500 1500 GRIS CHEVAL 28.11.15 60.5KG 8 26.03.16 0-20 14.11.15 0-25 10.10.15 0-25 19.09.15 Benchm 7 Handy-Flying finish Unbalanced 300m Good race M. NEISIUS 4 5 7 7 The first winner of this season. Going for the double. MARGIN COMMENT 7 (C.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 1.27.41 59 1 61KG GEAR GATE JOCKEY 1.32.81 58 gate S. BUSSUNT (V.ALLET) h.a S.AF 7 yrs B 1 V.NAIKO B 8 N.MARDAY B 8 V.NAIKO the finish. T1SN 0-25 1400 1.27.76 60 4 V.SOLA 0-25 1400 1.26.25 60 SN 4 T.PATEL 0-25 1600 1.39.93 60 OSN 9 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE 0-25 1365 1.24.13 60.5 B1N 6 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE race on the first meeting. Can do better. TORNADO MAN 6 1500 - Rating: 0-25 14.11.15 0-25 24.10.15 0-20 10.10.15 0-25 Horse who has 2 NO PRISONERS 5 22 2 0-25 1600 1.40.10 59.5 0-20 1500 1.31.79 57.5 0-20 1500 1.34.28 60.5 race last year. Will come at 59.5KG Well judged win No show Bad tactics-ignore run Average race gate 6 3rd Race 2nd Race Despite being stubborn just before the start, VAN DER SCALER was on his best behaviour during the race, as he won magnificently. His yard has entered him for the second week running and it could prove to be an inspired decision. It’s My Party has benefited from his recent run, where he finished 4th. In better shape and with Donovan Mansour on board, he should improve. Eternal Love is new to Gilbert Rousset. He has not taken long to settle quickly and he even won a barrier trial in mid-week. He is not prevented from making it a winning debut. Constellation is taking part in his 8th season in Mauritius. This veteran put up some honourable performances last season and even if he is running against much younger opponents, he is still given respect. Brazo ended 2015 with a pair of place finishes. He looked decent in his workouts and can make his presence felt, especially in this category. gate Adi Star is HORIL a specialist over the kilometre sprint. This Var-bred P.K. 4 short trip and is hard to stop when T1 N twice 56KG over this gelding won 16.75 a Never it given soft inlead. Down a category compared in his last start 11.70 Bad last-no showup well in training, he can produce a big and having shown 15.75 Bad last run. POWER DIVE won twice in 2015 with his second win 9.55 No show coming over this trip. This Alain Perdrau-trained horse is tough to topple when on-song and can give Vinay Naiko an instant visit to the winner’s enclosure on his return. Don’t Tell Mama can do better than what she served up two weeks back, while Just B Brave – who has worked well and is entered in a lower class – can sneak in the minor placings. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: DON’T TELL MAMA STAR HORSE: POWER DIVE EXPECTED FAVOURITE: V. D. SCALER DARK HORSE: DON’T TELL MAMA STAR HORSE: VAN DER SCALER TRAINING SHOT: JUST B BRAVE 5th Race HARBA had a fine 2015, winning three times and finishing all but one of his races in the money. In top order, he shades the selection in this contest. Rebel’s Game won from start-to-finish in his previous outing. He has been in constant training since March and is ready to make his return. He is rated as the biggest danger to the selection. Cinchona was always thereabouts in the second part of last season, which included two wins. Down a category and in good shape, he warrants major consideration here. Lividus represents a yard in very good nick and must not be underestimated, while the same is said for Shield Of Thunder, who has very strong form over the Draper’s Mile. He can pop up in the minor placings. DARK HORSE: LIVIDUS EXPECTED FAVOURITE: REBEL’S GAME TRAINING SHOT: CINCHONA STAR HORSE: HARBA DARK HORSE: IT’S MY PARTY- TRAINING SHOT: ETERNAL LOVE 6th Race Looking at the field in this main contest, it looks wise to follow a finisher. KIMBERLY AL is one of them and he proved that on two occasions last season. He may have struggled since joining Gilbert Rousset’s yard, but he appears to have been transformed during the break. In top order, drawn in the ace, and with the champion jockey riding him for the first time, the vote goes in his direction. Even so, he won’t have everything handed to him on a plate. There is the presence of Chinese Gold, who was a star performer in 2015, winning three times and even finishing runner-up to a certain Kremlin Captain. Ignore his showing in the International meeting, as he met with unfavourable circumstances. In good shape and form, he should be bang in the shake up. Seeking Angelo performed very well in his last race and having showed up well in training, his chances look rock-solid. Kruger Rand must be considered, particularly with Noel Callow on board, while all depends on the circumstances for the front running duo of Icy Jet and Maestro’s Salute, who have both been decent at track work. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: CHINESE GOLD STAR HORSE: KIMBERLY AL DARK HORSE: KRUGER RAND TRAINING SHOT: S. ANGELO 7th Race TORNADO MAN was an excellent victor in the very first race of the season. He is usually an inconsistent performer, but he is capable of confirming, as he is still in good shape. Isipho found his winning touch again last season, giving Vincent Allet two impressive wins, including the first for Alvino Roy in his very first ride. He has plenty of gallops in his legs and in this class, he should be in contention. Kentucky Bluegrass has joined Patrick Merven’s yard. It is worth noting that his solitary win has come over this Draper’s Mile and if he can reproduce that run, he can come out on top. Obligation managed to do just enough to defeat Captain Matthew – who has since gone one better – in the final normal meeting. Now trained by Jean-Michel Henry, he is in decent shape and should make the frame. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: S. TORNADO MAN STAR HORSE: TORNADO MAN DARK HORSE: OBLIGATION TRAINING SHOT: ISIPHO SMS Format: Amount = Stakes amount E.g Note: Do not leave any space between characters. AmountR?H? R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. To bet £50 on Race No1 Horse No5 Send 50R1H5 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. Email: 18+ w w w .ws.m sm s ps ap rai rai za.zc. oc m om Football FootballBetting Betting NU BANN BIRO PE ATANE POU ACUEIL OU ! GOODLANDS BIRO SMS PARIAZ (FOOTBALL) T.ROUGE CHAN KIN FLACQ STANLEY Q. BORNES CASTEL CUREPIPE P.MAGNIEN BIRO NIMERO TEL STANLEY FLACQ LAKEPOINT CASTEL GOODLANDS PLAINE MAGNIEN TERRE ROUGE CHAN KIN QUATRE BORNES 59036074 4138817 5491445 57093025 57824432 / 59513543 57598308 2492198 2126108 4643060 Ou kapav kit ou nimero portab pou ou gagne enn notification par SMS si ou gagner. Facilités: Facilités: 9 biro 9 biro a travers a travers l’ile l’ile Recevwar Recevwar notification notification par par sms sms kan kan ouou gagné gagné Pou Pou plis plis info, info, kall kall lorlor 4029191 4029191 ouou avoy avoy ene ene blank blank sms sms lorlor 8685 8685 / Mineur / Mineur ekek crédit crédit interdit. interdit.