File - St Turibius Parish
File - St Turibius Parish
July 10, 2016 10 de Julio de 2016 La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago Kościół Św. Turibiusza Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago 15 Niedziela Zwykła Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 Lipca 2016 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life, you have the words of everlasting life. Tus palabras, Senor, son Espiritu y vida. Tu tienes palabras de vida esterna. Daję wam przykazanie nowe, abyście się wzajemmnie miłowali, jak Ja was umiłowałem. One Word At A Time (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 (773) 581-2730 ext. 17 (773) 581-2730 ext. 15 Parish Information “Thunderbolts Game - 2016” Masses 4pm Saturday 6:45 am and 11 am Sunday Confessions 5-6pm Saturday Telephone: (773) 581-2730 We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. De Palabra En Palabra (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 Información Parroquial Sacramentos en Español Misas 8:00AM 1:00PM los domingos Reconciliación 5:00PM los sábados Bautismos el segundo domingo de cada mes a las 2:00PM. Tiene que registrarse en la oficina parroquial. Celebraciones de Bodas y Quinceaños tiene que hacer una cita con un sacerdote para arreglar su boda o su misa de quince años. Favor de no reserve un salón antes de hablar con el sacerdote. Teléfono (773) 581-2730 “Thunderbolts Game - 2016” Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia. Jedno Słowo Do Przemyślenia (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 Informacje Parafialne Msza Sw 9:30am w każdą niedziele Spowiedz 3-cia sobota w miesiącu 17:15 do 6:00 p.m. Sakramenty w języku polskim chrzest, slub itp. Prosze dzwonic na plebanie Telefon (773) 581-2730 ST TURIBIUS PARISH BOUNDARIES OUTDOOR MASSES 2016 July 7 at 7:00 p.m June 30 at 7:00 p.m. July 14 at 7:00 p.m. 56th and Keeler 1 2 3 3939 W 56th St 55 ST 55 PL 56 ST 56 PL 57 ST C I C E K O L M R 57 PL I L B R N N O S T R K O L I N U R K E 58 PL 59 ST K O A O 58 ST K T K I L D T K R E I E P L P E A N E R R E K E D V K A R L A O M E E U L A S S V K H K S P R I N G F I E L D H A M S A D C E N T R A L A P L A R 58 ST K 58 PL W N L Y 5 July 28 at 7:00 p.m. 4112 W. 57th Place 6 55 PL 56 ST 56 PL 57 ST 57 PL I N 55 ST L I N 4 July 21 at 7:00 p.m. 5734 S. Kilbourn P N O L R K E August 4 at 7:00 p.m. 4024 W. 58th Street Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi 59 ST Intentions for the Week Saturday/Sábado/Sobota July/Julio/Lipca - 9th There will be no 8:00 Mass on Saturday Morning Celebrated. 4:00 PM: + Rose Fremarek (Virginia Pasiewicz) + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son) + Jean Lego (Family) • God’s Blessings for the Felician Sisters Celebrating Their Diamond Jubilees (Sr. Barbara Ann) • God’s Blessing for a Complete Recovery for Rosemary Cannon (St. Anne Society) Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela July/Julio/Lipca - 10th 6:45 AM: + Arlene Peters (Family) + Monsignor Joseph Bandera (Cousin) + Mary Sutkowski (Family) + Irene Gaydos “5th Anniversary” (Daughter) + Helga Kupski (Bob & Rita) • God’s Blessings for the Tribuani Family 8:00 AM: + Hector Garcia (Uresti Family) 9:30 AM: + Aneila Ludwic Gal (Maria Gal) 11:00 AM: + For the Deceased Members of Our Families 1:00 PM: • God’s Blessings for Our Parishioners July/Julio/Lipca - 11th 8:00 AM: • God’s Blessings for Rev. Joseph Murray, OSA (Tribuani Family) Tuesday/Martes/Wtorek July/Julio/Lipca - 12th 8:00 AM: + Antonia Lazzari (Maria Lazzari) • God’s Blessings for James Konieczny on His “100 Birthday” (Wife) Wednesday/Miércoles/Sroda July/Julio/Lipca - 13th 8:00 AM: + Bruno Wawrzynowicz (Daughter) Thursday/Jueves/Czwartek July/Julio/Lipca - 14th 8:00 AM: • Birthday Blessings for Carol Simko Friday/Viernes/Piatek July/Julio/Lipca - 15th 8:00 AM: • In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony for Favors Granted (Steve Culen) Saturday/Sábado/Sobota July/Julio/Lipca - 16th 4:00 PM: + Estelle Scolan “50th Anniversary” (Ken & Sue Shinkus) + Frank Zielnik (Wife & Son) + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son) • God’s Blessings & Angel Hugs for William & Judy Delaney and Family • For God’s Blessings for the Pilgrims Attending World Youth Day • In Thanksgiving and “Angel Hugs” for Pam Lego Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela July/Julio/Lipca - 17th 6:45 AM: + Arlene Peters (Family) + Helga Kupinski (Bob & Rita) + Monsignor Joseph Bandera (Cousin) • Birthday Blessings for Anna Bednarz (Tribuani Family) Intentions for the Week Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela July/Julio/Lipca - 17th 8:00 AM: + For Our Deceased Members of Our Parish 9:30 AM: + Wladyslaw, Karolina & Jozef Bafia + Alekander Jagielo (Wife & Family) • Birthday Blessings for James Konieczny on His “100th” Birthday (Wife) 11:00 AM: • Health & God’s Blessings for Keith Busiel 1:00 PM: • God’s Blessing for Our Parishioners Readings for the Week July/Julio/Lipca - 10th Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 15 Niedziela Zwykła Deuteronomy/Deuteronomino/Powtórzonego 30: 10-14 * Colossians/Colosenses/Kolosan 1: 15-20 * Luke/Lucas/Łukasza 10: 25-37 July/Julio/Lipca - 11th Memorial of Saint Benedict Memoria de san Benito Isaiah/Isaias/Iz. 1: 10-17 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 10: 34 - 11: 1 July/Julio/Lipca - 12th Ordinary Time XV Tiempo Ordinario XV Isaiah/Isaias/Iz. 7: 1-9 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 11: 20-24 July/Julio/Lipca - 13th Ordinary Time XV Tiempo Ordinario XV Isaiah/Isaias/Iz. 10: 5-7, 13b-16 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 11: 25-27 July/Julio/Lipca - 14th Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Memoria de santa Kateri Tekakwitha Isaiah/Isaias/Iz. 26: 7-9, 12, 16-19 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 11: 28-30 July/Julio/Lipca - 15th Memorial of Saint Bonaventure Memoria de san Buenaventura Isaiah/Isaias/Iz. 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 12: 1-8 July/Julio/Lipca - 16th Ordinary Time XV Tiempo Ordinario XV Micah/Miqueas/Mi 2: 1-5 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 12: 14-21 July/Julio/Lipca - 17th Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 16 Niedziela Zwykła Genesis/Genesis/Rodzaju 18: 1-10a * Colossians/Colosenses/Kolosan 1: 24-28 * Luke/Lucas/Łukasza 10: 38-42 The Parish’s 2017 Mass Book is now open. We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Eleanor Jasiorkowski, Emma Miranda, George Przybylski, Frank Tonovich, Bob Bowen, Connie Bromer, Esme Bell, (Bingo) Michael Nicholson, Jim Nicholson, Florence Kois, Nick Rizzo,Beverly Godfrey, Joseph E. Janik, Adeline Jeziorny, Dorothy Kajmowicz, Nelida R. Aldana, Helen Kleiber, Frances Kopec, Dorthea Kosicki, Ed Pavlik, Mary Zic, Charlene Young, Martha Flores, Virginia Przytula, Carmen Madrigal, Marilyn Manzo, Jeannette Biskup, Paul Mazzocco, Marge Newsome, Matthew Halloran, Mike Purcella, Isabella Lash, Sr. Ann Mary Wundrach, Sr. Emilie Marie Sierakowski, Maria Zola, Jean Balasa, Nayeli Leila Reyes, Lillian Tonkovich, Brian Wagner, Joan Szczublewski, Julie Weisenberger, Doris Wilczewski, Maggie Dybas, Ted Wojchiechowski, Serapia Ortega, Dominica Jedrzejczyk, “Bingo” Irene, Ellen Nicholson, Henryk Dynia, Dawn Sobie, Ignacio Soto, Lillian Snow Anthony and Esther Zenari, LaVerne Murphy, Rose Bencik, Sister Mary Beth Bromer, Frances Nowakowski, Helen Hyerczyk, Dolores I. Janik, Patricia Pavlica, Pamela Gorman, Lucja (Lucy) Kopiec, Alice Kasprzyk, Deacon Ignacio Alvarez, Julie Kwak, Marina Franco, James Konieczny, Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski, Gail Wodarski, Jeanne Prokopec, Jean & Bob Nelson, Joyce Mullin, Gerald Jeropke, Nielda Aldana, and Julie Kwak and Rosemary Cannon One Word At A Time DO Living in the mercy of God means much more than thinking or talking about it. We live God’s mercy when we do something that brings mercy to others. “Which of these three . . . was neighbor to the man?” He said, “ The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:36–37) OBRAR Vivir en la misericordia de Dios significa mucho más que pensar y hablar de ella. Vivimos la misericordia de Dios cuando hacemos algo que lleva la misericordia a los demás. “¿Quién de los tres . . . se portó omo prójimo del que cayó en manos de los asaltantes?” Contestó: “El que lo trató con misericordia”. Y Jesús le dijo: “Ve y haz tú lo mismo” (Lucas 10:36–37). Działać Życie w miłosierdziu Bożym oznacza więcej niż myślenie o nim, czy otrzymywanie go. Żyjemy Bożym miłosierdziem, kiedy robimy coś, co innym daje miłosierdzie. Któryż z tych trzech okazał się, według twego zdania, bliźnim tego, który wpadł w ręce zbójców? On odpowiedział: „Ten, który mu okazał miłosierdzie”. Jezus mu rzekł: „Idź, i ty czyń podobnie!” (Łk 10, 36-37). We are all God’s Family! Somos todos los familiares de Dios! Wszyscy jesteśmy rodzina Boga! Religious Education CATECHISTS NEEDED – CAN YOU HELP? Although we are in the middle of the summer and the thought of starting a new Religious Education school year may seem a bit premature, it is never too soon to begin planning for our students who are in need of individuals who are willing to share their faith. Our Religious Education program continues to grow and we are in need of catechists and aides for all grade levels. Who are we looking for? You – yes you – caring individuals who love their faith and want to make a difference in a child’s faith formation. I think we have many parishioners who would be perfect for this and would be great at bringing the word of God to the children of our parish who are not able to attend a Catholic school. Why not give it a try, volunteer as a catechist or aide. It will make a difference in your life and in the lives of the children you teach. Won’t you please help us by volunteering as a catechist so that we can continue to accept all of the children who come to us to be formed in the Catholic faith? We are also in need of adults who could help us with our traffic control at the beginning of classes and at dismissal. Because of the number of children in our program, the number of cars dropping children off and picking them up has created a traffic problem around the Church and School. We need adults to help with this problem. You would be expected to be here 15 minutes before arrivals and departures, approximately 5:45 PM and 7:15 PM. If you could give us some help in trying to secure the safety of our children, it would be greatly appreciated. God bless you! For further information, please call Sr. Eliana at the Religious Education office at 773-581-2730 ext 34. Religious Education Registrations Religious Education Registrations for 2016-2017 School Year will be on Wednesday, August 24th, 25th and 31st and September 7th and 8th from 9am to12pm & 4pm to 8pm For further information please contact our Parish Offices or visit our Website and go to the Religious Education Tab. Part Time Job Opportunities S3, Inc. Chicago’s premier event security and event staffing provider is seeking energetic and outgoing individuals to work as Event Security, Event Staff and Ushers. Our employees work at concerts, festivals and sporting events. Some of the 2016 events are Chicago Bears Football Games, White Sox Games, North Coast Music Festival, Pitchfork Music Festival, Lollapalooza Music Festival (must be at least 18 years old), Riot Fest and many more!! Apply in person - S3, Inc. 4036 North Nashville Ave. Chicago, Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm or Saturday 10am - 2pm or call (773) 282-4900 and press “0” Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia. July - 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Bingo Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SUNDAY - JULY 31 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BINGO IF YOU HAD A BIRTHDAY IN JULY PLAY A FREE GAME FREE DOUBLE CARDS IN ALL COMPUTERS GAMES START 6PM DOORS OPEN 4PM Play Computer as low as $25.00 With Free Paper All Paper Books Only $10.00 31 Monday, July 11 7:00 PM: 8:00 PM: SUNDAY - JULY 24 CHRISTMAS IN JULY PLAY A SPECIAL MYSTERY CHRISTMAS TREE GAME EXTRA DOOR PRIZES GAMES START 6PM DOORS OPEN 4PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (Rectory A) Men’s Spanish Prayer Group (Rectory B) Bingo’s Gross Profits for June $ 4,657.70 Tuesday, July 12 6:00 PM: Spanish Altar Servers Meeting (en Español) (A) 7:00 PM: Sagrada Familia - Grupo de Parejas (LCH) 7:00 PM: 7:00 PM: Wednesday, July 13 Legion of Mary (Rectory B) Hispanic Committee Meeting (Rectory A) 6:00 PM: 7:00 PM: 7:30 PM: 7:30 PM: Thursday, July 14 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (CH) Circulo Vigil (Felician Hall) English Baptismal Prep. Class (Rectory A) Spanish Baptismal Prep. Class (Rectory B) 7:00 PM Friday, July 15 Youth Group (Felician Hall) Saturday, July 16 NO 8am MORNING MASS CELEBRATED. 5:00 PM: Confessions (CH) 7:00 PM: Circulo de Oracion (Church) 11:00 AM: 2:00 PM: 2:30 PM: 4:00 PM: 6:00 PM: Sunday, July 17 1PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A) Bingo Set Up (Felician Hall) Legion of Mary “Curia” (Felician Hall) Doors open for Bingo (Felician Hall) Bingo Games Start Save the Date Our Parish Fest will be held in the parking lot on Saturday, August 20th after the St. Turibius Feast Day Mass at 4pm. We hope you can join us for both celebrations. Whom did I pass by on my way to today’s Eucharist, and what hands-on mercy can I offer that person? Endowment Fund - June 19th + For the Deceased Members of the Delgadillo Family + For the Deceased Members of the Dziubasik Family + For the Deceased Members of the Bueschel Family + Elaine Kozlowski + For the Deceased Members of the Carrillo Family + For the Deceased Members of the Krzak Family + Sister Beatine CSSF + Barb Cooper + Mary Jeretic + For the Deceased Members of the Jendrach Family + For the Deceased Members of the Delaney Family + For the Deceased Members of the Conff Family Marriage Encounter Weekends Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends August 12-14 & October 7-9 Couples who make Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends not only rediscover the joy, intimacy and romance in their relationships, but also become more active in their parish. Together, we are making marriages, families and our Church stronger and healthier. For more information, please contact Luis and Lisa Tamez at (630) 802-1147 or Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi St. Vincent de Paul “Food of the Month Club” The Sacred Heart Summer Music Series No Food this Month - School Supplies are Needed The Sacred Heart Summer Music Series is giving a concert entitled "Choral Meditations on Eternal Life and the Resurrection" on Sunday, July 10th at 4:00 P.M. in the Church. Under the direction of the parish’s music director, James Grzadzinski of Tinley Park, the Sacred Heart Cantori (the parish’s professional schola) will present a choral program which features Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, Op. 48 alongside other choral compositions by Friedell, Nestor, Gjeilo, and Stopford. Also included on the program is the world premiere of Grzadzinski’s choral anthem Eternal Light and Rest. The Most Reverend Alberto Rojas, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, will offer the Opening Prayer as well as a spiritual reflection on themes of eternal life and resurrection. A free will offering benefits the Sacred Heart Music Department. On August 3rd, St. Vincent De Paul will be conducting our Annual “Back to School Distribution”, where we invite all the Students of St. Turibius Parish to come down to the Felician Hall to obtain some of the School Supplies they will need in order to fulfill their back to school supply lists. These lists are very extensive and very expensive, and this is our attempt to help our Parish Families meet some of the costs of educating their children. Consequently, we will be asking for your help with the donation of School Supplies this year, namely Single Subject Notebooks, Packs of Pens, Packs of Pencils or Packs of Crayons. These are only a few of the many items that students must provide for themselves. Your donations can be placed in the box located in the vestibule of the Church when you come to Mass, or they can be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours. If you are unable to shop for School Supplies and would still like to help with a monetary donation, we will have envelopes in the vestibule of the Church, marked for the St. Vincent De Paul Back to School Distribution. These donations can be placed in our donation box located in the vestibule of the Church, or they may be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours. Please become a member of the St. Vincent De Paul Food of the Month Club this month, and help us get our students ready to go back to school with everything they will need for a successful school year. Thank you for your continued support in our Mission to serve others. Your response to our requests in the past have been overwhelming. Please continue to help us, and May God Bless you for your generosity to others. Proudly Serving Our Country SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA MAJ John Costanzo, USA LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA CPL James R. Guarino, USMC SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parra, USMC Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC PFC Hector Rueda, USA SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN LT Brian Koll, USN PFC Javier Pineda, USA Mathew Harjung,USA Army Rafael Murillo, USA Army PFC Carlos Alday Sacred Heart is located at 8245 W. 111th Street in Palos Hills, Illinois. Ample free parking is available in our parking lot. With questions, please contact the Sacred Heart Music Office at (708) 974-3336 X245. Blessed Mother Teresa Exhibit Blessed Mother Teresa Exhibit of Love and Mercy Is Coming to St. Bride Parish in South Shore 7801 South Coles Avenue – Chicago, IL - 60649 July 14 – 21, 2016 An amazing exhibit, brought to us by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta’s religious order of Sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, has over 75 full color panels of her life story; from her birth and her vocation story, to her amazing life work of love and mercy devoted to the Heart of Jesus, serving the sick, poor, hungry, lonely, and vulnerable. Come and explore this woman of God’s life and ministry as we prepare for her canonization in September 2016. The exhibit is in both English and Spanish, is both text and images, and is appropriate for all ages. We will also have with us a First Class Relic of Blessed Mother Teresa. Special Masses and services will be held throughout the week, including a Mass with Bishop Joseph N. Perry on Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 4 PM. We welcome groups that may want to visit for prayer! Mass can be arranged for these groups or their own devotions can be celebrated. All schedules are subject to change. Check our website for the complete schedule, latest updates and more information. “Congrats” to Our Alumni Students The Following Students were on the Honor Roll for the final semester of the school year. “God Bless Our Soldiers” St. Laurence High School - Jason Patrick & Juan Escamilla Nazareth Academy - Sadat Dardovski De La Salle Institute - Kaitlin Rene Biondo, Nicholas Daniel Cruz, Juliana Hernandez & Maximiliano Martinez We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. Penitential Act Greeting The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And with your Spirit Penitential Act I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. TOTAL DONATIONS $9,695.37 Sunday Collections June 26, 2016 $5,320.38 $3,471.00 in 224 Envelopes $1,849.38 Loose 4:00 PM: $1,261.00 $1,106.00 in 66 Envelopes $155.00 Loose May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. AMEN St Vincent De Paul Back to School Distribution To All the Students of St. Turibius Parish While we realize that you have just started your summer vacation, and the last thing you want to think about is going back to school, the following announcement is for you and your parents. 6:45 AM: $390.00 Once again this year, on Wednesday, August 3rd, the St. Vincent DePaul Society will be conducting our annual "Back to School Distribution", where we try to help our parish families obtain the school supplies that are necessary for the upcoming school year. 8:00 AM: $943.00 Once upon a time, in the "olden days", back to school supplies consisted of a pencils, a notebook and a Spiderman lunchbox. Not Any More! Some of these lists require a major overhaul of the family budget. 9:30 AM: $560.00 As in the past, this Distribution is not only for the clients of St. Vincent De Paul, but it is open to ALL of our students, grammar school and high school, who are members of St. Turibius Parish. $285.00 in 22 Envelopes $105.00 Loose $345.00 in 25 Envelopes $598.00 Loose $325.00 in 31 Envelopes $235.00 Loose 11:00 AM: $746.00 All students must have their School Supply List with them, and must be accompanied by at least one of your parents. Please bring your list, and one of your parents to the Felician hall On Wednesday, August 3rd, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. We will have a large selection of Back to School items from which you can make the selections that you need to fulfill your School Supply requirements. 1:00 PM: $825.00 We look forward to seeing you in August. $551.00 in 35 Envelopes $195.00 Loose $264.00 in 26 Envelopes $561.38 Loose Rectory: $595.00 19 Envelopes Other Donations $2,399.47 A Very Special “Thank You” to the Parishioners of St. Turibius! Un muy Especial “Agradecimiento” a los feligreses de San Toribio! Serdeczne “Podziekowania” dla parafian Sw. Turibiusza! Other Donations Vigil Lights: $172.47 Building Conditions: $737.00 Endowment Fund: $110.00 School Conditions: $540.00 Peter’s Pence: $840.00 Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi Saint Turibius Parish We Are One Family, Encircled by God’s Love! Pastoral Staff Directory PHONE: FAX: (773) 581-2730 (773) 581-5396 Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x29 Rev. Robert Basler, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x17 Rev. Jack (Juan) Dowling, O.S.A....x15 Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy Christensen Deacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 34 Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x34 Religious Education Sr. Eliana Remiszewska...x23 Mrs. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant....x11 Email: Ms. Kathy DeStefano, Parish Secretary...x10 Email: Music Ministry Ms. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music Minister El Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish Choir Tiempo de Dios: Charismatic Choir Alejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass Parish Addresses (Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441) Parish Mission Statement We Believe that God is Love, and when we live in love we live in God and God lives in us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out Christ’s Great Commandment: we will love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and we will show our love for God by the way we love and care for one another. To this end, we will respond to our baptismal call, strengthened by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has given to us, we will share our time, our talent and our treasure with each other. We welcome into our parish family all people, because we believe that together we are the Body of Christ and together we can bring the love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our community in ways we never could have if we were to remain apart. May all who meet us, who worship with us, who work and play with us, know we are Christians by our love! Rectory: 5646 South Karlov Avenue School: 4120 West 57th Street.....x21 Convent: 4125 West 56th Place.....x23 “Summer” Rectory Hours Baptisms Sick Calls 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Call or stop by the parish office to register for a baptismal preparation class and finalize the baptism date. CLOSED: Spanish: 2nd Sunday of the Month English: 3rd Sunday of the Month Polish: During the Sunday Mass Please contact the rectory office (x10) to arrange for visits to the sick and homebound. The priests and our ministers of care will make every effort to visit parishioners in the hospital, at home, and in nursing homes. Website 1st Friday Devotions Saturday, Sunday, Monday www. Email Parish: Like Us on Facebook St. Turibius Parish, Chicago English: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass Marriages Contact one of the priests at least six (6) months in advance to make an appointment. After Hours Emergency (773) 581-2730 Ext. 55
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Secondly, having an Outdoor Mass in various areas of our Parish Boundaries provides those living on the block and the surrounding blocks with an opportunity to get
File - St Turibius Parish
share their faith. Our Religious Education program continues