File - St Turibius Parish


File - St Turibius Parish
November 8, 2015
8 de Novembre de 2015
La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio
Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago
Kościół Św. Turibiusza
Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago
XXXII Niedziela Zwykła
Trigesimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
8 Listopada 2015
St. Turibius Church
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago
We are all God’s Family!
Somos todos los familiares de Dios!
Wszyscy jesteśmy rodzina Boga!
St. Anne Society
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
(773) 581-2730 ext. 17
(773) 581-2730 ext. 15
4pm Saturday
6:45 am and 11 am
5-6pm Saturday
(773) 581-2730
St. Anne’s Society is a Parish organization that has been in existence since 1936. Next year
in 2016, the St. Anne Society will be celebrating 80 years as a Parish organization, a definite
milestone in our Parish history. The Felician Sisters came to St. Turibius in 1928, one year
after it was founded. Over these past 87 years, we have had almost 200 Sisters residing in
our convent and working in the varied ministries of our Parish. 8 years after the first Sisters
came to our Parish, the St. Anne Society was formed. It was started with the sole purpose
of taking care of the Sisters who resided here at the parish. At one time, we had close to 30
Sisters living in our convent and teaching in our school. Obviously, this was when the school
was staffed by Sisters as were most of the Catholic schools years back. But unlike most of
the other Catholic schools, as the years went by and the Sisters presence in the schools
was replaced by lay teachers, St. Turibius still had Sisters on staff.
A few years ago, we had a Sister who played the organ at the 8:00 AM Mass, on weekdays
and Saturdays and for all the School Masses and Religious functions and at the 11:00 AM
Mass on Sundays. She taught Music in the school 2 days a week and was in charge of the
Children’s Choir. This was our beloved Sister Emilie Marie. Many of you also remember
Sister Joan Marie, who tutored 3 days a week. And now, even though our school is closed,
we are still privileged to have the Sisters with us. They are leading and coordinating our
Religious Education Program; are Lectors and Ministers of the Eucharist; and active
members of our St. Vincent De Paul Society, who not only ministers to our Parish but also
our community.
The St. Anne Society helps the Sisters by purchasing certain things they may need which
also helps defer the cost from our Parish. We have purchased carpeting, furniture,
appliances, window treatments and other items that were needed.
Our members cherish the Sisters and whenever there is a need for them, they generously
give all they can. We currently have about 50 members of which 40 to 45 members are
actively involved.
Currently, we now have 7 Sisters who reside in our convent; 6 Felician Sisters and a
Dominican Sister from Viet Nam. We, the officers and members of the St. Anne Society
deem it a privilege to have the Sisters with us and an honor to take care of some of there
needs. The presence of the Sisters here is a visible sign to the entire neighborhood of the
dedication of these women to the needs of our Church, our Parish and our neighborhood.
The officers and members of the St. Anne Society thank the Parish for the honor of being
chosen one of the Pillars of the Parish this year. We shall continue to fulfill our mission of
caring for the Sisters and we shall remember all of you in our prayers.
We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish.
Miguel and Erika Mariscal
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
Sacramentos en
los domingos
los sábados
el segundo domingo de
cada mes a las 2:00PM.
Tiene que registrarse en
la oficina parroquial.
Celebraciones de
Bodas y Quinceaños
tiene que hacer una cita
con un sacerdote para
arreglar su boda o su
misa de quince años.
Favor de no reserve un
salón antes de hablar con
el sacerdote.
(773) 581-2730
Mi nombre es Erika Mariscal y el de mi esposo Miguel Mariscal les damos las gracias por
habernos escogido en este año 2015, como el “Pilar” de la comunidad hispana de Santo Toribio de mogrovejo, estamos muy agradecidos con todos ustedes y sobre todo con nuestro
padre Dios, por darnos esta oportunidad de servirle a él y a nuestra comunidad.
*Yo Erika estoy muy feliz por pertenecer a esta comunidad de Santo Toribio, mis comienzos de servir a la iglesia fue como, Ujier, después tuve la oportunidad de leer una lectura y
de ahí el padre Libardo me animo a continuar a seguir en este ministerio, fue cuando Dios
me enseno que era uno de mis dones y poco a poco fui y sigo aprendiendo, trato de dar lo
mejor de mí para que mis lecturas o proclamación de la palabra sean entendibles y pido al
Espíritu Santo me guie y llene de el. Después me integré ayudar al novenario de la Virgen
de Guadalupe y a que los familia se integren y lleven la imagen de la virgen a su casa
es algo que me llena y me gusta, también ayudo a ensenar a los jóvenes a proclamar la
palabra, les doy lo mejor de mi para que ellos aprendan, Y me gusta ayudar y apoyar en
los eventos para poyar a mi iglesia estoy feliz les agradezco con humildad a cada uno de
ustedes que me han ensenado. Mi comunidad de Santo Toribio, mi familia asi lo siento
primero Dios hay mucha Erika para continuar y ayudar mientras la comunidad quiera y mi
Dios tambien.
*Yo Miguel Marisal me siento muy orgulloso de pertenecer y ser miembro de la iglesia de
Santo Toribio, cuando yo comencé a ayudar, poco a poco me fui integrando al ministerio de
Ujieres de la misa de la 1:00pm, y he ido aprendiendo a hacer y participar en mas cosas
de la iglesia y no sé pero yo al menos me siento muy feliz de ayudar y doy gracias a Dios
por abrirme este camino y el estar aprendiendo de él, y al mismo tiempo me gusta auydar
en eventos para ayudar a nuestra iglesia, y hacer lo mejor que se pueda para ayudar mi
conumidad, siempre tendrán mi apoyo.
Premeramente a nuestro Padre Dios, Padre Lego, Padre Juan, Padre Roberto, al comité
Hispano, jóvenes, Lectores, Ujieres les damos las gracias desde lo mas profundo e humilde
Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.
Janina Dybas
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
Msza Sw
w każdą niedziele
3-cia sobota w
17:15 do 6:00 p.m.
Sakramenty w
języku polskim
chrzest, slub itp.
Prosze dzwonic
na plebanie
(773) 581-2730
Razem z moim mężem , Janem, przeprowadziliśmy sie do parafii św. Turybiusza w 1976
roku. Wychowaliśmy wspólnie czworkę dzieci, Marię, Jana, Ryszarda i Stefana. Trójka
moich dzieci ukończyła szkołę Św. Turybiusza.
Pan Bóg dał mi łaskę przeżycia 52 lat w związku małżeńskim. Mój mąż przez wiele lat
miał słabe zdrowie. Ostatnie 10 lat jego życia były szcególnie trudne – nieustanne wizyty u
lekarza i czeste operacje. Opieka nad nim zajmowała cały mój czas. . Patrząc wstecz mogę
powiedzieć, że obydwoje przetrwaliśmy to wszystko tylko dzięki wierze.
Po śmierci mego męża, moja rodzina zachęcała mnie, by zaangażować się pełniej w życie
parafii. Wspólnota Św. Turibusza przyjeła mnie i stała się moją drugą rodziną w tym okresie
mego życia. Czuję się uprzywilejowana, że mogę posługiwać w tej parafii i przyczyniać się
do jej wzrostu.
Dziękuję bardzo za danie mi tej możliwosci.
My husband, John, and I moved our family to this community, and to the St. Turibius Parish
in 1976. We raised our four children Mary, John, Richard and Steven here, and were
married for over 52 years. My three sons attended St. Turibius School.
My husband suffered from poor health for many years. The last 10 years of his life were
especially challenging, with constant doctor visits and frequent surgeries. Taking care of
him took up almost all of my time. Looking back, I have come to realize that my faith gave
me the strength to help sustain the both of us.
After my husband passed away, my family encouraged me to get more involved with the
church. The St. Turibius family has embraced me and provides me with a wider family at
this new stage of my life. If is my honor to contribute to this family and to serve St. Turibius.
I “thank you” for this honor.
Panie, niech dotrze do Ciebie moja modlitwa, nakłoń ucho na moje wołanie.
Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w
naszej Parafi
Intentions for the Week
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 7th
8:00 AM: + Mary Sutkowski (Family)
4:00 PM: + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son)
+ Patricia Christensen (Family) “7th Anniversary”
+ Dolores & Thomas Maza (Family)
• Health and God’s Blessings for Susan March
Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 8th
6:45 AM: + Leonard Tribuani Sr. (Tribuani Family)
+ Ana Turk (Sister In Law)
8:00 AM: • Birthday Blessings for Jacqueline Sosa (Friends)
9:30 AM: + Ludwik & Aniela Gal (Son)
+ Maria Worosz (Daughter & Family)
+ Bronislawa, Jana, Aleksander Jagielo (Family)
+ Bronislaw Bednarz (Stanislaw Riszka)
11:00 AM: + Eleanor Conff (Family) “6th Anniversary”
+ In Thanksgiving to the Delaney and Strocchio
Famillies (Kathy)
1:00 PM: + Rigoberto Noriega (Wife)
+ Jorge Zayas Alvarado (Irma Zayas)
+ Sylvina Pedroza (Daughter)
+ Jose, Josefa & Joel Duran
+ Enrique Palafox
+ Oscar Ribe
• Health and God’s Blessings for Sergio Ortiz
• Health and God’s Blessings for the Palafox/
Duran Family
• Anniversary Blessings for Edgar and Miriam
Quintero on their “20th” Wedding Anniversary
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 9th
8:00 AM: + Mary Baker (Godowski Family)
+ Stanislaw Remiszewski
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 10th
8:00 AM: + Julian & Betty Zyla (Daughter)
+ Casimir Kusek (Thomas & Mary Roth)
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 11th
8:00 AM: + Joe Evans (Family)
• God’s Blessings For Those Who Do Good For
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 12th
8:00 AM: + David Redus (Godowski Family)
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 13th
8:00 AM: + Michael Conff (Family)
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 14th
8:00 AM: • For Our Living and Deceased Parishioners
4:00 PM: + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son)
+ Florence M. Zboinski (Husband)
+ Daniel Turner (Biondo Family)
+ Katherine Hall (Biondo Family)
• Health and God’s Blessings for Susan
March (Parents)
Intentions for the Week
Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 15th
6:45 AM: • Health and God’s Blessings for Arlene Peters
8:00 AM: + Alida Rodas de Gramajo (Family) “10th Anniversary
9:30 AM: + Bronislaw Bednarz (Stanislaw Riszka)
11:00 AM: + Eleanor Conff (Family)
1:00 PM: • Health and God’s Blessings for our Parishioners
Readings for the Week
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 8th
Thirty - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
XXXII Niedziela Zwykła
1 Kings/1 Reyes/Krolewskiej 17: 10-16 *
Hebrews/Hebreos/Hebrajczykow 9: 24-28*
Matthew/Mateo/Mateusza 12: 38-44 or 12: 41-44
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 9th
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán en Roma
Download the St. Turibius App
for your IPhone, IPad or Android Phone or Tablets
Ezekial/Ezequiel/Ez 47: 1-2, 8-9, 12 *
1 Corinthians/1 Corintios/1 Kor 3: 9c-11, 16-17 *
John/Juan/Jn 2: 13-22
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 10th
Memorial of Saint Leo the Great
Memoria de san León Magno
Wisdom/Sabiduria/Mdr 2: 23 - 3: 9 *
Luke/Lucas/Lk 17: 7-10
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 11th
Memorial of St. Martin of Tours
Memoria de san Martín de Tours
Wisdom/Sabiduria/Mdr 6: 1-11;
Luke/Lucas/Lk 17: 11-19
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 12th
Memorial of Saint Josaphat
Memoria de san Josafat
Wisdom/Sabiduria/Mdr 7: 22b - 8: 1
Luke/Lucas/Lk 17: 20-25
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 13th
Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Memoria de santa Francisca Xavier Cabrini
Wisdom/Sabiduria/Mdr 13: 1-9 *
Luke/Lucas/Lk 17: 26-37
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 14th
Ordinary Time XXXII / Tiempo Ordinario XXXII
Wisdom/Sabiduria/Mdr 18: 14-16; 19: 6-9 *
Luke/Lucas/Lk 18: 1-8
November/Novembre/Lisopada - 15th
Thirty - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
XXXIII Niedziela Zwykła
Daniel/Daniel/Daniela 12: 1-3 *
Hebrews/Hebreos/Hebrajczykow 10: 11-14, 18 *
Mark/Marcos/Marka 13: 24-32
Pray for the Sick of Our Parish
Eleanor Jasiorkowski, Emma Miranda, George Przybylski,
Frank Tonovich, Bob Bowen, Connie Bromer, Esme Bell,
(Bingo) Michael Nicholson, Florence Kois, Nick Rizzo,
Beverly Godfrey, Stella Godowski, Joseph E. Janik,
Adeline Jeziorny, Dorothy Kajmowicz, Nelida R. Aldana,
Helen Kleiber, Frances Kopec, Dorthea Kosicki, Ed Pavlik,
Charlene Young, Sister Joan Marie Kryszak, Mary Zic,
Carmen Madrigal, Marilyn Manzo, Jeannette Biskup,
Paul Mazzocco, Marge Newsome, Matthew Halloran,
Mike Purcella, Isabella Lash, Sr. Ann Mary Wundrach,
Arlene Peters, Sr. Emilie Marie Sierakowski,
Nayeli Leila Reyes, Lillian Tonkovich, Brian Wagner,
Joan Szczublewski, Julie Weisenberger, Doris Wilczewski,
Maggie Dybas, Ted Wojchiechowski, Serapia Ortega,
Dominica Jedrzejczyk, “Bingo” Irene, Ellen Nicholson,
Henryk Dynia, Dawn Sobie, Ignacio Soto, Lillian Snow
Anthony and Esther Zenari, LaVerne Murphy, Rose Bencik,
Sister Mary Beth Bromer, Frances Nowakowski,
Helen Hyerczyk, Dolores I. Janik, Patricia Pavlica,
Pamela Gorman, Lucja (Lucy) Kopiec, Alice Kasprzyk,
Deacon Ignacio Alvarez, Chris Canfield, Helen O’Brien
James Konieczny, Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski,
Gail Wodarski, Jeanne Prokopec
Jolly Senior News
Our next meeting will be November 12th, this is our last
meeting before our Christmas Party on
December 10th at New Warsaw.
Tickets are still available for our holiday
celebration. Get into the holiday spirit and
come out and join the party. Guests are welcome.
We always welcome new members. See you there!
Question of the Week?
In these tough economic times, when the
virtue of prudence demands careful
stewardship of our limited resources,
what will it mean for me, this week and
during the holiday season, to give
“all I have”?
Proudly Serving Our Country
SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA
SGT Matt Archer, USA
MAJ John Costanzo, USA
LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC
SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA
CPL James R. Guarino, USMC
SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA
SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC
CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC
MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parra,
Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN
SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC
PFC Hector Rueda, USA
SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC
LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC
PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC
Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN
LT Brian Koll, USN
PFC Javier Pineda, USA
Mathew Harjung,USA Army
Rafael Murillo, USA Army
Endowment Fund - October 11th
For the Deceased Members of the Conff Family
For the Deceased Members of the Delaney Family
For the Deceased Members of the Fuerta Family
For the Deceased Members of the Thoma Family
For the Deceased Members of the Wolfe Family
For the Deceased Members of the Kurczak Family
Mr. and Mrs. Urvano Vasquez
Albin Wrobel
Za Dusze Swietej Pamieci
Received: October 25, 2015
Franciszek Strama
Stanislaw Strama
Franciszek and Karolina Strama
Stanislaw and Aniela Kowalczyk
Anolnej and Agnieszka Mrozek
Jozef Mrozek
Andrzej Morozek
Andrzej Hreska
Wladystaw Kwak
Maria, Stanislawa and Jan Hreska
Jokub and Carolina Strama
Stanislaw Chowaniec
Helena Chowaniec
Stanislaw Chowaniec
Jan Szwajkosz
Stefania Szwajkosz
Marian Szwajkosz
Jozef Szlachta
Zofia Szlachta
Jacek Szlachta
Pawel Kuruc
Jozef Kuruc
Wojciech Gal
Ludwina Gal
Edward Para
Korelin and Marcisz Kasza
Stanislawa Kowisz - “7th Anniversary”
Bronislawa Fuolala
Jan Fuolala
Bronislawa Cikowska
Helena Szwajnos
My Whole Family
Continued in the bulletin of November 15th.
Prayer for Our Church Family
Lord, I pray for my church family. Give us strength to put
aside our differences so we can serve You together.
Help us to understand and care about one another-just as
You care about each one of us. Show me who I can learn
from and who should be learning from me. Place me where
You want me to be within Your family.
You will know how to live in the family of God.
that family is the church of the living God,
the support and foundation pf the truth.
Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.
November - 2015
Bingo Events
Tuesday, November 10
7:00 PM: Spanish Couples Meeting (Felician Hall)
7:00 PM: Parish Council Meeting (Felician Hall)
7:00 PM: Liturgy Meeting (Rectory B)
Wednesday, November 11
“Veteran’s Day...Parish Offices Will Be Closed”
No Religious Education Classes
7:00 PM: Hispanic Committee Meeting (Rectory B)
9:00 AM:
6:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:30 PM:
7:30 PM:
Thursday, November 12
Jolly Senior’s Meeting (Felician Hall)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Church)
Circulo Vigil (Felician Hall)
Spanish Baptismal Prep. Class (Rectory B)
English Baptismal Prep. Class (Rectory A)
7:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
Friday, November 13
Confirmation Student/Parent Retreat (Church)
Confirmation Student/Parent Retreat (Felician Hall)
Youth Group Meeting (Father Lechert Hall)
RCIA (English) (Rectory B)
Legion of Mary (Rectory A)
9:30 AM:
2:00 PM:
3:00 PM:
5:00 PM:
Saturday, November 14
Spanish RCIA (Rectory B)
Memorial Mass/Placencia (Church)
Soup Kitchen “Now Open” (Felician Hall)
Confessions (Church)
8:00 AM:
11:00 AM:
2:00 PM:
4:00 PM:
Reminder - Doors open at 4pm and
Games Start at 6pm
Bingo Hotline
Monday, November 9
Nativity Play Rehearsal (Church)
Fostering the Faith Workshop (Felician Hall)
Finance Meeting (Rectory)
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (Rectory A)
Spanish Men’s Prayer Group (Rectory B)
6:00 PM:
6:30 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:30 PM:
8:00 PM:
Sunday, November 8
Pancake Breakfast (Felician Hall)
1PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A)
English Baptisms (Church)
Bingo Doors Open (Felician Hall)
Starts Next Weekend. Bring your appetite.
For more information on our Bingo please call
(773) 581-2730 Ext. 39
Bingo’s Gross Profit Will Be Reported
On a Monthly Basis.
Community Service Hours
Kids are now back in school which means that your child may
need community service hours. Our Parish Bingo is always
looking for help in setting up the hall. If your child would like to
help please call Mike at (312) 501-7063 or the rectory at
(773) 581-2730.
Entrenamiento para Lectores
Entrenamiento para Lectores
Ofrecido por la Comisión Ministerial
Curso de 3 semanas para Lectores.
Los Martes, 10, 17 y 24 de Noviembre 2015
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Nieves
4810 S. Leamington—Chicago, IL
En la Iglesia
Presentador: Diácono Franco Foti
No hay costo para parroquianos de las parroquias del Vicariato V.
Para registrarse o si hay preguntas favor de llamar o hablar con
Jenny Meehan 773-434-9600, ext. 24 o
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Lord keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry. –Psalm 146:7
El Senor siempre es fiel a su palabra, y es quien hace justicia al
oprunudo, el proporciona pan a los hambrientos.
–Salmo 146 (145): 7
Jesus Love You!
“Push” to World Youth Day - 2016
July 22 till August 2, 2016
Pope Francis has invited young people to come and participate with thousands of youth from all over the world in the World Youth Day
held in Cracow, Poland in 2016.
Seven young people from our Parish Family have responded to this invitation and will represent us in this life changing event.
They are determined to work and raise money that is needed to make true their dream of being part of the youth gathering with the Holy
Father. In order to do this, candy and bakery are being sold.
But in addition, plans for "Soup Nights” “Pancake Breakfasts”, "Fish Frys", etc are in the works. Details to follow.
If anyone is willing to volunteer in these fund-raising events please contact Sr. M. Eliana.
Please pray for these young people who will have the special blessing of attending the meeting with the Holy Father.
Światowe Dni Młodzieży – Krakow, 2016 .
Papiez Franciszek zaprosił młodych ludzi do udziału razem z tysiącem młodych z całego świata, w Światowch Dniach Młodzieży, która
odbędą się w Krakowie w 2016 roku.
Na to zaproszenie odpowiedziało siedmioro młodych osób z naszej rodziny parafialnej i oni będzie reprezentować nas w tym
Młodzież ta jest gotowa pracować, by zdobyć pieniądze potrzebne, aby urzeczywistnić swoje marzenie i uczestniczyć w spotkaniu
młodzieży z Ojcem Świętym. W tym celu, słodycze i ciastka są sprzedawane. Ale dodatkowo, planujemy miec w naszej parafii
domowe zupy w soboty, pancake sniadanie w niedziele, rybe w piątki Wiekiego Piatku", itp. Szczegóły podajmy wkrótce.
Jeśli ktoś chciałby pomóc nam w tych inicjatywach prosimy o skontaktowanie się z S. M. Eliana.
Prosimy o modlitwę za tę młodzież, ktora będzie uczestniczyć w Światowych Dniach Młodzieży.
22 de julio hasta el 02 de agosto 2016
El Papa Francisco ha invitado a los jóvenes a venir y participar con miles de jóvenes de todo el mundo en el
Día Mundial de la Juventud celebrada en Cracovia, Polonia en 2016.
Siete jóvenes de nuestra familia parroquial han respondido a esta invitación y nos representaran en este evento que cambia la vida.
Ellos están decididos a trabajar y recaudar dinero que se necesita para hacer realidad su sueño de ser parte de este encunetro juvenil
con el Santo Padre. Con el fin a esto, se están vendiendo dulces y panesitos. Tambien tenemos planes de “Noches de Sopa”, “Desayuno de Pancakes”, “pescado frito”, etc. Detalles para seguir.
Si alguien está dispuesto a ser voluntario en estos eventos de recaudación fondos por favor póngase en contacto con la
Hermana M. Eliana.
Por favor oren por estos jóvenes que tendrán la bendición especial de asistir a la reunión con el Santo Padre.
Registration Form
We realize the Rectory hours are hard for some people who work to come to register. If you would like to register with our Parish
please fill out this form and drop it off in the rectory mailbox or when you come to church and our parish secretary will contact you to
complete the registration process. Thank you!
Name:________________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
Address: ________________________________________ Apt #_______ City: _________
Zip Code:_______
Pope John Paul II - Celebration (October 25, 2015)
Sunday Collections
October 25, 2015
$3,526.00 in 259 Envelopes
$2,430.00 Loose
4:00 PM: $1,086.00
$916.00 in 56 Envelopes
$170.00 Loose
6:45 AM: $495.00
$415.00 in 36 Envelopes
$80.00 Loose
8:00 AM: $978.00
$246.00 in 26 Envelopes
$732.00 Loose
9:30 AM: $788.00
$363.00 in 37 Envelopes
$425.00 Loose
11:00 AM: $788.00
$546.00 in 41 Envelopes
$242.00 Loose
1:00 PM: $1,061.00
$280.00 in 28 Envelopes
$781.00 Loose
Rectory: $810.00
$810.00 in 35 Envelopes
Other Donations:
A Closer Look at the Bottom Line
A Very Special “Thank You” to the
Parishioners of St. Turibius!
Un muy Especial “Agradecimiento” a
los feligreses de San Toribio!
Serdeczne “Podziekowania” dla
parafian Sw. Turibiusza!
Other Donations
Vigil Lights: $163.52
Building Conditions: $1,171.00
School Conditions: $330.00
Endowment Fund: $40.00
Propagation of the Faith: $35.00
Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w
naszej Parafi
Saint Turibius Parish
We Are One Family, Encircled by God’s Love!
Pastoral Staff Directory
(773) 581-2730
(773) 581-5396
Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x29
Rev. Robert Basler, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x17
Rev. Jack (Juan) Dowling, O.S.A....x15
Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy Christensen
Deacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda
Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 34
Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x34
Religious Education
Sr. Eliana Remiszewska...x23
Mrs. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant....x11
Ms. Kathy DeStefano, Parish Secretary...x10
Music Ministry
Ms. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music Minister
El Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish Choir
Tiempo de Dios: Charismatic Choir
Alejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass
Parish Addresses
(Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441)
Parish Mission Statement
We Believe that God is Love, and when we
live in love we live in God and God lives in
us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint
Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out
Christ’s Great Commandment: we will love
the Lord our God with all our heart, with all
our soul, with all our mind, and with all our
strength, and we will show our love for God
by the way we love and care for one another.
To this end, we will respond to our baptismal
call, strengthened by the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by
the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has
an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has
given to us, we will share our time, our talent
and our treasure with each other. We welcome
into our parish family all people, because we
believe that together we are the Body of Christ
and together we can bring the love, peace,
forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our
community in ways we never could have if we
were to remain apart. May all who meet us,
who worship with us, who work and play with
us, know we are Christians by our love!
Rectory: 5646 South Karlov Avenue
School: 4120 West 57th Street.....x21
Convent: 4125 West 56th Place.....x23
Rectory Hours
Sick Calls
9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
Call or stop by the parish office to
register for a baptismal preparation
class and finalize the baptism date.
Spanish: 2nd Sunday of the Month
English: 3rd Sunday of the Month
Polish: During the Sunday Mass
Please contact the rectory office (x10)
to arrange for visits to the sick and
homebound. The priests and our
ministers of care will make every effort
to visit parishioners in the hospital, at
home, and in nursing homes.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
1st Friday Devotions
English: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Email Parish:
Like Us on Facebook
St. Turibius Parish, Chicago
Contact one of the priests at least six
(6) months in advance to make an
After Hours
(773) 581-2730 Ext. 55