Media Data - autoEXPERT
Media Data - autoEXPERT
Media Data 2014 Media Data 2014 M A G A Z I N E Characteristics Specialist magazine for all professionals in the Polish motor trade. The editorial concept is tailor-made to specifically suit this market and provides articles from all the major market segments of the motor trade. Supplemented by detailed training and further training section featuring the latest syllabus subjects. I N T E R N E T l characteristics & DISTRIBUTION Target group autoEXPERT readerships: managers and chief technicians of workshops, maintenance and repair personnel, managing directors of car dealers, managers in the field of automotive accessories and spare parts as well as the top management of the automobile industry. -480X ISSN 1234 49 Nr ind. 3442 9,70 zá Cena8% VAT) (w tym utoexp Topics 6|2013 The magazine informs about new technologies and products, market trends, management, finance, environmental and legal topics, as well as other interesting issues essential for executives in the Polish automotive business. The inner part work section provides practical and theoretical professional information. meru: SBC systemu Diagnostyka w w w. a (196) odowa a wiedza zaw Praktyczn d e l h a n – t s z t a w a r – n i k a t e c h Tematy nu MIENNE CZĉĝCI ZA SZTATÓW NIE WAR ĩE SA O WYP hamowania Rozdziaá siá wymaga na kaĪde koáo elementów dodatkowych ych sterując Strona 20 Technika dla ji motoryzac oratorium Olej w lab -480X ISSN 1234 49 Nr ind. 3442 ób, W jaki spos silnikowy, analizując olej Ğliü moĪna okre ka zuĪycie silni 9,70 zá Cena8% VAT) (w tym Strona 30 oryzacji Ze świata mot Zabytek zie na przegląd Strona 32 Drive by iPh one nąá na rynek kryzys wpáy ych czĊĞci zamienn czy Naprawiü i k a e c h n vroleta NapĊdowi Che o, Volta zarzucan ydowy. hybr Īe nie jest ? Czy sáusznie Wygodne przeáącza POJAZD I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO DOKSZ TA ŁC A N IE AKADEMIA MECHA TECHNICZNA JAZ NIK PO AMOC DÓW S PALIWA I UKŁADY SILNIK I JEGO UKŁADY STERUJĄCE ELEKTRYCZNE, POJAZD SIEĆ, KOMUNIKACJA POJAZD I INFOROZRYWKA I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO POJAZD, CZUJNIKI, SPALINY I KOMFORT NAWIGACJA UKŁADY NAPRAWA HODOW YC H ZASILANIA I DIAGNOSTYKA WYKONAWCZE URZĄDZENIA I OCHRONA ŚRODOWISKA UKŁAD NAPĘDOWY SYSTEMY MECHATRONICZNE OPONY, PODWOZIE 27 autoEXPERT Lakier na autoEXPERT nie zy Dodatek wied technicznej y przygotowan acy we wspóápr er ef Scha z rmą Strona 21 4/2013 Rynek Hamulec po tuning u tuningowe Jakie techniki mogą sprawiü, bĊdą Īe hamulce j? dziaáaáy lepie Strona 12 Technika dla ji motoryzac Strona 37 stare? ób sprawdziü, W jaki spos lakiernicza czy powáoka ponownenadaje siĊ do ia wan go polakiero Strona nkowej oferty ry gu Przegląd do tunin i czĊĞci Akcesoria Strona 20 39 Rynek mą? Co z tą gu -480X ISSN 1234 49 Nr ind. 3442 do obsáugi Urządzenia niają siĊ ogumienia zmie wraz z ewolucją samych opon 9,70 zá Cena8% VAT) (w tym Strona 59 Technika dla Dlaczego ji motoryzac 12 V siĊ napiĊcie Skąd bierze zego 12 V oraz dlac sowokwa akumulatory najlepsze oáowiowe są Strona 67 hniczna Akademia tec oponach ciĞnienia w Monitoring Dodatek wiedzy technicznej POJAZD I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO D O K S Z TA ŁC A N I E AKADEMIA OC ÓW SAM PALIWA I SILNIK I JEGO UKŁADY UKŁADY STERUJĄCE SIEĆ, KOMUNIKACJA UKŁADY NAPRAWA ELEKTRYCZNE, CZUJNIKI, KOMFORT SPALINY POJAZD I NAWIGACJA POJAZD I POJAZD, I INFOROZRYWKA BEZPIECZEŃSTWO y przygotowan cy we wspóápra efer z rmą Scha TECHNICZNA JAZD NIK PO MECHA HODOW YC H ZASILANIA I DIAGNOSTYKA WYKONAWCZE URZĄDZENIA I OCHRONA ŚRODOWISKA UKŁAD NAPĘDOWY SYSTEMY MECHATRONICZNE OPONY, PODWOZIE Strona 43 27 rynkowej d oferty Przeglą Īownice rki i monta WywaĪa tory Akumula autoEXPERT 4/2013 meru: t s z t a w a r – n i k a t e c h Tematy nu Sections in the magazine: News & products review – presenting its latest products launched on the automotive market and informations from the current branch events, Technique for the automotive - describing modern solutions in automotive technology, Practical knowledge for professionals - articles written by practitioners, describing the methods of diagnosis and repair of cars, From the automotive world - in this section we present the latest information from the national and the international automotive market, The market – informations about equipment and tools for car worksops, presentations firm and their offers. Strona 16 hniczna Akademia tec 10|2013 n! 100 stro Ğnia W poáowie wrze zyuroc miaáo miejsce e tytuáów ste wrĊczeni 2013 Produkt Roku s (w tym 8% (199) Ċzców! amy zwyci OLOGIE 4 3- nie hybryda c da .czy 3 bry 0 zá 9,747 ena CStr onaVAT) w oryzacji e świata mot Zn a iz Hy ś ę Cz -480X ISSN 1234 49 3442 a 42 ind.on NrStr 7-8|2013 e nnan 12 Stro ie ji zac m motory 7 k: ne Technika dla nkowej oferty ry Przegląd mienne ĊĪarek CzĊĞci za ki do turbospr ar WywaĪ d e l h a n – t a t z s oexper w w. a u t w a r temat Eksperci na w faktów i mitó związanych mi LPG z instalacja wymieniü? Strona 44 – meru: Strona 8 Ry utoexp gaz Sposób na ia kaĪdy To pytanie staw zas mechanik podc odzoną z uszk konfrontacji ką ĊĪar ospr turb w w w. a N SZE TECH NAJNOW RYZACJI W MOTO NIKA ELEKTRO ji motoryzac Technika dla Strona 33 d e l h a n Tematy nu oryzacyjne NowoĞci mot erencji - relacja z konf Bosch rmy technicznej m dzą rynkie obecnie CzĊĞci rzą Czy trwający – (197) oryzacji Ze świata mot Rynek Rynek – n i k a t e c h robiü Co powinien a co a, rzeczoznawc kontakcie diagnosta w zabytkowym z pojazdem t s z t a w a r Editorial content d e l h a n – w w w. a utoexp Launched: 1994 u ok Circulation: 8000 copies t R3 k 1 58 of the magazine: 205x290 mm du 20Size 3 o 4 s. Pr Frequency: monthly (11 issues per year) The Polish edition of autoEXPERT magazine is licensed by the Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co. KG. (located in Wϋrzburg, Germany). AutoEXPERT sister magazines are: “kfz betrieb”, “autofachmann” and “autokaufmann”. (200) 11|2013 ZI A NADWO 2013 NAPRAW Equip Auto W tegorocznej edycbraáji y Īu A IK N targów w Pary z Polski O TR y rmy ELEK udziaá 22 zn go Ğwiata yc i 1300 z caáe KOàA at OPONY I m la cji e Strona 12 t d ORY a ek e ji AKUMULAT at ej yz 0 motoryzac od Ol or -10 Technika dla t 9 r zimie D Na przekó Aby zimą nie mieü o s. 7 iem uruchom Strona 63 problemu z oryzacji Ze świata mot Distribution Free of charge – via controlled circulation, the readership is specifically selected (from automotive market database) according to the editorial content of each issue. The magazine is also distributed by subscription, at trade fairs and branch events. warto uĪyü niem silnika, ojowego post ogrzewania Strona 74 Strona 19 odowa a wiedza zaw Praktyczn D gii (O)LE W technolo dach moĪna W samocho organiczne juĪ spotkaü táa Ĩródáa Ğwia The circulation and method of distribution are audited by ZKDP Strona 28 Rynek I jak Ğü? to podnie zwróciü Na co naleĪy wyboru zas uwagĊ podc pu rodzaju, zaku oĞnika i montaĪu podn Strona 47 wanie dla Oprogramo Teraz tylko ji motoryzac meru: Tematy nu SZTACIE IT W WAR –37 ENIE S. 28 OĝWIETL mobilnie oprograCoraz czĊĞciej ztatowe mowanie wars w wersjach pojawia siĊ e ia przenoĞn na urządzen Strona 60 nkowej oferty ry Przegląd owe i warsztat PodnoĞnikowanie Oprogram 52 Strona 73 Strona ie an cji owyza m r ra to 74 og o 59pr m s. O dla Związek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy (non-profit organization) is a member of the International Federation of the Audit Bureaux of Circulations. Its principal aim is helping to establish the ethical and business standards regulating the Polish press market by supplying objective and carefully verified press circulation and distribution data. Each of the members submits a monthly statement of the circulation and distribution of the controlled title. Following the end of each year, auditors authorized by the Board verify the data declared by the publishers against their financial records. CONTACT Maciej Blum licensed by Editor-in -chief phone: + 48 71 78 23 190 e-mail: 1 P ub l ication program Media Data 2014 Dates Issue Submission of ads Submission of materials Publication of issue Technic and service 1/2014 19.12.2013 23.12.2013 07.01.2014 Diagnostics Electronics and Electromechanics Batteries Engines - repair and diagnostics 2/2014 17.01.2014 23.01.2014 04.02.2014 Spare parts Brake systems Clutches Paintwork 3/2014 17.02.2014 20.02.2014 04.03.2014 Spare parts Engine and driveshaft repair Car windows Workshop equipment Market and management Thematic supplement Suspension geometry equipment Automotive chemical products for winter Equipment for batteries Marketing in workshop Report: Automotive market 2013 & 2014 Pneumatic tools Cleaness in workshop Brake system testers Diagnostic equipment GasShow 2014 18.03.2014 23.03.2014 03.04.2014 Electronics Spare parts Paintwork materials Air filters 5/2014 17.04.2014 22.04.2014 02.05.2014 Spare parts and accesories Diagnostics Special repairs Worshop equipment and tools 6/2014 19.05.2014 22.05.2014 03.06.2014 LPG - systems and parts Spare parts Engine Shock absorbers and springs Drivetrain 7-8/2014 18.06.2014 25.06.2014 07.07.2014 Cam New automotive technologies Electronics Filters Special issue (August 2014) Spare parts Clutches Paintwork 10/2014 16.09.2014 19.09.2014 02.10.2014 Wheels and tires Electronic and electrical systems Batteries Electric drive Body repair 11/2014 17.10.2014 22.10.2014 03.11.2014 Parts and accesories Diagnostics Air conditioning and heating systems Lighting 12/2014 19.11.2014 24.11.2014 04.12.2014 Ignition and injections systems Spark and Glow plugs Commercial vehicles Electronics The editors reserve the right to change the schedule of publications. Special issue (December 2014) 1/2015 17.12.2014 19.12.2014 07.01.2015 20 years of “autoEXPERT” Upskilling employees Gas analysers and smoke meters Body repair tools and equipment Regeneration of the parts Air Condition equipment Customer service Diagnostic testers Automotive chemicals FAIRS Air conditioning Purchases financing Reducing costs in workshop 11 ProfiAuto Show Turbocharger balancers Workshop networks Diagnostics equipment Settlements Protective wear Diagnostics equipment Insurances Oleje i smary dla motoryzacji FAIRS Drivetrain: Cluthes, gerboxes, shafts, axles, halfaxles, joints, differentials Spare parts market (OE, AM) Product of the Year 2014 Ergonomy at the workplace KFZ-Branche in Polen – Special issue for the Automechanika 2014 trade fair. Supplement in German language for the Kfz-Betrieb magazine (distribution in Germany) 14.08.2014 19.08.2014 01.09.2014 9/2014 Anniversary: Training offer for the workshops Automotive Technology Fair TTM 4/2014 Paint and body repair FAIRS Suspension and brakes spare parts Professional education and school system Internet trade Paint guns 14’ th Inter Cars EXPO of Spare Parts, Tools and Garage Equipment Polishing machines Leasing Wheel balancers and tire changers Patent protection Software for workshops Products economy lines Diagnostic lines e-marketing Jacks and lifting platforms Vehicle inspection station equipment Recycling in automotive Customer relationships FAIRS Brakes and suspension Automotive oils Software for automotive branches Vehicle inspection stations Products and services catalogue with the Mechanician’s Calendar 2015 Diagnostics Electronics and Electromechanics Batteries Engines - repair and diagnostics Suspension geometry equipment Negotiations Gas analysers and smoke meters Waste disposal Report: Automotive market 2014 & 2015 Media Data 2014 Sizes and prices of insertions Size Price R ate Discounts Width x Heigh in mm (symbol) 1/1 page 2 825 € 205 x 290 (A) 3/4 page 2 100 € 148 x 290 (C) 205 x 214 (D) 2/3 page 1 890 € 34 x 290 (E) 205 x 190 (F) 1/2 page 1 420 € 101 x 290 (G) 205 x 137 (H) 1/3 page 1 050 € 70 x 290 (I) 205 x 89 (J) 1/4 page 795 € 54 x 290 (K) 101 x 137 (L) 205 x 70 (M) 1/8 page 460 € 54 x 137 (N) 101 x 70 (O) 205 x 36 (P) II cover (1/1 page) 3 190 € 205 x 290 (A) III cover (1/1 page) 3 190 € 205 x 290 (A) IV cover (1/1 page) All prices are net in EUR. 3 550 € 205 x 290 (A) According to the series and space contracts (for advertisements placed within a period of 12 months). card Surcharges 10% for special position. Discounts Series contract full page other sizes 6x1 20% 10% 9x1 25% 15% 11x1 30% 20% A sample must be submitted before order can be confirmed. Loose inserts Weight Printing and binding process, printing materials: please send printing materials in digital form, format of graphic file: PDF, TIFF or JPG, printing quality, resolution: min. 300 DPI, colour: CMYK, proof printout for colour advertisements (if not, no colour guarantee can be given). Price per copy Whole circulation (8000 copies) 25 g 0,30 € 2 400 € 26-50 g 0,45 € 3 600 € 51-75 g 0,60 € 4 800 € Over 75 g On request Maximum size – 200x285 mm. For non-standard inserts: please inquire. All prices are net in EUR. SPECIAL OFFERS banderola banderola R R R R R R R RR R R RR R R R R R R R R R R R R banderola banderola kalendarz kalendarz kalendarz kalendarz kalendarz banderola Bellyband A bellyband in the form of thin paper strip is manually placed around the complete magazine and fixed with a transparent adhesive dot. Advertisement formats 3/4 148 x 290 mm 1/1 205 x 290 mm plus 3 mm trim plus 3 mm trim Postcard Inserts Postcards can be inserted in the magazine in different ways e.g. as loose supplement, glued on the advertisement, printed on an extended cover or as bound insert with perforation. 1/4 54 x 290 plus 3 mm trim 3/4 205 x 214 mm 2/3 134 x 290 mm plus 3 mm trim 1/3 70 x 290 mm plus 3 mm trim plus 3 mm trim D A Okładka C K 2/3 205 x 190 mm Calendar Supplement Calendars folded to different formats are also a suitable supplement. Readers can take them out and use them unfolded to full size. 1/4 205 x 70 mm M plus 3 mm trim 1/2 205 x 137 mm plus 3 mm trim E 1/2 101 x 290 mm plus 3 mm trim plus 3 mm trim I 1/4 101 x 137 mm plus 3 mm trim L H F 1/3 205 x 89 mm Extended Front or Back Cover Extended, unfoldable page at the front and rear cover – the ideal presentation for companies. Your order a minimum 3 pages. plus 3 mm trim 1/8 54 x 137 mm 1/8 O 101 x 70 mm plus 3 mm trim plus 3 mm trim J 1/8 205 x 36 mm plus 3 mm trim P G CONTACT Bleed charges Booklet on Carrier Advertisements A small booklet of different volume and size is glued on carrier advertisement with removable glue. The number of pages depends on the paper weight. 10 % of the gross price of a b/w page. Standard page size plus 3 mm bleed per edge. This extra charge also applies for single-side bleed only. Krzysztof Faściszewski advertising sales director phone: +48 71 78 23 185 e-mail: Anna Kruk key account manager phone: +48 71 78 23 186 e-mail: N C O N T A C T Media Data 2014 Editorial and office address ul. Grabiszyńska 163, 53-439 Wrocław, Poland phone: +48 71 78 23 180, fax: +48 71 78 23 184 e-mail: © Copyright of the trademark „Auto Expert” by Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co. KG, 97082 Würzburg/Germany. Publisher: Raven Media sp. z o.o. ul. Grabiszyńska 163, 53-439 Wrocław NIP 897-17-67-168, REGON 021366963 Paweł Kruk (editorial director) Contact languages: Polish, English phone: +48 71 78 23 195 e-mail: Editorial staff Maciej Blum (editor-in-chief) Contact languages: Polish, English, German phone: +48 71 78 23 190 e-mail: Sylwia Lewandowska-Klauza (editorial secretary) Contact languages: Polish, English phone: +48 71 78 23 191 e-mail: Advertising Krzysztof Faściszewski (advertising sales director) Contact languages: Polish, German phone: +48 71 78 23 185 e-mail: Anna Kruk (key account manager) Contact languages: Polish, English phone: +48 71 78 23 186 e-mail: Raven Media is a licensed business partner of Vogel Business Media. Its publishing activity on the Polish market includes magazines: autoEXPERT (on the license of titles: „kfz-betrieb”, „autoFACHMANN”, „autoKAUFMANN”) and “MM Magazyn Przemysłowy” (on the license of “MM MaschinenMarkt”). Raven Media is also a sales representative of Vogel’s magazines: „Automobil Industrie”, „kfz-betrieb”, „Konstruktionspraxis”, „Elektronikpraxis”, „Elektrotechnik”and international magazines from the “MM” brand, which are published in 12 different countries. Vogel Business Media is one of the major German specialist publishers for trade and industry. The numerous specialist media created by Vogel are nearly always among the leading names in their sector. These provide access to markets and industrial sectors, pick up on interdisciplinary topics and keep their communities of professionals well-informed in a competent and targeted manner. Vogel was founded as a publishing company in Pössneck in the German state of Thuringia in 1891 by Carl Gustav Vogel and has been based in Würzburg/ Germany since 1952. It is also located in five other towns in Germany. The company activities are focused on German-speaking countries and the emerging markets in Eastern Europe and Asia. Apart from traditional printed publications, since 2006 Vogel brand names can also be found on the Internet in the form of innovative, digital information portals, offering lead generation possibilities. Vogel’s portfolio comprises over 100 printed publications and some 60 corresponding websites, partly in the form of business efficiency portals offering users a high level of efficiency. CSR MAGAZIN Unternehmen. Verantwortung. Gesellschaft.