11.10.2013 Bulletin - Annunciation Catholic Church
11.10.2013 Bulletin - Annunciation Catholic Church
Church of the Annunciation NOVEMBER 10, 2013 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES Saturday: 9:00 a.m., Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - Miraculous Medal Novena before 9:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. And by appointment SACRAMENTAL APPOINTMENTS Baptism: Baptism preparation is required and family must be registered in the parish. Please contact parish office for more information. Confirmation: Confirmation preparation is coordinated within our Religious Education program for those in grades 7-8 and through our RCIA program for adults. Please contact parish office for more information. Weddings: Arrangements should be made through the Mission Statement Through the power of the Holy Spirit Annunciation parish exists to further God’s reign in all its members. Through worship, education and prayer, we come together to minister to all God’s people in healing and reconciling love. parish office at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Rite of Christian Initiation: For those who are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith and/or interested in becoming Catholic. Please call the parish office. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office if you would like to receive this sacrament. 3125 39th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20016 Phone: 202-362-3323 Fax: 202-237-0652 Website: www.annunciationdc.org Church of the Annunciation Page 2 Parish Office 3125 39 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20016 Phone: 202-362-3323 / Fax: 202-237-0652 Email: parish@annunciationdc.org Web: www.annunciationdc.org th Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pastoral Staff Pastor: Rev. Msgr. V. James Lockman x19 lockman@annunciationdc.org Deacon William Maksymiec In Residence: Most Rev. Barry Knestout Rev. Antony Raj Weekend Associates: Rev. John Crossin, O.S.F.S. Rev. Wayne Paysse Rev. David Fitz-Patrick Rev. Msgr. Gregory Gordon Pastoral Associate: Sr. Kathleen Griffin, S.N.J.M. x22 kgriffin3@verizon.net Director of Religious Formation: Ms. Patrice Morace x13 morace@annunciationdc.org School Principal: Mrs. Jodi Reagan (202) 362-1408 principal@annunciationschool.net Music Minister: Mr. Frank Conlon (202) 332-3133 frankconlon@comcast.net Young Adult Minister: Mrs. Lisa Directo Davis x15 yamannunciationcrosswalks@gmail.com Administrative Assistant: Ms. Dorian Belmonte x10 parish@annunciationdc.org Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 A king tortured a Jewish family, and tried to make them violate the laws. They all refused to give in and violate the laws. All of the family members told the king they would rather die at his hands than surrender their hope of being resurrected by God. Second Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5 Paul prays that the Thessalonians will be strengthened by God. He also asks them to pray that God's word will continue to spread, despite the persecution of Christians that was occurring at that time. Gospel: Luke 20:27-38 Jesus encountered some Sadducees who did not believe in resurrection. Jesus refuted them by quoting Moses, who called the Lord the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus then said. "God is not the God of the dead but of the living. All are alive for him." Business Manager: Ms. Lillian Lleras x14 lleras@annunciationdc.org Facilities Manager: Mr. David Slusarczyk Pray with Scripture… Data Processor: Mrs. Tina Lindberg x12 lindberg@annunciationdc.org Pastoral Council Chair – Dr. Hugh Dempsey Finance Committee Chair – Mr. David Brown Parish Registration: is encouraged. Form is available in the pamphlets racks and on our website. If you are moving, please call or send a note to the Parish Office. Bulletin: Information must be in the Parish Office no later than noon on Monday for the following weekend’s bulletin. No notices may be placed on the Bulletin Board without prior approval from the Parish Office. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6 Wis 2:23―3:9; Lk 17:7-10 Wis 6:1-11; Lk 17:11-19 Wis 7:22b―8:1; Lk 17:20-25 Wis 13:1-9; Lk 17:26-37 Wis 18:14-16, 19:6-9; Lk 18:1-8 Church of the Annunciation Page 3 ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Friday, November 15, 6-8:30 Preview Night $15 till 11/10, $20 at the door, Adults only Price includes first dibs on all the incredible deals, 2 glasses of wine and appetizers. Saturday, November 16, 9-4 Free and open for all ages. Lunch, 11-2: Rocklands & Surfside Food Trucks Sunday, November 17, 10-12:30 Everything half price! BAZAAR HAPPENINGS: WALL OF WINE: TRY TO PULL A GOOD ONE! SILENT AUCTION PRIZE DRAWING RARE FINDS ANTIQUES JEWELRY CHRISTMAS DECORATION GIFT BASKETS PURSES SCARVES HOME DÉCOR CERAMIC DICKENS VILLAGE KIDS’ TOYS KITCHEN ITEMS LINEN ART WORK FOOD TRUCKS WAYS TO BUY YOUR $15 PREVIEW NIGHT TICKETS: TICKETS SOLD NOV. 10, 8:30-12:30, NEAR DONUTS & COFFEE, & DURING 11/13 RELIGIOUS ED. (SEE SUE LOHSEN) CHECKS, CASH, OR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED. MAIL OR DROP OFF YOUR CHECK AT CHURCH. ATTN: DORI BELOMNTE. ADD “PREVIEW NIGHT” IN YOUR MEMO LINE. DROP CHECK INTO COLLECTION WITH THIS FORM: NAME: ______________________ # TICKETS: __________________ Church of the Annunciation Page 4 Little Sisters of the Poor MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 11 Veteran’s Day 9:00 a.m. All Souls In Memory Tuesday, November 12 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:00 a.m. All Souls 11:00 a.m. All Souls In Memory In Memory In Memory Wednesday, November 13 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:00 a.m. All Souls 11:00 a.m. All Souls In Memory In Memory In Memory Thursday, November 14 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:00 a.m. All Souls 11:00 a.m. All Souls In Memory In Memory In Memory Friday, November 15 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:00 a.m. All Souls 11:00 a.m. All Souls In Memory In Memory In Memory Saturday, November 16 9:00 a.m. William Panke 5:30 p.m. Parishioners In Memory Intentions Sunday, November 17 7:30 a.m. Caroline Brown 9:00 a.m. Maryann Lloyd 10:30 a.m. George Albert Gomez Duran 12:30 p.m. Ledia D’Ocop In Memory In Memory In Memory Intentions Monday, November 11th is Veterans Day. There will be one daily Mass at 9:00am and Parish Offices will be OPEN. November 16-17 The Little Sisters of the Poor will be coming to our parish next weekend to request our assistance with their mission in caring for the Elderly Poor. The Sisters will be at the doors of the Church after each Mass to accept voluntary gifts of support. Thank you for your kindness to them. Poor Box Donations: During the month of November, donations will benefit The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. Thank you for your generosity. Join as we pray for members of our parish who are sick: Rosa Acosta Leo Baucher Alexander Beale John Campbell Marie Cavallo Maureen Decherd Cindy Maria de Jesus Pat Frohman Suzie Gaston Alessandra Gelmi Dolores Harrison Carol Kitsa Keith Kramer Lolita Lopez-Ceide Robert MacCarthy John O’Neill Kevin Reilly Patricia Schumann Dr. Henry Ulrich June Villarreal Suzanne Warshaw Lourdes Webb Kathleen Young Eleanor Ahern Maria L. Bratran Wayne Beard Lucy Cavallo Rosina Cervini Eleanor Depenbrock Mary De Paul Eleanor Gant Robert Gelb Mercedes Gonzales Eunice Hawley Bettina Kramer Mary Kay LeMense Helen Lynn Cornelia Meder Louise Parker Anita Schelp Jean Sirabella Rebecca Urmeneta June Walsh Lily Weaver Bernard Wise, Jr. Mario Yuri (Please use prudence if contacting those above.) Church of the Annunciation Page 5 Plan Ahead for That Special Time of the Year When We Remember Others!! CLOTHING DRIVE (November 9-10): Annual Clothing Drive Will Be Held In the School Gymnasium from 9am-5pm on Saturday and 9am-1pm on Sunday. All gently used clothing is welcome for donation. FOOD DRIVE (November 23-28): Thanksgiving Food Drive Collecting Of Canned and Dry Goods for Local Food Pantries CHRISTMAS PROJECT (November 30-December 1): Launching Of Our Parish Christmas “Family To Family” Christmas Project 2013 See upcoming bulletins and our webpage for further details on all the above. Dear Parishioners, Our Co-Chairs: Bethany Jones, Sue Lohsen and Becky Gardiner as well as many volunteers have been hard at work preparing for the Christmas Bazaar. I promise you that it will be an event you will not want to miss. See you on November 15 & 16. Remember all profits benefit our Seniors & Youth Ministries. Every good wish, Msgr. V. James Lockman Pastor Cardinal’s Appeal 2013 As of October 7 Annunciation Parishioners contributed $169,426.18 from 310 donors. Our goal is $180,000 which we have met every year. There are only a few weeks to go before the end of the year. Please consider giving to the Appeal now. I’m most grateful to the 310 donors and welcome many more so that we can reach our goal. Blessings, Msgr. V. James Lockman, Pastor ANNUAL KRISTALLNACHT OBSERVANCE TO BE HELD AT WASHINGTON HEBREW CONGREGATION On Wednesday, November 13th beginning at 7:30 p.m. Washington Hebrew Congregation will welcome congregants from Annunciation Church and St. Alban’s Episcopal Church for a Remembrance of “Kristallnacht,” the Night of the Broken Glass. Kristallnacht is the event which traditionally marks the beginning of the persecution of the Jews in Europe leading to the Holocaust. The evening features musical selections from all three choirs and a brief presentation. This year’s presenter is Eva Kor, a survivor and forgiveness advocate. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. SOCIAL CONCERNS COLUMN: Annunciation Parish and Holy Redeemer Parish We have been working with Holy Redeemer Parish at Christmas time for the last five years. Following is a short history of the church and parish. In 1917 some two plus hundred families who were residing in Northwest Washington attending St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church on North Capitol Street petitioned James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore to establish their own Catholic Church for “people of color”. The petition was granted and the founding of a new parish was established in 1919. Cardinal Gibbons asked the provincial of the Josephite Fathers to assign a pastor for the parish. The property for the new church was to be located at 210 New York Avenue, NW. The church would be called: Church of the Holy Redeemer and was dedicated in October of 1922. The church was founded and paid for by African American Catholics for the evangelization and Catholic education of other African American families in NW and NE regions of the city of Washington. Until 1955 the children went to St. Cyprian Catholic School. From 1955 to 1981 the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament staffed the Catholic Elementary School at Holy Redeemer which was built and completed in 1954-1955. This religious community of women was founded by Mother Katherine Drexel (now Saint Katherine Drexel). Their mission was to evangelize, catechize and instruct Indian and African American children and youth. A relationship between Holy Redeemer Church and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament has existed from the founding years of the parish. In a written agreement between the Blessed Sacrament Sisters and the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Mother Katherine gifted $8,000 to aid in the erection of the parish church to be used perpetually for the education in religion and secular knowledge for “people of color”. On July 2012 began a new relationship between Holy Redeemer Parish and the neighboring St. Aloysius Catholic parish. The Maryland province of the Society of Jesus could no longer staff St. Aloysius parish with Jesuit priests. The Provincial Council recommended to the Archdiocese of Washington that members of the parish of St. Aloysius merge into the neighboring Holy Redeemer parish. This process has been guided by the pastoral oversight of Father David Bava, the pastor at Holy Redeemer, since September 2012. Holy Redeemer Parish has increased with new members, many of whom are seniors on fixed income and families in need. Upcoming Young Adult Ministry Crosswalks November Events: (for those in your 20's-30's-40's) November 17 -Annunciation Sunday Young Adult Mass at 12:30pm Save the Date and Time! All Young Adults are invited to come to worship together and participate as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes (altar servers) Greeters, Singers/Musicians. Meet & Greet Lunch afterwards at Cactus Cantina (RSVP Required for Reservation) To be involved, contact Lisa at YamAnnunciationCrosswalks@gmail.com November 15 & 16 - Friday & Saturday - Annunciation Christmas Bazaar Shoppers Welcome & Shift Volunteers Needed (Clean Up Crew)! - Sign ups after Sunday Mass Today, Nov. 10th. Young Adult Shift Volunteers email Sue Lohsen: sue@lohsen.com FYI - November Theology On Tap Series - Tuesday Nights at 6pm Buffalo Billiards DC in Dupont Circle Real Struggles. Real Stories. - Stories of Faith in Young Adult Life November 12: Drifting to Belonging – Fr. Michael Paris. For more info: ADW.org/TOT or Facebook.com/DCCatholic To Be Added to the Young Adult Ministry Mailing List or For more Details and All Replies – email Lisa Directo Davis at YamAnnunciationCrosswalks@gmail.com RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Contact: Patrice Morace 202-362-3323 x13 morace@annunciationdc.org Children's Religious Ed Program On Friday, November 1, over 40 Confirmation students gathered to cut and sew Christmas Stockings for the DC kids, Inner City Project. Next month at our Community Service gathering we will be stuffing the hand-sewn stockings with toys and baking Christmas cookies for our troops. We were treated to some help from Father Baker, a young seminarian from Mt. St. Mary's. A fun time for all of us! Teachers are needed for our Sunday Kindergarten Program (9:30 am to 10:00am). Contact Patrice for details. November Calendar Grade 7 & 8 (CP1 & CP2 Community Service) Saturday, 16th - Parish Bazaar - Parish Center 9am to 5pm Reflection Paper Due 12/04 ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL 3825 Klingle Place, NW, Washington, DC 20016 / 202-362-1408 / info@annunciationschool.net Marketing Volunteers for Annunciation School Annunciation Catholic School needs volunteers (5-7) who are willing to work as a team to craft and implement a marketing plan for the school. The ambitious goal is to recruit 43 new students for the 20142015 academic year. The ideal team member will hold to the Catholic values of the school, have expertise in marketing, communication, or related skills, and work well with others. This high impact team is being formed by the Annunciation School Advisory Board at the request of Mrs. Jodi Reagan, the Principal, and Monsignor Lockman, the Pastor. If you are interested, or know someone within the school or parish who would be good on this team, please send an email to Don McCrabb (donald.mccrabb@gmail.com). Don is the Chair of the advisory board. The board would like to hear from you by November 18, 2013. Parent/Teacher Conferences are November 11th. November 20th is our next scheduled Open House from 9am-11am. Grandparents Brunch is November 26th. Senior parishioners are welcome to sign up. Please contact the school office to register, 202-362-1408. Mommy and me classes have begun Fridays at 9am in the school 10/25/13 – 12/20/13. Please sign up on our website, www.annunciationschool.net The YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON was a great success!! Mark Russell entertained us royally. Thanks to all who made the event so grand… especially Pat Draddy and Ann Marie McGovern who patiently registered all of our R.S.V.P.'s! Support our parish offertory and second collections by signing up with FAITH DIRECT; direct debit deductions. Enroll at www.faithdirect.net; parish code is DC43 or call (866) 507-8757 for a registration form. Second Collection Schedule: November 17 – Building Maintenance This week’s Bulletin is made possible by our sponsor W. L. Gary Co., Inc. Plumbing – Heating – Air Conditioning
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