José María Morelos
José María Morelos
LIBERACIÓN EXIGE ORGANIZACIÓN ¡Que la América es libre e independiente de España … que la Patria no será del todo libre y nuestra, mientras no se reforme el Gobierno, abatiendo el tiránico...y echando fuera de nuestro suelo al enemigo Español…que la esclavitud se proscriba para siempre, quedando todos iguales…! - Sentimientos de la Nación José María Morelos J osé María Morelos y Pavón prócer de la lucha anti-colonial contra España y la Independencia Mexicana 1810-1821; nació en Valladolid (hoy Morelia, Michoacán ) el 30 de septiembre de 1765. Ingresó al Colegio de San Nicolás Obispo como pastor en 1790, en Valladolid, donde llegó a conocer el cura Miguel Hidalgo y juntos desarrollaron los planes con otras fuerzas independentistas para iniciar la lucha contra el colonialismo español. Durante la lucha por la Independencia iniciada el 1810, Morelos se unió, y en varias ocasiones lideró, los rebeldes en batalla en el sur de México. En sus primeros nueve meses de campaña aniquiló a varios pelotones del ejército español en lo que hoy es el estado de Guerrero. En una segunda etapa Morelos creo tres cuerpos insurgentes (guerrillas) para tomar posiciones importantes, como Cuautla, para asegurar el triunfo de la insurrección contra la corana española. Para mayo de 1813 Morelos logró la liberación de las ciudades de Citlala, Tehuacán, Orizaba, Oaxaca y Acapulco. Julio-Diciembre 2007 José Maria Morelos Unión del Barrio En septiembre de 1813 Morelos con las fuerzas insurgentes, convocó el Congreso Nacional Constituyente en Chilpancingo, Guerrero. En este Congreso Nacional se declaró la independencia de los territorios liberados y la creación de poderes de un México Independiente del reino Español, confiscando las propiedades de los españoles para posteriormente repartirlas a los mexicanos. En este Congreso se Morelos da a conocer los “Sentimiento de la Nación” que proclama entre otras cosas, ¡Que la América es libre e independiente de España y de toda otra Nación, Gobierno o Monarquía, y que así se sancione, dando al mundo las razones…que la Patria no será del todo libre y nuestra, mientras no se reforme el Gobierno, abatiendo el tiránico, sustituyendo el liberal y echando fuera de nuestro suelo al enemigo Español, que tanto se ha declarado contra esta Nación…que la esclavitud se proscriba para siempre, y lo mismo la distinción de Castas, quedando todos iguales…! ver Morelos pg. 2 > ¡LA VERDAD! Auto-Determinación y Liberación Mexicana Unión del Barrio reconoce que el pueblo mexicano en ambos lados de la “frontera” sufrimos de inseguridad política, económica y social desde que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos robo la mitad de nuestro territorio nacional en 1848. Desde ese año hemos sido victimas del gobierno norteamericano: nuestra mano de obra es explotada; miles de nuestros jóvenes están en las prisiones y miles más están en los frentes de las guerras imperialistas impulsadas por este país; el sistema educativo nos niega una educación equitativa y relevante; nuestros derechos humanos y civiles han sido limitados casi en su totalidad y cada año miles de nuestros hermanos y hermanas pierden la vida al tratar de cruzar la frontera ilegitima, en busca de una vida mejor. Frontera que se impuso para prevenir la entrada del mismo pueblo la cual su territorio fue arrebatada. Reconocemos que California, Colorado, Arizona, Tejas, Utah, Nuevo México y Nevada constituyen Aztlán-México Ocupado. Es el territorio que geográfica y políticamente le pertenece al pueblo mexicano y que fueron usurpadas por el imperio Norteamericano en la guerra de 1848 contra México. Creemos que el pueblo Mexicano en Azltán -Mexico Ocupado, tiene que auto-determinar nuestro propio futuro. La autodeterminación se define de la siguiente manera - el poder de: 1. Interpretar colectivamente nuestra historia 2. Controlar económicamente nuestro destino 3. Avanzar el desarrollo social de nuestro pueblo al promover nuestra cultura, la educación y nuestro idioma 4. Desarrollar de forma independiente el carácter y la dirección de nuestra orientación política 5. Controlar las instituciones políticas que hacen las leyes que nos gobiernan. Julio-Diciembre 2007 < Morelos de la portada José María Morelos; Independence Fighter for a Free México from Spanish Colonialism Para octubre de 1814 convocó otro Congreso en Apatzingán donde anuncio el Decreto Constitucional para la osé María Morelos y Pavón was a Libertad de la América Mexicana donde Mexican Independence fighter against se establece la República de México Spanish colonialism. He was born bajo un estado soberano. on September 30, 1765 in Valladolid (now know as Morelia, Michoacan). Atacado en las afueras de Tezmalaca, Morelos attended the college of San fue tomado prisionero por mercenarios Nicolás Obispo as a pastor, where he de las fuerzas españolas y fue conducido met Miguel Hidalgo and together they a la muerte. El 22 de diciembre de would develop a program, along with 1815 fue asesinado en San Cristóbal other independence fighters, to initiate Ecatepec, hoy Estado de México. En the anti-colonial uprising against 1828, su ciudad natal recibió el nombre Spanish rule in México. de Morelia. En 1869, Benito Juárez en su facultad como presidente del país During the struggle for Mexican decretó la creación del estado que hoy Independence, which initiated in lleva su nombre. El 16 de septiembre 1810, Morelos united and in various de 1925, sus restos fueron llevados a cases led the rebel insurrection in la Columna de la Independencia en la battle throughout the southern part ciudad de México donde aun reposan. of México. In the first nine months of the insurrectionary campaign, Morelos ¡Viva la Insurrección Guerrillera defeated entire Spanish platoons in Libertadora! the state today known as Guerrero. In ¡Viva José María Morelos! a second phase of Morelos military strategy three guerrilla insurgent armies Raza In the Occupied were formed to take critical positions such as Cuautla, in order to ensure Territories Celebrate the the triumph of the insurrection against Mexican Liberation Spanish colonial rule. By May of 1813 Struggle Against Colonialism Morelos’ guerrillas liberate the cities of an Diego, Chicano Park- On Satur- Citlala, Tehuacán, Orizaba, Oaxaca and day September 15, The Raza Rights Acapulco. Coalition celebrated the 197 anniversary of the anti-colonial insurrection In September of 1813 Morelos and against Spanish colonialism; a struggle various insurrectionary forces convened that Unión del Barrio recognizes as a a National Constitutional Congress current struggle against U.S. settler co- in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. At this National Congress, Morelos declares the lonialism today. liberated territories an Independent State As Raza living within the Occupied Ter- from Spanish colonial rule, confiscating ritories of Mexico (or what people know stolen lands in the possession of Spanish as the U.S. Southwest), we struggle to settlers and redistributing these lands to rescue our history in a time when the the indigenous peoples of México. At J S capitalist colonialist state (U.S. laws) are attacking our people with slander telling us that we, the Mexican people, are foreigners to these lands and arresting, incarcerating and separating our families from each other with home and work-site raids by Immigration authorities. ¡ÚNETE A UNIÓN DEL BARRIO! Unión del Barrio will continue to resist colonial oppression! We Didn’t Cross the Border; The Unión del Barrio contact information: Border Crossed Us! Contactos para Unión del Barrio: Reconocemos que la liberación absoluta e inequívoca de la mujer mexicana es un componente crítico en la lucha de liberación de nuestro pueblo. Es fundamental para toda organización libertaria promover la absoluta igualdad política, económica y social entre mujeres y hombres. San Diego P.O. Box 620095 San Diego, CA 92162 (619) 696-9224 this Congress he declares the National Sentiment a decree which expresses the following: “That the Américas are free and independent people from Spain and any other nation, government or monarchy, and that it be recognized as such given the following reasons… That the people cannot be free and ours while the government is not reformed, abolishing the tyrants and the liberals, and expelling from our lands the Spanish, who are our enemy and who have made many declarations against our people… That slavery be forever proscribed, as well as all cast distinctions, establishing equality among everyone…! By October of 1814, Morelos convened another Congress in Apatzingán where he announced the Constitutional Decree for the Liberation of México, where the Mexican Republic was consolidated under a constitutional government, establishing the nation state of México. Attacked in the outskirts of Tezmalaca and taken prisoner by mercenaries of the Spanish army, Morelos was assassinated in San Cristóbal Ecatepec on December 22, 1815. In 1828 his home town was renamed Morelia in his honor. In 1869, Benito Juárez, declared the establishment of the state of Morelos. On September 16, 1925 his remains were relocated to the Column of Independence in Mexico City, were they rest until now. ¡Viva la Insurrección Guerrillera Libertadora! ¡Viva José María Morelos! Mexicanos Celebran 197 Años de lucha Por La Liberación Nacional y en contra del Colonialismo S an Diego, Parque Chicano - El sábado 15 de septiembre la Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza celebró el 197 aniversario de la insurrección del pueblo Mexicano contra el colonialismo español. Unión del Barrio reconoce que la lucha contra el colonialismo no ha acabado, y que el enemigo contemporáneo es el capitalismo (sistema económico donde la riqueza que producen los trabajadores/obreros y campesinos es robado por los patrones/ricos). Como Raza que vivimos en los territorios ocupados Mexicanos (lo que se conoce como el sur-oeste de Estados Unidos), luchamos por revindicar nuestra historia como pueblo original e indígena de este continente sigue en pie de lucha para acabar con el sistema esclavista que nos subyuga, que nos discrimina y no mantiene en la pobreza. Luchamos por organizarnos para defendernos de las leyes racistas que el gobierno utiliza para reprimir a nuestro pueblo; somos quienes generamos toda la riqueza con el sudor de nuestras frentes, aseguramos el bienestar para otros, es hora de asegurar el bienestar para nosotros mismos, nuestro pueblo y nuestras familias. Ventura/Oxnard P.O. Box 20411 Oxnard, CA 93034-0411 (805) 436-5901 Los Angeles The Mexican people, indigenous to the continent, celebrate our culture as an act of resistance to U.S. settler occupation and colonialism ¡Únete a Unión del Barrio! ¡Somos Un Pueblo, Sin Fronteras! Mexicanos en los territorios Ocupados (Sur Oeste de Estados Unidos) celebran, combativamente, la lucha contra el colonialismo 2 Unión del Barrio July-December 2007 DEMOCRACY, POLITCAL POWER AND THE PRESS THROUGHOUT LATIN AMERICA AND INSIDE THE IMPERIALIST CORE, THE MEDIA SUPPORTS THE CAPITALIST OPPRESSION OF THE MASSES Part I Editor’s note: This is the first part in a two part series on the power of the capitalist media and it’s role in the oppression of the masses of people both within and outside of the U.S. This first installment covers the manipulation of information by the private media in Venezuela, especially the case of RCTV of 2007, the rise of participatory democracy, as well as elections in revolutionary Cuba. The second installment will discuss Bolivia, as well as the role of the media and democracy in Mexico and within the U.S., focusing on the 2008 elections. THE CASE OF VENEZUELA AND THE ROLE OF THE SO-CALLED “FREE” PRESS I n Venezuela private media corporations are leading an undeclared war against democracy. On December 2, 2007 the masses of Venezuelans were provided with the opportunity to vote for 69 constitutional reforms that would, among other things, institutionalize a 36 hour work week; provide social security to workers of the informal economic sector; address racial discrimination by recognizing African and Indigenous contributions to Venezuelan culture; extend Presidential terms from six to seven years; as well as allow for the elimination of term limits for President. In spite of the failure to pass these constitutional reforms, the referendum held in Venezuela on December 2nd was a lesson of participatory democracy; a process that is today becoming an increasingly common democratic process in Latin America, as seen in Bolivia and Ecuador. Yet, if we look at what transpired in the months leading up to the referendum, we can see how the capitalist media in Venezuela orchestrated efforts at nurturing an opposition movement against the constitutional reforms and the Bolivarian Revolution in general. The private media did this to undermine the referendum and to create an artificial climate of tension and EL 18 (POR LUIS EMILO RECABARREN) Nota del editor: este ensayo fue escrito por Luis Emilo Recabarren, Chileno Revolucionario, considerado padre de la clase obrera chilena. Publicamos este ensayo ya que tiene un significado mayor en esta era contemporanea, donde los pueblos de nuestra América Latina siguen luchando por dehacerse del yugo colonial de la burguesía capitalista y para seguir revindicando nuestra historia Latinoamericanista. Muchas veces nos hemos preguntado: ¿qué cosa celebra el pueblo en los días llamados del 18 de septiembre? Algunos y sobre todos los burgueses, nos dicen: “celebramos nuestra emancipación política, nuestra independencia como república”. Mas en realidad de verdad, la clase proletaria no tiene ninguna libertad ganada con el cambio operado en Chile el 18 de Septiembre de 1810. Si alguna libertad tiene el trabajador, ella es, la de morirse de hambre, vivir en la misería o pasar toda su vida en el presidio. Para que veamos bien estas cosas, A CNN en español news story already had Hugo Chavez dead prior to the December 2nd referendum (under Hugo Chavezʼ picture the caption reads:¿Quien lo Mato?, Who killed him?) social unrest, as well as misinforming the Venezuelan people. Internationally, we saw how this manipulation of information promoted negative perceptions by the general U.S. population towards the Bolivarian Revolution. Every major corporate media in the U.S. (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, La Opinion, Univision, Telemundo, NBC, ABC, CBS etc.) ran major “Opinion” pieces, articles, and news stories slandering the Bolivarian Revolution. They argued incessantly that what was happening in Venezuela was a “power grab” by Hugo Chávez, that “rights were being restricted,” or that the “freedom of the press” was under attack. In reality the opposite was true. These slanders began the day Hugo Chávez was elected President. Over the last ten years it was not uncommon to hear, see and read daily attacks against Chávez and the Bolivarian government. Every single day over 90% of the private media corporations in Venezuela para analizar su realidad, debemos alejarnos un poco del fanatismo que nos empuja a creernos emancipados y a considerar como nuestra la independencia de la República. attacked Chávez personally, calling him a psychotic, an ignorant savage, a “red gorilla,” and that he had a secret love affair with Fidel Castro. The media corporations went so far as to take it upon themselves to manipulate broad sectors of the population to protest against and overthrow the government. Several national media corporations went so far as to call for the assassination of President Chávez. The racism and violence these media corporations expressed consistently for over a decade would have never been tolerated in any “first world” country, and had the media done this in the United States the owners of these media corporations would have been sent to Guantanamo Bay and tortured. Yet, in Venezuela no journalists were imprisoned nor any media outlets closed by the government. PHONY CROCODILE TEARS FOR PARIS HILTON AND RCTV The greatest irony in the debate over freedom of the press in Venezuela is the case of RCTV (Radio Caracas Television - a privately owned profit oriented media corporation). RCTV was established in 1953, and over the last 20 years privately used “public” airwaves to accumulate vast amounts of wealth for the owner, the multi-millionaire Marcel Granier, making him one of the richest people in Venezuela. Historically, RCTV had been a solid pillar of the right wing elites, who along with other Bush loving traitors controlled public opinion in their favor. In Venezuela, the Indigenous, African, and mestizo peoples (the great majority of Venezuelans) were invisible to RCTV. Instead, RCTV gave the false image of Venezuela as full of güeros: blond, white, and blue eyed. Through its images and main characters RCTV reinforced and maintained racism; the classical self-hate promoted in Latin America by ruling class elites. More recently, RCTV was one of the national media outlets that had called for the overthrow of the government, and those forces that led the coup d’etat of April 11-14, 2002 see Democracy, Power & the Press on pg.10 > la colonia para hacer la revolución y una vez vencedores ellos se apoderaron de la dirección de los pueblos y del dinero. Desde que se proclamó la república, los impuestos y las contribuciones han ido aumentando asombrosamente hasta llegar a formar hoy día una renta de más de ciento cincuenta millones de pesos anuales, que se la roban y la malgastan entre los favorecidos y los ricos. Nada, pero nada, tiene que celebrar el pueblo proletario en esta fecha, porque su libertad aún no la ha conquistado. Los que verdaderamente se emanciparon del yugo español fueron los ricos, pero no por sus esfuerzos, sino por los esfuerzos y sangre de los pobres. ¿Qué toca al pueblo de toda esa renta creada en esta república independiente? Los pobres eran pobres bajo el yugo de la monarquía española, y pobres son todavía, bajo el yugo de la monarquía chilena, llamada por sarcasmo república libre. La metralla y los sables, el patíbulo y las cárceles que con ese mismo dinero, arrancado a su trabajo, se le tiene preparado como premio, cuando intente reclamar justicia. Entonces, ¿qué celebran los pobres? ¿la emancipación de los ricos chilenos sobre los ricos españoles? Los proletarios que se precien de serios, estudiosos y amantes de la emancipación del pueblo, deben comprender que es sumamente pernicioso contribuir a celebrar una fiesta que marca una nueva jornada de esclavitud para el pueblo. Abre tus ojos, pueblo, y verás la verdad. La libertad no la tienes y debes prepararte para conquistarla. . Lo que hay de verdad, miradas las cosas sin pasión, es que un grupo de ambiciosos de poder y de dinero y que hoy son llamados “ padres de la patria”, armaron a los esclavos de Es pernicioso porque la ignorancia hace creer al pueblo que en esos momentos se olvidan las diferencias entre ricos y pobres, que al rico le conviene porque así narcotiza por algún tiempo al pueblo; pero 3 los trabajadores pierden porque al calor de esos momentos los ricos apretan más las cadenas con que nos oprimen. ¿Qué patria tenemos nosotros que no poseemos un solo pedazo de suelo, ni un techo donde descansar? ¿Qué libertad tenemos nosotros que no podemos andar, comer, gozar, ni trabajar sino bajo el peso de leyes abrumadoras y pesadas ? ¿Que celebramos entonces?... Luis Emilio Recabarren S. El Proletario. Tocopilla, 16 / septiembre / 1905. ¡LA VERDAD! Julio-Diciembre 2007 Unión del Barrio On the Question of Education And The Struggle For National Liberation PART II Editor’s Note: This is the second article of a two part series on Unión del Barrio’s position on the question of Education and its role as a tool towards Raza Self-Determination and National Liberation. Part I, published in the February-June 2007 issue of ¡La Verdad!, covered: a) The role of the colonial educational system in failing Raza and other oppressed nationalities, as well as its role in keeping the great majority of society in a condition of generalized ignorance; b) The historic gains won by the Chicano Power movement of the 60’s & 70’s that opened space for Chicano Studies and bilingual education to be taught within the colonial public school system; c) how the rules of capitalism control public education/ instruction; d) how the “general white” population unite in opposition to their “working class” interests in order to promote a racist anti-worker, anti-Raza education; e) presented the Freidian (Paulo Freire) philosophy of Critical Pedadogy and its role in creating a process for authentic learning to emerge. We offer our readership the continuation of Unión del Barrio’s understanding on the role of education and what needs to be done to bring about lasting change. A RESPONSE TO THE DEFEATIST LIBERAL STANCE ON EDUCATION During the late 1980s, Unión del Barrio began to discuss the necessity of creating mass based committees and projects that would address particular questions facing our communities and connect these to the over all struggle for National Liberation. It was this period in the history of our organization that gave birth to Somos Raza; a barrio youth group, Comité de Mujeres; a womens group, Chicano Studies Concilio; a group of Chicano Studies instructors, students and community group, and the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project; a prisioner’s rights group. It was also during this period that we recognized the need for the formation of a group that would focus on the question of education as it relates to Raza (read Somos Un Pueblo, Sin Fronteras: A History of Union del Barrio, La Verdad Publications, 1996). It was the struggles and debates that took place in 1994 during the months leading up to the passage of Proposition 187 (a law that would gravely affect Raza, including the denial of social services and education to Mexican/Raza children) which moved us to join with other progressive elements to form the Association of Raza Educators (ARE) in 1994. The founding and first membership of ARE included Luz Chung, Ernesto Bustillos, Esteban Vela, Gerardo Reyes, Harry Simón, and many others. In the founding statement of ARE, its history and mission was described in the following way: “The Association of Raza Educators (ARE) originally began as a response to Proposition 187 in September of 1994. ARE was organized by individuals who had correctly read the growing anti-Raza atmosphere within the United States, and recognized the urgency for something ‘different’ to be done. “These individuals - mostly middle and high school teachers - understood that the efforts led by most anti-187 activists were generally based on the idealistic assumption that the ‘voters’ and ‘pro-187 politicians’ could be won over by reason alone. We saw some activists go as far as to downplay the necessity for progressive community-based political consciousness. When discussions arose about how to best respond to the racist attacks confronting the Mexicano/Latino community, the importance of solid organization and the development of strong uncompromising strategies and tactics was never even seen as an option. “The original membership of ARE also understood that the ‘traditional-progressive’ educational organizations such as AMAE (Association of Mexican American Educators) and CABE (California Association of Bilingual Educators) were limited Towards A Pedagogy of Liberation within this same frame of existence. What was needed was a different type of organization. An organization composed of educators united to effectively defend the democratic rights of our community - educational, political, economic, and civil. “Out of the initial meetings of ARE, a conference was proposed to prepare the activist-educators for actions that could be taken once Prop. 187 had passed (pickets, demonstrations, etc.). This conference was held in October of 1994 at St. Judes Church in the community of Shelltown in San Diego, with about 100 people attending. “After the conference, the ARE meetings began to be centered around discussing the need for building ARE as a progressive educators organization. A we find ourselves. Contributing to the problems of ARE was the lack of interest and urgency within the educational community itself. The sad reality is that most Raza educators do not see the urgency of responding to the racist attacks against our children, which would motivate them into joining a type of struggle that calls for risks and sacrifices. In order to address these realities, ARE held several meetings in 2004 in which the history of ARE was discussed, limitations and errors of work were identified, and a plan with long and short range objectives was formulated. Since then, ARE has been steadily working, according to its ability and capacity; and within the last year, 2006-2007, ARE has grown to include a chapter in the Los Angeles area. In a bulletin published in 2006, ARE raised concerns which profoundly describe the reality of the state of education today. ARE posed questions that need to be addressed and called upon educators to join the struggle for democratic schooling. The following were the concerns and the call in that bulletin: A. Concerns: 1. Bilingual Education has been virtually destroyed. It fact, it was never given a chance to succeed. 2. Raza Studies and Multicultural Studies, in the great majority of the schools, no longer exist. Educators who favor a multicultural, working class based education are under constant attack. ARE members at a community forum with 3. Critical Pedagogy is a thing of the past, and most SD City Council representatives to demand teachers, as well as administrators, don’t even know what it is. an end to the ICE Raids; the forum was 4. The English Only movement is getting organized by the Human Rights Committee stronger. Educators are told not to speak Spanish to of Mt. View in San Diego students. Speaking Spanish will soon be a crime. 5. Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) is being constitution was drafted and officers elected to carry eliminated, especially where Mexican-Latino and out the work of this [Association]. It was during African (Black) students are in the majority. this time (post 187) that the question of raising the 6. “Academic Freedom” is a thing of the past. Most consciousness of educator’s themselves took place. teachers are scared to speak out. Teachers are being “During this period ARE emphasized community forced to use materials and limit their curriculum involvement in education and Critical Pedagogy as to a particular area of study, and utilize methods of central to our work. ARE upheld the important role instruction created and promoted by people who do of teachers in social struggles, especially in Latin not have the well being of our students in mind [i.e. America. We saw ourselves also as part of a [world publishing houses, private tutoring organizations wide] struggle to build a better society that would Supplemental Educational Servivces, etc.]. benefit the great majority of all people.” (founding 7. School administrators have rejected a space for statement, ARE, 1994). alternative or creative methods of teaching and are demanding that educators teach to “the test,” or THE REALITY OF THE STATE OF RAZA instruct in robotic, one size fits ALL approaches. EDUCATION AND WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE 8. Administrators are now dictators, not educators, or Unfortunately, the level of activism of ARE has been have become enforcers and thugs for the racist-fascist sporadic. There have been periods of high activism Boards of Education or of the federal government. and times where little, if any, work was done. This (e.g. NCLB, see below) was a result of taking on struggles without truly understanding the limitations of its membership and see Pedagogy of Liberation on pg.5 > resources, as well as the social conditions in which Association of Raza Educators and Somos Raza discuss strategies to advance Self-Determination and progressive education in Los Angeles. 4 Unión del Barrio The Battle for Santee July-December 2007 < Pedagogy of Liberation from pg. 4 B. Questions Facing Raza Educators: 1. What are we going to do when we attempt to include multicultural and critical pedagogy into our curriculum and are told by the administration not to do so? 2. How are we going to deal with the English Only laws, or requests from the state to turn over the information of students [or their families by Border Patrol/ICE (migra) agents]? Are we going to be accomplices in denying education to children? 3. What are we going to do when our school administrators start harassing or move to fire us for refusing to betray our students, or when we teach in a fashion or use material that we feel, as professionals and Raza, would most benefit our students? 4. What should be more important to us, the education of our students and their/our dignity as a people, or our jobs? And why should we be forced to choose? C. Joining The Struggle As A Solution: 1. The truth is that no progressive change ever came about without struggle. Educators must unite and fight to create positive progressive social change. 2. History has proven, that in numbers and in unity there is strength. If you want to protect yourself against harassment and reprisals, you must unite with other educators who share the same ideas or objectives as you. 3. Simply complaining or living in fear, or denying the realities around us, are not virtues of an educator. Our profession demands that we do something concrete about problems affecting our students and our communities. (In Unity There Is Strength Join The Association of Raza Educators Bulletin/Announcement May 2006) CURRENT ATTACKS ON THE EDUCATION OF RAZA AND OTHER OPPRESSED PEOPLE: THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (NCLB) ACT The attacks by the state to keep a relevant education from oppressed people are relentless. The following are but four examples that describe how the colonial system works against our communities. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) pushed through the U.S. Congress by the criminal and genocidal G.W. Bush regime in 2001 is the latest federal law which attempts to destroy public education and transfer the task of “educating” the public to private corporations. Four key areas of this law that are particularly damaging to our youth were identified by ARE as well as Unión del Barrio: 1. It Opposes an Education that Promotes Critical Thinking and Humanities. Concentrating on math and acquisition of the English language, the NCLB closes this “space” (funding, support, legal protection) for multicultural and bilingual education, as well as critical thinking. It completely eliminates the “critical thinking spirit” of education and opposes the teaching of the Humanities (those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature and art - anything concerned with human thought and culture- also known as the liberal arts). 2. It Creates a Dictatorship vs. Educational Administration. While claiming to be “Improving Teacher Quality,” this law could easily be used against those teachers who promote progressive and democratic schooling (an education based on improving the condition of the majority of the people: workers and the poor) or those who an administrator may choose to dismiss. Moreover, the NCLB promotes the privatization of education and the busting of teacher unions. 3. The “Safe Schools” Section of the NCLB is in reality the continuing criminalization of youth. The socalled “Safe Schools and Zero Tolerance” section of the law is just another way of getting rid of troubled youth and making criminals of them. It is a way of hiding the problems found in society. It will give more power to schools, enabling them to expel students for infractions that could be dealt with proper oncampus guidance and counseling. Data proves that most students expelled from schools are Raza/Latino and African (Black). [Analysis of the No Child Left Behind Act, informational pamphlet, Association of Raza Educators, 1995] The Association of Raza Educators wins a tremendous victory in South Central Los Angeles S ur Centro, Los Angeles - The Association of Raza strategically began to build community based power Educators’ (ARE) fight for educational justice and making strategic alliances with the teachers union culminated during the summer of 2007 in the ouster (UTLA). of racist principal Vince Carbino at Santee Eduational A.R.E. and Unión del Barrio was forced to challenge Complex, as educators, students, parents and community Carbino when he switched class titles in the middle of members took on the task of organizing themselves to the summer semester in order to falsify documents for a have community control of this educational institution. Los Angeles County of Education textbook audit coming Santee High School in South Central Los Angeles is 96% that same week. This change affected the AP program Raza and 4% African (black) with just under 50% of the most because Carbino failed to order books for the students designated English Language learners and over AP courses and, as a consequence, all AP classes were 90% eligible for free or reduced lunch. cancelled. When teachers and students began to question In what seems as a trend towards criminalizing Raza the timing and reasoning for the switch, they were targeted youth through militarization of public education, the by Carbino with threats of police arrest, suspensions and/ Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) placed or removal from campus. Vince Carbino, an ex-San Diego Police cop with military training, as principal of Santee in the fall of 2005. After Carbino demonstrated he was serious about his treats a rollercoaster beginning, which included on campus when- in an attempt to intimidate staff- he had two teachers removed from campus rebellions, the task was given by school police. Then, he fired to Carbino to get Santee “under control.” the school librarian and coupled This trend of employing former that action by having school military/police administrators to police begin to target parents be in charge of public education dropping their children off at is part of a policy of “controlling school by giving them traffic and pacifying” students, instead tickets. Students who entered of educating them. Recently the main office in an attempt to LAUSD hired Admiral David talk with him, were told that they Brewer III as superintendent of could not and “if they did not the 2nd largest school district in leave the office immediately, the country. Santee High students in Los Angeles de- Carbino would have them With the arrival of Carbino at arrested.” His intimidation mand the ouster of racist principal Santee, we saw the repressive tactics backfired as it only hand of the state come down harder than even before. emboldened a community effort to have him fired. Working with the local and school police department, Carbino began to transfer or “kick” students out of Santee’s The Fire Carbino Campaign, kicked off with a large Campus. In a twisted turn of events, this principal would protest in front of Santee that brought together over 150 boast about the reduction of school suspensions while parents, students and teachers. That was followed by a failing to announce the sharp increase of expulsions. series of strategic planning meetings at local churches The police became a regular appearance at Santee with and community centers in the barrio of South Central. Police dogs sniffing through classrooms during searches, The Association of Raza Educators was able to assist by metal detectors at each entrance, regular arrest and random providing equipment, supplies, organization tools, and searches of students in the middle of the quad becoming leadership to parents and youth. routine. Carbino was training students psychologically to become used to this type of treatment as future criminals; In total, over 8 different protests where held in front of moreover, his overreaching and abusive tactics of control the school over a three week period. This was coordinated demoralized and dehumanized students. with a large media and Internet campaign that put the Through the use of the police department, Carbino school district to shame for supporting such a repressive intimidated students, parents and teachers into obeying principal. A.R.E., Somos Raza and Unión del Barrio were his backward neo-colonial model of education. able to organize three sectors of the school: teachers, Among the targeted groups by Carbino were student students, and parents, into a successful campaign for groups Somos Raza and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/ educational justice. Teachers from A.R.E. demonstrated a de Aztlán (MEChA) de Santee. These two groups came extreme conviction for educational justice by coming out under attack as their meetings began to be monitored, the and organizing at Santee, sometimes waking up at 6:30 administration denied approval of activities/facilities, last in the morning in order to flyer in front of the school minute cancelations of events, and threatening to have before they had to clock in. The students of Somos Raza members arrested and even deported if they continued demonstrated their strength by leading and organizing the with there activism. students at Santee and lastly, Unión del Barrio was able The Association of Raza Educators also became a target to help mobilize the community in support of this just when they were not allowed to have a scholarship cause. fundraiser for “undocumented” students on campus. Shortly thereafter, Carbino barred A.R.E. from hosting any After what seemed as a long three weeks, LAUSD meetings or events on campus and began reprimanding finally decided to remove Carbino on August 24th 2007 teachers who spoke out against his abuses, many of which from Santee. This was a tremendous victory for parents, were members of A.R.E. Classrooms were searched students and teachers of South Central. The Association after school hours, classroom computers confiscated for of Raza Educators and Unión del Barrio will continue its “investigation,” and teachers even escorted off campus struggle for educational justice and will continue to build by police. our capacity to have community control over schools in The Association of Raza Educators took on Carbino our communities. straight on and challenged every oppressive decision he ¡Que Viva La Raza Y Que Viva La Communidad made at Santee. While battling this oppressive principal Organizada de South Central! for over a year, ARE with the help of Unión del Barrio, waged a low level campaign against this principal and Student, Parents and Teachers meet; and with the help of Somos Raza and the Association of Raza Educators, the people organize to retake Santee from Racist Principal see Pedagogy of Liberation on pg.6 > 5 ¡LA VERDAD! Julio-Diciembre 2007 < Pedagogy of Liberation from pg.5 officials because of a complaint from 4. In addition, section 9528 of the NCLB Act requires that secondary and high schools turn over the name, address and telephone listing of all students to military recruiters upon request for the purpose of recruitment into the the U.S. imperialist armed forces. This provision, if not followed by School Districts, could have their funding taken away by the federal government. In short, the NCLB Act works to keep the masses from acquiring the critical thinking skills necessary to challenge colonialism, creates a mechanism that could be used against progressive teachers, makes it easier to criminalize Raza youth, and makes it easier for a substitute teacher that it was a form of “religious indoctrination.” (Arabic program offered at school, San Diego Union Tribune, April 12, 2007.) A WAR CRIMINAL CRITICIZES MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION Recently, the right-wing fascist pig known as Newt Gingrich (former congressman and speaker of the house, and 2008 presidential candidate) said, as he addressed hundreds of cheering middle and upper class white women, members of the National Federation of Republican Women, “We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of ARE-San Diego joins the Raza Rights Coalition at the Assembly of Peopleʼs Struggle in National City on November 20th, 2007 to advance our peopleʼs struggle for Raza Self-Determination. the state to recruit our younng people to be used as cannon fodder for the colonial wars of conquest. RACIST ASSAULT ON THE “ACADEMIA SEMILLAS DEL PUEBLO” Another example of racist colonial reaction against the education of Raza children is the on going attacks against Academia Semilla del Pueblo. Academia Semillas is a charter school in Los Angeles that teaches Nahautl (the language of many indigenous people of México and Central America) and Mandarin Chinese. Students also learn Tai Chi and Aztec Dance. The goal of Semilla is to provide students with an education which recognizes the cultures of all people, not just European (White). The response from certain segments of the white community, led by KABC radio (a right wing talk show) has been to call for the shut down of Academia Semillas and the mass deportation of Mexicans and Central Americans. (“Charter School Fighting Back”, Los Angeles Times, June 9, 2006.) DENYING AFRICAN CHILDREN THEIR CULTURE In San Diego, an Arabic language elementary school program is currently under attack. Carver Elementary School, with a large African student population, mostly Somali, offers a culturally relevant program where many cultures are recognized and celebrated at the school. It includes the teaching of Arabic, Middle Eastern culture and traditions, and the cafeteria provides children with food that Muslim students can eat. The school is being investigated by school district living in a ghetto”, (Gingrich scornful of bilingual education, Associated Press (AP), April 1, 2007). Gingrich, as an initiator of U.S. imperialist wars of aggression is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people around the world and thus has the blood of innocent people on his hands. UNLIKE SOME WITHIN OUR MOVEMENT, WE STRUGGLE OPENLYFOR OUR COMMUNITY’S RIGHTS Unión del Barrio, along with other progressive and revolutionary formations, most notably San Diego State MEChA and Mexicanos Unidos En Defensa del Pueblo-MUDP (both of these organizations have struggled for years for the creation of an education based on critical pedagogy), have made addressing the question of education a central component of our struggle for justice and self-determination. Unlike some liberals and “so-called” (wannabe) Chicano/a activists who use slander, rumors, secrecy, and police-like tactics, we openly fight for a democratic and multicultural education that includes giving voice to parents and the community. As we have said before, our struggle is neither based on one particular race or sex, but rather on true equality and justice for all. In the future, we will continue to expose and challenge colonial education, fight for the inclusion of parents and community in the education of our children, as well as to create programs and spaces where a pedagogy of liberation can take place. ¡Unidos Venceremos! 2nd Raza Educator’s Conference On... “A Day in the Lives of the Marginalized and the Oppressed” Saturday April 12th, 2008 Location: Lincoln High School 4777 Imperial Ave SD CA. 92113 Speakers, Workshops, Dialogue, Y Cultura Confirmed Speakers: • Jeff Duncan Andrade (Professor, San Francisco State University) • Maria Reyes (Educator and Social Activist, Long Beach, CA.) For more information: Association of Raza Educators PO Box 740337 San Diego, CA 92114 6 Unión del Barrio July-December 2007 Summing the current situation of the Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) AN ACTIVE AND WELL-ORGANIZED RAZA MEDIA IS A NECESSITY TO OUR PEOPLE’S SURVIVAL Editor’s Note: The following article was put together by the staff of ¡La Verdad! newspaper, which has been part of the Raza Press and Media Association (originally named the Chicano Press Association) since its re-establishment in 1990. This assessment comes from ¡La Verdad! staff, and not necessarily from the RPMA. During the past three months (Sept-Nov, 2007) the RPMA mesa directiva has held three extraordinary meetings: September 22nd in Oxnard, November 3rd in San Diego and November 10th in Los Angeles. The purpose of these juntas were to address the problems that have beset the Association since its re-establishment in 1990. Central to these difficulties has been the RPMA’s inability to attract new members and the unwillingness of much of the existing progressive and reformist media workers to struggle in a unified, structured, and accountable fashion based on concrete principles. Of specific concern to the RPMA, has been the failure to realize the goals and objectives it set for itself at its last retreat, which was held on January 20th of this year (2007). Furthermore, as we witness the growing attacks against Raza, in all fronts and in multiple ways, the question of a lack of Raza media is becoming more crucial by the moment. It is obvious to most, that La Raza, throughout the belly of the beast (or what people call the United States) is going through a crisis of enormous proportions: economically, socially, and politically. Central to tackling and effectively dealing with this situation demands a Raza press and media that can wake up the people, help organize them, and actively participate in the liberation struggle. The staff of ¡La Verdad! believes RPMA is the only formation that can take on this challenge. The RPMA has a long and rich history, one that is rooted in the “Chicano Power Movement” of the late 1960’s and early 70’s, and re-established in 1990 under the name of the Chicano Press Association (CPA); an Association that included the participation of over 20 publications during the Chicano Power Movement. The group later changed its name to the Raza Press Association (RPA) in 2004. The RPMA acquired its present name at its last retreat held in San Diego, on January 20, 2007 as we recognized the technological advances in using electronic and other forms of media in our stuggle. Since its re-establishment, dozens of publications have been associated with the RPMA, including La Gente (UCLA), Voz Fronteriza (UCSD), Nuestra Cosa (UCR), El Andar, Pueblo Unido (newsletter of the Raza Rights Coalition-San Diego) and ¡La Verdad! (Unión del Barrio newspaper). Throughout its two decades of existence, the RPMA has organized dozens of conferences and workshops, book fests, and has produced literally hundreds of publications and other forms of media, including Guerrilleros de la Pluma (newletter of the RPMA). The RPMA is the only progressive/revolutionary-oriented media association (that we are aware), which functions in an organized way; by this we mean that it has clearly defined goals and objectives, meets on a regular basis, has a structure and leadership, and is completely independent of corporate and government funding. Today, RPMA is anchored by AMATE, ¡La Verdad!, Voz del Pueblo, Pueblo Unido and Clavo En El Corazon. At the retreat of January 20, the RMPA set for itself a long list of objectives, that included: • To conduct a series of educational workshops throughout Aztlán with the objective of raising consciousness and training future media workers. • To undertake an ongoing recruitment drive of active media workers/or those seriously interested in this form of struggle. • To maintain a public on-line resource with current news/opinions, library, and archives of relevant historical documents. • To engage in an anti-war propaganda campaign titled “La Campaña del Pueblo Contra La Guerra: Luchando Contra La Guerra por la vía Cultural, Artística y de Prensa” • To organized a Book Fest on October 2007, in Los Angeles, Also at the retreat, a new Mesa Directiva was elected: Antonio Velazquez (Coordinator), and mesa members Paula Reynoso, Jose Moreno, David Rodriguez, and Luis Moreno. The RPA name was changed to Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) as a way of ensuring that everyone understood that the Raza press was not limited to print journalism. As stated earlier, the RPMA was not able to meet most of the objectives, which were agreed upon at the retreat. Within months, by May of 2007, the RPMA found itself unable to fulfill in any significant way, the goals it set out to accomplish. This situation was based on three fundamental and concrete factors: (1) Unfortunately, within three or four months, three members, found themselves in personal circumstances that did not permit them to continue as members of the mesa. This crippled the structure and the available human resources of the RPMA. (2) The goals developed at the Jan 20th retreat were unrealistic, as they did not correlate to the resources possessed by the RPMA. And (3), the objective conditions within our movement (which is both extremely small and weak) were not suitable to attaining the goals developed at the retreat. The “conditions” of our movement, as identified in The Raza Press & Media Association Presents: factor three, is something ¡La Verdad! has attempted to grapple with since the establishment of the Raza (Chicano) Press Association. We have found that our movement is saturated with radical petty bourgeois elements that practice a media that is individualistic, ego-tripping, and hobby-based. These elements despise organized struggle -which calls for discipline and sacrifice- and choose to function as individuals or loose collectives; some despise accountability so much that they openly opposed those forces in our movement who work in a disciplined manner or call for media workers to unite and work under some kind of accountable fashion. They have not come to terms with the fact that only a well-organized and united movement can liberate us from the oppressive chains of capitalism and imperialism. In an effort to align its objectives to the material reality, as this relates to its resources and the current conditions of our movement, the RPMA came up with the following objectives: • That a Barrio Book Fest, under the theme “WORDS AS WEAPONS” be held in April 2008, in South-Central Los Angeles and coordinated by a committee made up of Daniel Flores, Reymundo Reynoso, and Francisco Romero • That we publish several works by the end of year: Antonio Velasquez’s writings, Ernesto Bustillos’ compilation of articles, possibly the publication of an organizing manual on civil gang injunctions by Francisco Romero and the Committee On Raza Rights (CRR), and a bounded copy of the last twenty years of ¡La Verdad! • That the journal of the RPMA, Guerrillero/a de la Pluma, be prioritize and that Antonio Velazquez push the work forward and Luis Moreno be the production/ layout editor • That we focus on recruiting more members and the creation of a network of active “writers and media workers” • That the focus of the content and context of materials produced or promoted by the RPMA be “local” issues that are current and the people’s minds, or are part of the struggle coming down in the occupied territories. There was a general agreement that the best way we can unite with the progressive/revolutionary international press, is for the RPMA to actively engage in struggle in the occupied territories. The staff of ¡La Verdad! is committed to working with the RPMA in creating the type of media our people’s struggle demands. ¡Venceremos! Editorial Board of ¡La Verdad! Newspaper La Verdad Publications • Unión del Barrio The Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) is organizing this year’s Barrio Bookfest in Los Angeles with the goal of continuing to assist in the growth of the progressive and revolutionary media (in all of its forms, i,e. writing, art, film, music, poetry). The bookfest hopes to accomplish this by providing media workers a space to show case and exhibit their work as well as sharing with the community the work of progressive and revolutionary media works being produced and created by Raza. BARRIO BOOKFEST 2008: This is precisely why the full-day activities set for Saturday April 26 and Sunday April 27 will be held in the barrio in South Los Angeles at Santee High School, which is centrally located in the Mexican and Latino community. The Barrio BookFest as a means to raise the social and political consciousness of our community through book readings, panel discussions, cultural and music presentations as the main way of trying to accomplish this objective. WORDS AS WEAPONS April 21-April 27, 2008 A full program of activities will be announced as we near April. If you are a vendor of books, etc. or your organization would like to reserve a table for the main days of activities on Saturday and Sunday, please email: Santee Educational Complex 1921 South Maple Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90011 For more information please visit us at: 7 ¡LA VERDAD! Julio-Diciembre 2007 ICE/MIGRA RAIDS: A POLICY OF STATE TERRORISM LAS REDADAS DEL ICE/MIGRA: UNA POLÍTICA DE TERRORISMO DE ESTADO Unión del Barrio- Los Ángeles July 25, 2007 Unión del Barrio- Los Angeles 25 de julio 2007 At the beginning of this year, when the majority of the A principio de este año, cuando para la mayoría de políticos Democratic Party politicians and the self-proclaimed leaders del Partido Demócrata y de los autodenominados lideres de of undocumented workers were expecting the passing of los trabajadores indocumentados esperaban una aprobación Immigration Reform, Unión del Barrio (UdB) understood de una Reforma Migratoria, Unión del Barrio tenía claro clearly that immigration reform would not be passed, and que dicha reforma no seria aprobada y que por el contrario that on the contrary, migra raids of undocumented migrant continuarían las redadas de trabajadores migrantes workers would continue and even increase. indocumentados. In February, UdB convened a press conference in front of En el mes de febrero Unión del Barrio convocó a una the Los Angeles Federal Building to denounce the campaign conferencia de prensa frente al edificio federal de Los of terror that the government was sowing in working class Ángeles, para denunciar la campaña de terror que el gobierno Raza communities. What we observed were raids being estaba sembrando en las comunidades de trabajadores conducted by ICE/Migra who would arrive at dawn looking indocumentados, al efectuar “operativos fantasmas” for alleged “criminals”, but when they would not find them, donde la migra llega de madrugada buscando a supuestos they would instead focus on arresting anyone found in the delincuentes, pero al no encontrar a éstos, arrestan a quien home that had been targeted. se encuentre en el domicilio afectado. This protest came as a result when community members, La denuncia se hizo a raíz de que algunas personas had started calling in to different radio stations to inform llamaron a diferentes estaciones de radio para informar the public that ICE/Migra was “arresting people in Los que la migra estaba “arrestando personas en el transporte Unión del Barrio en Los Angeles se organiza Angeles on public transportation buses.” That same evening publico de la ciudad de Los Ángeles”. Esa misma noche , en la cadena de televisión Univisión, para hacerle Frente Contra las Redadas del ICE a report on Univisión television station featured a story on the mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa who came el alcalde de Los Ángeles Antonio Villaraigosa, llamó a out to calm things down and declared that Los Angeles was la calma y dijo que Los Ángeles era una ciudad Santuario, a sanctuary city, where ICE/Migra would not be allowed to donde la migra no realizará arrestos. En el mismo noticiero, arrests people. That same news report featured an interview José Ubaldo vocero del sistema público de transporte, with José Ubaldo, the spokesperson for Los Angeles public declaró que no se realizará ninguna redada en el sistema transportation department, who stated that there would be público de transporte. Los operativos continuaron, según no raids on public transportation. un reporte del ICE de octubre de 2006 a junio de 2007 However, according to an ICE report, from October of fueron aproximadamente 1,600 los detenidos en el área 2006 to June 2007 there were approximately 1,600 people de Los Ángeles. A nivel nacional se espera que este detained in the Los Angeles area. On a national level, ICE año sean arrestados alrededor de 36,000 trabajadores intends to arrest nearly 36,000 undocumented workers by indocumentados. the end of 2007. Esta situación llevó a Unión del Barrio a convocar a This situation is what has led Unión del Barrio to convene organizaciones, colectivos e individuos, que estén fuera del independent oriented organizations, community collectives control de los partidos políticos Demócrata y Republicano, and individuals- who are not tied to the two party political así como a aquellos que no estuvieran de acuerdo en marchar system, neither Democrats nor Republicans- as well as those detrás de banderas gringas; a construir un movimiento who do not agree with marching behind the U.S. flags. We independiente que organice al pueblo para detener las have made this call to unite around building an independent redadas que son nada más y nada menos que el terrorismo de estado en contra del pueblo trabajador indocumentado. La Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza- San Di- movement of organized people who are committed to El Frente Contra Las Redadas: Una Estrategia de ego realiza actividades en defensa del pueblo ending these raids, which are nothing more and nothing less than state sponsored terrorism which targets undocumented Unidad workers. Es así como surgió el Frente Contra las Redadas, que este This is how Frente Contra las Redadas (FCR) was born, and on Saturday July, 28th the FCR próximo sábado tendrá su segunda reunión plenaria, para continuar desarrollando estrategias will have a second plenary meeting, to continue to develop strategies to inform and organize para informar y organizar al pueblo para detener las redadas. our people to end the raids. Declaración Contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio y La Migra 1º de Enero 2008 A Las Comunidades en Resistencia a la Explotación y Opresión A Las Comunidades en Lucha por la Dignidad y Auto-Determinación de los Pueblos Indígenas A Todas las Comunidades del Mundo Declaration Against the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Migra mercados de México y destruir los pequeños campos e industrias nacionales. Esto ha causado que millones de Mexicanos sean desplazadas y sin trabajo. Obligando a millones de personas a que se mueva a las ciudades o migrar hacia lo que hoy es los Estados Unidos o Canadá. January 1, 2008 To All Communities in Resistance to Exploitation and Oppression. To All Communities in Struggle for Indigenous Peoples’ Dignity and Self-Determination. To All Communities of the World. Según reportan analistas del Programa de Nosotros somos el Póliza de América, Frente Contra las “Cada hora, México Redadas del Condado importa $1.5 millones de Ventura. Somos una de valores de productos red de organizaciones, de comida agrícolas, colectivos e individuos casi todas viene de que se formó en el los Estados Unidos” 2007 cuando Unión y “en esa misma del Barrio, una de las hora, 30 personasorganizaciones que hombres, mujeres, lucha por la Liberación y niños- dejan sus Nacional Mexicana con hogares en el campo una hístoria de lucha El pueblo marcha contra las Mexicano para tomar al norte de la frontera el viaje mas peligroso redadas en Oxnard, CA el de sus vidas-como EEUU/México, hizo 5 de septiembre del 2007 un llamado por la migrantes a los unidad y resistencia organizada en contra Estados Unidos.” (Informe Legislativo Sobre del incremento de leyes racistas y del el Programa Político de Estados Unidos, terror causado por La Migra [y ICE] contra “Luchando Contra el TLC”). trabajadores migrantes. Para los ricos de arriba, esto es buena Ahora, el 1 de Enero del 2008, el Tratado noticia, pero para nosotros, los trabajadores, de Libre Comercio (TLC) entra en su etapa los pobres, esto señala más pobreza, más final de implementación. El TLC, desde represión y más muerte. Por eso resistimos. su inicio, tenía como su meta, apoyar al Luchamos por nuestro trabajo, tierra, las Corporaciones Agrícolas e Industriales comunidad y dignidad. Estadounidenses a tomar control sobre los ver FCR-Ventura pg.11 > 8 We are the Frente Contra las Redadas del final stage of implementation. NAFTA, since its inception, was designed to help the rich U.S. Agriculture and Industrial Corporations take over the markets of Mexico and destroy the small farms and national industries. It has caused millions of displaced or unemployed Raza to move to the cities or migrate to what today is the United States and Canada. Committee on Raza Rights organize the people to defend workersʼ rights against DHS No Match Letters Condado de Ventura. We are a network of organizations, collectives and individuals that was formed in 2007, when Union del Barrio, one of the oldest Mexican Liberation organizations north of the U.S./Mexico border called for broad unity and organized resistance against the increased racist laws and Migraterror against migrants. Today, January 1st 2008 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) enters its According to America’s Policy Program analysts, “Every hour, Mexico imports $1.5 million dollars worth of agricultural and food products, almost all from the United States” While, “In that same hour, 30 people˜men, women, and children˜leave their homes in the Mexican countryside to take up the most dangerous journey of their lives as migrants to the United States.” (America’s Policy Program Congressional Briefing, see Ventura-FCR pg.11 > Unión del Barrio July-December 2007 Solidarity, not charity! Africa Is Not Poor. Africa is Being Looted! Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts of a presentation made by African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela on November 14, 2007 at the University of Huelva in Huelva, Spain at the European Foundation for North-South Cooperation’s First International Congress entitled “Africa and the West: The Need for New Relationships.” Chairman Omali’s presentation was the keynote address. We offer this presentation as a means to expose our members, supporters, and general readership of the common contradictions imposed on Africa and Latin America by Imperialism and the reasons our people continue to face mass migration. I would like to offer my profound thanks and appreciation to the organizers of this congress. I would also like to express my appreciation to the other presenters in this congress. First of all, coming from the United States, I feel that it is absolutely necessary that I express my absolute condemnation of the U.S. aggression, occupation and new colonization of Iraq and Afghanistan. I do not think it would be appropriate for me leaving the United States to come and speak to such an august body without publicly expressing the fact that there are a number of us who live in the United States who are opposed to colonialism, however it looks and in whatever period of time it exists. Secondly, when we first met, my esteemed comrade here asked me whether I am aware of the roots of my family in Africa. My answer is no. I told him I am not curious as to where my family comes from in Africa. The reason is because Africa today — trapped in artificial borders created by imperialism in 1884-1885 — is too involved now with ethnic politics and politics based on some assumption of a relationship to an artificial nation that in most instances did not exist prior to 1884-1885. I am an African. That is good enough for me. I am one who understands that it would be impossible for an African to get on a ship in Africa, as an African, and then arrive in America and become something else. If I got on the ship as an African, I had to be an African when I got off the ship in America. We were Africans then, and we are Africans now. That is the perspective that I come from. I want to also say to you that my perspective is informed by philosophy, by an ideology. I am politically influenced by philosophies of people like Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe and Malcolm X. They are some of my ideological parents. I do not pretend to speak to you as though we do not live in a very real world where the conditions we are talking about in Africa are not conditions that simply occurred, but are conditions which have been imposed on Africa. I am not someone who speaks to you as a social worker. I am a revolutionary. I am convinced that Europe and North America do not have the ability to do right by Africa, but it is the responsibility of ourselves as Africans to organize and to overturn the relationship we have with Europe and North America. Look at Africa with outrage, not pity Unfortunately, the last 500 years of history has been a history of imperialism. We wake up today in the 21st century and look around at a world that gives the impression of having always been like this, but it has not always been like this. The fact of the matter is that Africa is the richest continent on earth in terms of natural resources. It is 12 million square miles, when you count the islands, of tremendous wealth in natural resources. Billions of dollars are taken every year from Sierra Leone in the form of diamonds, as an example, on the one hand. But on the other hand, the African workers who bring those diamonds to the surface for Europe and North America are expected to live off of 30 cents a day, and if they’re lucky, a cup of rice. Africa is not poor. Africa is being looted. Each of us who has a cell phone or a mobile has an instrument that requires for its workings a strategic mineral known as coltan. Eighty-seven percent of the world’s coltan is located in what is now referred to as the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since 1998, from five to seven million African people have died in Congo as a consequence of proxy wars, being fought, among other things, for those resources. Africa is not poor. Africa is being looted. It is not only being looted of natural resources, but of human resources as well. This is something that has been going on for a very long time. We are Africans I come here from the United States, a country that is oftentimes referred to as a “nation of immigrants.” It is a concept that we disagree with. We do not see the United States as a “nation of immigrants,” rather, as a prison of nations. It is an entity that was founded as a consequence of an aggression that was made against the indigenous population there now called “indians.” The majority of the survivors are currently living in concentration camps that are known as reservations where they have a lifespan in the 40s. They talk about the United States being a nation of immigrants, but I can tell you that African people did not come to the United States as immigrants; we came as captives. Our conditions of existence in the United States are conditions that stem from the relationship that the United States and Europe have with Africa. The conditions of Africans in the United States are an extension of the conditions of Africa itself. Our relationship to imperialism is the same in the United States as it is in Africa. I should have said to you that it is impossible for an African in the United States to be an “African-American” as we are sometimes called. We believe that to be an “AfricanAmerican” is the same as saying that someone is a slave and African Peopleʼs Socialist Party Chairman, Omali Yeshitela (file photo) a slave master at the same time. It is impossible to be both a slave and a slave master. America built itself at the expense of Africa. So we say that we are not “African-Americans.” We are Africans. We are Africans regardless of whether or not many of our people understand our historical relationship with Africa, because the reality is that most of our people have got our education — in the United States and in Africa itself — from the colonizer who is responsible for our conditions. So we got the same education that you got. We were taught in schools that slavery was something wonderful. Even now, the president of France talks about how Africa has never brought any kind of contribution to the world and that it is quite “uncivilized.” The British and the French have talked now about having to introduce into schools the benefits of colonialism, the good things that colonialism did. Poor, diseased and undemocratic Europe rescued itself by attacking Africa My friends, the reality is that when Africans met Europe, it was not Africa who was poor; it was Europe that was poor. When Africans met Europe, it was not Africans who were unhealthy; it was Europe that was unhealthy. The reality is that when we met Europe, Europe lived under a system of feudalism. There was no freedom or democracy in Europe. We met Europe during a time when kings would actually tell free men to shut up, not the 21st century, when free men tell kings to shut up! When we met Europe, there was no such thing as ordinary Europeans owning your own homes. There’s a saying in the United States: “a man’s home is his castle.” No, the castle was the place where the nobility resided when we met Europe. The fact of the matter is that in the four short years between 1347 and 1351, half the people in Europe died of plague. For the next 100 years, Europe suffered the consequences of that and several other plagues. 9 You cannot lose half your population in four years and have a viable economy! It was a poor and impoverished Europe that rescued itself from poverty and disease through the invasion of the rest of the world. We are told that Europeans came to Africa and the Americas to export Christianity and civilization, but the reality is that Europe was impoverished and diseased, and if they had anything to export it was poverty and disease. Europe attacked the rest of the world with a vengeance. Europe rescues itself by attacking the rest of the world We are talking about the development of impoverished Europe, a place that did not exist as a concept up until the 17th century. Europe achieved its identity as a concept through the process of slavery and colonialism. Prior to slavery and colonialism, Europeans identified and defined themselves primarily in relationship to each other. It was only as a consequence of slavery and colonialism, the competing drive to capture human beings and resources from around the world, that Europe increasingly began to define itself, not primarily in relationship to each other, but primarily in relationship to the rest of us. It was a process that saw the entire ecosystem of the Atlantic Ocean changed as a consequence of the attack on Africa and African people being shipped across the Atlantic. Millions of Africans would die in the process. Some were thrown overboard. Some refused to go willingly and leapt overboard. Some threw their children overboard rather than see them go into slavery. Schools of sharks actually learned to follow those ships from Africa across the Atlantic. There is an umbilical cord connecting Africans in Africa and in America, made of the skeletons crossing the Atlantic Ocean; a highway of bones of African people. That is our connection. That is something that I think is fundamentally important to understand when we look at where we are today. It has its origin sometime ago in the history of this relationship. There was the aggression against China in 1841-1842. The so-called “Opium War” turned China into a nation of addicts for the benefit of England, which was a participant in the development of the entire economy of Europe. We’re talking about France, which held Vietnam as a colony for 100 years or more in addition to what it was doing in Africa. Most of the colonial resources coming from Vietnam to France were in the form of the drug opium. There were at least 3,000 legal opium dens in Vietnam under French colonialism. We’re talking about Portugal, which by 1500, had itself brought out some 700 tons of gold from Africa. These are resources that went to developing Europe — a Europe that was impoverished, diseased, and unfree when we first came into contact with it. We are here because you were there Despite the fact that today, Africa is so wealthy in terms of natural resources, we are treated as beggars across the world. We are in Spain as “illegals.” We are in England and France as “illegals.” There’s a saying among Africans that goes, “We are here because you were there.” [Applause] I think it is necessary for us to deal with this reality, because both Africans and non-Africans live under some kind of illusion about this relationship. It is an illusion that somehow getting to America or getting to some place in Europe is our salvation. When we are in Africa, that is how we feel. Then those Europeans and North Americans often feel also that somehow we are intruding on Europe and North America by being here and that we are somehow impacting upon the resources that ought naturally to go to Europe and North America. But the truth of the matter is when I walk through the streets in Amsterdam and I see the incredible architecture, the obvious wealth, the magnificent social system that takes care of their elderly and gives them tremendous amounts of resources after they can no longer work — when I look at that, I have to recognize the fact that Holland built itself off of slavery. I have to recognize that the first Africans who came to North America came in slave ships from Holland! Holland took so many resources from what we now refer to as South Africa, and the fact is that Holland is not alone in this relationship to Africa. Not only did these things happen, but on the backs of these things like slavery and colonialism, we saw the emergence of things like the Industrial Revolution that changed all of see Solidarity, not Charity! on pg.11 > ¡LA VERDAD! < Democracy, Power & the Press from pg.3 used the studios of RCTV to prepare their subversive transmissions. In early 2007 RCTV’s license to transmit a national signal expired and was not renewed by the popular and democratic government of Venezuela. RCTV finally went off the public airwaves as a result of the expiration of its state license, and the Bolivarian government turned these public airwaves over to a public Venezuelan television station called Venezuela Social Television (TVes). In a sick display of reactionary arrogance, RCTV and the old political elites of Venezuela rallied a campaign in the “defense of freedom of the press” that hit a fever pitch throughout Latin America and inside the political borders of the US in May of 2007. It was then when we saw that a group of all white actors and “journalists” - in an Indigenous/African country - protesting in the streets for having their classist and racist novelas taken off the air. These RCTV racist right wing cretins - who had called for the assassination of the Venezuelan president and directly participated in the overthrow of the government - screamed and cried their hollow indignation mimicking Paris Hilton as she was sentenced to 15 minutes in jail. Seeing that their elite Venezuelan partners in media criminality had lost their privileges, corporate media outlets around the world cried crocodile tears about over this “terrible blow against freedom of expression.” (For more on RCTV see Corporate Media Outraged: Venezuela Expands Free Speech, This RCTV puppet show was built up as an international capitalist-imperialist campaign and was imposed on the world, to the point of obsession, hollering that an “attack on freedom of speech” had occurred in Venezuela, and that we should have been offended and indignant at this “steamrolling of human rights.” These media corporations are nothing but compulsive liars – not long ago they tried to justify the Iraq war, they launched mass media war against those terrible “illegal aliens,” and even today continue to call the Pakistani dictator “President Musharraf” a beacon for democracy for his “plans to spread freedom throughout [his] country.” (See http://www. If we examine what has taken place since Musharraf’s meeting with Bush in March of 2006 here is the democracy that Bush upholds: Musharraf has cancelled elections, suspended the constitution, implemented Martial Law, arrested his opposition, and his political oponent Benazir Bhutto, was assasinated. (See Bush More Emphatic In Backing Musharraf, He Says Leader ‘Believes in Democracy’, Washington Post, November 21, 2007). These are the same media corporations that orchestrated the slanderous campaign against the Venezuelan government. If we examine what the rich consider to be “freedom of expression,” it does not include access to information or access to education. The freedom they speak of is that exclusive freedom reserved for the transnational corporations and “globalized” imperialist companies who finance these media outlets through paid advertisements. Simply put, these so-called journalists publish what is convenient to Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, Citibank, and any number of huge businesses that treat Latin America like a giant ATM machine. We must understand that these are not small, struggling newspapers, but massive corporate businesses receiving subsidies from the US to mold public opinion in support of the rich. OUR PEOPLE IN VENEZUELA ARE CHALLENGING THE ESCUALIDOS (RICH) With the 1998 election of Hugo Chávez and the referendum of people’s power with the ratification of the 1999 Bolivarian Constitution in Venezuela, the people, through participatory democracy, have challenged the racism and privileges of the rich, or “escualidos” as they are known in Venezuela. Many compañeras and compañeros who have traveled to Venezuela have seen this process with their own eyes, and inform us of a reality totally different than what Televisa, Univision, Telemundo, and RCTV want to make us believe. Julio-Diciembre 2007 Those of us who believe in humanity and the liberation of our peoples know that “freedom of the press” is not a freedom to deceive and deny people our freedom of being informed. Capitalist society hypocritically manipulates and suppresses information when it feels the need to, and then howls in protest when a country takes measures to protect its freedom and sovereignty from foreign sabotage. We must analyze the role of the media in Venezuela, and it’s implications here in the occupied territories (Aztlán –México Ocupado), and under capitalism in general. Living under capitalism (where the means of production are in the hands of the rich) means that what is most important to those who rule society is not the common good for the majority These elections were not mentioned on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, La Opinion, Univision, Telemundo, etc.; they never mentioned a word of this to its U.S. audience. So while the US laments and ignores that in Cuba there is a democratic process that is most profound, they also protests that there are no media outlets in Cuba to provide a different point of view other than what the socialist government provides. Yet, they ignore the electoral process is one that actively involves 98% of the people. Through the mass organizations (Women’s Federation, The Labor Committees, Communist youth, and infant Pioneers), Cuba is a society united under solid principles of solidarity, justice and truth, a society led by the vanguard of the Cuban Revolution, the Communist Party of Cuba. The media in Cuba works to keep the Cuban population as some of the most well informed people in the world. When we analyze the composition of Cuba’s candidates to the National Assembly we can see just how strong the guiding principles of Socialist Cuba are; as this society has involved an entirely new generation of Cubans in its democracy, with 60.91% (374) of the 614 candidates representing people born before the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959; 21.82% (134) were below the age of 10 when the Revolution triumphed; and only 17.25% (106) knew what Capitalism was on the island of Cuba. (See Cuba Socialista 0008102parla.html). On January 20th 2008, Cuba will show the world, especially the U.S. dictatorship of the rich, what a true democracy looks like, when the people will vote a second time, this time to elect the Deputies to the National Assembly and we can expect that the corporate media will ignore the popular election and will of the Cuban people. Pioneros cubanos, guardianes de la democracia Pioneer Youth, custodians of Democracy in Socialist Cuba of human beings; the only thing the rich ruling class cares about is the concentration and accumulation of wealth and resources. For this reason the media functions as a tool for social control. The job of the media is to advance the interests of the rich, and force upon the masses the “values” of the rich. The media tells us that we must identify with rich people (respect and aspire to be like them), and that big business is democratic and good for everyone. On the other hand, the corporate media teaches us (directly and indirectly) that we must hate our own class (the workers, poor people) by presenting us as ignorant, uncultured lawbreakers. This is brainwashing, and explains how so many workers in the US prefer to identify themselves as “middle class,” continue voting against their own interests, and speak with contempt and disgust of the class they really belong to (workers and the working class). THE CASE OF CUBA: POPULAR DEMOCRACY IS PEOPLE’S POWER The case of Cuba demonstrates the clearest example of popular expression and democracy unparalleled in the world. To illustrate this we need to look at the political process taking place in Socialist Cuba today, where the capitalist media has not mentioned anything about the elections taking place throughout the island, as people elect their representatives to the National and Provincial Assemblies. It was on July 9th, 2007 that acting Vice President of the National Council, Raul Castro Ruz, convened the people to initiate popular elections for representatives to the Provincial as well as National Assemblies, an electoral process that has been in place since 1976. On every block, in every town and city in Socialist Cuba, the people nominated their candidates, and in October 2007 they conducted general elections for the Provincial Assemblies with 95.4% voter turn out; a number that represents 8,174,350 Cubans. (See Agencia Cubana de Noticias 10 It is a democratic process in which the aspirations of the people are represented, as they could never be in Gringolandia. This builds a truly Cuban consciousness, a love for culture, and solidarity with the peoples of the world. To demonstrate this, one only has to look at their social programs: free health care for its entire people, free education from pre-K to the University, decent and affordable housing. In addition, if we consider Cuba’s top two exports we can see their tremendous care and love for humanity; teachers and doctors are their top exports to the poorest parts of the world, including U.S. occupied Afghanistan. Cuba also offered to send as many as 1,586 doctors, each equipped with 55 lbs. of medicine, to treat the mostly African community of New Orleans who were left to die by the U.S. government after Hurricane Katrina; of course the United States government never responded to Cuba’s offer. (See Granma Internacional 37reitera.html) So when George W. Bush stood before the UN National Assembly on September 25 2007 and threatened the Cuban people with “regime change” as a solution to the “violation of human rights” and “the need for democracy and freedom of speech,” the Cuban delegation walked out. They returned the next day, led by Felipe Pérez Roque – Cuba’s Foreign Minister - and before the world exposed the hypocrisy of imperialism calling out Bush several times for perpetrating crimes against humanity (see Felipe Pérez Roque, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the 62nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, FPR/2007/FPR_260907.htm). We must ask ourselves what “rights” does the US pretend to advocate for in Cuba? Do they defend the right to exploit women, through pornography and objectifying them? Are they defending the right to portray African, Indigenous, and poor people in grotesque and degrading images as it happened before the Revolution? What is clear to us is that the US remains determined to impose its will on the Cuban people. Yet, we are confident that the will of the Cuban people is more powerful than the tanks, bombs, intimidation, and economic sanctions imposed by the imperialist US government. This is why Unión del Barrio stands in unconditional solidarity with Socialist Cuba. Unión del Barrio July-December 2007 < FCR-Ventura de la pg.8 Cada año, más de 400 personas mueren cruzando la frontera de EE.UU/México, una frontera que cada día es más militarizada. Este “Muro de la Muerte,” día tras día lo expanden, y cada día más agentes de la Migra incrementan sus números, registrándose para aterrorizar y perseguir a los trabajadores como animales. Cada día, un político racista o sus lacayos, tratan de implementar sus leyes opresivas contra migrantes, contra los trabajadores que se vienen cruzando la frontera. La Migra ha descargado una ola de represión contra de los trabajadores migrantes, hombres, mujeres y niños con leyes y planes como el Operativo Guardian, una estrategia que obliga a los migrantes a morir cuando cruzan la frontera tras del desierto. Otro plan vicioso a reprimirnos, es Operation Endgame (Operación Fin del Juego), donde dice que quieren crear la infrestructura para así deportar 12 millones de trabajadores indocumentados de los Estados Unidos para el año 2012. El ciclo de temor y muerte sigue y ahora los mismos campesinos forzados de sus tierras en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, y otros estados están aquí en los barrios de los Estados Unidos, despertándose a las cuatro de la mañana cada día para ir a recoger los mismos cultivos que mandan alrededor del mundo, haciendo los que están arriba más ricos, mientras nosotros al fondo nos hacen más pobres. Así como nuestros hermanos y hermanas, los Zapatistas, bajaron de la Selva Lacandona de Chiapas en la víspera de 1994 cuando establecieron la primera fase de TLC. Nosotros, ahora, catorce años después, en esta víspera del 2008, en uno de los barrios Mexicanos mas viejos en California, el Barrio de La Colonia, declaramos ¡Ya Basta! Hacemos el llamado a todos que están en el lado de la humanidad a unirse con nosotros y luchar por la justicia y dignidad. < Ventura-FCR from pg.8 “Standing Up to NAFTA”) For the rich this is good news, but for us, the working poor, it signals more poverty, more repression, and more death. This is why we resist. We resist the oppression and exploitation of our work, our lands, our community, and of Vamos a organizarnos en los próximos cuatro our dignity. meses que siguen en preparación de nuestra Marcha Por la Dignidad que se llevará acabo Every year over 400 people die crossing the el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores, 1º U.S./Mexico border, a border that each day de Mayo, 2008, en el parque La Colonia, is more militarized. Every day this Wall of aquí en la cuidad de Oxnard. Los esperamos Death stretches onward, inch by inch, and aquí, marchen con nosotros. Si no puedes everyday more Migra agents are added to venir, organicen una Marcha Por la Dignidad the ranks, signed ujp to terrorize and chase en tu comunidad, dondequiera que estén. No down workers like hunted animals. Every day, podemos marchar por ese día nada mas, ni some racist politician or their lackey, conjures creer que los políticos van a resolver nuestras up new legal ways to implement their laws problemas, necesitamos organizarnos. of oppression against migrants, against the workers that come across the Wall of Death. Como dijeron nuestros herman@s Zapatistas en la Primera Declaración de la Selva The Migra has unleashed a wave of repression Lacandona, debemos organizar y luchar against migrants, against workers, men, women para el trabajo, la tierra, el hogar, comida, and children with laws and plans like Operation salud, educación, independencia, libertad, Gatekeeper, a plan that forces migrants to democracia, la justicia y la paz. Estamos cross the border through the deserts to die. At en la misma lucha de nuestros hermanos y the same time, another vicious plan to repress hermanas Chiapanecos, porque nosotros us is Operation Endgame, a plan that aims to Somos…, como exclamamos claro y fuerte deport 12 million undocumented workers out en las Mega-Marchas de 2006 contra la of the United States by the year 2012. ley racista HR-4437,…Un Pueblo Sin Fronteras! The cycle of fear and death continues and now the very same campesinos that are forced off ¡Alto a TLC! ¡Alto al Terror de la Migra! our lands in Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, and ¡El Pueblo Unido; Jamás Será Vencido! other areas of Mexico, are here in the barrios of the United States, waking up at 4 a.m. Frente Contra Las Redadas del Condado del everyday, to go pick the same crops that are Ventura shipped off around the world, making those Territorio del Pueblo Indígena Chumash at the top richer, while we at the bottom get poorer. < Solidarity, not Charity! from pg. 9 Europe. When we met Europeans, the vast majority of Europeans lived as serfs, tied to the land in the feudal system. They weren’t slaves, but they were the next closest thing to slaves. They couldn’t be sold as Africans were later sold, but if the land was sold, they went with the land, tied to it without freedom. And now we have the emergence of all these resources coming from Africa and the rest of the world that begins to transform European society. Africa’s relationship to Europe enforced at gunpoint In the 1960s, all of us saw so much hope for our Africa. Osagyefo Doctor Kwame Nkrumah was such a shining example that fought for a united Africa. People like Patrice Lumumba, a great patriot, loved Africa and died for Africa, and there were countless numbers of others. We had so much hope for our Africa, and then, of course, we saw a terrible aggression against Africa. We have in this congress now, to talk about relationships between North and South, but these are relationships that have been imposed at gunpoint! Kwame Nkrumah was overthrown by the U.S. government. It created the coup. The United States, France and Belgium were actually engaged in a race to see who could kill Lumumba first! This is an objective reality. There is evidence of this today. I am not telling anybody something that is a secret. Right? Why? Because Nkrumah said that the wealth of Africa should belong to Africa and African people. Nkrumah understood that the colonial borders that had been created by imperialism locked us into poverty and said that the only way that Africa could survive and move into the future was through being united and liberated! Lumumba stood for the same thing, and there were people like Sobukwe in South Africa and others. This is what we are contending with. It is no accident. Africa did not volunteer for this! Even the most rabid, right wing, foaming-at-the-mouth forces throughout Europe and North America have to admit today that human life itself originated in Africa. This tells us that Africa is not hostile to life. It is the place on earth that is most naturally the friendliest to life itself. There was nobody from Manchester, England or Paris, France that went to Africa and created life. Life emerged in Africa. Civilization emerged in Africa — great civilizations. So why is Africa poor today? Africa held in parasitic relationship with Europe and U.S. I contend that there is a relationship between the poverty of Africa and the wealth of Europe and North America. This relationship is tied to slavery, to colonialism, and to instruments of coercion that have been created in the wake of slavery and colonialism to keep Africa trapped in the place where it is today. Africa is trapped into a parasitic relationship with Europe and North America. We’re in a university here where I’m sure they teach what parasitism is all about. A parasite must have a host to live on. You can’t convince a parasite to leave a host. You can’t pray a parasite off a host. Parasites must have a host in order to exist. So it seems to me, the question we are confronted with is what is the responsibility of Africa and African people? What must we do to change the reality that in most of Africa, we see African women who will work all day just to get enough food for that day? We see African children who would walk miles to get water, because there is no clean water in most of Africa. We see people who are trapped in the most miserable kind of poverty in the place that has so much wealth — even as they are sitting in a place where they see their wealth leaving in trucks going to Europe on a daily basis. We talk about immigrants? It’s so difficult today for Africans to travel anywhere — to Europe or the United States from Africa. “You can’t come.” “You’re some kind of illegal.” What we must tell them is, “When we come here, we are chasing our own resources that have been taken from Africa and transformed. You may have forgotten where they have come from, but I remember!” Imperialist aggression increasing As you know, George W. Bush, and the one who came before him and the one before him and before him, saw as their national interest oil that is under the sands of the people of Saudi Arabia and other places like that. Coltan that comes from Congo is seen as being in their national interest. Right now, the United States is creating this thing called AFRICOM (the African Command), where they will have even more U.S. troops in Africa to control Africa. Right now, in the Gulf of Guinea, there is new increasing U.S. military intervention. Of course, it has nothing to do with the oil that they have found there and the growing contest for oil that they have with China that is also oil-hungry. We are told that they are doing this for our own good — like when they first came and got us to bring us to Christianity and civilization. 11 Just as our brothers and sisters, the Zapatistas, descended down from the Chiapas Lacandon Jungle on the eve of 1994 when the first phase of NAFTA was implemented, we today, fourteen years later, on this eve of 2008, in one of the oldest Mexican barrios in California, el Barrio de La Colonia, declare Ya Basta! Enough is Enough! We call on all those that stand on the side of humanity to join us and fight for justice and dignity. We will organize for the next four months in preparation for our March for Dignity that will take place on International Workers’ Day, May 1, 2008 in Colonia Park, here in the city of Oxnard. Meet us here, march with us. If you cannot come, organize a March for Dignity in your community, wherever you are. But as we march, we must understand that we cannot just march for one day or believe that politicians will solve our problems. We must organize ourselves. As our Zapatista sisters and brothers said in the First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, we must organize and struggle for work, land, housing, food, health care, education, independence, freedom, democracy, justice and peace. We are in the same struggle as our Chiapaneco brothers and sisters, because we are, as we said loud and clear in the Mega-Marchas of 2006 against the racist law HR-4437, One People Without Borders! Stop NAFTA! Stop Migra-Terror! El Pueblo Unido! Jamas Sera Vencido! Frente Contra Las Redadas del Condado del Ventura Chumash Peoples’ Territory We must say “no!” No to AFRICOM. No to this imperialist intervention. We must do this. The countries and their governments won’t do this. Africa must be united under African working class leadership I want to finally say this: the primary project that I am working on is called the African Socialist International (ASI), where we have as an objective the organizing of African revolutionary organizations everywhere on Earth where African people live. I speak passionately about Africa as our Africa, not as some observer. We work in South Africa right now. We work in Swaziland as well. We work in Kenya. We work in West Africa — in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea-Conakry under the worst kinds of circumstances under the puppet governments that serve imperialism and not our own people. We work in Europe, primarily in England, and throughout North America. Our responsibility is to build the organization that Garvey and Nkrumah talked about. There is not going to be a free Ghana or a free Nigeria separate from the rest of Africa and African people. Africa must be free. Africa must be united in order to even have access to its own resources. Some Africans may disagree with this. They may say, “Oh, I’m Nigerian or I’m Sudanese or I’m something else so I have no relationship to the rest of Africa.” But even as we are having these silly arguments, there are Europeans from France, North America, Germany, England, Spain, and all these other places who are sucking the blood of Africa. So they act like Pan Africanists even as we run away from the fact that Africa must be united. So we have to fight for all of Africa in order for African people everywhere to be free. So our primary project is to unite and build a revolutionary organization with the understanding that the freedom of Africa will have to be taken, not given to us. We have to forge relationships with other freedomloving people all over the world in this process. That’s how I know who’s my friend when I hear an argument between Hugo Chavez and the king of Spain. ¡Viva Hugo Chavez, El Presidente! We stand on the side of the future, and the future belongs to the oppressed peoples of the world. Africa does not need charity. Africa needs solidarity. So, hopefully, there is solidarity here. Izwe Lethu I Afrika! [Africa is Our Land!] Uhuru! ¡LA VERDAD! Unión del Barrio Projects • Proyectos de Unión del Barrio Raza Rights Coalition • Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza Committee on Raza Rights • Comité Pro-Derechos de la Raza Unión del Barrio promueve el desarrollo de colectivos comunitarios que abogan por la defensa de la comunidad Mexicana. Nuestra membresía participa activamente en estos colectivos para promover el poder independiente y avanzar la lucha por la auto-determinación de nuestro pueblo. Este trabajo se desempeña bajo el liderazgo de Unión del Barrio o como proyectos directos de Unión del Barrio. Entre los colectivos existe La Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza en San Diego y Los Angeles, y el Comité Pro-Derechos de la Raza en Oxnard. Unión del Barrio promotes mass based community collectives to advance Raza Self-Determination to build independent power. Our communities have identified the following statement of purpose and list of demands that unite these collectives. This work is carried out either under the leadership of Unión del Barrio or as direct projects of Unión del Barrio. The San Diego and Los Angeles based Raza Rights Coalition and the Oxnard based Committee on Raza Rights function as these mass based community groups. Así Pensamos: This Is What We Believe: Mucho más temprano que tarde, los millones de mexicanos que somos explotados económicamente, que somos victimas de la represión y la opresión, optaremos por la autodefensa, por la organización, seremos libres, y no habrá ley, fuerza o gobierno que pueda detener nuestro proceso libertario. La existencia de la Coalición Pro-Derechos de La Raza se basa en los derechos fundamentales de nuestro pueblo por alcanzar la justicia, la igualdad y una existencia libre del racismo, de la explotación, del sexismo y de la ignorancia. Buscamos una vida digna donde la represión, la inseguridad y la brutalidad de la policía y de la migra sean cosas del pasado. Este es el futuro que hoy empezamos a construir. Creemos en la construcción de una organización independiente y democrática, libre de instituciones gubernamentales, que promueva nuestra cultura y el derecho innegable a la libre determinación de nuestro pueblo. POR ESTO LUCHAMOS: 1. Empleo total con trabajos sindicalizados y salarios dignos 2. Educación culturalmente relevante y de calidad, publica y accesible en todos los niveles, para nuestra juventud- incluyendo educación bilingüe y Estudios Chicanos/La Raza 3. Servicios de salud gratuitos y de calidad para todo el pueblo 4. Vivienda decente y económicamente alcanzable 5. Control comunitario de la policía y los Sheriffs 6. Abolición de la Patrulla Fronteriza y la desmilitarización inmediata de la Frontera 7. Alto a la importación de drogas a nuestros barrios 8. Alto al intervencionismo de Estados Unidos en México, América Latina y el mundo 9. Suspensión inmediato al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLCAN, CAFTA, ALCA, etc.) y el apoyo al La Alternativa Bolivariana de las Americas (ALBA) 10. Exigimos un medio ambiente limpio y saludable. 11. Justicia social y verdadera democracia en México. ¡POR LA DIGNIDAD LUCHAMOS! San Diego P.O. Box 620095 San Diego, CA 92162 (619) 696-9224 Sooner or later, the millions of Mexicanos that are economically exploited, politically repressed and oppressed, will choose to defend ourselves, we will organize ourselves, and we will liberate ourselves and there will be no law, physical force, or governmental institution that will be able to hold back our liberation. The existence of the Raza Rights Coalition is based on the basic right of our people to pursue justice, equality, and a life free of racism, exploitation, sexism, ignorance, physical and cultural repression, insecurity, racist laws, and police/migra brutality. This is the future we are building. We believe in building independent community based organization and power, free from all government institutions and corruption, promoting political, economic, and socio-cultural self-determination. THIS IS WHAT WE STRUGGLE FOR: 1. Full employment with union jobs and decent wages. 2. Quality education for all our children including Chicano/Raza Studies and Bilingual Education at all levels. 3. Free health care for all people 4. Decent affordable housing 5. Community control of the police and sheriffs 6. Abolishment of the racist Border Patrol and the demilitarization of the Mexico/U.S. border 7. End to the importation and promotion of drugs in our communities and barrios 8. An end to U.S. intervention in Mexico, Latin America and all over the globe 9. An immediate halt to all Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, etc.) and support for the Alternativa Bolivariana Para las Americas (ALBA) 10. A Clean and Healthy Environment 11. Social justice and true democracy in México ¡POR LA LIBERTAD VENCEREMOS! Los Angeles Ventura/Oxnard P.O. Box 20411 Oxnard, CA 93034-0411 (805) 436-5901 LIBERACIÓN EXIGE ORGANIZACIÓN ¡La Verdad! is published by Unión del Barrio as a means to provide political education and information to its membership, supporters, and other movement forces. ¡La Verdad! is currently the most widely read completely Independent Chicano Mexicano liberation publication and circulates throughout occupied Mexico/Aztlán; from San Diego to San Antonio, Texas. ¡La Verdad! is the political organ of Unión del Barrio, therefore the writings herein represent the collective voice of Unión del Barrio and its projects. Any questions, comments or responses directed at Unión del Barrio or its publications must be addressed to: Unión del Barrio c/o La Verdad Publications P.O. Box 620095 San Diego, Califas 92162 ¡LA VERDAD! se publica por Unión del Barrio con el propósito de proveer educación e información para su membresía, simpatizantes y otras fuerzas dentro del movimiento. Actualmente ¡La Verdad! es un periódico que circula extensamente por todos los territorios ocupados mexicanos (Aztlán); desde San Diego, Califas hasta San Antonio Tejas; ¡La Verdad! es el periódico más leído con orientación de lucha por la Liberación Nacional Mexicana. Es el órgano político de Unión del Barrio; por lo tanto, representa la voz colectiva de Unión del Barrio y sus proyectos. Cualquier pregunta, comentario o respuesta dirigida a Unión del Barrio o sus publicaciones deberán ser dirigidas a: Unión del Barrio c/o La Verdad Publications P.O. Box 620095 San Diego, Califas 92162