February, 2008
Great Performances: Company has a local connection Super Tuesday on AM 1370/HD-FM 91.5-2 page 9>> page 35>> STATION SIGNALS TV21 | DTV | AM1370 | FM91.5/90.3/88.5/HD | REACHOUT RADIO | EDUCATION | WXXI.ORG M o n t h see page five february 2008 2 STATION SIGNALS february 2008 february 2008 STATION SIGNALS Dear Friend, We are now officially one year away from the transition to digital television (February 17, 2009). You’ll be seeing and hearing a lot over the next 12 months about what this means and how it affects you. This is a government mandate for all television stations, not just public television. But as a member of WXXI, I want you to know that we’ll do everything we can to assure that you still receive the programs you enjoy – and support! First, a reminder – if you subscribe to cable or satellite television, you probably won’t notice any change at all. The end of analog broadcasting will have the most impact on those who receive television over-the-air, that is, with an antenna. A year from now, you will have a decision to make. You can purchase a new digital television, which will bring in even more channels than you receive today (WXXI already broadcasts four digital channels, including one in High Definition). You can subscribe to cable or satellite. Or you can continue to use your current set with a converter box. This small box, which will soon be available for sale, will allow your current television set to receive the digital channels. For those who want to continue to receive free, over-the-air television (without buying a new receiver), the government is making coupons available to help purchase converter boxes. Every household is eligible for two coupons, each worth $40, to help pay for these boxes (you can’t put the coupons together, but you can purchase up to two boxes at a discount). Some companies have already announced that they will sell the converter boxes for around $40, so the coupon program may cover the entire cost of two converter boxes. You can read more about the coupon program, and how to apply on page 26 of this magazine. As many of our viewers already know, you don’t have to wait until next year to enjoy additional television channels from WXXI. We recently expanded Station Signals to include more information about WXXI-HD (cable 1011 or DT 21.1), WXXI-World (cable 524 or DT 21.2) and WXXI Create/ThinkBright (cable 433 or DT 21.3). Recently, we were pleased to add the new High Definition version of the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer to WXXI-HD. And these channels are in addition to the programs you already enjoy on our main channel (cable 11 or overthe-air channel 21). All these choices may sound confusing, but we’ll do our best to provide you the information and assistance you need to make the right choice. In the meantime, we have a great line-up of television and radio programs to celebrate “Black History Month.” African American Lives 2, a sequel to the acclaimed African American Lives (2006), will air on two consecutive Wednesdays, February 6 and 13 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXI-HD (cable 1011/ DT21.1). We are also hosting our first “African American Educational Awareness Film Series,” every Saturday during February. (You can find details on all the programs and films in the cover story on pages 5-6 of this magazine.) Whether you wake up to Simon’s Sunshine Show in the morning, get your news from AM 1370 or the NewsHour, enjoy Open Tunings on WRUR-FM, or just like to relax with Antiques Roadshow or a British comedy, WXXI has something for everyone. Cleary, you’ve discovered it. And your membership in WXXI shows that you certainly value it. February 7th marks the beginning of our important winter radio membership campaign. I hope that you will share with a friend the importance of supporting public radio and invite them to join our family. Also, if it’s time to renew your membership I encourage you to do so. Thank you for your support. It’s your belief in all that we do here that has made WXXI an essential community resource! Best regards, Norm Silverstein, WXXI President & CEO e-mail: norms@wxxi.org 3 4 february 2008 STATION SIGNALS Contents Executive Staff Norm Silverstein, President & CEO Susan Rogers, Executive VP & General Manager Jeanne E. Fisher, Vice President, Radio Kent Hatfield, Vice President, Technology & Operations Elissa Orlando, Vice President, Television Highlights ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cover Story ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 In the Neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 OnStage >> page 15 Television ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Classical 91.5/90.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 PHOTO: CLARK CONDE WXXI Board of Trustees Officers Sergio Esteban, Chair Diana Kurty, Vice Chair Steven Swartout, Treasurer Beth Ela Wilkens, Secretary Member Magazine Staff Jon Haliniak, Executive Editor Kristin Tutino, Editor Lynne Sanchez-Fries, Television Listings Editor Rhonda Austin, Radio Listings Editor Lili Schwartz, Designer Canfield & Tack, Printer Rochester Binding & Finishing Inc., Mailhouse Advertising Sales Robin Stone, Assistant VP of Sales & Marketing Rachael Kriteman-Landau, Director of Sales & Marketing Media Consultants, Sales & Marketing Douglas Spencer, George Radney, and Vlad Stefanovic The Metropolitan Opera >> page 27 WRUR 88.5...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 AM 1370 ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 out & about COVER PHOTO: Pansy Gates African American Lives 2 host Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s great-grandfather’s sister. Date unknown. TAKE A TOUR Check out where Bob Smith interviews his guests on 1370 Connection, walk on the set of Need to Know, see master control and an editing suite. Please join us for a tour of the station on Thursday, February 28 at 2 p.m. To reserve your spot, call (585) 258-0200. At Your Service! Member & Audience Services ........... 585.258.0200 WXXI Main Number ....................... 585.325.7500 Audience Response Line ................. 585.258.0360 Copies of Local Programs................ 585.258.0369 Reachout Radio ........................... 585.258.0333 Educational Resources ................... 585.258.0278 Volunteer Services......................... 585.258.0255 Corporate Sponsorships.................. 585.258.0285 Auction/Special Events ................... 585.258.0287 Newsroom .................................. 585.258.0340 WXXI On-line ...............................www.wxxi.org February 2008 Volume XXXIX, Issue 2 WXXI is a public non-commercial broadcasting station owned and operated by WXXI Public Broadcasting Council, a not-for-profit corporation chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. “Station Signals” (USPS 0742-390) is published monthly at 280 State Street, Rochester, NY 14614 to promote the programs and activities of the public broadcasting stations. Periodical mailing postage paid at Rochester, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address information to WXXI Program Guide, Membership Department, P.O. Box 30021, Rochester, NY 14603-3021. * Please note that all programs are subject to change. For up-to-date program listings, please consult your daily newspaper or log onto wxxi.org. www.pbs.org www.npr.org february 2008 COVER STORY 5 onorin AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY Poet Maya Angelou, author Bliss Broyard, actor Don Cheadle, publisher Linda Johnson Rice, athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee, comedian Chris Rock, rock ’n’ roll legend Tina Turner are just a few who will tell their compelling stories of personal discoveries in African American Lives 2, a sequel to the acclaimed African American Lives (2006). The new four-part series airs on two consecutive Wednesdays, February 6 and 13 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXIHD (cable 1011/DT21.1). Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. returns as the series’ host, guiding genealogical investigations down through the 20th century, Reconstruction, slavery and early U.S. history, and presenting cutting-edge genetic analysis that locates participants’ ancestors in Africa, Europe and America. African American Lives 2 is just one of many television and radio programs WXXI will broadcast to commemorate Black History Month. See a list of additional programs on page 6. WXXI is also proud to host its first African-American Educational Awareness Film Series, every Saturday in February from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at its studios (280 State Street). The screenings, each followed by a discussion, are free and open to the public, but reservations are required. To reserve your seat, call Shelley Figueroa at (585) 258-0278 or email sfigueroa@ wxxi.org. Featured films are listed at right. continued on page 6> Fannie Lou Hamer 2/2 THE PACT This gritty, provocative film tells the true-life story of three friends from the ‘hood, who made a pact in high school to find a way to go to college and then medical school. They not only accomplished this, but they’re now spreading the word to inspire other innercity kids to stay off of drugs, out of gangs and to take the educational route to a better life. 2/9 AMERICAN BLACKOUT In this Sundance prize-winning indictment of the election process, guerilla journalist Ian Inaba follows the efforts of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney to expose the disturbing tactics that systematically disenfranchise black voters and silence dissent. 2/16 A PANTHER IN AFRICA Produced by Aaron Matthews, this film tells the story of Pete O’Neal, one of the last exiles from the time of Black Power, when young rebels advocated black pride, unity, community service and sometimes violence. This event is a collaboration with P.O.V., PBS‚ award-winning nonfiction series (pbs.org/pov). 2/23 FANNIE LOU HAMER: COURAGE & FAITH This film chronicles the extraordinary life of Fannie Lou Hamer. Also screening is Malcolm’s Echo: The Legacy of Malcolm X., which centers around the pilgrimage to Malcolm X’s burial site that has taken place every year on his birthday since his assassination in 1965. 6 IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD february 2008 Additional BLACK HISTORY MONTH programming on WXXI-TV/HD and AM1370/FM-HD91.5-2 MEMORIES OF THE MOVEMENT, airing Saturday, February 2 at 3 p.m. on AM1370/FM-HD91.5-2, celebrates the courage, conviction and commitment of the everyday people who made extraordinary contributions to American social progress. Tavis Smiley hosts. PRINCE AMONG SLAVES, airing Monday, February 4 at 10 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXI-HD (cable 1011/DT21.1), tells the forgotten true story of an African prince who was enslaved in Mississippi for 40 years before finally achieving freedom and becoming one of the most famous men in America. Mos Def narrates. THE LITTLE ROCK NINE: FROM DESTINATION FREEDOM, airing Saturday, February 9 at 3 p.m. on AM1370/ FM-HD91.5-2, profiles the nine extraordinary black students who entered racially segregated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas on September 25, 1957. Their goal was to receive the same quality education afforded their white counterparts. Most Americans only knew of the social and political upheaval their efforts caused — not Ernest Green, Elizabeth Eckford, Jefferson Thomas, Dr. Terrence Roberts, Carlotta Walls LaNier, Minnijean Brown Trickey, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Thelma Mothershed-Wair and Melba Pattillo Beals. Host donnie l. betts examines why they succeeded where others did not. THE LAST LETTER HOME airing Saturday, February 16 at 3 p.m. on AM1370/FM-HD91.5-2, is a poignant retelling in radio drama and interview of the experience during World War II of the all African-American 332nd fighter group, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen. Producer and host donnie l. betts recreates this powerful tale through the fictionalized writing of a fighter pilot, who in a letter to his mother, describes how he hopes to drop “Mein Kampf” on Hitler’s office in Berlin as the U.S. bombs the city. INDEPENDENT LENS “BANISHED” airing Tuesday, February 19 at 10 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11), tells the story of three counties that violently expelled African American families from their towns a century ago—and the descendants that return to learn a shocking history. In SWINGTIME, airing Saturday, February 23 at 3 p.m. on AM1370/FM-HD91.5-2, narrator Tonea Stewart profiles three of the most famous Swing bands in 1930s and 40s. The program features the Bama State Collegians, the Prairie View Co-eds and the International Sweethearts of Rhythm. See photo on page 5. The Last Letter Home SPOTLIGHT ON A WXXI BUSINESS PARTNER Downtown Presbyterian Church “Our spiritual vitality has been called the best kept secret in Rochester.” —Rev. Pat Youngdahl, Co-Pastor, Downtown Presbyterian Church In 2015 Downtown Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 200th Birthday. Located at 121 N. Fitzhugh Street, Downtown Presbyterian Church is a welcoming congregation where children, youth, and adults from the Greater Rochester area find spiritual authenticity, soul-stirring music, and ways to make a difference in our world. Its spiritual life is passionate, progressive, and personal according to Rev. Pat Youngdahl and Rev. Gordon Webster, Co-Pastors, who strive to model equality and creative partnership between women and men. “Our spiritual vitality has been called the best kept secret in Rochester,” added Rev. Youngdahl. “We have long been known as a church that pursues peace and justice. Now, through our partnership with WXXI, we are creating additional awareness about our exciting music ministry, our outstanding Sunday School and Youth programs, our very popular and engaging Sunday Forum program for adults, our book groups, and most of all, our dedication to each other’s fullest spiritual authenticity. Each of us is on a journey, and every day we learn from each other. This is a very caring congregation, and we also know how to have fun!” When asked about the decision process of partnering with WXXI, Rev. Youngdahl explained, “We know that WXXI listeners and viewers are inquiring, thoughtful, community-oriented people, and we trust that some will want to experience a dynamic, diverse, vibrant congregation like ours.” For more information, visit www.downtownpresbyterianchurch.org PRINCE PHOTO: WANAKHAVI WAKHISI; LAST LETTER HOTO: GEORGIA STATE ARCHIVES/ITVS Prince Among Slaves IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD 7 Q&A PRINCE PHOTO: WANAKHAVI WAKHISI; LAST LETTER HOTO: GEORGIA STATE ARCHIVES/ITVS february 2008 Dinh La A special screening for those concerned about PRIVATIZATION The League of Women Voters, Rochester Metropolitan Area, and WXXI are pleased to host a screening of the POV film, Thirst, which examines community resistance to water privatization on Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 10 a.m. at WXXI’s studios. Is water part of a shared “commons,” a human right for all people? Or is it a commodity to be bought, sold, and traded in a global marketplace? Thirst tells the stories of communities in Bolivia, India, and the United States that are asking these fundamental questions. Please join us for this special screening followed by a discussion. The event is free, however seats are limited, so please reserve yours by calling 585-258-0200. pbs.org/pov MEMBERCARD PLUS BENEFIT OF THE MONTH Rochester Museum and Science Center 657 East Avenue Valid for 2-for-1 admission during the month of February 2008 585.271.4320 Call for details Check out RMSC’s two new permanent exhibits – Expedition Earth An Ever-Changing Planet where you can turn back the clock to explore ways that the earth and the life that it supports have changed over the last 500 million years in our region, and Expedition Earth You and Your Earth where you can investigate the vast array of living things that populate our region today, and discover the connections that we humans have to all the life forms around us. Education and Multimedia Producer Meet Dinh La, recently promoted from Editor and Operations Technician to Education and Multimedia producer. In his new position, he is in charge of producing Homework Hotline, WXXI’s statewide, live call-in show where master teachers help kids with homework problems right on the air. He also oversees content for the show’s Web site, provides multimedia and Interactive direction for WXXI’s Assignment: The World Web site and edits a variety of television projects including WXXI’s new TV series Taste of New York (which premieres this spring). Q. What’s the best part of producing Homework Hotline? A. Homework Hotline presents such a unique outlet for students in need of help with their homework. Being able to hear that “oh” or “now I get it” from behind the scenes is probably the best part of producing the show. To know that we helped a student understand how to work through their homework is immeasurable. I’m really excited about the future of the show, especially with the new technology we have brought onto the set. This technology provides us with tools, and limitless possibilities to better help students with their homework questions as we venture into this new age of Homework Hotline. Q. Homework Hotline launched a new Web site in 2007. Can you tell us a little about it? A. We are very excited about our newly launched Web site. Homeworkhotline.org is designed to be a destination for students, parents and teachers to get additional help with their homework, find resources or just have fun. The Web site receives thousands of visitors monthly and offers educational games, a video player with segments that have been broadcasted on the show or just helpful information. Students are encouraged to visit the Web site and leave homework questions or comments about the show via Yak Back. Q. We know Homework Hotline is your favorite kids’ show on WXXI-TV, what’s your second? A. I’m truly a fan of Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks. I love the stories that are told of Piggley Winks and his friends. The show is entertaining to watch, and the comic-relief of Wiley the Sheep is hilarious. I think the show is so well produced and animated, and really appeals to all ages. 8 IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD february 2008 Meet Liz Jackson-Renner GREAT PERFORMANCES: To say that Liz JacksonRenner’s interests are varied would indeed be an understatement! Well-read and traveled, Liz is a Board Member of Historic Pittsford and is President of the Pittsford Garden Club and manages to have weekly lunches with a group of friends who date back to Kindergarten! An area native, Liz moved back to Pittsford 15 years ago to care for her ailing mother who lived to be 101. Since her mother’s passing in 2005, Liz now devotes her time to many volunteer endeavors. She remembers her days volunteering for the WXXI Auction, “I modeled sunglasses! It was a lot of fun!” Liz has taken her dedication to WXXI and her community to the next level. She has included WXXI as well as a few other local organizations in her estate plans. Liz is now a member of the Alice Wood Wynd Legacy Society and would like to encourage you to consider including WXXI and other causes you care about, in your plans as well. “I feel it is important to give back and that’s what I hope to do.” Any planned or deferred gift makes you eligible to be a member of the Alice Wood Wynd Legacy Society. For more information, please contact Kathy Russell, Director of Major and Planned Giving at (585) 258-0319 or at krussell@wxxi.org. COMPANY ANYONE AND EVERYONE The Journey of Understanding a Gay Child WXXI, in partnership with ImageOut and The Gay Alliance, are pleased to host a free screening of the acclaimed film Anyone and Everyone on Sunday, February 3 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Little Theater 1, 240 East Avenue, Rochester. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. The film will be followed by a panel discussion. Anyone and Everyone tells the stories of families from Utah to North Carolina and Wyoming to New York, all connected by a common thread — a gay child. This poignant and often heartbreaking documentary by firsttime filmmaker Susan Polis Schutz (also a parent of a gay son) reveals families’ struggles and desire to accept their children’s sexual orientation. Local outreach sponsored by: Gay Alliance of Gensee Valley, ImageOut and WXXI. National outreach funding is provided by Iron Zeal Films. This film is presented in open caption with ASL Interpretation. < february 2008 The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical Company comes to television for the first time when the Great Performances special premieres on Wednesday, February 20 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV and WXXI-HD. The broadcast holds extra excitement for WXXI viewers, as one of the actors in the production is a Rochester native. BRUCE SABATH >> a Brighton High School alumnus who worked summer jobs during college at Eastman Kodak’s disk camera factory line and Xerox as a computer programmer, plays the role of Larry who is a close friend with the central character Bobby. Bobby, a non-committing bachelor, inadvertently discovers that his friends are planning to throw a surprise party for his 35th birthday. As Bobby drinks alone in his apartment, he imagines the impending party and recalls his odd relationships and those of his friends. Ultimately, Bobby is forced to evaluate his lifestyle, and he realizes that it is time for a change. The legendary composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim’s groundbreaking musical — which premiered in 1970 with a book by George Furth — has acquired generations of new fans through various new productions including its third turn on the Broadway stage in 2006. Acclaimed director John Doyle, noted for his unconventional adaptation of Sweeney Todd in 2005 (the actors double as orchestra musicians), took a similar approach to Company (Bruce plays the clarinet and drums), which received rave reviews and a Tony Award for “Best Revival” in the 2006-07 season. PHOTO: JOE SINNOTT-THIRTEEN/WNET < BRUCE SABATH, seventh performer in line Company, A Great Performances Special, premieres Wednesday, February 20 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXI-HD (cable 1011/DT21.1) TV HIGHLIGHTS 9 MORE ABOUT COMPANY’S Bruce Sabath High School: Brighton High School Higher Ed: Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University, M.B.A. from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Last Non-Acting Job: Director of Strategic Planning, American Express in NYC Acting Teacher: William Esper Big Break: A part in national tour of Victor/Victoria Last Show: The Company Last Film: Company Retreat, directed by Campbell Scott Last Commercial: Sears Holiday campaign Family: Wife, Karen and two sons, Jeremy (13) and Michael (9) Current Residence: Katonah, New York Parents: Martin and Margie Sabath (still live in Brighton) TV highlights Masterpiece The Complete Jane Austen ‘PRIDE AND PREJUDICE’ ™ Animator Hall Train with a microraptor model at the Hall Train Studios in Toronto The Four Winged Dinosaur Imagine a moment from the age of dinosaurs frozen in time: primitive birds, bees, insects, early mammals, the first known flowering plants and of course, dinosaurs all exquisitely preserved in fine-grained fossils from China’s Liaoning Province. Volcanic eruptions killed and buried victims quickly in this dinosaur Pompeii, capturing soft, fragile features not normally preserved in fossils — notably the feathers on animals that had never been known to have them before. Now, with state-of-the-art animation to bring this lost world to life, NOVA investigates the mysterious feathered dinosaurs that are challenging old ideas about the origin of bird flight. PHOTO: MARK DAVIS NOVA: The Four Winged Dinosaur airs Tuesday, February 26 at 8 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXI-HD (cable 1011/DT21.1) With five daughters, no sons and an entailed estate, the elder Bennets are in dire straits as they try to arrange advantageous marriages for their children. Wedding bells ring three times, but the path to true love is tortuous indeed. Colin Firth is Mr. Darcy and Jennifer Ehle is Elizabeth Bennet in the definitive adaptation of the most-loved of all Jane Austen’s novels. Masterpiece™ The Complete Jane Austen ‘PRIDE AND PREJUDICE’ premieres Sunday, February 10 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) and WXXI-HD (cable 1011/DT21.1) The Bennet Family PHOTO: ©BBC 1994 FOR MASTERPIECE™ february 2008 TV SCHEDULE 10 FEBRUARY primetime 8:00 PM 1 FRI 2 SAT 3 SUN 4 MON 5 TUE 6 WED 7 THU 8 FRI 9 SAT 10 SUN 11 MON 12 TUE 13 WED 14 THU 15 FRI 16 SAT 17 SUN 18 MON 19 TUE 20 WED 21 THU 22 FRI 23 SAT 24 SUN 25 MON 26 TUE 27 WED 28 THU 29 FRI 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30PM | | | | | | Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Keeping Up... | As Time Goes By | My Family | Home to Roost | Nature “Unforgettable Elephants” | Masterpiece “Miss Austen Regrets” | Queen Family | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 | American Experience “Grand Central” | Prince Among Slaves | Curious | NewsHour Primary Coverage | America’s Ballroom... “American Rhythm” | African American Lives 2 “Road Home/A Way Out of No Way” Parts 1 & 2 of 4 | This Old House “New Orleans” Part 1 of 2 | Ant. Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 | Globe Trekker “Argentina” | Washington Week | NOW | Need to Know | McLaughlin Group | Bill Moyers Journal | Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Keeping Up... | As Time Goes By | My Family | Home to Roost | Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 | The Mormons Part 1 of 2 | NOVA “Astrospies” | The Mormons Part 2 of 2 | America’s Ballroom “International Standard” | African American Lives 2 “We Come from.../Past is Another...” Part 3 & 4 of 4 | This Old House Hour | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 | Globe Trekker Special “Nat. Wonders” | Washington Week | NOW | Need to Know | McLaughlin Group | Bill Moyers Journal | Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Keeping Up... | As Time Goes By | My Family | Home to Roost | Nature “Arctic Bears” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” Part 2 of 3 | Ant. Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 | American Experience “Kit Carson” | PBS Previews... | NOVA “Ape Genius” | Frontline “A Dangerous Business” | Independent Lens “Banished” | America’s Ballroom “International Latin” | Great Performances “Company” | This Old House Hour | Ant. Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 | Globe Trekker “Washington, D.C.” | Washington Week | NOW | Need to Know | McLaughlin Group | Bill Moyers Journal | Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Keeping Up... | As Time Goes By | My Family | Home to Roost | Nature “Raptor Force” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” Part 3 of 3 | Ant. Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 2 of 3 | American Experience “Buffalo Bill” | George VI | Ribbon of Sand | NOVA “The Four Winged Dinosaur” | Frontline/World “Putin’s Plan” | Independent Lens “Hard Road Home” | America’s Ballroom “Grand Finale” | American Masters “Pete Seeger: The Power of Song” | Hudson River | This Old House Hour | Ant. Roadshow “San Antonio Part 3 of 3 | Globe Trekker “Micronesia” | Washington Week | NOW | Need to Know | McLaughlin Group | Bill Moyers Journal Washington Week NOW Need to Know McLaughlin Group Bill Moyers Journal february 2008 TV LISTINGS 11 SPOTLIGHT ON A DAYTIME PROGRAM BIZ KID$ Biz Kid$ teaches kids the basics of saving, budgeting, investing, building a business and giving back to the community. So grab your kids and watch Biz Kid$ together! They’ll be sure to profit and you might learn a few financial facts, too. Biz Kid$ airs Fridays at 5:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. on WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) MONDAY-FRIDAY daytime 5:00a GED Connection (Mon.) TV411 (Tues.) Workplace Essential Skills (Wed.) On Common Ground (Thurs.) French in Action (Thurs.) Various Programs (Fri.) 5:30 Workplace Essential Skills (Mon.) Learn To Read (Tues.) GED Connection (Wed.) Crossroads Café (Thurs.) TV 411 (Fri.) 6:00 Reading Rainbow (Mon. – Wed.) CC Assignment: The World (Thurs. – Fri.) 6:15 Math Works (Thurs.-Fri.) 6:30 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood CC D))) 7:00 Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks CC D))) 7:30 Arthur CC D)) 8:00 Curious George CC D))) 8:30 Clifford the Big Red Dog CC D))) program listings symbols 9:00 Super Why! CC D))) D))) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Descriptive Video Service TBR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Be Repeated SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondary Audio Program ◆ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulcast Program R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Previously Aired 9:30 Dragon Tales CC D))) 10:00 Sesame Street CC D))) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WXXI Production (T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telecourse HD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High Definition CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Caption 11:00 It’s a Big Big World CC D))) 11:30 Word World CC D))) Noon Barney & Friends CC D))) 12:30p Caillou CC D))) * Please note that all programs are subject to change. For up-todate program listings, please log onto wxxi.org. For a complete WXXI Digital Television schedule, visit WXXI.org and click on TV Schedules. To report trouble with reception when tuning in to WXXI-TV, or to alert WXXI of service interruptions, please call (585) 258-0331. Where to find WXXI’s DTV Channels: Cable 1011 | DT 21.1 1:00 Teletubbies CC D))) 1:30 Between the Lions CC D))) 2:00 Dragon Tales CC D))) 2:30 Curious George CC D))) 3:00 Clifford the Big Red Dog (Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.) CC D))) Clifford’s Puppy Days (Wed.) CC D))) 3:30 Cyberchase CC D))) 4:00 Arthur CC D))) 4:30 Maya & Miguel (Mon.-Thurs.) CC D))) WordGirl (Fri.) CC D))) 5:00 Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman CC D))) Cable 524 | DT 21.2 5:30 Homework Hotline (Mon.-Thurs.) CC << BIZ KID$ (FRI.) CC D))) Reading Rainbow (2/18 - 2/21) CC Cable 433 | DT 21.3 6:00 BBC World News CC 6:30 Nightly Business Report CC 7:00 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer CC Cable 11 | DT 21.4 12 TV LISTINGS february 2008 Friday 1 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Washington Week (TBR 2/2 @ 1a, 3a, 5a) NOW (TBR 2/2 @ 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a) Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (TBR 2/3 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (TBR 2/2 @ 2:30a) Bill Moyers Journal (TBR 2/2 @ 4a) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange (TBR 2/3 @ 11:30a) McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Bill Moyers Journal (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) OVERNIGHT Saturday 2 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Sesame Street D))) Arthur D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) WordGirl D))) Hometime “Town Home Family Room” (R) D))) This Old House “New Orleans Project” Pt. 1 of 5 Ask This Old House “Lawn Soil Test/Identifying Water Supply Pipes” 11:00 New Yankee Workshop “The Hot Wall” 11:30 Ciao Italia “Eat Peas” (R) Noon Lidia’s Italy “The Palm Squeeze” (R) 12:30p Victory Garden “Dry” 1:00 Garden Smart 1:30 Simply Ming “Tofu/Parsley” D))) 2:00 America’s Test Kitchen “Cookie Jar Favorites” 2:30 Travelscope “Manzanillo, Mexico & the Costa Alegre” Travel journalist Joseph Rosendo explores the coast’s rain forests, volcanoes and elegant resorts, including Manzanillo, the resort village made famous in the movie “10.” 3:00 Second Opinion “Tuberculosis” (R) 3:30 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home “Something Seedy” 4:00 America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Smooth” The contestants compete in the waltz, tango, foxtrot and Viennese waltz. At the end of the episode, the judges will announce the winners in this category. (R) 5:00 Wild Chronicles 5:30 Victory at Sea (R) 6:00 7:00 8:00p 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 1 of 3 (R) (TBR 2/3 @1a) Lawrence Welk Show “Time Was” Ruth Rendell Mysteries “Master of the Moor” International best-selling and award-winning British mystery author, Ruth Rendell, ensures intrigue and suspense at every turn. This series premiere presents the story of a woman and the mysterious disappearance of her brother. Part 1 of 3 Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By My Family Home to Roost Doctor Who “The Unquiet Dead” (R) OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 Austin City Limits “Etta James” Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award winner, Etta James, continues to be one of the most respected R&B singers in America. Highlights include “All the Way Down” and “At Last.” (R) Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 1 of 3 (R) NOVA “Secrets of the Parthenon” D))) (R) Nature “Parrots in the Land of Oz” D))) (R) Faces of Culture/Revised Child Development: Stepping Stones A World of Art “Lorna Simpson” A World of Art “Guillermo Gómez-Peña Sunday 3 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 Sesame Street D))) Thomas & Friends D))) Bob the Builder D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) The Saddle Club Biz Kid$ “What Can You Do With Money?” Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange (R) To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. Keeping Kids Healthy “Celiac Disease” D))) Second Opinion “Clinical Trials/Parkinsons Disease” Through a Parkinson’s disease case, panelists explore the controversial world of clinical trials. (R) (TBR 2/9 @ 3p) How to Cook Everything: Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs “Michel Richard” Sewing with Nancy “Fusing Art Quilts” Part 3 of 3 Woodwright’s Shop “Garden Bench” Motorweek Citywise Inside Washington This Old House (R) february 2008 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:30 11:00 Ask This Old House (R) BBC World News New Your Now OnStage “Watkins and the Rapiers” Watkins and the Rapiers is a five-member neo-folk-rock band that incorporates Cajun, country, rock, reggae, swing and polka - all smoothly molded into an oddly unified sound. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle has called Watkins and the Rapiers “one of Rochester’s finest bands. Nature “Unforgettable Elephants” Wildlife cameraman Martyn Colbeck has filmed African elephants for 15 years, learning to anticipate their every move as he follows them across plains and deserts and into jungles. He shares his spectacular footage and unique insights about these unforgettable elephants, including his conviction that they are just as intelligent as the higher primates. D))) HD (TBR 2/10 @ 2a) Masterpiece “Miss Austen Regrets” D))) HD Queen Family Southern Appalachian music and tradition are represented by this iconic mountain family. Matriarch Mary Jane Queen and her children and grandchildren perform original and traditional folk music and discuss their family traditions and life in the far reaches of the Southern Highlands. (R) D))) Telling the Truth: The Best in Broadcast Journalism Christiane Amanpour, chief international correspondent for CNN, shows excerpts and interviews of journalists honored by the prestigious Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Awards to explore how they outsmart the blizzard of spin, the limitations of newsroom budgets and the logistics of travel to dangerous locations. 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 Soundstage “Daughtry” Soundstage welcomes three-time American Music Award winner Daughtry. Formed by Chris Daughtry in 2006, this band truly revitalizes the rock genre. In this episode, Daughtry performs fan favorites with passionate intensity, including rock gems “It’s Not Over” and “What I Want;” power ballads “Feels Like Tonight” and “Home” and many more. Ethics in America Signing Time! Out of the Past Earth Revealed Monday 4 8:00p Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 (TBR 2/7 @ 9p, 2/9 @ 6p. 2/10 @ 1a) HD 13 American Experience “Grand Central” On the morning of January 8, 1902, a southbound commuter train traveling through a smoky, congested tunnel in New York City’s Grand Central Depot slammed into the rear of another train, instantly killing 17 people, and injuring 38. A self-taught engineer’s innovative response to that crisis ultimately gave birth to one of America’s greatest architectural and technological monuments—Grand Central Terminal. When Grand Central Terminal opened on February 12, 1913, the press heralded it as the greatest railway terminal in the world. Today, it remains one of New York and America’s most famous spaces, and a living monument to the nation’s great railway age. HD Prince Among Slaves See page 5. D))) HD BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Real Moms, Real Stories, Real Savvy Geography in U.S. History Discovering Psychology Dragonflytv Tuesday 5 8:00p OVERNIGHT Mid. TV LISTINGS 10:00 Curious “Survival/The Mind Brain Machine” The two back-to-back episodes profile the innovative men and women pushing the limits of knowledge and applying cutting-edge science to improve lives. A personal crisis inspires a hunt for a cancer cure; artificial eyes restore sight to a blind woman; people learn to function without the use of large parts of their brain and engineers race to find a clean, sustainable fuel for the next century and beyond. Super Tuesday OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Charlie Rose Show Destinos Biz Kid$ Fokus Deutsch Voces Wednesday 6 8:00p America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Rhythm” Every year thousands of dancers gather in Columbus, Ohio, to compete in the world’s 14 TV LISTINGS february 2008 11:00 11:30 biggest ballroom dancing competition. In this episode, hosted by Jasmine Guy, dancers compete in the American Rhythm division. Dances in this category consist of the cha cha, rumba, swing, bolero and mambo. At the end of the episode, the judges will announce the winners in this category. (TBR 2/9 @ 4p) HD African American Lives 2 “The Road Home/A Way Out of No Way” See page 5 for details. Part 1 and 2 of 4 D))) HD BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30 1:00a 2:00 3:00 3:30 Tavis Smiley Whole Child Keeping Kids Healthy Signing Time! French In Action 9:00 OVERNIGHT Thursday 7 8:00p 11:00 11:30 This Old House Hour “New Orleans Project” Part 1 of 2 Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 HD Globe Trekker “Argentina” Justine begins her trip at the incredible Iguazu Falls and travels west to Jujuy. In Salta, she catches “The Train to the Clouds,” which takes her on a spectacular three-day journey. In Buenos Aires, she visits Eva Peron’s grave, learns to tango and parties away the night. The journey’s final leg finds her in El Calafate, where she visits the mystic caves and discovers the beautiful scenery of Parque Los Glacials. D))) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Out of the Past Signing Time! Danger Rangers Wild Chronicles 9:00 10:00 OVERNIGHT Friday 8 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Washington Week (TBR 2/9 @ 1a, 3a, 5a) NOW (TBR 2/9 @ 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a) Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (TBR 2/10 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (TBR 2/9 @ 2:30a) Bill Moyers Journal (TBR 2/9 @ 4a) 11:00 11:30 BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange (TBR 2/10 @ 11:30a) McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Bill Moyers Journal (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) OVERNIGHT Saturday 9 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Sesame Street D))) Arthur D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) WordGirl D))) Hometime “Accessible Bathroom—Reframing” (R) This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 2 of 5 Ask This Old House “Water Softening System/ Fiber-Cement Shingles” 11:00 New Yankee Workshop “The Wet Wall” 11:30 Ciao Italia “Heavenly Desserts” (R) Noon Lidia’s Italy “A Cinnamon Roll” (R) 12:30p Victory Garden “Wet” 1:00 Garden Smart 1:30 Simply Ming “Hoisin/Cranberries” D))) 2:00 America’s Test Kitchen “Kansas City Barbecue” 2:30 Travelscope “Flathead Valley, Montana” Explore Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake, the largest natural fresh water lake west of the Mississippi. 3:00 Second Opinion “Clinical Trials/Parkinsons Disease” (R) 3:30 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home “Fruits and Berries” 4:00 America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Rhythm” (R) 5:00 Wild Chronicles 5:30 Victory at Sea (R) 6:00 Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 (R) 7:00 Lawrence Welk Show “Tribute to Irving Berlin” 8:00 Ruth Rendell Mysteries “Master of the Moor” Part 2 of 3 9:00 Keeping Up Appearances 9:30 As Time Goes By 10:00 My Family 10:30 Home to Roost (R) 11:00 Doctor Who “Aliens of London” (R) OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00a Austin City Limits “Norah Jones” Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 (R) february 2008 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 Nature “Unforgettable Elephants” D))) (R) NOVA “Walk to Beautiful” D))) (R) Faces of Culture/Revised Child Development: Stepping Stones A World of Art “Hung Liu” A World of Art “Judy Baca” Sunday 10 9:00 11:00 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 Sesame Street D))) Thomas & Friends D))) Bob the Builder D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) The Saddle Club Biz Kid$ Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange (R) To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. Keeping Kids Healthy “Teen Anxiety Disorder” D))) Second Opinion “Macular Degeneration” Many Americans think loss of vision is a normal part of aging, but the number one cause of vision loss is actually a disease called macular degeneration. This episode describes the disease and how you may be able to prevent it from compromising your vision. (R) (TBR 2/16 @ 3p) How to Cook Everything: Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs “Suvir Saran” Sewing with Nancy “My Style/My Place” Part 1 of 2 Woodwright’s Shop “Wooden Puzzles” D))) Motorweek Citywise Inside Washington This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 2 of 5 (R) Ask This Old House (R) BBC World News New Your Now OnStage “The Dady Brothers” The Dady Brothers have been a major force at the forefront of Western New York’s music scene for over 20 years. John and Joe bring folk roots music to their audiences in an authentic and enjoyable way, and they are at home with many different kinds of music including Blue Grass, folk, Irish and even country blues. The impressive line-up of their instrumental versatility reads liked a dictionary of traditional folk instruments: fiddle, mandolin, guitar, penny whistle, bodhran, harmonica, banjo and uillean pipes. Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” At the center of this story is the humble horseshoe crab, a creature that has remained virtually unchanged for 350 million years. Scientific and medical communities have discovered that the crab TV LISTINGS 15 provides an indispensable testing agent for drugs and vaccines, as well as resources for human optics and burn treatment. But horseshoe crab numbers are plummeting from their new use as bait for the fishing industry, dropping by two-thirds since 1990, and the precious pyramid depending on this age-old creature is about to come crashing down. (TBR 2/17 @ 2a) D))) HD Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” See page 9 for details. Part 1 of 3 D))) HD Frontline “A Dangerous Business” D))) (R) OVERNIGHT Mid. Soundstage “John Fogerty” Best known as the lead singer/songwriter and guitarist for Creedence Clearwater Revival, rock legend and Grammy winner John Fogerty has made a phenomenal contribution to American music for decades. In this episode of Soundstage, Fogerty delivers the timeless essence of his music with an electrifying stage presence and resonating energy. A genuine showman, Fogerty weaves new songs “Don’t You Wish It Was True” and “River is Waiting,” with classics “Born on the Bayou,” “Fortunate Son,” “Centerfield,” “Bad Moon Rising” and show-closer “Proud Mary,” resulting in an unbelievable performance you will not want to miss. Part 1 of 2 1:00a Ethics in America “Choosing Justice” 2:00 Signing Time! 3:00 Out of the Past 4:00 Earth Revealed Monday 11 8:00p 9:00 Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 (TBR 2/14 @ 9p, 2/16 @ 6p, 2/17 @ 1a) HD The Mormons The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of America’s fastest growing religions, and its influence circles the globe. The church has 11 million members today and over half of them live outside the U.S. Yet the birth of Mormonism and its history are one of America’s great neglected narratives. This two-part, fourhour documentary brings together Frontline and American Experience in their first co-production to provide a searching portrait of this fascinating but often misunderstood religion. Produced by award-winning filmmaker Helen Whitney (“Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero,” “John Paul II: The Millennial Pope”), the film explores the richness, the complexities and the controversies of the Mormons’ story as told through interviews with leaders and members of the church, leading writers and historians and supporters and critics of the Mormon faith. Part 1 of 2 (R) HD 16 TV LISTINGS 11:00 11:30 BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Real Moms, Real Stories, Real Savvy Geography in U.S. History Discovering Psychology Dragonflytv february 2008 OVERNIGHT Tuesday 12 8:00p 9:00 11:00 11:30 NOVA “Astrospies” While NASA astronauts were captivating the world with the Apollo lunar landings, the U.S. was engaged in a top-secret military manned space program. Investigative author Jim Bamford probes the untold story of the elite corps of clandestine astronauts who were never told of the true purpose of their training program. D))) HD (TBR 2/17 @ 3a) Mormons Part 2 of 2 (R) D))) HD BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Destinos Biz Kid$ Fokus Deutsch Voces Wednesday 13 8:00p 11:00 11:30 America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Standard” Dancers compete in the International Standard division. With steps that date back hundreds of years to the royal courts of Europe, International Standard is ballroom’s oldest style, its most recognizable and, some would say, its most elegant. The dances in this competition include waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, fox trot and quickstep. At the end of the episode, the judges will announce the winners in this category. HD (TBR 2/16 @ 4p) African American Lives 2 “We Come from People/The Past is Another Country” See page 5 for details. Part 3 and 4 of 4 D))) HD BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30 1:00a Tavis Smiley Whole Child 9:00 OVERNIGHT 2:00 3:00 3:30 Keeping Kids Healthy D))) Signing Time! French in Action Thursday 14 8:00p 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 This Old House Hour Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 HD Globe Trekker Special “Great Natural Wonders” Join the Globe Trekkers as they explore some of the world’s Great Natural Wonders. Megan discovers erupting volcanoes in Hawaii and Java, Ian encounters the Arctic, Justine hikes the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia, Eils treks deep into the Amazon rainforest and Holly travels with the nomadic Tuareg tribe in the Sahara. Other destinations include Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, Victoria Falls and spectacular national parks around the world, from New Zealand and Botswana to Kenya and Ecuador. BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Out of the Past Signing Time Danger Rangers Wild Chronicles OVERNIGHT Friday 15 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Washington Week (TBR 2/16 @ 1a, 3a, 5a) NOW (TBR 2/16 @ 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a) Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (TBR 2/17 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (TBR 2/16 @ 2:30a) Bill Moyers Journal (TBR 2/16 @ 4a) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange (TBR 2/17 @ 11:30a) McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Bill Moyers Journal (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) february 2008 TV LISTINGS Saturday 16 Sunday 17 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 Sesame Street D))) Arthur D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) WordGirl D))) Hometime “Accessible Bathroom – Finishing” This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 3 of 5 Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “The Pantry” Ciao Italia “Brussels Sprouts” (R) Lidia’s Italy “Stir That Pot” (R) Victory Garden “Hot” Garden Smart Simply Ming “Ginger/Cream” D))) America’s Test Kitchen “French Classics” Travelscope “New Brunswick, Canada” Join Travelscope for a bi-seasonal view of beautiful New Brunswick, Canada’s only official bi-lingual province, in which English and French Acadian thrive in perfect harmony. Second Opinion “Macular Degeneration” (R) P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home “Tuff Turf” America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Standard” (R) Wild Chronicles Victory at Sea (R) Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 (R) Lawrence Welk Show “Song of the South” Ruth Rendell Mysteries “Master of the Moor” Part 3 of 3 Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By My Family Home to Roost (R) Doctor Who “World War III” (R) 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 Austin City Limits “Tribute to Bluesman Jimmy Reed” Joined by blues luminaries James Cotton, Delbert McClinton, Lou Ann Barton and others, guitarist Jimmie Vaughan pays tribute to Jimmy Reed, composer of blues classics “Ain’t That Lovin’ You Baby,” “Big Boss Man” and “Baby What You Want Me to Do.” Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 (R) Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” D))) (R) NOVA “Astrospies” D))) (R) Faces of Culture Revised Child Development A World of Art “Beverly Buchanan” A World of Art “June Wayne” 8:00 9:00 17 Sesame Street D))) Thomas & Friends D))) Bob the Builder D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) The Saddle Club Biz Kid$ “Taking Charge of Your Financial Future” Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange (R) To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. Keeping Kids Healthy “Premature Babies” D))) Second Opinion ”Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” For many people, heartburn can interrupt daily life and be the precursor to serious illnesses. The panel of experts on gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) discusses the diagnosis and treatment of GERD, as well as the symptoms you should not ignore. (R) (TBR 2/23 @ 3p) How to Cook Everything: Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs “Charles Phan” Sewing with Nancy “My Style/My Place” Pt. 2 of 3 Woodwright’s Shop “Jeff Headley, Cabinet Maker” Motorweek Citywise Inside Washington This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 3 of 5 (R) Ask This Old House BBC World News New Your Now OnStage “Hypnotic Clambake” Originally from the Boston, MA area, Hypnotic Clambake now reside and work in Rochester, NY. Their music combines a multitude of musical styling and elements into a cohesive mixture of swirling, infectiously danceable music. They have released seven highly acclaimed albums and perform all over the country. Nature “Arctic Bears” Polar bears are living on borrowed time. They are the descendents of grizzlies, long ago evolved to live and hunt on the frozen ice of the Arctic, eating a specialized diet of seal meat, but the winters have become increasingly warmer, the ice is disappearing, and raising a family becomes a much more difficult proposition when hunting time is short and food is scarce. Grizzlies, on the other hand, are masters at living off the land, making a meal from a wide variety of foods -meats, seeds, berries, insects, fruit and honey. Their world is bountiful and expanding northward, converging with what was once the icy domain of the polar bear. As the two worlds meet, are the polar bears fated to become grizzlies once again? D))) HD Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” Pt. 2 of 3 D))) HD 18 11:00 TV LISTINGS february 2008 Stones from the Soil This personal documentary is about Gross Breesen, a unique school in 1930’s Germany, in which a small group of Jewish teenagers were trained to become the vanguard of a new society. During their time at Gross Breesen, the teenagers were secluded and protected from the growing anti-Semitism in the country. But their seclusion was shattered in November of 1938, the day after Kristallnacht, when an SS squadron came out to Gross Breesen, and took all the boys over the age of 18 to the Buchenwald concentration camp. The group was released a month later after signing a promise to leave Germany as quickly as possible; everyone at Gross Breesen left Germany by August of 1939. Sixty-six years later, Michael Caplan, the son of one of the Gross Breesen students, returned to find the farm. This film is a tribute to a father, a reflection on memory and an important preservation of a formerly untold story from the Nazi era. Tuesday 19 8:00p 9:00 OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 Sound Stage ”John Fogerty” Part 2 of 2 Ethics in America Signing Time! Out of the Past Earth Revealed 10:00 11:30 NOVA “Ape Genius” The great apes—which includes chimps, orangutans, gorillas and bonobos—seem to have rich emotional lives similar to our own. But just how smart are these animals? A new generation of investigators is revealing the secret mental lives of great apes; our evolutionary next-of-kin are turning out to be far smarter than most experts ever imagined. But just as clever experiments are exposing the extraordinary abilities of great apes, new research is redefining the mental talents of our own species. Scientists are at last zeroing in on what separates us from our closest living relatives. D))) HD Frontline “A Dangerous Business” If a worker dies on the job due to a company’s willful disregard for federal safety regulations, the maximum penalty his employer faces is six months in prison. Are America’s workplace safety laws tough enough? Based reporting that was awarded the 2004 Pulitzer Prize. D))) HD (R) Independent Lens “Banished” See page 5 for details. BBC World News OVERNIGHT Monday 18 8:00p 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 (TBR 2/21 @ 9p, 2/23 @ 6p, 2/24 @ 1a) HD American Experience “Kit Carson” His exploits on the American frontier inspired dozens of dime novels, but the stories told in these wildly popular books belie the complexities of the real Kit Carson, whose life embodies the contradictions that is the story of the American West. An illiterate mountain man, he was fluent in Spanish and five Indian languages; he twice married Native American women, yet led a brutal war against the Navajo. Using rich archival materials, the program shows how Carson helped spur a migration that would change the West forever. HD PBS Previews Carrier HD BBC World News Charley Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Real Moms, Real Stories, Real Savvy Geography in U.S. History Discovering Psychology Dragonflytv Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 Charlie Rose Show Destinos Biz Kid$ Fokus Deutsch Voces Wednesday 20 8:00p 9:00 11:30 America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Latin” Dancers compete in the International Latin division. Dazzling footwork and provocative moves define this sizzling style. The five dances are cha cha, samba, rumba, paso doble and jive. At the end of the episode, the judges will announce the winners in this category. HD (TBR 2/23 @ 4p) Great Performances “Company” See page 9 for details. HD BBC World News OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 Charlie Rose Show Whole Child Keeping Kids Healthy D))) Signing Time! French in Action february 2008 TV LISTINGS Thursday 21 Saturday 23 8:00p 9:00 10:00 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 This Old House Hour Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 Globe Trekker “Washington, D.C. City Guide” Justine enters the hallowed halls of the capital of the United States of America, a city where a quarter of the population changes with every new administration, and where the history of the nation is encapsulated in great museums, monuments, memorials and architecture. She attends the massive re-enactment of the Battle of Cedar Creek, is captured by CIA agents and interrogates the former agency chief. She meets politicians on both sides of the divide and explores Washington’s huge African-American community. (R) D))) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Out of the Past Signing Time! Danger Rangers Wild Chronicles Friday 22 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Washington Week (TBR 2/23 @ 1a, 3a, 5a) NOW (TBR 2/23 @ 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a) Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (TBR 2/24 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (TBR 2/23 @ 2:30a) Bill Moyers Journal (TBR 2/23 @ 4a) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange (TBR 2/24 @ 11:30a) McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Bill Moyers Journal (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 OVERNIGHT 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 19 Sesame Street D))) Arthur D))) Clifford the Big Red Dog D))) WordGirl D))) Hometime “Town Home—Cleaning Up” (R) This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 4 of 5 Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “The Kitchen Office” (R) Ciao Italia “Meringues” (R) Lidia’s Italy “Autumn Maremma” (R) Victory Garden “Vertical” Garden Smart Simply Ming “Thai Lemon Leaves/Shallots” D))) America’s Test Kitchen “Coffeehouse Treats” (R) Travelscope “In the Path of the Conquistadors” The ancient Spanish empire stretched from the Americas to Asia. Joseph visits Loreto, Baja California and Mexico—the first Spanish capital of the Californias and The Philippines—where Spanish influence is visible in the Filipinos’ language, spirit and food. Second Opinion ”Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” (R) P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home “Tree Talkin’” America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Latin” (R) Wild Chronicles Victory at Sea (R) Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 (R) Lawrence Welk Show “Academy Awards” Ruth Rendell Mysteries “Vanity Dies Hard” Wealthy Alice Whittaker journeys to the home of her dear friend Nesta Drage, whom she has neither seen nor spoken to in three months, only to discover an older man living in Nesta’s house, and who claims never to have heard of Nesta. Alice is determined to find her friend and the more she learns about Nesta’s disappearance, the more certain she becomes that her own life is in peril. Part 1 of 3 Keeping Up Appearances As Time Goes By My Family Home to Roost (R) Doctor Who “Dalek” (R) OVERNIGHT Mid. 1:00a 2:00 Austin City Limits ”The Dixie Chicks” After a few years spent enjoying their family lives and weathering controversy, Texas’ mighty Dixie Chicks return to the Austin City Limits stage with old favorites and new classics from their defiant, triumphant new album “Taking the Long Way.” Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 (R) Nature “Arctic Bears” D))) (R) 20 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 TV LISTINGS february 2008 NOVA “Ape Genius” D))) (R) Faces of Culture/Revised Child Development: Stepping Stones A World of Art “Milton Resnick” A World of Art “Goat Island” 9:00 11:00 Sunday 24 OVERNIGHT Mid. 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog The Saddle Club Biz Kid$ “A Biz: What is it?” Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange (R) To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (R) Keeping Kids Healthy “Controlling Asthma with an Asthma Treatment Plan” Second Opinion “Memory Enhancement” Crossword puzzles, vitamins and classical music have all been promoted as tools for improving memory. Panelists discuss the recent theories and research surrounding memory enhancement and help viewers separate fact from fiction. (R) How to Cook Everything: Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs “James Boyce” Sewing with Nancy “Cotton Theory Quilting with Traditional Blocks” Woodwright’s Shop “The Melencolia Plane” Motorweek Citywise Inside Washington This Old House “New Orleans Project” Part 4 of 5 (R) Ask This Old House BBC World News New Your Now OnStage “Connie Deming” Deming writes and sings with a pop sensibility deeply rooted in the blending of styles that is American music. She has performed in Europe and throughout the United States, and was influenced early on by her mother, a classically trained pianist, and by her father, a vocalist. Rochester music critic Jeff Spevak calls Deming “one of Rochester’s undiscovered gems.” Nature “Raptor Force” Armed with powerful beaks and razor-sharp talons, raptors are nature’s elite killing force—predators whose graceful beauty belies their stunning speed, acrobatics and precision. Using original footage from cameras mounted on their backs, the program shows why falcons, owls, eagles and hawks are masters of the sky, and why aeronautics engineers use these birds’ unique abilities and body designs as the basis of new aircraft technology. D))) HD (R) Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” Part 3 of 3 D))) HD In the Life “A History Lesson” 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 Soundstage “Dan Fogelberg“ The late folk-rock icon Dan Fogelberg sprinkles the set with anecdotal sidebars, and keeps the audience on its feet as he performs sentimental classics including “Same Old Lang Syne,” “Part Of The Plan” and “Leader Of The Band.” Voices & Visions “Elizabeth Bishop” Sign Time! Out of the Past Earth Revealed Monday 25 8:00p 11:00 11:30 Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 2 of 3 (TBR 2/28 @ 9p) HD American Experience “Buffalo Bill” William “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s legendary exploits helped create the myth of the American West. He fought Indians, worked as a Pony Express rider and earned his nickname hunting buffalo to feed the Kansas Pacific Railroad construction crew. This program explores the man behind the legend. Richard Ben Cramer narrates. D))) George VI The Reluctant King This program tells the heart-rending story of the man who would not be King and who sacrificed his life on the altar of public duty. Ribbon of Sand Featuring the wild beaches of Cape Lookout — one of the few remaining natural barrier islands in the world, this program profiles this seascape and the transitory islands that are doomed to disappear. HD BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Real Moms, Real Stories, Real Savvy Geography in U.S. History Discovering Psychology Dragonfly TV 9:00 10:00 10:30 OVERNIGHT february 2008 Tuesday 26 8:00p 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 NOVA “The Four Winged Dinosaur” See page 9 for details. D))) HD Frontline/World “Putin’s Plan” As Putin names his successor, silences opposition media, and maneuvers to maintain influence, correspondent Victoria Gamburg finds Russians wondering what Putin’ plan for the future really is. Hitting the campaign trail, Gamburg follows the Kremlin’s crackdown on opposition leader and former chess champion, Garry Kasparov, and others who accuse Putin of suppressing free speech and betraying the promise of Russian democracy after the collapse of communism. But in an era of oil profits and relative stability, do ordinary Russians care? D))) Independent Lens “Hard Road Home” This program follows two former felons in different stages of life “on the outside.” BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Destinos Biz Kid$ Fokus Deutsch Voces Wednesday 27 8:00p 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 America’s Ballroom Challenge “Grand Finale” Hosted by Jasmine Guy, this grand finale features the winners of the American Smooth, American Rhythm, International Standard and International Latin competitions as they go head-to-head in the battle for the coveted title of America’s best ballroom couple. HD American Masters “Pete Seeger: The Power of Song” This first authorized film poetically documents Seeger’s unique experience and contributions. Largely misunderstood by his critics, including the U.S. government, for his views on peace, civil rights and ecology, Seeger went from the top of the hit parade to the top of the blacklist—banned from commercial television for more than 17 years. His inspiring, but not always easy, story is told by artists such as Bob Dylan and the Dixie Chicks and through a remarkable historical archive. HD Hudson River Journeys with Len Tantillo and Pete Seeger. BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:30 TV LISTINGS 21 Tavis Smiley Whole Child Keeping Kids Healthy New York Learns French in Action Thursday 28 8:00p 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 This Old House Hour Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 2 of 3 HD GlobeTrekker “Micronesia” Megan travels to Micronesia, a chain of more than 2,000 islands, and starts her tour on Guam, site of a U.S military base. Next it’s off to Pohnpei, the capital island, where she hikes through lush vegetation to the Kepirohi waterfall. Megan explores the archaeological ruins of Nan Madol, dives among sunken Japanese warships at Chuuk and kayaks on Jellyfish Lake in Palau, and ends her tour on Yap, where she observes a colony of hump-backed turtles and swims with the manta rays. D))) (R) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show OVERNIGHT 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Tavis Smiley Out of the Past Signing Time! Danger Rangers Wild Chronicles Friday 29 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Washington Week (TBR 3/1 @ 1a, 3a, 5a) NOW (TBR 3/1 @ 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a) Need to Know Log onto wxxi.org/ntk. (TBR 3/2 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (TBR 3/1 @ 2:30a) Bill Moyers Journal (TBR 3/1 @ 4a) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange (TBR 3/2 @ 11:30a) McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Bill Moyers Journal (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) OVERNIGHT 22 february 2008 REPEATS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY primetime repeats | America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Rhythm” 2/9 at 4p | America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Standard” 2/16 at 4p | America’s Ballroom Challenge “International Latin” 2/23 at 4p America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Rhythm” Dancers compete in the American Rhythm division. Dances in this category consist of the cha cha, rumba, swing, bolero and mambo. With the exception of swing, which began in America, these sultry, sexy dances originated in Africa and Cuba. PHOTOS: JEFFREY DUNN America’s Ballroom Challenge “American Rhythm” airs Wednesday, February 6 at 8 p.m. and repeats Saturday, February 9 at 4 p.m. | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 2 of 3 2/7 at 9p, 2/9 at 6p, 2/10 at 1a | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando” Part 3 of 3 2/14 at 9p, 2/16 at 6p, 2/17 at 1a | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 2 of 3 | 2/28 at 9p Bill Moyers Journal | Saturdays at 4a Biz Kid$ | Sundays at 10 a.m. McLaughlin Group | Saturdays at 2:30a Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” | 2/17 at 2a Need to Know | Sundays at 12:30p NOVA “Astrospies” | 2/17 at 3a NOW | Saturdays at 1:30a, 3:30a, 5:30a Second Opinion “Clinical Trials/Parkinsons Disease” | 2/9 at 3p Second Opinion “Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” | 2/23 @ 3p Washington Week | Saturdays at 1a, 3a, 5a Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio” Part 1 of 3 2/21 at 9p, 2/23 at 6p, 2/24 at 1a Please note: The repeat broadcast of Biz Kid$, McLaughlin Group, Need to Know, NOW and Washington Week is always the episode from the preceding Friday program. Biz Kid$ NOVA Second Opinion february 2008 It’s not what you say, it’s HOW you say it! Expressing your message effectively is important for promoting your business. A Corporate Partnership with WXXI can help. Become a partner today! To find out more, contact Rachael Kriteman-Landau, Director of Sales and Marketing 585.258.0285 or rkriteman@wxxi.org STATION SIGNALS 23 february 2008 HD SCHEDULE 24 FEBRUARY HD primetime Cable 1011/DT 21.1 8:00 PM 1 FRI 2 SAT 3 SUN 4 MON 5 TUE 6 WED 7 THU 8 FRI 9 SAT 10 SUN 11 MON 12 TUE 13 WED 14 THU 15 FRI 16 SAT 17 SUN 18 MON 19 TUE 20 WED 21 THU 22 FRI 23 SAT 24 SUN 25 MON 26 TUE 27 WED 28 THU 29 FRI 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30PM | | | | American Masters “Marilyn Monroe” | Austin City Limits Presents: Bluegrass | America’s Ballroom “American Smooth” | Nature “Unforgettable Elephants” | Masterpiece “Miss Austen Regrets” | e2 “...Energy” | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando, FL” | American Experience “Grand Central” | Prince Among Slaves | NOVA “The Mummy Who Would Be King” | Frontline | Super Tuesday | America’s Ballroom “American Rhythm” | African American Lives 2 “The Road Home/A Way Out Of No Way” | Slavery and the Making of America | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando, FL” | Soundstage “John Fogerty” | Heartbeat to Heartbeat... | Living Courag. | Inside “Battle of the Wines” | Shakespeare “A Time of Revolution” | Nature “Unforgettable Elephants” | Austin City Limits “Etta James” | American Experience “Grand Central” | Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando, FL” | The Mormons | NOVA “Astrospies” | The Mormons | America’s Ballroom “International Standard” | African American Lives 2 “We Come From People/The Past Is Another Country” | NOVA “Astrospies” | Antiques Roadshow “Orlando, FL” | Soundstage “Matchbox Twenty” | Richard Bangs’ Adventures “N. Zealand” | Inside “Emergency Transplant” | Shakespeare “The Lost Years” | America’s Ballroom “International Standard”| Austin City Limits “Norah Jones” | Nature “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” | Nature “Arctic Bears” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio, TX” | American Experience “Kit Carson” | PBS Previews | NOVA “Ape Genius” | Frontline | Shakespeare “The Lost Years” | American’s Ballroom “International Latin” | Great Performances “Company” | In Search of Shakespeare “Lost Years” | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio, TX” | Soundstage | Bold Visions: Women... | The Innovators... | Inside “Air Show” | Shakespeare “The Duty of Poets” | Soundstage | Austin City Limits “Jimmy Reed” | American Masters “Hank Williams” | Nature “Raptor Force” | Masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice” | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio, TX” | American Experience “Jonestown: The Life and Death...” | Ribbon of Sand | NOVA “The Four Winged Dinosaur” | Nature “Raptor Force” | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio, TX” | America’s Ballroom “Grand Finale” | American Masters “Pete Seeger: The Power of Song” | PBS Preview | Nature “Raptor Force” | Antiques Roadshow “San Antonio, TX” | PBS Preview | Ribbon of Sand | Sweet Tornado: Margo Jones... | Inside “Miami Airport” | Shakespeare “For All Time” Good To Great Inside “Speed Week” Slavery and the Making of America february 2008 WORLD & CREATE/THINKBRIGHT 25 WORLD CREATE/THINKBRIGHT DTV 21.2/cable 524 DTV 21.3/cable 433 8:00 p.m. ThinkBright airs 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The schedule includes twohours of non-commercial, non-violent children’s programming from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. every day. At 8 p.m., the ThinkBright’s thematic daily programming begins. Wild Chronicles (Mondays at 8 and 8:30 p.m.) American Experience (Tuesdays, except 2/12) NOVA (Thursdays) Nature (Saturdays) KIDS PROGRAMMING Now on PBS (Sundays) 6p Masters of the Artic (2/1) Telling the Truth: The Best in Broadcast Journalism (2/6) African American Lives 2 Pt. 1&2 (7p.m. 2/8) Mormons, Pt. 1 (7p.m. 2/12)/Mormons, Pt. 2 (7p.m. 2/13) African American Lives, Pt. 3&4 (7p.m. 2/15) Independent Lens “Banished” (2/20)/“Hard Road Home” (2/27) American Beyond Color Line with Henry Louis Gates (2/22) 8:30 p.m. Fetch! (Saturdays) Biscuit Brothers (Sundays) Super Why (weekdays) 6:30p Postcards from Buster (Saturdays) Wishbone (Sundays) Sesame Street (weekdays) Clifford’s Valentine’s Day Special (2/14 only) 7p Saddle Club (Sundays) Animalia (Sundays) 7:30p Double Down (Sundays), Curious George (weekdays) Design Squad (Saturdays) McLaughlin Group (Sundays) THINKBRIGHT NIGHTLY THEMES 9:00 p.m. Nature (Mondays) Frontline (Wednesdays, except 2/13) History Detectives (Saturdays) Bill Moyers Journal (Sundays) Island of the End of the World (2/1) Tracks Across the Sky (2/5) Curious “Survival” (2/7)/”Mind Brain Machine” (2/14) Evening with Quincy Jones (2/8) Better Hour: The Legacy of William Wilberforce (2/12) Clinton 12 (2/13) Evening with Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee (2/15) Red Tail Reborn (2/19) Scientific Frontiers (2/21 and 2/28) Legacy: Being Black in America (2/22) Blackfeet Encounter (2/26) Wilder: An American First (2/29) 9:30 p.m. Untold Stories (2/5) 10:00 p.m. NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (weekdays) History Detectives (Saturdays) Television in America: An Autobiography (Sundays) Telling the Truth: The Best in Broadcast Journalism (2/3) For complete schedules, visit WXXI.org/dtvschedules Sundays are Family & Education nights and this month all programming between 8:30 p.m. and midnight is dedicated to Black History Month. Tune in for Five Phenomenal Women airing 2/3 at 8:30 p.m., Oprah’s Roots airing 2/3 at 9 p.m., Summer Hill airing 2/10 at 8:30 p.m. and Slavery & the Making of America “Seeds of Destruction” airing 2/17 at 11 p.m. Mondays are Healthy for Life nights, with Keeping Kids Healthy at 8 p.m., Stories From the Heart airing 2/4 at 9 p.m. Dangerous Silence Outreach Event airing 2/11 at 9 p.m., Healthy Minds at 10 p.m. and Second Opinion at 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are also dedicated to Black History Month in February with programs like: American Masters 1804: Sweet Honey In the Rock airing 2/5 at 8 p.m., Prince Among Slaves airs 2/6 at 10 p.m., Independent Lens 706: Race Is the Place airs 2/7 at 10 p.m., Flight to Freedom (a WXXI production) airs 2/13 at 9 p.m., Dinka Diaries airs 2/14 at 9 p.m., Stax Music Academy: From Soulsville to Italy airs 2/19 at 8 p.m., An Evening With the Harlem Boys & Girls Alumni Ensemble ® airs 2/26 at 8 p.m., Timbuktoubab airs 2/26 at 9 p.m., POV: Chisholm ’72: Unbought & Unbossed airs 2/27 at 9 p.m., and Fannie Lou Hammer: Courage & Faith airs 2/27 at 10:30 p.m. Fridays are Think Globally nights with all your favorite news shows like New York Now at 8 p.m, Foreign Exchange at 8:30 p.m., Bill Moyers’ Journal at 9 p.m., NOW at 10 p.m., plus New York Learns airing 2/29 at 10:30 p.m. Saturdays are Science & Nature nights with Jim Knox’s Wild Zoofari at 8 p.m., Animal Attractions at 8:30 p.m., E2 at 9 p.m. Wild Chronicles at 9:30 p.m., and Innovation at 10 p.m 26 STATION SIGNALS february 2008 By February 17, 2009, the nation will complete a TV technology transition. Current broadcast television will change completely to a new format called digital television (DTV). If you receive TV signals through an antenna (for example, using “rabbit ears”) and you currently do not subscribe to cable or satellite, the TVs in your home will be affected. You will need to take action to continue receiving TV service. You have three options: Are you prepared for the digital television transition? 1 Purchase a converter box for each television in your home that receives TV signals through an antenna. 2 Purchase a new television set with a built-in digital tuner. 3 Subscribe to cable or satellite that carries the channels you want to watch. To help consumers who choose to purchase a converter box, the federal government has created a coupon program that will reduce the cost of a converter box. (Converter boxes are expected to cost around $70; each coupon is worth $40.) To learn more about the program, including how to request coupons, redemption instructions, and which retailers will redeem them: ■ Visit www.ntia.doc.gov/dtvcoupon/index.html or ■ Call 1-888-DTV-2009, toll-free, to request a coupon or to receive coupon program information in English and Spanish WXXI values your support. We are here to help you during this transition, so please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about DTV. Call (585) 325-7500. february2008 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING 27 manon lescaut Saturday afternoons are reserved for the Met, and on February 16th you can either tune into to Classical 91.5/HD 91.5-1 to hear the live broadcast of Manon Lescaut, or see the live performance straight from New York City via satellite at the Regal Cinemas at Eastview. Tickets are $18 for adults and $15 for children, but stay tuned to WXXI-FM for a chance to win free tickets! Puccini’s Manon Lescaut tells the story of an ill-fated heroine who is torn between love and riches. The four-act opera stars Karita Mattila (pictured) as the young woman who casts aside true love for a life of luxury. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: Manon Lescaut airs Saturday, February 16 at 1 p.m. on Classical 91.5/HD 91.5-1 DID YOU KNOW? Before the premiere of Manon Lescaut in 1893, Puccini was a struggling composer who had disappointed all the expectations his first opera excited. While his friends were hailed as the saviors of Italian opera, Puccini toiled endlessly over a project that many observers considered doomed: Manon Lescaut. Yet despite its difficult gestation, Manon Lescaut would launch Puccini’s incredible career and set the stage for his later masterpieces. highlights SymphonyCast Tune in for this new weekly program featuring full-length concerts by major symphony orchestras, including the: Los Angeles Philharmonic TUNE IN FOR THE Erie Saxophone Quartet WXXI-FM’s Julia Figueras invites the Erie Saxophone Quartet into the Henry Epstein Studio for the next Backstage Pass. Formed in 2006 at the State University at Fredonia, the Quartet is devoted to study and performance of the saxophone as a classical and chamber instrument. Join Julia as she speaks with soprano saxophonist Jacob Swanson, alto saxophonist Sarah Marchitelli, tenor saxophonist Jill Carere, and baritone saxophonist Melissa Widzinski, and invites the Quartet to perform. Backstage Pass is a live radio series committed to highlighting musical artists – giving listeners the opportunity to hear local and visiting musicians performing live. The series is made possible in part by a grant from the Gouvernet Arts Fund at Rochester Area Community Foundation. BACKSTAGE PASS with the Erie Saxophone Quartet airs Friday, February 1 at 1 p.m. on Classical 91.5/HD 91.5-1 Philadelphia Orchestra Cleveland Orchestra Minnesota Orchestra London Philharmonic Dresden Staatskapelle Brian Newhouse hosts SymphonyCast airs Fridays at 8 p.m. beginning February 1 on Classical 91.5/HD 91.5-1 28 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING february 2008 FEBRUARY classical programming Classical 91.5/WJSL 90.3/HD 91.5-1 Monday-Friday 6a 7a Saturday Sunday The Sunshine Show Classical Music with Simon Pontin with John Andres The Sunshine Show with Simon Pontin 8a With Heart and Voice Salmagundy 9a with Richard Gladwell with Simon Pontin 10a Sunday Baroque 11a Classical Music with Julia Figueras NOON Fascinatin’ Rhythm Classical Music with Marianne Carberry 1p Saint Paul Sunday Classical Music with Jack Ertle or Gerry Szymanski 2p 3p The Metropolitan Opera Classical Music 4p (start and end times vary) 5p From the Top 6p 7p Santa Fe Chamber Orchestra Exploring Music A Prairie Home Companion With Heart & Voice with Bill McGlaughlin 8p Syndicated Orchestral Series 9p Thistle & Shamrock Pipedreams (see listings for details) Echoes 10p Classical Music 11p New York Philharmonic with Mordecai Lipshutz Hearts of Space Music of the 21st Century from PRI with Chris Hickey Classical Music MID. to 6a Echoes Fridays, 10:00 p.m. until 12 a.m. from PRI Classical Music indicates a WXXI Production For a copy of the complete WJSL 90.3 schedule, log on to wxxi.org/wjsl or call 585-258-0253. february 2008 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING 29 Sunday 6:00p 12:00p Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival Saint Paul Sunday 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 Zehetmair String Trio Helen Callus, vla; Phillip Bush, p Brentano String Quartet Zuill Bailey, c; Awadagin Pratt, p 2/3 3:00p The New York Philharmonic 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 Ibert: Hommage à Mozart Ravel: Piano Concerto Shostakovich: Symphony No. 4 (Hélène Grimaud, p; Andrey Boreyko, cond) Mendelssohn: Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Violin Concerto Mozart: Horn Concerto No. 2 Elgar: Variations on an Original Theme, Enigma (Viviane Hagner, v; Philip Myers, h; Lorin Maazel, cond) Berlioz: Overture to Benvenuto Cellini Prokofiev: Symphony No. 7 Berlioz: La Mort de Cléopâtre Prokofiev: Scythian Suite (Susan Graham, ms; Lorin Maazel, cond) Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 Liszt: From the Cradle to the Grave Scriabin: The Poem of Ecstasy (Leif Ove Andsnes, p; Riccardo Muti, cond) 2/10 2/17 2/24 5:00p From the Top 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 Tucked into the rolling hills where West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland meet, The Burgin Center at Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA provides a great place to hear music for the school and surrounding community. Cleveland Institute of Music’s beautiful Mixon Concert Hall is host to this week’s program. From Jordan Hall in Boston, this week’s show features a 17-year-old from New Jersey performing the first movement of the Debussy Cello Sonata, and 15-year-old Roving Reporter Emily Mayer delves into that young cellist’s colossal sleep issues. From the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach, FL this show is sure to get Daytona Beach buzzing. De Falla: Psyche Martin: Trois Chants de Noel Schubert: Piano Trio (Anne Sofie von Otter, ms; Tara Helen O’Connor, f; Giora Schmidt, v; Julianne Lee, vla; Nicholas Canellakis, c; Rosalind Simpson, h; Bengt Forsberg, p; Ida Kavafian, v; Ralph Kirshbaum, c; Yefim Bronfman, p) Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade; Auf Dem Wasser zu Singen Schubert/Liszt: Gretchen am Spinnrade; Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen; Der Erlkonig Mozart: String Quintet (Deborah van Renterghem, s; Roger Vignoles, p; Yuja Wang, p; Orion String Quartet; Kirsten Johnson, vla) Busoni: Elegy Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 Mendelssohn: String Quintet (Todd Levy, cl; Marc Neikrug, p; Steven Tenenbom, Kirsten Johnson, vla; Timothy Eddy, Eric Kim, Zuill Bailey, c; Marji Danilow, b; Kathleen McIntosh, hc; Pinchas Zukerman, Jessica Linnebach, v; Jethro Marks, vla; Gary Hoffman, Amanda Forsyth, c) Mozart: Serenade for Winds Shostakovich: Piano Quintet (Alan Vogel, Nathan Hughes, o; David Schifrin, Todd Levy, cl; Steven Dibner, Stephanie Przybylska, bn; Julie Landsman, William Barnewitz, h; Daniel Khalikov, Giora Schmidt, v; Michael Tree, vla; Ralph Kirshbaum, c; Yefim Bronfman, p) 7:00p With Heart & Voice 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 Choral and Organ music from Poland Music for Lent 1 Music for Lent 2 Music for Lent 3 8:00p Pipedreams 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 New Organs in the New Year (Part 2) In the Spotlight The Spirit of Youth The English Concerto 30 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING february 2008 Monday Wednesday 7:00p 8:00p Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 Antonin Dvorak Invitation to the Dance (Part I) The Viola Triple Play Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra 2/6 Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 3 Prokofiev: Cinderella Ballet, excerpts (Adam Golka, p; Miguel Harth-Bedoya, cond) 8:00p Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 Nielsen: Symphony No. 1 Hummel: Trumpet Concerto Grieg: Suite from Peer Gynt (George Vosburgh, tr; Arild Remmereit, cond) Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 (Erin Wall, s; Meredith Arwady, a; Frank Lopardo, t; Alan Held, b; Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh; Sir Andrew Davis, cond) Handel: Messiah (Lisa Saffer, s; Margaret Lattimore, ms; Philippe Castagner, t; Sanford Sylvan, b; Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh; Betsy Burleigh, cond) Mozart: Symphony No. 25 R. Strauss: Death and Transfiguration Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 (Emanuel Ax, p; Jahja Ling, cond) Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra >> 8:00pm 2/13 2/20 2/27 Tuesday 8:00p Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26 Beethoven Festival in Bonn, 4th Concert Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, Eroica Bernstein: Symphonic Dances from West Side Story (Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela; Gustavo Dudamel, cond) Beethoven Festival in Bonn, 5th concert Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 31; Piano Sonata No. 32 Field: Three Nocturnes Beethoven: Seven Variations on God Save the King; Five Variations on Rule Britannia Clementi: Piano Sonata Handel: Suite No. 7 (Paul Lewis and Gottlieb Wallisch, p) Beethoven Festival in Bonn, 6th concert Machaut: Chansons Cornyshe: Adieu mes amours Taverner: Dum transisset Sabbatum I; Gloria from The Western Wynde Tallis: Dum transisset Sabbatum Weelkes: Hosanna to the Son of David Gibbons: O Clap Your Hands Together (Arditti Quartett; Hilliard Ensemble; Choir of King’s College Cambridge; Stephen Cleobury, cond) Beethoven Festival in Bonn, 7th concert Mahler: Symphony No. 7 (Israel Philharmonic Orchestra; Zubin Mehta, cond) Haydn: Symphony No. 85, La Reine ColeridgeTaylor: Hiawatha’s Wedding Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3, Scottish (Thomas Cooley; Milwaukee Symphony Chorus; Nicholas McGegan, cond) Mahler: Symphony No. 6 (Andreas Delfs, cond) Schubert: Symphony No. 8, Unfinished Ives: The Unanswered Question Elgar: Violin Concerto (Hilary Hahn, v; Andreas Delfs, cond) Thursday 8:00p BP Chicago Symphony Orchestra 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 Shostakovich: Symphony No. 1 Szymanowski: Symphony No. 4 Zemlinsky: The Mermaid (Piotr Anderszewski, p; Andrey Boreyko, cond) Albeniz: Suite Española Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 Respighi: Fountains of Rome; Pines of Rome (Lang Lang, p; Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, cond) Delius: By the River from the Florida Suite (Sir Thomas Beecham, cond) Vaughan Williams: Concerto for Bass Tuba (Arnold Jacobs, tb; Daniel Barenboim, cond) Elgar: Variations on an Original Theme, Enigma (Sir Georg Solti, cond) Britten: Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings (Robert Tear, t; Dale Clevenger, h; Carlo Maria Giulini, cond) Bax: The Garden of Fand (Leonard Slatkin, cond) Butterworth: English Idyll No. 1 (Carlos Kleiber, cond) Turnage: Some Days (Cynthia Clarey, ms; Bernard Haitink, cond) Bartók: Violin Concerto No. 2 Brahms: Variations on a Theme of Haydn Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, From the New World (Christian Tetzlaff, v; Paavo Järvi, cond) february 2008 Friday 2/1 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING 31 Saturday 1:00p 11:00a Backstage Pass Fascinatin’ Rhythm Erie Saxophone Quartet 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 Jubilee Off Beat Love Before I Met You Hometown 1:30p The Metropolitan Opera 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 (12:30 p) Die Walkure by Wagner (1:30 p) L’Assedio di Corinto by Rossini (1:00 p) Manon Lescaut by Puccini (simulcast in HD at Regal Cinema Eastview) (1:30 p) Carmen by Bizet 6:00p A Prairie Home Companion 8:00p Thistle & Shamrock with Fiona Ritchie Backstage Pass >> 1:00pm 8:00p 2/2 2/9 SymphonyCast 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 2/29 Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 27; Requiem (Marie Arnet, s; Anna Stéphany, ms; Andrew Tortise, t; Darren Jeffery, b; Imogen Cooper, p; London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus; Sir Colin Davis, cond) Bartok: The Miraculous Mandarin, Suite Mozart: Clarinet Concerto Stravinsky: Firebird, Suite (Paul Meyer, cl; The Hague Philharmonic; Neeme Jarvi, cond) Corigliano: Promenade Overture Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 Holst: The Planets (Emanuel Ax, p; Women of Minnesota Chorale; Minnesota Orchestra; Osmo Vänskä, cond) Schumann: Symphony No. 4 Beethoven: Symphony No.3, Eroica (Cleveland Orchestra; Christoph von Dohnányi, cond) Rossini: Overture to The Italian Girl in Algiers Frank Martin: Pavane couleur du temps Haydn: Violin Concerto Mozart: Symphony No. 36, Linz (Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra; Ruggero Allifranchini, v and cond) Muir of Gormack Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean imagines the setting in “Muir of Gormack: A Pictish Story.” On the Road Itinerant work ways are celebrated this week in traditional songs, while today’s working musicians offer us contemporary verses of the traveling musician’s lifestyle. This week we’ll hear The Easy Club, Malinky, Ossian, and Dolores Keane. Thistle & Shamrock >> 8:00pm 2/16 2/23 Song Beat The lyrics of Hebridean tweed workers’ songs, rowing songs, hiking songs and mouth music take a back seat to their integral rhythms, lightening the work and keeping the singer going. This week we’ll hear Christy Moore, Catherine-Ann MacPhee, Ossian, and many more. Easy Does It Kick back with some soothing voices, including Maire Brennan, Dougie MacLean, Karen Matheson, and some free-spirited instrumentals from Davy Spillane, William Jackson, and Michael McGoldrick. 32 CLASSICAL PROGRAMMING february 2008 february 2008 88.5 WRUR 33 Monday-Friday Midnight DJ Speciality Shows 2:00 am The Difference 3:00 am WORLD CAFÉ >> 5:00 am Morning Edition 9:00 am Open Tunings with Scott Regan Noon DJ Specialty Shows 2:00 pm WORLD CAFÉ >> 4:00 pm All Things Considered 6:00 pm Sounds Eclectic (Monday) Mountain Stage (Tuesday) Mystery Train (Wednesday) OnStage (Thursday) Rejuvination (Friday) 7:00 pm Radio Rock (Thursday) 8:00 pm DJ Speciality Shows (Monday-Thursday) 9:00 pm Blacks and Blues (Fridays) David Dye, World Café host Saturday 2:00 am The Difference 8:00 am A Variety of Folk 10:00 am Best of Open Tunings Noon La Dolce Vita 2:00 pm Thistle & Shamrock 3:00 pm OnStage 4:00 pm Radio Rock 6:00 pm DJ Specialty Shows 9:00 pm The Grateful Dead Hour 10:00 pm Mystery Train Sunday Midnight The Difference 8:00 am The World of Gospel 10:00 am Irish Party House Noon The Jewish Sound 2:00 pm Mountain Stage 4:00 pm A Prairie Home Companion 6:00 pm Jazz with Ruth Elaine 8:00 pm What’s New 9:00 pm Marian McPartland 10:00 pm Black Classics with Talik World Café World Cafe® serves up an eclectic blend of contemporary music including indie rock, singer-songwriters, folk, alternative country, blues, and world music. Hosted by long-time Philadelphia radio personality David Dye, the show takes listeners on a unique journey of musical discovery as Dye presents a mix of music from both new and legendary artists. The two-hour daily show features live performances and intimate interviews. The show’s guest roster has included Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Dave Matthews, Elvis Costello, Robert Plant, Dolly Parton, Iron & Wine, Lucinda Williams, Paul McCartney, Ani Difranco, Damien Rice, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, REM, Feist, Yo Yo Ma, Lyle Lovett, Bela Fleck, Moby, Taj Mahal, and Coldplay, among thousands of others. 34 february 2008 HD RADIO WXXI HD RADIO SCHEDULE WXXI HD RADIO hosts three audio channels—91.5-1, which broadcasts our classical music programming heard on FM 91.5/90.3 with the highest definition of sound, and 91.5-2, which broadcasts news and information programming heard on AM 1370. A third channel, 91.5-3, offers a whole new variety of talk radio and news programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International not found in our current radio schedules. See the schedule for WXXI-FM HD 91.5-3 below, and for a complete schedule, log on to WXXI.org/radio/hd. 91.5-1 91.5-2 91.5-3 Claical 91.5 in HD AM 1370 in HD Program Schedule HOUR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12:00 am Fresh Air Weekend Tavis Smiley The Story The Story The Story The Story The Story 1:00 am Humankind Talk of the Nation Talk of the Nation Talk of the Nation Talk of the Nation Talk of the Nation 2:00 am Inside Europe On the Media 3-5:00 am BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service Marketplace This American 6:00 am Latino USA Justice Talking Living on Earth Living on Earth Inside Europe Money Life 6:30 am Need to Know 7:00 am Splendid Table 8:00 am Bob Edwards Weekend The Bryant Park Project The Bryant Park Project The Bryant Park Project The Bryant Park Project The Bryant Park Project National Geographic On the Media Speaking of Faith Changing World Splendid Table Perspectives Changing World Weekend Edition National Geographic On Point On Point On Point On Point On Point Weekend Edition 12:00 pm Marketplace Money Day to Day Day to Day Day to Day Day to Day Day to Day Tavis Smiley 1:00 pm Word for Word News & Notes News & Notes News & Notes News & Notes News & Notes 2:00 pm Tech Nation To the Point To the Point To the Point To the Point To the Point 3:00 pm This American Life Fresh Air Fresh Air Fresh Air Fresh Air Fresh Air 4:00 pm Perspectives BBC Newshour BBC Newshour BBC Newshour BBC Newshour BBC Newshour 5:00 pm Zorba Paster Health The World The World The World The World The World 6:00 pm Studio 360 Marketplace Marketplace Marketplace Marketplace Marketplace As It Happens As It Happens As It Happens As It Happens As It Happens 9:00 am 10-11:00 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm All Things Considered Best of Our Knowledge 10:00 pm 11:00 pm Marketplace Update All Things Considered Marketplace Update All Things Considered Marketplace Update All Things Considered Marketplace Update All Things Considered Marketplace Update All Things Considered Diane Rehm Show Diane Rehm Show Diane Rehm Show Diane Rehm Show Diane Rehm Show Says You! Bob Edwards Justice Talking Speaking of Faith Infinite Mind 7:30 pm Weekend America All Things Considered Word for Word Car Talk Wait Wait february 2008 SwIngtIme This radio program is part of WXXI’s Black History Month celebration. For a complete list of special commemorative programs, see page 5. Super Tuesday AM highlights 35 During the 1930s and 1940s, many black schools in the U.S. fielded traveling swing bands to keep their doors open during the Depression. Narrator Tonea Stewart profiles three of the era’s most famous bands in “Swingtime,” an hourlong showcase of the Bama State Collegians, the Prairie View Co-eds and the International Sweethearts of Rhythm. Stewart artfully weaves the era’s music around interviews with surviving band members, scholarly commentary and archival sound from now-deceased band members, including the great Erskine Hawkins. The traveling ensembles influenced mainstream music on a grand scale. Harlem’s top jazz orchestras pulled talent from these bands, whose members made enduring contributions to American culture. Hawkins’ “Tuxedo Junction,” for example, became the anthem for American GIs in World War II. Swingtime airs Saturday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m. on AM 1370/FM-HD 91.5-2 am highlights Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson With 90% music complemented by 10% commentary and humor, Tom Hampson’s Mostly Jazz radio show is a tune-in must on the weekend. With a wealth of recordings to draw from, the program gives listeners the opportunity to hear selections rarely played on commercial radio stations. Hampson shares his vast collection of CDs to broadcast a fabulous live program of music, stories and anecdotes. Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson airs Saturdays and Sundays at 7 p.m. on AM 1370/FM-HD 91.5-2 Approximately 20 states will hold primaries on February 5. With competitive races in both parties and a chance that we could have at least one presumptive nominee at the end of the night, NPR will cover this important primary day. Broadcast from Studio 4A in Washington, D.C. Super Tuesday airs Tuesday, February 5 at 8 p.m. on AM 1370/FM-HD 91.5-2 36 AM SCHEDULE february 2008 FEBRUARY AM schedule AM 1370/HD 91.5-2 Monday-Friday Saturday 6:00a Legislative Gazette 5:30 Capital Connection Sunday Justice Talking 6:00 7:00 8:00 Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep and Renée Montagne and local host Alex Crichton Also on WRUR FM 88.5, WJSL-FM 90.3 and WXXI-FM HD-2 9:00 10:00 The Diane Rehm Show 11:00 Inside Europe On the Media Only a Game Speaking of Faith Weekend Edition with Scott Simon Weekend Edition with Liane Hansen and local host Jen Markham and local host Brad Smith Car Talk Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me! 1.800.433.8850 Car Talk Whad’Ya Know? NOON 1370 Connection A Prarie Home Companion with Bob Smith 585.263.9994 1:00p 2:00 Marketplace Money Perspectives with Curt Smith Talk of the Nation Thistle & Shamrock 1.800.989.TALK 3:00 4:00 1370 Forum All Things Considered with Melissa Block, Michele Norris, and Robert Siegel Mountain Stage Living On Earth and local host Rachel Ward All Things Considered with Andrea Seabrook 6:00 Also on WRUR FM 88.5, WJSL-FM 90.3, and WXXI-FM HD-2 Latino USA 6:30 Marketplace Need to Know 7:00 Fresh Air 8:00 News & Notes with Farai Chideya 9:00 1370 Connection 5:00 All Things Considered with Andrea Seabrook This American Life with Bob Smith Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz Afropop Worldwide What’s New with Mark Grube Riverwalk Jazz 10:00 11:00 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MID. to 5a Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson LeShow Perspectives w/ Curt Smith Car Talk This American Life The Tavis Smiley Show (until 1 a.m.) BBC World Service Jazz from Lincoln Center BBC World Service Beale Street Caravan What’s New with Mark Grube Weekend Radio BBC World Service february 2008 STATION SIGNALS 37 38 STATION SIGNALS february 2008 “Quite Possibly The Best Chocolate You Have Ever Tasted” NOW OPEN IN PITTSFORD 4 North Main Street WEBSTER Webster Parc Shopping Center 975 Ridge Road 1.800.824.2263 Presenting a full line of hand-made chocolates for any occasion february 2008 STATION SIGNALS o c v s e i r D the W orld’s Natural W onders! Trinidad & Tobago March 16 - 25 Fantastic Birds, Snorkeling and more Costa Rica April 2 - 11 Birds, Wildlife, and Rainforests Galore Death Valley April 10 - 18 Snowy Peaks to Shimmering Salt Flats Pt Pelee Birding May 16-18 Try a shorter trip, closer to home Yellowstone/Tetons June 7 - 16 World Class Wildlife and Geology Canadian Rockies June 22 - July 1 Jasper, Banff, and more Alaska July 16 - 25 Denali, Kenai, Tracy Arm African Safari August 21 - September 2 Africa’s Great Wildlife, Birds and more Madagascar September 4 - 20 Lemurs, birds, and unique flora & fauna Natural Hawaii November 12 - 25 Big Island, Maui, Kauai Nature Discoveries, Inc. (585) 586-8250 • (800) 452-4199 www.naturediscoveries.com natdisc@rochester.rr.com 39 MAILING TIME-SENSITIVE MATERIAL WXXI Public Broadcasting Council 280 State Street • P.O. Box 30021 Rochester, New York 14603-3021 (585) 325 -7500 PERIODICAL G NPR Mobile Web and Voice GET local and national news on your phone HEAR the Story of the Day PLAY the Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me! Daily News Quiz FIND NPR stations while traveling USE any phone or carrier Now you can access NPR news and features from your mobile phone! For the Web service you need a phone/PDA with a mobile Web browser. For the voice service, any mobile device that can make phone calls will work. Both services are free, but voice, text/sms, and /or data usage charges may be additional, depending on your mobile plan. Check with your mobile phone carrier for details. So how do you get it? Point your mobile Web browser to http://m.wxxi.npr.org. For more information, visit WXXI.org/mobile. log on!
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