Project Description Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes Project


Project Description Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes Project
Project Name: Artificial Thermal Column Generator Project Advisor: Mark Calaf Contact Information: Project Description The main objective of this project would be to investigate the feasibility of building a structure that would generate a thermal column great enough to overcome the local inversion layer in Salt Lake City. The primary benefit of this structure would be to improve local air quality by promoting mixing in the upper altitudes. Once in the upper altitudes, winds would carry away the particulate matter responsible for poor air quality in Salt Lake City. An additional benefit of this structure would be the ability to incorporate wind turbines for renewable power generation on days where the pollution levels were at acceptable levels. The structure would take advantage of the buoyancy effect of warm air by heating it in an upside down funnel shaped solar collector at the base of a very tall chimney like structure (see figure 1). This would force air up the chimney creating a volume flow rate. The chimney would be insulated to maintain the higher temperature of the air until it exited at higher altitude. The temperature difference between the exiting air and the higher altitude air would create an additional thermal column forcing the polluted air to even higher altitudes. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes •
Determine the geometry required to optimize volume flow rate Determine the volume flow rate and exit altitude required for effective pollution control Determine the amount of power that could be generated by using turbines in the chimney Build a scale model as a proof of concept Project Engineering Skills •
FEA to analyze heat transfer requirements and fluid mechanics ANSYS FLUENT to model fluid mechanics Composite fabrication to build scale model Mechatronics and machining to build turbines Desired Team Size 5: • Ben Stern • Chandler Blessing Adiabatic chimney to vent air at altitude Solar collector: Covered in a clear material to let solar energy through and minimize losses due to convection. Black material underneath to absorb solar energy and transfer it to the air inside (similar to a solar water heater) Intake vents Figure 1: 1/100 scale model of Artificial Thermal Column Generator (ATCG) Project Name: Ballistic Darts Project Advisor: Dr. Mark Minor (Faculty) Joe Leeman (Student: U0761366) Contact Information: Dr. Minor: Joe: (385.244.8765) Project Description The premise of the proposal is based upon a shooting game that replicates the classic game of darts. The target will be approximately 18 inches in diameter and is currently designed to consist of a bullseye and an inner and outer ring of 10 panels each (ref picture to the right). Each panel of the target will pivot in place and will have a bright colored back to provide visual feedback as it spins as to which panel was hit. The panels will also positively reset through the use of super magnets or electromagnets. There is a group of us this current semester (Spring 2015) that are researching and solidifying the manufacturing process for this target. For the senior design proponent, we would like to incorporate sensors in the panels and a wireless / Bluetooth system that would provide feedback to an app that would keep score for each player playing the game. This system would interface with the app to sense which panel was hit and tally a predetermined value for that panel to an existing score. The app is being developed by Cut Throat Target’s part business owner Dave Caldwell. Dave has brought me on board as part owner of the business and has tasked me with developing the sensor and feedback system to interface with the app. Cut Throat Targets has proposed to provide up to $15,000 in funding for the research, prototyping and development. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes • To physically manufacture a working prototype of the target that provides visual feedback • Incorporate a sensor system that provides a unique feedback signal for each unique panel • Incorporate a controller that can receive the panel signal and then transmit the feedback wirelessly to a receiver. (Via cell phone app or a designated receiver) Project Engineering Skills • Design: Safety is paramount of final design and durability second • Manufacturing: mechanically incorporating sensors and controller system • Mechatronics: selection of appropriate sensors and programming controller to receive and transmit appropriate signals Desired Team Size: 5 (team members have already been selected if proposal is approved) Requested Team: Joe Leeman (U0761366) Chancey Bailey (U0485664) Jedediah Knight (U0536931) Brain Martinez (U0887368) Scott Downard (U0515592) Project Name: Characterization of Landmarks and Transient Motion Events with Quadcopters in a Wireless Sensor Network Project Advisor: Dr. Kam Leang Contact Info: Team: Brian Sheng, Taylor Ogden, Tyler Trueax, Steven Dupaix Project description We wish to develop a wireless sensor network implemented within the framework of networked autonomously controlled quadcopters. The quadcopters will have relatively simple onboard sensors and cameras and a small form factor to allow small-­‐scale testing. The general desired form factor of the individual units is illustrated in figure 1. Libraries available on the internet can be used with onboard cameras and sensors to ease code development. The units will communicate with a given set of grounded computers if they’re within a specified range of them and each other if they are in a specified range of one another. The resulting mobile sensor network (illustrated in figure 2) can be used to characterize various aspects of the local environment and transient motion events (e.g. objects that arise suddenly and may have unpredictable motion such as birds, cars, etc.), which may not be readily tracked by GPS solutions. Figure 1. Illustration of desired form factor for units (source: Phenox Labs) The main interest is to characterize the motion and position of objects near/within the network to a high degree of accuracy. This could be achieved by using data from several units within the vicinity of said objects to develop a more refined solution for position and motion compared with a solution developed by a single unit within the network. An extension of this goal would be to allow the individual units to determine the position and motion of other nearby units in the network to avoid collisions. This secondary goal could be accomplished by a unit taking data from a ground computer and nearby units to develop a solution for relative position and velocity of nearby units.
Figure 2. Diagram of proposed network function Desired Outcomes •
Obstacle avoidance and detection performance (in regards to collisions of quadcopters) that exceeds the performance of individual un-­‐networked units. Accurate mapping of a static area of land that contains landmarks of known position Accurate characterization of position and velocity of moving objects (e.g. simulating a plane or flock of birds) within aforementioned static area. Develop a compact autonomous quadcopter unit capable of achieving aforementioned goals. Good scalability of the network size Skills necessary •
Programming skills (programming of on-­‐board flight computers, central computer, computational models) Mechatronics skills (Electronics, control systems, sensor utilization) Basic Aerodynamics (disc loading, static stability, dynamic stability) CAD skills (for design of quadcopter components) Desired Team Size: 4 to 6 students Project Name: Design, manufacturing, and testing of Level 3 filament-­‐wound model rocket. Project Advisor: Michael Czabaj Contact Information: Project Description Enthusiasts of amateur rocketry have been designing and fabricating model
rockets for decades. The primary design objective for most amateur rocketeers is to
reach the highest possible altitude followed by a safe recovery. The desire to reach
higher altitudes requires the increased rocket size, which often complicates the
successful launch and recovery. A reoccurring issue associated with successful launch
of an amateur rocket is an inadequate design and manufacturing of the rocket casing,
which depending on the rocket motor size and type, experiences tremendous
temperatures and pressures. A reoccurring issue associated with successful recovery of
many model rockets is failure of parachute-deployment mechanism.
The scope of this project is to design, fabricate, and launch a rocket that has
enough impulse to reach Level 3 certification. Specific goals of the project entail the
design and fabrication of a filament-wound graphite/epoxy motor casing. It is expected
that the casing be design based on concepts from mechanics of composite materials,
and that several prototypes will be manufactured and tested prior to the final launch. In
addition, a Level 3 motor must be designed, prototyped, and tested (static fire). Finally, a
novel and robust parachute deployment mechanism must be designed and tested prior
to final launch.
Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes • The rocket must be certified by NAR (see • A functional filament-­‐wound composite motor case that withstands pressures and temperatures during motor fire • Level 3 certified motor with impulse over 5,120 N-­‐s • A novel and robust parachute deployment method. Project Engineering Skills • Manufacturing: Composite fabrication, CNC machining • Lamina analysis • Mechatronic systems (Onboard computer and recovery deployment) Desired team Size: 3 or 4 students Project Name: Formula U Chassis Team
Project Advisor:
Dr. Sam Drake
Dr. Coats
Project Description
We will be on the Chassis team for the Formula SAE
competition next year, which will compete in Michigan
at the end of the spring in 2016.
The Chassis team for Formula U 2016 will be
responsible for designing a new Monocoque that will be strong enough to support the estimated
loads that will be exerted during a racing scenario. It will also be improved by adding mounting
points to the frame for added strength and ease of assembly. The rules of Formula SAE require
that a new chassis be built, but we plan to use the opportunity to improve the overall design of
the chassis instead of using the previous design as a template.
We want to improve several properties of the chassis next year:
1. Minimize carbon fiber layers
2. Use better, lighter materials: such as core type, prepreg and resin type.
3. Improve layup procedure; investigate other options such as filament windings.
4. Improve stiffness, while minimizing weight; investigate different structural geometries
Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes
• Build a Monocoque using finite element analysis, physical strength and rigidity tests, and
principles of composite mechanics so that it will meet the requirements of the project.
• FSAE Requirements for front and main Roll Hoops: AF4.1.1 Load Applied: Fx = 6.0 kN,
Fy=5.0 kN, Fz=-9.0 kN, 25 mm maximum deflection.
• Requirements for Side Impact: Load Applied: Fx = 0 kN, Fy=7 kN, Fz 0 kN, 25 mm.
maximum deflection.
• Requirements for Front Bulkhead and Bulkhead support: Load Applied: Fx = 120 kN,
Fy=0 kN, Fz 0 kN. 25 mm maximum deflection.
• Requirements for Off-Axis Bulkhead Support: Load Applied: Fx = 120 kN, Fy=10.5 kN,
Fz 0 kN, 25 mm maximum deflection.
• Build the Monocoque to work with the other components that the other teams will design;
the whole project should be designed with the objective of optimizing weight reduction,
strength, rigidity, space saving, and aerodynamics.
Project Engineering Skills
• Skill 1: Composite Layup Experience.
• Skill 2: ME 5520 – Principles of Composite Materials
• Skill 3: Finite Element Analysis
Desired Team Size: 5
Chris Carter
Jon Darley
Project Name: FSAE Engine Optimization Team Members: Parker Brook Reg Hamilton Kade Heales Jerry Zhao Project Advisor: Dr. Sam Drake Contact Information: E-­‐mail: Office: 3334 MEB (50 S. Central Campus Dr.) Lab: 1221 MEB Project Description The primary goal of the FSAE Car Engine Design project is to optimize the current engine and rear differential configuration. The rear sub-­‐frame will be completely redesigned by the structural team, which will require repackaging for the engine and differential to accommodate the new set up. This will include FEA and structural analysis of the motor and differential mounts to reduce losses due to vibrations and high G turning forces. Additionally, the intake and exhaust systems will be reanalyzed for performance, including an attempt to reduce intake temperatures to increase power while staying within FSAE regulations regarding intercooling. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes • Repackage engine to fit within metrics provided by the rear sub-­‐frame team. • Improved performance of current engine/differential configuration while meeting FSAE competition constraints by any amount possible. • Decrease intake temperatures by 5-­‐10%. • Reducing various vibrations in engine mount by decreasing tolerance clearances 3-­‐6% • Provide a reliable engine/differential system for the FSAE car • Replace centrifugal clutch with slipper clutch to decrease coasting resistance Project Engineering Skills • FEA • Structural Analysis • Machining/Fabrication • Compressible Flow Analysis Desired Team Size: 4 Members Project Name: “Night Fury” Project Advisor: Mark Minor Contact Information: Project Description We plan to create an ultimate Frisbee game enhancement and tracking kit. The kit will consist of both a “smart” Frisbee (also called a “disc”) and a set of wristbands (one for each player) that will both identify teams and track game statistics. Wristbands will be unique so that catch, throw, and point totals can be recorded per player. Team identification will be accomplished using multicolor LED lights on both the wristbands and the disk. This method should be sufficient for playing Frisbee in low light situations (night Frisbee) however team jerseys may also be needed to identify teams during the day. The disc and wristbands will be able to communicate so that the disc can change color based on which team member is holding the disk. This will help identify each team. Further research will be conducted to determine the feasibility of adding an accelerometer to the disc to track throw distances and to detect a point identification motion (such as tapping 2-­‐3 times on the ground). The disc will also incorporate some method of communication with a computer or possibly a phone so that game statistics can be viewed and saved. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes • Prototype of electronic system that can communicate (between wristband and disc) to facilitate identification of team members handling the disc and to enable disc color changes based on team. • Explore and research ability to track throw distances that would enhance recorded game statistics • Reduce prototype size to a playable level (can fit on a wrist comfortably and can fly on disc correctly) • Ensure play time of 90 minutes for all systems (wristbands and disc) Project Engineering Skills • Circuit design • Programming (FPGA or microprocessor) • Mechanical design (circuit enclosures, wristband, disc mounting, possible light piping of LEDs) • Rapid Prototyping Desired Team Size: 4 (This includes both ME, EE and CE members) Expected Team Members and Roles: Mechanical Engineering (JP Thomas and Alex Bailey): ME team member(s) will contribute electronics enclosures and attachment methods to the disc. They will also design and manufacture the wristbands and design light piping elements for maximum visibility of the LEDs. Computer Engineering (Carl Condas): CE team member(s) will contribute programming of the electronic system. This will constitute the programming of any of the programmable disc components as well as a system to track and record game statistics which can be utilized by an outside source, such as a phone or computer. Electrical Engineering (Nick Arbanas): EE team member(s) will contribute circuit design and manufacture of internal electronics components. This includes communication between the disc and the wristbands. ALL TEAM MEMBERS: All team members will work together to: • Determine user interfacing and ultimate Frisbee game design. • Determine size and weight requirements • Generally assist other team members when possible Project Name: UEA2: Customizable Micro Wire Array for Neural Implant Research Team Members: Joel Potter Stacey Murguia Nelson Radmall Teresa Petty Nicolas Brown Project Advisor: Rajmohan Bhandari Adjunct UoU Professor, (Additional Advising: Mike Gruenhagen, Process Integration Engineer at Blackrock Microsystems) Project & Problem Description
Although revolutionary in the neuroscience industry, the current design for the Utah Electrode Array presents challenges. There are major limitations in configurability of electrode lengths and base shapes because of Silicon machining constraints. These constraints prevent many array customizations for fitting the arrays into more neuron receptor applications. Main limitations include extreme electrode lengths, extreme variations in lengths across the device and inability to change the substrate shape. Working from the current design & processes of the Utah Electrode Array (UEA), it has been proposed to attempt a micro wire re-­‐design for a secondary product. The new electrode array would target two different main components. The array would use high Young’s modulus metal wires and new substrates. But, it would use similar processes and techniques as the current UEA. This project & product would encompass the design and prototyping of a new UEA2 (Utah Electrode Array2), manufactured through bonding small lengths of hardened platinum or Iridium micro-­‐wires to a small LGA (Land Grid Array) substrate or a flexible substrate. The wires could be configured to various lengths. The LGA or flexible substrate could be varied to change the substrate pattern or shape. These adjustments would enable configurations more specific to targeted neuron receptor shapes. Subsequent processing steps will also provide rigidity to the electrodes, as well as desired electrical and bio-­‐stability properties to the array via parylene coating and thin-­‐film deposition techniques. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes
Working prototype of micro-­‐wire array
Characterization of above Array and reliable method of manufacture
Project Engineering Skills
Stress analysis on microscale soldering joints
Material Selection
Microfabrication (e.g. PVD/CVD, photolithography)
Critical Function Test design
Process development
Technical writing
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Desired Team Size: 6 people
Project Name: Utes Motorsports Formula SAE Aerodynamics Package Project Advisors: Dr. Kuan Chen Dr. Meredith Metzger Dr. Sam Drake Project Description Enzo Ferrari once said, “Aerodynamics are for people who can’t build engines.” That might have been the case back in the 60’s, but in modern Formula 1 and IndyCar the aerodynamic package is one of the most critical aspects of the car. In this project, students will use 3-­‐
D modeling and computational fluid dynamics to design, study, optimize, and build an aerodynamics package for use with the 2015/16 Formula U racecar. This Senior Design team will work closely with the Chassis, Suspension, and Drivetrain teams to complete a fully functional racecar to participate in the International FSAE competition next spring. See and for more information on FSAE Project Objectives/Desired Outcomes Design an aerodynamics package, including front wing, underbody diffuser, and rear wing, that combined will produce 75 pounds of downforce at 30 miles per hour. Project Engineering Skills Aerodynamics (ME 5710) Fluid Dynamics (ME 5700) Solid Modeling, Solidworks or Fluent preferred Desired Team Size : 4 Team Members Chase Sovereen Carl Gatrell Emily Herman Project Name: Utes Motorsports Formula SAE Vehicle Suspension and Rear Sub-­‐
frame Project Advisors: Dr. Sam Drake: Dr. Sanford Meek: Project Description
This project is to challenge the students to design and optimize the vehicle suspension and rear sub-­‐frame. This racecar will participate in various events of the Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) competition held in Michigan in May 2016. The students will be required to design and fabricate a rear sub-­‐chassis that will serve as the backbone of the racecar, while also designing a suspension system that optimizes the racecar's handling dynamics. This Senior Design will work alongside the Engine/Powertrain team, Composite Chassis team and Aerodynamic team to complete a fully manufactured racecar and participate in the FSAE competitions. The four teams together will act as a new “design firm” attempt to sell their design to a “corporation” that is considering the production of a competition vehicle. See and for more information on FSAE. Project Objectives / Desired Outcomes
• Redesign and fabricate the suspension uprights to be a minimum of 1.5lbs lighter than the current
uprights on the 2015 car.
• Design a new rear chassis to accommodate the engine, differential, and suspension components of
the car while also increasing the overall rigidity of the rear chassis by 10%.
• Design the leverage curve of the suspension rockers to be more progressive than what is currently
in place on the 2015 car. The goal is to reduce suspension squat while still maintaining small bump
• Integrate an anti-roll system to the suspension to reduce body roll characteristics under turning
Project Engineering Skills
• Solidworks CAD Modeling ®
• MATLAB/Simulink Modeling • Manufacturing Skills (machine shop, welding, fabrication) Team Members: Andre Romero Spence Tan Nick Butler Joel Williams