Rates 2015 - MediaWorks
Rates 2015 - MediaWorks
Rates 2015 Product profile Autó-Motor (Cars and Motorcycles) is the most prestigious and widely read thematic transport magazine in Hungary. Its approaching 70th anniversary makes it absolutely unique, while its credibility and choice of topics is also acknowledged by and popular among experts. Everyone interested in the latest news in the car industry, the latest innovations, shows presenting new models, test drives and tests in Hungary from cars to motorcycles through to commercial vehicles will find something to read in this magazine published fortnightly. The magazine naturally also includes sections focusing on used cars, car technology innovations, tuning, advice and tips, as well as general topics on transport. Its thematic supplements focus on seasonal car care and choice of tyres, news and items of interest from the commercial vehicle sector, as well as the databank of the Formula One World Championship. Target group Autó-Motor targets readers aged 18-55 that have at least obtained secondary education qualifications and are actively interested in car and motorcycle sports. In addition, it features tests, expos and general information for car lovers as well. Advantages for advertisers •Number of copies sold: 23,232 •145,700 readers pick up the magazine fortnightly •One reader picks one issue up four times on average •647,300 contacts are made between a given issue and its readers •86% of readers are men •71% are aged 18-49 •Minimum 60% have graduated from high school •72% live in urban areas and 56% are main shoppers •67% are ABC status readers Source: MATESZ Flash Report, 2014 3rd Quarter, NOK 2013/4, 2014/1-3 Rates 2015 Hirdetési méretek és árak Format Mirror size Trim size Bleed size) List price (HUF) C2 181 x 254,5 200 x 290 210 x 300 1 210 000 C3 181 x 254,5 200 x 290 210 x 300 1 130 000 C4 181 x 254,5 200 x 290 210 x 300 1 420 000 2/1 378 x 254,5 400 x 290 410 x 300 1 800 000 1/1 181 x 254,5 200 x 290 210 x 300 1 040 000 1/2 portrait 89 x 254,5 100 x 290 110 x 300 580 000 1/2 landscape 181 x 125 200 x 145 210 x 155 580 000 1/3 portrait 58 x 254,5 69 x 290 79 x 300 410 000 1/3 landscape 181 x 82 200 x 94 210 x 104 410 000 1/4 portrait 89 x 125 100 x 143,5 110 x 153,5 340 000 1/4 landscape 181 x 61 200 x 71 210 x 81 340 000 1/8 portrait 43 x 125 - - 200 000 1/8 landscape 89 x 61 - - 200 000 1/6 din 92,5 × 75 - - 200 000 1/8 din 92,5 × 51,5 - - 150 000 Special Format Packaging 22 Ft/db Insert 18 Ft/db Extra charges Text page 10% Right page 10% Right text page/opposite the text 15% External product extra charge 20% External product extra charge (in the case of the placement of several products) 30% Technical parameters Number of pages: 40 + 4 pages Format: 200 x 290 mm Paper: Cover page: 115g double coated glossy paper Inside pages: 57 g SC+ Binding: stapled Print: 4+4 rotation offset Available: fortnightly on Wednesdays Deadline for cancellation and changes: ordering deadline. We accept advertisements ready for printing in the modes and formats specified in the section „Parameters for Advertisement Submission”. Prices are quoted in HUF, exclusive of VAT and are valid until cancellation. Mediaworks Magazines Kiadó Kft. has specified rules applicable to further advertising conditions in the General Terms of Contract. Mediaworks Magazines Kiadó Kft. 1082 Budapest, Futó utca 35-37. ADVERTISMENT ORDERS: tel.: (1) 460 2541, (1) 460 2529, fax: (1) 460 2579 e-mail: hirdetes@mediaworks.hu Rates 2015 Published in 2015 Autó-Motor Ordering deadline Submission deadline Available 2015/1 31.12.2014. 06.01.2015. 14.01.2015. 2015/2 14.01.2015. 20.01.2015. 28.01.2015. 2015/3 28.01.2015. 03.02.2015. 11.02.2015. 2015/4 11.02.2015. 17.02.2015. 25.02.2015. 2015/5 25.02.2015. 03.03.2015. 11.03.2015. 2015/6 11.03.2015. 17.03.2015. 25.03.2015. 2015/7 25.03.2015. 31.03.2015. 08.04.2015. 2015/8 08.04.2015. 14.04.2015. 22.04.2015. 2015/9 22.04.2015. 28.04.2015. 06.05.2015. 2015/10 06.05.2015. 12.05.2015. 20.05.2015. 2015/11 20.05.2015. 26.05.2015. 03.06.2015. 2015/12 03.06.2015. 09.06.2015. 17.06.2015. 2015/13 17.06.2015. 23.06.2015. 01.07.2015. 2015/14-15 01.07.2015. 07.07.2015. 15.07.2015. 2015/16 29.07.2015. 04.08.2015. 12.08.2015. 2015/17 12.08.2015. 18.08.2015. 26.08.2015. 2015/18 26.08.2015. 01.09.2015. 09.09.2015. 2015/19 09.09.2015. 15.09.2015. 23.09.2015. 2015/20 23.09.2015. 29.09.2015. 07.10.2015. 2015/21 07.10.2015. 13.10.2015. 21.10.2015. 2015/22 21.10.2015. 27.10.2015. 04.11.2015. 2015/23 04.11.2015. 10.11.2015. 18.11.2015. 2015/24 18.11.2015. 24.11.2015. 02.12.2015. 2015/25-26 02.12.2015. 08.12.2015. 16.12.2015. Deadline for cancellation and changes: ordering deadline. Rates 2015 PARAMETERS FOR ADVERTISEMENT SUBMISSION Mode of sending ready advertisements to our publishing company: • On CD, DVD, PEN DRIVE or via e-mail (max. 10 MB): Women magazines hot!, Fanny, Lakáskultúra, Test és Lélek Gastro magazines Fanny Konyha, Ínyenc, Édes élet, Tina Konyha Youth magazines BRAVO, BRAVO Girl!, Children’s magazines Buci Maci Nemzeti Sport, Képes Sport, Nemzeti Sport Magazin, Sport & Life, Hajrá Foci Sport publications Autó-Motor Manager Magazin Világgazdaság Népszabdság publications 24 óra(Komárom-Esztergom), Heves megyei Hírlap, Regional dailies Nógrád Megyei Hírlap, Somogyi Hírlap, Tolnai Népújság, Új Dunántúli Napló, Új Néplap, Békés Megyei Hírlap, Petőfi Népe (Bács-Kiskun-Szolnok) plusz időszakos mellékletek Sunday newspapers Vasárnap Reggel mgyartas@mediaworks.hu gyartas@nemzetisport.hu amstudio@automotor.hu hirdgyart.manager@mediaworks.hu hirdgyart.vilaggazdasag@mediaworks.hu nszgyartas@mediaworks.hu megyeigyartas@mediaworks.hu •Pleasemakesure,thatthefollowinginformationsareincludeinyoure-mail: •nameoftheordering/adverteingcompany •nameofthepublication •sizeandcolourofthead •publicationdate We accept ready material in eps, tif, pdf, ai format in 300 dpi image resolution and CMYK colour mode. A printing proof or chromaline needs to be supplied to guarantee colour quality. If this is not rovided, we do not accept any complaints made in connection with colour quality. Pleasemakesurethatyoutakeaccountofthefollowingduringplanning: • Please transform the text in the file into an outline or curve • Make sure that you use the right overprint, knock-out settings • If the advertisement has been designed by using the InDesign programme, please make sure that the text layer is on top • In the case of Photoshop eps/tif/jpg formats, we only accept flattened, CMYK, min. 300 dpi advertisements • In the case of JPG compression, please use the Maximum Quality setting to minimise the distortion and fragmentation of smaller fonts and thin lines • Technological limitations of the printing procedure applied (different paper qualities; variations in folding, cutting and colour alignment; thin graphical components in negative rotation; font size; making sure that text in black is on a black plate and explicitly avoiding the use of direct colours) • We are unable to accept materials compiled in CorelDraw Further requirements for bleed advertisements: • We recommend not placing any useful information within 5mm of the edge • Cut and registration signs, as well as palettes must be placed at least 5 mm from the edge, however definitely outside the advertisement • Please place a 5 mm border around bleed advertisements For advertisement to be designed: • Please send images and logos in 300 dpi and the text in Word format in the case of advertisements intended for publication 4 days prior publication. IF THE MATERIAL SUBMITTED FAILS TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE-LISTED PARAMETERS, WE ARE UNABLE TO GUARANTEE THE CORRECT PUBLICATION OF THE ADVERTISEMENT, WHICH IS WHY WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT ANY COMPLAINTS.
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• In the case of Photoshop eps/tif/jpg formats, we only accept flattened, CMYK, min. 300 dpi